Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Mar 1899, p. 8

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`VI VII L CUIIIU UUCUUO "Miss M. E. Campbell, of Duntroon, in visiting friends in town. Among thosepteaented to Lord and Lady" `Minto at Ottawa. on Thursday, was Mr. H. Akgargor, of the Herald. Montreal. ' - 6ea' has been the guest of `the Misses Overs fora few weeks, has re- turned to her home in Collingwood. 1" nu I I 1;;.;;. Li. X.*1%5..V{. a.a..{`.';.,.;`.;; the bed- side of her mother in Allundale, who is, at present. very il|.-Cookstown Advocate. ll.,_ 1\._~__-___- _: "LS__V '|n-__4-_,- 'is&L.' ii.1I..{u.ref 1.? %i: :.;;.,%`-mh.;.;e%;.;;., is visiting her mother. Mrs. John W. Thom- son. who resides with her daughter, Mrs, S. J. Mcmorrau. I FTxu;sug;."s*Ts26T.7soTia1h3in}::e;al;a in the Grand Trunk earnings. for the week ending- Murch 14, over the correapoudiiag period of last year. The gures for 1999 were $503,-- ISS and $476,407 for 1898. - . -u. On Saturday morning Conductor Frank Berry, running between Toronto and Allen- dale, had the toes of his right foot,badly smashed. He was kicking the brake-ehoel from the wheel. so as the van would run more freely. His foot slipped and went on the rail, the wheel passing over the toes. He went back to Toronto in the afternoon. V He will be missed by his fellow-workmen for a tow weeks. ` ` -4 ALLANDALE mu NUMBER slx. .Barl:-ie s South-Weetem Division. with its Pleasant, Streets, its Taatv Dwell fags. its Pretty Churches, anu its Go- a.-head People W111 Enttce Settlement ---A Weeklv Record of its Doings. A Next Sunday will be Palm Suixday. Next Sunday will be review Sunday in the Sunday schools. ` - "lV3:TVebb has` been under `the weather during the past week. ~ IN III._'_, I _ _- . __-._. nl , I . T Cook, of Bradford, was $116 guest` of Mr. and Mrs. E. Shear on Monday and Tuesday of last week. _ `II T I I` 3,, ,_,I , I ,, l_,_,, I The regular quarterly meeting of. Kam- penfeltLodge Sons of England will be held next Wednesday evening. All members are requested to be present. IIWI ,, 1., ,_ l!_,,! ,9 `I , ('1! .I LIV IUUIIIIIU III-IIIIU UIIIU WIFUISQ The Montreal Star say: that E B. Scrog-__ gie. (nephew of Mr. Jon. Soroggie, Barrie.) the dlucovex-or of Sorogzio Creel: in the Stewort River District. has orrlved at Van- couver and has with hlm one nuggetrworth 895 in solid gold which he says was taken from his claim. - ` ' n-.. 1;L._ In . ___-I.._ ,3 n_-;ug__,__.,.' The dog poisoning end of the Sixth? Ward once more was at his deadly work, his innocent victim this time being Mr. E. Sheer s valuable cooker spaniel, sport . _ II`! I nan nnn 0 Tickell is tecoverihg` from her reccfgt il}neas. . " 'iv'. '1si;"i>r;;.}}$;A;:i.e}i lgu Teee11ene% sermon in the Methodist churcbon Sunday mowing. v ` V ` `II A IN I, -2 I5..- 31-..! -_-_ L`._ __,___A_ ; THE" ' RAILWAY CENTRE on THE FUTURE crrv. - Personal `News. vvuu to rwvtu In- Ainong thoge win`; ivill strive to win` wealth in th Norah-Wjm fIf0Il_| `here are `Mr-. J ohu Robin and family, Mr. J ohn Wright;au', John Tanner, Marshall Wil. Andrbvi Dickey, Willie" Mo0onkey,' Stto_d`,.: and` `Willie Mo- .0bnkey,~9th line; We 1:11 guoodur. W .7 ` " 5 _ w av: V?i- tutu Va-`E . and Mrs. -'Kn6eoha w, of Coal- son a. visited their daughter, Mrs. Nol- aon: Black, last `week; - ' _... _'.-_-`_J L- ..L-1A- J.I__L Il_ 85 VIII [III Ulllllo Rev. John E. Lencele , of Perllement street Methodist church". oronto, reached excellent eermone in Onlller street dthod- ill: church on Sunday, morning and `evening, and on Monday n t. delivered hle enter- teinin lecture on 'Poltroone." While in town r. Lenceley war the. nut of Mr. and Mrs. Welter Serjeent,-_ Coll or street. . A I Owing to thenevere storm ~on Sun- day.