Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jan 1900, p. 7

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".~'B_f-t;sw;?'ea:lv fwhy the means. em; If 3p=logard* by the gegul -at frmrfst in. prppm ggutxng ar= 1191: pore o_2efn" egspfzymed V ta the n`omce~ rs t_hat the lsa:_tte'r s~ o`ppx_a_z- ;. .tuniti*es- tar pvuttxmng than nvg pracwe A `wmd 2:; emsgdingl-y tnmmg. ma; geqwriepme `. a. `_ -acme ermnn 9 are. 1 not always a:va:i`l'ab1`e , and . to 1"8d_.`BG6? tho ` ~`iati`~sts* methods of pm-upasgaetxng Byj gthe lmndrud` or thousand toy a: doaen ; Sior half a. Vdozyenv . `plants vroufd ".% Vrathe-1'. ` immaetxccble. _ For ex.` ample. in pwugggting. ag mam ts plants" from w my. id be ob ; 3ta:1~ngd- thu tor mqkmg the. cut ; {mu ;a:z_y!ant_od on ho`bcnc!`~ In the, grosnianne. there ta rumam for 3 ' -. nut ` weurotosaaurui 1 qnriak and`, 1n;'mA growth: at anion. Lt.t-`6~rtUl! thin-now vmagvi ripe tamntfou -Being, 1. ; _bu_.t.! _ i - . < ~ . ' ` . e - , _` . *; ," (ins: d; nmsy:.nimg it. A.LIomitft- ma 2 r I hart least. at hoI`n:baz:: you rs mad! 5 3501` i`tt3.~. -Ellie tmttitcr Inns!` ha; why tkoj ,. i very. best, and! `ail tlhve salvt. cat 3 got it. Use a wooden spoon far`1m':x'- ; ins, aa`I1n:as your mks -pan with} ya.pc1t.< - Everything. depends I 4-V!-ripen; lm 'I'he; ira` should be = ;xnode1'.a.t`.,T but suiciant to last ; ~rt:'hrougJ'a the entire baking. If -it : ~fbrowns before rfsfng, the oven is too .ihot.. You: do not require as hot an woven as torbread. An authority sa s :th`i'n cakes bake in .about efghte ' `min:-tes;; `thicker ones in about ha-Pf an hour : t`l71'i`c} : roazves in an hour`, and ;fruit cake reqm res" neay three hours*, accordi-ng to size. T 1-. 1 .-., -,_A J` -1! Ila.--- One who `is iintorestedi in growing. owers forfpleasure in the South won- iders why prattical. lorists in wt-'Lting| on floriculitnraali topiest do mot give to the amateur more `Information as `to the methods employed by them in. pro- .'naazatians. nhnnts. ,, _-, - `-1 -1, 1 A1-.__.:._.'. ta 11e~l!1iu.rg either amateur V or brother The ziavervage commercial .ariss1':,| plelas-uni`; to note`, is. not. at a:1 l averse p'ro`fa _ssi'o*n`aL tlorist his methods of' :1:owIng plants. Eon there are campara. 3tlveI-y go secrets. in the business, aL1. ;d'e~nn`dizngr on expevieuee. vigi-Jiance a'n:d'. inrunri, backed by knowledge not- gassncult to obtain. T Ca'ske.e_-Six eggs, two cups of n`e g`ra2n'ul`ated an-gar` two and onie-e _ [fourth cums of oxrr siftedi three- times, fone oupuf boiling water, one level tea;-- ; spoonful: of baking powder; flavor" to :taste. -Biaat yolks of eggs and`. sugar to 3 `cream; than powr in the: bo-mug fwatet; add our with baking powd.`e,r.-' `n it, than whites of eggs: baztezn sxiafi; `Bake in a moderate oven one cup of com! water in: the pans mier (rt keeps the, oven moi-st. f T F`re'xm1`a~ Cma-m Cake'.--E`-`our eggs, one cup of white sugar, one cup. and two t7ab?` of. our, one t-.1b1e-: spoonful of baking powder in {loan and I two tabfespoonfuls of cold water. This puke is better a; day or two ol`d. Bake .Ln two d,-eeppans and split with a sharp knife. When c` 1'd fill with the following_ custard: "` -- I. ,Q. ;!._L -4`-. ' sp!1'1:u'xL-u' WILH pU\VU.U.l CALI.` Ella-_C:;1., auwu. uw v~ or wnth .Whiag)`ped cream J..ush hefora sc1:vin.g!.. r1 1`: '1' `-1- __._# J.--...\. ...-nn nf --..-......,V .,___.._._. A '. `Fil1in.g.-'-Boil nearly o1ie.p-int. o| mi-Pk; mix two tablespoon-u~Ir of corn- starch with u Tittle milk, add two eggs and stir in the milk` slowly with one scant teacup ofsugaar`. If you wish it very rich add one-ha.l` cup of butter; but it is very good` without butter . ' -av-q o _ __ I I tjpk Illlivm` IIZUV UIIIXX "sgi:71'-.. tVht:.hgx`.e.en-Jaalsaa; ta ; , 55% the mm_mqr xmopwu'_tiuA -`tier-' n'%re`d .Vl;`.atna:Tih;. We in % =a_IL:. ' '_ % Sn-. % ` .`I;, lv=l*-yv'""z;]:'c;..---a1;-f<.:11p-Of. sagar, one- ;1 1al'fTcup of butter,-one and_one-hilf cups of flour, 'oneha1f cup._of milk, 0115 ' teaspooztftit of hwkxngx povwdiery 0116- `$99-- Vspoonuh of wani=.ld-ex. and. three eggs I I use the same. Vreceizp; for strawbenfi: _sho1?tc'ake';, when done, have the: be!`-` [.r1es lighvizly crushed? and sugared; Pu { them between; the Layet-`s;_ off cake/'. 1-33` 1 some of we finest berries on top. spvrinkle with powdered sugar, and cov- ` nan uy:<|s'In an-Inuru-gr] nv-nonn 116`? hfor wvuu -_ - ._..`,, Ca.ram:~zl Cake,-T-Whites of eight eggs, I {three-fourt`n:s-. cup of butter. one and three-fourth-s cups of sugar, two and VtIufe'e-fourths maps of -our, one-half `cup of sweet milk and` cma heaping; trea- .spuon~ul of yeast powders. Bake. in \j7e"!`Iy pans. B i`I`1`i ng.--Four cups 0%. bfown- sugar, one cup 01- sweet miik, famed cup o bu.t:t.e1' and two cups of shelleck pecans, Put sugar and. milk on stove together; after it commences to bo_iL. put in butter and let it boil un.