Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Dec 1899, p. 1

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' '13}- ."5{a`:'.'.':}."TIIZ4IIll'I IIIII'.II -Interns` rebate . . . . . . ._ ,. . Ac`. from 3To.wnl;`;uo Cq. . . . . T0t_a1.... ..'. wunnwonxs rnmunr. aight debentures . . . . . . . ght depurtment . . . . ..` teenand coats . . . . . . . . ant taxes.` . . . . . . ..`. ..; imcoe, refund . . . . . 3 coupon, refund. . . . . .. rel Society . . . . . . . . . 4. .. 80118 . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . 0 rks department . . . . . . .. ank overdraft . . , . . . . at decit) from-18097. . 5611 94 .. 149 05 ' ...... . . . . 2355 43 laidewallra....~-.~..-.... 3924 71 3439 [dings . . . . . . 435 87 co`, . . . . . . . . . ..`.`.'.r;.- 50 o o o o u o u o o o o o u u . o o.".'vn .`....'. . . . . . . . . . . . . 228-ll ting . . . . . . . 330563 snow plowing and . . . , staring . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 595 83' . . . . . . . . 311 :d_ nmtionezy. . . . . .. 808- 24' mien..."...'.-..........A' 574304 a_uInVooooot oInoocnouIO_ v.nta....._ . . . . . . . . . . ... 810 00 oua.._.. . . . . . . . _ 322 75 Iea.lth....;. . IQ4 72 ool_Boa,rd . . . . 12390 66 rate School Board ; . . . ` 1226 71 leginte Insticutm... .-. .2200 00 . ..-J--...-.'l HKDI 80 taxeain arrears... ... naasmentm... sinking fund...... .. mted......T......... lingo revenue.. . . . . _.. FTCVGIIUC...-cooo..c.\ csnuuuoaoooououooouo ._I 1'I_-_J l'I' -_2_I-L__- nxrnunrrdnm. Town council} nnczwrs. ......s 40613 77` ...... 944 42 630 93 AZ IIII` $K844.?o3l .3 BEE?-} 57200} 37431 96 : fII`IO`Il\ on I 1`, III 2358 97 2 A 477 43 i 215 95 43 20 GUUV VII 1755 00 1070 43" 2018 so BAKER?-uddonly at Waubausheno on See. nth. Mr. Baker. an old resident and father of Mrs. Boyd. 9' . I WO0D-At Wvebridge on Dec. 6. of consumption. Mr. Hamilton Wood. son of MI . Wm. Wood. ALGEO--At Toronto. on Dec. :6. Louis R..AAl'geo, formcrlv of -Bradford". aged 48 yoars. _ A 555.5?` l899.-Caah on hand. . . .; ..... ..$ 8528 34 Nov. 30-Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 184 65 Receipts and expenditure of management for 12 month; from Dec. 1st, 1898, to Dec Int, 1899. . Receipts. Balance brought down . . . . . . . . . . 7133 B8.lanc'e...`.-us...............-.. s 17-55 Chairman Frawley saw that the regeipte and experditures were nearly equal, in fact : were nearer together than was predicted two or three ears ago. This absence of larger surplus. s owing to the following facts: The cost of the waterworks was -at least (\l\ AAA ....__.L___ 4|__., __,;_.! ._.L2-L,ratea......'.. . Connections and supplies . . . Hvdrant rental . . . . . .. . . . . . Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance. ; . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debenture and interest`. . . Sundries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Outstandinghccts . . . . . . .I.I'V UUBU UL IIIIU WCIUIVVUIBU VVBC GI! |VV $20,000 greater than was expected. which i meant a loss of $700 a year for which .the strenuous opponents of municipal ownership gof the works are to blame; (2) Extraord- iinary expenditure consequent on taking "over the works, the company not.having idone any repairing to the works during I their last eighteen months of ownership; (3) Urgent expensive repairs had to be made to hydrants; (4) Wells had to,be cleaned out and new valve -placed in -the cellar Without these extras next