QTRATHY az nsrnm 3HNs oN 8: SARJEAN If,l BARRIE. Im E and Dealers in Coals of all Kinds, and eorge rn, Greg _Gpelpla White Finishimr L31!-an )R. BOSANKO, DENTIST, has removed to_h-is old oce, over Henderson : hardware store. R. W. A. ROSS, Ph 'c'an. Surgeo etc., L. R.C.S. Edin,, L.R .P.. London. and mini ~n.n:JAu|nA4n-wuu9n'- Dlnnl. 11..-I... -5-A-6 Mocnrnv. _PI,n.nn, Mocut-my Duncan, Anam... ind Cram-nm-2. )ONALD ROSS B. A.-Ba.rristei'. Solicitor, (`A-u-Au an -AQn `Ln u-Inna`: in Ina ll _ (3%:-An- ICKINSON & MACWATT, Barristers, No- taries` Public, Solicitors of Sn reme Court, ctc., n-tic, Ont. Oceo in Bank of on-onto Block, lo. t'\...... -L...L on-u-In nipn Elmvale- McKe9me's ULT 8: COWAN, Barristers. Solicitors of the L Suprem Cdurt, Procton. Notaries, C0133- ngunn -to ,"nnnu in Lnnn- O$cen-Roan' B .5 best lms to t ah; is it a DRUG STOR . `The Sneug '8: known more about them than othes-poop . greugst aging! gsmtore, Cqme and gsk us EWSON & CRESWICKE. barristers, Solici- ton of the Sn rune. Court of Judicature of etc. {can .24 Dnnnbnii ng run: , Fnnvavnncern- uswvunvv wvunvu vuv I! van: I-IIIUIIVI (8) The timber concessions which have closed the woods near Dawson for ? felling purposes, this raising the price ` of timber to an extravagant gure and `threatening a fuel famine for the win- ter. _ vnrnnmany summons. F. C. GREGG, Sur n. Honor 9.] o3tiee':c3.1._lfgn;..?.":.'3:";bf T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., occ in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. `On the premises at night. 43' Y Ii. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitor, "A60-:1 An "Anni! f Inna, fun NEEDED EVERY DAY ` LIIIIUX 3 DOYS; " Ehavala. T oee-cor. Dunlap and Oman sts. . Elm- lo-6ppoIite Hunt : hotel. Money to loan t rntei. ~ |~.- uuwn. ` Allinton and Creemote. nzmox & Bows, Rlmvnln _. IIIANUFACTUIIES. .A. ,` c, E`m2f" - OliQoM "l8ifton.. V,d4idg]f den of ekirs in the Yuhon crj llbotion would not `be so there no it is. A correspondent or the Iaondou Times (Eng.) has been investi- Iiths tumors in De?-on City and neighboring mining camps. Her nd-. lugs, as related in the Times, would aim to indicate that Yukon o`5oisl_s,, though paid fut snlsr-ies,'hsve no high- or object in view then the grossing of -their own pockets with money - that `should nd its way to other persons, The grievances which the correspon- dent above referred to alleges are ex- istent in that gold district are as fol- m Cdurt, Ptocton, Conv [Money tq Loan. Occu--Rou B Rn rt-In. W"fIL`p laclllnuiuu srvuuunuu v. ulnar - 9 , wv vv: 1 C '9 Bold and recommended by all amgguulnoama om reli- "INC medicine d1ao%vo 81:! yuannteeato " an m - all eects:>:r:bnlo M wnfti, onnadlbs mid A. '58- PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. `-:`17.u`.n`1 3` x'.'.`.7:o`: z,"s'ir'.. 333: lIEN'.I`I8'l`8. onr1oL'n.. p I4: I\ \u I Brown : uur_u= ; me omer 1 "chemical"; stnll others--SPICES of all I tartar. etc. ` ' moan. y-v Qovww vinvruv II. who Illlvo (7) The reservation to {she govern- ; meat of ten alternate claim in every district staked out-by the public. Dnucx, I 45-13 - Aux. Cownc. I III! 5-ly UIIICC 15-ly '37 lcroshecut saws Call on "fin y.--.., ,, _Ste. Maia Shore gnd hvel) . for all ports 0! "'2 meg], `"4 Mackinac `F Manitoulins to Saul` don, stat?` hem, 1-mu`, T Ire. round trip, includ- $.I8.'5` St |'d and 3 int rn!50. Hamilton.Lou- ggng `t ` I`. OF T0f{B.d|3-te stations, 00" Dted) fpr'n$ and Midhnd 3 NT0 ylill leave Pene- sauna` Sound, c"` d`.1Y-(5d3YF" rtench -R; R. , and uefnnectnng there wtth b ,, ht?! and K,-name mers for Byn Inlet. ~ `DA 01 19 `uyR`:'uM0l1day an Thur! .