Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jan 1900, p. 9

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Shanty Bay. Grenfel. Come earlv and don t miss this chance to save, money, e,ir"e,.1-y dollar counts. The sale will last from January 5th to the lhhh everything mentioned here Must be` Sold. and I ____ lllllllll L LEARING SALE ! vv-- --v to-vov nun: at BVVIQ Vlvvvia The curlers opehed the season by a friendly game on Christmas Day. They. 'pui-pose sending a couple of rinks to Collingwood bonpiel. VIVL- lVL__L_.-.. L--- 2.. --..._--L:.._ The Christmas tree in connection with St. Peter e Church Sunday School was one of the most successful and pleasant entertainments of the kind ever heldhere. The Rev. A. 0. Watt of Bond Head gave a number of lime light views, some. of an instructive others of an amusing nature, much to the delight of the children. The young dale, gave a very prettv drill in a de cidedly picturesque and pretty milk maid costume. Asa result the young men are all anxious to go into dairy farming. They also performed ascouple of dialoguesin a very creditable man- ner. Miss Mabel Ferguson of Brad- ford delighted all with acouple of solos with an encore to each number. She hasa verv ne voice, and we bespealr for this talented young singer a briit future. The S. 8. children under the leadership of Miss May Sloan sang some Christmas carols very nicely and also gave a dialogue. 'Andnot the least. acceptable features of the evening people at St. George s church, Allan were the mouth organ` solos. of littlel "Mildred-`Willson. wwjv -v-----us. _- v.- John B.rnh}3?nKiiche11"3I?} shipped a 081,; of_;j_h,;uy_ from here lo9f.'9K'.. L 7-! " - ' ` AA - I ' :'u1\ 4 . N---w-av xv,- Mr. Walter Willaomformerly of this place, noiv of Oakland, Cal., in home for: visit: -v- -- v --u-u Mr. and Mrs. High of Maple spent. a few days visiting friends in the neighborhood. R. W. Sloan had a very nucceaafkl sale on Friday last. The day was very cold, but there was a good crowd. 'l`I... A...-'4`-.. -..-'..-.1 LL- ..--_-.. L_ _ D ups-can-1 vIu-v- -1; ans; uurvuovov Mr. and Mrs. Jan. ,Webb entertained some relatives from Otlllis on Sunday. - I -.I_; 'I)____I.;._J. _l 'Il1;._I.-II __-_.- 10!! bqah ]Iu'ring from 3 in ' vv vvuu wvlrtlr. Gardner'ii:iit;i6" _fg6m the] the knee with in age. 3 mm." '9........`.-.s' at '|'...;....... .'....1 n... 'T'o.7o;;'o;;'.;;;.*?.2' Toronto ooa the Misses Lightfoqt of Barrio -are the agents `of Mn}. 0. .Li'ghtfoot. . ~ n.-.. 7\1'..n 'n...._.L-.n ___-- 4 _ ; _ _-_.__ Q-a------ v- ------u wt pct nuvcvup-to Rev. Neil, Oampbefl preached In very ! Soqdsy evening, --- v ---ww vvu -wurvuuuuvu 7 There wuss special Christmas service in the English church here on Christ- mas Day. ' Mrs; 6:"J{5'"' Barrie` is visiting in on Suution. `Il_. T_L_ 'I'nVI._.._ _..I._ I.'.... L... ..:_I.. ' vyu-v-3.3 nun `raw nav-- Mrs. J aha Eluon :1`:-<)__l1'as been sick 1 {gr some time is no better. OCH . ; C I [children of the S. 8. received presents yfrom a Christmas mound. `While this r was being done apples and sweets were \ 1 handed around to the audience. The ` } proceeds were in advance of other years. Oro Stlmon. Advance Advance Cornspondence. . `fa g,__~` rldggg Phone 74. --v -uvwuu vs us:-nxauv Ivliv Ill While Rev. Mr. turd Mrs Wane were lapending their Christmas 'holida_ys in Brantford, burglIIa`broke;nto thnfmausc and stole the `following articles :----A gailvor .wo.tch and gold ,oha_i9, 3 fur coat, "a. does: suit, 2 pair pgngig gtoves and some loouolmodoy ulljtogetrlxor amount- Mr. `Fred. Hinol, QIW-yld', Grasett & ; DIrli_II3 .I`.