rms.;A}; [ Iuooeu no I! mean wwu wlguruvmz vllv-gvwu - as he he: prove himeelf an honent and diligent investigator the `study of Herni- otomy in all its bran en, -When you en- 6---;-t In-new .nn.IA N`) VOIJ ITO under the IUU HUHE rnrllvl run annu- I Lot 1:, Con. 3, Township of Oro. on the Barrie- Orillia toad. 55 acresvclcnred, balance good hard-'. want! 9 n. nlnv loam: stood W8tI'. dwelling You will find spectacles for every si ht. and your eyes tested free. Also good an cheap watches. diamonds. jewellery and silverware. V 1'5` Watches carefully repaired. ---G-O '::'o... R. A. Douglas, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, 0 PIANO UNINGa om.-v Brggnhharh, is .foul5.en-1 __'-=`-4-1- 4.3-.-Hunt] ~ In 141`: mo ACRE FARMTFOVR SALE. 1' -a. -- I`-.. .. 'l`nu:nInn nf Ora. on tha Barri Town Prong For Sale, NI:-w Anvnnvusnnnnvrs. , Gnunty__tS_imcne. In the Surrogate Unurt In `the Township` of 1'):-o-`and - County slmoooy - v- .-u..-. V... V" -'ruuvu-unv-- vv Ts'rRArHY"; ESTEN. _ Mortgages Solicitors. Barrie. LL l__!I _O,- oominc toiaarnea AULT G. COWAN, Solicitors, -Barrie; M E AVAITEABLE THE INTERESTS OF BARRI3; -THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. WBABRIE, COUNTY or SIMCOE, ONTARIO, 1M4Y-4, 1399: ...._..o_ .. In the Matter or the Guardianship of the Infant Child of Marianne. P. Pae. of the Town of Barrie. Widow, Deceased. Annlicazion will be made to the Surrogate Court Of the Count\' of Simcoe bcfofe theijudge in Cham-' bI'S. at the Court House in the own of Barrie. after the expiration of twenty da vs from the first ublication herof, on behalf of argaret FIOFGFCO P,e._of the said Town of Barrie, half sister of the sazd lnianl. for an order appointing thevsaid Mar- Haffgt Florence Pae guardian of Rosie S encer Pae, $2 infant child of the said Marianne P. ac. deceas- IIUWII UIJIIIH HI IIII\l VIII! VUIIVUIIUI I ! I3. V` Ill` mott had applied for the sewer on M ulcaster St, before they decided whether they ex- empt him or not. He thought that no per- son who signed a petition asking for a cer- tain improvement should afterwards he released from responsibility in payin for it. Councillor Love said that he di not think signing a petition had anything to do with it ; Mr. Willniott was willing to pay `An nnnnnn `-n-Lnnun II\ nnvu-unnfan-I uI1`lu k:n `AO- vv wuvsuvu U uuv luIPIUVvIIlUllho We also believe that enough money can be raised from private sources to ensure _- the building of the track referred to if the land is provided by the Town. - ' WA `\nUn`Ann nu`: knln nan 4uIna;.u`.l nnnnn na- LU! ILIDIIGIIGIIIUII UUILIK WVVO Leighton McCarthy, M.P.. wrote that the Government at -Ottawa had been re- quested to lower Lake Simcoe by 7 or 8 ft ; he asked that the Council communicate to him their views in the matter. ` II ! :11 n1_'__,,_, 9, -._ ,1,-:,, ,~,,, LLUIII UIIW L QUE? IV QIIIIIIIIUI INIIIIIHBUI Secretary Roseburg of the Prisoner a Aid. Association of Canada, wrote_ asking the Council e co-operation in making the annual meeting on June lot and 2nd a success. . ENQUIRIES. `In answer to Councillor Love. Reeve Me- Lean said that the Finance Committee had been trying to nd out whether J. E. Will- mnn Lap` nnn`:nA `nun OLA nncnnn In-u M.1`nnnFnn UV` UIICII VuVI O Consulting Engineer Farke wrote that he had estimated the cost of installing an elec- tric re alarm system. The fire alarm could be sounded` by the present hell, or by a mocking bird whistle installed at the Water- works Station, If the bell was used it would be necessary to have a gong in every reman s residence ; if the whistle was used the ongs would be optional. The wires coul be laced on the present electric light poles e would divide the town into 10. or 12 stations, the estimated cost per station for installation being $100. ' ' T Mnnnmkm M D onmnbn &InnL llllll EH81!` V'lBWB Ill ([18 IHBUCGIH I T. W. Torrance wrote enclosing a chppmg from the Packet; re summer tourists. L`___,_L_ _,I'\ I , I `I , T'I,!,,, ,, ,1", A 5 ,. Wlllll III p U1]. '7 IIIIIIUIIII WEI VIIIIIIJ` UV for newer fronts. e in connection with his 13': on Mulcaeter an Penetanguiahene St., but not on the. adjoining lot which does not "touch the latter street. The Mnyor eug- geeted that Mr. Willmott appear before the Committee if possible. In angina: DA l1l\III`ll\:IIl\l| `DA-nun (rah-rnnn The Barrie Turf Club wrote asking the Council to enlarge the present race track from one-third of a mile in circumference to one half mile; Parts of their letter read as follows: 1117`. _._- -_2,,. -.,, 1 , - `I .1 A -I A GU IVIIUVI D 5 "We are givento understand that the Agri- cultural Joiut Stock Association will give stock to the Town for any amount that the -Town spends in` acquiring and fencing the land necessary for the purpose, and such stock in view of the dividend declared for the past year should certainly be remunera- tive with the better facilities that would I... ..a-..-.a-.: I... 4.1.- :.___._-..-_.