We wouldn t obtrude for the world on` yopr shopping deliberatiohs. Thre s alto- gether too much of that done. Doesn't a Dnonnnn"`.29; l`.8'98, Shroud. Advance Correspondence. each. A pair of Fine Wool Blankets for $2.50. Kid Gloves,guaranteed_ only, all new shades, $1.00 and $1.25. . ' Ladies Silk Umbrellas, Dres handles, special, 02. 50. . 0 Elegant lot of new Blouse _Sil just arrived from England, 75c. per yd. Handsome Black Dress Goods f -"V . Skirts at 75c., `$1.00 and $1.25 ' Black Broche Satins, the good ki . p at 75c., $1.00 and $1.25. Black Dress Silks and Satins, speci value at $1.00 per. yd. Fine Linen Tablecloths, all sizes, fro 13:; to $5.00 each. Extra value in Fine Table Napkins, $1. z.__ to $3.00 per doz. Fancy Table Covers, Tray Cloths. ToWeltc., in great variety. Handsome Chenille and Tapestry Covers a 5'9 Porticos, cheap. Heavy Scotch Shawls, the kind that never out. I And a thousand other things you will see when if come to the store. The followin ` list will help you in making a choice ;.._ Extra value in large Special value in Plain i . Siik Handkerchiefs at 25c.,40c. and 50c. ` Embroidered Lineniandkerchiefs, 50. to 25c. AT v1-:FQI INTERESTING PRICES. person know hisown mind in suchjmatters? W SHOP EARLY. -_. . -.---_ - _-_--'.Y ___-v. The new Methodist church recently completed is an up to-date edice in every particular. The main building is 40 ft. by '60 ft. with a choir recess at the north end 10 ft. by 2`) ft.. and has four windows onesch side. The walls. are of solid brick, with solid abutinente, and enclose seating capacity for 350. of Toronro, was home for a short visit this week . . . . Mus. James Reynolds, of Stroud, and Miss G. Sizer, oi B. C. I. spent Christmas with Mr. Sam Rey- ! nolds. . . .Mr. Alex Ness, of Barrie, is i visiting at his home this week . . . .Miss I L. Sawyer, of Bradford, is the guest of Miss M. Peacock this week. . . .Mr. and Mrs J . Craig, of Barrie, spent Christmas with Mr. Alex Ness. . . . Mr. and Mrs. J no. Bowpan have returned from visiting friends in Collingwood . . . . Mr. S. J . Reynolds, of Stroud, was visiting at the home of Mr. W. Rey- nolds last week . . . . A large number of our young people spent an enjoyable time skating on McConkey s pond on Mondav . . . .Anniversary sermons in connection with Stroud Presbyterian Church will be preached next Sunday morning and evening by Rev. W. R. McIntosh and Rev-. D. D. McLeod, of Barrie, respectively . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jno.Smitb, Mr. Wm. Smith and Miss D. Smith, of Midland, spent Christmas with Mrs. Wm. Robertson._. . .Miss Daisy Orr has returned home from .a short visit in Toronto. . . .Our P. S. teacher, Miss M. G. Simpson, is spend- ing her Christmas holidays nnderthe parental roof at Ivy . . . .'Mr. and Mus. Wilson Reynolds, of 'l`oronto, spent Christmas at therhome of Mr. Samuel Reynolds . . . . E. A. Little, M.P.P.,' and Mr. Chas. Pulling spent Christmas , with Mr. Wm. Martin. ` V the Ho|idayTrade Thornton. Advance Correspondence. 0116 What's the matte Ind`! Id ' e talked about by menu and toe, s make our business grow. % w1 oh :-- A tower l2 ft. square adds beauty to the building. The interior is nished in ash, with the exception of the walls above the wainscotting which are n- ished in rough plaster. The oor has a convex incline of 15 inches to the pulpit directly in front of thechoirap-art ment, the centre of the ceiling which is concave in form being 23 feet from thejioor. The seats are divided into three sections, are very comfortable and being semi-circular in shape, nil face the pulpit. The recess occupied by the choir and organ is furnished with reversible chairs. There are two main entrances leading to a large vesti- bule on the south. The building is lighted with acetylene gas from eight double hanging brackets, and heated by two wood furnaces in the basement which is beneath the entire church and will be used for Sunday school purposes. The dedicstory services were conducted on Thursday last at 2 30 p.m. by Rev. H. S. Matihews, Chairman