- tLL. its will -map. from the spoon: then put; in pecans and lat A it remain. a. ew minutes on the stove, then remove `and. beat. until. it is. stiff enough` to -`put between; the cake. ' ' -N ca, .11; ___'___.1,.. ... ....:..:.... iof the Low es one. at of modern u made" at T says -that ,,.... ..--.,--_ -.._ -_____. A I`1:uitva:ks;--E1-ah.t pounds of: raisins, I ftwo and one-hut pemrnds. ai` ciatrdn, two poumis of c1;trran'Ls, one-vpoxmd of but- ; tor, ten egg,..=, four cups of brown sugar, -31: cups oftlqun, one cup of milk, three 'tab'lespconfuI's of ground cinnamon, two mblespoonfms of ground aflspfce, one tabI'esp_oonful of grouncf cloves, 'four'-grated` nutmegs, one smafl cup] "of mo1'aaaes., 9 one wineglassfuf of `brandy and two tabl'espoun'fu*l s of b`a'k- .ing, powder. "This receipt makes two `very Purge fruit cakes :\~\r\l\l&\4o.LA' yv uaux-9 ` Pound. Cake.--O`ne pound of flour`. {one} pound. o-.granu-.1a.ted.[.sug,ar. th.1fee- fo11~rtI'1s%'pound\` o -butizc-.r,. sal't Wa&h~'- ..e*d* ouzt, `eisgrht eggs beaten sgraatl. E asne-ttotzsrthz teaspun-n`uvL= 6! ha = g pbW- I d-81-3`; 1i9:vor' to'- Lazsm. ` Bake three- .1_Eo-xsrthsc at am hour. I o alI.. gold; no that" earls four I.` , u'l_ - I..- _J.. AWL? ob? ELOUR G.ROW ING. 1:533 % gwfntfer with v'e~ry""1itfl'a ware, giving? .=-sff5?;IL;;f6u1;u:he bottle: too near the. "rag.i`ste`r or stove, an-E it wi1'l' lust aall. , `vyaura nica green, fresh laokfng orna- I fmieut tor the sing room, taaha. ifsect 7 gun a place iv keep the dhmywess from = the cikrlh 0`? tan . ' I mm scg;.g*.a i1i{awtZJ}oae a.;.:. pouch naqimm and the hmnbxle violet names to be scowrling any at you mm . its 0. thrown. when you know V on and`; than-._ullosws` waindchtofathe-duadlsymctobusfoan and: colors and aunts. : .1`he ddieato pink is!` the-..RomchId` mac isAcpmp2ose:dN__1__ 50 lbuciieto 13011. } sands at tile _Id ant3ca1 whio :_ brine hath through. consumption to : am. mun: V at am: -fzzhnds andmfatima i 1'!xfv _ 1: anti. pans; gt. their color from ffI6;6an6C1'i fmcrbbe. , the tiurip-; `item tfhp gout :e'_r.xn.. and zn;nium.`~ gtzom lbw . fhmrxvmm > mt: Etc 346:? %>I6n_t` % L - 4:! rm: Int-=. Tielined to be brittfo and` break rather % yuuuuuw Ul- _ I. E-w'Fha.t part of the. wlgod which is in- 1 {than band and appear. foughud ;_stringy- should be aeiackid for nakmg j unto causing; . Wk; an `Inn an.IS.."..-I-5 -8` _.._.........I-s'\.- I I-IISJJI-IL yuan LLIU EULLUUIIULH5 SLUULIU, It is not always` an easy matter to cfetermine jusiz wh-at palsants to select 3 lfor the window T garden within the-_ {house during, the winter. and one is?- `often tempted to include some plants rather difficult to manage, theirj lbeauty seeming'_al`.1nost irre`si'stib1'e-. It is. not wise,. however, to use any that are not by nature able to withstand V considerable abuse. for to Iose several g'o'o'd specimens during the Winter is I mther discouraging. ` T In ah.-..1.`lA A......,.......: ..,....... ..........'..a......L.I'.. series of . H ` rejuvenato " I uman body} 33` T p1':mg.turU 3' L the cor-_ e had hope"; A Ln-91401` uuawuux 3811.1`. We. should. depend very considerabrlfy ion forced bulbous" plants for our sup- ` na`rcissus.i crocus, hyacinths`, tulips callas, amarylls, &c., a-p-leasing di- I ply- of early winter flowers. and with varsity a eolorv and form can be had-. In addition to these the fragrant and, pretty Chinese primrose, also the dainty owers of the baby primrose, Prismu-la Fowbesi, with its contzinumm supply of blossoms, will do much to- ward brightening the windows._Cy<:l:-1- men Persicum and Gigantcum in whitie, 7 pink and crismon are exceedingly at- utractive late winter v1:o.'.ve-.-.'s- and not Idifficult to grow. ' I JILUU uusc|..u`.._, . ,` _ V _ . While on the subject`: of propagatmg 9 it may be _fnt'erant'Ifng- to note that = many at the owering shrubs, each u 5123303 pmiwet, o1zsythias,'.wieg.e-lax, 8:1-3-., 2 may be g,r.own "from. the young wood. ' These should be made after the wood. has" matured`, and` be placed.` abou-tr two = 'i..m:*lIee apaart-..inv1mws. in a bedlx parapet- _cd`m1-nab aaer the manner as 01: on-* bions. An eye should always be pro- 1 vided at the top of the cutting, which . s`ho3I.Ic be about two` thirds in the ground. Carver the bed with eight: or V ten i.n_ch es at leaves. and place a tew ,evergreen.. bdughs on .top to keep them : in place. By spring the cuttings w1'lT ` have made root . This cutting" bed is ` to be ma;d:e'a_out. of doors in a. well: d1_'a.ined.' location and made a little- higher than the surrounding ground, `:5 n]1Iro-nvra` nu-I nnravr vvan-4-lint` +15 -foliage and some flower. VVe would V A few Vbegomaa in va:riousA so-rt":s- add I considerable luxuriancein the way of suggest as good sorts such as the Feasnii, the beautiful pottedbkeaf Mani- cata Aurea, the glossy-leafed Thurs-' tionii and the old stand-by, Rubra, all of which are` strong growers and o ea-sy management, A' AF 4-I-us. (1A~--9...... -\....l.... :...... -..:..I. was \llU|J`J Ll.ll8J3SC'I.l..l.I5II'IS, I I A pot out the. German pa1~:l.or `my, wi.r.h the vines hanging down or twining `upward. has a very refreshing effect iin any window. The Sanmsevieria. Z352- lanica, with stiff, upright, mottled. leaves, is useful as a house plant on account of being not` at all` disturbed' by dust. gas and a modera`t.e~ aamount of abuse; I\.... -1! 