year he believed the surplus would be a very substantial one PRESENTATION OF -REPORTS. ' The last regular meeting of the present council was held on Monday night. The annual reports of the various committees for the year were presented and adopted. MARKET COMMITPEE. Cou'ncillorTyrer in the absence of Chair- man Williamson of the Markets Committee reported that the expenditure of that com- mittee had been less than $50 for the year. nmcrmc LIGHT PLANT Chairman Frawley-presented the follow- ing statement of electric light plant for the yell.` 3"` nnnifni Annnnn ' Receiveda debenturee,....... Premium and accrued interest, .. Interest on dep. in bank, . . . . . .. Scrap iron, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goldie McCullo_ch & Co., . . . . . `. Tqtal, . . . . . . . . . . ..1 Paid out- Barrie Electric ` Light` Co. .. -. . . .5 Interest in bank, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine and boiler .acctu., . . . . . . . . Alternator and switch _board,. . . . Belting, . . . . . . . . . . . Building, . . . . . . . '. . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . Engineer... . . . . . . . . . Preliminary expenses, 1898, . -. . ; . Transformers poles, ; . . . . . .` . . . . . . Balance. . . . . . . . . . l , .` . . . . . . . . . . . .. """""` :"I"'- Receipts,-- 12 months light. . . .- . . . . _ 12 months light (town); . . .' Supplies, . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . Wages, iotallin `etc... . . .- . .W8gea` plant; Jo nuon, . . . .~ . Supplies on . hand,`_.- ,_. . . . . . . JJ\JI-UL` I BUTTERY.--At Barrie" on Saturday. Dec. 16th x , the` wife` of W. H. Buttery. (Pho tographers n` 9 :nn, 1 Tonal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Paidout.- 4 Interest, bank...."........ Supplies, . . . . .. ..; . . . . . . .. na:`1,t; auca,........; at `wBgOIa.`.... ...m. C' 'O_nIl'Id_W3II'_iO.s.`u-._ 09,000 IIl9IIudi'iQI.`V.`o... ooMo - % . mm and] income, .,_, A. :.n`.;.:..:.`:$1...a....:.;iI:;;.ua..;;T L - % " *rror1,..-..._.. .V.~..s 55331 Reeve McLean -said that the plant, to-day in as good its any in the province; _ the total cost of it Abe:ingT$37 .000._V If the Council had bhilli a new plant howvar, -the'y cdu1ii pm` got Abe!-b9_R;.p|9J|1i than the. prqngnt qn;:"'.t % tr-....m. ....1 gm. ...;..~' . -.\ % IIVIJUIIIIIQIVU Ell IIIUUKCUU ..o o n I u 0 0 Battle leotriojlight. '00,`, `, V. . . . . u "BDvlC_0'C;...'..'-gooocg.....`.: colic` Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Election . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . Court House.. . . . . Bowman, Eng . . . . . . . . .'.. P. J. Moore, witness . . . . . . Sundries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bal. Cash on hand . . . . . . . .. Total, . .-......'. . . . . . - .;' . . . . .. Running? Expenses. __4- Lbank, .. iboiler ... 'and aw`itch_ rd,.... 000 .......--. . =y xpenaes, . era polea,;......`...... '2"c'3:tiny_gd onL_phc 4'-) Capital Account. Expenditur. Iuoillooonauo a'\ BICIIIOIIIOUDOI DQOIOI I000 0.000 a, anhand. .... W Z233 `OFFICE. ....s 57%] ..$ 35000 00 243196 13160 1500 `. 4542 ..s ...s 450500 000! An LI." '2E 55 1797 34 276 10 ..$2250l00| 570 65 4680 00 3450 00 390 00 3940 46 AEl\ l`\l'\ slam; | .3 732 94 1073 82 5437 13 102 56 233 36 59 ll .. $10000 .-.3 5312 ml 104' 98' nnzh (us Wit:_1ess---S. Black. .3 4376 29 8'2 45 3053 00 52 85 _7l 33 3 @T?