-_L In tuuvsuuu U] ULIU .l.UVVl.Io We therefore ask that you should express your willingness to provide the necessary land and fence it on the condition that the beildinq of the track is carried out by pri- vate enterprise, the town being given stock in the Agricultural Joint Stock Association tor their outlay. .l\l\II`.':I|lD mnn:nnnh Du-Jun urn-vnann Linn`: `an Yonge and Gerrard ats.. 'l.`_\ronto. __._... ,._. [FRISE IN LIFE And wish to enter a. Business College _ _ has 73 per cone... or in Graduate: in d situations correspond with `the I I--- nn1lI:U| that In answer tg Councillor Powell, Chairman Soules said it was the intention of the Pub- lie Works Committee to furnish .'plank for boulevarding purposes. V STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. Chairman Soules re orted that the Com- mittee on Works ma e a tour of the streets and sidewalks on April 26th. Very little` work of the ordinary kind will be required on the roads; many~ sidewalks are in bad condition ; as much permanent sidewalk as ossible should be put down. He said his etailed report of improvements was not quite ready, but in the meantime the Com- mittee recommended that the walk from Berczv St., to Poyntz St.. on north side of Collier (passed last year) be laid as soon as practicable as a test for quality and cost. - Adopted. ' Thin {`.n'-nnvbl-Ag also ssnnnsnsnnns-InrI.I"\nl-. `Councillors Williamson `and Boys `were absent from the regular meeting of the .|?own Council on Monday night. ` comuumomrloxs. C, H. R.vClark wrote asking for the use of A rioultural Park throughout the season for ac edule laoroene matches. , ' , The `Dianey4& Devlin Manufacturing Co., of Hanover, wrote asking if thetown would bonus their furniture factory should thev- decide to locate in Barrie. ` IIIL- 1)-__:- rn.._n nI__L .___.,.- HI I VIVU Wllll UIIU UUIIKF IIIUIIIUIUB Wu lbe abrded by the improvement. `\n`3nun 0-I-Int Annnunk I The 2500 Light Dynamo Purchased}? ` % for $3.250. ~ Townceuncil in ` 1 Regular Session. auupwu. This Committee also recommended -that (1) Allandale wharf be repaired (cost $15) ; (2) Bayeld `St.. wharf be repaired. (cost $125); .(3) stone crusher be removed to Market Square for the urpose of crushing" euicient stone to put - uloaater , and Owen street: from Dunl to Collier in good con- dition; (4) a new rid e be constructed on t.heEua road near Bal win St.. (cost 870.)- Adopted. . V ' . Cheirman'i":'e.'v;le reported that the permanent oicial with monthly salaries in` connection with the Electric "2_I.L -_J `I7-Lam-up--Ion `l'\..-.....L...-..L nun an 'II'i'%Zn&"w`.1":`}'v`7r`Z."1`' 15'e';3L'm"`$'ne"$Z follows :-W.. H. Johnuon, $50; J. T W. "l _I______ man. I)` E E2... QOA- 'f`I-- `I W16 IOIlUWII.Ig l'UPUl'$ 3-` ' {The Committee having carefully `con-_ aidered the ueetion of extending and con- sidering the leotric Light Blunt and Power HouIe,.und.ho.ving secured propoged plans and specications. also estimates of` cost. .we herewith Iubmit the name for the Conn- .oil e'eoneide1-ation and epprove._l, or amend- mentu on they `deem wile. ML- l!:.nnnnh.Imnn nnnl Anlr frnm an.` menu all uuuy uvum vuuu. , The Ucmmittcee would ask from the Council full authority to negotiate. by ten- der or otherwise for the` purchase and in- stalling of the . nooeuery machinery, to- ether'w-ith the reconstruction of the build- ing, extension and re-arranging of. wiring when neceua`.ry. including Word 6. A work to-beundertehen with so little delay on circumetencee-will permit, t. - ,w `D.....I..`.... 4... H... ndnntlnn -J` plan vnvunor. gqod SIIUK uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu .- Excelsior Business Uu11sga,Ba.rria. m an le to prove this statement. .. ._..nn `Ill! nuu Vvqvvswvnnu Ilvyununuvuu unto an F1 owe Johneon $50 ; `Johnson, 330 ; E. F. Hinee. $80-; Geo. L. the following report :- Burton, $33.75; Jan. Keenan, $50; Wm. Leevie, $30.-- -Adopted. - `ELECTRIC Ltom nxrnnsxons; . The Electric Light Committee presented rm... (bunnuh-1-no Iuuvina van:-nfnllv "men- DI |i|l.`Uu|ulIJnuI.iuI_ wan pwtuuv. - ~ = .Previou`svto the adoption of the report, I Chairman Frnwlev eaid that the iuoreaein demand for light. the intention to exten the eyetem on the leading ronde ee well as through Ward 6. and the necessity of v- tng 9. satisfactory service make: it obi a- wry to. have `fpeeter -engine power; these e requirements mend more ' heltinsr and a igtger building. nTh_eie`etlma.ted cost of the `,iII!lIro,vementn,t.iJ.. 30.000. 1 81600. of which in; 1.towur,ds.chsi:'ging:t_Io -buiidinfg_ end: the _i-eet 1or1neeh_ " . ;;!l.`.he dynTen`io.et.preeent not on-rIciA1.s suamns. The Firlaxice (Committee recommended that the following accounts he paid :- Bell Telephone Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1.385 Barrie Gas Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.70 Globe `advt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.90 R. King, salary- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 50 Jas. Martin, salary... .. . . . . . . . . .. 39.17 E. Donnell. salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . `. . . . . 62.50 Miss Sibbald, salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 5.00 Dr. Oliver, M. H. 0. salary . . . . . . .. 