MCCARTHY: 2 A Def. ra.ct0I'y-.Da.ync1u OEYCCI, DEX 9 I & GALLIE successors to Geo. NIXIXI DOCIDCVo UIHCCU-`UVCF DWEIIB lJl'y store. Dunlon St. `Residence r6 Mulcaster St. ` FRANKLIN J. ROBINSON, GRADUATE OF the School of Practical Science, Toronto. Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Survevor. Plans speci- cations and estimates on all engineering worksg1re- red and submitted on the shortest notice. 0 cc. othwell's Block. Dunlop street, Barrie. ' :5-ly )ONALD ROSS B. Pnnnav a near. em. . .:7 )R. PALMER,'Xg 1:, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, .. (`.1-ullncrn street. Toronto. may be gon- JOHNSON &SAR]EANT, BARRIE, Im rters and Dealers in Coals of all Kinds, and eorge town. Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plaster-er : Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch,. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this L" `I e is better than that of any other kind, and the f nah superior. Oice--Corner of John and Elizabethstt-eetn.. R. W. A. ROSS, Pb ' ' , Surgeon` etc.,a!I1.& _ R.c._s_. 1:ain.,_L.R , .P., Londo . 11 I11 _ -I_ 'r\--..I,... -4---` FARRIAGI.-: LICENSE ISSUER. The Hardy Government is a machine, Gibson and Dryden being two disabled cogs that portend the nal smashing of the said machine. ` ' h )R.' BOSANKO, DENTIST, has removed to his old ofce, over Henderson's hardware store. 3313:: in Oannda. Onl reli- ` edioine diaoove . Sta guaranteed-to can all run , 1- ~ .. all eectsoisbnse 91' Renal Worry. oeaaive use of'1`o- :ooo.`0plnm ormnknu. nailed on receipt ~ not 8l.a1x,85.0nunalploau. P {ODD ta -p . tltrgeto address. t ' Wood 5omvh!.V?ndnr,0nh 4rso;4inB-nuua.a' " `Drugs and chemicals ` VANILLA, for ice cream. for ihstanoe; `BAKING Powonn. for cakes. One is a. drug. of course ; theother 1 chemical"; and than-A any still nth:-,nn_RPTCF.R AF all ARE ;szEE1>ED EVERY DAY In the Kitchen. ~ One is drug. of the other ` and there are still othe:-s-SPICES of all klnde, cream of `tartar, etc. - The`best lace to get dmge in at a DRUG sroai. them than otherpeop` . The dru ' t knows more about M We keep awgoofd drug store. Come and ask us abput Kitchen Drugs. ____________.___.______________. T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 41.117 MONKMAWS DHIIG STORE` 9a-VDUNTL0PeS'1`. BARRIE. ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. EDITORIAL iiomms. Dryden and Gibson are 9. losing team. I I`: D: UIXDVJKY, veterinary DUI COIL FIOIICYT . V Graduate Ont. Vet. College, onor member dical Societv. , ces--Over Ewan; Dry Good re. nninlnn St- Residence r6 Munlmntar St- F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Sur eon. Honor _ Grndnuntn Onf.- Vet. Cnlh-om, nnnr mnmhnr ._._._.__________.__._.____._._____ LRADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney, :.:...- 3.. Channerv. Convevancer, etc. ?ii'ria:n1NAnY svnenons. Y..l!. r; Pin, MCCARTHY & DUNCAN, Alliston and Creemore. ` ', Pnnnnh Coxuaouw 8; MCCARTHY MANUFACTURES. PHISIGIANS. ].EGAIIe It cost the province $30,000 to teach the Hardy Government in special ses- sion of Parliament how little they` know about the laws fashioned by their own hands. V FOR INVESTMENT on good l....LnIA nAnn9:fu gr Inwpcf ran: nf FINANCIAL. DENTISTS. ` B.A. D. F. Mncwxrr. OFFICIAL. moo and upwards. to loan at 5 Klll 43-ly I 45-15 - College. '.l`he silence of Sir Richard Cart- wright since the Laurier Government was returned to power suggests the pos; nibility that the great nancier is dumb- founded over the increasing indebted- ness of the Dominion. Ian. UECC3`-`Dbl I II; -Bank of. Toronto 545' - Aux. Cowm. Solicitor, -- narr:A bvaauuu street, NORTHERN Aov/I T; N V V I ADVERTISING RATES, CE -um nnvuzon nus A c1nc.,u,n _ , onroun-ngnn ntmmucn .m, - noun corms. Almbst, if not quite`, double that of . quent insertion 4 cents per line, A paper published in Ban-1e_ any her 3' ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOTE THIS FACT . 