-*-"1`oronto,__qponc a few days with { '`~`i*E`~'i.*f:;i ..',i}J9h.! 1*.*!,',- % % r Rev. Chne. Cooking, a native mis- sionary of Japan, preached in the Methodist `church on Sunday morning. On Monday evening he delivered his lecture on Japan, illustrating it with 100 views of real J apaneee life. 1|I|.:I.. 1).... `M - .....a M_. m... _-_._ -_.-.._ _-v----vwu -v--v van -.I-vv\a\-I at-out It has been suggested to call a meet- ing of the village fathers for the pur- pose of organizing and training a con- tingent of Ore Scation s stalwart sons to go to the Transvaal. It wodld be an easy matter to have the boys trained as several of our prominent men have seen active service. w-- any--av: -: E. Chantler is subring from; a severe attack gf gciataca. -av-v-w --w-w-- vs uwuuuvwu -' Mr. Frank Robertsor: ot Knock, spent the holidays in Toronto. `R2,,-_ 1']. 1\_I,,, -,, -ru-- -..v -v-----J: -- .-.-r-v-uvu Miss Ida Dolmage has gone on an extended visit to friends in Chicago. II - `D I)-..-..-`I.. -1 1T2-A.-_:- 1T_: ----`--- -- --v- --V---- -._ _~-_v--uv The talent at English church Christ- mas tree was all from Barrie, viz.:-- Barrie Baud, Charley : phonograph, and Miss Gross. A lsrgonumber of people attended. 1')... (VI... l`|_-L2_.. - -_A.:_._ ah '-izl"i"1Ea}?e `I'{iEE,"3 Oro, is visit ing atMr. G. Nelaon 8. - II- 1'1 1'4` l`1I.__LI-.. 2- ..._1!.`____.._____ um "'n7f'i>."'1'>;Jo3iE,"J ?io'o3}EZ'u:. veraitjv, opens Christmas and New Y_=_r_- '2E- _ auvv van -`(Ir Miss Wnsa entertained a number of her friends at her home on Friday evening lent. ML- _-.__n_. ..--;.1- .._:___-.1 u_. 12.1.1. V E "1-`-l1';y;t;I':V'g people tripped th' light fantastic at Mr. S. Wilson's, 55!: line, on Friday night. `D I) . _ _ _ _ _...I I)-_.._I.I.. _._ v-v'i"l;: of TMra. Cowl will be sorry to hear of her severe illneaalt her home in Toronto. A.- H i Stroud. Advance Correspondence. % Birth :-On Dec. 26, the wife of Mr. j .H. C. Black. of a son. .--u- an curucnvgp "0 tau iv-n Mr. and rs. E. Johnston spent the holidays In Toronto. `ll:__ 'll'-_,_,2- 1121 ,n l'\ -_ -:l'I.i;a-`."!:[:ggio Scott, of" Allandale, is jhere visiting her cousin, Miss Ella ` Ro_o_e_rtao_n. ' V R. Bovwgzownnd S. Reynolds, sr., ;who are working in Midland, spent. the holidays as home. I I :3 _I '-vA-t'-51; -a-x'1'h-1-an-"school meeting . `of `Sec. No. 10, Mr. Alex. Dunca"n"Q` ele3_t_.ed school t._n_z_ate_e. ' '" Mr. Joe. K.-i-1--I-I-pstrick of Flos, whb was the guest. of Mr. C. G. Kirkpat- rick, returned home on Tuesday last. Ta. L..- L--- ..--_..--L_J -- -_1l _ _-- -L "9.`m1';1Mz:s;?f the last evening of the Old Year. Miss Minnie Webb is visiting 1 trieI_1dB_in' Ozil_lie. mulmeadl. zu$mE.$. I 33Ll1ml1?.`5i I `es enjhy 113; retrren on at W A uc to at untgd? worst A4 -AIL:u wh2I{ ":7 h ygur a, thou` ho ,_ ~---&I.: a:;sa.wze: mil} euean`; uzoau vuuu.-:v emng*.n'g-`I `LC _. A n n. 12:11.