Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Dec 1899, p. 3

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d All, kinds ` of Blank Books ruled to any patern and bound at reasonable rates. `Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than city _ prices. , ' Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. PERFECT WHEEL `cxo. BARRIE UNDERTAKER I-:.'D DY S BOOK '. &%HENDERs0N9 s. ROBT. CRISTOE, and reeeive $3 in Cash. Mr. .- Hobley has been appointed cashier in place of Geo. Monkman fox; next year. `This offer continues for but 30 Days. Ther ON . All applications considered according to it ' LOCAL AGENT WANTED with whom money-ma_k1 will be made. No CAPITAL REQUIRED. Address Ladies J ackets,j German, . black, brown. fawn, navy, Prices from $2.50 to 326.00. T cardinal a. %Ca.s11 Coupons Made ih twelve shapes, on lasts modelled from atixal feet. all widths and sizes, leathers, styles and colors. Every pair Goodyear welted, name and price stangped on the sole. 9 - IPE':2RE'2E}C>'" -SJXAIZITIEI, WHEEL, 9. limited number wiwlaced on the market at THOS. HOBLEY S Gaboenv STORE. AN EASY PROPOSITION Ll-'orSal by all First-Glass Dealers. BARRIE AND STROUD. Ca}`)'(';8,(wI`8.1')`8`,VV:(3vlVV'et and fugd, m great varxety. D rnl`lV C-A Iuvnnlo .':`t\- -n`n:`n (`in-L.._.-.._ lo;I Agent. $3550-AND $5.00. '13 iptmdulne HIGHEST GRADE of No. 5 DUNLUP ST.. TOP FLOUR. Windsor 9'- HOCKEY STICKS `SHIN PADS HORSE BLANKETS HORSE CLIPPERS CATTLE` CHAINS SNOW SHOVELS ERS MINCERS STUFFERS are the most RELIABLE 611 the market. PROPRIETOR. When it is lled present at BINDERY Ladies Fur Coats, Caperines, Storm Collars,` Boas, Gauntlets, Etc. ' , 5. :ill7Not Occur Again. .,.AT .... .. that you have your own time to ll your Hons:,Hous, scnua AND STOVE REMEMBER Beauty and style without comfort is easily obtainable, comfort with- 'out appearance is equally simple. vv__4 ,-__ -____ _-- _--1__ __:__ - "' '-1""-'_w-'- '- `V-l"_J _'-'L"" You never saw an ugly air of Slater Shoes, yet. many 0 them gave: comfortably most unlovely eet. The cbmbixmtion of these two- comfort and beauty-are only to be had in the Slater Shoe. Coupon Book with Good covriugs, s lish handles. for` Ladies or Gentlemen, 81. 5, $225. $2.76. $3 50,V 4.00 7 um -_-UI`21`$ *'I" H A NDLES 5'1` Crown vg.-V George Gray._--Horse stealing; no bill. ' V ' 1`! l'\n`I'T____ A _____|` Blouse lengths in handsome ed Sllksab 50c . 75c and $1 _. Extra. value in hlain -black Sil lllomtles. C Colored Serges, Heb as, A. 0aahu'1rs,"" Ladies Cloth, Fancy Sc~ tc Tweeds,` Home. ; spuns, Poplins, Soliels, -' ` ` A..-_ The chief Store. u~uu----- .__ Crown vs. George O I-Iam.--Assault ing Nightwatchman Beat, of Calling- wood; ho bill. V ' Crow ` vs. Edwin A. L'.\ohspelle.- Theft about $3 worth of lumber from Georg`e\Grir s` mill yard in Tiny ; true bill. This case was tried on Fri- day before 9. pebitp jury, the verdict being I V ` ` ' -- AL- I`-.--J Tani! I-IUII-I6 On Friday morning the Grand Jury. made the tollowing presentment to Judge Ardagh :- ' GRAND JU_nY s rnnsmnrunxr. _ To His Honor John A. Ardagh, Senior Judge Co. Simcce : V ` , - The Grand Jury of General Sessions of the Peace of December, l'899,,beg` to congratulate your honor and the public upon thelight calendar subunit- ted tcthem for consideration, showing the absence of V crime of a serious nature in this large and prosperous county over which you have the -honor to. pre- side. ' moval to asylum. . We regret -aluug Your Grand Jury have inapeeted the County Gaol and have much, pleasure- in stating that we foundthe nine in good order and the discipline and men-' agement all that could be desired. We nd only ve priaonere at present 000}; ned therein, _two of those. belong 90.. the District of Parry Sound, sent helfo for safe keeping while awaiting that District ; the othera,.t woIof serving sentence and one out trial and-hope,` County, this` am: _ Occur again, ' ' 7" `II I ands;-e_o't_V' --.,.... waugu. ' V4 . .; ,_ .