nvqna wuss-sag sac. hr\r.yI ` He took Robert : arm affectionately i and walked with him to the company : ofce. and Grace. watching at the cot-_ tage window, and quite unconscious of 1 the `plot that `had brought her happle ` D ness. knew, that all was wcll. urn... .....n._... ___A.__ ---.. .. uh. I. any-any. Iannu vv_ nus.` goo. vu u-* v- u.-- l`m coming east as soon `Mr. In- gersoll returns." salii Robert when It. came time for the adk-us. "and then I can enjoy` the luxury of a change or -wardrobe," ,He watched her srnllingly us he sbpke`. Sharla ughbd softly. . L`-'Is- lfle_arned- to lpsjojyon. Jmm-mure`d.. "In that, 33375; L Brlnzg r lV..t'9_rxs__af._"'.~r;;. LjL _ Whenever she saw Robert he -was in his rough and ready mining garb---stal- wart. sunhurnt. sinewy. He never al- luded to his clothes. and `Grace came to believe that he never thought of them. He was always at ease in her pres- ence. and yet. strange to say. paid her no compliments. a fact which seemed all the more remarkable when she" glanced in her little mirror and saw the pleasing effects of the pure _moun- tain air and the simple. wholesome diet. , . i V` ' -She couldn't understand it. Had `he-had he ceased to care for her? and she whispered this contin-' geucy with a sinking heart. Had she. like the ignorant Ethiop. thrown away her pearl? Had this splendid." uncon- 'ventionai 'i`ellow quite outworn her earlier fascinations? It sadly looked like it.` ' - n A .I ,n,, 3..-.--. UI.ll.V DICIIK` uuu .VV\l Time is sll_ppIny.;;`l`)~y..;',said' Robert as be consulted his watch.` I -`must seize ` the first. ..opportun1ty to -speak to your ` father." . a Q . _,-# A_`__ -..A.A.l.... LLIg- ` Fifteen minutes later Rpbert and the'] capitalist clasped hands warmly. 1 . LIAII ..n_.n_. .u.on .........c...: o|..v.-. Inna- ` VVIUII II lll\Ill\l IVIJIIJVI Yes. sir." replied Robeft. "it -worked Just as you wrote me It would. But It has been a hard part to play? ____ __u___-.1 A- _n_ IL _.._ 4.1.- Ills`: I In V Then came the day of their depar- ture. and still Robert hadn t spoken. But along in the early morning he said to her: A ' - a Iul-II-A no _ UCl\_- I-lvntiri v\9-u\r` v _ So the} walked up the hillside path a short distance to a wooded plateau _that overlooked the valley` and Its foaming stream for many miles. Rob- ert had made a little seat just within the thicket. and they sat down. For a moment both were silent. Then Rob- ert spoke. uI17_II H L- ....l..LI-u -nlil Iusuun"un\r| "7-"Xfi ' 'iligimlf"Eh?-"?;L2}:a" :E' flatter. witha broad smile. ' ' ' -n` ,n . nan; __,_,I,_j Shall w take a farewell look to- gether at. the happy valley?" - LI.A- -u-non:` nun `kn l\II| He turned and looked at her. He felt like.adding a stolen kiss to the other jewels he had taken. He alrnostw laughed aloud at the thoughtyof such a. man as lce kissing such a peerless beauty as the woman who lay on the bed `before him. And he was Just- about to depart as peacefully as a so. clal caller when suddenly` he heard the slamming of the front door ln,the hall below. V ' no - IVLVHBIIJVI nu 0 Grace looked up with a start.` There was a masterful air about him that; fairly paralyzed her tongue. . She could a only stare and wonder. - ' ,l___II _-l.I'I\-I.__A ....` CI I. B.J\IuIio ` "Well." he quietly said, bave"yon reconsidered?" - ,_9..I_ - ..A_-..A . ll'!I.-..- I mu `en: I; As `S u and pt. Lot 12, with" ooinf` v ' .0 frame dwelling. L Oimiborlshd St.,.N 3.-l t. of Lot 26. ' Jgoqbo Terrace, 8 8-Lote 7 and 10. Mucus St, E 8-Pt Lot 23. . nn:nm-onnn wums. Dmnop Street, s 8-LaI-go Brick Building. known as The Moore Block." ~ Collier Street, 8 S~-Lots 40 and 41. Johnstroet. N 8-Port Lots 5 and 6. e 1 nnvmn-Vwns'r_ wum. Bradford Street, W 8-Part Lot 34. .0 L. Buttereld '_ Foundry rggerty. Brad_l'ord Street, E S`-Lots , , 3] and 82. '81-adford Street, E S`-(Thumpson s Block Lot 8. V < . Charles Street, W S--Pt Lot 49. Elizabeth Street, (Boys Rlock) SS--Lot 25. ~ Sanford Street, E S-Parts Lots 21 and 22. 