Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Apr 1899, p. 3

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INSUILIICI EAGLE - Parlor Matches, EAGLE VICTORIA ~ LITTLE COMET ~ ~ The Finest intlge World. No Brimstone. No. 5 humor 31.. mp noun. PROPRIETOR. ADVAN C E BINDERY HULL, P. Q- . and Lacro WELMVALE -- The Elmnl followihg ofcers ;..'_=Hon_ P V ' ' TOWII 3 Sec.-`I.`reae., Capt, T. Jennett; Lacrosgg gap` G ' ' '9 B0. Peterkin. AnJALA'-- first settlers of Adjuh d- ? led '5 his resi 588 Club `NW6 eleb` W`. the. C. A. Sheath; Bash. 3 Simon `Laugh 7: One of the dance near Ennis on T . ueaqay at $118 age_of 82 years. Dece of County Tipperary, $332328 a.~Five resided on the farm. on wlficgszd had 9 died for fty-ve years.._Hem1d 1- gL`\_` _. G--!..L.. Luna W`=>AN'1`ED-L.-Copies of TH}: mm. mm Anvmcn dated July 4, 1895." :and July 11, 1895. Paftiea huving `either or both$7f)apem will kindly leave them at thiaoice. HE CHILDREN'S AID7SOCIETY OFE have for :1 tion. in good Homes. 3 .A` In-Iahb unnnav Jmndinn child:-an. b0VI I THE CH1LUK.|S1V_'b A_1u auuuu 1 ur nnnnnu ado t1on._1n 3 nlmgher of bright young` nadxan children. boys and curls. Partiesdeairinthcm are asked to municato iith thosecretary. EV. W. R. MGIN OSH. Barrio. 3-lg LARGEST CIRCULATION, MOST NEWS---MOST ADS. Parlor Matches, 200 s. . l00 s. ~ % % 65 s. ONE ISSUE A WEEK, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Slut`-kl Una .__ ` re MINESING-The Litera S . ` elected the following o em0fet%ha.s -- rem. dent W` B`"khld1" Vice Presid t . 9. T. D. McLean ' Secrets ' V gt0DT1'99.8u;~`er',])r; MO 1;:';mVil(Vi -. T R. J_ Mullen; Committee, of ii Pltfgv nzent, Mrs. llngmm `Mrs Tmzsuag. ` I ,1 . y 0 ` 117 1-_.L V In. 0, .u:.uan..-- Rosnmowr-The barn of Mr. . Thou. Gallgugher, of Adjalh, had 9. rather narrow escape last week during the big min storm here, being struck by lightn- , 1 LL- _-..l'L-..... 3-5.` [n] uluanu up--.., ~-__D , _ U ing, which shattered the rafters into splinters and set the hay on fire in ve dierent" places. Some of the men were in the cow stable and immediately got to work with pails and prevented the destruction of the barn.-Herald.` " e VICTORIA HARBOR-Mr. R.- Heels, who has been for a number ofyears section boss on this section of the G.T.R. is about to remove to Lindsay. . . .Rev. R. Crow, ot Barrie, occupied the pulpit last Sabbath `morning. gHe preached an excellent sermon, taking his text from the first chapter of Joshua....Mr. James Dunn had a horse killed by lightning on Friday last. _ - v -. .. . , `. WmmDGE_..'1`o `Mr. and Mtg; B. Wright, 9, daughter. . . .Mr. Noch Woods is improving in health. . ,`_._Mr. John Reynolds has obred his ora} ` .'....,_Mm. s. Irwin broke her -1 Johnston, W. R. J. Mullen. ORILLIA -V-A new Ool1egia.te'Institu_te will be built and equipped at a cost of $12,500. . . .The power schetne will entail a heavy expense on the _Bell `Telephone Company, as they will have to put inesmetallic circuit to overcome the great induction, which with the present wires would make conversation almost impossible. This will cost the ` company about $7,000 or $8,000. . .. J smes Haw has sold the Orillia House tc J. K. Hesaey, of Brampto . `I'l'I'I 1"!