` B R-role I ON & co AWRY Agents or to "`" ~ANn.'n }`:%3`` - '1Iin'Es3`3'a'aS. Es; " &c- Agents. Owen Sound ' The new `t t depos' ' L Co'y i5 W doubted. '?h};re% is no `glonyaigea onoigcord f'h' denoaitiolf has ever made a loss bv a Loan C0 V- 42` I! van Ivv DIV VIJIIIIVO f".-(:I3'E -hhlf 3: a qnarter interest is _ Irequently quoted as the price at which -good claims" can be recorded,. and scarcely a. day passes in which some fresh story does not become current of the number of dollars which it has cost to obtain letters from s nominally unsorted mail, or to make good an `entrance on business into one` ofthe u v I 4-c D.YS and FRIDAYS, res ' ll ` 0.. Via the NORTH sHoRE_NAv1cAI01V`MCwc Limited, Royal Mail Linc. m connectxon \ G.T.R., C.P.R and P Sound R.R. CITY OF Steamers CITY or IDLANl_) and d t L3 PARRY SOUND will leave Colhn g' Tags Me`aford' Owen Sound u.45 p.m-- f . f pol't5 O Nan-OI: CL-.. .._A A - tvgfgonlgns Saul.` 4 Per cent. IllI0l'O--II.-; lld on llev0"" `The Security for Depositors in 3 L01! Company is undoubted. at e..... .:'.:`i..";.i: .-a.;'::*"* 8" ` ii? security tg depositors in a Loan Co') W doubted. There instance on record WW SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, Private funds to loan on first mortgage5- AC` counts collected. &c. . O t ee over Henderson,s Hardware Store. 33`'"' 11 . SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. `mm; mm & snvmns cu. INCORPORATED 1881. Sun Loan and Savings CmPy of Ontario. Ivy ) Vaapv-.av,\JIJ\Ju The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. on: Total assets. $303,078. Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- ggnyr Of New York. Cash capital, $150.- Rnpiinslm-r -rm: Fouowmo Fm: I.\'SL'RA.\'CB Commumzsz Th9 Mercantile, now ailiated wi:h'The Lon- _don 85 Lancashire of England. Secur- nty, $15,000,000. STANDARD LIFE. ILONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI "Z')"iu'o roads. no truatworthrmsil arrangements, and no sanitary organi- sation of any kind. ' . lA\ `Il:_:.... .!:-A...2-L.. _-__-A. L- ___-, DI1;i'.r (}61Zi>X1:I'3-I." -" PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ETC. , ETC. , ETC. Scnocene &. SMITH. OWEN STREET. - - BARBIE mun nucnnsou, `For one month-the three with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the three with 10 per cent. added. Q 3 Preferred positions in the Km monthly rm monthly rate Palm will be sold at an advance of one-third on above ; rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES] , Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention to change adv must be handed into the office not Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co mind thgt 7 ertisementa later than PS for such change must be in Tm`. Anvmcn office not 5 later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. 12 changes of Advertisements allowed per gVe1r.beIuz11;g1:lare required, composition rates c . Aaunuol-don:-n nn'11 !\l\`- I... ..11.._...] 1 (_._. ___.....-- ..,, Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prnpem for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and win he inserted--hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); hit a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. for vgfilsemonu mm! In every case be mounted on solid metal hues. Provincial Building aid Loan Association. VVI-I-J IJG \JLIIII5`J\`O Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismz anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. M1cQ UARRY I Rcpaif 5h"M ~05 Aiiilifl "(")' i~"J"m'ya1ey of no poi` cent upon the gross output of _all minep. IH\ HVL- _-..-..---a.--.. A._ LL- ..-__-___ In Incncaouoo - o o u u o o n II 5inches,% column...... to inches, 54 column.... 