4L, ,, -1' - - - -' U1. (LUKLDCQ One of: the prettiest. of plants an-.' table decoration is `the }:`:1rugiu.m `Grands, bearing Large, round, da.-ck green. leathery leaves, mottled. and b1otcn.ed with yellow. T A. sp-eci-men of some size in a. suitable jardiniere is | exceedingly .attractive. A F3137"-(!I1l|`\ n_`.`nJ-n .... 51..--.- ._-!A-' - wd:xEa_tia,dIs5en. rib better thaxfisl ll` fhatbbda. ` ~ . ~ -_;.a.:...__- .3 .__Au __._-.1-_: _.I-..l._ ..---`I.. ' surfs. - id??'nIat`3i!Ii!i ,.ar_e.~1`I'a&s bodiu cut in .the open. graund clifrfng tire summer, ;or -from large stock plants in pdts in iIren'grea;rEo1:sva3 in _'vri 1_1te'r. granted in: 8 bee! in the igremdwlme. - . L . The saute? system of propagating. is best adaptedv to the neat at the 3` and aonsislssiin putting. about two ` inches of'"`sand in a pan about three` inches deep, placing the cuttings In the j gsand, wlich shank} be kept thoroughly `soakc& with water` all the-time during 3 Sthe pnoceamof., 'I`ha+' mu-4 -4: H... ........u ..,1.:..1-. ;. 3..- ~uxuvuu.u.5.uJ, -auu-auuxvc. .-A fevrsuch plants. as those: mention-` ed above` used. in connection with it half dozen larger omnamental foliage- plants. such as a Latania a. Ken-tia: and- Areas or at Phenix pa.-km. sgggood clump of Aspidistra or` C-yperus-, or: .perhaps as Iarga Eiaus Elas- tica will do much: toward making the home. very attractive. Dou t th-row a-w=a'-y t.Erat`o1d` ~l`Jottle~- m-avke it a .'t.lh-`mag of l`rea:u~yV and 3 joy, if not forever, at least for many weeks to come. . ' ktke som_e_ c`hea:p cotton wadidiieng, soak i'~t in oil`, and then wrap '5: thin layer` of it` even-lvy arouvncz an -olid` botl-e, beginning at the top and? working town-rdsv the-. bottom of the I bohl e~._ `O . o- u.- ' u.-.` vv-uu|,\.u 1.rv\r1.` ullatr |..l..|tl'Inl'5Ll' Ll-I'D VV'qI.'.lEl1]..I5o Busy same wamer crass seed? from the korist`. amiascatter it:`1i`be*ra:l.`ly over the w.vad'di:n:g:. Put. some twisted; strazncis 01 wool-,. thxw or" ioucr-strands in each wick, zmdi four wicks lau! (each battle into the bottle, so that they -reach. ta EEC bottom and lmanag oven the tap aEIout.th1`.ee or four inches. These wicks will draw the water up and distribute it. dtroip by drop even tho? waddiamg. In tharee. or four days you will. find that your bottie is. covered with the gxeen apazou ts. of. waste-r czzeaa, andvthat these sweats grow very rapidly. K.-a fFIn.n n--nur runny-an 'nFl.nnn. J-an`... xper'imAen1L', `the blood pig. Later this guinea J:1_fi2e'1" d*ije\'l-. h'e c~.mses 0! ma c'o:nvi`l!Io- rui`n'ez1v pig; then` vertd! the` poiisug tries 01' EM .- _: 4.1..` y'L~|J|):\pI; 615' V" WKQJ J` L Iiiflkjy. \ As they grow coarse of long, trim with zx pair of old scissars, and. you can `keep this pretty green ornament as . long: assyou pfeasa iii will oufy ne- ,3ffI.'I` the bottle with. water whenever 5 you find? that the cease to dis \'tri~.bu1:e- the requixzed`. moisture over t'he % gnawing plztntsz ! ?I . hn -vtrlr Uh.-nan. IVE-m liuuielll-k I-4.-c ..._... ... 4.1.1.- 7am 1!or;wa;'nd bottann AF-in t.h-e- bottle 'with'w.ater,.and then pour pe1ity' of . irrmlay in p1=a:ce- with :1: string wzntewr over` and thra =:::=g'- the wa-d-ding. E Firm: urlrn-n nvn-nhnr an-man mmd? Gin-nu Lin-.... MsiemWmm -..-_--:. WITH A BOTTLE. _ I found as in this house, ywiuro ftamop agar: in it, and other inieating that it was a men's. "room, but there was nobody sleeping it and avidntly it had not been hccupied` that night. And it was now " 2 about 2` O'clock ,, so it s:e_omed.`a pretty Tfreasonable supposition that it would `net he; mun away. som'eWh=ere, pro ' , babiy, for the night, or maybe` travel- il1'mgA; and it seemed as. if th'e'.gathe1.-'- King up of. whatever there might. be 1 ' there worth taking would involve sim- ! p1`y the troztible of sorting, it out; but "I hadn't taken three steps- inside the room `before I heard` the fren-t door `downstairs sl`a;m-s`oIneb`0dy`d come in, `ihappe-ned fo h1't the keyhole just ex~ actlay right with the key so it had s]"id r . in without making any noise, and the I `first I heard of him was his shutting I 4-]... .'!_A__ IJUHIC LILIIUU,-` V7 LI '5'`! WWW E E0 '$GE'- .118 1183 UYIFW T5 KY8!!! __ _ gin Ln: tn. *.i2reims*-:65. Md hov up hand 1` arms, but, iapfy. bei ` f mt. irtvith ffshe P0131-:10 t1I8 f1`0l,1_t-.-he'_& pawe may hope for his zntinuanirer % *1!!! 7' 1 'iuc:e. vo;:TI_: I:'nmpm- ' V I 9119: Karl; R War Puliunirt--A`u sunning ` `lxuunuaca wen Tram. "Haybe you. remember telling joi, mid hurglkar, about 3 the I had once in a hdruse . =21: 9. thnnaerseom,. where the tours. an ` hid in an deceit and; left. the house to .me-I Bate} End at experience in a. house once, with a cfoset mixed-' up. in _ % it, that `wasn't so pleasant`... 3 time I, was: in the closet. amt somebody else was outside". mom . . `- "lle`lm:a-i'ngp5a aIdm&iggin',aatd slot: abocn kink! peat fcuxr, as near as I In stopped, and`. 