` II s uTEC0*TV usws aunest. BOND HEAD--The Rev. J T. Hall had quite a severe accident on Saturday afternoon; While engaged in remov- ing a broken pane of glass from a win- dow the knife he was using slipped and entered his left arm, making _an ugly` gash and cutting an artery. Dr. Cunn- mings was called, and then Dr. Steven- son, of Bradtord, was phoned for. ' The two Drs. put their patient under chloro~ form till they could nd and tie the artery and then saw up. the incision in which nine stitches were put. We hope to see Mr. Hall out again in a- few days.-A-Witness. s A I 1111. Out S'!`AYNER-A .eI' and illness of two months with gangrene, Mr. A George MAt9e'a aged 65 years, passed away at.his home on lot 1, concession 9 ,` town- '3lP Of Sunnidale, on Monday, April 7th. T The funeral took place yesterday, Wednesday, 19th inst.,to0the Methodist church where a service was held by Re. '1`. Legate, after which interment `'35 made at the town cemetery. Devitn. Baldur, Mam; `Mrs. o-Jonas flaky Nottawasaga ; Miss", M`ina,t'att ' m5 Rev. Thomas G., Emsdale; and ,William, at home," Messrs. Henry and `Sun. a Mr. M'Ateer was one of the best known a resxdeute of Sunnidele, and lwas'h_igih.ly_ `med. He leavesa widow `and the. -following sons and daughters: Mrs. E.` Blmnponn-The remain of MIIJT Huff, an elderly womah, of the toil}-i MP. were interred in) Ebenezer-olii-1_ W! on Monday of last week. . .V;Mr.-K. Geo. Botham dud family,-of: Yongeiln} have taken up their 'rsidenoe'_ Q.l.I,1_1iAO'fi `n..._, - , V- . "-`n"-'l- ' V|-I up uuuu nvusuvuvv 7.. - - gm recently vapated by Mr.` Rtdd``* and better known at bt. Fennell farm, W9; Lunde1ft_5_l1;11`; ;i 'lr-, fit. Botham -1;,~.h`;,.:d7 ho V. . . .011 April 20BI}l7,yI5;h`81\_ . W9~t.%vil1% Aru. 27, 1'8.99=._+ ;fy'ALlE Lacrosse Clubs elected vihg Pr.ea., jut); President, G? Brown; .`reae., Sheath ; Baseball , J ennett ; Laerosee _Capt., Geo. ..-D-V , Burkholder, W. Joh`n'son, _Mra. S. broke` her ly . . . .The Patrol: `store has d. . . .Mr. J amen. `MQuoce Mr. Ira Haze1ton efar_m. . . . I McKeown is'ill with clips ronto 'ShlidIy Tuesday. He a_ fbrpt V6! West Gwillimhuty, and niuiy in the township will loan with of his death. _ . __ ` V . Tnonwros-.'-0n".l.`ueiday_cf. Mr. James Moliennsn, . ms. resid- ins tdbnti tlliree west hot` this village, died. _ He had been ill for some time ` with catarrh of the stomach. Mr. "McLennan was sixty five years of age and a nativeof Mgnaghsn county,` Ireland. `Became to America twelve years ago and settled in Essa township. Mr. McLennsn leavesa widow, twelve sons and one daughter to mourn his loss. . . . A severe thunderstorm passed over this locality last `Thursday alter- noon. Mr. A. W. Eletcher's residence [had anarrow escape from being struck by_ lightning. A gate close to the house was badly shattered and the watertank was also visited by the `electric power,- but luckily no further damage was done. This is the second time that an Apriliftorm has molested Mr. Fletcher's home. Once before a` chimney on the house was knocked to pieces. - World. 1)_iJrcH SE'r'rLs:MsiN'r-_Anna Little, in writing to the Collingwood Enter- prise, throws out- the following. chal- lenge to a Back Settlement scribe. If . the latter has any snap in him there is fun ahead :--4_Mr. Editor, I don't know whether you think it right or not, but I do not think _its right or honest "for. one man to steal another man's name. To steal" a horse isbad enough, but to. steal a" name is .simply terrible. Just notice the Back Settlement correspond- ent. Now he took my nom de plume. There is nothing for me to do but sign my own