TERMS op SALE-- l`,on as: cent. of means. moneyto be paid in cuirat the time o? salefthe balance. within. pm ;nonth_ `with interest ithareoilatuix. cent. unnum, V [ `The vendor not-to bounidtn in-.:.1. .a.... .1. sum: as no zucnarma. Utgonnor. o; -886 for said Town of tha above mumul b E Barge. 0 luncheon. nun. -. at me nour or :2 o'clock, noon, by _Mensrs. Bennett era, Auctioneers. that ce_rtaxn rcel or tract of lan situate. lyin and being an the own of Ban- rie, in the County Simcoe. and/being compoged of street (Roe'.s Block inthe and Town of Barrie. as desuted on I `of building` lot: laid out'by- Wil m Sanden. _P.L ,, for: one William Roe, and excepting theneout and tlxereu-on: one saving I `acre roof. heretofore conveyed` bv one `John Ma- 3_ cf-sal:_`?3u':'-`:i`3 rg'wC:3?3l'g "`""' `"1 -----'-vvw 32 'i{.::a:':.`.::.* :'..::-....."' E:-:2.-:2 Under and My virtue of the` pn`wer of sale contain- ed in a certain Mortgage. which -will be`rodu_oed at the time of there will be oered or sale by Pl_JBLlC AUC ION. at the Barrie Hotel in the ownof an-ie.on `- A I ' ua.dt:1rday,l;5th day of l_pI11_. A.D.31899 '... `L- |_-_-_ -1- V - - MORTGAGE SALE` .._.op._..... Mending Wool, 2 cards for 5c. , Ladies Belts, all sizes and kinds, from 10c. up. . Fancy Table Covers, 25c. each. Centre Pieces, 12c., 15c. ' Gool, Heavy, Irish Linen Centre Pieces, regular `price, 35c1, our price, 25.c. yLAwaNc s mm * 6..balls Clark's Crochet Cotton for: 25o._ _ . ' - IAMUEL WESLEY. Pnohalefon -We have also a lot of Fancy Finish ing Braids, 5c. bunch. - ' Lace, `from 50. dozen yds. up. Handkerchiefs. I Baby Bibs, from 50.. up. Silks. A. L ' ` Spool Thread. Metfs Overalls, T d T Suspenders, from 8c. pair up, all szes. We ha\;e - also a iarge lslupplf Men s and Boy s Shirts coming this week, from 24c. up. ;.-- g- Alvso` a large ;stock of Ladies and Childret_1 s Underwear and Hosiery; We extend to-allia cordial invitation to come and examine. our stock of Dry Goods, consisting of White Cotton, Factory -. Cotton, Plaids, Ginghams, Prints, Flannelettm all at 5c. yd. a Miss Mabel `Holmes is visisingin'1'oronto. -......, ... -..., .....-.., -.. -......_, .. . .. ....... Sr. III-M. Hubbert, G. Hnbbert. Jr. III--R. Reid, M. Owen, -M. Lau- tenbach, B. Downev, E. Clarity M. Msgill. II-I. Robertson, II. Kelcev, E. Kelcey, H. Vmoent, W. Davis, W. Hnbbert." Sr. Pu. II--W. Lautenbach. Jr. Pb. II-_M. Fagan. . , ' ' 7 AND 9 DUNLOP STREET, l`l:`._El\:f'\`_ .5 POINTS. BARBIE. %-- Lawrence s Fair . .. '- `-"" " r"r`~'-- J`---'9 '-"" '""- waa forfyeara employed by Mr. Smith, the O. P. R. boarding contractor, and highly eateelned by all who knew him, eapaoiallfthoae from his old home. VIVL- .I---.....'.I _.-.. - L..-LI..-.. -2 `If..- NORTHERN AW ediraq quite a popular young man and -.... E... ...-...... -_...I-.._.1 L- `II - ._.:LI_ ""f2".ie5 ~.._a"'tIr3io}'Ft"'Mra.- N. 0.- Ford and Mrs. J. Laokie, Barrie. V--Fn"-ank Owen. IV - Beatrice Neal. A.` Reynolds, N. Reid, W. Owem 5.. `IT? I` `III'__I_L-._A. I1 fJ'_l_l_-_A. Bicycles, $29.? L REMEMBER THE PLACE, JAS. VAIR CO;, |n*1po`r?'t*ers. IN 'rH:'frowN or B.I'\R|-`NE. Honor Report tor sohoor for ..