75.00 R J. Parke, ealarv . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75.00 Barrie Fire Brigade. . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . -18 00 S. Teach and F. Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Jas. Ward and R. J. Fletcher . . . . . .200 00 Mail-Empire. .' . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . 9.00 Collegiate Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200.00 N. Wheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 900 Jas. Vair.._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 R. Meeking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 ('1...-. nu ' ` 0 "K Councillor Peacock said that the issuance of the writ had evidentlv caused the report that had just been read referring to Allan- dale. Chairman Frawley said that two months ago Allandale people were given to understand that the extensions to `that Ward would be made, but that Councillors Peacock and Brunlzon had done everything they possibly could to block. the Council in getting the plant, and afterwards increasing itscapacity so that more power for exten- sions would be possible ; the people of Ward 6 had no person to blame for the delay, but their own representatives. I nnIInn=nun IlIvnIv|`lu-u cu-:1` banana`- A....:...3 IIIIUIL UWII IPIUWIIUUIVe Councillors Brunton and Peacock denied any knowled e that preparations had been made towards extending the systems to that ward. The latter s- memory was treshened a bit by the Mayor, who said that he (Peacock) hadwsaid he saw Engineer Chipman taking the levels for mains; etc. The report was adopted. FIRE AND POLTCE. Chairman Caldwell recommended that the Caretaker s rooms, be repaired to the amount of $45; also that Mr. John McBride s ten- der for the market scales at $100 pavable quarterly in advance be accepted.-Adopted.' DINNER AND DRIVE. ' Chairman Rogers of the Reception Com- mittee recommended that the thirty rail- way men who will visit Barrie on J une 5th. on a tour of summer resort ins ection be entertained to a free lunch. and a so a drive around town.-Adopted. The cost will be about $50. .~ ' ` \.lU\I| LJQII o a u o o o n q Geo. Fox . . . . . . .. Jno. He'ern. . . .. Wm. Sibbald . . . . VJ no. Clayton. . . . J. C. Hirons. . . . W. C. McLean. . Adopted. `I 5' GUEIII eo. `gall. f DRYSDALE--0n the auth inst.. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. D. Df)'5d3'l' Fls' - . , w ' . Man'toba. the wife of `Mr. DICJ}:,1I1E GI.\)iclg]er."lPoe:-gmerly (if Elmvale. of_ .a son. T `MI A n_`RT1l`.n_ _chi'ne.--C`arr1ed. Love-Rogere.-'1`bat tlie present 2500 light Alternator installed in the Electric Light Station be purchased at the tendered price, $3250; instead of the 2000 light ma- 'I1I -A I. II\ uyuuvvoluu V!_I|JlI IDIIU BIIIGIIUIT uuglllu. Reeve McLean said that he was sorry that Ward 6 had issued a writ to compel the town to down what they have been trying to do for. two or three years, viz : get pos- session of the Waterworks and Electric" Light plants so that they could extend the system at the lowest possible cost to rate- payers. He said that the extensions pro-_ posed are necessary` and he hoped the re- port would pass. The Council would still be wlthinthe $35000 to be raised by deben- Im ran -ow -v -1 turea. f1 _ , , llllvlVa '-`\JlIl I ovu- F Love-Rogera-That Mr. Tyrer be given the grade of Mulcaster St.. sidewalk in front of his residence. The motion was withdrawn until Chairman Soules presents his report re sidewalk improvements. _ p,nnnhn_pnn1nlI._'l`Lnr nan-udn I `dd-L->2.-.3 ""igI .'.."."_i>3 }`. 1i'.'l'ri`1.I."o'"`EZi2 "5'mzena Band be not required to go to Allandale Ward once per month. uwI1nOnn__Dnnnnnb _Tn nwunnnnnnb `Lal- IlLU\J$I UIIJQ `IL! L I A motion was passed asking the Mayor to call a meeting of the business men for the purpose of forming a Board of Trade. cpnnection Viith thefamaller engin. ' I ' pnnvn Mrnnh unt` that In: man an: Brunton--t-'Peacock.--In amendment that Barrie Band be given $250 and Allandale Band $50, the latter to play in public twice a x2on`t.h. ___j____,,- ,, I ,,,_4! , . , I VII? BU IILU LVIIIIIIIIB UIICLVIUIV QB IIULVLUO Mc an-Johna_orv -That this Council is opposed to the lowering at Lake Simcoe and that the Mayor, Reeves. and Councillor Johnson draft a. letter containin reasons against t-heroposel, and for-war it to L. McCarthy. . P. ` ` A ._.