name. and 1 ll defy him to take that. Anna Little. . . .A very happy event took place at the residence of re. Dand, Collingwood, when .Mr. Thomas Sled and Miss Annie Din- woodie were united in marriage by the` Rev: B. T. Ferguson. -Miss -Ella Wickin, of Flesherton, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Geo. Sled, brother of the groom, acted as groomsman. `The. bride received many valuable presents. The young couple will reside near the Bat- PENETANGUIBH ENE-Mr. John Ken- nedy, farmer, of the ordnance reserve township of Tay, lost his barns and stables,` by re about 11 p.m. on April 18th. `There were three horses and. . over sixty fowls and all his farm im- ` plements, harness, sleighs, etc., in the . buildings, and all were burned. The buildings were insured in the Norwich -Union, and the contents in the County of Simcge -Mutual Fire Insurance 00. ....Money to burn is a common enough expression, but down in Flos they feed their ttle on greenbacke. E. Archer was gaged last fall in as- sisting at ca threshing at `Richard Gra- ham a when in some way he lost a roll of bills amounting to $60. Search was ' made but no trace of the money could be found. A fewdays ago Mr. Gra- ham's son wasforkinglover some straw and cha` to feed the cattle` when he observed some strange looking bits of paper. The boy picked some of them up and asked his father what they i were, and he at once saw that they . were scraps of bank hills that had. { passed through the threaher. They were very "badly cut - up, but with `a , little `perseverance they were put to- gether and nally $40 worth of bills were thus recovered. The other scraps" , may yet piece out the remaining $20.- 1 Herald. ' T A ` A ` COLLINGWOOD---A..t St. Mary : church, V on Tuesday, April 18th, at 6 o clock a. _ __- .1 .I-.`-..L m., Miss Maggie Boyle, second daugh- ter of the late Mr. Patrick Boyle, was united in marriage to Mr. Joe. Moabe, of Toronto. The marriage was per- formed by"Rev. Father Kiernan, after which the nuptial. mass and a choral ,service took " The bride was dressed" in `a becoming tailor made cos- tume of blue broadcloth with blue satin straw hat and carried a_ shower bouquet Jxuuuz .n.uu;u.a, -. ..--_.. r--- ~_, zephyr gown trimmed with `black rib-*_ hon ruehinge end carried a. bouquet of pink roses. The groom-wee assisted by Capt. J or. Genley. After the ceremony the bridnlepnrty drove to the residence of the bride : mother on St. Peul et., to partakeof the wedding ibreekfet.- The number endvnlne of the presents a. pleasant testimony of r the bride ; poxmlIri.t_y- Her:e.ltl9'n ,mw19r- ii: ; ` .:i_r `. ,":f'..1`-'2"-'nI;"~!_"'l "?3's 00-. .Vh !'6., iBi1`5!ih*i?6ri'85hn539 pr9ided;L the rm al*xov've_d`5t`heir-` Ipprojdtlon oi her worth in their gift df 3 hinghome silver to: nrvioemspd uilvar lpoons;-5-"Bulletin. . . A.On Ved- nauduv but Mr. Thou. G. Thompson) while `engined , in building "'3' ohiuindy on the Perdue building at `the corner of Main and` Ontario streets, slipped "on" account of u defective souolding and fell to the` ground, 1 distance of about twnty feet} `He struck on some hard ice. breaking `laeverul ribs, and sustain- ing other serious injuries.---Enterprise. A The Conncillv met on April 10th, all `the membere present. The Treennrer presented nancial etntement of jeceipta uni expenditure. to date. ` ca` 1'. :;`do no `oh Communications` were read from P. H. Bryce, Sec. Prov.