3 Bay- Shore--S of John and E of Ellen i streets, 2 blocks of land, about 7 ac. BABRll--I181` WARD. Blake Street 14,15, 16, With excellent solid 17, Collingwood St... brick Residence, 11, 7 and 8. Adjoining mains, furnace an.l Collegiate Institute other modern con`- g-ounds. vemences. Blake Street: N S- Lots 48 and 49. , A ` Blake Street, 8 8 -Lots 37 and 38. Codrington Street, S S-,Lots 23, 27, 28 and pt. 26 Amelia Street, IV and S S--Lots 6, 6, 7. Eugenia Street, S S-Lot 5. . _ Theresa Street. N _S--Lots4, 5, 6, 7. . INNIBIIL. Pt Lot 11 in 14th Con, This property in cludes Minet Point, and has on it a number of beautiful building sites. ` OBO. E Q Lot 20 in 10th Con. ` DU 11 L` Lllllo Pt E g, 12 in 10th, W s R, about 85 acres. VESPRA. Pl: W } 25 in 6th Con., about 90 acres. W Q 5 in 6th Con. IE 1 of 10 in 6th Con. LntVl0 in 12:11 Con.` Lot 18in llth Con. Park Lots 3. 4, 5_and 6 on E 22 in 6th Con., 21 acres . ,Park Lot 6 on 25 in 7th Con.. 5 acres. ....`_.._._ Slowly and with innite care he opened the door and entered the room. Four feet from him. as he stood :11: most breathless. with his hand still clasping the knob of the door. lay the sleeping form of awoman. A ood of moonlight from thewindow fell upon her and melted the pink of her cheek, the cream of her throat. the lace of "the nightdress and the white` sheet that wrapped her into one semlgolden hue. The undulation caused by her breath- ing made her look like a drooping lily swayed by the gentlest of breezes. 6411......` I . . _ _ . ..._I)) L`____..I.A l\_____|-___ We make a. psecialtvv of putting it ex actly where you want it, and driving in Just where youask, being careful not to break walks or cut the lawn more than absolutely necessary. So much for our service. Our coal is high-grade. screened coal ; as dustless as it is possible to get and full of heat-giving quality. Try It in preference to all others. j Ln gngngjj ALAnn-_ tn- -n_# LATEO1?` ono, I-In putchased the premises oecupned bv Chas. Mc- Guire, just east of me `VI:-.101-In Hotel, and has oened up businenin all kindsof Black-" nmithmg. orsenlioein `. etc All work will be done L pximiptly at h6~lowest re.` 3 Remember the place. Qwvmi-"I `How We Handle coal. EPPS 8 GOBOAI Near Market Square. \)Vrr'I- lV|cLa rty, Han-cuttin Vandcshavin H a%r%l9;r;_ :7 ~ 2,.` ar;.;e,'.;t ;;11.'__';;-' . PPs's`cocoA| ....-., V`. ...g --... Dwoavnvrav vo Great heavens! thought Donaghue. what a beauty! He could -bear here faintly mutter the name Paul-Paul at intervals. and he had a vague con- sciousness of a certain disrespect for Paul, whoever he might be. A man must be a brute to leave such a wom-. an alone at night, He lingered but 9. moment. though. Beauty was a thing of little value tovDonaghue. His own Maggie was hardly cursed with the fatal gift of beauty. and she was quite as jealous as other wives. He stepped softly and quickly to the dressing case at the other end of the room. He pick- ed up a perfumed lace handkerchief and threw it away impatiently. al_-. though in his more youthful days a lace handkerchief he wouldlhave con- sidered a prize of no mean value. Be- low It he found what he wanted and expected-a locket and chain. a jewel- ed watch. a heavy bracelet, a pin and what seemed to him a handful of rings. He held them all up in the moon~V iight and not`.ced how they sparkled In his trembling hand. and he smiled with delight. A . ' a ' I1- nun , ,1 , , 1 . . u . . --' Atm. 4.; 3..., -..-..... Bork Screw Knife Free! nmnnms ALI. xmns op AUOTION ` `SALES, - - FARMSTOGK 4 _.,, ""A nan-ting 3.043.