|nd'Mohduy='the `roads this sec- tion were completely blocked. Shovel - xera were at yvotk-on Tuesdq motnmg and opened them-up. ._ - - - A'....-.... n....._ ._L- _':n ..L..:___ g- _g_ -1 u-ditty VXCIIVOJ DVVVV Vltt Waleog Patterson win Int? Wek attending the wedding of his frignd, Mr. Marshall Willaon, of that ._I.' -- '"AThS'hB'&J '7l?o'h'Tii3 `So? SIC; the referee has declared ellbetu "'11ev:v.x services will be henna the" Methodist church `hm-o,.Loommeuoing in April. ` v - . n... 1.4.... I.-- _L-_..L__1 L__, 1,, , o ucruuou " - Our bakery has changed hands agoin, John Dickey being new proprietor. Success John. T _ ` _ _ ~ R. M. Moonkey he returned to the"B. G. I. after en'ering"ftom In griie ft:-l:`EOll.~dlyl. e ' In-...- 1`!..`.--I.-'_ "-1 11-..: '"'%v`2"'&L ",'I;2aZZ'&"eo price. am Mr. Boss, of the 9th oon,, who was ill, in; [ almost entircly mooverpd again. 'D_lLg--_ 1-; =: `ggl. spawn I "E33263" again visited our neighbor- hood last week and called away two of our oldest settlers, their deaths being i only twenty~four hours apart._ Mr.` William Ross died on Friday morning, l7th. Although he .had been very feeble. -and ailing for a long time, no one thought death` was so near until a day or so before it came. He was in his 86th year and highly esteemed_ by all who knew him. , In religion he was an _Episcopalian and in -politics `a Con- servative. 'l:Iis funeral on Sunday morning was largely attended. Rev. W. G. G. Dreyer conducted service in St. George s church here after which the funeral procession proceeded to lyy ! where he was interred in the Episcopal ' cemetery. - His wife, who survives him, | has the sympathy of - the community in her bereavement. . . . Mr. James Miller died after ashort illness on Thursday morning, March 16th. - He. was loved and respected by all who knew him, and hewas one of the best` of neigh- bors. He was a trustee in the Pub lic school here for a number of years- In religion he was a Presbyterian and in politics` a staunch Conservative," and in him the Conservative. party has lost one of its best. -friends. _He was also an Orangeman for'forty~three years and attended the Grind Lodge meeting in Barrie just one week before his death. |He leaves behind him his wife and a `family of six sons and three daughters to mourn the loss of a loving husband and affectionate father. ` His funeral on Saturday was "one of the largest" that ever left this neighborhood. Rev. G. B. Greig, of Oookstown, assisted by the Rev. W. G. Dreyer, of Ivy, con-_ ducted service at the Ivy- Presbyterian `church. The Orangemen conducted their service atthe grave. The family have the sympathy of the whole neigh- borhood in their sad bereavement. 4 gtroud. - Advance Correnpondnnce. ' Willie Neufia doing a rushing trade. in his barber shop. - Mr. Andrew Dickey and Mr.`John Tanner left cn Tuesday for Manitoba. . ' Birth i-A-'On Saturday, March 18th, the wife of _ Robe. Moonkey of a son. I At: an nnnbnt J31 _'-5-4-`..- UIJUIII IIUIII VI |lUQWI. ` B. H. Strethy. Q.C.. occupied the chair. The order throughout the entertginment was excellent, the lecturer observing that he had never seen a. more orderly audience of young people. - Annual Meetin Ohudren e Aid. " The `manual meeting of the Children : Aid Society was held on the laeh lnet. There mu 3 good attendance -of them interested. Election of oieere reeuited as follows :.--' _ Vice-Pureeident.---Hey: Gherlee Drury. -' Secretary--Rev. W.; R. MoIutoeh. f '1' . -Treuurer--Mre. M.~ Burton. . Hen. So!ioltou-h-Mr. A. E.j H. Ureewicke N_ ax__:d F. E.,P. P,eplerIQ.C, ' ` ; . j I t f vi-t_uor--Mrs e ,\ Aaenh-Ghtlei King .