}-uj gg. 1'3 liiifi are Wotan; 1 at nature 5 Guzman any I wanna -uqyou; `an: in It .I.\I .LVJ.Iuu 11 I |Jl\I\.I\rI-oIa\1un I We, the members of Craigvale Pres bylerian church, gather together this `evening to recognize in some practical form your services. and to show our appreciation of them. We havevall, noted with pleasure your faithfulness and interest in the church work, es- pecially in the musical part of the ser- vice. You have always endeavored to mnke it interves'-ing and instructive, A pleasant party assembled at 0raig- ' vale on Thursday evening, Dec. 28oh, A when the members of the Presbyterian church surprised. the pastor and his fumllv by many tokens of their good will and the ladies entertained the` con- gregation at a social tea in the base- ment of the church. During the even- ing the following address was read by T Mrw. James Black :- ` To Mrs. _W. McConnell : s- |ey s Shoestore. Farewll I899. BRI New that we ar on the threshold of the New Year, we beg to bank our many friends and custemers for thei condence and .patronhage,i which has made the losing - year the most pros-` perous in our busine career, and our aim will be to merit still great A i the New Year, butoe busiriess than ever for g -better values. Oraigvale. Advance Correspondence Watch papers next,\eek. . . . WISHING TO ONE Welcome 1900 in V 9--wt-_ as that HI I." i to a religious service; giving inspiration to the pastor in speaking and the people in hearing. We have missed you of late in thecapacity of teacher of the Bible class, owing to the illness of your daughter, but we trust that the Lord, who rules over all things for the best, will restore her to health, and to take her place in the family circle again. You have now been` with us for the period of twenty-seven years, and. we. can all look` back with pleasure to the many evenings, both in public and pri vate, we have spent together. We hope that this cord of love may stilr contidue to exist between us and that this congregation may still continue to `uphold you and. our beloved pastor. We` ask you to accept this purse. May ` it convey to you insome degree an ex pression of the esteem in which you are held by us. Wishing you the blessings r -.. *. __ ' . which we all_ know is. a wonderful help `Y NEW YEAR.` __-F-w -v -.--v-- The Rev._W. McConnell replied for Mrs. McConnell. at the same time ex- pressing his own appreciation of the manyacts of kindness shown himself and family by the members of the con- gregation, and the encouragement and help their sympathy afforded during the recent -illness in his household. - ' A few well chosen remarks were also made by Mr. R. G. McCraw, one of the ruling elders of the church. The choir rendered j suitable selections throughout the evening. The presentation was made by Mrs. Angus Warnioa. ' `I17 It 1` `I in o - "ies Tillie Lafzenio, of Toronto, is home for aholiday, __ .__I 'll_,_ 'l'\. 11 1,, I ms-'.g'S3'i'EeiiEg f'{'h'3'iaaiea of this congregation by" Miss Maggie MeCon.. key, Mrs. George Hunter`. Mrs. ~W.i Howie, Mrs. R. Black," Mrs. G. Con- etuye. V _ Mr. Churchill, of Goldwater, preach- ed the annual mission sermon in the Methodist church hora last Sunday manning`. - - .._ 1!. 4; __ -,n I ' I ...