-.\-`V We also regret to} ~. 1`.`.f`: measures passed at the i5_!P of the County -:Oo'uncil.~.WW Gaoler s_ reaidendig .' mysterious _ % Well made, latest stvlb, from 50. to 86 00. Silk Umbrellas, llantord. Roche &' b\, Dress F*gw3s. County Court. Blouss. Silks. The best value in Canada. A complete" rtment of Ties, Collars, Cuffs. Braces, Silk Muiers, Silk Handkerch 3, Linen Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Kid Gloves and Mitts, White Shi A Hats and Caps, `Suits, Overcoats, Paws, I-lea Uluters, Waterproqf Coats. Etc.', Etc. ' v ' Cn` Buttons, Socks, - as-ALL BEING sow OUT AT cos"r.% ..AND. .. . ..A'l`.,. Ladies Hem-st'itc`hedand Embroidered. 10c, 12 c , l5c.. 20c . 250. ` ox of half doz. Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs A'50c. and 76c. T Christmas Gifts in Babiez Bonnets, Chil- dren's Hats and Tums, Ladies readyato-wear Hats, Etc. . Smallwaxres. ,; Belts, Belt Buckles; Cuff Links". Fancy Combs, Garters. Pins, Collars, Cuffs, Ladies Chains. Beauty Pins , Etc. KW ;G".""f`s A 1 E A large assortinent ofthe ;st_makes and 1 colors at $50c., 75c., $1.00 and $1.25..- Imp_o i'liivgihT6lss( i er?uines and Soaps. by makers, selling at cost prices. V tion of` the front building could be made all that would be desired. It is a source of pleasure` to your Grand Jurors to be able to congratulate the recent appointment to -the Bench of Daniel Fraser Macwatt as Senior J udae of the County of Lnmbton, which we consider a compliment to our County, from `which many eminent members of `the \. profession have graduated. C19 We have gone carefully over" thelist of the County Oohatablea and find that many of them have moved away and others, through advanced years. are in- capable of performing their duties if called upon. We are pleased to notice the safe ar- rival of the_ Canadian Contingent in Africa. and trust that they. will acquit themselves with credit to our country and return safe and be accorded the welcome they `deserve. uuu UV suv vlvunv vb vs-o wv We have also to thank the several oioials of the Court for their kindness and assistance to -your Jurors in the performance of their duties. ` Signed on behalf of the Grand Jury, R. A. Dot-Jonas, ' ' ` _ a Foreman. 7 Barrie, I-5th day of December, 1899. ` Hie Honor in replying said that the man referred to who had been in gaol. for six months was` co-"defendant in a criminal case, whiohhad to some be- fore the Grand Jury. `The defendant who `had been in gaol was Geo. Gray, . who had been sent up for trial for horse` `stealing; the other defandls being J. 7R_:ry_ , who lied-; escaped before arrest- -s ' mu-.- .L-.I >..-..`........1'm. .mi.... W conclusvion we Beg to thank your Honor for the clear and concise address -laid down tor our guidance. and recom- mend -that some mode of Government Inspection of Produce be adopted so as to prevent further complaints as re- ferred to by you, and at the same time | the crednt of our country. ,.. L, LI_-__I_ LL- _-._-..