Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Dec 1899, p. 2

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uoors. oasn. om.-ms, Luouuungs. etc. rlaulu or all kinds_done_ promptly_ and satisfactorily. ilot Blast Urymg Kiln. Dxstnct agency for 'ned lum- `."o.S?f??.";3?.i{fl`1.S$&.{ 3'.`E.. D"`5. $%I`i3IrIIwtII- - At his oioe until 5 13.01.; at his private residence. 68 Mary street. after that hour. V u-ly .I_'"ca" .-:'""'c}in' Tialifih} aIE&"&Iaa3'2E'iI` of` Doors, uh. B ds, Mouldings, etc. aPl`;nin $0!` 1: kinds dong nrmnntlv and natinfa:-,tnrilv_ at a 1`CK0l'y*'D8yIlCl GIFT`, Dal I15. I ULHGALLIE sugcesson to (area. Ball. F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Surgeon. Honor . Graduate 0nt.. Vet. College, Honor member Medical Society. Ofce--AtBaker's Livery Stables, Owen Street. Barrie. . JOHNSON 8: SARJEANT, BARRIE, Im rters ' and Dealers in Coals of all Kinds. and eorge town, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterer's Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this U1 e is better than that of any other kind, and the 9' ash superior. Oce-Corner of` John and Elizabethstreets. 1 Inc. unnuynnxv a:uuauL.us1 I UIHSAKKIEJ have for ado tion. in good Homes. a` number of bright young nadian children, boys and girls Parties desirin them are asked to communicate with thesecretary. EV. W. R. MCINTOSH. Barrie. 1-ly THECHlLDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE A` Ru-{glut 1.-Anna gnnaA3n_ .-L341..- L--._ __.I .3- _ runny`:-run, --u---.- Wnummou Am.-r. JIUDQI > Joan Dxcglusox. B.A. Even the suspicion of Joseph Eey- ooek'I independence is a thing of the put nines his speech at the Young Liberal Club in Toronto u" few days IIHE .".NI!"J!._5W.EB%..'"P1EE cm III: -.",'."'.'_gIl OI-III-ll III In Il\J| .. 60;~I~`2 "AD{'l,-AIDE ST. 3., n'Ac'ronY A1` mmco. A TORONTO `?AvA~cE-"I Culvert Pipes 'Af fauna J. In. tn Q` In- , WE .MA'KI~:-. leyver and MARRIAGE (IE:-:Nsr: ISSUER. )ONALD ROSS B. A.- Fnnu-ugnpnr. an-._ mnn VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; Bucmo Pownnn, for cakes. One is a drug`. of conrse; the other a chemical"; and there are still otheu-SPICES of all kinds. [cream of tartar, etc. The beat lace to Set drugs is at a `DRUG STOR . The ruggist knows more about them than other people. - We keep `a good drug store. . Come and ask us ` about Kitchen Drugs. Drugs and Chemicals a.'w.iA. Ross" Ph " Surgeon etc..1 ) R.C.S. Edin, L .Rc .P.. 'ndon. Oieesw ..I.a- -..:Annng_Eh-.-turn : Rlncln Dunlon BUG Here : the opinion of is decent Grit ` journal, the Kingston" `Whig :--"'.|.`he Canadians have been submitted to in- i dignity by the alien labor official of . Port Huron, Michigan. It : time Sir` \ Wilfrid Laurie: applied his retaliatory tneunre. Our Canadian jvorkingmen have been euioiently insulted. In the K.itChen. MONKMAWS DRUG 7 STORE l T 9: DUNLOP~S l`. BARRIE. ___.__.__..________________________ T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., oce in Bothwelfs Block. Allzindale. l n the premiseoat night. V AC- T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simooe, will ` be at his ofec, at the Court Housc, Barrie, vsaturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. All` I-ro::T2 4- _in.-cl; ;4_I'n. also ` Oonaootlons. IIIIDICQ -nInnA 1-5 .-au fvifiwiikiivlant summons. ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY IJOII.0IIOIl!o `waif: FOR Pmcas. :j-5: MANUFACTUBE8. Anoygrnsz m The issue of the Chicago Tribune accusing the Mail.