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch`. 4 TRANSIENT ADVER'I`ISEMEN'rg_ First insertion 19 cents per line `Rnmnn nations, In r-ante um. I:_, . I each sub3e_ liuuula LLIDVILIVIL 2 uuuuu ya; 11111:, Reading `notices, 10 cents per line to, insertion ; 5 cents per line for each su Se mt insertion of the saine matter. All ' W" der`5 lines, of this character, charged a ' lines. 8 5 Legal Official and Government d - ments will be charged at above rates.a vemm CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken the fol1owing_rates,_ which are drafted on coat rect commercial ])I"Lnc1p1eS and will be strict? aiilhered to. There will be only one price by! a . `_`_\.- `Forone month--the three monthlrm with 15 per cent. added. inn: I-urn nmnnt}\a:+11a {>1-n-an ....-_;L1 l Wlhll 1!) EU). bvuvg Cl-\.l\LU\J.u *Fpr two mont.hs-the three monthly me with 10 per cent. added. 131-afar-1-or` nncifinnu {n fkn n........ _-.u . WILD JV 1101 uuuvo u:.A\.n.u. . l3'Prefe ed pos1t1ons 1n the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on 31,0 rates. Th.1s rule w1ll be smctly carried out, CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the office not later than Satutday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in T111: ADVANCE oice no: later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. `I0 nlnonunn nf Avnrhnnmnnfe Minn-,..2 ... uUIl,`%,vn Iuv sfvunfu IIIIQU yap\a_ uuvvu- .' 'hu ben oohaidorayet % ma relatives, but me bygone. - Anj . 59. Vibys99'{ins1% %`;ht%:,the~de-V 12 changes of Adverlsements a1_1owed per year. It more are requxred, composxtion rates will be charged. AA.-and-{aura 111; nnf Ln 1nuvnR Om non oL...`_ W111 U6 Una: scum Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and tound, property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and wl be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per Word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. iProvincia| Building and Loan Association. EJBHN RUGERSUN, [STANDARD LIFE, `LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI DENT LQQPANY. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN f ASSOCIATION. | ETC., ETC., ETC. The Ontario Government is a family compact ; which statement is well proved by the fact that two members of the family, Dryden and Gibson, were defeated at the last election, and Father Hardy absolutely refuses to appoint other Ministers in their places. REPRESENT `mu Fouowmc COMPANIES : The Mercantile, now affiliated with The _don & Lancashire of England. sc.-. It) . $1 5,ooo,ooo. The_V[g.terlpo Mutual. of Waterloo. 0&1 ls Vaa,uvv,vvv The Waterloo Water1oo.0-"5-~ Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. 05'- Total assets. $303073- Also Llovdls Plate Glass Insuran pans . of New York. Cash cap! ~ - 000 And the Sun Loan and savings Comp of Ontario. Private fun?` 8tzoA loan on first mortgages- counts collecte C. . 3, mi: nOfEce over I'ienderson,s Hardware Storm ` n6 .\c- AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. BARR|E. um: & snvmas cu. INCORPORATED 1881- SUBSCRIBE-3- CAPITAL $250,000. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on The Security for Depositor-1 in 8- 11 Company is undoubted. tr 5 Ross new Block. south side Dun19 1,1 out of the Poet Omce. C _ . 0} IS The security to depositors in a L03" .h doubted. There is no instance on ` d 7 a deposition` has ever made a loss bv 21 L03 C V . /X Canadian Branch Oice, I unwrnnn. Branch `Manager I """" " ;, ATLAS..." I As'JaANc: c0MP0'f,Ld Calftal. $6. . A;`)pIicatiot:1;':?1.a furnished aI1f`(`;"ETqu GEORGE PLAXTON. Bothweus an-IVA Barrie Ont. Oice in _ . n nau- v-- SlIUSB.VE S BUSINESS UULLEGE , . "E. Cox. COLLEGE _S'rlun1' AND SPADINA AW 4ToILoN'ro. It is conceded by the Grits that John Dryden has been too good to his relatives. He was defeated, and his seeking re-election makes it very probable that he has a. few other rela- tives who are hungering after fst liv- ings in the gift or in the power of the \ Government. ' v_ 3 No boasting, but Sohd, Sound. ( shorthand thorodghlv taught in 3kkeepinc in all m branches. B Complete. Citculanfree. ` ` I T. MUSGl FIRE AND LIFE :2 ASSURANCE 381180181! nrancn UIIICC MONTREAL. M. C. HINSHAW. Branch I CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. $_CROGG|E 6. SMITH. . 