-._4I. """"`- ' " "11 wax be` `dc :56.` E: meantimc.V Em mm. . _ _- T } ;-HEWSON 8` R3W1l$E_7-. ` ' `%"'.`."`W_f V....|.....- -l2A;'_A.`; BARRIE. Buying. for cash and selling with smalljjmts, as ` 6 do, . reasonable and moderate as to._be .w-ithinthe reach of _ Next Sunday will be Easter. Come as early as you can %we llnha.ve your Easter Bonnt- ready Saturday night. All 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. j ll Published from the_ Oice, :33 Dunlop Stteet Bertie. in the County of Siaicoe. the Pro- ' Vince of Ontarip. Canada, every _ Thursday Morning, by . This splendid howifooin , ei'he1dd%a;1pedtt'er display nor received more atter- ding j enconi_ums .I;ha.n_ yester T V when Immense crowds nhronged the store and viewed the eharming MIIIIIIOI w, % QVI GOOIIS, and Sprlng Novelties. Dc1i t miss seeiiig" eti1i s display. If y gould net` come yesterday, come when you can and see the choicest and dai'n- productions from.Paris, London, and New York, an arranged for easy seeing a buying. O_UR opeinin;g 1 T lgy surpasses all former efforts. m or yarn Vendors : llinery IIXIUVI I l3`!Q\ IRWIN. _ Recollect that we re the only Exclusive Out- tters in Barrie. J; Frankhcksonl SUITS A OVERCOATS TROUSERS HATS . ' -NECKWEAR SHIRTS .NoT1oNS. New things at new prices. SPRING HUNTER - BROS. `To THE PUBLIC : .. .... .... `xv gar cups. proves so me purchaser, Of course, we do -business bstwssn `BIl`Qlin,.dIyl.'. business, 3 live business, as satisfy_ing *.hnsihs`ss. No Hmstesr`-_ vqlisti`-you some `you're welcome. You get attentlve zsegtvics. Y_ou,-slvs money; You go away pleased. But; on Bargain Days -.8to_'clod;k"s`nob we only for` uni. V v IN, Bi.-3-We.'made snch a clearance of the McIn_tyre stock of fine new season's fDress `Goods. White Goods. Gloves, etc , etc . that we ve taken an o`er of -another big elioe. l_t s on We way and will be put on sale direct from the cases. 1 Below Inannfactnrers first prices, mind you And every thread_ as reliable .as the-' daylight;-in fact-,. no goods on sale anywhere to-day havmg more style or merit.-. Our guarantee given with every p`urchaae- A saying 254 40.p'er cent,` proven to the pnroheser-.. Of . `shady business, satisfying 1r'.hislnis.e No `you're net attentive Barrie, April 1, 1899. -:.-n-in `(JV .l.J.II " ...J.'O 7 I'll be back with; clothing for the people at the people s prices Anybody who : ever dealt with me knows what that means. The eprin in late coming. Alhhe easier, therefore, to hold back your buying for a. few aye. I'll make in an object to you, and if I can't convince you when you call, you may take a smufor nothing. I mean it. Reepecbfullyyours for cheaper wearables. - J. C. IRWIN. Barrie. Anril 1. mm uv uuvwu acquucuscuw UL my Barrie-business, but on the possibilities:-that is to say, I shall buy cloth- ing for what may be in the future as well as for what is in the present The ambition to keep just a little ahead of the times is no loss to the public at any rate. Should I` nd I go too far and -too heavily laden, I know enough to . stop and