-` 3 ~ A H V ; F4 who eueqel: npeiieeepreeented hi. the .8662 `V 4~'l9m99-rvtro j..!!1sud`idoiitc- ~53 u A . I-, V` . The Band of Mercy, Band of Hope and l Bova Brigade. were entertained in Christ church school room on Monday night by 4 Mr. George C. Coiea. The `slides were far- nished by the Humane Society, 'the~uuhject being_The Dog. The accompanying lec- ture was. `given by Rev. Mr Witten. The choir of Christ church rendered glees and "the Band of mercy repeated their pledge and sung songs. The pledge is, "I promise to be kind to all living creatures `and shield `them from`cruel usage. H `II gfhlhhli lsn\nIuwu:n:` `LA Akngn 4 Utopia. j Advance Correspondence. Miss L. Parley returned to Barrie I last week. Mr. E A. Little,'M.P.1';`.,qaz'1;i Mr. J. S. Duff, M P.P., were here on Sat- urduy attending the funeral of Mr. Jan_n`ea 1Iiller._ - municipalities. ~ `I Aceoediugly the Society :UDd`3I't00k the cases of a neglected family in * Allieton and another in New Lowell. e_ } Mr. _SuVmmezT-v_illVe returned to his ) home in Newmarkel; on Monday. q-- in __z_ ,7` Dou15IeActio_n AL VVa.>sher. % `_~'..!'h_o ontihol, Tdnoxpfo, A Magic Lantern _Ent'erta.inine'nt. Ovor 30.000 nlrea.dy.aold. V More washing done with this ma- chine in one hour than cnnbo done ' any other way in four hours. A triail will coatvou nothing. A It does the work perfectly` without` injury to the finest fabrics. ' Soldonly in Barrie by Mr. R. 1.. Fraser left lat Thursday night for the Pacic coast. - - ` '11:-.. 11 I: r1-.._._L-n `-2 1\.-._n...-_.. 2- N;:;i'l):o;- }o'niru'J n2::.' % [John -:-I:a1braith.%J iiacn; % 23. 1399. J14 LIDI I , III UIIV IJVIQIIIQ Il.UIIUIWCIu Mr. Ear ry Piaxton, Winnipeg, who has been visiting Mrs. and fa.miiyoand' other friend: in town left for' home on Tuesday. V M. In M a...:n. :. ....a. .....:.... L- .L.- -L uuauuy o Mr. F. M. Smith is not going to. the North-West as was erroneely reported a short time ago. lie has _no intention of leaving town and is going into the dairy bueineu. ' ' Mr. E. Welte. of Wiunepeg, who `he: -been attending the Grand Lodge of the `Canadian Urder of `Foresters at Breuvford . was vieitip - friends in Allondele` lest week.- He returns ome this week. um. `I ____ __1 cu-__'_-.__ A.-. in n n____ On Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Mclntoshl diseoursed on the subject of the Defective Young Man from the text, `.`One thing thou lackest. The young man to whom the Saviour spake these words was as far as he had gone quite excellent in character, so much so that the Saviour loved him for his worth. He was successful in business, po lite in society` and moral in character. His position and possessions no doubt were ac- quired on his `own merits. if his earnest coming to the Saviour is to be taken as characteristic of him. - He was respectful in his address to the Saviour and modest in his approach. He had made through life an honest attempt to keep the commandments, and with gratifying success Notwithstand- department of life, viz . religion He was not a Christian, note a follower of the Sav iour. He felt himself that he ought to be, but he was not willin to pay the price so he went away sorrowfu . This rich young ruler is a fair representative of the average modern young man, industrious. courteous, ' moral, but lacking that avowed personal fol- lowing of Christ which crowns the human character with eternal life. The sermon was addressed chiey to the young men present who followed it throughout with ing he was defective. He had neglected one I close attention. I I " Suibmibe :3 Tim Anvmm, the beat Neeklv paper in the County of Simcue.

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