-Empire of being It i war news thief was sent all hover Can-_ ` Ida`; Iince the Mail-Empire nailed the ` lie, the Tribune has evidently returned to it: hole before issuing a. second lie to ; try` to cover the first one. X. H." I treenom security a_t loves; raw or rrinci money reqmred untnl end of , I-I, - S"l`RA`l'HV- Solicitor. En-_. ruvninns. FOR INVESTMENT on good frehold security at lowest rate of rim-innl mnnnv reunited until end of n,, L'.R C.P.. l -Brown's Bl: nnjaan. ._.-..__. o_nrio1n.. | and upwards, to loan` at 5 Co \JIl 43-ly Spanking before the bye-election in West Elgin, organizer Preston of "Eng, the Machine fame said, There wili not be a stain V left on West Elgin. B7 hurrying "off to Europe after the` election, Preston removed at least one J mocx. I 4s-ly-A D. F. MAcwA-rr. iuzx. Cownc. (3u| 7-ly VTHEl.O`RTHE'RN ADVANCE j_ .v 5` _'AlL)VER'l`lvBING RATES. nyANoI:V A omouu rounrnnu nmwmuan A!;l:0N % noun corms. Ewvmusms snouw NOTE nus no-r,-Q. L ', 12 lines solidhonpareil make 1 inch, TRANSIENT A1'>vmz'nszmzN'rs. L ]!'irst insertion 10 cents per line. each Subgg. quenrinsertion 4 cents per line. Pnndino nntima, I0 :!m1t_n nor `Hun 6`..- 2-.. uuuw Luuusunvu -x vwuno tic: uuc, .` notices, 10 cents per line for m insertwn ; 5 cents per line for each subsequent: insertioncf the same matter. All items un, i1_er` 5 lines, _of this character, charged 9,3 5 -mes. I"-_.._1 f\&_:-`I -._J lV___..___ . . 'IlIIUDo Ijagal Oicial and Government adv t . manta w ill be charged at above rates. at we ` CONTRACT ADVERTISING. . A Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates,_ which are drafted on cor. rect commercial pnncifrles and will be strictly adhered to. There wi 1 be only one price for .11 Mrs. H. F. Mann, of Alliston, has returned from a visit with the Doul:ho- bors, Gallioians and Mennonites. It is needless to say that she does not intend returning and was home when she published the letter in the Beeton World containing the following para-V graphs :-'I.`he Doukhobors are a great big clumsy dirty looking lot who -live in hate I suppose, until the day of judgment." If I were an Ontario soldier and had to ght 'I would, if I_ could,` shoot every Doukhobor before starting to the battle eld. `fThe Gallicians will lie and steal even the cloths oil` the line 3 why they are dirtier _ `than the cats out there,.and they are bad enough dear know-.v ` The,Me_n-' nonites live in huts with 'horses,'_piag_s.; cows, calves, hens and ev,er,ythi'n_. ?A U. o 1 Cull`: all. ` xulcu ononuaooo-no-cacao 2% inches... ....... .. sinches, 55 eolumn...... nojnches, )4 eolumn.... aou:chea,x oolumn...... -_._.._ `For one month-the three mon hly rat}; with 15 per cent; added. in... turn vnnnfHa-1-Ln 9111-no -rnnnnlw -..:.- Wlll 1.0 PC} uuuw. uuuwuo `For two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. 91-nfnrrn nnaifinnn `in H19 nnnnr mill 1.... Willi IV 1101 uculn uuucuo 5' Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of oqe-third on above rates. This rule will be stnctly carried out. CONTRACT CH{iNGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than Sa.tmday- at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement: may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. '10 nlmnuan nf Avarhnpmnnts: nllnwarl rm: IUWLU 0 [12 lghanges of Advertlsements allowed per year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. AA1vnIv:anIIn nu nnf Ln annular} fn an 1-Rm} /W111 U6 Uuul 51.7.1. _ Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so ltransient rates will be charged for such ad. __..L.'