Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1900, p. 9

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. 'Mr.. H. Fisher; of 'CookItown,! gpent. some of the holidays -with 1';-iendol hl'II_ .5. 2. ' . . Mr. Albrt Middlebrook came home from thq.__t_)pp to spend _ Christmas with Mr, Winters, of Oahawa, is holidsy- ' ing an M:-."1fhoa. Rough-ee a.T ` Among those who returned on Mon- day after spending Christmas vacation here were Mjhsa Mary. and Eleanor Hogan, Maggie and Maud McGrmhor, Mr. John and Norman Mother, all of` Mia: Ida Dodd, who`hu been em- ployed .in the tailoring business with Mr. M. Barker 'here, has left for her home in Bracebridqe. ovvvv cxwavvvooo able to be around again, `A largannumber from here attended i Rev; Mr. Pogne farewell services on] Sunday last at Staynor. V l Death has again visited this vicinity removing from our midst Mrs. John Bishop. For the past year she was in declining health, and on Thursday, Dec. 28th. she passed to her long home. Her maiden name was Miss Hinds." She was a member of the Methodist church. Ahushand and six boys are left to mourn her death, the youngest boy being a little over a year old. Mr. Bishop has the sympathy of the community. The funeral took place on Dec. 31st to Grenfel cemetery, Rev. Mr. Scott preaching an appropriate ser- mon in the church. Miss Annie M. will spend the 1 winter with friends in Toronto. a large crowd attended their concert at which the following took part-:-Rev.' Messrs. McConnell, Wass, Ross and Dr. Evans. The addresses were of a patriotic kind. Miss Ann Kirlrup, soloist-Toronto ; Miss Sibhald, elecution- ist, Barrie ; Mitchell Mathers, soloist, `Stroud ; and 20 young people of Gil- ford. The ag drill by Gilford people, `received special V applause from the audience. The 12 young ladies attend- ed in white with union jacks in that patriotic song, Soldiers of the Queen struck the right chord for the audience. `Altogether about $40 was realized, at the anniversary service. . c-es, an eparate erved b are em ta ilad j t . In last week's correspondence the name W. Lyman should have been W. Lynn, under whose direction the school entertainment was held. n iiii~xm-I New Lowell. Phone '74`. I Mr. M. nd Mrs. Ross and Apnie Loftnaspent a few duva last week with: friends-in Gjlford, . . ` ' -ran. Laxative sgomlazpanaaa Tam All dru _tO:efund at faihto cure. 05. * apt) 4o-as Mrs. Armstrong Wind:-um is visiting friends in this vicinity. I Mra.a1!':. Olarke is vigitingfriendd in Mi:l_l.and'._ . V his bat-,-~" ons and,` tiationgii of tx`ia1iE? a coma urn` dale- 1ent by`; at authggj 1 White; ~arriageg`: hlch car-f rs, cone it 13 buf1eI'S.j'_ d 3. half mm the: ,the gun. e to its" e afore--_ -"if-;n.t-J`-'Spnco has charge of the Iohool {here for 1900. V . " L .-- V l V Mia; N. iavery and Miss Gibson, of Rusaelton, were the guuts of Mrs.'J. Lavery last jack. - Phelpston. Adva'.ncn Correspondence. {I Mr. Shaw will soon have his mill lrendy to begin sawing. ' an`: n c-. .- - - A Mr. Shields, Bf Nqrth Bay, is visiting his parents here.` Mira; T. 'O Neill,"of Vigo, visited Mrs. J. `H. Hall lately. Wish I new manager at Carter's mills work has been resumed; teams are drawing etavee to Hendrie station ; the mill is to undergo repairs and will be ready for operation in a short tune. Mr. and Mrs. Broadway are visiting friends near Toronto ; Mr. Joseph Graham is attending to the work until Mr. Broadway returns home. Edenvale. Advance Correepondenm. Mt-.