2oinches,x column...... I ""0":-its Q-can vnnnb`-uni 6-1.. 4.1.... , ADVEI_rrIsmo RATER ANCE iglvmon HAS A 'on_1r_ovn-rnnn n.`n. .`.`,,}';lAn.. . L noun co;-ms_ `Nb Almost, if not quite. double that (',f ' paper published in Barns. "1! othe; liunvnnnsnas SHOULD Nam Tm. 12 lines solid nonpareil make I i:A Tnmsrzm ADVERTISE ch` First insertion 10 cents 1' quent insertion 4 cents perp(1?nal,ne` each `"586: Reading notices, 10 cents `per n insertion ; 5 cents per line for each E 15 first msertxon of the same matter. All Pt seqlent der 5 knee, of this character chnl ms nu. lines. ed as 5 Mn:n1 A-.3 IN, MENTs_ .. r- no 0 "`f1w.,3ga'] Oicial and Government a - manta vrill be charged at above rates.a vemsb CONTRACT ADVERTISING. V Contract advertisements will be taken at the fo1lowing_rates,_ whrch are drnfted on cor rect ecommerclal pnncrples and mu be strictly adhered to. There wrll be only one price for all. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. Ol'F10E-Next door to Bank of Toronto, c'4fuY` Gummed and Tmed at Number of inches INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. W (1) The. laws are bad and th ooerb .` through which they are administered} no corrupt. ' ` . Ins 'r........:a....a- .._.1 l....u.-..;:_.. ;-~ FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. W8 The and CFO` Sat` had `ini-n g.di.e`;:i~icte cannot be Illl'- ; .veyed, claims in many instances ca.n- f i not be recorded, and neceeenry infor- mntion with regard to districts already linked in not open to the public. ` ll` A `-413 -. .. .....-..L-.. ..L-..-..A. 2.. sho und iD neid ,"(93Y-i;:i;titndo and inatbention business on the put of the responsible` a core. IQ` `V. _.--_I_ __ L ,1 AI . var less WOO bl!` on t we re ary su Job The same writer says that :- Fm-k `%V&EI7>;WII?o"sh-on~*f[*# ? % A Report of Mineelnc School for September smuon DIVISION. - - Class V-Edith Tracey,` J ape Stand ien. Mary Bremner, Irene`Knupp, Mary iS`toke_s. Sr. IV -'-Jeniqie Livingston , Walton Addiaoi, Wallace Stewart, Amylohnaton. -J r. IV-Ida Kerfoot, Charles Foystep, Fred. .'.[.`i'aq_:'e y,`. Sadie lfraliok. . Sr. III--`Evy Kertoot, Fred, Foyaten, Herbert Fletcher, Martha Stokes. Jr. III-.-Jolm Maw, Katie Benlen, -Nellie Simona, ' George StokeI_ wmoa imvrszon. v Sr.II-.-Sunie Garnetltaw, Irvin Johan.-t9n said M: Ksavfott (equ-I1). David Knapp. : J r. I_I-_-,Bert Foyaton, Dillon 1i!=-; Rh1'=Kn!pp. Oliv Gib`ngi.. ' psr. orre. TII,-'e.-3Wil'lie Maw. Earneat 5jKltm'-`,` Earl`, A`: Chief Justice Armour held that the insurance company was:liable` -on the policy, and that the real" condition was that the boat should be `Ion the inland lakes and rivers. `The ooznpany took the case to the Court`-of Appeal, which sustained Chief `Justice ArInci1t s' judg- inent. " A` The case was tried at the Spring Civil Assizes in Toronto before Chief Justice Armour, and as it was a test case in which seven insurance companies were interested, it gained much notor-- iety at the time, and the most eminent counsel were employed on both sides. The action was brought by the Great Northern Transit Company, of Calling- wood, to recover the amount of a policy on the steamboat Baltic in the Alliance Assurance. Company. In the policy the Baltic was described as a boat run- ning _in the inland lakes and rivers. When the Baltic was burned at her dock in Collingwood after having been three `years out of commission and con- siderably worm-eaten, the Alliance Company refused; to pay on the ground that she was not running, _ and soidid not full the conditions of . the policy. Must Pay the insurance. The famous Baltic insurance case was revived by a decision of the Court" of Appeal on_'1`uesda) of last