-` [ 31 without com. R.'.Dt?_ury_ sued Sjswtyet-,_ fol.-merlyl 'c.>fL Midhurht, for 0125. which was per cent. ;commias'io"n on gfarm that sold `for 85000. Sawyer aa dT that he did ;not5ltitvliot iDrury. to a_el_l the~ mm; ti.ttJadzmea19r9=srved- : 4 V c ,: r '1 . as Wu Cu VDUBPVII vv up ed. Gray. had expressed Ilia! to `be tried by J udge.Ardsgh at his Interim Court, but the law said that both men had to be txfied _tho ssm.e_ way. .V - _ V ` 1n the Oz-own"o case against _William Carter for rempving goods to defraud his landlord, Cuxppbell, out of $160 renc, the jury returned vnv verdict of `guilty with in strong reo6;nmendntion_ tn mercy. I-Ii: ~~'Hon_or. ned Garter 8l:sijzithonteonnto. ~ e ~ ` ~ at -...... :;......1 sh.-uni- ..ef&:-nierlv of V Table Na;l:'i1;e:'o:ll `$7.50 per lozen. T Linen Damask Table Cloths 65. to $4.50 . `h. . I xtra value in Table Linen, 25c. to $1.25 .4 tvn In` I/tnen Handkerchiefs. II I on Towels 80. to 45. each. - Hia, Tray Cloths, Pillow Shams," Drapes,` win n. I. rrasers 0|J`~\$tand.] ffumes and Soaps. Ish ` V Irvwv-v v -v o wit 4-) Mal/tnery.' Men s and Boys Wea After Adevctiohal exercises the-busi-' ness of the doclret was proceeded with. Elders `comniissionswere received from several congregations. The report of f the commission regarding Edenvale and Sunnidale was received - and ` adopted. It- was as follows :- (1) That Rev. Mr. Paton be instructed to continue, as at present, services on" alternate Sunday at Edenvale and Minesing. (2) That the people of Edenvale who are now erecting a new Presbyterian church he urged to carry on the work as speedily as possible. (3) That the congregation. of Minesing be empowered to sell their old church and devote the proceeds to- wards the new church being erected at Edenvaleh for the united congregations ot Minesing and Edenvale. V T iii; '.;.;.;a:..;r;.;.;";.; T 171;; Rev. Mr. Smith, of B._redford,v received et lent 'Preebytery,_ we proceeded `with, end Mr. Feril, representing elder efe Bred- ford, was heard "recording the deep regret oi the change at Mr. Smith's resignation, `hot as Mr. Smith was unwilling to reconeider his decision, it won agreed to grant hieiequest, to take `effect on the last Ssbbsth of this yesr. The Rev. J. T. 11.11 was nppointed Moderator,` and n Committee consisting of Dr. Gray, of Orillin, end Revs. Mc- Leod snd Moodie, of Barrie, was sp- pointed "to prepare a suitable minute expressing the feelings of the Presby- tery `towards Mr. Smith and his work The call to the Rev. W. R. Moln- tosh, of Allandale, from Knox church. Elora, was then dealt 'with.` It was signed by 201 members and 53 adher- ents, promising 1a stipend of $1000, free manse and land and 4 weeks holi- days- The Rev. M. Glasstord, of Guelph, Rev. Mr. MoVioar, of Fergus, and Messrs. Carter and Cameron of Knox church session, were heard in support of the call. Messrs. Cameron and MoLennan, of Allandale, urged strong reasons against the 'Presbytery s sustaining it. Mr. McIntosh left him- self in the hands of the Presbytery, which, after due deliberation sustained the call and granted the translation. off Barrie Presbytery -- _._...v - -v--J --- ,,- i1eld_in h$I7:eabyee:i.:i church gm Tueadsv` 9f hit week, the Moderator, Rev; J. Rolli na,vB.A.,. of Elmvale, in A call to Rev. R. Pogne, of Stayner, from Hespeler -was laid on the table, signed by 128 members and 44 adher- ents promising 81,000 "a year, free manse and four weeks holidays. The Rev. Mr. Glasstord, representing the Guelph Presbytery, the Rev. Mr. John- ston, representing Hespeler session, and two representing the congregation were heard in support of the call. __ Repre- sentations from Stayner congregations were heard against granting the trans- lation, and `after full discussion, the call, being placed in Mr. Pogue s hand, was accepted, the resignation to take eect on the last Sabbath of the year.