5 idem: his pen, and gawhro up pg: go around` the ,, ;,`_un\ to uni fan And "t t as it : V. V 5:. a s:.nocc.h--and t1 sat. s i mg i them, waiting tar that man to gut ; wrotft,` I def!` Rmwivhourn;oazy' TV fpagas;.,.' gain than mud bav,a b'an'; tihwty at fozty.,.und about `en ; efs wrote] `em; mugs. - ni:...,....`.Lo`...;; ..'ai-"`.'.".|'..'....`..` n.'_`*.'.;.-..a. ....4.`........_..... .. I . Of cnurse I knew that was themane `that; belonged to that room, and the man that sla.-mmed the door like that .was likely to come upstairs two steps at `a time; his room was only: up one iight and h.e d-be in it in a .'minute. H 1%s% mronqzn 3r1Y'1xA cLosE'r In mum: El` no llwm. ` the door. I couldn't step out into the hall with- out meeting hm; and the natural ith'Ln.g`for me .to` do was to step into `the c1ns&t, whi'ch I did- The door: of this closet steed open `just a l`i'tL1e`;. with a crack of about half an inch be- tween` the edge of the door and the door jamb. ' of course I knew heqmust be getting ready for bed, and I` thought at man` going to bed at that hour would be- apz to` go to-sI`eep pretty prgmptlyancl .th.q.t* l._wa;u1:dn: t have Long to wait"; but what happened next was something: waxy di-em'e.n.t.f1:mn vvhat E hack expel t- ed. JL"nas-t.e.-ad1- imealri -Jug the bed czrea-k under him. as he lay. down and stretch- ed himself out, I saw the m`a:n- him- sal in a lm-i-mate, wiitzh hiss slippers and l smokinxgv jackatt, wavllkinrg back and sit`- tfmg do-wn c1'L` that d5e-s-k'.. There was a ` gas `bracket over` the desk; and before he sat: down he lit that, and. then, while he was still st:md`fn'g up, he took -off his collalr atmds ga.v'e.- phat" ai sling onto. the bed. `I I I I 1- ."Well, now, you know, at first this kind of imtereavtzxe mm As` Pang ass I ham ; still I. was safe,besa,u'e.e he.wasn t ; ;thinking. of closets or anything else 5 ibut. what was right ttherobefore him; I ,'-but:` after a w.`ji'=15e it begun to get? toI- 2 jemlblb tiediatrs. It's easy enougli toi !s'tand? up a little v_c'.h'1e`, but when you have to sa/ndfhour` after hour, in the - `same poaftfmr. keeping very sti-1'1: anzf. with soamefy :'Lf1?.`_4 ta _breatihe, _ .:-it gets. to: be ex d`f&,r.e'm`- matter: you try it; some day,, stxudiiqg up and ' ` --oououou-ucv.-I row-nvr-av-up -u-oup`.`.<-on .--\..-...... 6 w!h:e,n I first went in, but` it brought ` ` u'pag'ainst something and` so I left it. I eould.n _t tell whether the man had ?i;xeeI~t't.he door that way to. give` the f closet ventixla-tion, or whether some- thing had `dropped down. across the sill and. he hadn't taeken tho trouble. to picktit up-, but anyhow I thought I'd. better leave it~so,;asVhe d left it, diadl. ' "TO'u-t" of the crack I could set the flat top desk; that is, when he'd struck a light, which he did as soon`; as he come in, whiclan was at practially the same instant that I finished. pulling the closet door to; I. couldn't have gone anywhere` else. I. could see him when he came in, and then` he; passed` out o7n1y sigh-r; somewhere,.and pretty soon I heard la-is:`s:h'oes, one after the other d-ro-piping" on the floor, and then \llD|-\l' ll :.i,u-vo:EVc`;turse, I knew long beozd Ethat, that he wasn't just a (town t.o,wnite :1 letter that he'd-pa-t ,a-fc;nnt12a'e-t, or th1s:wa.s his regular hour tow` work, as something of that Tsort, but way evidently he vms settin 1 down`: there how wmrk ; and; I thought be [rather enjoyed getting at it, too; `*T|A\ k\ uu:nn uuon:N:>-;n _--.... --f set r. in. - off as long as he could-,. buatg. he was at . . man that wrote .th-inga, for 31 business, - and: he d~ got an idea now, 01' The"d got: . `L Luna; uuJvJuu 6`/5941.16 u.\. A, Luv. "'1"he~ things" he was wri-tfing was evi- identliy somtmtxkiwlgv out of his head; he didin t: have any mwe_'mora-.nd-ums , or any- thing, to go by`; he just" sat there" and` W1ru_te`.. 0rrce- in a while things would: seem to get vI:i5nd' o c1og'geck_t1p' ;and then he'd Took up at the ceii-fag-, a'ml'gtEIin'-It; an_d then`.aI'l` 01 a` sudden \nAA\-B I444 k'EET:m,G % f 5m.s. ` he go: vgty maul: 4:14;. u.a.n\.n. uuuaa In . L VA. (5 DLAIJILCII` `scratching qgaxz; fast as he` I TRIED TO` SHUT IT E `.1;-nun VV`OL.D: an-IU.}=I.g ugfw ywumvcf ll ! a head}; .?r,80'n? the_g:vJ'Ia-.nt baugt. Lxetr . = mte. , reemv-`ad thus build`; _ right arm, ' `aim ' i`rtion 1;1ig ht break ,1, y`_. W ` . any sort` 1_ the; rt=hr;`a.:~, . , 7 `then, sometimes,'he'd slam`-.i.:_l1'_ ef._vfI1'1f1 ` on than dshk and pen and write somathingLin.'.i.T3?t ,make some` change, while the idea = hat ;4beo1:e it got away from. him, {then he'd; go on reading. Sbxnetinlu :h.e.'d; sort of chucnhgle and Iaazgh. to Wine - ;seL,, enjoying what he'd wrote; and poatty soon he put his right ha-ndgu gin. the air again, not huhdin-g i1;. xii` . H.'1~.i~u; i-;i-an Inna. ..1...I_:.., 5 T In sho;t,' the v5vires_ would have flashed: the news of Stan1`ey"s' hardest ~_i;g,Ert as be descended fhe. river. Bf; {Was months before. he reached. its. ,of hunger in, the catazaot region TiS'o.u"t h Afr-fca is-moving nnom rapidly . thaw. any other part. of. the would, for. ;Liska`. an isn3'1.nt;. it has had 3.1} `growth to: attain. ands everything ta Iearn.