- B.~ of H., retrac- cinationof unvaccinated persons in the municipality`; A laid over for further con- sideration. `R: B. Anderson, for cul- verb on townline Oro- and 0rillia,.S. lot 11, con. 14 ; Robt. Walker, for cul- vert, line cons. 5 and 6, at lot 16 ; both laid over till road grants are made. P. McLeod, asking the Council to estab lish a polling booth at Hawkstone; after a careful consideration of the matter,'it was decided -that in Justice to all it was impossible to establish a poll- ing booth at_ Hawkstone without es- \ tablishing two new booths, and Hawk- stone being as well situated as any other place in the township, the Council wouldrnot be justied in increasing the expenditure so `much. Thomas Horn, offering 35 for timber on line between cons. 10 and 11, opposite lot 10 ;- ac- cepted by Council, timber to be remov- ed before 1st of May, 1900. John McLeod made request for grant to make new piece of road, line cons. 10' and 1 1, at lot 10 ; John Reid, for grant to pull stumps on C. R.` 10 and 11, cons. 7,8 and 9. ; John.QBrandon, for grant" for same purpose on line cons. 6 ;nd 7 : made. - Mary Jane Brown appeared and made complaint that her husband was not providing auicient for her and children and asking help. Councillor Pearsall was instructed to furnish Mrs. Brown and children `with some our, insuch quantities as he thinksproper, and if the husband returns to at once shut as the supply. ` nI'|I1l1n1 `>1 `- ' T Petition presented of Bells Patterson and 32 others praying the Council to take _ such steps in the case of .Mary J one Brown as to prevent any further toulgev in the township. The Reeve was` preaot this petition and case before J. R. Cotter, Clerk` of the Peace, and report at next meeting. fl - `OI|__7 --v -- v-vvv, .___.. V- Report of .Reeve ` and Councillor Malcolm.-Having been appointed at last meetingof Council to be the Com- mittee to meet the Standing Committee of the House-of Refuge at Beeton, we beg to report that we were notied to meet said `Committee on April 3rd, at Beeton. We found four of the inmates in said House were charged to our municipality., We objected to three, namely, John Eddy, Mrs. Thcs. Gibson, and -Thomas McFarren. After con-_ siderable discussion the Committee agreed t9__ relieve our municipality of two, namely, John Eddy and Mrs. Thos. Gibson, both of whom are charg- ed -to the county. The other two, are charged to our `municipality, namely, Robert Sloan and `Thomas McFarren. `We further beg. to report that since I last meeting of Council we. purchased 41 pieces of cedar from J. W. Caldwell for covering bridge,'for which we agreed to pay 660. per 1 stick. Said cedar has been delivered on cross road 15 and 16 on .line between con's..3 and 4, and was examined by Camphelland found . satisfactory, and would recommend V payment for the same. .- g ,. ' . x -Q 3_-`_I.- r"B:}'.o';'iL:_ Tb:p'Be11_M.1oo1m, the report was `adopted. ` - ' ,_1- uL_;. A1._ 11:! I UIIV Ivtrvuv --v-- -u-vr-'-- Complaint was made that Alex. Gil- christ s fence was on road allowance, cross road l5_snd16, con. 4, st lot 16'.` The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Gilchrist to remove some at once. Ole`;-k also to notify Geo. H; Caldwell to to- move his fence o road, cross road 10 and 11, con;,!2_:; and Jones to` remove stones at road, linecons; A5 and R. F. Caldwell made complaint re conditipn of _`0l'08B read 15 and 16, con. 2. ' The Clerk to `instruct Mr. Oeldwell to put new braces in bridge and for-` werqhie-ln_ll for services. ' . `_ " Three` tcndeta for-teams `on road [machine {or the `season 1899, were .