| UV VII 15 O0 27 57 8525 34 E TUV UV 455 47 1022 12 4164 28 111 `I2 48 oo 35 00 nA An 3\I\IV\I 579 so |The Latestews Many Readable Paragraphs of] Local interest. I trill-Itci 0 Ian; ` Oysters in uni, Oysters in bulk at BI|'fHWELL S. -- 3 . .- - BlD'fHWELL ,'@`See \S-`ismer s ftxltna |Toilet Articles, etc?-; `-1 i ..'_"`v:_giiHcr Flowers free at 1 Wismex- a. -`The best ink for merchants to use is= `printer- a ink. 4-;_-.-__ 3.. 41-). n ..... -.... 1.. I;...II- _ --A partial clipse of the moon pccurred on Saturday night between 6.45 and 825 lo clock.- - ` Z H. T. Whakav in i1 candidate for position of Public School 'l'rast._ea for 1900 i in Ward 5. ` -__- r`, r__, ` -All the eftzovrea in town will be open on V Thursday and Friday nights to accommo- T date Christmas buyirs _ o. u. lllnx u a V'VI*IZ:72.'r7nc=rZcan". '_ "n. The rush for presents in Fancy . and L)igars_ha.s never been equalled. Bn earlv to-day. la'Ma.gnef Dyes have been giving satis- action to th sands of home dvgrs for twenty-ve ye . None give better re~ suite. 1 --'1Z`lVm` lmvale Chronicle issued its Christ- I masnumber last week. If you saw it dou t teH?any person. 7 i All .I . 0 .,,, _ `II I, -A handsome new organ has been pre- sented to the cnngregation of St. Andrew : church. Bm'R s Falls, by `a member of the churgb. T I I\I!,,___ 1'.` lW-,E-A __ TI "ulL\lLVlI-HI-I 0 WICE-KELCEY-~ At _Vine. on Dec. Q0. Mr. Nor- man Wice. of Con. u. Innisl, to Miss Kelcey, daughter of Mr. V. P. Kelccy. , V " Ullullillo ---Messrs. John Oliver, E. Seviguv, Kearml. Wm MDonnId, Wm. Lawlor and `D J. McDouga1l are the retiring Separate School Trustees this year. A -n- nn:...... .......::....1'1.....1.L ..a.-...._ .. LVUUUUI Lluehccn Lula _ytnu. ` Dr. Oliver, medical hvalth oicer, re-. ports that the mo:-talitv during the past year 1 in Barrie was 6| or the very low rate of 10 deaths to 1000 inhabitants. - ' M ____J (I `I1 II\I__.2_._!__ ]___]_ LICGUIIE IU JUIIU |llIln.I}ILnu|.rI -Bnrgiars entered R. H. Fletniug s book- store from the rear on Saturday night; or Sunday-and stole :45 conners nnrl less` than a dollar's vs-orthiof stamps from the till. --Mr. Edward Morris. Inspector of the? Ontario Bank and father of Mr. James` Morris, mamuzer of` the Ontario Bank, Alliston, died suddenly in Toronto on Sun- day. 93-A nan.-in} IT.-.`tr Rain nf an Rf-Ania ` '-Laat Thursdays. young man n__uned Maher who is suspected of horse-stealing was captured at Mono Road. When he 'saw the gang approaching to arrest him he immediatelyfdrew two revolvers, but was shot in the legs before he had time to fire. I ,_',_AI' 0|-:1; vInt`n`.uII -`Anni:-you A` bkn (`k:`A Dll\l|I III loll`) IV6V IIWIUIW II`? IIRKI UIIIIV U`. [JIG- -'-At the rein]-at meeting of the Child- rcn a Aid Society on Tuesday afternoon .a. hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the eicient secretary, Rev, W. R McIntosh, who is about to move` to Elem. The rever- SOUIOCY. WA please. will be the Do1likin e Flat. solos. and drills, ending of Christmas Day xtata, Santa Claus in consisting _ of choruses.- nd also a Santa Claus, bv the primarv cl iunior classes of Collier street Metho t Sunday school in the Town Hall on C 'st.maa `night oom- menoing at 8 o'clookslz Tickets 250. and 10c. ` Al: O '\ II` E `T I VVCI GI-I I LLIIIIDIIQ, `II `II? IIIIIIIIIIID W'Th military concern. which Mr. Mor- lhe assistance of Col. Ward, Mr. ud some Indian, is getting up 2 of Jan. lat, will crowd -the Opera Hem` 1) the doors. `Everyone will .,;!19.8ire toruem in inc1'eau.