-A.2_-'. ___ ._____J -_L2__.AL_ II _ _ _ _ L, IV II III! PHI VIIGUUID IIIIVL IIUVV IJIIIII good can be sold at su : gures. The` lain reason is purchasing fo 11 cash and no mi die- man to pay. For beau _ . utility and cheap- ness. the Millinery and 1- ess Goods of this popular establishment a unapproaobable, and in no Ontario city ca -' '_ he Dressmaking done here be excelled for ._` egance in taste andstyle--all garments -" g made to t like a well selected Glove; As everybody is now talking of good times \, and as busi- ness bids-fair to be more and ex- tensive ior some years to /ya it means more work--mors,wages--mo _ moretrade. `This also means` the Great Bargains oered at t . buyers of a class of goods uniq and un- paralleled tor utility and chea The record of the dail sales icons of creasing improvement an the more pee` - make nnsnnnrinnnn fjsnunni-n thus: 1:13 `In uinma BARF E TT-- by Rev. R castle. to GIBBONS- M Pogue, iss Katie C Mr 371 will always` nd the moat ooiirteoue treatm A r-|I-lnvnvin Ava IAUII II WIuI\l V5199 the daily: aalea is one V _ and more e comparisons the more they will be vinced um their interest: will the ae byl leaving their money where so many ages are oered and secured It is -_ importance to remember that the I ' ._' and Millinery -`sold here `are vastly otter. than the average of snob` good; sold ' ; that the -styles, are newer--.the material: iin = -. and the price: oloeer and customers will al ` : nd itsadvantageens to visit thin - ' r _ of taste and-at le early , the day--and t. frb_m.,:~ the,-yroprietor and: hief Ita oi $5939"-d iv '1 Z IIIIJII Ulla Both amendment and motion were lost, the report remains therefore as before. ' ' A-.. T-L_.___ f'L_L A_l.S.. l`!____, _2I 9-, For a nu er of years the Great Dry Goods Empor m owned and conducted by Mr. Geo. Reed has been. the centre of at- traction for is and a large section of the County of imcoe. The cause ofthe attractiveness is plain and clear that all who run may rea It has kept at the head of the procession `because all the goods found there are th very best of their kind, and are` directly itn rted from the most re- liable houses in tain and Continental Eurog. Then the ces are so astonishly low t ` purchasers nder how things so ann nun ha unit` at In Ranting Tho nlnln I -`-Theie nlar meeting of the W. G. T. U. will babel in their new p;rlorI;o.ver_ the Bublio Library on! Monday at 3 _ p. In. Spec- basin` Gil Wi1l lie'i:he'ar'rnn'|iI`g of deil for theonnty W; G. T. U. Convention to Ii: Inch` 3:: RAQIJL Hun Ilnn Q` _'I'-'nA.`I haul 0 I IIIIU \JVIlIIlI IV. a \JUII'VUlIIilUII Ii [$3 hold in name onvh 31, any 1 and 2. A sto That Sets The Pace, PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS. ' MOTIONS. 9 DGIIUHI5 DI Store to iq 38 The not lbe 3 ad by Un_d.er and b_\ Virtue of the Powers contained in_a. certam Mortgage made to the Vendor, and which W1 bP1'oduced at the time- of sale. there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION` by Mr. oseph R8ers.Auctioneer, at the QUEEN'S HO-EL in t_hc Town of Barrie and County of Simcoe. on --Friday is Arbor Day. ' I t3'Thia is Bixrgain Day mt n s. - The boating season opened on Monday. evening. ' commenced on Tuesday. _.- __v-._ -_v -- EJ. C I:win s for ate and Shoes at wholesale phces. -Open season for shiog brook trout I\.,, I, 1 131- n I an}. 0. ITn*vJi}{ `i; ZsV"ii`n;g-R-4&1-1;=.-r.:'-e: s Dry Goods at. 33 per cent. ount. See `ad. on 4th page. T V lI'\I In . 'G G. G. Gra. (L od and Genuine ; Maple Syrup at James r s. `30c. quart, ; 81.10 per gallon. In wil ease you. * 1 f'I1L`_ ,,, ,_ ` as In -- _, c_. - .r.._...- .v- ---_u-.n . t2?'We hhehfe them '11 stock-those his: grade Stearna Bicycles the wheel that leads them all. The best is e cheapest. Barrie Music Store. -___- _.v __v --a. u: ----- ny- EJ. C Irwin is dell` stock of Clothing at actu of making. `Stylish Sm . Pants at g and off rgula. In: I ouall & Gibaon s Iv less than cost Many Readable Paragraphs of Local Interest. . . 5 New` Maple : at Both we] 19:. vvulJl.|lItllU\lI vu J.|lUU|llIJI --Dunlop and Elizabeth streets received their sprint: cleaning on Monday. I l\__-., hnnn . .1 `Wu 01 name and County of Simcoe. \ Siiturday. the 20th my, A.D.,18Q9. 3! the hour at` T`.....I.... --'-|-- _--__ AL- 1:-n......-... ` .__..,., -.. _._-.._._ -O;ei.7E)d) gxebtlers have gone to Maui- toba and the North West this spring. I Ar.-.I-T R `l ._-_.:__ :- _- us, , `ll 1- . 9 1x r"a" ' '-Mr. Thomas Stritch, Worsley street, will sell his household furniture on Friday afternoon. \ _ , `V- r, _____ _. -. u-.- ruuvvhonv 'vIaIo -- The number of ladies who buy Magnetic 1 } Dyes allover Canada. surprises even ourselves ' -of course they give splendid results. 4 A1117- L- ,_, 1V-W `Field and Garden seeds now ar- rlvlng at BOTH WEl.l. 4S. ; -._~r pm 7 -- - - -- --Gant'.~ Thomas McCullough is tting! out the Minota. ready or the season of M navigation The Captain can relate many stirring incidents of a. long sea.-faring life. A_....-... IV-Ij___,.II .I I ' -Angus. Caldwell, the popular engineer ` of the Longford tor many years. has gone ` to Lindsay to pull the throttle on a. boat plxinz between that town and Bobcavaeon. -The heavy wind of Friday lastfdrove the.iceT to the north shore of the bay when i is was ground into small pxeces and soon 1 melted away. The lake is also open. l1_....A.- 7131.----- 'lI,t1 `II n o n .- . .