Is BARR|E'S GREAT. MONEY-SAVING STORE.'n of the stor aAreA odds and ends of goods mdrked at clearing out pri'ces. Don't - _Forget we are in ou r New Store opposite G.T.R. Station and Post` Oice. Pergonal N_wa._ The, remarkable sluecess of our Millinery Department is so pleasingfthar we `propose mat"-king down the balance of stock at fast selling prices. Hatswofth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, now to Christmas. . .9 . . . . . . . . .750, to 901`; _Hat worth $2.00 and$2.5o, now to` Christmas... ; ....... . . ....... ..s1 Hats worth $3.00 and $4.00,l`now . . . A. . .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50*` Clothing Dept. PREPAREDm FOR CH R I ST MAS 7.6-SO Dunlop Street.` Barr1e'I South-Western Division. with` its Pleasant Streets. its Tastv Dwell- ,._ .lL_. 1\..-LJ.- rhuqunkna and `Han (In. 0000004 '1 000000` ,t3'Kiudly remember beet we are going er RN S SHOE DEPARTMENT and our entire stock is oered at Wholesale Prices.` ' ' Special prices to clear. .C1ot_h and workmanship guaranteed. Style and nish unexcelled. All at REDUCED" PRICES. .~. . ;,ARE FULLY. . *IfE g`OCHA and KID [GLOVES we show are-the nest goods ever brought into . '1-rie. ;1LEGAN'1`thinge in UNDERWEAR, serviceable snomse and SLIPPERS, socxs 1 that sell at sight. {FOE effectlin new silk and satin SUSPENb_EHS, latest patents, very special and made to wear. ~ nmms. WHITIE AND -COLORED. THE S'1`LES- -THAT FIT AND ma. 5 COMFORTABLE. e ~e Men : chrletmae sllppers at cost Prices. - -_--... ...-_.~ -- \r`v\ . C\rI'\\lY1\V"I1 1 AVEjyoa seen our new season's MUFFLER or DRESS~PAD, colored silk and lined- Nicer than ordinary acnrf. A M BREVLAS at this store are theepicli of the new style: and wil) be found nicer than ever. . [0 BBY HATS, `CAPS, `COL'LARS`are here in great variety never before shown north -. of Toronto. A.D. Onl/y Exclusive `in Barrie. WDUIM Nbw is the time to subscribe for THE AD- VANCE. ' 3 -I , ,._ 2;, ___;:n.-1 Mantle Dept. HUNTER BROS., Millinery. FQQQQQQ QC! Christmas comes But once a year, And when it. comes It brings good cheer. The Christmas purchaser nds -littletrouble in selecting Beautiful: Acc6ptgble and very Seasonable . "l: .rga9nts in our store. 21. 1899. V 111` U1-`do Have you got. one of the many beautiful calendars in circulation ? `_ s I__.__ t...` COMPLETE OUTFITTERS. P OQOOOO 1899. U/ii fro do to Jllvtln uuvuv -uv -.-..- -.... W-.-` , Our Sunday schools have been` well at: tended for the last; two Sabbaths. n I`! II! A,____1 _____ Suq 3. hon day and don try qua hi It 1 den] `111 da the ti thve Dei D. kop Ber} cIclI`.|ElU Ill Vllvwluuvovnu v V Rev. W. R. McIntosh expects to leave fin` [Elam about the 5th January. . , _.. _II _A_ 1'85 0.111` `the; [la of ctifl Mrs. ;>fw(.'i6l_1ihgvood. was visiting her daughter, Mrs. `Wm. Hunt, lust: week. - ' ` -- - . -- us .1 p g 3" in "sauna Mr. Robert Hubbews many friends in this vicinity regret to learn of his severe illness. ` - - . m 1 | 1 nuuuuu. The Presbyterian. Suudav school entertaini- meut ' on Christmas night. Tpromiaes to be a great treat. A s 1- a an. 1u_-_...-l.. ..L......I.. ...3 I...-JA- ll fgliilllr Us Univ: The ladies of St. George's church will hold their bazaar Thursday (to-day), day and night, in the Orange Hall. .1 . II , , __ l'1L__!_.;......- 2-11.` nak A` nnnnn unsuv, an uuv v.--.-_ ....--. , A Merry Christmas is the wish of your? correspondent to the readers of THE AD- VANCE in the 6th ward and vicinity. E `H ____A__g_j` The Rev. Mr. Smith, of Easrnoccupied the pulplt of the Presbyterian church on Sunday-and preached two practical sermons which were much appreciated by the con- gregations. .,._n. l1'-.'.L .._!