week. - pour turpentine over until well V under any circumstances, use `water on s new to Treat Wood` n-1...... _ _ if There are V various. jwsys 'of~~-treat_ing- woodoots. but the'bes_t;w.ay :9 wt: them. Many, preparations ready for use, butif one happensjto in a neighborhood where they are not readily procurable, the following polish makes a good substitute` :- Out oomm_o__n.:, white beeswax into thin shavings, azid` Let the preparation stand over 'night,; by- which time the vbeeswax-will` be soft: Stir it into a smooth paste,'.and `add turpentine` until. it is the consistency of thin cream; it is then ready for use. Before applying the wax, wipe the oor perfectly clean with a dry oloth_. and if there are any spots on it, take themo with turpentine or benzine. Never, a oor that is to be polished. Apply the wax with a annel cloth, being care- ful_ to put on but little at a time, in order to avoid a `surfeit of stickiness. Rub the polish well into the wood with a rough piece of annel, or a piece of Brussels carpet, until it shines like fur- niture. Unless the oor suefs rough usage, it will remain bright `for six months. Dust it by putting a piece of annel over the broom when sweeping. Keep a piece of annel at hand to rub up any little spot where the polish may have become dimmed. If, after long use and many waxings, the oor should seem sticky and dirty,_clean it with turpentine. Some people prefer simply to oil a oor. r,-Yhil this does not yield as high a polish as wax, it is satis- factory for a time. An oiled oor should be gone over every week or two ; even then the dust sticks to it, and it soon becomes dull. If anything other than wax is desired, it is better to oil and then varnish the oor. Another means of polishing is to apply a coating of size, followed by one of walnut or oak stain, snd subsequently by a third coating of varnish. In any case, let the polish harden for twenty-fourhours before the oor is used. ghe olhpr h g,v'o bean_7wa_rne.d(_If: fan robbgry and ajked to hop` mm ` for ,_tho atolpn m'on_dy'. ' . police are woikhf Avery fjgtivaly _--- -._.1 `L--- .._ 1.- '.__'-__-_n 1 -'.ii`- It in Ieimea gm of the stolen 837,000 in in ordinary notes and 825,000 in clearing hquhe certicates. ' - A I have, not spoken on -this question as strongly as some of En_lan`l s tixost illustrious and loyal snbieots __hsve spoken. I oouldA_ quote on` this head the Dnks o Wsllingtogl, Mosulsy, The 4P73_?`'" libvs` B-X3616? I-lind :smuh,i. Gslbrgith. Bate, 13. T!" o sea ".1**tPr- What then is the truth about Ire- land? You, Mr. Editor, sreof opinion that. whatever it is, it is no concern of ours here, or should not be mentioned. I msintsin on the contrary it is s I189-- ter (which deeply concerns us sll, with out - exception. It interests - Irish on socount ef their nstionslity, and it con- cerns all loysl British subjects, because it concerns the peace and, welfare of the whole empire. ' ` i ~ - " If you, Mr. Editor, had been In Ire- land and witnessed the scenes that I have witnessed; if you had seen the magnicent specimens of young Irish manhood and fair Irish young woman- hood, whom necessity expels from their country; if you had witnessed the "scenes at railway stations, of their parting with parents and friends, if you had seen them step upon the monster ship that was to bear them across the wide ocean, to such distant -shores, leaving beloved parents, friends and a country, never perhaps to see them again, when they looked their last looks upon them, what tears were in those looks, what groans rent their bosoms, what undying regrets, even till death itself, and what vivid memory of coun- try and all else they are leaving