` '-- --- --'-~-x-~-"-- --During the progress of the storm on ; Sunday night. in Collingwood the electric 1 lights went. out in one of the churches. A ` few of the nervous ladies screamed with fright, and general pandemonium reigned for a. few mmutes. The Latest News -On Fridity last Messrs. Strathy & Eaten, solicitors for the town, entered notice of defence appearance in the action brought by \Vard 6 against the town of Barrie. The case will be tried at the asaizes here begizining on May 16th. IAAI ,II I .I I` I-- parnn -\-A. -A representative of Tm: ADVANCE` spent part of last Thursdsv afternoon in the East Ward School with Mr. Airtb and his happy family of fortvpupils who evidenced ` much interest and intelligence in their work. After intermission the pupils do . their oivn `lining up `in the yard, three senior pnpilshsving full charge of the three lines. They do their work quietly and well. . I ta"Rev. Dr. "of the Method conduct the . re Elizabeth street arman, the superintendent church of Canada, will ening services of the ethodiet Church next `Sabbath morning (1 evening. There will aleo be are-openin tea and a programme suitable tothe cocaine .on' Monday evening May, 8th. to which th public are cordially linvited. Tea from 6, 8 o'clock. Pro- gramme to commenceat . --Severe electric _etorme accompanied by heavy rain visited `thin vicinity on Sunday and Monday. On Monday noon the light- nin struck and killed two cows belonging to 1-`. `Wm Ainley in the northern nart of -the `town. The current passed along the wire clothes line and gave Mine Ainley, who was taking in acme clothes. a slight shock in the Other havoc `caused by light- ing folIow'e:-Jchn MoDevitt, aged '82.; Mono` Road; waakilled instantly on Miondavlw-hile ehingi; his hat andhootae ,.we'f're totn`jip9" fragmentp. ,_' The end of a Mr. - I5,lI9i`t:if9fk !' tum- Midimst. was .ut,:ck. .wr e_9 lied; there. who no . AW'a'oa?aa:u-in and ;outhuildi'n`g|, . ; A L .5"_{,,Y:A. L ---At the weekly shoot last Friday of the ` "Barrie Gun Club, the following scores were made ;-J. G. Scott, 8 : R. Douglas, 7 ; E. H Williams, 7 ; J. H. Willis, 5; Dr. Wallwin. 11; F. Grose, 7 ; F. D. Height, 5 ; Geo. Hogg, 5 ; H. Harper, 6 ; Waterloo. 13. i C -In tlle first baseball match of the season l played in the Agricultural Park last Friday I -evening, Lorne Clarke W. Ncss. F. Smith, 1 G, Caldwell, C. Scott, A; Griitb,-R Mc- Donougfn, P. Biugham, and F. Gray defeat- ed arpicked nine by 17 runs to 2 C. 1 Churchill was umpire. l -Sunday` Wes the gelden weddingi `anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Lane, Penetanguishene street. . Their many 1 friends are pleased to congratulate them on ` passing the half-century mark of hapgy e married life and hope that they may spared yet for many years, -On Tuesday evening as Mrs. N. W. E. King was walking into the press room in the Gazette office she fell through an open doorway into the cellar. The office boy was coming up the steps at the time and` at the expense of a few bruises. broke Mrs. King spfall which, fortunately, did not result in more serious iniuries than a sprain- ed ankle and a general shaking up. --The dog poisonex is _still at large and is getting bolder than ever at his work. On Tuesday afternoon of last week he threw a chunk of poisoned meat on Mr. F. W. Reed's lawn on Clapperton street. The dog soon picked it up but was saved from death by Mr. Reed : prompt and pereevering efforts to counteract the poison. ~ l IfI"I'I I'\A ;` II I .-G.T.R. Detective Cockbnrn brought Arthur Terry and Oie Thompson, aged 1-1 years, of Midland, to gaol here on Friday evening to. await "their trial on a charge of breaking into. and robbing three cars at Midland. They stole a quantity of cigar- ette tobacco. The lads had been on`sua-Q _.___j_.1 _-_L_.__- E-.. - _-_,_. 4- _ _.-.,__ UIIIU $IUDfUUU- LII? IGUB IIDLI UUUII URI DUE` pended sentence for a. year as a result; of` 3 trial on a similar charge. I\ II! 1 0 it `Q (1: 11 1Vle!:;h1:lvx:, 1],? Sugar an`I Maple syrup EU? " ed by the uuuueln nuucu-. ;lfmi*; gcssftlon of Canada. No whitewash- zors 1 I ting Diplomas to ingompetent `caudndates. ing 'fd'::,5 are properly tramed to pages these ex- amm That's why we have many more atetheirstenggapable. eicnent. youn men and avpli3`i"' 'tions than we can supp`y. _ wognen to ilntigl-`_"Ou,. College_ at any tune. There `cu 3%-;tions to interfere wxthyour advancemen M no if you wish particulars drop a postal to . . 17 .... anal (`.nu-ran-(I gnu, ,V `Tn-nu!-A Oufgtions Succe35fully,_and Business `men appreci-. in_es of telleot t you ouths Briefly Told; U -The Bank of Toronto has purchased the private banking business of J. 0. Mc- Keggie & Co., at Stavner. and on Tuesday commenced business in the new branch. Mr. J. B. Edwards. who has been the ef- cient accountant in the Bank of Toronto here, has been appointed manager at Stav- ner. His many friends regret his depar- Q ture from Barrie, but are pleased to hear of his promotion. Mr._ Mortimer Atkinson. manager of the Barrie branch was in Stavner on Tuesday and installed Mr Edwards in 'his new charge; Mr. J. H. MoKeggie was also there representing J. C. M cKeggie & Co. in the transfer. Mr. Edwards will be as- sisted in Stayner by W. F. Doner. account- ant, and T. W. McEachern. junior clerk. `The vacancy in the bank here will be lled I temporarily bv a change in the present eta'. 