of the dis trict, assisted by Revs. M. L. Pearson, J. Young," 0. A. Simpson (the pastor), J. M. Simpson (Mai-kdale) A. Gregg, George Walker, E. W. McBrien and W. G. G. Dreyer. In the evening a grand supper was served in the base ment by the ladies-of the congregation and followed by an entertainment in the church. The programme consisted of speeches. by the ministers above mentioned, singing by the choir of the church and,M.iss Miller of Edgar, and recitations. by Miss Blanche Duncan of Stroud. After the receipts of the evening had been `added to the.enh- scriptions already received it was fnnnd that $2,300 of the total cost, $6.000, was still unprovided for. Rev. J. M. Simpson then "called for subscriptions and soon 8100, 850, $25, $15, $10 and $5 donations cleared of!` the indebted- ness. The opening services were held Muers, 1 J V .0111" 11'9WwFa.ncy _Sl1 Rers. ureneWeLounemg Our new ckwear. Our new Sh ts. Our new Und wear. Our new Fancy aces. Our neWG1oves. ' Ournew Silk Kerch; 8. e V _THE.NOR'1'HERN ADVAIIOE. at a Bargain? ` t` ; so; see ours,, Miss Vio. Webster is home from Toronto, having undergone a successful operation on her throat. . . . Mr. W. H.- Webster and his sister, Miss Jennie, Of Toronto, spent Christmas under the parental roof here....Mr. and Mrs. Gregg, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mrs. Grega s mother, Mrs. E`. Mc- Kay-. . . .The Christmas tree and enter- tainment for Friday evening, Dec. 30th, promises to be plenty _of amusement for the children and good entertainment for the older psople....0ur village was the scene of a very pretty double wedding last Wednesday when Miss Sadie Nesbitt was united in marriage to`Mr. A. Harwood, of London, Ont., and Miss Flo. Nesbitt was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Jas. Chspelle, of Bradford. The - brides looked charming dressed _in white bro caded alpaca and carrying large bou- quets of cream and white roses. They _`!`B attended by -Miss Banting and Miss May B-inting, both of Cookstown, while.Mr. Hnrwood wssfattended by -_.. . _._-- - --_ -_r -_..-_--- Happy New Year to all . . . .MIss K. .: McLean is home from I.'ornnto spending Xmas vacation . . . .G. J lhnson, of Markham. York Go., is visiting friends here. . . .Mr. Lauree and wife, of Car- A man, Man., are guests of George Os trander . . . . G. G. Gaston returned home for Christmas on Saturday -from the north Where he has been for two or three weeks on the Farmers Institute lecturing tour. . . .Mr. R. J. Minty, teacher, was presented with a beautiful portfolio by the school children. . . .The Ghristmas tree entertainment under the auspices of the Presbyterian church went along smoothly and well, without a mishap, the hall being well lled. The Rev. R. J. Skene occupied the chair. Mrs. G. C. Gaston, who spent two weeks before the occasion in train ing the children, deserves praise and congratulations for the satisfactory way in which the children took their parts. Those who assisted were :-Mr. George Boulton, Mr. Juhn Ford, Miss Maggie Boulton, Mr. D. H. Minty. Mr.` G. B. McLean, Mr. R. J. Minty, Geo. Minty, jr., Miss S. Robertson, Miss Mary] Richardson. Mr. John Gaston, Miss M. Swan,-Miss Bella Minty and Mr. Jos. Sh.-Aield . . . .Miss Jessie Steers, of Orillia, is visiting the Misses Fraser . . . .Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Robinson visa ited relatives in Allandale this week Mr. Adam Hay. of Barrie, is the guest of Mr. Geo. Fraser. qnvnp -- cw -- -- Advane Correspondence. Positive car; for Runumrxw, Dvsmzrsu, SICK AND Nnavous Hnnacsl. 4 4 Cows-rim-non. Fnnuu Couvumrs, &c. V 43`lyo PRICE 25 CENTS A PACKAGE; _ One Month : Treatment. Send for free sample and Guide to Health. THE F. E. KARN Co., 123 Wellington sc., Toronto, Can soL1:_o AT 1 SEAGERS onus STORHEWBARRIE, om . I joyable s'air. Edenvale. Advance Correspondence The closing exercises in connection with the school here last Thursday afternoon took the form of an excellent 1 entertainment, provided by the teacher, ` Miss Mountjoy, and her pupils. In the various recitations, songs, readings and dialogues, those who took part acquitted themselves in a most credit- able manner. The feature of most interest to the children was a Christmas tree on which hung some present for every pupil; it is needless` to say that the distribution of presents was an an- A large quantity of candies was distributed amcing the many visitors. m.,,,,-,1 . - -- nu t'\'I'I -.