0c'ronnn 27, 1898, KDVERTISE IN AGENT It must be very annoying to Mr. Gibson, of Hamilton, to be compelled through the icy treatment from his fel- low citizens and electors to go up to East Wellington and humbly ask of strangers that he be allovred to return 700. 1- J. Musenovn. . I Fuzz Ixsnmvcs etrevi` slv Deponnu. cam. At a recent meeting of Orillia Town iibson cepting an offer from Roderick J. Parke, and Gibson or-11l1a'e Appointment of an Engineer. -- Council a report from the Fire, Water and Light Committee recommended ac- togs smashing consulting electrical engineer, Toronto, she V s to prepare specications forthe proposd W1 --- power scheme. Mr. Parke oered to b8 ihe superintend the work until it should lieu they` pass a satisfactory test, for'$l,000. In It to teach give advice, prepare specications, and, know by the event of the by-law failing, and the to iheil` scheme not being carried into effect, Mi -- ' Mr. Parke will accept $100 in full, and w. wright tions. And should Mr. Parke not, was prove `thoroughly competent for the Iibility dumb- work he is undertaking, he will not re- founded ceive any `remuneration whatever. ness V compact which that two of Gibson, pay the cost of printing the specica- Reeve Miller said that the Committee had come to `the conclusion that the plan of allowing each tenderer to pre- pare his own specications, was almost certain to prove unsatisfactory as well as costly ; and of several electrical engineers who had been desirous of en- gagement, they were most favorably impressed with Mr. Parke. ' He was also highly recommended by Mayor Wells, of Barrie. The only adverse opinion had come from the companies desirous of preparing their own speci- cations, or who had friendly engineers seeking the position. One great recom- mendation of Mr. Parke was his inde- pendence of all those interests. It had come to the knowledge of the Commit- tee that one rm had oered Mr. Parke $500, after the tenders were opened, to recommend the machinery manufactur- edby them to the Barrie Council, and the offer was promptly rejected. Dep- uty-Reeve Tudhope was so favorably impressed with Parke that he would rather pay him double than-' ac- cept the advice of the others who :o__'er- ed, and he believed "it would be ch'e_V'>er' in the _end. The estimate Mr. Parks` in -gave Barrie" was within `$300 of the contract price. Councillor Kean said g that there` was no doubt Mr. Parke- made such a liberal offer because of his "desire to have an opportunity at the outset of his career to show what` he could do, _ and there was no question that gentleman realized -that if he suo ceeded it would be of lifelong advant- age to him, failure meant that his fu-' ture as an electrical engineer would -be blighted. Another point in: his favor _ was that not one of the contracting , O - -. companies wanted to see him connected - ' " '_'_ - V - 2 !with the` undertaking.` _In. reply to` _ The present trouble in the,'United [Councillor-`Black, the Mayor said that States with the Indians is the outcome thestipulstion that ahonldPaz;1t_a of injustice to an Indian chief, with an -09* -Pr', `h.=8h1! `.`PPi`_ 111 unpronounceable, na!99- . `cum mmwino umnnentmn mm put: . _ . a .of.the.'-`terms -uponwhich. he must ac- =-s~=t~ `g V _Vwas',adopted:.