_ Q Q (`L-uiubunna O :-no nni-or. uuuxn uou. nu-.v........, -- . A short `time ago -the Rev. D. D. McLeod offered 9. prize to every scholar in the Pree- byterian Sundav school who would readthe book of Nehemiah through in two weeks. Last Sunday afternoon prizes were'preaent- ed to the following four ech`olare:-Lottie Webb, Hugh Scott, M. Archer and--- Archer. Who will be the next person to offer prizes ? . -.u `I ___ I3 lITI...... Al 'Q,,.,.,| nnna ' Adults. 15c ; Soho s S.S. Christmastree enter- I tainment in t , id` Methodist church on Thursday Dec. th. l899.- Admission of the S. S., Free ; other SLS. Scholars, 1 '1-an RAILWAY cmnmz ' on` THE FUTURE CITY. ' VI-IDA Art Iuvli n Rev. Joe. E. Wilson, of Bond l-lead, preached in the Methodist church-on Sun- day morning. A In the afternoon and even- ing he preached anniversary sermons in Holly, Rev. Mr. Young taking Mr. Wil-I son's ple._ce`at Bond Head. In the evening the Rev. Mr Thornley, of Barrie. occupied the pulpit and diecoureed to 3 very large congregation. _,,l._ `Ii- ._!_I. I nL-:-snc`nn 1'8... an Iaulllvsvlwlon St. George's Parish-Christmas Day. Dec. 25. `Service will be held, D.V., in this church at 10 o clock at which service the Holy Communion will be administered, and suitable Christmas music rendered.- At this Holy Communion service anew communion set will be used ,for the first .time. This ncommuniou set is the gift of the Rev. T. 9. Little, England, through his ` neice, Miss C. C. Little, to St George s church. This communion set will be pre- sented to the congregation on Xmas Dav, 1899. 7 At the last regular meetin of `Kempen feldt Lodge No.l53, Sons of ngland, the 6..ll..m:nn l\mfIQFQ um:-A Alnnt-A for ' the an. Illlh uuugc nu. Lu-I, uuuu vs auunua-nu, uuv following oicere were elected for the en- suing term :-P. Preaident. Chas. Tickell ; President, W. Kelcey`; Vice Preaident.'.W. Shepherd ; Secretary, W. Church ; Treasur- `er, w. B. Webb;Chap1ain, R. Moore gm" Committeeman, Joe. -Bebbb ; 2nd. Com . W. Baylies`; 3rd Com , J. Anderton ; 4th Com., T. Hamlin; Inside Guard, 0. Walton,;._Oub- eide_Guard, G Love; Trustees; W.'Baylisa, Joe. Babb and J. Anderton; Auditors, H. '1`. Arnall. Joe.` Bebb and E. A. Little; Physician. Dr. H; T. Arnail: : A. u_- ._.-_..I.I.. '.....`...a.:_... .1 1_'l$'T_~ h1'..v'- Lnlyvaavuvunag --. --. -. ..----....-- At the monthly meeting of L 0 L. No. 432, held on Thursday ni ht, 14th ~lnst.. the followingmicers were e eoted for 1900 :-T W.M.. Clarence Srialdy ;. D.M,, Joseph Ferguson; Chaplin, . James McPherson; Secretory, Bert. Srigley `; Treasurer. Charles Psllin ; Fin. Sec . Geo. Leslie ; D. of Q, -David levins; Lecturer, Thomas Cempbell; Tyler,` James Ferguson: Commlttesmen, ~James`.Cumpbell. J. S. Brunton, Wm. ' Wslldrn, M. Brown and _Arthnr_ _Llttle- After the ,e_lec_tlon, of Ao0_I'_l.gBro. .Ghsrles_I Pulling inst lledv the [newly elected oiosrs ' I L "Ala- Q14`;-L` `-'.bn"`d$`Aunr 1.. AA. ate goifxg to rndve td thgir New "Store at _FIVE POINTS `on? JANUARY 181`, and are giving ' ` - of: all New `and Second-.lw.nd_ COAL HEATING STOVES and RANGES, such as Pallin installed the newly oleersl into o co At the close of the vinatelletion tables were let in the hall and an excellent 1-epast was served by Bro. J. S._ `Brenton. Most of thejmemberg any it we! 2. ml to any `supper ever furnished in, the range Hall. After the inner man we: satised an excellent programme of eonge, epeechenj _et..,' was provided. - Mr. Charles Pulling` the egpointed. end after} few of his wlttyh 7 I ahe ee.lled;`o`n the"._ following", " outle- A.`..:...a-...... ."-al '_`I in'vnnn `llnnhrnnn " eIi3:5v;Iueeohee ` 1il.I..