- 4`. V Lot 12. s s 7;IV1-S t_|_'e;b: W Lots 41 and 42 in 8311 Con.. Nottawasuga. s E 5 of 24 ands W } of 25 in 8th Con. '14-ly Q o-kly GRATEFUL COM FORTING Distinguished everywhere for Dellcacy of Flavour, Su erlor uanty. and highl Nu ritive .r.l-pert.ies. Speci ly grateful . and comforting to the nervous and dyspentic Sold only in - lb. tine, labelled JAMEd EPP 85 00., . Ltd... Eemoeopathic Chemists. London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER , Amii "oboe. 95 liunzlop-83., Bau-rle. 45-ly To conqueat o'ernbeaetttng_ no.4 The aaddened soul dejecting: T _ - To prayer that doth full auI_wer-wln; To character pertectingg ' - ' ' To heaven itself. reached by no bound; b . But their: who. Itruggilng duly. Do mount life'a ladder. round by La ring: the poet truly. J. OULTVER W1:L17s R. 0. SMITH BO0K 00.. l\I\if ' selling :2 copies of our Book of 15.6 Popular Songs. words and music, at .10 cents each._ They sell at sight. No money required. Send name and ad- drees-we forward books prepaid. Sell them among your neighbors and re- turn us the money. $x.2o, and we will ex;r:; hie Pocket Knife. two blades and Cork Screw, best Sheicld Steel, or _Ladies' ne Pearl-Handled Knife, by _-- --__._-, , 7 `send kmfe postpaidg Mention ma. SIXTH vunb. STRATHY & ESTEN , Solicitors, &c. , Ba_rrie. tire: BOYS AND `GIRLS Can earn this Anmuss COLLIN GWOOD. SUNNIDAIJI. Il\nI, If? (`I 1'I .4'3. ' w. memnnr. Yet. e'eI-you Icon. The provetb in my light 'to;l'efed.-` I promise not to nu. M. _ The Iimple words yleldnot ~ ~" . 2 Earth : secret ct eucceueI._ . " H Who grape their deeper `thought dot! on ~ The key to all that bleueox--. b -OE`I'I:'LIA. On"! ,,i;,|o. H. LYON, 4 specmz Irqcmtzes Investors andBm-rower: ' TENANT-Why pay rent. whoa, on Z" thl ts. bec your own". {$3.32 "W? 53 a.. :'oa$'on.9,' a. ataqi'o`dt!iCi,g nteodof $1.10. $1.50, or $1.90 for $100.00-`IIo!Vi;, row V- ' W": 3 --Wh d all you . id id Loan Association will yield you in `about 8 J ~` . 5.; PRESENT of $100.00, or a. prot of s4..4punr your monthlv pavmcuts. `THE JNVESTOR--_VWhy not place _, $xoo.oownth the O. P. B. & L. Au'n, and. V0 doubted in :2 years. beside receiving during tho terval 6% per annum paid to you every six month! In other words, for your $xoo.oo you willreedvo a gagand a lump sum of $200. makinf I. _-._- .- yuwvu An investment Iafeyas government securities much more protable, realizing the investor an dqulvlo lent to :5 per cent. per annum. simple interest. ' ` For printed matter and further information all 95 Dunlop-St., Ross Block, Barrie Evenings at residence, 67 Ow.en'-St. Aye. more then world wine in he Who heed: this saying olden. ` His shall the "Well done!" plaudlt he. The crown end scepter golden. ._nnd Flnninkannln THE um Mum: AllcTl0|LlE,E} B.. G. R. roan lii ' W. `Ind lily intending Are. `ulna; own mtefostsby plabnng AP.-,*-.=.*'~ vm *- nitantfto. ECIBII ` Blahk Will Forms can be had at IrneAdvance10ffice Wi11'pay for Win postage to any part of Caga. Make Your Will. y - ' y 4 woobsfock, c.u.a.n:son to the SEC.TREAS.lBARRIE LOCAL BOARD. '1rtl_ CUT FLOWERS-Roses. Carnations, Violets. etc, fresh every day, Bouquets-Button- hole, Hand or Corsage. Funeral Token) is` an desi nu. _ tn:-r: man 12: n-c-...- b.:... .......I 'I`..A... --V-V - -- V- vv--- _- - ------ -`-.-- ,c'le-31'.-gs. * ' ` VEG TABEES--Cele Crisp and Tondot: Lettuce. Cabbage. grsnips, Betta.` SEEDS-Flower seeds, Vegetable seeds`, 13159:, and Bulbs. . ' ` l'La\Jl\l Telephone 1 5. W WM. TAYL01-fl SEED STORE Vvuvuvvuulv J IIIIVI IVVIIUQ, Ahnnda I illustrated kl . ' oh- cnlatlonqtzloltmgxy scientic '53-gl gggg I our: four months. 81. 80 d b newudealoru Inn!-n n- .--.. . lI-.