}-_-Packet.:. , ,w`itness,and'`im1lesge- _He vowed _' _.f[..,"_j_f, " com v that his other ' compelled treatment to the Hardy fold. Mostmen would rather stay at home than thus humiliate themselves. When Mr. G. W. Ross told a:South ` Ontario audience _ that Conservative farmers had united with Liberals in de- manding that Mr. Dryden be retained `in the Department of Agriculture, he made a slip which fails altogether to improve his character for veracity. Honest John drummed up a deputation to Mr. Hardy asking for his retention 3- but Conservatives had no part in it.-" ' Mail-Empire. ` - h9:p1l?:*59i`iia When aonth V `Ontario audience that united be which for `Fi; jwosh oice.- In going miners Mr. Bias, in p1eding for` Mr . my. -4?;a?'V5'3;57?`%d% ."``3% ""' .- _ -_; ..!.I__._n..- engaglehtjzizg the re- sult. . ad, in now? ontlod td forgiveneu. And . _thin in" the beutvthnt `the Minister `of Education can ' jay` for the chainpiou uepotigb! Isis a plea" tor mercy and KYVVUIYU I -v --- 7V `... an .admissios of wresgclolng. t;nd~'ss such it will be regarded by a. disgusted electorate. A Minister whey gets his colleague to make such 8 plans is surely in lo. pitisble plight.--.Msil-Empire. - _ mgven torvmach Party. . _ At O_e_good_e Hail onf_Satu1.-day morn. iog 15th inst.-, twenty-two eleotiontriale were formally dismissed by consent. The following were the petitions: ' * consnnvulvn PETITIONS. South Brent. East .Haatip,gs. Went Kent. Welnd. % Went` Hgabinga. Oenitx-e Bruce. South Wenworth.- South Norfolk. North Lana:-k. East Algoma-11. LIBERAL rmmons. Wont Hamilton. East Hamilton. Prince Edward. West Durham. East Middlesex. . Dundaa. South _Norfolk(cro8I-petition). Lincoln. Frontenac. South Waterloo. Addington--11. o moan snow: was s }s_,-E The Government at Otheweis heving; I hot `time ofeit. these `dsys. The .rev,`.' elstions by the London Times of wrong` doings in theYukon, is quickly followed V by 0 catalogue of complaints made by F. J. Dunleevy, on Australian miner, who is on his w_ey to Ottsws to demand I Pulismentary enquiry into the Yu- hon ndminstration. . His principal oom- pleints maybe summarized as follows :=- 'I'L A.-I_-.. 13..-... -_.. L.` Lu-us unnnb` fl! Ah- 7 ` Latest _ The latest 1-etnirna from the plebiscite" on prohibition are as follows :- Que1oeo.... ....... .. . -T h .91,6o8 Ontdri .... 38,097 * . `Nova 29243 New hBrnnwick. . . . . ..l5 .850 ,1>.n -Iohnd. . . . 8,315 h h A m:.nuoba.h;,......h.h'h9,271 T 1`.4-""-u-I nI,;__,!;,,,9;_ - gnn ` uuuuuau . . . . . . . . . . . . ..v,-- . . . . . . . . 29 943 New Brunwick . .l3:850 P. E. . . . 0 0 c o o o a . ` N. W. Territories... , '`.2,500 British Columbia. . . . , 1,500 so mm In mm ' Hm T0 su. A'1he :&dm1a'a1on of con-espbondence Does .u.;. up .... .......II-,'I un-nlu that 11".: `Hold i ADDBESBED rowan mDI'ro_3 1&1 mm wCiV$ ---V-J cw ? --vv----:v._-._- It takes from oneto two weeks` todis-.~ tribute the msils after their arrival at Dawson. The Government has given a. conces- sicncire the right to deliver the letters for which service he. charges 85 per month to miners and $10 . per month to - business men. T .. EQHIIBBIUB UL vuasvuyvuuvuvv --v. 1116 V Not Necessarily Imply that we eld the. Opinion-of the Writer. ` Tlle ifolloling letters, addressed to the editor -of Tm: Non-rnnnn Anvmcx. have been received for publication : A Answer ,"Enqu1_rer._". Deer` Sir,-In your issue of Sept. 29th Enquirer asks, Will someone` _tell us whether the several words trans- jlated `wine . do not` in every case mean intoxicating or fermented liquor. With your kind permission, Mr. Editor, I will in- as short a space as possible, place before" your intelligent readers a statement two for thoughtful con- sideration. From the very best author- ity, the most eminent investigators, we learn that there is nothing in the nature and usage of the words wine, etc., in the Bible which at all teaches that the use of intoxicating drink is in har- mony with the Divine will. ' are thirteen words of the ` original soriptures