....... __A._ UIIIIJDJVAJU AI-Irv- vertisements. Condensed adirertisements on first page such as wants of all `kinds, lost and found, property `for saleorto rent, specic articles, etc., etc., must beaccumpanied withthe cash, and will be inserted--hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but}; rednctionof one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matterexceed four. The Globe says the Doukhobors have returned to -the Government 80 per cent. of the money loaned them. The Moll-Empire says the majority of them are destitute and have not enough for the winter. Bv believing both the above statements we have I type of honesty one seldom sees. _ Out: for ndvenisemenu inns! in every case be mounted on wild metal bases. Rnrxxsznrr rm: Fouowma Fm: Ixsvnmcn Conumxms: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Scur- :6uv C-- on-us Ann Io ; Vuapvvvgsrvvu The Waterloo -Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont. Tothlassets, 3334.083. ;~_-_, '_ .1 The Economical Mutual. of Berlin.'0n1:. Total assets, $303,078. Also Llovd e Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $150.- VI. Scnocclz & SMITH, Anawtnlxe Sun Loan and savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. | n"Oice over Hendcrsoms Hardware Store, Barrie. O. ' . Aget Standard Life. London Guaran- tee and Accident 00.. Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc. _' OFF ICE.--Next door to Bank of Toronto. Owen Street. Barrie. 1 x-ly Pauvlucm sunnme AND wan ASSDBIATIUN. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $,ooo. Uncle Sam is tearing his hair becnuee he gave "Admiral Dewey a residence, which Admiral Dewey has seen lit to bestow upon his wife. Now such a gift to a wife would not be considered I terrible thing in Ontario. egpeoially if 1 the sheri` was after the ' husband. Uncle Sam : anger is no doubt inten- sied bythe knowledge that the `United States in often spoken of no the land of divorces." ' ` BARBIE l0AN & SAVINGS C0. INCORPORATED 1881. SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, _ 4 Per cent. Interest! Paid on Deposit- The Security for Depositora in a Loan , ` Uompany is undoubted. I `Rona new Block. south aido_ Dunlop s8t_1l'$0` eat of the Post (mice. 1 n L. 2.. un- vs-or VI. Unit: I vvv vaaavvv The security to depositors in a Loan Co'y is un- doubted. There is no instance on recqrd gvhcrcl depoaitior has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co v. ,4. Canadian Branch bice. MONTREAL. M. C. HINSHAWu Branch Manager $ PI`? I163`-I Iirll Capital. $6,ooo,ooo. Alinrnnn fnrmc no-Iv Isllil. Blinds} Moulding. &c. Planing and Dressing Ha HHIV f\l I` Go Dun , Contractors. Builders. Manufacturers. 81. 1300"` of.over'y description done on shortest notice. H0` ,_Air Drying Kiln. Estimates furnished free of chaljl" on all kinds of wood work and building materl}; `The Factory is beiu remodeled and furnished W|"m able to handle all 'nds owork pror_P)' thelatest wood wot `u machmrry, so that weand Soc our work and get our pnces. F3" '0I'yw3nye!d Itreet, north of the Foundry. -'-'-- A uuxnun & SON- ;Barr|o Planing Mill; 30315 1: uo'17il?'IEIfITs7i'iI'Y door. an-new 1. o I; vrnnsanm mu. *33ifW57;i%E ' ` I go urchued and reopencq ] mad;-En nnnra:)n.|;n` 0&1]? :1?` lllualuvuu -u- --'r' s.`;;:.'"i:;.:..r ... Dunl ..,... way modern a liances or all uses of war - . A - us'I'lIY = E.o.:..n {Dl:.IA L 0h ;ST:EAM Lnuunlgj John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Numloer of inches P9 3 LJCIJUC xty, $15,000,000. .- 117-A.