--- u-_.t. . Tana: Mann" Demons copvmoms &c. Anyone sending a sketch and deacri on my quick] ascertain our opinion tree w other an invent. on to probably ixritenuble. CommunioI- - ttonn strlot eonn dent Handbook on Patent: sentfree. dent enoy for s m. Patents taken rouh Mann & reootvg . special name, M21311: c an-go. In the IIIIIHIIIVJII UL any UUIUIIIIII-IU UI-II Soid law llll & 80.3"!-v-v~ mam. ms Ir EL- Wnnhl `lh-umh mun! us uu. Branch 01300. as n s:.`.Jv?runm& "'s:..' 6.1 tulnwuw-A4-A n..-_-__-_._ __ nDlJD_'l` [OWE ' e FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. `Ann u - u up I\nnlnnv\_QI GO TO THE NEW V BILDIJGNIIIJV . 155 Dunlap-St., Bani!` Sept!!!` goxuun. v-Good aouaekeqpin; V81`)! lJCUU1lLllI..y}g LII4|. venue vvu-- -' --_- in the house to see `those glistening eyes save the servants, fast asleep two stories above. and the occupants of this one room. He had watched that house three preceding days `and nights, He knew that It was occupled by a. young man and his wife-yevldently newly married and beyond doubt rich. He knew that the servants were a. cook. two maids and a butler. and he had almost worked out in his mind just where the pretty wife placed her jewelry when she went, to bed In the` second oor room and just what means the husband took to secure his proba- bly well lled purse. 1111...... ....... L. in 4-14.` I-unl-d+ AP rv|n')`I'\lD '81] IIOWIGBIIOTQ v- New lurk shmcton. -515113: ff. if stop . there 1:6: as em:aiiit. xchanco tor ;enca'pfe. Eqras and careful. He. dropped gth Jewelynh; the'be`cL It would not `do to_ be:1i1'"ht" with them about hjm. he went- gng . -- tefl-7 ` desk.` Perhaps thereT`wIg.-utter 0 0 ' 0 ` 0 :0. `ii '97 o;;:_ ` The door 9queaked..thiuet1m,e,. and.;the ` 3 young wife started in her sleep. "awoke. 3:809 halt_ rose In her bed, ' ----up uuuvoo -v-cw -- --- --w- Donaghxje at the _same tIin_e_ the shule of feet In the room below. He paused and llstenedat the top of the stairs. ' ` V . Donaghue `tripped down the _ stall-s~ as softly as-`a cat.` He had been?ln`a" tight x before, and `he was never. clever-er than when he knew that he was in danger. .. ' * ` He knew there would be a hue and cry. '---r `yo-wv He expected to fall at least elghtor ten feet. He did not full two. He had jumped out on a porch. evidently. for he could see the railing In the` moon- light. There was one thlngto do--toJ nlde directly beneath the window In_ the shadow and wait. He` knew his` pursuer would be there In a moment. Still. there wa_s a chance. `Even though the man had heard the door squeak. he had not left the hack " But luck was against him. There was a fur rug at the foot. ofpthe stairs. The. door beneath was `polished. `He; sllppedand fell. and in spite of himself he uttered anexclamatlon thatwas pro- fane enough to be unmistakably mas- culine. He heard the man rush from the library. and how it all happened, he hardly. knew. but some way or other he managed to dash into the dark par- lor. to throw open the window and jump out. " YT- _____A-L-_1 A- n_II _L I___.A _I_.I_L -4 True enough. the man came to the window; but. to the innite surprise of Donaghue. `he made no outcry. 7 He heard the man utter -9. half articulate Heaven! has it come to this?" He heard him walk a few steps and strike a match. He saw the light of the'gas Jets from the window. and then he. knew that he was safe, and he `cursed himself for u ' fool for V leaving the jewels behind. ' -r1- I_____.1 _-__-_._u._ ..L__. n_ AI__ IJIJ vvuaa ussuu rllanwvu When one is in the habit of making social calls of the description that Don aghue was making. it is much. better tc nd husbands away from home. the servants and occupants of the house all asleep and the policeman on the beat quite out of hearing. .3- -L __-_ 1\-_--._|. --- ..|....