`D. Bennet has moved into his new house. Mr. Percy Robinson, of Regina, N. W. T., is home visiting hislperentau `We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Roe is in such poor health that her life is in the balance. On the night of J anuary'3rd, 3 large number of young folks gathered at the house of Mr. W. C. Webb end report having a good time. In A. T. Ingramfs absence at Elmvnle on Sunday on missionary j work, his place was taken on Sunday i by Mr. B. Tracey. __-_-, v --. Mr. C. Warner has invented, and placed in position` under lll store a new style. of furnace. It in said that it gives excellent satisfaction. A patent may be applied for. ' Mr. Will crime has gone to n..n;;.;i Centre to perform the duties of best man for his brother James, who is to be married on the 10th inst. Congratula- tions, Jim. `II., I` `T? , I ' - ` ` Mr. James Holmes; of Grenfel, has rented as farm adjoining this burg and intends moving to it in the near future. qr -Iwc -- ducted service in the Methodist church here last Sabbath. : - omen A c_o1;.n.m.oNn"pmr. Direct Imnoriers. a ;~(;;;g.1 :i; Th y -- nrregi Imlrablj 11 um ! , , 3..., `I La t oviif J " r, rages oi timi, igd. "a3 from uw u-veg] hould 5 1 beta: bun bu ;; may Fringe T` `aQQOC~ Butj {:`| SPECIALSALE On Wednesday Dec. 27th. a -pretty wedding took place at the` residence of _ Mr. R. Brown, Singhampton, when his ' 'oungesb daughter Julie Maud was. arried to Mr. J amen Spence of Spruce-_ ale. The ceremony was performed by ev. Mr. Seeley, of Singhempton. he bride looked oharmmg in a light Messrs. Albert Gibson and Albert. Gilpin, of Manitoba, have been visiting friends here during the past; week. . A u`. g... u Miss Melissa Miller has . returned. from visiting friendrin Toronto. Mr. DukeTyndo.l'e. of Toronto. spent Xmas holidays renewing old acquainh ancee here. ` ` Mr. Geo. Brown was elected trustee at the recent school meeting. Mien Edna Andrews whe apentvv Aher_ vacation in Aurora has returned. ' Here is a chance to secure od seasonable r footwear at reatly reduced prices. We no other reasonfor making hese special prices than to ma-e a quick sale" of every pair in his list. The Lumbermen s p rand, guaranteed rst quali . and at the prices, they discount I Rubbers. \ r l he best values ever shown bbers are the Maltese Cross: `um. Rubbers, 1-buckle, Maltese ems brand, 5 tra heavy sole, sizesy2`to. 6. regular list; price t:;..:. .15, special J - V - e g-* 7--~ ovs extr " heavy Knit Stockings, sold `all Season for 50c ,pecialv -_ .-_' y - y _I'-_ by-L` oys . 1 quality Oil `Tan LaceeMoccasin,>*epeciel prywa - e A-` , - eb,fgy;b3ygfb_%+3 oys buckle Heavy Rubber, s' as 2 to 5, epecialei y -7 V _: ;_:.-`y-4' " oys heavy [en s Long Felt Boots, :52 foxed, warm anti coui- L} a . fortable. sizes 6 to 1;: regular price $2, special - $l SO [en s $1.65 2-buckle B1 FeltTBoots, leather foxed, e sizes 6 toll, speciv .- ' - - * -_ I [en s pure gum, 1-bu le Ankle Rubbers, high cut,` T Maltese Cross as cl, regular list price $1.85, spec l I` 25 [en s heavy 1-buckl Rubbers, low cut, regular. list. I T V hrvino Q1 QR" nIr\n :11 pm1s5:`s';;'*iai'"`'t`" " ."_' {. [en s heavy Knit tockings, i_ze$ 6 to 12. only -` [en's pure gum 2- 'uckle %1ubbe_1`s.`1\`4a,lI;s%e CrossbIfandA ..,.I_l _ -..-. .. 1...... \J 5... u- uuuuzz -.:.uu.uuc1a. J.V.lao.lluUHU uruas ura.uu_ sold regular_ for $2,i0,' special price` -' - [en s Oil Tan ce Moccasins, warranted very best quality,si s6tol'2 - '- J 7-. - -, % We invite you to see these valuees. A Ifeeyonydio, yeah- e gm; uy. The _qant1t1es In. these lines are Lv1jmfiitd;. 30.;-%mee ly before snz sare hrokenL.h* h a V . f` . I ` 3:` ' ..' . . . . ' Z: . `*4: 7 4 . .a . - x - . :* ~ , , . = . A. , ,V . `. . - . . W`- . , ` I ` ; , , - . ' `ll, . - 1* r ~. . _ .` _ _ . I A ., - `Felt Boots` and Lumberme sRubbers._ % raw|ey s Shoe Store. of tha becami wondemggii V artilg an ad}? e up-tofg batterif: xcticallif rticulajf: rrespox used `he tam:-j-; ider, Hollv. 