7 ,C,.. -. --Mondnv was Division Court day ; there ; wire 20 cases on the list, but no legal ghtl. IA special sittings was held on Tuesday to ! hear one case that was left over from Mon- gday. ' -\ - - 3 -1'he Dyment string of twelve horses were taken to the Woodbine, Toronto, on Tuesday by Mr. John Dyment. Lovers of gafast steed will watch with interest the lworkof the Brookdale racers. ' -Marks Bros. began a two weeks engage- mentsin the Grand Opera House on Mon- day night. The attendance on Tuesday night was double that of the night before, ,which testifies to the popularity of the series of interesting plavs the Company is nresenting. Last night s play was entitle}, Under the British Flag, and was greets by a full house. Baby George of seven years is a smart boy. run 11 1 n my , - - A I.l\A ICE` I vac. .,....5.. .. _Rev.D D McLeod introduced his remarks by expressing the pleasure of the congrega- tion and himself in havintz the Society pres- ent to unite with them in Divine worshi . Of the business of their Society he woui)d not speak, but recognized the benevolent element in it as in harmony with the spirit of the gospel in which we all believed. He referred briey to this feature of their work, and then proceeded to speak upon the text chosen, 2nd Peter 1, 5, 7. The words bein , Add to your faith virtue. brotherly kin - ness, charity. His subject being--the strengthand beauty of a Christian life--or two elements of character required in mod- ern Christian life. He pointed out that the text was addressed to those who possessed the Christian faith. That it is the use to which we put our possessions that is the test of our characters He proceeded to combat the common error that it is a mark of weak- ness to submit our lives to the government of Jesus Christ He argued on the con- trary, that Christianity enjoined us to add in our faith, and manifest in our conduct. manliness in its highest developments He ' showed that the Christian life demanded the exhibition of the noblest qualities of man- hood and that the Christian was a man reso- lute in duty, courageous in conduct, and in- dependent in spirit. He showed that Chris- tianity was opposed to everything that was mean and unworthy in character, and that there was no worthier. manlier attitude, than that of a searcher after Divine truth, and a reverent. worshipper of our Father, God. His spirit of manly energy. of reso- lution and fortitude, we are here enjoined to add as one element in our faith. The second point on which he dwelt, though not havingtime to enlarge upon it at length, was the necessity of our cultivating brother- ly kindness and charity, as essential ele-L It was point- ` ments of Christian character. ed out that this meant more than mere friendliness. It had its source in the iove of Christ, and was kindled in the heart by His spirit. That the spirit of our lives was of more importance than `our creed. That it was to be manifested to all, but specially to those who were in need. both in our own and other lands. That church which lived only to build up its own interests, was not possessed `by the spirit of the Master. That this grace of brotherly kindness and charity required to be cultivated, by seeking the spirit of Christ, bv doing deeds of kindness, by reflecting on the sin of a selsh life. That when our life was characterised by this moral robustness, this strength as of the oak, and this kindlv spirit as of the fra- grant ower, then we show that Christianity is to us not a mere name, but a rulin `power in our lives. The discourse close with an appeal to all to seek a fully develop- ed Christiawlife. The market last Saturday was conned principally to butter and eggs. The sunply of both was very large. the prices being 1120. and 13c. for butter and 10c and lloffol` eggs. Some greenhouse vegetables were on the tables and sold at the usual 50. per bunch rate, though the bunch was somewhat smaller than it probably will be two weeks hence Very few fowl were market- erl. Potatoes. sold at 650. per bag bv the load and 70c. for some single bags Wheat !sold on Tuendav at 650.; pease, 65c.; oats. '35c. Hay has risen in price. several load: selling on Saturday from $9 to $9.50 per ton. !night; the family escaped. The rain did much good to vegetation. I'\ II ! 1 no --- - I _ ---O: 'i`7|i1-.7s>d:;I.:vn('>;I'z;.:t' week John Brown [crushed the end of his right thumb while Wvorking in the foundry. He will be of I work for a. fortnight. I 112,: 1\ .. .- ,- ran `The South_ thirt ngne acres of the ` me in the Secon rsa. in the Count LI- ' After the brethren had returned to the led? room A hearty vote of thanks proposed by roe. Simmons and Hubbert was ten-_ 'dered to the reverend gentleman. Jamee Vair h just receiv largest conaignm c of canne broughtto Barrie, prices protable to the c sumer, Beef, Compressed Ha Read En liah Brawn, Pigs ' an Beans, Stewed K Lunch Ton ue. . Germs. _ Chicken an Tongue. Ra Meaty, Devilled Meats, Chicken. e . ioaide yin: thiu`nmmor._ - v revv- - All parties who can accommodate tourists this year should leave at THE ADVANCE oice or with the Town Clark, the number of person: they have accommodation for. at their homes. It is anticipated that I 131' number of Americana` ind other tourist: ` The eightieth anniversary of OddfelIow- ; ship was observed on Sunday by the breth- ren attending divine service In the Presby- terian Church. Each of the sixtv members on parade wore a. beautiful Oddfellow Badge and red rose. - `Dm-. h `l\ mini ....A :.......:.I.......: L:_ ..