which, unfortunately for the English reader, have been in- ' dibrently translated wine, either. with or without aqualifying adjective, such as new, sweet, mixed, or strong, namely :-A;-Hebrew - Yayia, Khamar, Shakar, Mesek, Ahsis, Soveh, Tirosh, Ashishah, Shemarim ; in Greek -O1nos,_ Glenkos, 02:03 and Akraton_ There are, besides, two other words- the Hebrew adjective Khemer (foam- ing), and Khometz (translated vinegar). This fact will readily suggest the pos- sibledelusion into which the ordinary English reader may fall. It is highly desirable, therefore that we should have a knowledge of the meaning of these erespective words, and the passages in which they occur. An angel may be bad or good 3 so also wine may merit approval -or- disapproval, just as we `understand to whatit refers. If there but one kind of wine, and that in` toxicating, criticism and argument are an end, since the use of some sort of wine is plainly sanctioned by God in the Bible and not merely permitted. The Temperance Bible Commentary L gives the following summary of the chief, Hebrew terms concerned in this inquiry :- i i. iayin (wine) occurs. one hundred and forty-one times in the Bible, de- rived frcm `a. word which denotes boil- ing, ``_f'et;, spurnihg, and hence ly ' applies to the freshly expressed 1 ,5 uf- ._.__.- A "l'I"" w foaming blood of the grape. A (1! word,- however, like yayin, originally fa: retrospection, to the wine conned in the grape. In Neh. v, 18, we have the phrase, all sorts of wine, as a generic term, therefore yayin became applicable to wine of four species :--(a) It is used sometimes in the sense of vinem pend- ens of the Latins. As Cato speaks of the hanging wine, so Deut."xxviii, 39, refers to yayin as a thing to be gathered by men or eaten by worms. In Isa. xvi, 10, Jer. xlviii, 33, it is used for the grapes to betrodden in the vat. ` In Pa. civ, 15, Jet. xl, 1012, it is ap plied to the grapes in the clusters. (b) - Yayin as used very frequently for the ' teaming blood of the grape," was "probably applied to the expressed juice because of its turbid color (Gen. xlix, 11, Isa. lxiii, l, 2, 3). (c) In Prov. ix, .2, 5, payin seems topcint to a boil- ed wine or syrup, the thickness of which made itneedful to mingle it with water before drinking ;: while. unmixed with uid, it .was probably consumed with milk (Isa. lv, I ; compare Isa. vii, 22; '. Ezek. xxvii, -17). There was also :3 the yayinmixed withjdrugsof various 1- sorts; the mixed wine of the sensual- 3 ist, spiced and inebriating; _a cup of I! 1. sent stronger ingredients, used as the E emblem of Divine: judgments, _the`c`up 3 of ` meditation _(.Ps. lxxv, 8)` ; the tur- e -bid `wine , full of poison (Dent. xxxii, 1 1:: 33).. (e) Yayin,-.. was also applied to 7 every $I>ei98 of fermented sr-ope juice; 37 f_Thecharacteristics of fermentation are wygllmarked. Prov.._x xiii,`-31, where . .r within `deioribbd as red as and ` be" `spdflling,,'whioh: condition we - ei.i3bi9|d=`?!=,.tlook nPn:i*%vit1!dr i ..t12~tve.~.-M-1a;tl. 2 ` ` " JI. . den..ont. . 1913- juice ,3 `3. fVSov:eh, sabah (he to satisfaction), occurs but thrice. It is % identical` with the Greek hepaeme, the ` Latin nape, and-the modern" Italian and French aabe (boiled grape juice). , _L -11-- .......:..-I.;..|_ hf JEKUIIUII DOUG B---r. ` L "4. .Kh.e.mar...the. qheldee A_'!V1i,'Y;I19! the Hebrew _ya7in, occurs only in Ezra- and Dame]. It is derived from the ebrew khemer, which may be trana-- leted foaming or turbid, that is," `IL L... __3JA `People .-gt-`delayed letters by paying 1 tip oonoedaionaire who has the freedom % IDIEIL svlnuaoc-B '- yeasty, barmy, .nc nu_1my:" 9. wid meaning, and oomprehends all sorts of ` wine.` wine. " (vinegar), sick wine (wine gone sour). The word had a somewhat broad appli- cation to coat and ferniented things. . 