-_IA- II $338!. $.ooo,ooo. Foundea mu: Appllcahon forms furnished and rates quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. -IV Barrie Ont. Oice in Bothwell's Block {.2 ,.cQo`.I. A J4.1b3uoo E ASSUHANC COMPANY. til. $6,000,000. _ i I A_ Founde`dJl5: _ months 32.8 _pouuds,uVs sud ' toe. mud The State of Kansas has reduced bovine education to a science, with much resultant benet. The merit-roll of one of the pupils given is very inter- ssting. During L the, first month the best oovrin the cum pr'oduoed"288 pounds ` of buttergfst: in the ssoond;` snonth 37.1 . pounds; Duiing -*4? ' tha_.`rs_tt . sollsglhw yes: vo.`,s.t'weh;s . `months slgs tifs;t,'j`,';;`9g}i:c3's wu`o s INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. 1'0` 3. s. LALLY- SCROGGIE 6. SMITH. A. n_ANRT-a. son. ,_ 1:. ..._t._ _n...-..... 52;.- BARRIE nch bice. Head 05106- EAL. LONDON, ENGLAND {SI-IAW. SAM. J. PIPKIN. nnager Manager. .ATLAS... .euuur~z- r~nIuInAl\lVA | of the 1-`ounary. A. RANKIN & 14-; 1899. PRICE FOR '1'h6"`old 'N.VP-." in very LAyou:ig._..-tliIoT V cor n demgh yc-s.t(=r A tery. who did .5. mgonim was igl -N199 re: aimi the M ph-'Ar`2a.\ _ di( (1 MIF. ` bu o I O1. 2-gel Sundrx SI:-VD hexe f ago a Iock, haw past dang [dang Jane Bdrs. her 34 Ian d Bros. Turn Mrs. Fara the fsu`e his f amen .0 d4 Pratl .111`?-4 col fat, .5 inereeee bf; 211 ever Hie. best month efthe res year. Thie is. as least. in oigument 5: libemliby in education, .V for .~evenf~nn` emeeur eiithineieien can gure e_ decided addition to the right side at the ledger. boys can be met with at any time every- ` of suppressing this evil, and reminds all a persons that it is a breach V of the law b The Secrctii*3g}il1h-}.Oli{13rix ;id;` Society of `i"0we'u:}_Sound. ;;tnakes_ the J following observation which is 1- .'a_lso'h. applicableto Barrie :--'.|?he extent to which cigarettes are indulged in is not evenxsuspected by; many nereons; 7 Your agent" "is constantly coming in contact with it, and knows that it is growing evil and widely practised. .;Grdups of one of whom will be smoking. In_ many cases this is quite unknown to parents and quiet corners are chosen for indulgence in this very. doubtful pleasure. This leads me to say that if legislation could be secured making it possible to arrest the boy found smo`k~ ing and lock him up `until he tells where he got his cigarette much` could- he done to break up a very pernicious` habit. The society asks the stion of parents and others in the work punishable by ne and imprisonment to sell or give tobacco or-`cigarettes to any person under l8____ ymor age, and of our intention prosecute every time we are able to do so. ' An Enjoyeble Evening. 4 On Tuesday evening of last week the Ladies Auxiliary of Christ Church, R.E., entertained over 4150 of the` sup- porters of the church in the basement of the church. The.enterts.inment was o perfect success and the ladies are to be congratulated for the eicient man? ner in which they had ' arranged to en-` tertsiu so many. The room was up- proprietely adorned for the occasion: ___,L -1` LL- _____ ____ r"I'.""' In the early part of the evening those who felt. so disposed amused them- selves by playing parlor games, lwhile the rest enjoyed the pleasures of con- versation. New members were given a hearty welcome by the older mem- -hers, and especially by the pastor and members of the Auxiliary. About 8.15 Mr. W. E. Foster was asked to take the chair, owing to the unavoidable absence of _ the senior War- den, His Honordndge Ardagh. Keen- an's. Orchestra opened the programme by playing The Soldiers of the Queen, which was well received. The `rest of the programme was given as follows : -8010, Miss Bingham-; violin` solo, Miss Ardagh _; reading, W. Whit- ' ten ; solo, Miss Lewis; selection, Keen- I _ III Q. Orchestra; skating glee, `Choir; solo, Miss Campbell 3 eulo, Miss Lenore _ Gallagher; violin solo, Miss Ardagh; solo, Miss Bingham (encoxed); selec- tion, Keenan s Orchestra. By special request the Orchestra played the "Geor- gia Camp Meeting Cake-'Walk, Miss Campbell favored the appreciative audi- ence with another solo, and Miss Ar- dagh gave another excellent rendering on the violin. Each part was remark-- ably" well given, and each was so well received that special comment is pun-av necessary. The only part taken by he child ' was by Miss Lenore Gallagher, ' whose beautiful singing highly delight T ed the audience. When this was nished, in fact al. most before it was nished, the ladies began to show that there was still something good to be ` furnished, but of n dibrent nature, and it was not long before nearly all were regaling them-,' selves on-the good things provided, The evening was much enjoyed by those present, and vmany`. expression: from thankful hearts "were heard.` A vote of thanks `wee nnnnitnonely ten- dered to those who had so kindly taken part in the programme, and the meet-V" followed bythe Benedgotitony.-.._' ink olohed- by God Save the AQueen`,?" `At at large and enthusiastic meeting in Form IV of the Oollegijste Institute last Wednesday "evening, A. the B.G.I. Edekey Club reorganized wiithithe fol- `lqwing, Ao_iqer_s`V:'--Hon. President, "Ms.- Behnett; Pseiideet; Rey `Thomas; ;Vi oe-President, Aye:-st; aeptaie, F, , Momtthysg V `Oemmitcaq, ibeott, _W:. 0. 1=mn1:es `eI-ivisi W '.'6l!`I,b i A 9 V?-3?hv;.%1:?9"si*ivV::5?t-n`*d *1-w -v-r % -%vr 6* 13. 0. ;_1. Vnockefdlxib, A -'A'ia LV I: Will t~;._C_)ne for`; 'I71I4u.'- IIlul-n- `- I i1? ii`i1?5li`;.:l`h*` :.s!l"i!!p;,?!9`!"+*`}l'1t1 ` ' enough-.`._not the". chief rested and valley ?ring make `more_f-for_"_eiciency;._:,ini at am, the Senator has formulated `a project .l'or the encouragement, of the latter. `ex eroise. `He has 'c`ered,-"and the militia- autborities have `approved " of the idea, a regimental active service cup to be competed for `annually by the regi- _ ments in military districts 1, 2, 3, and 4-, Ontario, _during' the annual `train- ings. The conditions are such as are ` believed best. calculated` to promote general prociency, and t -men for effective duty. Shooting in volleys under, control and in practical condi- . tions probable of occurrence in actual - warfare, in a main _feature,_ and other usual requirements {as ` directed by Maj.-General Hutton are added. Under the general s direction the whole mat- ter is, of course, placed absolutely and entirely, The Senator, anxious, if pos- sible, .to have the cup of Canadian manufacture, is now seeking drawings . and designs from a leading gold and a silver smith, and hopes to secure a cup graceful in form, solid and substantial in silver, to weigh some 115 or "120- ounces. The nature of the competi- tion and the work to be got up, will, it is believed, make it `different from any \ cup now competed for in its details.- - Mail-Empire. i V Royal Victoria Hospital. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Royal`Vic- `toria Hospital was held on` Tuesday, .5th, of December, in the Hospital. After transacting the usual V` routine `business a report was presented from the Committee appointed to inquire into the cost and best means of pro- viding increased accommodation. Dr. Morton, Chairman of this Committee, reported that meetings had been held and that the Committee had gone be- fore the County Council, as there had been a suggestion that the ' County Council might give the Sanford property subject to all `encumbrances upon it to the Hospital- Board if they thought it a suitable property for such purposes. No denite action was taken by the County Council. Mr. George Ball, who had been asked to give estimates of the cost of enlarging the present `building also the costof building a new Hospital andproviding a suitable. lot, made his report. The estimated cost of enlarging the present building and making such alterations as would be required, was placed at $4,000, and the cost of a new Hospital built and special- ly. adapted to modern Hospital methods was placed at $7,500 to$8,000, includ. ing the! ' on A I so , _,',-,, , :__ _L_:_`|_ `Ila VICE A After considerable discussion in which all the members took part, a motion was oarried_ to the e'eot thatit was in the interests of the Hospital and the town-andeoountry that a new building be erected at` the cost stated, and that immediate steps be taken to secure funds for the same. `A building fund account was opened .in the Bank of V Te- ronto and ` Committees were appointed to devise ways and means for the rais- ing"- of the -necessary money. -,, L_'.. - ____:j I The Hospital is at present in a crowd- ed oonditien, there being 17 patients uhden treatment, end - the accommoda- tien for the nurseaj still more liniited, as some additional nnzaea have been fe- eqnired, 5 ' ` ; Personal News. . Mr. R. A.`Lynoh has been appoint- _ed Collector of Oustpma gt Ox`-illia. ` V i Hon. 0ha rles_ Dmry presided at a . of t1g,e > ekegntive hi the con- :fi'i`I:1_e; and Correction in .- A T W lhnivo: teach Elm~ `grove school ~ilung 1900, her fourth year there.-V` ' ' `V Jo`VA1ohrhiii% to North `Bay next" \yo9k;. to-entfer the employ` of the. G.T.B,, and wi`ll pliy_ goal for the hook9y-1n b` of, that This will '. l_ _ Qgieond? `V qelson i `on: the `_ North %Bny;;siajv%a.A-1-A-Ivteyvlsi-I.et1ier.L 4 . i _- iq joy ~ in _the 11!` of 1- saw nanny f 13;: 'mnANon'r HimN `AIl5_V`A_NCIg- - " n...... 2...` 1yifo'ofg,fl`hdg.'Jo`hnson,` _ a':on. ' `M -""J9 '2 - o?conxszon-aoaVi. ` "~%*;.u ` has an M wif"6fPeh"er J. UC1I"b I'.`of :tsdu; `B -- .' VENT---In Midland. on Dec. 4. the wife of vnnt- nf A main. VD I"""III MW. Ull U3 Q. IIIB WIIUUI VVIIIQIUI S ; ' GROOMBRIDGE--In 4, the wiid bf --~- ~-Ma-GmnnIh!idnn..Bn.mnm|. . . 1 ` \'KUUHIDI\III\lD'-Ill NIHIIIU, Uxv 4) FEB --Mn-Gnoombtidgo,-Bcf-;&Ion. . T nioouzrs-15-`wyasiaaggma Nov. 3.5, nu: ma _ Mr. Mponey, of`: non. . 7' MURRAY-'-In Stiviicr,"oI_1 Nov. 30, the wifeof V Mr. Chan- Murrav. nf A dhmrhter. ' %Lone_%mn`nuom-o. Dot. 6. in St. john`. .church,~ Tecunueth. Mr. C. Lon . A to Miss gusaret McDermott, by Rev. Int, Bond `MA'iTTENLY-.DOOLl'l`TLE-At the residence of the bride ; brother. Gilford, on Dec. 6. by` the Rev. 1?. Smith, of "Bradford; Mr. Herman Mnnnlu in M31: (`vane-ainn I'M-\nM>Ib_ hath nf The Ih'ot our strike Lon`don;0I:.. il dying of old age. - v-up--u--u HISEY-.-CARLTON--On Nov. 28. at the rgidence or the bride : parentn, by Rev. Mr. Arnold, of Wnuhnunhane. Mr. Incnh I-li9mv_ of Creemnre. SU'l`HERLAND-In Bmirora, on Nov. 29. Thou J. W. Sutherland. aged 53 Vearg and 3 months. REGAN-At South Orillia on'DeC.- 4- Sarih New- man, beloved wife of john M,.Regan, aged 35 Vcilo ` _ , . DUNLOP--At Warminster, on Dec. 6. Maggie Jane Dunlop. and 24 years- ABRAM-At Coulson.` Dec. 4. Catharine Tudhope, 9.135} (J Han Int: `Um, Alan-ans. an-at] nu van:-Q a-u---or, -.q- -7 It`---yr `ABRAM-At De_c.4. relict of the lat: Wm. Abram. aged 9: years. M`g*;:.`m:,P.z;::.a.