-..I- 1...... "He heard 1 woman's step In the room. The man at the window turned. uuv ---- vyv - ---v v v-u -v`-u I-1-c'Jv;'-d'a.re you 100;:-nive In te face?" he cried. How_ dare you come to me after this ?" "' ""' """' 1 Calmly the woman raised herself to her feet and. looking at the. man. said in a forced whisper; - What do you mean?" ; . What do Ivmean? You know what I-mean." answered the man. "He has ` been here at last-perhaps not for tho ` first time. T But I have found it out. I have found you out. "'\_.._..I.___- I_-____I _ IOLAI- ,,.l4I, -I - -vu--- `lionaghueglie-ax:(`i1'i little stifled moan -the sill of the window. . and the crash of 9. body as it fell on the oor. He began to gather a crude idea of__ what it was all about. He had hand-. some experiences with Maggie- Hehacl ` been Jealous himself once. He raised ` himself a little higher and peered over vu-V ...--- v. --v vv u.-u-v -v The woman was not moaning now; but in a dead faint. and. with her face as white as the sheet that had covered her in the room above. she lay motion- less at the feet of the man who accused her. ifhe man stood ovr her with burning 1 cheeks and clinched hands. . H There was considerable human na-1 ture in Donaghue. even though he did make his living in a peculiar_ way.; This was a little more than he could through the window 0 I41 --I_ |.-_._no LA __g ,.,,u q ..' stand. He Jumped up and leaped back`? --- us -uvo-unav- You. such a being as you. my wife : lover! roared the man. ' _ " No! screamed Donagbue. making a desperate effort to free himself. ' Well. who are you ? _ said the man. Let me sit up and I'll tell you, an- swered Donaghue. - ' FIWL- ...__ ___I-___,jrn,o' .1`: n -.u. so was IDJIQIJO _::WelE; answered Donnghue. regain-p Ing some of `his "customary bravado. I wanted to add some of your jewelry to my-collection. Se? It-you don : believe me. you'll find It where l threw it away, up In your wife`: room." ' w`f`El;;t-11%;`-s';";:fsa;;<;-l5'<;'r1*u;i1.;1,e`_i gonchnl-. `antlly; going toward ..=thof{w!ndoyy. ' n'I'\-.-I-_-'_._'nL I.` `I _' ay." ;_'_-'2`: ` 5.. . Y `._ uvuu \1\4I\a\~ v-u V- D-osauaru .-B. The fact was Donaghne shrank from notoriety. He preferred a quiet en- trance by the window wholly unob- served if possible'and. departing.wleft not his card nor anything else that we. of value and at the same. time porta- ble. Indeed Donaghue was not the tall. handsome fellow that most heroes are. On the contrary. he was of medl- um height. spare. slouchy and had a general appearance that was anything but prepossessing. He was not a mem- ber of polite society. l1T'\_AJ _____ I! ___!.I '\_._-'._I-___ A._ I-!__- 8h- -.1! he: 315;-i?P;#redf5'! M % `.9 '9 7.1` --.-r-- v cosy . V: II$w 71 HIV _ GIVIIT 4 V-v'--- Dachau! `you.-nu-urn. n-nwnniawl And, the cur ran away from you`! He didn't even stay to tight me like a man! He's a coward. I knew It when we met hlm- ln Baden. He's a villain. I knew It when he followed us to Lon- don. He can take you now. I don't want you. And some day .he ll -run away from you. poor, beautiful. mls-' erable fool, just as he has run away` from me." Look here! he rshoutedyand then was suddenly silent. for a. pair of strong hands were clasped aboutvhis throat. and the heavy weight of the larger man had borne him toivthe oor in 9. moment. . ' V - -- .- `V.-`QaIO\Q\aI The man releasedthlnlgstill keeping him within arms reach In the corner of the room. Donaghue felt his throat tenderly. - . V Well?" said the man peremptorily. `Tm the man that was In the house." said Donaghue sullenly. ' ' ' n1n6 J- -u-.- ...-.--- '1 I"'|--- - - .._.-- --u--`gaunt-V wwlivsllgn ` What do you mean? Why wer you here?" asked the man. man turned and dropbed to his knees by the `side of the prostrate woman. He put his ear to her heart.` "and when he ralsedhls head again Donaghue saw that there were tear; in his eyes. T - ~` ' ' T unu.--`.I_ (1-; .n;. 