~.,A. :"I_f.lttl'o`.i: _ '.P.1 V.V,' `uI_ _ l'lllIll'Ul.I Bl-Ill UBIIIUD van; uvtovu. $3 .i:fv'm're ran and by `Chm. Tickell, G. A;(}.. --' with a.nd7 Mr. Ridley ; `tho! lattgr in It `:.0`*i.0 jnggt -of Agpqgc ability; _. %Mr:1'_,J . . tDf.f :~ u..a;`.;...'.-...; mu. m u-nunn. ' Fh1|~bi1liMnn..n'n1nn HIGH` 101' _I[Il.'UUlIUI 3' I'd ` -1 A:v`I`t1WA,`rm:tron and James McPherson. c'...a.....'.:'.m`.m..... .' gum;-I InuT`.Iin`n 'I"inEnII,. Hi. IQIVUIU. I5 0` I _UUuU.1UsGI Vluyaliffill `_9,lJIIIIl O cyan. us ca- :Pau`tuon gwe in rudi .- Harmonica solos` veto slvew bv:MxtIr-,- ; .ti.l.9y 0951. Arthur ' g..:.,;;ft,<,_3o1,`_ssyva*;z);r=; 9Qn?'b;qughc the tggmu ;'on6i`9.f the `1 ` ` Am! 41.016" bmhb. Neact to 4Bar{m3_a Hotel and me Points. Radiant Hongeml -I . . V Th'0GrIn<.1 Trunk` jRi1"Vi`i3"` ~.1'hinsb`L'.f0r4. the first svee k1ih'f?I)eeemb6`g-;...this_ yesnwere $548,381,`;-.& showing an increase; of $94;085 over the otresponding period last -year. __._ __`_ -_.-..|.I..'...`..I Uvl ,AI`Il.V'TYI.IVSrII.yIQ_.-on try`: aw ! ----,,. `gr- ` Laas *137;:au`y iviiing = "fa aoucuia freight `_.traiu~. #13:; {:1-ou`n.(_ling the ._cm've o.t~._ brick-=kiln.:poi`_m_.~;V :-;unrly~..1`wb~ m-ila.-.ea'it of Ban-rie sta;tion.__ .,an .ax.le:1it' ~n_iid-grain broke? and Idto p'ne.d'to"fu c`ul.`v,e:t .;aerv`in'g 33,3 brake, which `c_m gse'd fourteen o$rl_69'.da ot luniber to pi_l'e': _1:p- in _vpromis `fashion in a very short. time.` The cars were `badly 'amahe`d- dud mtih ot"theV titn`ber "broken. Fortune.-nly the b.r'ak'emen "had" {rot come out on the train, and no pepsoxgyyap injured; Conductor. Anderson - was - in` ]6_harge,_ the `two enginesfheing -in charge` ofvengineera Curtis and Glaaaford. The a`u'_x'ilih.ry and a._ gang of mn were `at onc_edesp_atched to` the wreck, and by -6.3001: So`.turday.m_orning- the track -was clear. ' . Wm m rnujn m1: mu.V i LETTERS Annnmssmn `iro mm mbrron `_ _ % _ 'rms- WEEK. ` ` The Admieeien or Correspondence Does - Not Necessarily Imply that we Hold ' the Opinion of theWr1ter.' - Open Letter. . T :5 L`, `I nnn W :;.Ee7B;;'13sh, 1399, J amen Ward, Esq., Trustee &c.% ` Dearv Sir,--In answer to your open letter of Nov. 18th (which "I received only yesterday) I may say it was un- necessary for` you to protest. that you "hold no animuaitytowarda me. person- al or otherwise, it being a matter of `no moment, and immaterial. ` g 0 I _;1_. -.A - ...--......L.. -2 LL- _.-... uv ---v-uv--s v--- ------.--2---u . In justice to a majority of the mem- bers of the School Board I deem it a duty to correota coupleof Vyour mie statements, otherwise I would not re- ply. As I have never aakeda mem- berof the Board to support or oppose any resolution you ever introduced, your statement that `.`I have led a concrete maioritv in opposition to every. propos- 1 - -..A.u.p\-uh nu-uanuuntn-can `-Ann Illtllillnvy ox v::rwu-v-v- vv vvv-J `y-wry- al of any moment `emanating from yourself lacks a very essential element, viz , `truth ; moreover you atter your- self unnecessarily in concluding I would devote any time to that purpose. If you have not been successful in having your proposals adopted by the"Board, you `may rest assured the majority honestly `held the opinion, that no pro- posal of any moment had emanated -from you. As an instance of this I may remind you of your last motion submitted to e the Board wherein you proposed, and blindly endeavored to in- duce them to commit an illegal act by `passing a resolution without your giv- ing the proper notice, reducing the membership of the Board. `ITL..- ._....