~P?99`9`. ">1 this ier?-l T5 6` John lhei $2.165 per `x. wan.d;W-n- My lvlo9ss11c' '!'ti ,`$;23752l'.u9?..;9P@as;,,_IdA , n__ -_-'.._.`....A.V.`.l.I ;.. .s.Ii). ` owedpe,` kit!!! Flnn ` ; all la,id.ove.r till road grants are 5*" ---V-v-.-:-e.:: re-sppointei'v6;';rat;)r` of V m neiirrinizx I ;A Dale _of b y;1rA_m'u isi {"ino `sppqudpr on a. remnant citizen. . . 'th spn.|ned" W.shA we . d 3`..u`..ou.. ax. `I`na.'5.3y led a. bottle ofTG|'-iith's than rubbing:-lwu lwasbadl cti tbodoctot H dme. . nnufor a_vge_ek. I Iontholbmnnent. ' hack to work theday accident. I have used many diegent linimen th's Menthql Lini- | Accmwr Io qkha. '3 Well-know; cann.d,1u'nA1Iotur'y l nb- 1 lie sullen-ed for 35` Yeara-Per- 3 manently Cured by Clarke : Kola Compound. The Reeve and Councillor" Cameron were appointed to meet at the Clerk's oice oh the 26th inet., to lay out route for road machine and inatruet operator when to comtpence. machine. The following changes were made in Overseers :--Oscar Doane instead of Chas. Arthur, James Hnbbert instead of Richard Brooks, J no. G. Thointon instead (if Richard Bolton, J no. Shangh- neaay instead of Jun. Madden, on, J no. McDufI` instead of W. J. Hunter, Henry Shavrinatead of Arch. Smith. . R. D. Pitt, Es_q., Kamloops. writes: "I -had suffered for at least-% years from ?l!0 Lgreat oppressiveness of asthma. and short- ness of breath. I hadduringthese ycara consulted many physicians and ticd all the remedies. until the doctor told me I might "get. temporary relief. but I would. be` al- ways troubled. I-tried Dr. Clarko a- sioia Compound, and aftertaking the first home I became greatly relieved. and- three bottles have completely cured me- I can now breathe as naturally as ever.` and asfnz-1:1 doesnot trou'ble~me in the least. I feel it my dut to hear testimony to the mar- vellous e ect this remedy has, had in my case, and wvouid urge all suffering 1':-nn. this disease to try Clarke's Kola Compmml, as only those who have sufferer] all these years as-.1 have can appreciate vlmt a blessing this remedy must prove to'su.'er- ers from asthma." Three bbttles at -Jia*.Iu:'s Kola Compound are guaranteed to care. A free sample wlll- `be sent to any person troubled with asthma. Address The _lri.'mh.~1 ,& Macpherson Co, 121 Church street, `for- onto. and Vancouver, B. -O... 901:: ')an'.1~ dian agents. Sold by all drtgglsts. When writing for sample .mention_ this paper. Baiance of goods of late Robe. Home were disposgd of, amounting to $4.15. Accountehwete pueaed to _the amount of $207.41.` Next meeting at the call of Reeve. T H. J. _'].'UnHom:,.CIerk'. Ola:-ke s Kola Com. und ts the on1y,per- manent cure for net -ma: is now success- mu used throughout the leading hospitals in Vngland and Canada. ~ Slovenlv Reading. Slovenly reading is ruinous both to mind and morals. It is_apt even to ' injure a man s business habit! and pre- all` his faculties; it, will destroy his capacity of clear-perception, for precise thought, and for proper reasoning. It will throw inteconfusion his judgment `and his memory. If he `does not get rid_of it, he can never become a good writer, or do any literary work of any kind worth looking at. How many, slovenly readers are to be found in