unload. Then the public come in for the special benet, A benefit always inures to the person shopping at this store ; but at easing-o periods it's more than _a benet`--it s a boon. I don't think I tender bad advice when I suggest to the man who wants a spring suit or odd garment for himself or his boy. to` t . a Oval Mounts ` u|l`' u his I go East` to day-to Mo_ntreal--to be present at a great liquidation sale of Ready~to-wear Clothing. I know the clothing business elear through, from the weave of the cloth to the nished garment. I know the houses that make the best clothing worn to-day. 1 know that thisopportunity is an opportun- ity to- buy from one of the biggest and best stocks in the Canadian trade. my rie-business, but possibilities--that what may the future ma mm .. c... ...u.... :- :.. 4.1.- __----- mu Next, one week hence. Bargain Day No-12is Another. % Trip 'WA11'1'oR IR WIN- T: opnin g. One of. our Annual Spring Circulars ! Abrochure `of pages. We mailed a few. thousand. The booklet is a little talk on Outtting; and what this store can do in that line for man and boy. It s. interesting reading for spring purchase-time. A post card brings you a copy by next mail. Plain trade story-no fancy frills. Our goods are this spring more beau- tiful, but less expensive, than ever before. They embrace what you need, at a needable price. The re advertised well,` made well. sell well. Only the w,orthy-onlyrthe fashion- able. We give you back your money if you d like to have it again. Every- thing warranted. Man Whumakes Bargain Days. Pioneer in Cash Dealing. Cheapest in Barrie. "$93341 04312: MAN: `T033 last. Lina; 6; 1899. j) '3'... aI.n `nun. Ioqlf `nun ` . ALLANDALI TO HARRIS. ., '0" `cm! "'0" 8.!!!" "13s lath, 50 olll-._ 50` I-Flu 1-4 -p.m-. 905 9-rm ' " . . ruuzsrnxyu. . - .17 mm. Accommodation. ' 3.80 pm. ' .44 pan. Accommodation. . 7.50 mm. ' ALLANDALE 8: BARRIE SECTION. r . -uluul T0 Au..AxnAuc. 5 `_ 7.3: l..m.. 7.3: n.m.. 11.37 a."m.. 11.43 a.m., 5.24 Doll! .931 P-M-o 7-44 P-m- ' ALLANDALI Tn IAIIII- s` "'l'IIlno logvo .Bur,io -for and irrivo {mat the lqldliucutionod places as follows: . *';;.L.;."[} {"+a;5s;a; ......; . .51 Ian 8: re. 1.63 pan. 5 Ilpan Atlantic Pacic Ex. I485 Oi M931. 11.15 mm. 4 HAMILTON. QQ4 - `-4 . Wm. Martin is very ill with In gribpe; Miss Sarah Reynolds, of Barrie. is visiting at her -home here this week. . . . -A. It Owen has returned home after an extended stay in Toronto. . . . Will. "Robertson is visiting friends in Orillia `end Midland this week... .On '1_`ues- day _of last week Mrs. Robert Martin hid the misfortune to fall on the ice near her house. and injured herself so severely that she has .been conned to her room for some time. . ...8ever`el gun people visited at ' the home of r. am. Reynolds last Thursday even-V _ ing and report a pleasant time. ,. .A little stranger osmeto the home of Mr. and `Mrs. McOauley on Wednesday, March 29. Congratulations. . .*.-Mrs. . . . ._Pathmaster W. Reynolds had his men shovelling out the roads on Fri-? . day .. . .Mr. Sam. Reynolds has pur- chased the farmon the 9th concession,` ' ' lately owned` by Mr. 0uniphell.