- 4...... (`than `ALA nu-aannnraln IIJUII-I Uvlllltl Us Univ lava-nvu What you term the late unseemly state of affairs at the Board was only ` a continuation of your tactics since you became a member, and closely re- sembles those adopted by .you as a member of former Boards. You were doubtless merely carrying out your openly expressed threat that you were after Montgomery, and would make it hot for him, apparently you are now_ neither proud -01, nor satised with your efforts. ' ,, _J A`__l. _-;___ _-L2-.... -5 , URI VI-IUD U910 I am informed that your actions at the. Board are parallelled with your" course in every church, society, and in fact everything with which you have hitherto been identied. If the major-. jityot the electors you represent, con - sider the best interests of the schools will be served by returning you again to- continue your tactics I certainly won't try to deprive them of their choice in selecting one who as the recipient of the sum, of $150 `a year from ; the present ring that runs the town, feels it to be his duty to sacrice the interests of the Public school rete-. payers in order to hide" the errors `of - his employers. _ . - ` ' s - 17.... :.__.:4...4:... ;. ......s....s 'V':-e....:.. Your invitation to content Victoria word` with you is about as sensible as the majority of your propoeitione.= It will, however serve to give you a little free advertising. Moreover your chal- lengeis un-British, for it is mae at 3 VIII FIUJ `II No `time when your confrere, Trustee Reed, has already thrown out 3 similar chal- lenge for me to eccefit in Ward No. 2." Yours &o., . _F. M. Monfreonumr. 1 H. H. anon x sum EVERYONE VALUES OUR It_1. Men s __a;i_1d~ `Boy ,Ljust; HATS; Shall We Have a Free L1b__rery? T A Dear Sit,-The following letter was our Furs wegr well. > Seven Years L ; Guaramee on Fur coats. New .l%-'-'aII`|'|u1x$ [John-2-Galbraith! Roller ; %F|ojunng MIIIS, ALLANDALI-:. H A` .1 GISIIIUI L I '1"! D- ti-_ *`_;a9%e.A.`*E%N. reoeivcid by me from the President of the Collingwoodv Free Library since your last issue, and as it to some extent" bears on the questionsrsiasd by your correspondent, Scrutator," I would ask you to print it. `T-.. .. 5-..! .. . ' ` Domum Boss. Donald Ross, Esq., President Public Library, Barrie, Ont. , Dear Sir,--In reply to yours of the llth,VI have to` say that the change of Our Mechanics Institute to a Free Pub- lic Library has been very `satisfactory to us. The interest in it has greatly increased and it has been productive of more lasting good to those for whose is intended, particularly the yonnigcmen. ' ~ ` Il"L'...- L-` L-gag A n-g-n-`nu: :n-gangsta; :1 J IIIAIJ` Illitl-IO , There has been a marked increase in the number of pers'ode'nnd families- using the library and reading room, such increase being from about 250 to nearly 1,000. 'I`I.- --..-.....4uu J .n.--5:-no $1.1; :-u1uL=|-1- Happy Tho:ughts, . souvenirs IQVI-All Q VVVl The expenses of running the institu- Lion, of course, have also. increased, gnrtly. from the increased number of- reeders, but `mostly from the fact that now the library is open every evening end else on Saturday afternoons, while formerly it was only open three times a week, necessitating an increased supply of fuel end slight` end inoreesed shlsrg` to=_t_;_l_|e' Lib_rsri sn.:_. e , LCIYEI ITKT ' -W `damage done to che books, or rather the wear, has also naturally in- creased one account of `the very much larger numbers of readers , and wehave -now to'rebind~ tn_orefreqneot1y and in rlnrger qunn'titiee,= ;,but the largerequae tity enabler up to, get. very much reduced rates ;in-tbebinding.- ' '- ` (BL- .`lL..;`_-._. '_....I `..-'..I2._'.. __. .... -..4 Qvuvvu '01` vol`: IIIIlv|u-av The library and reading}-oom. are free to all `residents of the town. We have. a tow` subscribers living optside .