7 Advance Correspondence. BARNES BOYS DEPARTMENT. The Mineeiug W C.'1`.U. now at this `holiday season is planning to make life a little easier and pleaaanter for some men in a distant. lumber camp, by send- fawn travelling costume with rose color- ed silk bodice and hat to match. Miss Lizzie Brown, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and` was prettily attired in a light blue costume trimmed with cream silk. The groom was supported by H. S. Srigley, of Allandale. After the ceremony the company partook of a bountiful breakfast. The bride was the recipient of a number of useful and handsome `presents. - Breakfast over Mr. and Mrs. Spence were driven to . Collingwood on their way to Bradford, Turonto and other places of interest, followed by best wishes for a happy future. They` will reside at Sprucedale. Advance Cortes ondence. h campfi machini mistake}: uns. A H. ua.l`At-I. cj-c'tila : styia of ell -that I00 t 00 M40 |5l 40| BO U ul-Ill! used 3; d with; be small? grip-tionf c-bx Sunni nals two}; at that The unnivernry services of ,I.he. '5ihoIfnton- Mrhoduus Acm-oh were held on Sulndhy luv!-_`bv B;s%v._`Pexer}A.ndiav%n I5.`-blli gfsi `y-57:0 y OI_lA'4T Hg}; .0`. `;" $T!1`P`.f} _ on New Year's day, Mrs. Power, wife of the late Roger Power, died at her home here, having been a resident of this part for nearly forty-ve years. 1 She was born in Limerick. Ireland. in 1821. andjn 184`! was married to her now deceased husband. in Indiana, U.S. The tuneral on Tuesday was s verv large one, thus attesting to the respect in which the aged lady was held. The children are Rev. John Power, Waln- er s Falls; Mrs. Mcnhts, Barrie; Jas. Power, Thornton ; William Power, Ivy; Mos.` McLean, Thornton; Jas Power, Toronto; Mrs. Hodgins, Thornton." Mr. Wm, Neal, of Claremont, was onied in holy bonds of unmimony to furmerlv of Allandale, on De'o. 25:11, at he Presbyterian, moose, Allandele. The young couple then `pr-oeeded to Mr. Wm.,Beelby, er. u,ARuae Hull farm, where .a eumptuoue dinner uwatced them. The bride was attired in e haud~ some blue ladies clonh dress wish a. white _-satin tucked yoke and collar, with _wln_t-e satin ribbon. and. wore e light blue silk veliret heM rimmed_vwith oe_urioh_% tips end which silk. Their ppeoto. " -were` numerous __on,d . uoetul; w.'1. hev.1oung` _ . Vuple: l9'_5'- .3.||:- fE1i'(io| y more-. Miae Sarah J. Thompson, of Th-~rn:on,~. hind` f!l"l..`_Iil| ' hgsne 99:. Qlggemonsa The Ana-L -2 2: (Cal) Weekly Gazette ` of Jan. luh, contains the following item _:-"Peter Knapp, uncle of Dr.` Johnston, arrived on Tuesday `from Barrie, Canada, with his family of wife and seven children; and has rented the Great House on Broadway. Mr. Knapp was here last year, and in March re- turned to his home in Barrie. The winter was one of extreme cold weather, and he resolved to emigrate to Cali- fornia to reside permanently He has lost considerable weight since leaving in March, but expects to regain it all and more in the gloriousclimate of Californy." In the same paper we" notice the following professional card: -"Herbert Johnston.` M.D., physician and surgeon. . Oce and residence, Lns Angeles street, 3 doors south of Boyd s store. Telephone` 656 ' - 1 v ---vv-- up uvzv-III Mr. Wm:-W-est, of Jamestown, Du-_% horn, is making an [extended visit I03 bin brother and friends of Thornton. We extend our evmpethy to family and friends of the late Mr. John Can % ninghem who died very suddenly on `Thursday evening of last week. Thorgton. Advance Correspondence. `Mr. `Wulae1j MoLean.` of Newton Robinson, is Bpepdina a. few days with h-lends here. _ ' ` A ` Miss Olsrsl Soythes returned home! on Saturday after spending a few weeks with Newton Robinson friends. Thornton hockey club held their organizing` meeting on Thursday even ing of last week, appointing the follow ing ooei-s :-Pi'eeident, Dr. McGreg- or; vice president, -Dr. Bailey; Cupt., E. Ayerat ; Se-cv.Ti'eac., W. Patterson; Manager. W. A. Nixon. The club will be pleased to play a game wih any of the neighboring clubs` and no doubt will give a good account of them- ` selves,` ' checked all way and the; lso by a; on from ndwheelti