-. -..._. I 1 Miss Mary Pratt spent a few days with friend; in Elmvale. She was 110- 1 companied on her return home by Miss 3 Frances Gibson. V " ` ADI gg. `AL - I-"r. Alex Urquhart, of Midlahd, spent 3 week lately with old acquaint- anggs. An . v--vvu Mes. Cain hue gone to spend the winter with hereon, Mr. George Gain, of _S_aul__Ste. _M_r1e. _ ` N ----_- -----3 v umovunuouvun ,. . Mr. Vullmer was made the recipient of an `address and a. handsome parlor lamp on the occasion of his leqving the school. Mr. Maddon, of Scfyner will teach` during the _ coming year. 7|... Q G _ _ L . _ L . - _..._._n I_-`.` `_-.L vna--v us can II-Iv Vlllulalna` vII The S. S. entertainment held last Tuesday "evening was very siuooessful. Mr. Bsdford, of Elmvale, and Mr. Burtley, of Barrie, were the speakers of the evening while Mr. Garrett, with his graphaphone contributed` ma- terially to the enjoyment of the even iug- Proceeds amounted to upwards of twenty dollars. of this festive season and may you and Mr. McConnell long be spared to ll the places you now occupy. . 1 Q.'.......Z :- l....l...n.' - 41.- I__`I:-._ -n .1.-, -I---nu v viav V-II A---autumn vb .I.J\l\lI-I V ELIII "E-crtha and Amanda arson, of Tur- onto spent Xmas. with their parents here. ' _- A1 Cherry Creek. I ` Advance Correspondence. _ Mr. J. W. Lynn spent. New Yam! *.T.%'*'%.. ` ' A - - ---vv-r wt -vvvu Mr. and Mrs. F. Carson, and Mr. and Mrs Ed. Garrett were at Edgar has iwedneaday attending the wedding of [ Miss Maggie Harrison. T In. 11' II_.._ __.. _.._.I- LL- ;;..z, 2.... -as -u ftvt Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Lynn hpent New yea;-a at Dulston. . 1:- u_._.:._ .-_-n___. ;. -n_--;n`____s g_ lzneks. `F683 5`! I)! -- _.--_.v _v - --...--Iv Mr. and. Mg: Donald Jacobs have been vnsitxng friends in this vicinity. ml... `l:l......:..... ':..-._- ...1:_.. .. c__ .1... "vb?!-rt'a.'-'e:-1'L;'i;1-1-;"'i-:1`,-svp;1.:ci`i"1:.;'; .'};"c 1Lys with Mrs. J08. Graham, of Edenvale. I),..gI.- ..___I A_.,___I, I`l_, ._ J ----V. wvv ----wvvw Mr. Martin, `teacher at Braciford, is ` visiting inthla vicinity. ` * 5 Mr. Percy Pnoook, of Shroud, pied the .:ulpi1.'heto last .Snbbau_h.- ' E 11;..--_?L' ...I___;' I____i- _. -_-__I_.. them ; to Toronto. PU? `.I.\' U I {VI Q9 GT3 XTVIIIVIIII } - Mr. H. fiusjbeen buying apples d in_Bm1f.o;d~thia laeczweek '31-ad , sendxng 1 ---on-- V c Mr. -l:; ;:-bat Wil oh IA celebrated ichriotmah `st hiaxeaxden ` his. children in ` " .,.. . t \ ~ . .. ._,. , T ,-....-.. /. .11`.-_`-._'._;_-L All ;v_;'-J `|n_. I-no Jlvunna rnuwv ' M`:-." J innea u"1.Kioump'blAIV -and Mr. John Lynn intdtid raiain`gtl1 e ir`barna on stone` funggaonpg nexupng.` " and Mr n:-n` '- """ ""'-:"?""."""'._""A"J' ""9 ` `Mm ,Addifof`Allen'Mr. Sam. Todd v.vere.u1_:fiyt.ed~ in 1116 holy bonds of mutrimaupon the 28th. V Congra'tu-lo._-- A A.-a-__Gl!iiut_e1Iinl ; in .ooI1'nooIiiou~!vith clgflulnlg plug,-oh"` inn 1 held-.