these times ! They will, in their slovenly fashion. read a newspaper article, per- haps a very. excellent one, and, when they have got to the end of it, or, as theysay, when they have looked through it. or glanced over it, you will nd that they are unable` to give any accurate account of its argument, or that they do not apprehend its fundamental points, _ or that they have lost one of its links, _ or that they have overlooked an im- portant illustration, or -that they have failed to seize a word whichis the very ` hinge of the writer's thought. or that they have wholly misunderstood the a drift and purpose of thearticle which ' they have wasted their tiine in glancing I over.-Alliance News. vent him from winning success in prac- 1 tical affairs. In time it will confound `S018 a1 Sugars Drug Store. Death 3! Mr. John Mccancilesa. Mr. John MoGend_leea, a well-known ` `and much respected resident of the east end, died qt his home, 54 De Grne-- ai street, Toronto, on Tgeeday etternoon at 3 o olook, after a lingering illneee. Mr. Mccandleee was a. clerk in the To- ronto General Postoice since 1880, ;;i'w"{1;Ly oonsidez-id a taithfni oicial. On Jsnusry l4t .' last, owing to .feiling"heslth, he was compelled to retire, and on April let be was euper- _ snnustedl Mr. MoCandless was an active member of St. John s Presby- terian church, and at the time of his death was 9. memhemof the -church session, also church treasurer. His death` is deeply regretted the cen- greqstion and his Imsny friends. The funeral took `place to -Braimpton-A on A'.l`hurs_dsy._-.-GloAbe.. 1', 4 _' , Deceqled .1!!! -`s bro her of"M1".` J. - Moandless, ' ` I. ._ Mnimba _An authority ilianitoba writes thst__.th6` % `large immiizration `from Ontu-io_un_d else- where into thst'paI4t thig spring will increise the whey; antenna of, tii proving: by 20 per `cent; . He alaofegaids Aithfia Vvipting `as the moatf bieinv Irisfd crap; `TA I r ` good i=!s.wtthbr " `9 M!7}g9*he- I hobs-_do'e,a not got. grow-*V nsnmn manly} cnnin. iG%o.I||3||||I Gaskoff of all kinds in stock or made to order. . Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Ordersby Telegraph} or otherwise promptly attended to. % G. O. DO1T3l:L_4`G1'Z',_.2Ifa/nager, Strand. ]SIo am Vlworlksand Shovilloom; Gillie:-st., Barrio d All kinds` of Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasonable -rates. Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than city prices. ` ~ T V A Let us quote prices on. your work before sending it out of town. BARRIE T |1mniseL4in THE AIIVANCE. ROBT. CRISTOE, `CI\J'I`.F'LOW`ERS--Roses. Carnations, Violets, .4. ...|. -mun Ann` RnunnnI>u_.Rnttnn- n-vuv; -an-- l`.oo..... I nldvluluulnwg vuvvu.w. A I-Iv--f-I --V--I -------v p "~' ' : _ :, ' I . _SEED-Flowe:j Seeds, Vegetable seeds, Plants " nun lvi. TAYLOR| $EED,V_hS_'TOF2E1 L ' ' FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. `:5. , A . :55 Dunlap`-St.. Barrie sIMc'oE's PIONEER NEWSPAPER. The Bf EDDY Co. (Limited), ||T|'|,' Ask Your, Grocer for BARRIEIS LEADING JOB PRINTING _0FI-`ICE. S1V.l:I'I".E-I, H. FLUVVI-[(3--K0863. varnauonu, vwwu, etc, fresh every day`, Bouquets-Butto9- Thole.`-3-.I.:a:x_d or Corsage. Funeral Tokens nu ' nan: :3'EY1`AafE'S- . crisp and Tender; arsnips, Beets. Catroto. iEDS-Flow `and Bulbs. GO TO THE NEW BARRIE AND s1'nouo. EDDY S M. J; Frawley, sole local Agent.

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