rod, thgi; ing-to the camp sf comfort bag contain- ing necessaries calculated to be at use ; before ' a doctor comes, as accidents, wounds,etc., can not wait for dressing until a physician has been summoned from his residence fully sixty miles sway. ' ' Rev. Mr M`cGHivrav. B. A., of N gsvcup rke"f,_ cgresche--d*unuiyerlary aer- `xn_v:-rn -in be Pv_ou.nv4ermn .chu`ro_h on . Sunfn-y do 'cr_qwdbd -houueq-. .mo1q if [=wd -wow- % W Mrs. W-can enuermined her young people's ol:-ea fomthe number of 51 at the. pk:-eon-age On Friday night last. Munv km-is ot gunea were indulged in }by voung people and music. After refreshments. Vere provided the numer- m_i"s "guest; wenuto their various homes .t'e_e|u:g l`n`1h `hour-red-. Thy -;a`pendihg' mu. `-a"4 j'o-1)::-h.:n *i'V#n.inz: - by Ina ot;her opuoneus, Fully one butt` of our Strand `people are living in _l9vB' century and other half In 201.1). Very `exouing debates Izk place almost. every night on the anbj-.o-, nnd we are safe In saying that not mu-_s p-_raon has chnnggd his opinion zhongh the `many argnmgntn advanced our 5: The townahi`-['3 fathers were in session at Hull's on Mu-udnv. Many changes were made In the uonrs of council` VIZ. :-Mr. Herb. Black was appointed uaseasor ; Dr. Evans, Med} Health Oioer ; and Mr. Morrison and `Mr. Lnple appointed` andlcura. - - Mr. (Jmley has an elegant display of his silver cup and gold module on ex- hibition in the post. o`i.e.A They are alliruphiea -that heihaa won by his great. bloughing. ' ` ' ese gun Mr. Thou. Patterson who has been in Brmeh Columbia for &he paat`eight.or nine years` is again on Innial soul via icing his many friends and relatives here. ' mented `he congregation on the im- provement of their churches since then. and also on their verv ne edice. He preached. in the morning from Hebrews 6-1, and in the evening from Daniel 6-3. The congregation was very large at the evening` service. Instead of the usual tesmeeting the trustees decided to take collections at each service, which will be applied to paying the interest on the debt of the church The cc-llectiou in the morning amounted to $69.00 `A statement bv. the treasurer will be read atthe service- next Sunday evening. V v Wiltr Pottioraon .ii.fin'el:ipg from an apmck of quinay. ` ' ` ~* A. on`. _ Miss Robb; of 1*.men1mL, 11:: been visiting Miss Annie Want: for past. week. While Rev. Mr. McGillivray in: in tovmhe was the guest of Mr. Frank Robertqon. ' 1 V zl.![`iZa;iB_v`auI, of Ann Harbor, Mich., ` has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, Young. Craigvule. . 4 C.-nvenant gerviea wefb hem in the M011 disc ohproh on Sunday night. Successors to Geo. `Reedy. % ANY MANTLE in `the house at a reduction of 33% percent. or 7`; off. Mantle Clcths reduced 15 per cent.- Blankets,` Comforters, Wool Hoods and Clouds at a Discount of 10 per cent. MILLINERY, Trimmed and Untrimmed, at; exactly Half Price ; think of it, our $5.00 Hats for'$2 50 ; $1.00 for 50c. and so on. spiral_f'; r under-_* lar form; identicalf R.ussiall_; ntion In two Weeks wetake stock, and we are decided on not carrying over Winter Goods, `we havea large stock which must not be en- tered on the stock sheets, and prefer to let go at a price to suit the customers regardless_of cost `or value to keeping it for another season. . On Frlday, January 5I'h,VWe start a alillos, llaII%I|eV|3|oths,-BI[ankois, Gomforlers, Wool Hoods and V Bland: and illinery ALL TO GO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. GENMEGLEARING SALE, VAI FLVICKERS s_.,Mc`; w INTE ,,,,,,,,,, ,% CLEARING SALE Come early anii don't miss this chance to` save nioney, every dollar counts The sale will last from January 5th to the 15th, and everything mentioned here Must be Sold. WHICH WILL LAST FOR. 10 DAYS ONLY. he swpradg Lhe car,"-; e bringif ; thesqf -- +hE

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