~. ._.The '. Isle of the stock and impl'emen_teQ`of' Mr. Wm. Kirby is to -he;h`eld- on _W.e.d-.- ` needay. Aprtl 5. , . .i 1`hie timelaet year. ~ some of our. farmers .25i.=aorad'.o_E . l_ lend sown, V-v- -~ .. ---vv - -cu G1{Xi?sNHuRsi`-.si NORTH BAY.` 311.43 am. _ Mail. 5 as pan. T .10 pan. Atlantic 3. Pacic Ex. 11.4: '- 1 North Bay Mind. 7. mm. ravcnhurst freight (south only) 0.88 " $3] I I`Yl`1IlIl\l`\ A. llI3A!!l\!!I\ upvuuu-u an Invnauiw `cu:-you vac , wcgv COLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD. `Jun Mail. - a l _ . pan. Express. 7.50 1 IIDKYEVIV I `VII - ' :' MAKER or PORTRA|'ts:.g IARRIE RAILWAY `Gums. ,.: Tlvadoorteo thing.a;1c:,'"v_pry biilltic. : . We make the bout of-_ha.ving_the but equipped Studio in Ontario. ,,",_____.., wollon should secure a Rand-McNally Railway I and Hand Book-issued monthlv. occovvil V Advance Correspondence. `runs or Sunscuunxon. Maura. Wilson Hurst and "W. 0016-` ._non', of Bethesda; spans Sunday -wit.h friends here... .`.Mr. George'8rigl_e'y has . onoto Toronto ooitteud the m.ilit'u`y _nhp`91..-..Mr. William Bloxhan_:,__; of . is apendiug ..hieo,Es8t.61'r, h`oli'-, hjmhomo Ihalzo. . . ."Ma`sr. E. ooW-- 96%` P- h\`\`N\'\|n I NIB": PENETANG.' 9.09 pm. 11.38 mm. *5 pan; 7. mm. 5-35 ol. .8, 22.{dinae.'cha%w1re or 1;... W-.'.8inclnir, qr. died.` `She was of _oonInmption.' Bhd was failing fori has tithes" you here That ,iIIn- with `Din -ijt'isp_ patience. She `laivjau clima- U U0 `Van! 39f ;M'II:M :' 'M1le"r.. .1` ; i.__Mn'as -"9. Ii;-.:VuSl::ptyA Bgy; V ` `0!'00,.II wqlgiggfnqndp: Mr. J. W. Taylor, cf M_idla_nd.. pgid his Iiiter,. Mrs. Alf. Oancjddon -viqit last week before leaving f.dI'_ .1'09lgto ;,t'o doooptfu petition. ; ~ V V` A`; n`. .o- .- ' - -- " The hpeoijl iervioh Mhth_oIfot church ha}; been hindered hy thaftooant etor;i:s,".'.-hut will be on this ' -nA-'- Mr; Vnsey, was visiting` at" Mt. "0ur'nnddan a. y. "He returns; hoII1ve.__s]:isv;_vreekL.__.;' `% T `- . Mr. Andrew Kiasook a hom wg made brighter by the art-ivnl of daughter. . Mini -Martli7H~a;cingo- his .r'turne_l go her _home _a Edgar,` afuer visiting at `Mr.ABIlphDdn_qell .f _ ~ ` r. John` `McA.rthur huroturned home from the north country lgoking halo `and hegrbv. i Miss F; Mkioklr nod ' on . -Mn. Alf. Oaracadden last week. Mina S. Sthuley jlao'paid her avviuit . - _ V ' Mr: Duncat7:fV I;i;i;:'g':;t o::":::-1'! wife spent Egstet-_ Sunday with Mrs. Stan- ley. ~ 'M.-. and Mrs. Jolfn Gatacudden, weie visiting their aon,;M_r. Alf. Oaraoadden, Just week. ` ' . ` V "' Mina Annie Todd has gone to To- -ronto to` `spend horasoer holidays. . `fin- `I ? - 3 _.~ --v~- -- ----v~uu ` 9 Boying at .tl;umbacrew prices, spare from. an other coneid_erot.ions, is at best. I selsh bueioess and is not the method employed by broad minded citizens. The ivriter saw a ohip;gk- on the 27th of March. ' " ----J -- { Miss Knight, 0; `BTwjI;anville, is ` visiting her sister, Ma. 8. Stanley. Il-, ' `l\ ' Mineeinz Road; -. Advance _Cm-respondenee. ' Miss Winnifred and Mr. Highland, of Barrie, spent Easter Sunday at` Mr. J amen Oorriganls. . . . Mr. 0. `Wright. of N iugere, has purchased the shingle mill ovined by Mr. Dobbine.l.'