1., - -` -~- --- `i-i)-4-)-n;g`i1 1-1..iml;r`<'>i1g.ht the `water in" 3` solid `silver pitcher that made him sigh V with a vain wish ihgt h`iia`d'~go1': away ; withit and the Jewela,a'boy0;. _ =` L- ...nI n.-* -n ...n'_d;'4"n_ - .. 9.. " vi ww- --t;ank God, she _'has only taInted._ said the man. . `.`Bringme s'ome'*wate1i from the library.': . . . . .. - ' ' l`\.'_.._I..'-`.` I_..--_._|_.. 'Al.4_ -' ,v,,_ . . --- -w uncut`. Iv VVIIIKIIUNT 1 ' She wi1I,b'e'$1Tr1ght` In:.;o.f motneiaw? saldthe man. Fahd you mayrgo. _ mm... ln.` n .A ....-1.: 'n...a.. ..n.-..-. .~___ .'..L-.'. .,.-.-a `V iv `as raw vI.nI:j.oUvvo -7i>".-naps It is 7 win; Lought %:o` thhnk yau. said th o; t:V:;aA1n.L `ftcrg `gftpr you A. have craved nunag~."" L Luau uuuuv --...__.g.__._ `, iear still closer to the brassy aperture in the door and listened even more in_- . tently. His small feyes glistened in the ' dark hallway like the eyes of a catj(he_ had been nicknamed The Cat for this very peculiarity). but there was no one _ A1... I......... 6.` ann fhncu allatnnlno ':'I),on =t mentloti _,'lt.`-"' .I.._- -_ I..'-'.I1_-..`._-..-_-_1 _- A 4 ` . When Roger` Hendricks suggested to 1 his only daughter that he might nd i it pleasant to acconipany mm .on a ; Journey across the continent. she eager- 1 ly agreed with him. When he added L that she would have to rough it for a i week or more she was delighted. A ,,A__ -4 --_._ ..-__ illslnn n~u{.ntnQ vouauu Iunav nnaonau-ug U0 .Yes," replied Roger. "the new .Midas. I want to look them over my- self. T_hey are the coming wonders of the mining "eld and I'm anxious to see Just what shape they are in. By the way." and -he looked at her narrowly, .an old friend of yours is our assist- ant superintendent` at the mines." A' friend of mine`? Who?" Robert Conklin. Robert! I knew he was going away. but had no idea where. It's certainly a strange environment for the prince of the german. Daddy. I want to tell you something. Robert asked me to be is wife just before he went away." [1313 l_- IY7-II A.I.-..- -..- :-.._- avnp-$ .--v-- ---- -wv-v--v Are there. daddy? I thought they were all monotonously alike. the same clean shaven faces. the same dress suits and white ties and `patent leathers and languid. drawls and inane small talk. Robert was a charming fellow-oi"the `conventional type-and he had beauti- ful white hands and a lovely complex- .ion.'but`he was too much like all the others _to please your fastidious child. What did you tell him. my girl?" When he popped? Oh. I told him bluntly` that he wasn't my ideal. and I y sent him away.. 1 Roger smiled. i } And he came to me." he said,_ and I sent him away still farther. But it will not embarrass you to meet him at the mines? .' _ ' U: u` l\~ usvvuv Us "1: 5:5 LI-IIFI 3:. Don't -say another word. -daddy." ` she cried. ``I m just dying to get away from all these commonplace luxuries! 1. want a change. I'm sick of -the effete east. I want to lose myself somewhere beyond the odor. of factory smoke and the. glare of electric lights._ u11--_In 1.- _I-.: 4.- _...I..-.u.). In:-`lm 9 A Donaghue knelt at the door and put tin. practiced ear at the keyhole; There was a faint sound of breathing; so L taint that Donaghue pressed his rough AL. I_.....__. nu-.4u-cannot: -v -- --w cu.-cu .vv-.-- v-- _... D15 he? Wellftir are 97.5:-se. young men than Robert." (I A`..- J.I.A..- .1-.I.`I_.0 I LI__--..I_A. AI.--. VVIFWII VI IIIVID an-Iv vvnnu `nun-up vv- T I must stop at our new Midas mines in Nevada. and there ll be a wagon ride of 35 miles from the railway and no telling what rude accommodations att- er we get there. ' IL`\-._ L _ . _ . ._-aI.-Q --A-A .;In(I:I1y 99 '-7y`. {i-`E `iJ.`gn`a&"t&'v;1'c.smee both, said Roger Hendricks a little grimly. when you nd yourself where there? isn't the slightest tint of smoke on the dismal horizon and where your electric light lsan evil smelling lamp or a sput- tering tallow candle. urn..