*'c",2.2: M \7I?Nl"I`__ln Ihlln-u-I an An ; oh- infant -an 1|` vn1Ci-1-'15}. '1i7..71ia}.'"a1'.' on nZ.'T.,u."a".'a..c son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vent. `Rev. 29, Jimes White.- aged 76 years. _ J. Tudhope fa the Man. Crillin. News Letter" discusses East Simooe politics as follows in last week s_ issue : ' ` There `is good reason for presuming that the next Dominion election cam- paign in East Simooe will be one of the hottest and closest fought political bat- tles ever waged in the riding. The reason for this statement is founded on information given to the News-Letter by a prominent` Liberal to` the e`ect that the rumors connecting the name of Mr. Jae. B. Tudbope with the Lib- eral nomination are not rumors at all, and that Mr. Tndhope has indeed con- sented to be the party's standard- bearer. ' i The News-I/Letter is not at liberty to give publicity to all the details of the interview with its informant, but does not- hesitate to say that Mr. Tudhope is in the hands of his "political friends, and that as events are shaping now he will oppose Mr. Bennett when the Gov- ernment appeals to the country in 1900. It is said that the friends of Mr. Beck, jr., of Penetanc, whose name has been prominently mentioned inthis connec-V tion, can be depended on to recognize in Mr. _Tndhope the man who will prove a political gladiator worthy of the steel of Mr. Bennett, and joinin making his nomination unanimous. ' -_ , ,,, J AI, A The belief is also gaining ground that there in more than more talk in the re- ported probability of Mr. Miacampbell seeking election for the Local House in some iiding other than East Simcoe, and that Mr. R. H. J upp will `contest the riding in the Conservative interest at the next elections, In the case of Mr. Tudhope it would be unwise to speculate on how the ef- fect of his coming out will act upon the general result. The personal friends in Orillia and district of both him and Mr. Jupp, without.regard topartf affilia- tions, might be -relied on as almost cer- tain `to give each a `substantial non- politioal support. This is the pivot around which , the interest in and the doubt of the ultimate reeulte would centre. The.Onte:-io Cabinet consists of one man, Hon. G. W. Roea,Awho, judging from his addressee, seems to hnve gobbled up all the other fellows. ` County Councillor Horrelrs Illness. The Midland Free Press of last week says :-On Wednesday of last ' week Mr. J. B. Hoirell was taken suddenly ill while in his store. Mt. Harrell has beenunwell for some months, but has pluckily attended to the calls of his large business. On the day in question he was seized with a `weakness and dizziness which compelled him to sink to the oor. The attack was accom- panied with severe vomiting.` When conveyed to his home physicians were summoned, and everything that skill could suggest was done for him, On Friday Dr. -0ave'n, of Toronto, was called in consultation with Raikes and Wallbridge. On Satu rday;the sick man was slightly worse, but on `Sunday. "and Monday he `was:-.-repented. soinq :,bett;er.@ It will. doubtless 'soiii_`etin i`s ibefore'*he`=is- able to attend itovbusiness -Dr, Chbti1berlain,' Inhpeohor of Gloln, says `sha there fewer -people in the gaola of: the, province; thin" 3.11` than _ usncl. V The number ofiagransq-Nita tho_ -opdntry ha. peroeptibly\4d_e6l,i1 1d ems sin '19" III?-~'."{A `r g'fg_._|_`A-[`_;_> i- V I-V-v-The Fire, Water and~_Light Com?- mittee of the *~-'1`own of ~0`rillia.` /have been .empo w_e1jed, ._to ,co:res_,;:ond with mrlien havingpqat. fuel fA iff A`i"99"` 1`3`i`;"9`**?'fTi.%5V :3 % 4 * `5\i.11*11%t`6?49';f f9==-9% ',!` x_'I.rry pound. Dr. 