` mv. w. ennonmn, of; Lllamlalo, A wing tullura; Luck of space prevented uuqgivinge 3 report in `lent week : issue of in im- portant meeting" of Barrie Presbytery,- -`J 2_ A`, , TI Crown vs. Michael J. Ray.+Hotae stealing; true bill. _Ray is at large, however, and is believed to be in the United States.` I -- - _. wu- the chair. w--- v-__ ..._.. ....__-.__ 7. The Presbytery expressed spprovsl of the action of `Toronto Presbytery regarding the payment of all commis- sioners to the Synod whose " expenses amount to over'83.56. L Rev. Fiqdlav and Moodie presented the Home Mission report: showing the following` appointments : -4-- Bayeville &c., `Rev. J. Davidson ; Bale 850., Mr. J. Miller; Port" Sydney to., Mr. W. Rona; Washego a:;., Mr. W. W. Mor- v;`ia.; (Xmas vaoution,) Muskoke Falls 650.`, W._ B. Halton ;_Ki|wo|-thy, Mr. Jamieeon. _ ` ` L -1--u -n v'Ye'.;;;'ageea`thae the R. J. David-_ idson be inducted an ordained. emission- ery, into Beysvilleaome time in Janu- ery, Rev. Findley to preside, Rev. Leitli _ to preach, Rev. Findlay to ad dress the minister; Rev. Arnold to ad- dreae the people. :1. __ 'I\_g.-.'.L 15-..; \IO\vHw in-Ir rw-rr--- It was agreed to place '.l)oreet, Port Carling and Franklin helde under the core of the Knox College. Missionary Society for next` summer, the last two for eix monthainetead of four. ' a run,` The reports of the Agents and Coir venere regarding -the Oehtury Fund were;-end. The Presbytery had been divided into 7- u-oupeunder e oonvener. Progress rm: reported fin-`ne_erly~all the elder; eome however. - are V" deferring eetieI 1' until the New Keir. The 'P'ree- 7ebytery*udep0r for the Owmon Fund Aw-r"vi1r ovum Those who have shunned the lus-4 cious grape` because of the danger "from the seeds may` just as well con- tinue toeat it, since so many other foreign bodies have been found in the vermiform appendix that the grape alone need not be dreaded. Dr Ede- bohis mentions a"grain of cat, a fin of a sh, a fruit stone, a chocolate nut, melon seeds, cherry stones, raspberry seeds, a date seed, orange seeds, tomato seeds. a bean gelatine capsule is also included in the list of foreign con tents of that magazine. This is a reminder for boarders in the list, too, for although butter isn't mentioned, hair is recorded as having been found there. Huckleberry and blackberry seeds, a piece of the shell of a hazel nut, peanuts, apiece of a chesnut, a bristle, ea glazier s point of zinc. a globule of solder, a piece of bone, a from more mm 2,500 published ar- ticles on the subject. V Q .O `I I $5.00 to $25 00. H1 `luau vunsvvio _ _ ` ' ; Ready-to-wear tatlor-made Costumeswxf.` mu. IT..A.....l..'.o-. ....1.......: am... A: T 1 ".is.;;....i... divisions of the Twentieth Oneury giving: betvieen thlogal and oozmoin funds. The oonoensns of opinion` was in favor of allowing ' esohel contributor to make the division himself. An ex!