=ing receipts which `are for the be fit of. the Canadian Contin- gent, lend: es e ense: are being kept down, Id be, in the hands of the da. We shall see the V` itish, and the with a tableaux re- lgr. _ l ga,ma1na, Scot- wi elherleedonies. True will bah aAwiMn~:aha- - U5 0 j g A special H y Sale of all Staple and Fancy Goods inc in? Shows. Slippers and Clothing at from 0 to 40 per cent. under regular prices is a. need on page 4 by J. C Irwin. TT` IY.`\II Ilillld` `A n:Ivn nan: lo.-119 LVIUIICIII. UV I Us JJUVIIQIIHII h--Bnlmoral Camp, No 10. Sons of Scot- land at regular meeting Thursdav evening re elected nearly all the ofcere for another "year, the only changes being A. Goodall es Standard Bearer, A Cowan as Senior Guard and George Campbell. Om. Junior Guard. The Camp is in a. prosperous state and added 8 or 10 members during the past year. There are a. great many young Scotsman who ehould but do not belong to the society. Donations of $5.00 (`huh were made to Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie and the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Comp meets "every 20 Tlmredayof the month. fa: In:`3'rnnu nnnennn ...,l~.:.-J. Mi `Inuit- Uy [J \J .I.I{VVllJ- I ilf you woul like` to nive your lady friend or your ch ren a Xmas gift that would please them V much, present them with 9. season iclcet the Crystal Rink 6 it 1 will please both young and old. etment of the very beat perfumes in the it! has been received at l Wood : drug store. _ ere all intending plu'- * chaeers can obtain ju '~such erfume as they are in search of. at res. nab e prices. ` EA large as 6-ISSOLU?$N or l?-ARTNERSfm|:lTl'='. IIJH DI IEII lull`!-In a"1`o give all nr cnsiomers an" oppor- tunity tosee our . as. display and espec- ia. for those who not get waited on in 1 the afternoon on acco of the crowd, we shall keep open every ing for the bal- ance of this week, Sarjea nd Smit_h. tr . pin 1 I III` I J V90 * -Ata recent meetihe` of Duk'o' of York * L O.L. the following officers were elected : l W. J Hallebt, W. M, ;* A. J. Rogers, D. W. LM.-:12 J Love.Chap.; .w. T. Dodda,RS.; ; Robert Buchanan. F S ; Joseph Leighton. Treasurer; Noah`_Grose. D. of 0.; Joseph Davis. Lecturer. 'Onmmittee--James I 1 Bull. 0. Horseeld. Wm. Bowers, William Moats, W. J. Buchanan I)-I_'.`;...-l I'V_.__._ `T. In G`..- -3 D--A. -According to the intermediate" schedule, the following matches will be played in this County :--Ba.rrie v. Collingwood, by J an. 3 ; Collingwood -v. Barrie by Jan. 9. Orillia. v. Mldland, Jan. 3 ;Midla.nd v. Orillia, Jan. 0 -The relatives of the Gmvenhurst pauper Fiche: who` kep_t.his familv in a darkened but. for` ten vears, have made arrangements to care for the seven young children. The man himself will be taken to a. charitable institution .._... ..'\, -A merry Critmas to you. mistletoe an noruwnnvs. --To-marrow is Nonimation Day. --Go to the Christmas `market this morn- Briey Told. l2 Pages. goods, Perfumes, THE MARKET. ` In last week's issue it was erroneously stated that live boas were sold at 50. a 1b., instead of 4. On Wednesday of this week Mr. Shepard and Mr. S. J. Hisey shipped a large number of hogs at $4.10 per I00 lbs. The price has been advancing for some time at the rate of 10c. per 100 lbs. On Satur- I day dressed hogs were sold at $5 00 to 85 20 per cwt. A load of very large ones sold at 40. per lb. NOTICE IS HE BY GIVEN that thapartne :- ship heretofore exist; between theL}Indef:l`$"d 39 Barristers. Solicitors , has been thll day dissolved by mutual consent. T - ~ ' Dated Barrie. 