behind them, then you would realize that they were deserving of some consideration. And if I have been moved by these scenes, and the knowledge of . their causes, and if I have given expression to my feelings and, stated facts, why should any one complain? If I have stated anything that is false, refute it, if not, what are you afraid of 3 How would you like to have the liberty `of the press suppressed? You have noth-e iog to dread in his, save one thing. alone, but that one thing, is inevitable, inexible, supreme, and that which can validly` acquit men, and that thing is . `truth. ' Because I told these truths, Mr. Editor is consumed with ery indigna- tion. The good old" principle that might means right, animatea and sustains him, and his attitude `towards the Irish people seems to be- the old fashioned squelch them. He re- grets, not that these things are so, but that I should be so indiscreet as to have spoken them. Discretion and loyalty are his favorite virtues. What about justice? It is said to be a cardi- n_al virtue, but no matter. Sterne shed bitter tears over a dead ass, but he had no sentiments of sympathy to waste on his poor old mother, who was dying of starvation. ' A l ;_my recent lectiire on.1`he Religi- oui j'm_a Social condition or Ireland, `boss-loved by 15! We a trip to th country, I stated some plain-facts, facts which have notbeen denied, or cannot be calledzin question, hinc laorymae illae. I stated that the Irish them- selves, and particularly the Catholic Irish, who are the majority, are exclud- ed from all the high oices, which con- for political power, and a share in the administration of the country, that co- ercion and extermination were the chief remedies used by the administration in Ireland toremove Irish grievances. I stated that Irish industries had been suppressed, and that the country was annually drained of `nearly `seventeen "millions" of pounds sterling by absentee .landlords, who give nothing in return. I described the iniquitous system of grand "juries, which made the people mere tax payers without any represen- tation. I said this and . good deal more. But that is nothing to what I left unsaid ;_ I refrained, because I wanted to be very cautious and mild in my statements. 1 . `been :"grievonel'y 'eoi.ndalized, the tender of his loyalty has been sorely Ieoernted. and his religions esh bleeds. _ What has exoitedihie editorial bile, and wbnnded_ the too eeneitively loyal feelings of this brave Rntholiife, dieloynl delinquents l m morn: mun am . Notooeuorny Implythat we `Hold I-`In- l\-l-l._ .5 4.1.- 119.11.-.. -who touoymg letters, sddreud to the editor .0! `Tax Nonrnm-.u1r"Anvmcn. have `|AAui IinQ|nInn:` CAI: uunlmlln-68-on. . VIICKI HI J-`EC ul`U&'L'II8L` $11 boeirooelyed for publication : % ADDREBSED-'ED'1'H3 Lm`>rronA -1 v v r p` on; yo vnawv JQIICI-A 1` the Obimonugt tie -!l`h"o add:-euoid Alt)`: AI "'31! Wnnmunuu "*l\v|u\1un 1.54.- Deon Eran : , Sir,-'.`l.`h.e edito; of ADVANCE NORTHEI.{.N'b gnvmon And so you think that speeches such as mine m calculated to perpetuate Vunfriendlineea. (What about the 12th of J ulyorationa) and to stimulate each societies as the P. P. A;? That cer- tainly would be an excellent `methotl of suppressing the truth` and perpetuat- ing injuatice.,_ It has not, however, the merit of being original on your part., 1'ha pmy 1`iith"whom' you eym-V have . tried it for :11 it is_ worth, but it. not ybtfz g9tclad~:ohe=,Irish qu.eticn.. ` ` ;: . " l A You ask, Why insinuate that Eng- ` lish landlords are devils 'l Well,'what 1 I did was to tell a harmless, nursery- like yarn; I shall reproduce the anec- dote here and leave your readers to judge whether your