-...-_I-_ ot Weathezwnd Summer Delicacies. s;.oo PZi;R ANNUM IN" ADVANCE . swan: oomas mm cam-s. The Three Link Brethren. aua.\ ntvxiuxvl LLV AIJV4 . _-_..._._.__-____-__..____. THE MARKET. P" - r 680". tm;"salo U1` anhb-. r` pet the tune 0 Chase money shall be P3-`d d '1 3 to th: Vend ewithin one or's Solicitors. and the 5813 , week thereafter. P5 E`? o v f sale ap-I _ dmoni *3 1 or further particulars 3f`d `,:n - ciencyof Udell! fcaauxluuol wuu. ` "U gnu` - W7, a st {the CENTRAL BUSIN `?:_l-1 Troptq. .311 Basia strong iEdpeshd?n?EI_x-, MORTEKEE sAu:! E zfl | "sat`1:('i:::1t'rc'a/.s`<;:;1biy'\v4;;l`:` Procle . ' NTRAL BUSINES .uIGOf`he , n _...... an no:\-urn-5-11`: "W" EN1 HHI... 9\llI`.E-SF \I\l '- 3 5 dhe-g,onto, all pass a. Independent 15;.-. LEG conducted by the Business Educa- amI_`i'3.--..mtlon whitwash- Dated zoth April Ly. ` . _ QPEBT A DESIRABLE HOTEIE ' 3 J FOR. :-ty Vat Au"qd Je:' .The Miscampbcll 1.40! %`';`3 . .u-ac and W '3'? 2a .:..:;:,:::} 3?: `.:`.%';::.::*o; . aaoaered *' ` easv . 5- JAMES _ . . I l_ t the ownefo. V , CA'1\I; eESI..L.A8E11)rch?l| P.- ' m "F 0f the largest Music Stores north of T|'"t` _ of S ' trmged ,Insui9men`t A8. 3`: qtmy j tneintzma T~`,`)9'.` rhn Organs . usical Su git Half ' 4 ---u-ac | ONS i:..:::x.'=: of `student reasonably well. The ,.ZnnC\'- . .---4-u|n|-a-an . {E WSURANCE POLICIES ~.----on 0! Mr P 935 (er cAxp3"LL,A5K: 5", ? BARRIE Muslc s'ro$REL DLUUMMUJ. _, _______ Documents on me t . . _ P '- \ ' "ndnu. Dated .'ttBarrie this 24th day of April, A. D. 1399. MARGARET F. PAE. 17-18 Rr Q -rug-v-no R; I36-I-an L--n C4-`I3;-:I>r\o: !1eiNa- 17-zo . * -vvsu. uul ;_\-cxgnt HCTCS OI [DC LVOITII IOI'(y ngne gscres of west half of Lot Number Twenty- %ne m_ Second Concession of -the To\vn_ehip of r5a._ In County of Simcoe. . ' _ m '5, property is first-class pasture land, sxtuate III '-elhborhood of Lisle and Angus. There will be :1 reserved bid. ch;ERhIS OF SALE.--Fifty per cent. of the'pur- `E01103 be n.-lid dnwn at the time nfnala `v vuultylllll I -\l- I)! w _ L1~:NNox'.Bovs~ BROWN `A 1;` Soli 'to'n;; 33-*8- Bm 4.`:9'i. fANTlZD.-Six-roorhe at this Oice. House to'rent. 2\p ply 18-18-p . ll. uuu.-u.` 69 years, ~Noti%ib v 11. N . s WIL3...N- 3355 V0! xL`SrIAMUEL xBSLEY. Propnatonv _ NT WANTED.-T-Ap K. Allandale. 18'} GENERAL SE _toMRS.ROBT. l% SIS VIA) ' '.`"""' '_ MCI`\RTHY. PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. of Barrie, Ontario. `fa-nrlnn-'1 Snlicitnr - r-v~- --"u1'"' ""' :` hour ovf Twelve `o'clock, noon. the followin8' Farm property. namely: _ ' e South thirty-eight acres of th North fort? lC!'S of was? half nf T.nI- Nuumhnr Twnntvo new ADVERTISEMENTS". ,5: ml Pnce pana tor Endowment Insurance _u_ In reliable Companies or money loaned. Apply 0. H. LYON, n-Iv I1-.. --- l:I....:- Cures` 1%/sp_eps~ia'. 1 1-l\` `T--GIBBONS-At Stayner. on`A rag 3:';oM%::*=12:;; :;;:,`1,':;,:;'.= "W N41 E 35h_Price paid for-L`Endowment Insui-ans! relmhlu l`n.*........!_. an nmnnnu Innnnrl V `T mAt r. run: . By bnuruv & Esrrm, her Solicitors. L.` El{. ;cf.`a u `1'>`T o.'."Z. ' TD\Y\vt\1y' !\1I\uIa\ n I- A we. package" will '8 by R. Mo 18-IV.` : Substitutes Tea and Coc V make 7; cups. For sale in Ba Grocer, Sole Agent. - iuluduuloau vv 3 -....u-....... and Gerrard Stan Toronto. - MARRiED. "'T'EX-.EE{{z 1e2"iz3s"r'ii~3,"'" Solicitors for Executor. BORN. A.` r. cARR:'rT.: x Box l7'8!~_:B@l'l.'._: DIED. e, untano. ' _ Vendor : Solicitors. :7-19 I-Inuit; Box 303. Barrie. ' `t jar erly co - zluctgf. test :13: vell. The gradu- LI E 3 3 I _ AC ham Ausman. aged 6: years. RL`SSELL~0n April 23rd, 1899. Mr. W . R of Russelton. aged 74 years. Deceasngd wgsfglgl; 17 years postmaster at Russelton, named in his honor. ' A BELL-`Jear Utopia. on Weduesd ,LA `1 . 1899.` Alexander Bell, aged 85 yaais. VP" 26`. 1\I*SHA`.\'E-On April 29th. 1899, M` M k .\IcShane. Penetanguishene stree:sBarg:. 3:33 4,. 1 nnrc. SMAN--At Stayncr. on April axst. Mrs. Abra: of the i ` Sterling Silver and Plated elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pin, Belts, Newest Designs. E Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. TELEPHONE 2608 23-h Ware, Watches; U1eeks,Jew-- _ . u '. at 11.30 o'cl.ocka..m. That valuable farm property known as the North- erly 32 7/10 acres of Lot 3 in the rat Ran , and 79 acres. more or less, part of. the West _hal o6Lot 3 in the and Ran e of_ the sand Township of ro. as more fully described In the said mortgage. . There are said to be upon the eaidrro rty a frame dwelling 1% storeys high :6xa4. wit dition 15x34; frame barn 36x70 ' with stabling underneath and ad- dition aox7o V . Thu land in mun-Iv all 4-Inn.