-- v --no--nu On Thursday evening the S.O.T. Division gave a Christmas tree enter- tainment in their ball. A small ad- mission fee was charged and the hall, Buy and sell fbr cash only. Close prices Hunter are Bros. IfVAH-WA-G0 does not give Complete and Perfect Satisfaction. Yet there's no harm in a gentle hint. % Here : i Nature s Cure for: all Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. SEAGERS' sfon: BARBIE, om". _YOUR MONEY IS REFUNDED EXCLUSIVE. The King of All Blond Purifiers. Dunlop -` Street, - Barrie OUTFITTERS me sausracuon on me bupply Com Tenders may be sent for all or : above to D II IIl\|vlI Oro Station. Advance Correspondence. The Methodist S. S. scholars took a sleigh ride to Barrie on Saturday after- noon and had a photo of the school taken at Shaw Bros. gallery. The sleigh loads left Barrie at 9 p.m.. al- though some did not see their beds until after 4- a.m . . . .Miss Ida. Ferguson, of_ Barrie, was the guest of A. W. Bell ' on Christmas Day. . . .G. G. Kirkpat- rick, of the B O.I., is spending his holi- days here. . . . Mrs. Geo. Crawford and .Miss Jessie Perry, of Barrie, are vis- l iting here. . . .Wilf. Todd, of Toronto, : is home for the holidays. The Methodist church and Sunday school anniversary tea meeting and entertainment on Tuesday evening of last week was `attended with much interest and success. The tea provided ] bu the ladies was of a superior kind. The entertainment was provided by the -Methodist choir of Collier street church, Barrie, solo by Miss Fooks, of Toronto, and addresses by Revs. J. A Ross, J. Young, M. L. Pearson, Wm. McConnell and the chairman, Rev. J. B. Wass. Revs. Young and McCon- mll spoke along patriotic and historical hues and referred to the Anglo Saxon Alliance and the remarkable progress made by the Anglo Saxon race....' The closing exercises in connection with the Public school last Wednesday atternoon were of much interest to the ivaohers, pupils and parents of this section. After examination exercises were concluded, the large _ crowd of Vlsli.OI`8 was treated to a program of recitations and choruses which had in en prepared under the direction of Mr. Chas. Dearing, principal, and Miss McKenzie, assistant. Dr. Evans ocv cupud the chair in his own happy style and altogether the afternoon s cxercises were of a most satisfactory character. Judging from the many mmplimentary remarks by those in attendance the teachers have reason to he proud of the progress of the various classes. Miss McKenzie s pupils pre- srnted her with a book. 7 ` TENDERS will be received by the underslgned until 4 o'clock p.m. on the 18th day of January, 1899. for the delivery of :53 cords of best quality green Hardwood. Must be four feet long and of body timber. Greater ortlon must be hard maple. To be delivered as fol ows :-At Centre VVard School. 70 rnrrlc - no bk`. `Una; `IL. -1 C_L _ ,I I I I` ' ., Iuuulu vn nsrn Ul LIUII IIIUSI. DC nara maple. 1 0 cords; at the West \Vard School. 60 cords: South Ward Schnol (Allandalcl. :5 cords; and the East Ward School. 8 cords. The wood must be piled to the satisfaction of the Supply Committee. Tenders mav ha slant far all r only n..-oZ.-._ I8: AL. connwooo `WANTED bf In!" A n'nlru-L an n.` A- A 50's: FOR THE BARRIE PUBLlC.SCHOOLS. I: \/\Jl-IlIlIlLlcCc any portion of the F. M. MONTGOMERY, ---w---. 7 Advance Correspondence. Mr. F. J. Kelcey. of Dalston, is home for a. short visit. . . .Mr. J no. Reid, of Thornton, and Master Harry Reid, of Gravenhurst, spent Christmas under the parental roof. .. .Mr. A. Owen, .--v-. _vv.--...s-, Chairman Supply Com. Want an Overcoat,"Suitr,%Vpair bf oats