16th Dec ber, 1899. u xv nrvlmnxf . greal: was the crowd in the inside mar- l ket on Saturday that it was almost impossi- blefor buyers to get around. Poultry of all kinds was bought. up rapidly at the follow- ing prices :-Turkeys, 8c. to 8&0 ; geese, 60. a lb , or 60c. to 70c each ; chickens, 350. to 45c per pair; ducks, 50c to 60c per pair. Butter sold at 19c. per lb , and eggs at 200. per dozen V 13'..- ..+|...... ......:...... :. 1)......:.. .....a -1-- m- 111:1 uunru Fur other prices in Barrie, and also To- ronto and other markets see pages 8 and 10. Sheri".Drury. chairman of Management Committee followed, and after telling of the favorable change of his former ideas regard- ing -the value of a hospital in Barrie, pre- sented each nurse with a very nicely engraved medal, inscribed _with the name of graduate and hospital and date of gradua- tion. Dr. McCarthy, Rev. Canon Reiner, H. H. Strathy, Q C , and Dr. W. A. Boss also gave short addresses. Mrs. H. H. `Strathy the President of the Ladies Aux- iliary presented each grad sate with a la1 ge and handsome bouquet: of owers. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Laidman, Mr Giles, Miss F-ingham, with piano accompaniment by Miss Ryan and Miss King. A:na`\vv\nI\ Ira -I-\vu\u:t`nIl "\I1 FLA T Ill` inn The Royal Victoria Hospital. The first presentation of diplomas to graduating nurses from the Royal Victoria. Hospital took placein the School Room of |Trinity Church on Tuesday evening, 19:11 [lush . ` 1 19: 1 5.: I 5.! Illln About two hundred friends of the hospital and graduates were present. Rev. D. D. McLeod, chairman of the Board presided. and after well chosen remarks bearing on the important work oi the institution to the town and county. presented Diplomas to Mrs. H. E. Drummond and Miss Margaret Torrance, who have completed their hospital training course and passed very creditable examinations before the Board of Exam- mere. ,,,!lT`I'\ ,,,, I ,! , I If , , ,__L Y LVJIUD LVJCILI nuu 1.7.! I55 1.x|.u5- V `Refreshments provided by the Ladies Auxiliary closed a. very pleasant and en- joyable evening.- Rev. Joe. E. Wilson, amend Hand, %.~.. 3 caller at. this oice on, Monday tub!!! in town'calling_on1ri_gnd. _ . " in 1"! f nu .u an '.-n,n ` -A"~`.'n After January 1st. 1900, we will allow our advertisers twelve change: per year ; for ad- ditional changee charge, will be made for comyosition. Extra charge` will also be "made for advertisements net Iolld Adver- n_otice. ` there will please` take heed to the rghgyg Because it In ts a felt want; in the way of special drill on rticular lines with which the student is so what familiar, and of ap- propriate trainin` in departments perhaps entirely new. Hi osition as bookkeeper in business houses,_ different times in the immediate past, spec llv qualies the Prin- I cipal for giving, not 0 the latest approved instruction In all depa meuts of bookkeep- ing, but also enables hi to offer Important practical suggestions rel ng in eneral. The Excelsior usiuess `College. arrie, adapts itself not IV to the needs of those who have receive a fair share of scholastic tminins, but ale 0 those who have missed early education _ advantages, as well as to the more highly e cated. W130 are deirous of emphasizing so '. points In preparation for the business st; of every- daylife. and the new term beg! January 2nd, 1900. 