` . ;mouth, and his. panty nearfy perished.` , 'I`h.iu~ young oicer, one of the Bar- 'gai Boys, helped tbeclnrge man an daavo: to,ce trhev BOOB Ilaamk. vsuppoctod by a. pcuzty as Gordanamwya that paper, waved} swvcm am` cniaoii ow nor his party Itas- igizy gathered rqungi` hi:xn;.,_.Bu:t the Boer `asks wer(a.,|*e1rt, am!` in a` 2%}:-z';9..oatV11_g:v`.['l`a-.nt haul . Liellt ; ` thxve Btyfihzttsw am. ." ht:-pmw rrvht ' .`,_ ' '-:~. hiofiwky. 9 bulltflrouu V ' ubauo 5 "Some m;)nth`s after that - "six or eig'ht months, I gu_ess--taki'ng a little. `:journey by rail one night, with my rt1'.a`veHingvbag o_n. the floor, where L coufd feet it with my feet, Igpiclied up a mwgazine that a man had left in atlre seat opposite, and took at little `fall. out of. that; picking` out the story that I. thomght would suit me. best. I got `about. t:m'ee-qua.1'ters oi? the way throulgh it, and;.al1 0.13 a. sudden: it lag- gantso get familiar; and. in a minute I `:"r\o_1u:V;+ "`t\,vI mu:-u-A. CA. .._-_,. Ellrtd`. Netti ln,.ftIc60ldnlaySlrlgi _in.. AD- li a--.._..-. .._vv-_- .-.'. .__-,- .-. V- .-.v__~ ~, vvv- ..-... over I'I%;II`V'_l:|lI!fS. . Pbssihly, writes former Tampa- .o Eladnlaaazte will wave to huge meat. Znxeiktejaam. my! me Higyra-ad. ih the Cape Timegg. the rqali hero` g era`-. E_ `, _v__ -- I-uv .nuu- la-.,u-Iv. 1.11.1 .. ~ 51. air holding -. thi:sa.iiime,, but shaking it south of. pll-` itly, an begun readiu out loud ` .L ; When he-'_ finished: the: vending; `which was~:5 0':-Jzoc-k, itwas lnmdlight. Ami than holding the sheets in his ftwo hands, he dropped them, ed3gO_ fawn, an the desk and ma'ngEened- an out, and than he l a>`r& the bunch down-on the desk. It was done, uni gh-e= seemed} to be pleased over i:t`;i*a?m_I I.` then he` `went to bed. b . "It took him but a mighty shunt itime` to go to sleep, it seenmdi aa; iiho _ .- . . , _ `__J L _ 1 arms: ntnmnm mm A _.........4.- A- A Is Now In Operation for Slave 'FIIllI`8I. i V Miles [751 the River; - 5 A cablegram from the C-oingo tha- :.ot-h'arjd.a'y` said the telegraph had. been stretched along the nver as far as Equatorvi`U.e, the sta1.i=un on nhe left bank [Of the river where the equator cxolsses the Congo. `lhcu is now telven grap;i.- cozszmuuicmion. uuxm Banana, `at: the m'-o'L1th- of the river, to every `station. or the Free du-me Lot 860 mxles LnL-and. The ne is to be pu~.hud 1' gut; up L118 r.v:`:1' until _it pi .-x.e.~z all. we wuiue stations on its banks in com- municeuion wiLh one anomer. Du ,..... -....--.- |~ ` autos. If this telegraph line and the cable connecting it" with Eurcape had been in open.-11i.un about twenty-two years age we mzgthtt have read in our mm-`n\- i.1=.g'pu1:per' odi a Wonderulliy interesting e.ven.t that occurred? the day before-, a- few mirres rrbove Equa'torvill`e. Tue despoatchs` would have toid of hundreds of war` canoes of the fierce B-'a*nga;x Cannibals giving hot chase to two u\.a.n. u\L IL}. I l\JI] wvhite men and a handful of bia ks! .who were for their l'iv.:s down the river. s It would have d escr.bed the showers of arrows that were sent af- ter the fugftivem, and` the savage howls fof the pursuers, who cried "Meat,1 Meat! and You will fil.] our cook- ing pots 1'" as they bent to their pmdr `dlss. It wo,11.1d have told of the mo? ?ment when the fellaws in f,ron.t seem- 'ed deemed. as the Bengala canoes drew Jxearer `and-_ nearer, till all of a sudden there was. a . blaze at 1nu.sketry,. and; an .o4z_hef1: and; ano4;her,. wrhe the hi}-ls. re- :.V(tT`bI`a`t.6d.WiatlI1 the neise, and many `a biarrk, plumsner tu,m:bl-`ed. out of_ his :ca:nvoe*,. srunk down in some myster- -iaue. way, and the last `paragraph! `wo.-ulid1- have told of the retreat o:'r the savages, who cried, "Go and die` down the rixmr !""as th`ey/Jlrrned homeward, .Tw,a;ntfmg' no more fiight that fay with "men whio` used 'thunder' and li'g`tn'i'1rg gas weapons. `I - ..A.....4. 321.- .`..:.....- ._.__-.1'.I. n.-__- J ,_ .. uf -- ........r,u. uvcnnuu :1, IL-1! `was snoring m a. minute; and than 1. gslid. ~ ..n - - cvlvsu u\J aux. Ju3`l:L.lsJ|'.lC1.l. ,- ctl.'u.lo mu '6! IUIILU-C5 I knew it for sure;- it was my man ; ,st0ry;. and that part` that I d=. seen him with, and heard him read some of, was the f_i-nish, of it; the Windwup. And a povoty good story it was, (too; Hchough maybe I was sort of p'4reju-dic- ed in its a.vo.r., because, in a way, it so~rt 01! seemed` to me as I'd: helped "to make it." ' --mu-wuuzvu vvsuu uuc i1uULut$l.