commenting on it came from malice or stupidity. A tourist recently making the lakes of Killarney, and pointing to a place `of interest, asked his guide `what place is that 3 The guide answered, ` That s the Devil's Gorge, sir. Pointing to another place, he asked `what place is that 2 Answer, ` The Devil's Leap. He was told that two other places were respectively `called `The Devil's Punch Bowl and ` The Devil's Glen. `Why, said the tourist, ` the Devil must_own a good deal of property here. ` Yes, sir, replied the guide, ` but like the resthe is an absentee. _ Now, I ask, what is be thought of` the reporter who tortures a harmless little joke like that into the saying that landlords, the most amiable and disinterested men in the world, a pack of devils. I thought that nobody could see anything but `a joke init, but I am reminded of a car, tain class of people of whom Sidney Smith has said, that they cannot un- derstand a joke unless it is poured into. their heads aftera surgical, operation. Why," you say, dwell so empha- -ticslly on the saying that England's diioulty will be Ireland's opportunity"? I dwell on it because it is true, and I am sorry for it. I should like to see the closest friendship prevail between the English and Irish. I think it would be better for both. Even now, the Irish in the United States, and they wield some inuence there, are trying to prevent the development of any closer or more friendly alliance be- tween the United Statea and England. You say I found fault`with the law and constitution of Britain, and even 3 the Queen herself. I have not said a word of` faultnding with either the constitution or law of Great Britain, only with their administration in [re- land, nor with the Queen, only that she does not seem to take that interest in the Irish that she does in her other subjects, as for example in her Scotch subjects. In fact you may call the sentiment, jealousy. . You are afraid that my remarks may lead to the dissolution of peace,. har- mony and loyalty, a You can have neither peace or loyalty, unless there is justice on the part of rulers, and your splendid talents and ` powerful pen would be better employed in procuring justice, than in trying to suppress the truth. | so, Mr. Editor, you are of opinion that loyal people should keep mum about any injustice on the part of G(-v- ernment. The subject," says J unius, ``__ who is truly loyal to the Chief Meg- ` istrate will neither. advise not submit to arbitrary measures. tsinments leyslgy would com- irt i=hjrour9~?h- L Wliy fil%I,n1.d 16! Bntiah' .-nbJ't- Aobjsot to the noun The `Best; in fsgclghe }jn_y-"to defend theoourse`-. yos hsveftsken, is to take exception to my statements, or shew that I was Mr- Editor no :my numb we unsavory. Idecidedly objects 30. that wont F9rmy -0 =hn_I9n.i!=_r;- of the word. a Worcester s dictionary (unabridged). However much my re.- marks uiight have o'ended' his cannons of good taste, there was nothing in. them to justify their being character-' ized unsavory. Of course in matters of -this kind tastes differ. A 12th of July oration, some of the. loyal poetry andimusic which `graces these celebra- tions, such as Arise ye sons of Wil- liam arise, we'll kiclr the Pope before us, or a sermon from the fragrant Margaret L. Sheppard, are not " un- savory or out of place in this coun- try. These things have occurred here and not one word of protest from you, -but it depends whose ex is gored. ;`;.""' '93 `_ 1':;`1W%Igneisha1l eecta of abnii F-000.-Ovlnm or Blimnlsnto. usued oxfroeipt xoeas`1ve nne` ot'1`o- ot- no `(I I1: 85; Onuoazplaau. %ot5ro e~to address. . V V Wfnd 0un'puy.