6. is not wine at all,-put the fruit of the vineyard ? in its natural - condition. p.They Aplhall tread tiroeh, that shall not drink yayin (Mic. vi, 15). Out of thirty-eight texts in which tiroeh is found, in thirty it is associated with corn (not bread), in one. with olives, in twenty-one with orchard fruits, and in twenty with both corn and fruit. It is never_ once connected with oil, and is constantly associated `with dew, rain, dryness, and 1 other conditions affecting natural ` growth. ` ' ` - it I I !,,_A--._-\ 2-7 AB A4.-u-an 5. Khometz in simply sour wine 2 .,- v v- --- 7. Meaeh (a mixture) is; of course, applicable to many mixtures-of wine with water, or with aromatics, or with 2, where. Wisdom mingles her wine, doubtless with water ; certainly not making that mixed wine in relation to which she pronounces woe to those that seek it. ' 8.-Ashishah, perhaps from the root signifying re, denotes a cake of dried grapes. By universal consent, says Prof. Douglas, "it is now understood to 1 `be some kind of cake, probably -a cake 5 of dried fruit. _ .-an 9. Shemarim (preserves), from Sha- mer (to preserve). Coverdale renders "sweet things; the Bishop's Bib1e,; delicate things. ' * -1\0 10. Shaker (saccharine drink) is re- lated to the word for sugar in all the Indo Germanic and Semitic languages, and 18 still applied throughout the East from India to Abyssinia to the palm sap, the zhoggery made from it, to the date juice and syrup, as well as to sugar and to the fermented palm wine. It has by usage grown into a generic term for drinks, including fresh juices and inebriating V liquors other than those coming from the grape. 'I' II (`I _,_,-.. The cup of the Lord's Supper fermented. The avoidance of the word wine by the Saviour and by the Apostle Paul in his reference to the Lord s Supper (1 Con, 11,) is at least remarkable. He spoke of the fruit of the vine. According to the Mishna, search for ferment was made by lamp- light on the night of the fourteenth day of Nisan, this search extending to the cellars; and among the prohibited drinks are named the cutakh of Baby- lon, the sheker of the Modes, and khamets of Idumea-all of them either fermented liquors made from grain or fruit, or liquor so liable to fermentthat they were prudently excluded. The Jews not only. forbid fermented liquors theseven, days of the passover season. ' ton, says the wine used by them is . mode from pure raisins, and is unfer- V mented. ` T V (Matt. xxvi, 27 29), it is alleged, was i in their passover service, but they are" not allowed to be in the house during` - Rev. Simeon `Bninstein, Rabbi of `Bos- ` D.D., T says, Let the branches of the True vine, who rejoice in the holiness of their . Head, contend for the true fruit of the vine, and so keep the cup of the Lord innocent and undepreved till they drink it _new in the kingdom of the father, as J eeue requested. (See Isa. xxiv, 9; Amoe ix,`1V3; end Matt. conclusion, Rev. A. J. Gordon, A jxxvi; 29),- '. i-x;'g;'i;g` ate ompelled to pa? pilotage. 'll'__._ -I-2..... ..--"InA`-nan` nn ant` V Howard Keloey. Class Jr. II.-'-Inn ` A, I1.-AIb;ers` sumiera. W3` Inhtbaoha. L `Ohio Jr.-= -;L-4Msb1.?i-Fagin, ,.I5-` aguby,-:1 Renort S. S. No. 15',Knook_, for September. `Class V.-F. `Owen, Gertie Graig. 1 Class IV.-A. Reynolds,` Reid, J. Sinclair, V. Rainey. Class S._ III.- M. Rainey, B. Hnbbert, N. Strong, E. Clark. , Class Jr; -I[I.-M. Owen, Monioa Rniney, Mary McGill. - Class sr. II.--A`gnea Given, W. Davis, Robertson and Ida Rainev;(eqnnl), W. Eubbatt.,,Ewen .SiII1olair.. `Gianni Part A ma. sr. I.-.-.,w. Given, ohn}Rninay_; 11.14;! ~ :u-:..;..;. . - ` ' A `J03. `S. Gum. Elmvale, Oot. 17, 1898. Yohrs in truth, ..._- 3 BROWN, nan-uma, Salie- `&e.T`HAuaa'rox Luxox, W. A. Bows. Bgrrie. Alliston and Creemore. Lnrmox an Boys,` ~ ` Elmvale. Barrie oee'-cor.` unlop and Owen sts. Elm- `vale'ode-oppouite unt's hotel. Money to loan -5 In-.-at onion- | VIII: u1uuu-vy.