`op' Friday. ` 29* 9' __- - ---vv wva - wurvuuvuuuu Mi-. Alonzo Knapp is our new trua- u:-vvoo. Advance Correspondence. I 1"? ` arr M3 Anton. Mills. ing was spent, Mr. Watt, of Bohd` Head,'being' one of the speakers. - The annual Christmas tree and enter- tainment was "held in the church on Dec. 21st and was a decided success nancially and otherwise. At 7.30 Rev. Mr. Scott took the chair and called o' a lengthy programme not forgetting to crack a joke occasionally to the pleasure of the audience. The glee club under the leadership of Mrs. H. Cameron, sang several selections very acceptably. Miss M. ~_Ball, of Barrie, who sang solos, one of which was "Dublin Bay was well received; Selections were given occasionally on the gramapbone bv MI`. Cnspin greed`; adding to the evening's entertainment. R. Young read the Sunday school re port, a very prosperous one. Mr. W. Lyman recited The Miser s Fate. The children went through their various exercises faultlessly which reflects great credit on their teacher. The Christ mas tree which was artistically dressed by Messrs. Walton and Hughson held presents for many happy persons. Rev. Mr. Scott was presented with a mammoth Christmas turkey and Mr. Lyman witha beautiful toilet.set by his Public school scholars. The duties of Santa `Claus were ably performed by H. Marsh,all.. At a late hour the pleasant programme was brought to a close by the glee club singing Ring the Joy B_e'||s."i Proceeds $18.25. wuu w-_w-- Advance Correspondence. A son to `Mr. and Mrs. Travers, Grenfel, on Dec. 20th. . co...---., _--' - i Advance Correspondence. Mr. H. Martin in home for winter. Mr. and Mrs `Williams are visiting atNewmnrket. 4 ~ "131: " fl:t`>.:a-.w(3a ldweAll is visiting it hb|_n_e for a few weel`5_s_. ZLIJJIIG VVIV AIQIVO Kip ALI VIJ\ln- Mr. Flailerty, whohas been visiting at Mr. Hart's for same time, returned to Detroit; last Friday. FIIL- l_II,__`_ 2..._ __-__,,__ ._.-'.__ I.-_.- 1.`... mom vs: ..I-.--.--- --u- -----J- . The folloiving persons were home for the holidays laauweek :-.Wm. Brooks, Alex Young, Wm. Sanderson. Bert. Sanderson, Hugh Rosa and Richard B;-g_oka ..;_ V `The Methodist` Sunday school held their, snnnnl entertainment on Christ.- mns evsning. The children were out `inffull force. _ The church-was full and all put in a pleasant 'evenI,ng. The re- citations sud `singing by the children were pronnnnbsds .tho_ best yet The sunning `by tho` Gntln-is ; Quu-com was _l_:'ig'hly sapprpsisted,` rsor the; `:~s-:m. byshzmmn ?i4s`&`I91lshys , N` own `I - -v `luau-Iv ""s2.".. `and c.... p.... .,,..... Xe2- ~:_i.=I: Mr S: A.~hur- Successors to Geo.` Reedy. llantles, Mantle. Glolhs, Blank _, Gomforiers, Wool Hoods and i t V clouds and illinery . ALL To GO AT GREATLY DUCED PRICES. 3 ANY MANTLE in the house at a redi1ctio_ ., of 33%} per cent. or 7`; off. Mantle- Cloths reduced 15 per cent. 3?: Blankets, Comforters, Wool Hoods and Cloudsaa Discount of 10 per cent. . MILLINERY, Trimmed and Untrimmed, at exggiy Half Price ; think `of it, our $5 00 Hats for $2 50 ; $1 00 for 50c. and so on. `$3.. ke stock; and we are decided on not carrying % V ':j;- have a large stock which must not be en- tered onthe stock ' ets, `and prefer toilet go at a price to suit A the customers regardI%`of cost orvalue to keeping it for another season. ` On F rlday, wnuary 5111, we start a V (Too late for last Week`: i;sue.) -____, , - :-_....- auuIuE`%' [manna snu, WHICH WILL FOR10 DAYS ONLY. uvf31'_y,'buI1!g meutlone nere MIISI M09 Sold. VAIR, VI CKERS & C9,, L %_ _ - __ Direct lmpogrs. ` n'3Z'*'E ways? has! the` sword L as 701 an be!

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