`. We can scarcely imagine `now steam and el.e;Lrici1;y have revolutionized business aiairs on. we lower and mid- dle CODcg,O in the 1)-ast LWO years. When .a package of freight arnved at the imoutn 0-: Lbs: river for Equa torviile m 1897 it had to be carriecl for about iumree weeks on the back of a p0rLeu' beiosre it was placed: on a steamer go- ing to ]:lqu:1torvil~le. It was at leaoli l3.wenty-fo-u'r clays on the `way train the mouth of tne"ri.ver. To-day the paCk:1.g_3 is carried by steam all the Way, and tl1.ou.g;bVneither trains not steamboats run at night and then: rate of epeed is lbw, it takes only five -diays to moire the freight tq Equator- ville. In other words, nearly four- 'fiftl`1s of the time required two years` ago is now saved, and the instant it reaches. its destination the news 0: its -arrival? may be flashed to the point wfhene. it. entered Af1`i3.a.-. T21)! 1 1 i -` "' %, Lhxaoretim prise togrou *ng`ed`. Pro! mus` of 21'! ad` the` rt` le'xtra'ord in TELEGRAPHY ON` THE CONGO. rmao or ELENDEAAME ILIUD UL we prey of th --'-"vw . ` vard - Ln, name. pi, It Is '11 pa Tlssllcn 1 J-I ..ll.J- szuaa.-- Om this 1 ti ':nes_,; sun m.11itt`-'rplh'n1`3. is w Fth t_lia LszmI=c._ bxscovmu !`ITUTE.- t_endedLli_rn ES, FIG! FUU] UIIQ Jtauc section -~A-121` .. AIJIJ : wuw 5 of obtain; -rmation `res-`Z ` an en_er_ny'; ; surprxsmg ralry screw 1:, at mow; veny largg `the screen: ,te1y denser: IILJB ll ',p1;l)1`i'SI ua-1mn.vv-I tall`! Wu Ha. I ` Oh, Dick! cried Nettie, clnsping` er hnlldh`, what are we to do P" "Han-` ed if I know ! _was. the at u.t}1e1` bxlnk response. " But don t cry `tn, arling, I'll go and_ see her myself You, Dick 3 at I, myself I" A mt?` " Slwl! have nothing to say to you ek_. .E-`"u_* o:m t help herself." ` V . , "Shell turn you out of (1oor.s.` of. "\`.'e'1l see about that. ' lut, Dick, you don t know--you arm. have any idea how terrible [she S," sighed Nettieu T ' ' St. George conquered the dragon r'_'. _v love, I asserted cheerfully, " amd; 3138: _menn to conquer your mother. So ,1-yy lck my valise, there s a dar];iug,and- `ll_ be off before the landlord comes back. ' ` ' ' ' 1\- 1 an 1 . a 1 I, _l_._. ___I__L `LC 1.1 IEl)lJLCL1GLl .LV(7l.l,I{7o hull be back in a few days, said. I onfidently. - 4 ` . But: valiantly as I spoke, mv. men tal .s:e11s:ut.io11s by no means correspond- ed with this bold part, I was begin--` ning dimly to rertlize what a very un- -.visr~ stop I had taken "and" also per- u.-uind* poor Nettie to take. _ And I was secretly making up "my mind. that if Neti`ie`s moth-er refusvd; to receive us, I would ship myself off to sun as second mate or third p'1Irs`er, r smimfhing of that sort, send my arivancod Wages tovmy poor little` wife, and c0mu_mn('.e the world o-{er again in thi: irregular fashion . ` D110` ..,I\n.n T urrnrn1-1. m.-n_~n.l'uuJ-alt; I'I-PM {In " Tell him I've gone. out of town and ~ llll 1 lLl\.b'|elIl|IL LCl`DL..|lLl.Il But: when I wn_1`.red~ fesoliltoly up tol my mother-in-1aw`s door she greeted me as if I had been expected -for the lzmt week. V _ . " Ir,=.uve come, have you; was the `ulutntion. 7 " Wt-ll, yes, I.` admitted. "I've mum." 11 IYVI I AI 1 | V. I -I I `I W'l`3u.uL, Dick, if he s troubles0"me~ what an [ say to him ?" appealed poor lit- tle frightened Nettie. ' - rpm`! 1:na Dun .II\I`!l`\ nI1+ (\F +f\\lYI`I on/I -y ngers. , H . My name is Richard Dalton. _ I, wars" hen just twenty-on-e, witha. face that . as not zxlnsmzlute-ty ugly, a. sublime an- 5 acity, and pockets. not. pamfticulaxzli ell lined, and I had: fast dist'Lnguiah- ' d myself by running. away with 9.`: retty girl from boarding`-school. But, Dick," she had remonstrated, ' we have nothing to live on." U Y\.\..sJ- Ln .. zvr.r\(cn A'n~rl'nrr " V had A\-ll'1C L11 KL \4KL1JLU ILA LU LlI`J' LIUOI-Ll-c The train was delayed at BogIe- own. said I. ' ' HIT? II I 11, 1 ___.,u--, "Let me see, gait! my mother.-'-m aw, as she took `a siteaming p1'*atte- of am and eggs out of the oven and` lift- d :1 shining coffee-pot from the stove. huw old are you 7". T _ " One-and-twenty," said I. I ee1`ng of her chin`, " that younre asble o take care of the place? 'J3hvere s a rant deal to do, you know, on a farm ike this. Do you think. you`ro up to he work ?" V . ` uI\n 1-.u-. '.. ous- " Do you think, said she, penskely. Ll!) \\'UllLY V . - .' .l "Of course I thank so, ca-1d I, won-- eriug what on earth my mother-in- aw meant. H K"--- - ' DEIVB IIOIZLIJIIQ 120 LIVE uu. Don`t be a goose, darling,-had; Aeen my reply. What `db pe'opl'e- need 0 live on? All. the wants of -this vorid, more or less, are fictitious. A rust of bread and. a glass of water hree times a day, and now'a;1d then ' ,-1.. -,___.-_... L.-. 1-|r\VVlI \4f`IG suit of c1othes--we must be poor, in-- A Can your wife make herself gen, rally useful about the place ?rsha-rp- , ' demanded the old` Tady. ~ _ (`ertnin1y she can, said I,` begin;-V ing vaguely to see my v'vacy throxrgh I he mists of perplexity thit had` hora`-.. fore obscured` my brain-. . " nu! nlrl :15 e.In.n.!9 A-m Inn 11.`-.. V E"LEE?3&?11s5f;`ci$; i.~`3"'-"` A great V,,;..,..;,,,..,.%,;;.;.m..L... .59.; .34 . aagzzkzz hm M w-=--+ % 3' ` - seems, an: rossing - ` b tags` with two . ` , er_y red ftwtigiiltaagzrocipng at the `u!