.e. Mies Annie Loftus, of Phelpeton, was the guest of Miss Lizzne Oorrigun on Thurs- day. .Maeter Joan Wuttie has to- covered from his tecent illness. .-.. There is talk of putting up as new Sun T day school on the 8th line oorner. A 2nd Line bl!-PR8. Advance Correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. Will Turner entertain-V ed a few at their friends on Monday. eveningA....Mr. J. H. and Mice Ade- laide; Swen and Miss TE. Reid visited the eMieIee Craig`, of. Oreighuret, last week. . . ._Meeere. Andrew` and Fred. Dryedale paid 3, ying visit to cold- water recently. ._.. .Mise M. Ferguson, oi Midhnret, is visiting at Mr. John Turner's. . . .Mr. R. A. Kent has re- turned from Toronto . . . . Mr. Ben Swan spent a. few days in Stiiyner lnet week. . . . .Miea E.- Reid. in spending her Easter vacation with her parents in Orillia . T " Utopia. _ Advance Correspondence. Mr. Arthur Pariour leftfor Peter- boro last week..'. .Mrs. Wm. A, Miller visited friends in Toronto over Sunday"-..Mr A. S._Oross is spend ing the holidays with his parents here. . . ..Mr. Alfred `Elphiok started for Manitoba on Tuesday morning. . . .Mr. Walter Cairns, Orillla,` was visiting friends here over Sunday. . . .Miss F. Carruthers returned from Bradford last week. . . .Mrs. B. Draper, Barrie, was the guest of friends here on Sun- day. ` A ,A Anton Mule. Advance correspondence`. Miss Maggie Muir, of T9.6mo,i is ` spending her Easter holidavlfwith her parents here. . . .Mies Maude Carson came` home,-for.` a few holidays -last. Thursday. She retdrned co` the my on" Tuesday accompanied by her ` aiever, Miss Bertha Carson; . ;W. 0. Richard- soh left by the rnorhihgk train on Mon ' day for the -poorhohee. . . .Mre. Oui . tord and children speiic last week with her sister, Mrs. D. Jacebe, of Barrie. `In-.. IY..n.....'.. :_ _-..-_-__|_ _n 4-____, cow- Iiunuvvn, -...-no can vuvvu-, vs qaullluo . . . .Mre. Vollmer is seriously 111 from hemorrhage of the stomach. Her manv friends `here wish her a speedy recovery. ` ' ' I Honor ion of thellenier Depart- qivoi XCDQI! . _'AdvnneeCouespondence.. meat of `t,h_e.C'.ro_wn Hill Pnl:liov scbool: -`-,V--"Winnie Caldwell, Wesley Rig, Mabel Partridge. _Sr.'- IV-Geo. W.- Atkineon, David Grant, Ethel `Rine hart, "Pearl Ford, Joseph Jelnneton, Allan, Heiv_itt,'_Nurmnn Dunn, Willie Partridge, Chitrlee Ohnppelle. Alice Quinlan, Albert Hill. Flora Roliinlon, Iseno Aoonley,,Fran`k Robinson, Horace Partridge, Bella Robinson. Jr. 'IV- Erneat aAt.kinlion, Manly Partridge, Roy Partridge, Digby Church, Norton Caldwell. Sr.` III - Ete Gonqh, Willie Bell, Edgar Luck, James Rob- ertson", Ethel Martin, George Rioelmrt. Jr. III - Carrie Huddleeton, Lidia Hewitt, Milena Hewitt, Alice Hill, |Jenny Quinlan. ;t`hio,. , Jphiy ragzey h6 putohased Mr... Kueeshwa Hereford mug. . .