'ofAa~sonZ_ ' nnxquhn ~1\'_ ..:.- _-.|_V'7 uuuu-u: aunvucr. in Nov. 30, Mr. Chas. Murray, of zaughter. KEV: I`. Dlllllll, 0| .Dl'I(l!0l'0g' MI`. 11811118!) `hgtengly {:9 Miss Georgina Doolittle. both of :1 n - ' ' 0| Ill UTICOI PIIBUII, Dy CV: Mfg lII'lJOIClg OI Waubauuheigc. Mr. Jacob Hisey. of Cneemore, to Mina Nelhe. eldest daughter` of Mr. and Mrs, Jas Carlton, Aveniug. . ____.. a--- ._..--.............. `_& BROWN, Dunstan, Solic- ' I Hwou-non Luxox, W. A. Bows. .;o-otgz. J. _ Burn. Ainoo a.ndCreemore. , ;- Lnmox 8: Boys, b -Nlmvalo 6 North side Dunlap-st. E10121 valoodo`-oppooiu Hunt : hotel. Money to no In-u-at n-stag- - ,~ VKIHIII-IIIIU "l I~ at lowest rugs. - .A. Jzannxaunsr, Barrister, . Attorney, ,, o in. Chancery. Conveyance: Ooe-Fmt door O__wenv street. over Bank of ...;.V..V Rap :-L _etc. Com- By the way did. Preston ever carry ; out his throat to one the Toronto` Worldforlibel 9 Iciunrely not possible -ohsuo Innoh Preston anger and indig- nation has gone o` in eiferveaoenoe. HEWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- _ pm of the Susm: Court of Judicature of Unnno, Ii-octox-3., " ' . %nv etc. Money to loan. Oioe:-Roos Block, . C. E. Hnwsox. ` V A. E; H. Cuswxcxs; D.. . . Barr-star- ' . . Sohcutorun High Court ofjusticeo, Notanes Pubhc, .Conv_eyancen; Oieedover the Bank of Toronto, ` ' T . 1 . Rn ran. u-ne. . Money tn 3 um: of $5.0 ULT & COWRN Barristers. Soligiton of th Suvnme Court. 'ProctorIo N05339: 9`l::I ancermetc. M0II_Y-' 14039 o""' nunl.-mgr. . Rm-rm. I _____._------------------"'.:"'-"""-' ICKI_NSON & MACWATT. BMW N' - -- fs ......court.etc.. a..,.-"'.,,o...."`!`oa`:;.?.? g".s %.....o stock. No. Owen street. Branch ooo Ehhvale. McKeggie'I lock. 3/1 h `I? MAEWATT. M.` CAMPnl`3ELLo , O U m I and` Suyt::r :'L Ban-1:n3co-Bank. od Building,=0wcn street. ONALD R055 5. Conveyancer. ctc.. money Bank of Toronto`Building, Owen stroe A.--Da.l'na to Membcrof the Couegc or rnynunns anu cluxguuu; of Ontario. Ooe and Residcncc, :8 Owen ntteet. QTRAIHY & ESTEN. ` B: of Trinity University ox-onto, F w of T:-ini_ty Medncal College, Member "of the College of Phyucaane and Surgeons .4 n..o...:.._ nmm and Rmidence. Golfers! Bulllettyzdoea no; believe in-IL! ndvomning. V DR. . C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. ' &Smi Orillia.) Oee and residence -corncr of Owen an Collner streets, Barrie. :3-ly R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & S . Edin- hu ; M.F.P. 8: S., Glasgow, member of British pthalmological Society. Sveclaltv.-- nuances of Eye, Ear, Throat and Note. OFFlCE_.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Olce and Railway Station. Phnne :4. P. O. Box . 7-ly ne. -opposite roar Uuu: Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Disaounted. Collections made in any of the Real estate boughtand gold. _ nvey- _anc:: `an all its branches. Matnage Licenses nun . O$ne--Ron Block. Dunlap street Barrie. A c-Iv- $70 000 J! No I. - JAs. EDWARD s 9.","F."A"F{- ' H` - _- L2- _____.__ _ _--2.I_.._- (O Momzv TO LOAN. ' We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend ' d . th ' r oodf ..3.*.."3...5 `cX"1'r?i'v. 3'fEyR fun 31'?- Z."L2`x'17{`iftg?';`E:';"L=}."`i.":'i CAR IHY, Dunlop Street. Barrie. 1.0. no at ms omco, at me your: nouuc, every Saturdav. Reaidencq HE BALL PLANING MIL7I;:COMPANY--_ n Carggncetin , Building and manufacturipg of _ ah. Rundn. Nlnunldinam A-tn, DI:-nna nf Premier Rosa is trying to inupire oondenoe in the new house on the old inundation. but. the people won-?o tn- npire even 3 little bit.

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