-git is hard to q9.g._~h'_nv fLarT'(`ff cha_rc.A tera fit in with ` idea. For` nd of it, gntl some imsposaiblet strpmbn` f water below--anti mods no-= Guest Viustanjce scentv at My mother-in-1aA.w W&8* ibbllliilk '{ ..5*V"'h"*h A; a ormg under a mnsapprehens1on,Bu, .ggj@ `Q. 15 1 v usincao lsdsoia 1502- 1'" evi-4`? ~ ` l;l.t1y, engage , m iit'g\tlud,A ind: . _ 3 - vu; H ,- |1jH)H ngwor. did not exactly 8'69`, ifhat it was my . ~ _fo`r g1'an_te ~e Iwaa` thal p!'_inftI_goX`; me in '...2.a:1`.L -...-_r ........".L....: .'l'. w`\`V;l1at on earth detained you, maid she. A I _ 1 v I I A I A` In my mind I cast about what to say, and settled on the first convenient exouseT tlnt came into my head. " 'r`L.,. 4--cn:n ....u.-. Anlnvvn nJ- 13:`:-In-, H`: Oh, yes," said I, swaldowing thahot offee and winking my eyes very hara- I m married. , . ' ' N f.`___ ____ .1 u,- I' III Eighteen," I answered. Mrs. Martin fmwned. . 3 2 p " What does p0sBe'ss~gi1 l81 80 get-m-aarh ied nowadays, said she, '."be`fo1-9 trey- e left. of-t dolls and xiwtdhiwask 9" ~ `T Innlma* glniano no nun yeglasses were as unsuited -,to L_ `my: j, other-in-law : fine Rom!an_noe,;:s mg in t-Iace coll'a.-1' would beta the Vn=u.f;tb e MiIo.- I` could feef hm-* g"la:n.5c- pens; `ate to the very m(arruw ofmy bones`. : .d yet Icon-tri.ved* t`o~ keep a. bogf mt as I stood fa-cing he-r.< - ' cres, wa-s'oo'zing out at the ends .u.Ll.. ' v - fr -Nettie had looked favorably up-on me nd acquiesced to my argument. We ad take-n board at the Angel Hill Ho'- .-~' and !)eg.1n our honeymoon royally. . the owl of a,- month mine host had r Aome. at !Tittle importunate on h_e 5; :ject. of ma bill, and` Nettie~`_s._moth~ h md written a letter to net s-igni;y- that she `wanted nothing whatever to with us. VVe had made our own 1! 4...`! ._._... -pn VY|:fP'kI+ LU ll. CIVIIJ .1- Well, come in, now that -you re here," said she, " and get warm. It s awful cold weather for this time 0` year. isn t i!;;3 ll\.V',,, `AI _A _AL'_.-. I FIILIII LII. \/j_klLL.I7"*VY\.I I-l.I.\ANll4 Isl`-V I"""I "' i<~.-.-1, If. we can t manage to comm-S }`.1tL[. '> _ " I 11 11- 1 1 1 v \ B____.L'I.. ..'v\nv\ In` .lL. lo7lL la ll : 'Yo.s, said I, with. an -assenting A ' l `u U UIJDUUJUU U U.l'H.lIla `How old is she? asked` Mrs. Mari t the Ihe corres- V LlJU(lLlLo 'You are married, I[snppose,." said 1 10 \VH.D l]..`. VVC .lJEl.Ll IJ.I'd.uI: uux Uvru , she signified, and now we might on it. r\x I\ I on --_:_J \1,..LA.2.. nlnnfminnn `7'J4x7t '2'? 'E'e'g`75 l3z`E'n?eT`thi`5Ta 'r;`y`;m had` told me the wholfe story of her `daughter-"S1 run-away m=atch"with~ a good'-fo_r-nothing young city c`haE>.V (\-n {-15- F...-no-"L .15." nknu hum nn-I-IuIml"'_ 5:. u.A.u.. But, D1'ck--" "No buts, my" dar1i'ng," said 1",? cheerfully. '3 Le- \1~s:_ be; ` Julius Caesar. over again. ' We. cam.a,, we see, we. con.- quer. ` - ILUVV Lllfllln ' ~ ' I `He"s= too young and: good-[golfing to su-i=tv me,- observed Mlivss Pmsc.1LL:1:. purs-ing up her siteel trap of a mouth. "` `DA :n anal`; "1-\1\J'y:ru:U~ n:I|\"* Ili W Q0111` w?3*.. mother, moher I :a;l tere.dx Nate ` tise, {throwing both hands around the` old lady. s nee-k.'., "please forgive me this time, and.I`l_I never, never e-rope: again I" _ U `D1,.-A-.. .L.....9-:.._ .....I11 `I... _....J- 9 n..-I-_-L a:':`iI.$`l:`a'asa_ maa`-m, we'll baa good) . ad'w1- 6 . ' . ` ; And my mother-in-law relented on the spot. _H`ow courd he do. ot1w3r- wiuse`? " - ' N , 111:. pl _ 0 I ,D_ , DA _,.._V___ I. .4.-.` xpe1.'i.mentA_a" of senxilay erroneous`. blood ce1'Is ` 1 fwnction.s_ _= Lnic plo-lsonsf iyoulh xvjelfq i sysLeu1 in F33 enelgetf ed t-he Einen pm those of ""Ti`!'enrie6t?a," said she` you ve been ~a naughty m*rt--1(here s no dienm-ng tehat; But yveur husband e6m~a;h2.-1:-] div man about the .hmsa, and1"m tired _ot? livingalione. So take an yau1Hrkings- _ stud-' ma tn- work. ge=t!ti!$gg' support, As for T i you`.' R`ioh:u?d--- "`7.q,. _..n.9.L.....!! ....!.i'I' HT h.-....'.- '3. ` Juu. L1-rJuuru--- " Yes. ma~ z'rms." =.midTI,. " I {mow Pu 3 been Ma yi-mg a` double`: pnvrt, sud; ceivved: mu all? :nh~nec_z-... Bit`: I w:ul.1!6d' yam f to like are--and-1 you -kn-ow," I add`s&,g " all is` air in love amd= war P" ` ll F_.I|Iz "I L- I11".-. _."-_ -. I.&LI_.|IJ _.ja On` my return -from. `the postotics I me.t_a burl-,5! ymumg ma-n. medxitahing at ; a spot where o11;v`1znuT meet. ` Can: you` telzff Ines . sir," said he-, where. Abel: Martin; lives ?' "Oh, yes, sir, I? can: tell yum 139', upended, ambly, ``But,.. in`! yum` 31.78 _too]~:ingr for the situation, I .may as well u tell you. that it sv fi]1,e:d.." .rm..4. lnlv-rI'vv ..n........ .......u'.. -nnyl. an:-via` l` Here s a very nice b`eginn-ing,_'s-ald I to myself. If; is now my bus-W933 to give as miuclh savtisfacttioni as 9'05-`f sixlble. ' ' 1. , n 1 a, A-___- _.-__` Fo~rtune- `favomd me in more ways; than me. `My mother-izm-l..aJw sprame her acnkl-'3` on the secon-at day, and 1; pslayed cook. as wel-T! as maam-of-al*l-Work ; with distinguished success-,. and I has! the zmtisfaction` to hear her say to old Miss Priscilla Perkins thjazt shevdiidinft 5 know vvh-.e~.n she had` `taken such a no- tion to any one `as she. had {to the new man ' _. .u--r-|_.