4; .` At the last meeting of A.Q F. Court 6826. the following officers were elected :- 1 C R -Bro. Peter Glennie. OR -Bro P. C. Willette. S.C.R.--Cli'ord W. Carley. '.l`reas.--Fx-ed Marr. Sec.-J N. Hobley. S.W.-Geo. W. Smith. J W.-..W. J. Merrick. T S B.-John Armstrong. J. B. -- George M. Lonnt. - `Trusteee-J. Dopxzall, R. Bidwell and W. A; Le`v.vis. . ' `I'!____ A II'l!Il___ TI` II` II?L.I_-- ans` coca:-uuunuou-I Her Qu 'cations are ut_ollow'I::. ' PIANO--Teach '3 Certicate with trch h.'." Ors in all subjects.` ' om the Consat.V8t|'Y 0f,M",o' Ahna St. 3. ., ' ` ' - ., . X.'t\r1A'r A -I 1- I9..- xv 1)V7'_L!2.- - ,Ili-& us" ries >cif(I ' CI: LlUVVlo Anditore-Bros. A. Wilkes, H. T. Whsley and H. D. Jamieaon. ~ Medical Oicer--Bro. Dr. Smith. . 0rga.nist--Bro. M. 1-`. Duff. Hall (.`u1-emker-F. W. Job. IIUVVII UDIIILIB UH .I-Klllblo `Mr. w. J. Sutherland in mining. Maud: in(3l>1_ioVI`gt`>. . . j . The amalgamation of Courts Robin Hood and Kempenfeldt Lodges I. O. F. took place 3 on Tuesday evening, High Councillor W. A. Bow: performing the ceremony. The ` followiu officers were elected :-P.C.R . J. T Cavanag ; C R., L. Vair: V.C.R., James Ward; RS. J. L Barnum; F.S.. J. R. 1 Todd ; Treasurer. H. Collins; Orutor, W. .~-A. Bays ;. Organist. John Malay; S W., i T. Merry ; J. W., Chas Lower; S.B., P. `. Murphv: J.B., W. Muley; C.D.. E. B. Reid :, Physician. Dr. Palling. Finance Committee--N. W. E. King. A. J. Sarjeant. Truateen-Jaa. Ward. 0.. Stewart. Audi- tors--J. Spears. Dr. Palling. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for a * copper to be held on Jan 26th, when the in- . `It:-liatidn of ooerc will take place. _ Public School Inspectors McKee,,Morg`arI, McCa'ig and Day and Messrs. W. Williams, B.A., Colliugwood, and N. Scarrow, of Stayner, members of the County Board of Examiners, met in town on Saturday and issued the following list of successful candi- dates in connection with the recent Model school examinations in Collingwood, Barrie and Bradford `: 1-1,119 ,,, 1' lNL-_.r1--,, ll I\_--.1-- ll uuu l)I'IulUl'u I Co1lingwood-L. Charlton, M. Coadv, M. L. Hunt, `M. Kirkland, K. L. Macnamara, M. Millicbamp, D.`Meader, D. J. Miller, W. L 0. Richardson. Ba.rrie-A. A. Campbell, J. A. E. Cook. H. E. Johnson. C L. Kirkpatrick. W. Lawr, M. Hipwell, E E. Langman, L. M. Morris, E. Partridge, L. Rankin. `D-n.-I3.`-A, M Aiinn Y 'E'........ l VH4 LVIUIIIU, J20 L31 IIIILISU, 4|-la L'2I.III:Ia Bradfo:-d-M. Allan. K. Eagan. J. Kite- llay. Laura Skinner, A. E. Thorpe, V. I Williams, H. M. Wvnea, E. T. Hays. M;:':o PER ANNUM m ADVAKCB SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. The Rea.s* Why Itis Succed1ng. I. o. F. Ama1`an;tion. !I vut Mu vauuuy us lIlI|\n- v ` ,r -` \ . V Mis_s Campbell will _ o teac`hV_I_I1'-||II_ 1_W|l_!0,o't` and guve lessons in Wu I` 001011: ~ ' V . " " O - . ,. ,. n , n. ., . I ,-';linI.` Successful students-.v To our Advertisers. ` A.O.F. Officers. --vl SIVC ICDEUKJH III '7 Special attention is - p325; ------ -vvu an qggu as nu: nun I `nun Inuvvvv ' For terms and furthenpart hrs npp1YLP|l.l'lAV|".).V:-f 0| by letter to j .. ` ` ' ' DUNLOP VTSIT`-" fI*[ Vocal ;i Ei'I'5iTaiia'6% Less%ansl (Italy) Conservatory o '------ wuuuscp use I luau: . I V VOCAL--A pupi Va N.A:.R` blim of us'ic.. , " K-12.... r`_._,A|_-u ___!u .. L`__"`4 xe here to ghe unde on or about the 9th 163- by roqu ires all credxhgft (3 rsignecl fall pggtim be County of Sim cO'a =m'; aiuu csque lull have notice.