~1__:he toyrh, `and. Eve ohatge_thgm $2`per ;_y.9ar~.or~ 81- pe'rvhglf year. ' " J""` V` V` V` `"9" J"""' ' We? hav; about 5000 % volumes and `our yoarlyqf `us last wear was about 1-6000. `U ` 91? the` old ayqjtemv the fairly iibnaa. hot over 20.00.` . ' vepyscuuy, _ -- - -II"I'I" , % V r.` .';Rglnpnoi... `% L`; Scientific Optician, MacI.Ane:N-s onus. STORE. ` BARBIE. "Yours truly, 1"\-_- _ . Anvmcn. l_I_ an qiron '. ALLANDALE Wm NUMBER 311. PREPARING run xmns ...AT.... lawrence s Fair.... Grand Display of Llieauiiful Goods lawrence s Fair' P.S.-You have the privilege of making your Selections while the stock Incomplete. and by payingavdepoeit we will lay aside the goods for you till Xmas. _ We sell for cash only. Do not ask eredie. Judge. Mac'vvatt left: fo r. on Mon- i day to a/aguuie his new duties. V. . _ III fill` '43 '75:.-"31; kn: nnnnnnt` W DU Diuulv nu: uvvv yuguav . Mr. R. Hill, of Utopia, h:s`boan engaiged in teacher at Quthriab at salary` 9! $376 for the coming year. , V g -- ` m-___..'.. _-`.___1*._1 n_-.n.._-..-1 vuw Vvluunn-H , - , Mr. Georgewfeggart` attended the funeral of his sister Mrs. 1,:A..Walton, Elmvale, on $uVndya.AyLDeLc. _10th'. . . * _ A en '| ;2.|_.__ . .._.... ...lsL -....`.Il....... Dlllll-I_w llvvn -v ww- Mn; A. W.Lnidmau uaimwich excellent eect Dream of Patti! " In Collier streets L_tle`thodm;Vchu1jeh_on Sun avnighu. - .` _ II-.. T `I'D 11>`,-___-.11 HJVVIJUI-nuwv vuu -w- v- -V--.- The many-'_ieda fofilg. `Hue :-roll, .Countv Councillor; of Mid_lahd, win he p`lo:ued't'olea1rn that he` in rccbverlngf from ~nip:aa_nti1lgnp|; A H. H, llltun &8on,` 3 o .4 i QJQQLQ Q.% mmmmmlm : I e3QQL`ZQQ9J2QLQ4f| Near Eve` Paints, Barrie. ' With e.1e`(.Iisplay of in the seyerel departments` of their Double Store-Christmas Goeds for the- Lad'iees,eChristmas Goods for men; intour large and well lled Men s Department, Christmas Goods for the Girls and Boys all` oirep the store. The Millinery, Department abounds with the latest Christmas ideas. FRAME Y Notwithstanding the -immense size of our store we still nd it too small . to`accommodate' the great crowds during the Xmas trade, as in other years many of our customers were obliged to go elsewhere and pay much more for their goods and not one quarter the assortment to choose from. Consequently we are displaying our goods -ea-rlier this i year,_ giving everybody the oppor- tunity of making their selections before the great rush, and` you have the COMPLETE sroox tp choose from. This is a wholelstore in itself, containing` everything in ,men s and Boys: wear-ables. Our regular prices are lower than thelowest. Don t'be`extravags.nt and p.aylo1iger prices than: are asked here. Bring along the boys and have them tted with one of our Boys Suits or Overcoats. - Boys Suits at $1.00 and upwards. _ _ Men s Suits, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and upwards. , ` `Boys? Uvercoats at $2.00 and upwards.` Men s Ulsteijs, $4.00, $5.00'and upwards. ` Men s Overcoats, $5.00, $6.00, $7 .50 and $10.00, big values. V It. 15 not necessary: tor he to take up space in `try ing to explain to the the readers of THE ADVANCE about of all kiuds suitable for Xmas Presents and Santa Claus Supplies, and the money. you saved by buy- ing at La.wrence s Fair in former years has, without a. doubt, fully` convinced you of the fact that FRAWLEY & EVLIN, IE5 FIUEHDIJU BULUUIIDQ avw any-any -' vv ings, its Pretty Churches. and its a-head People W111 Enttce Settlement --VA Weeklv Record of its Doings. People are anxiously waiting for Mr. D. Cameron was in Montreal last week. i ' T ,,,1._-_.2I_- 1-- lrlhn-. An