--...4. ...... n |.......|.....a h......... '-cvmuvll `F5525 IICIIIVI V7 EIGIIIJCQO .7 Trut me. laughed Grace. ` You'll and my romantic views have a very practical background. And we are to visit the mines. are we? 4A;I_ - .. He did 33': ten ms spoiled darling that he was Robert's sworn ally or that he was plotting` at that very mo- ment to secure what he thought was. her happiness. rl1l...--,_--I.... I_1.-.. _ -4:- ..--L_.! _-_. --v- --`-`at---v-u-n Threerweeks later at `two seated wag- on drawn by a team of stout. though very `tired. horses mounted the last bill that intervened between the railway station and the Midas mines. In the wagon were Roger Hendricks and Grace and an extremely taclturn. though highly skilled. driver. who had . been sent over to meet them. v ----- -`-Not 11') /he' least. daddy. Why should" It?" 7'1 don't know. ' He laughed and turned away. 7". J]: .._L L-Ii I..I.. ..._-.II-.I .I-..I.l_._ wvv-- -v--w wvwu wv ----v-no . the dx-i_ver. _ As they mounted the (Ere;-`of the last long hill Roger Hendricks turned to Her old man." said Donaghue. for getting that lie was probably a. young. man. and I'm c_1_1ught. ' Caug_ht--`bur- glary-ten years at the least. _IA_ llj-kIll him. But I'll be caught ,vv_h;ethg>;t:V:_:_-:1! V- kill him or not, md , -sgl(Vnpbrgl,1,g_~ t.' ly--l - could [ha _ ,e,-_ .,z%q'tj_'_.-}avi_a.y enough` l':'1.ho,dn tVitop pd"to 1"` * ` her." V` . .. .4, I "';I: o;` `t`l`1`_em'l;!V.t.te1-. lt a Conklln-lt s Robert!" . And he leaned ov e_x-. and vlgqroualy qhook the; young ;man'sv hand.`-=6 Grace gave a little 83.89. jWas this rough _y`oujng ;A do'n!s.L bearded and tanid-.j.l W-Is Sn;-)er-intendenti Ingersoli well?" he asked. _ Dunno." said the driver. , Don't know!" echoed the capitalist ` Isn't he at the mines?" . ._ Nope. j He's across in Californy." What for? Health." "I didn't know he was ill. said the. capitalist. 4W.hat s his trouble?" ' llT. ._l.- 1.. __II_ 4, & ---r---c---- vv~-an-u nu cans: in v Knife in ribs. Couple 0 tellers from Skinner's Flat came over an` started a fuss. Superinten ant tried to stop `em an got jabbed. Bobsy run in an oored the tellers bin ! bang! an then he toted snperinten ant over theline to a doc- tor. an sent me to Carson City with the tellers." `f- ` ' - And the mines? ` - Mines is rnnnin all right. "Bobsy s runnin em;" Who is Bobsy ?" j _ Dunno his other name. That's hix_n co_1'nin;_ ' ` `V ' rd vacuum-n-3 IQBIOI no . It was the gtire of p. tall young man in 9. slouch hat. a coarseannel shirt. roughbreeches and long. clay `stained boots._ He.had.a plentiful crop of hair. 9. face-`extremely sunburned where it 'wa,'s_n t \1ered_by a._,bro'wnM<`:urTly heard; and his arms; exposed. by his rolled up shit-_t-sleeves, `were brown a_ nd;_ain e'wy. _. Ira 4...`.-I; `int- -n....a.;`.- n`..`-- 3.-.: -_. "':I .l.1.c;t'1wi'(.>'_t;(;I:t 'g';x_i'c,-kl} opepped `to thy MA '_?"`\; tn` amine` PIE! 'v---.-. He pointed with his whip at an a'p-tn proaching g{1re,_ ' `If ninn flan nnnh AC n on iunun- suntan ten`de.d his hand :9 her ta_the_r.;,`_ :-I -1.54% J \o$Q 7' \ul \- ill \I V7 II IDKWJ III V` J I H; took oi! hisihat to,Gra`c'e and ex- 'An'1\_ 4-1-, . :, -_IIo Iguana _u`v=-wavy __ 0would"l>jd_o j-iueteiil (at: am . Iittlohenrt is likeitu inn:- : . , ` I.'.'_`. 4. .I_ A_-_-I-_L 3&3.-`Ln -.5. -6.- mum or ENVIRONMENI "A'sam'n. w.p.p..ed 1".Lq.v`.cc:ki . and listened. Ho;gh ep,i`d ' II the " She Thought gar Guitar Was a . Iloro Dancing Ma.n-Anor- ` wad She changed He: "Incl, ~ < _.n-nnll DE! BY w akose. 1'1! f no: me or sent -ondi ' , .1`) . `tux _-. _.mg..n Greu" ilie` *;;_"1'i3?Vii`I*na_l..Isn.!!I'l.`Ll'!:,.:' Yness.