~ at lowest rates. Ilvvlaavu Many claims arelooked up and held % for speculation. ' 4' '~----- `-A-- Lg 5:`-u" ` Barns ten. Sohcntora in High Court of Justices, Notaries Public, Conveyanoers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, `Rn:-r:A_ . Barrie. . Money in sums of $a,o '1' 1" - IIIIs AIIVEIL n_C J""' - ~-~~ . CCARTHY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. `D AL'rox MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. Pnrum, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muncmsou. tD:.ryCAMPNl%ELL. `Barrister - ' 0 etc. one to can. Oi'c and Stayner. Barne (;ioe-Ba.nk 01 Building, Owen street. UNALIJ I\\I9N7 II: can a--- .... -, _ Conveyancer. etc.. money to loan. Oices, Bank of To:-ontoVBuil ' 3`. Owen street. 48-ly ? R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, nar, 1. nroau, U UB6, 40 College street, ueen's the nth, from to 1: a.m,, and An`... auIl\iI. Hotel, Toronto, con- Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the second Fnday of Ute IIU1, `foul every month. 1} Toronto, Fellow of Trimty memcan uouege, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons I of Ontario. Office and Residence, 18 Owen street. I ovn yr-v--v---v_- Many miners have been obliged ,to allow ociale a half interest in. their ` claims. n DR;r]. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity University oronto, F w of Trinity Medxcal College, M....t...- nf (ha College of Physicians |i5`Z.:? _-non nu-'nf (` U Ha.rvie&Smi -comer'of Owen an th Orillia.) Umce and resxacnce J Collxer streets, Barrie. :3-ly `, ._& Dal-I18`cI', J'lllUlllU p I . _Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance: [_co-'in door Owen street, over Bank 0 Com- __ QTRATHY & ESTEN. Ba ROSS, Pb " 5 R.C.S. Edin., L.R L$ud3ff3I '1. `dc B Bl D nl `z`.f:._'91`-.1;'.fxTcTne?.f' k' " p mgnt l'El0llDe-Uruvn Barrie. Telephone 77. Juauvy-vac, Wnu;ma'ro_N Aurxr. R.` . ARTHUR R655. L. R. _c. P. &s. Edin.; F. P. & S. Glasz- 59ecnaJty-Eye. Ear Tkonaf ant` NARA. HRS ffoved to U M. F. P. & S. L-ilasg. bpecaa.1ty- , , `Throat and Nose. Has removed to Sandlehrlgf B133, opposite post office. Phone 54. 7-ly ' The right to collect cordwood and driftwood has been conceded to favorites of fortune as a monopoly, who pay but 500. a cord to the government. __ The wood will sell at $30 per cord during 3 the winter. _ ` I I .1 T? annoy..- Jorm Dxcxmsox, B.A O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOA . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any $.11 of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oc.~Ross Bloclk, ,Dunlop street Barrie. AE- V. 70 on $ , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolgrincipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRATHY, Solicitor, Etc., 13......-- 1., [EWSON & CRESWICK Court of Judicature of .A..... pots of the Sn rem_e_ `D-nah-nu _ E, barristers, Solici-V Conveyance:-s, etc. ONEY AT `H AND 5 PER (IEN'l`..-We have a large amount of private funds to loan at four and a hall and 5 per cent., payable yearly Loans on mortgage will be made u to one half the value of the property offered. Mc ARTHY, PBPLBR 8; MCCARTHY. Barristers. &c.. Barrie. JAS`. EDWARDS] T C9NVEYI`\'|CE.R` o n- ,(,l Mccuu-av, I R 'r. BANTING, clerk-cou.;y .5: Simcoe, will . be at his oice. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and P. O. Cookstown. &&I`i 1 I riiiili At ofce until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, ter that hour. ' u-ly HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY-- - euterin , Building and manufacturing of Doors. sh, B ' ds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstrict agency for gained lum- ber. Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. DGERS Ry GAT.I.lR mu:-rennnrsz tn Gan. Rn. IIIII vv - v-- u `It w.i-ll now be in ozfder for the Hon. Oliord Sifton to return to the Yukon and bring the oifendere to stem justice. j