` [ , Dated at. Barrie. `lat-Vh `Decca: ny perlon: of" 9' ~.\ . Lessons in Music. IITUI--uwtw in the Business Field are ednstantly opening to ` those who are qual_ ed to ll them. The Iced th`e tvuunuvun V, TORONTO. received theisevcglls fvor 1.1;; within E three days from Oct goth. Bradstx-eets's Agencv. lady, stenographer; H. 1-]. Williams, Real Estate. young man. clerk and steno rapher; J. D. King & Co.'. ladv. stenqgrapher ; (gxowans. Kent 8: Co.. lady. bookkeeper; King. Darrell Produce Co.. young man. bookkeeping` and stenography. nr nhlripnfn manure mu-I1 nlncon as soon as thev booxkeepmg and f~ten0_gI'a.pny. . Our students secure such places as soon they become tted for them. It will pay to prepare for them. Correspondence invited. T I, 1:: I] (ML: All! 1)...."-puny --_.__ vbr. XLVII I. No. Snnml. V uuau. u n;v nus n u - nu ......u _ ..- (:entralHuIiI"s"i%I.1ess College. rnonxvrrn ...,....:.;..A `L-.- ..`..n. in. |1A`o\ wm.:. OQ9, (C W! of a son. 5 W`s EFPBELL KNTED-A GENE sE)1ivAN*r. Refer -t Kggces required. App t THE ADVANCE - - '51-SI -$!Tl.J_AT|0AN5. NEW Anvnnus1ixnN'rs._ -- nun` thi '.vm. 5:. f \irHoLE'No. ; _ SAMUEL Wnsun. I_`roprietor.- ` I; has de'cidedAto give n-very--us -5- --.--.-V." w _ HT SH AW, PRINCKPAL_ EN pARRI1:....' MARRIED. DIE D. BORN. my;$1cK1NsoN. L . MACWAT1 .- `thy :1 v busy: `st-st 5!-5: ELoNo6N~ AND CANADIAN LOAN .;_ AI~;aD:.AGI:Ncv cOM_PANY<,:. 'l' ugnnonhln` ` 3 V`_ F!l`$ rihitiiwu -v.... -..__', g 1. , ;(Lmr1-nu.) T I j _ SUBcMBBD,QAPlTAL.` $ V . A], large gqagguc of_1Il0NlY fro _la_l!Nl). at f[o.w_I _E.\ltl?hC;!'!tQIOf nntvereM`_ot;on. :m L red eg-L \tuta.*',_ MunIcival;dhIntAI'! burch j .- V For `further ~!nn`r.!i=u,1.w. x **'4=9W.-!*r-%% 60-62 snmmwnv, nrw vnnx. `can be made through speculation with deposit 91 $30.00 (thirty dollars) upward (or 3 per cent. margin upward) on the Stock Exchange. _ Highest cnehyriee for Endowment Insurance l:_olic:_es,_ in reilnable . mpaniee or money loaned 0 Qi0lIlI_ Inn 17 ' ` - ' I [0 I'll!!! WOIK 0! till! Iuugupuvuu as:-gun.-uu.._, ,.....-, Gunman H:nrznm:._ _ V " - T .` V M Ordgu left` for .TumgIg at 5: Elizabeth .St1-cat will reqeive>cp.refn|Vatten.txon. L _ `j T ._'_n__ `jll In] QHIIF EIIT, l'o11cI_as,_ In ruum thereon. Apply We take p1ega`ur`eA in recommenidin Mn. Fun. Bnooxs as a_com at t and reliabp Tuner` gund "Re "rot. and won! `lpqqesg our to entru . to" in: work fthia Lducnpuon. _ ' V tfully you , linnugnh I-IIIHTZHAK-` ` ' Wlll l'xOIV6V (!El_'U!_l.Il_ uuuuuuu. HEDV WRIE. UNT- Geo. Ska||er&Gn., ' `The greatest fortunes have been made through specfulauons in Stocks, Wheat or Cotton. If you areiqterested to know how speculations are conducted notnty us and we will send you information and market letter free of charge. Usual commisson charged for executing `orders. Government-Mglnlclpal and Railroad bonds quotations furmshed on application for pur- chase. sale and exchange. 41-:6 Town LOTS FOR sALI-:. % ENDOWMENT % INSURANCE POLICIES .____.