` `Anil7virhat_nas;onished `- of `an was that ' he made no ,x'cuse` for y his decidedly unconventional garb. - F IITYAIJ ._ I! _..2-.I AL- -__ILnIIn& an -Qnno-vIauvIA\rIauJ_ v Q:/.IglV&Uo j-- -v u ' Hold ,_on."; cri_e the capitalist as. they walked toward the superintend-` cut : cttage. f`A .re' you Bobgy ?" urn|.-;9_ .4.-- 4.I.- 1~u.2.._..... .....I. ....II.`. VIII-_u uvtoujg. ` _ gav `gun _|.Iuv,;,o. .That's what the Chinese `cook jeans V me. laughed the "young man. and I ~ belleye the rest of the camp ha adopt- ed the*tltle. We all have our nick- names out here. yonknow. But `this In the superintendent's cottage. Miss Grace will take my, room. and you. sir, will take Mr. lug`;-rsoll s. The Chinese` eervants will serve your meals here." `CIA-`A -nlll -.-.- _._g 1.1.. ....')!l nnlonal v. .4`. -av`.-...-.4 - Dead easy, said Donaghue to him- self. A young married couple. a "I thought, and husband's away on the loose. She's calling his name in her sleep. But I needn t expect him until morning. and when he does come home he'll probably be drunk. _'1`l1at s what I call dead easy. j A ; -,1 4I,_ I_.__I_ ;Q 1.I_- _1-__ -_j -v_c ,1 --w-v v -u-- -anon vi. .JII\sa "And will: you not join vt1s.:"".-1-siged Grace in her sweetest manner. . --p-_-new --- Java on: awn.`--is alaunnnuavoo - . "1 `should. be pleased to. he answer- ed simply and turned away to talk A with her father. Robert came to supper and the only changes he` had made in his toilet were the removal of hi louch hat and the addition oi` a rough sack coat. But he was nowlse embarrassed. He certainly talked well. and Grace saw that her i father was greatly taken with him. I')AI...._L _.....4 -_-_... -.--.-- -vvv-- 3- ----a - u u ~ g v - - . u u u--u Robert went away early. knowing they were tired and presumably sleepy; As the sound of his footsteps died on the gravel walk the capitalist turned to his daughter. ___ _ In4;I_ guano-" _,. _u ,, i;~| nun Seems a little dlerent. doesn't` he? he asked. Di' e:-ent from what.~daddy? - Why. from the whole tiresome lot of conventional young men. V He does."`sald Grace lightly. There was a pause. ' Aren't you Just a littleyeorry now you regused him? chuckled the old F`;i`h!s isn't the man I refused, said Grace softly. ' 'I`I_- L-.. .I-__ -3 A.l._!_. _,A__. _____-_I The tendays of their stay passed rapidly. Thanks to the preparations .made by Robert for their coming the 1 roughness of. camp life was greatly? softened. He had worked like a Tro- .; Jan` to make them -comfortable. He had actually brought water in sluice pipes % from a spring in the mountain side and tted up a rude but very serviceable` bathtub in the cottage for the use of Grace. in fact. she heard of his en- ergy andindustry on every hand. And she noticed. too. that her father leaned upon him more and more. ' ___ ._l-_ A __L A, AAHI _ "'6c;'Ene`E.3k"B2r";.int to task .1 little for absorbing so much -of Rob- i ert s leisure time. The boys is full of business." said her father shortly. He's carrying a big load here. and there s noshifting It till lngersoll comes back. I've been doing what i can to lighten it a lit- tle. `(III-Il\'II Grace tried to say the cutting things that surged In her mind. But when ' she caught Robert's eye looking down i" upon her with "a tenderness of expres I sion that altogether belied the busi- nesslike form of his speech. she `gave a little gasp and lncontlnently w surren- dered, Ialau Ir\\ca so IJOll\I raunlb v-v rutoav _"But `you played to win. It was the old clothes `and the brnsque manner and, above `all. the environment "that served to clinch her affection. for I'm sure my little-girl has loved yonefor a long time. my boy." u-u- --_n_ r\-I._..4.9.. --_... - m--4;1;..-4-I_.` ' turnwed tl; knob or the door and opened it `the fraction of an inch. His" small eyes gllstened in the dark as he found that the door was not locked. and that in all probability it would not squeak. ` ,,,I_ _,.,1 , 1;` n-.1I_.I4_ ,-,,_ I ,