% . Mrs. 11'. Campbell, is visiting he: pigtbgr, Mri R. _Beolby, vof Thgmton. . .' `:A num.be1-_of the young people of this place` spent 3' very enjeiyv. adl evniug at the residence . of Mr. Jumgs Campbell, __ Allandale, They ap- ko very highly of their host nnd L Aaan-- Advanc: -C`;.rc::;ondonce. mlarronmn Nome. `Hon. Senator Gowan has 1196319- pppointed Chairman of the Divorce Committee in t.he,0a_nadian `Senate. _v Jul" gnaw usual: 01 qeoeaseag WW H. B0 0_t'h,L Alfred F'u:|ljamau, ,;A_lbort4 Ellljmea, E.. 8nmmers and H. Gtif-" {li V :1`. .- Mr. 0 0onnell' kindly ;lIaokI-at the disposal ofhia gueaugnnd idtiIn"aa:_Iq!1_nihtanoqju `6: the. pgipoee. ~` h-' 9 The Late John Micnonald. . - -- The Winnipeg Free (Press any! :- The funeral of_ the late John Mc- Donald `tnokplaoe on March 23rd from j -Thompson : nndertaking rooms to ; Brookaide cemetery, i The >p,nlll` enrere ` Vere ~ all ex Barrie reuidentc, irho had known` him no 0.` citizen of I/ho'Hown.' Their name: are C. J._` ;_O'Oonne|I, pro- prietor of` ` the'.Teonmeteh '_I{ouue_,'fan:d an very great`r`hiendw-of %deeeua`l.`n;_;_ W. -DAAKL. ..-A `IB'__.I` `II In .. wvnvuwc. `Below is given th_'e-rsult pf Eater Examination in S. 8. No. 14 (Big Bay 4 1 -Point) :--V-Amy Webb 1562. IV- .-M. Gnat "316, Z. Webb 287. G.` Fen- -nel`! 255,-F. Etliott 223. III-J-. El- liott 335, A. Webb 327; G. Rc-id- 322, M. Rodfornb 310, L. Gnelb 298, M. "Rent 996, '0. Elliott 2472,` P. Souleo 222;~1r. Fennel!` 1766. ' Sf:-'. ll-`D. War- nioa 292; E. Cook 233,5 L. Rear 222,` F. Reid 220, W. Reid 210. H`. Ell-iotl . .161. Jr, II.-.'-J. Irwin 159. G. Mayor .'n,:H.M.ya:b63,.B.Mc.m.9. Tb An m.;.- service` willW(D.V.)l be conducted in Ohriee .clmI_-ch on'Snn day, `April 9th, at 3 p.m. - If the roads are passable, Sc. George : choir, Allan dale, will assist the home choir. Special collection for church expenege. ` A The Easter services in the chnirch were ,of special ingereet, owing to the singing of the children. The home` of Mr. Wgqgiua Guest wee % brightened last. Tueiiey by the arrival of a son. . V . A It is many your-a`ain.oe were I so badly drifted in April._ I M r. Morriaohg o.o;;ofmer taoher, 1 visited our school on Tuesday of last week. . ' For small wages to employees the pi manufacturer or merchant is not by any means the only person to -blame. A large number of buyers are to blame, and are reptesented by that man_ who goes from store to store or shop to shop eluding out where the cheapest purchase can be made, and using one merchant's price to beat down another's with. He sites not what it has cost to produce the article, he will take it `below cost if he can get it, and sates not whose `-.pocket 1! empty as long as` his, is lled. Bagks of s.nowl bl: 'll:e"z-dads north 1 and mud 9n the roads east and wont make very disagreeable travelling. . lm J. T. ltmd a few friends in on Tuesday evening. All report having had 5 pleasant time. __ -_.v -.--u--uw-xvvv-I '. Thewi` Donn, of Barrie, are spending the `Easter holidays with` friends here. ` - 7 MW!-9. .Lir.tle had another social oven- ing on Thursday in honor of Miss3 Rocoraon, of Bradford. - ` l J J. L. Sloan, V.s., oLp}fsunday in Toronto. ' J. Mc0le|laod, _of Paisley, is visiting friends in the neighborhood. II'h_ - ll ,-,7, Mr.