~_ LA, ________ ____1. ______1, |`_,_.1_:__,_ ']_"|.ll -.I.l18 HUT BVLUUI L]. (1319 U1: (1luUuL1o- He is good'-1`ooking*, aiAm tI1:.e% said my mother-in-law, but he \s-direadiulfly _' handy about the h:ouie, and mi-mt one `bit afraid of work. Why, I don't miss. !.'femi'ma Styles one bit. If only Net- ;ti5e could: have stayed! /single tillgsha met such mgrr as 'th~is'!' 1- __,_,m-,1 L- ___-:_.~:.n'-_ 7 I--:.1. __LVL1.q.A IIBUL '.'$llt'vI1 F1: ILl'd.'` El-N |.E'l`Bl V ` I srmil-`ed to rixyse-Has I lfaiti out the wood` for the breakfast re. My accomm- p-liishments as _"'.a>ck~of-a;l1-traelesgf had never donenae so much good be- fore, but now they were certai-nl.y.wim- ni-ng me much credit in the world; A.L H... ...;.J .4! Lou. +1.:~...: Jaw `Ha EUl)ll'l.U:l -IILILLJIII3 J IJIJIJ5 VI LJ UJJDI-g : On the fourth day she ha.'d* cm-nsu[t- ed with me as to w'l1ethe1'* izt was bet-_ ter to put the fory-acre 101': into cents or rye, and I had won her heart by I `talking to pieces the old ha:I=I-clock, which had not gone for ten years, zmd restored` it to` running or&e`r "once la-g'ai3n~. ' ' V .1 "--__-_ 1-... wn(`)`r.1mthe_ evening of the Lsame day; Nettie arrived an hI'ushIn_g `and. trem- bhng. - u-n n:..I.w ....:J -1... u.'.. an. wnrv Iq_u.u1'. I dragged. my uxrwizlzhiiug Iitltlsefwife ' into the Vmck.-room, where my m.ctb.e~1:- in-Law lay on a ,sofa,, nur.-sing her an . kle. u1w__-.__. ___._. -__e.1-_ __...r_._.9m ...:.l I ` DI ED, her or` pl*eV-LT nzxtruphy te :1 mo rpih-oaip has prov,- 16; ux":l*"lS wfl 1`opl'1id' by nus. . -A Harem` my wife, ma am,"' said: F; " and I hope shwf give s~ati._&act.ions. T ' Mrs. Mzu-ti.n` Jumped. up, in; sgite ot. the wounded ankle. ' "9 17-1.1.3- IE`! ~15- ....!-.17 3-. `AI-u-`K as-an-nun, L115 VVUll-JIJCLI rxunlsc. "Nettie T she cric_d in blank amaze- ment. - T V ` u l\ __, ,un_ , . ,,_ ,;-`I _ no 5, I9. ____.I \1'_1.. (1111 ID [Will [LI PUVC? WINK!` VVW-IL 5 Wak, I. 30 Filter yams as li%ttle,' `wdi-1 mitted my mother-in-wwr. "A416! ttlmvt I hum seen y`m,. Dick, I don. 5 -`much wonder at. the way Notrtivs lxotg; A.lA.__ At.-A. #1.- _.____.__-..,-n.1,'n, A , 4* ,, w 4:. ;':..."',..,%" :3 in so briat a campaign Ncttb can she? doesn't know how Iiitt id ... In Iizct; I 4.1;!` 41.1354. I`--gs-_ -..-ngll` ` Ii SIS Ii IWZEIW IUWVF JZIT-I ~_3;;'t quite in myseI"T`y ` `-\-1'1-I? J\J\l.- L1-'l'(1}U Nb 3' .Ll..'J1!lDUE.~ - . The burly youuvg-,_ man: made_som'a: remarks, n`dicativ`e~, in a general Waiy, of his-2 op'in"iom* of the" fickbeness of wro- mankind-`, anvdx dap~arted,. VV-'h'i L@ I re- turned rejo-icing to the old farm-- house. ` - u `I-'l.'..__-\., , __ ,,, -4, n_,_ _,-__,_2_._ as -..:1 5,. Dick, said she, is she very angry gas . . . u MI`... .1-...... -1... 1..........w'......- `hTau7 up-Ln. ' ua V1711: As1tr-11h~:u: aha uevn'-"seo~Ided {nanny ; more-., . I honestly bclwvo: that? this. `us. the truly n:sa.- an nco_!.'C: it; cop`:-$1..`-u. = n. -uugllmhv-m Sun. I. gun. can`... -........_-.._..$ i-T " ' " "'* iuh than any-"0013. ui5ghd".- mi that-.. {which 1, ammaa width an blciui imp ; fty V which attend`; yunlth and .e0n'di- ~ . will-ingnnsa ta '."C:m mu; cut -wI`ind:l" ~ " Cuininl.y, amid I, zefwhing tum:-3- She asked: we at tvm queatiaan more once. She. scanned`. yleased-. with my; ever3nthing,.. . ~ -4 Ana ........ ..1......4. ........... an -1..- -..:a 5 u v as J:;uu;uap . And; now abhuiz wages V `ska said,.= "briskly, -" Wm` you-Tasi:' for your % `own scnviucs and these at your _.-by the namth Y." T ` M `I ::La....:, 4.1.. 4..-__ -5 ...._ s.~..._........ ..--` guzisnea p .' qhia s5uuuuuv Inna `nu-uvuussu - " -As we are hawk rather ineurnnezicnc-E; ~.d),"V said 1'.;,"' wo: :l1 &gr.e'e= to Work month tar om: `boa~.rch;; after that 1 you shall pay us Wzbat-_ you think we-;' gave both: vmrh-. " '_`H:u:m`-V--hnm*!=. said-my mother-i=1:-Laiw that . is` a sensimaz prmposixtiaon--3 very V sensible or-.e,. indaeesk. We1~1;,'send I-`:\..x: -_vnn1 u an -`nun-.4 mug. .. 4- nape..- I-Q Ir`:-ha : O3!-`-4L$'b3ll-l.I.'E2 VHO . l..I.lV.'lC'C.'o- VV Girl , 5'33 thee young; at, once. In; the.; meaimtime-. PM Show y1ou:.`wex:_ the palace ` Vmnawexplsaim t':o:_vom.tke ammo otyour -dut:ies.. ` Q- T I_!___j __-.__,,,IL ,_,L 1, ___. `__.-.I_1_ I I1 lb DID gtie. IV . So myself: out to my `moth.- ve-r-in~.-1a.w `us 2-zjrm servant, without : ifuxrther cememonyr, and. izmmedi-atelx: Wroa antfposced ax ` [otter to Net- . k >'.v .- an-,, 1- ` ` I : i-: I Em: of my bags` is iflmtiuvehy vhogetlmer. ' T 7 "-Lb nun. awn Inn-xJ('H. noluaw .na;'nunaI:A`n.Q..E uL_y I My dear, she hasn t`any idea who nun $9 j `_ I uwomvm 1. i,;.;;~;,`,;;;11,.".a..w."*.;;`x;;; W" "` 0 say how far tfhcir charts. f this new idea. For _ Nero [thud tlberf scent of V than t!iw'rhl_e or Che . .lwenI;.f Lauaf}5_]~,;. 432- _ t .e nqrn ' ' on` 9:: 3- xm,1tich~eHc1ra--: 2 iaancbottao Eu , nu VVIIVIJ3 r:_j;aiaI?d`-,1 - V , has LL `Lani

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