`V'Vll`dIor,0nu meuucau aoczesv. umees-Uver Ewan: Dryl store. Dunlap St. Residence r6 Mulcaster St. U anu uealers in uoals of all Kinds, George town, Grey and Guel1 Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, ire. Bricks and Plasterer's Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot of John street, near the `depot. The bond of this L '2 e 18 better than that of any other kind, and e ash superior. Oice-.Corner of John and Elizabethstreets. J! cations and estimat red and submitt thwelfs B uuuVn.LuV J. KUBINSUN, G the School of Practical Sci Engineer and Ontatio Land Sur ed on the shortest notice. lock. Dunlop street. Barrie. RADUATE OF enee, Toronto. Civil vevor. Plans speci- es on all engineering works re- ce . HE BALL PLANING'MILLl COMPY- - nterin ,' Btlilding and manufacturing of Doorsfuggah. Binds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds [done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln tnct agency for rained lum- ber. Fmctory-Ba.yel Street. Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. IJAS. EDWARDS CONVEYANCER At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence", 68 Mary street, after that hour. xx-ly I '1'. BANTii~i`G. Clerk `County of Simcoe, will be at his oioe, at the Court House, Barrie, everv Saturdav. Residence and R0. _Cook_stown. MONEY AT 4} AND 5 PER OEN'l`.-We have a large amount of private funds to loan at four and a half 5 per oent.. payable ynrly Loans on mortgage will be made u to one half the value of the property offered. M ARTHY, Panza 8; MCCARTHY. Barristers. &c.. Barrie. O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Disaounted. Collections made in any of theCounty. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancin in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issuecf. Oee-Ross Block, Dunlap street Bax-tie. 4:-lv. '$7o 000 ::2...,;~.z:..S:$;:`i*:.:.;:ms;-:2 interest . Nolgrincipal money required until end of the term. . H.- STRATHY, Solicitor, Eta, Barrie. - ARTHUR ROSS, L. R. C. P. &S. Edim; F. P. & S. Gian . Specialt -13 Ear, Throat and Nose. Has rgmoved to Sgnder?'Block. opposite post oiee. Phony 54. 7-ly _.v_- vv I the mystery, as only one man in the} bank knows the whole oombination,i each clerk who uses the vault `looking a portion. The _reticence of the soli- itors under the circumstances is hard to understand, since the [ indenite rumors that have been ying about are apt to do more harm in the way of pre- venting the apprehension of; the crimin- als than a fall statement of the case. If. it were known whether money or Waecurities had been "stolen, "and, if Ihbney, the numbers of the bills and their denomination," it would assist the police In ti'i,ih8 the ' `'5 PW-Y Iooomod for by 9`; *1" `e . . ' ' V`, I start both acting `m and .lclici- ` U l".*3:",i'.'& .i'&il`v'> }."`tt>' ,-, -:`:v--` `C`'.'-`_ `X. xv ', ':.i'4 "3 ` 'v'- 9 ; v 7')" r. ' `E. - JI. . \ -1 I - `,-`.1: V. H,-`.,-4., ` A H -3 . 'Y-' x. l . . , H`; . yr` _ DR. . F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity University or-onto, F w of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oee and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. 0. SMITH; L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. ' & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence -001"-net of Owen anti Colher streets, Batrie. :3-ly .11 n,u.a. bum" Lac night residence-Bx-ow: Barrie. Telephone 77. icinrriah at Seagn .IJmg 2 -. . R.PALME s E 1-: ,Th 40 Collcgg u:.`r::`e:,n To):) ntoa,r ma;abtN:1 `suited at the ' needs Hotel, Barrie. on Friday, Oct. the nth, from to n a..m,, and the second Friday of nvnrv month- Ill I Ila, IIDIII every month. VIII uuuw-vppu ntiowest ntet. M. M. unmrnnuu, Darnswr ouuuwn, Notary, etc. Mon toloan. Oi'ces-Barrie and Stayner. Barrio" Bank of Toronto Building, Ownn street. Q-Iv uNAu..u nuns 5. A.