-mvl ant` :5 :. -..:.l 4... I..- -0 CIIIIOII 20370 The land is nearly all clearedand it is said to be of excellent qualitv. also that between an and 25 acres are sown with fall wheat with the promise of a good ` crop. - --. .-r---I - --q,u -.!';'-t`l'1e above roperty is not sold at the time of sale. the vendors w` be prepared to lease the same for i the current year. 15 V SUCCE.SSOR T0 s. B. WINDRUM,' 81 King St. East (up stairs) Toronto. { Established .1880. T0 . _ D 'lPhe vendors pro one to have `spring crops sown between now and t e date of the sale, " --on -w- --vn ----n w--uv we-vv vo Iunlv Iruliqc Ten ner cent. of the purchase money to be paid` at the time of sale. sufficient therewith to make in all one-fourth of the purchase monev, within 3o days thereafter. and the balance (IO be secured by mort- gage on the said premises) paiable in accordance with the terms and conditions 0 sale, which will be made known at the time of sale. and may in the meantime be ascertained on application to ET`) A I"L!\I "O. H"l`\I Dated nth Aprimsog. It ;_I_- -I___.- ,._-._,_L_. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Svatutes of Ontario. r8q7. Chapter 129, Sec. 38. that all creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of Marianne P Pae, late`of Barrie. de- ceased, who died on or about the 13th A ril. 1899. are required on or before the 23rd day of . ay. i899,_ to send by post. prepaid. to Messrs. Strathy 8: Esten. Barrie. Solicitors for the Executor. a statement in writing of their names and addresses, and full par- ticulars of their claims. And notice is hereby given that after the said 23rd day of May. 1890. the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled. thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall have had notice. and the said Executor will not be liable for the said assetsor any part thereof to an person or persons of whose claim or claims they shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. ....._ . ._---- .. uun-n-uuv A large amount of prii'ate [funds in our hands for investment at lowest rates and on easy terms of repayment. AIIIT D, llll Notice is hereby given to Richgrd S. Brooks (who, it is said. has left the Province) end to'a.ll others whom it may concern,`_that under and b vir- tue of the power of sale contained in a certain att- gage (which will be produced at the time of sale) made bv the said Richard S. Brooks and in pursu- ance of the terms of said mort age there will he offered for sale bv PUBLIC A ftnn, at n.. 4 sat{1raay,_ the 13thday or may, 1399, FULL LINE OF -cannula uv suqunua n\u-Iuvuu on UIUUSI BIN! Ill pl.Il'9Il' 'rnort.%ge sale %{PUBLIC A from. at the UEEN'S. HOT . in the Town of `Barrie, by Mr. . eon-go R-. Ford. Auctioneer, on IDRDOKS EU 3 Cum nuns uuu rcrusuw I-I-IIIUI lulu Regairer. and Wong! gequ_es our trans to entrust to im work of thus dnscnptxon. esppctfully yours, Gmuuuw I-liznrrzmax. `nun... late in: `Planing -at u Elirgheth St:-net Mortgggg `Sa1e Form: for sale In the Townelnp of Floe. North Half Lot :7. Con. a . zoo acre, no acres. cleared. . Small frame house. good water. etc. Also South Hall Lot 17, Con. 3. too acres, so acres clear- ed. balance mostly hardwood-bush.` Stables. grain houses. implement house and outbutldings. Youn orchard of 5 trees; all bearing; nearly all go cla soil. '1` eabove two loteare oproente each other an will be sold together or Ie rate y. Terms eaev. Apply to S. R. BEETO , Anten Mills. :3-an H. M. L MIN T Money! |VI LEN.-;LARGE BLACK and Tan Collie D . stub tail, large strap on neck; reward offered; y person retaining him wibe prosecuted. A. VV. ENST-ONE.; '18-l8~ ._ ..7 .. .------v- ---------------'------ STRAYED OR S ` We take pleasure in tecommendin` MR. FRED. Bnooxs as a. com tent and 1'-eliab Tuner and I D._-.:-..- am-I umul rnnnenf nur natrnim tn entrust Gmuuuzn unnrrzmau. Orders left for Tuning -at 5: Elizabeth Street will receive careful attention. Lot No. 3. west side `of Mary Stteet. one-fth" of an acre.ZRouhcCut Building; Stable. etc. Apply to JAMES ROGGIE or at Tm: ADVANCE Om:-mi: A 4.3g _ . A -_Ge'orge fourtqen-` ear-old boyg`-wudrowned lg. thp .G._nnd _lv`or a1; Fagin iridgy.`.,The-,(laoeued ;wp.VI my .a.'rn ` % ,- son]; Iogrof B. Ill IGUUIVU Initia- Earn. snIik";"" BARBIE, um. to J nu. Orncn . otomy n an :8 man an. - vv uuu yuu an trust your case to him on are care of one whovis ataxia and willing to make youroaae th that you would like it to be. Ailctad para a who are not in good dtoumltaucos at A allow that to stop -them fro -with this great Spooiuliut. Ad `co in ftoe, *1,thisfitouyyvitlgwiujoothntimonyl ` and even if you are not in: posit V to have your case apormgnentlyl streatod` u,.r.mo.y t should not obtain aomeTgootl:`. a'dvloe that-W: . ` ve in-g vialuablcrtoo you` in the mao.ntime._ A - a- +.- Orillia road. acreiuvclearea, balance goon _nan_:-. `wood: oil. clay loam: good water. dwelling and good frame barn. Apglly to . ` 16-28;: V. HOS. JORY. Dalston P.O. i0*Kcw0HALTH nniux