` J. Wheller was returning home from Mr. '1`. H`angh s one evening last week, when to his burpriae he tonnd that a wildcat was pursuing him. He. took refngein. Mr. Dann_ey a. Mr. R.`Wilkinson aundhfamily passed through our villago,on Friday last on his way to his brother-in-law : at Ball. ; IIIISOIOOIL . _ `\ Mr. M. Boyd was die 61' Mr. J. J amoeba, of Utopia,` on Sunday last. ' err)-an ---' Mr. W. 'c1..rey $..'u:e giuegtigf iii. and Mrs. J .AJu_nnett, of the 5911 line, on Sunday. 1 ENCOURAGE `1.untwAams. - The decision of the City Council of '1'oronto to purchase clothing for the police force from ascertain inanufactur-. or provided he paid his tailors and talloreasea union wages in the manufac- ture of the clothing, is the 3 practical oxotnpliiicaticn of a principle that all corporations and individuals should be exponents `of. It is ajblow at the` sweating system which gives starva- tion wages to hard-worked seamstresses. It appears that a. certain uneasiness -` has stricken the people in this vicinity. ` and -it in nothing unusual to hear of I well to do people breaking camp and moving to__ the Northwest and else-V where, `and in oonaequenbe It large amount of. property if `undergoing a) change of hands. A M'rL T. Hugh and son ward visiting 1 friendsin Barrie on Mopday last. pager" preparations have" been oomplot % .A._ `voiy lyrgo gmguht of ax'p;I|;; ` ed, but no {hr in this locality no tapping-I -has. baen'done,' an the frequent snow fall: u nd_frosty weatherare'ngoinut any up man. _ " ' } `The following visitoiro have taken ? vantage of the .Eutar_-holidays,` and are o johoome o:-`-Miss K.`MoLeou, of Toronto; Miss L. Goddard, of Barrie` ; Mina Minna Oaler, of Barrie; and D. Hurt, '; of Toronto. - . - 1 ..Miss J,. E. Bell ape-nt Sunday uudef the parental , ropf. . Mg. J. Lung is ub1e'e T5eTue%sg.in; _ The roads are greatly blocked with unowdfw. ` , -9 Miee Beatrice Jurjy is reoov e14,n`gf1-em a severe attack of pneumonia. _ `I 0| .- xou m.y, use 4:{ ;i..`,11.. family V of W. Wa_tk1na*waa gddod to by 3 non; Mat. Joe. J ohnston ails was a"~do_c`id-Z `ed success. We are aorrv thud Mr, Johnattpn is leaving us to uke "up an- roading in `the U.S. _`ii1'svoA"'t I|"e`5:ay_uI`ae ` a[1{;.:% .1. 4- ha `drhodd -` A 9-` 1? '7 ` V`8% ML -.1. cm'oad dn` is smming hi; brovher,`AIf. Ouraoadden, at present. '|l',_ ill` 11 _, 195: . . 'No new name will be added to the Subscription Lht until the money is paid. ' Snbucribennow in arrears for thren months Ind our will be charted Sue var nnnum. mu. 51'. -_:B.uIs,_of'Ki;1'.=:t;7t.)1:;:V3-h'I;),',i,s 3 visiting hiss former neighbor; -Mr. Joe. TS_un_paon. Ho: ig lo bking'I...hnle and hearty. Advance Corrcopondenoo 7th concession, A A__..-- tV_____# _, Advance ,Con-apondenoo. *5lE$$ICU0 Bin Bay Point. I...___ n-.._--_ _.A L - muwou at anxper cent. r nnnum. [ The 13 not-to bound to furnish any ab- ttracts. title.` deeds. declarations or_other ` Iot _ title otlgn-than those in his own possession, or `any t mo` a ....i %. % Dkaotfvn E: '::aeaI?lIIc.V AlVappl.uattonto_. -- .v L _ '_ 'n--1--g_-_' _ '___-_ H (1 per Annum in Advance.