- cellent dinnerjwss servedin the.bsee- ment to the members of the Presby- tery by the Indies of the congregation. I Appendicitis. L T Dr. George M. Edebohie, of New York, in the current Medical Record, presents A Review of the History and Literature of Appendicitis, in which he/has collected the salient. facts cartridge, a piece of a screw, and a knot of a heavy silk ligature that has been used in some abdominal surgery are also in the 1m. Pins, the Doctor says, have been the foreign bodies most frequently met, a statement which furnishes a mute approval of the objec- tion mothers have to the -infantile tendency to gobble pins, and possibly` a warning to others who utilize the mouth in lieu of a pin-cushion. `in all the debtl. i'It used to thought that these- foreign bodies `were the cause of ap- pendicitis} But Dr. Edebohls says that the lodgment of these in the appendix is probably the result rather than the cause of the disease. Bacteriological investigation has shown in practical]? every case that appendicitis is due to bacterial invasion of the appendix walls. The" Boer Girl at name. Much has been said of the sturdy, frugal Dutch farmersof. the Transvaal, but little is known 01 their sweet- hearts, wives and daughters, who have contributed solarqely to the ' prosperity of the South African Republic-. Con- sequently, an article on" The Boer Girl of South Africa, by the author of o`Oom Paul s People, to appear in, the January Ladies Home Journal, will be interesting. i - Deoember-Outing. The December number of Outing is one of. the best. in its history. Its many articles on outdoor sport travel and adventure are. well worth careful perusal. The Outing Publishing 00., New York. . The first operation for appendicitis, so far as the records show, was in 1759. That was for the purpose ofdrawing an abscess, not for the removal of the appendix. The beginning of the modern surgical treatment was in 1867. Since 1890, according to Dr. Edebohls, the large majority of surgeons advocate removal of the. appendix in acute ap- pendicitis.-St. Oatharines Journal. , ` -'l.`he woman who `mnrries {man to reformhitn seldom live: long enough to nish the` job. . ID .0 II II_, -Go to the 0h;`iatmu, Fsir-at the Market this morning (Thumdny); U.UU UV wau vvu Silk Underahitts, colored Silks. $6 00, $7.50, 31000. -Mr. Robert Martin, son of Mr. Andrew Mbrtin, N ew Lowell, tanner- ly of Teoumaeth died nthis home on Dec; 11th. V - ' --'1`hef Orillie News-Letter wants the bi_ building A on - Conohiching Bpaoh lled next summer with gueote whose pookete are `lled with money. You do not want ninoh, Brother Current V ._-.-... an. an an -.un A --Private Blll" Reid, Orillia, of the Canadian Contingent, in writing to his mother says that the irevee on the Atlantic put him in mind of _thoee hille up near O_reighnret. In speak? ing of hie hoIne.:he eI'I9:I If we get through on ye are: not coming" V hoxne,'.the name jay we 9" iient. We are going;inet_eedPt'o`lf1nglend`,V Mien. to the; Perle World ; l`l\i_r5' .`We; ntopf= two weeks. in"Lond6n.;1`o9.7'9h; yon `SKATES W % STICKS sum SLEIGH BELLS HO LANTERNS CATTLE - MEAT CHOPPERS CROSS-CUT SAWS AXES ELECTRIC STPPLIES, ETC., ETC. % Oofflns and Gaskets of all kinds in stock or made to order- Robes, Grape and an Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. % G. 9. DOLMAGE, mmager, Stroud. Ies Almost mm Away. in PRIDE NEVER BEEN man or. [Steam Works and 8|Iow'Boom;Gh||ier-31., Barrio Report of Proce;n;'s at the Sessions T` VLast~Week. The Grand Jury disposed of, the criminal docket as follows :-~-_ V

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