__, PIANO EUNING BANKERS AND B npKI-:ns. T ALLANDALE. . Lots 2, 3 and 4. \Vest Baldwin Stxfeet} . North Cumberland Street. Lots 1'} and :8. Jacob's Terrace. Lots` 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, South Caroline Street. Lot A; East Mary Street, Lot 54. `I Went Mar-y.Stre'et. Lot 5. Apply at u"l'l.1 It is a fact._neverthe|ess. that we can to-day j furnish you .w:tl3 a charm: hl first-class timo- 4` piece in gold, `silver or go d- Iled case forvleas * than one-half the gure that pgevniled a few ! ycars ago. ' ' in. A. Dogguas One reason why so many oor watches are toleratedtis that their ownets 0 not realize that real good ones may be had tor such little monev. _ - - WATCH FABT8. Consol Stock Exchange Bldg; Lars OF MONEY 1 1-1) L DUNLQP STREET. |2*P`a@.f BARRIE. o: H. LYON., ll-.. Ag; THE ADVANCE," INTERESTS OF ,BARRfE, THE `COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. by! salt. Box'3o1. " '0. BARRIE,%CO`UNT`Y OF SIMGOE, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 21. 1399. Taxes.....'.,....... . . . . . . . . . ...$ Interest on taxesin arrears. . . Drainage assessment . . . . . . . . . . . Interest on fund . . . . . . . . Licenses granted . . . . . ......... . . Public; buildings revenue . . . .. Police court revenue . . . . . . . . . .; . \ Poll- tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public School Board (Legislative tsunami` Mayor {Walls gives his Valadictory % T Gontaining Valuable` Advice. .` ' The statutory meeting of the Town Coum : oil for the reception of the Town Treasurer's Annual Financial Statement was held last` m._:.1-_.0._2_.|_. rnL_ __-__2L_,I,-2_, -2 .u,_. I.IlllllII IJIUDUUIIII UIOIIUIIIUIIII WIIU HUI IHHII ridaynigbc. The recapitulation of that report in as follows : L IIIIIIU KJUIIUVI IJUKIU . grant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric Light Electric Light department Tax sale. coats. N on- resident . County Simcoe, Debenture . Agricultural Miscellaneous; Waterworks Balance bank '. Balance (net from -1897. Elections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Count.ylevy...... Streets and sidewalks. . . .~-.~. .-. . . Sewer` . . - . .-. . . . - o uode"eI -delta Public buildings :. .- . Sa.leries.....4V . ..A.A.r..`. Police.......e . Parke.....;...'. . . .. Street lighting Teaming. `snow end. at-Jinn!-. can bnnlnn I - ---- ---3. sunoia vv run: It nu wuuu s s as ; street watering . Indigent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing and Fire protection . . . . . . . . . . ... .. Lawcosts.,...; . . . . . . Special grants . . . . . . . .. Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . .. Board of Health . . . . . . . . . .;. . Public School Board . .. . . . . ... R. 0. Separate . Barrie Collegiate Institute . . . . . -. Debentures. redeemed. . ..' . . . . ; . Interest on debentures. . . . . . . Interest on temporary loans . . i. .. \ Drainage, refund. . . . . . . . .. Electric Light Departnxent: . . uawvuulv `av-uvan iv QIIUUIUI-IIIV 0 UHVV VV Debentures redeemed. . r 7561 7.3 * Interest . .. , 7846 40 temporary \ 488 . 20 refund . . . ..... . .. 45 67 Department. . . 37431 96' Total....';...;...`....., ..s 9o 155r2"7 Thdreporh we: adopted and 200 copies` ordered to be printed for `diasribntien among the ra.tepayeru. = - `Tho foll<$\}v;n'pTlVI;;t:oment of the .water- .worl:'a plant for` the year ending Dec. lat, wu presented by Chairman Fnwley. L % wunnwoims. 1 V`;-;,;.:.;r" _ u I c o ;`-o_n".."o` o 1A0` I 6 {$4 00 I.)n-n`.o.Iu-'-an . ' . ` ' IWEE AA Final Meeting of Lanna Excelsior Business collage, Bamriai, is well upholding its character for meritorious train- ing. Within the past .'l`W0 MONTH it has been unable to comply with the demands made for its graduates. Few colleges can say more than this, n: t many as much. It pavs to attend a good institu- tion. ' ' a6-lv

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