-na.rnsI:et, aoucuor, Conveyancer, vetc., money to loan. Oicea, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly $62,000 Bank Robbery. The Molsons Bank _branch of Win- 1 nipeg was robbed of 862,000 in cash and notes `sometime between Sept. 28 and Tuesday. The robbery was not discovered until Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 4th, when the oicials opened the treasury box and found that the con- tents, consisting of the amount above stated, had disappeared. The bank ocials and solicitors are very reticent in regard to the matter, although they do not deny that the bank has been robbed, and the details of the a`air are kept from the public. It is learn- ed, however, that no violence was com- mitted, that the sum of 62,000 has disappeared, and that no arrests have been made as yet. .Mr. T. B. Phepoe, manager of the bank. left Tuesday morning for Russell on a shooting trip, and Mr. E. MoBeth, accountant, was acting manager during Mr. Phepoe s absence. The safe was not broken in"-0 to or any evidences left in the building. lay the `robbers. In fact, it is asserted that _, the vault was opened by the regn~ lar combination. This adds much" to VANILLA, for ice cream.` [for instence; Bumza Pownxn. for cakes. One in a. drug. of course ; the other chemi and there are still c kinds. cream of rear, ego. *8 . The" laeetro 5:: dr_ugs D] ' C 3` at motes other peop \X7.I....__.-'--l ' MONKMAN'8% IIRIJG STORE go DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. L]. 501': at me an remquoun or ;uuwau.urc us Ontnno. Procton. otanes, Conve _c_:rs. etc. Honevto loan. Oeese-A-Ross Block, arms. In I! I`___.-_`_.. VA `IT LI I`-unacuvnlro yner. narnu Cu. $ Building, Owen street. Sohcntors in High Court of J ustioes, Notaries Pubhc, Convpyaneers. Ooei over the Bank of Toronto, Rn inn. I oC_ARTI-IY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyancors. etc. ' D'AI.'ron Mccuvnnr, Q.C. F. E. P. Pnnnn, Q.C. J. A. Mccuu-av. D. C. Muncmson. ij Drugs and Chemicals In the Kitchen. [OI-INSON SARJEANT, BARRIE. Dealer: in Cnaln .-.5 all I::...u. ._ These charges should not be allowed to pass uninvestigated. These or simi- ` lar complaints have been numerous for months back but no steps have been taken to prove them false 3 in fact, in certain Grit quarters these rumors were accepted as true and upheld on the plea that the cicials as well as other people, should be allowed to pick 'up gold. The Yukon cicials are mostly ex-politicians and men whose principal claim to public oice is the fact that they have been long and faith- ful servants of their party are not likely to administer a`airs purely in the interests of the public.` MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. FRANKLIN J. ROBINSON, GRADUATE , th Scienno, `Taxman (`Z--1| UIIK31 Joan Dxcxmsox. B.A. D. F. DfACWA_'l\'1'. S-ma-rnv. Q.C. Ban-ie. ' . . Money in sumqof $a,oooTand upwatdn, to loan at 5 mar Anni. an---vr-urv-p --:--u- Wlumaton Auur. U taries` Public, Solicitors 0: aigpreme noun, cu:., Iurie, , Owen street. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKeggie's [Inni- MRARTEY. _l'.l_Pl.IR, muuucnn a uuuuuw, Allaston and Crecmore. Mocurrmr. Pans Connouw & Mocurruv 'Ilia NGIEEBS AND SURVEYORS. ' -RNNOX. Bovs (BROWN; 13m-mm, soTz:- imm W A. an-_ `HAUGBTOK Lnmox. . Boys. The direct result of the law heed been to arrest the development of the country, by putting a. stop to the work- ing of any but the richest claims, and by driving away investors willing to bar and work newly proapeoted oleime. :