E.I;i.u2:;i .535. 0. HT.` LYON, DA; `.4- I-Ivlv, Box 303. Barrie. T n COUN'1`Y70F;_SMCOE AND THE DOMINION oz CANADA OUR cnr_rnmoN. - BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE. CU UIIUI l(JU\-I Ills Deputy-Reeve Caldwell was asked several questions re the telephone in cpnnection with the Fire Brigade. He could ego`, answer `satisfactorily the cost of the telephone alarm. service, nor howsmany remen` have the alarm attachments in their dwellings. He` had been iviormedby Chief Smith that the circuit had lieen out of order for fteen days in Juneelast. Mayor Wells. advised the Chairman to become conversant with all lneeeissary details connected with the re serv ce. UU IUIUIIBUU UV IIIIII \JU|llulUI|o tfunoillor Powell` wilhd to `know -how the =Finanoe~0ommi1me urpouo -ruining the" amount. f nndexjn " %'A-tljaht the? Council hudlboutf reached the `mihof expenditure undmsuia: nmipt A gcm moans Jwashmbe-~ ink} iahlcf toV`.'~`:`dhqnalioation. Rov_o";l1ofI31anIa_1d;thsb the. paying of this Your Finance Committee has had before them. 3 communication from Meters. Strethy & Eaten, solicitors, re payment of the erbi- tretori and utenogreph_er ; teen in weter- works arbitration, and after giving said com- municetion` due consideration. beg to re ort that the sum of 86.280 teen in said erb tra- tiovu be pcid to Menu. .8tr'athyr &. Eaten for `the purpose of -lifttnszeid award` th,e_t'it msv "ha" treeented tothil nnci_l. ` ., beunoillo `Po .'e1l`wiehed- to 'kn'ow~.how nncumms. In repl to _ Councillor Ball, Chairman] Soulea sci itwaa not the intention to ur- i chase any more lumber for boulevar ingi put osea unless a direct motion of Council ` `cu: orizedlt. Deciencies for Class C-1. 4 Satisfactory sector box system of electric re alarm re quired. with suicient well-placed boxes, either. keyless or with keys under glass alongside,` to strike 15 inch gangs in re hall and pump house and to operate general alarm bell. 2. The Chief of the Fire Brigade is required to be on constant duty. 3. A xed annual sum should be paid to the remen and divided in proportion to attendance at res and drills. 4. Adoor should be laced between the two rooms wherethe re ap- pliances are kept and a telephone placed in the re hall. '5. The waterworks require general extension, esuecially through the recently annexed district of Allandale which is at present without waterworks protection. ' ,, `_._,. -___ _-_._ .._.--_ -- ---- Fgwuvvuovnau The commeeieations, excepting that from Messrs. Strathy 85 Essen, were referred to committees. ' `Ill!-ll? IIUHUWI` Fire-Alarm about 3 a.m. July 21st, from frame freight sheds at G.T.R.; result, totult destruction; lose, about $6,000; cause un- known. Summary of appliances in use-Water-_ works, stand pipe and direct pressure, 72 hydrants; three summer hose carriages, one winter sleigh, 2,000 feet of hose, hook and ladder truck, two chemical "re extinguish- ers, automatic general alarm bell, general telephone serviceoat all hours, night patrol, eighteen remen. none fully paid, three sleep in re hall, the other twelve have telephone call bells in their dwellings. Four horses owned by town are stabled in separate building in rear of re hall at ni hts. two there occasionally by day but the w ole gen- erally employed on corporation work. 'l\-l!_2_,_ __ "Q," l'II , A1119! 1 11 I " Snurnv & ESTEN. Fred. Marr, Secretary of Central Simcoe Agricultural Society, wrote asking for the usual grant of ` $100 towards the society. W. B. Webb, Geo. Thompson, W. E. Guits and eighty-two others of Ward 6 ps- titioned as follows :--'.l`hat B. Parker- s livery is a necessary convenience in Allan- dale ward ; that he has only three horses as against eight or -ten in the up-town liveries, and these are used a great deal in other than livery work 3 and that we think it unfair to have him pay any larger license than here- tofore. ` ' Robert Howeglnspector of theFire Under- writers Association, sent inhis report of the fire appliances of the town as inspected on Aug. 10th. The introductory letter says :- I would call your attention to the fact that correction of the deciencies was promised sometime ago, and as the classication of Barrie will necessarily be considered very shortly by the Association, I would ask for immediate advice as to the intentions of your municipal authorities. in the matter of correcting the defects as enumerated in the. enclosed report. The inspector rates the town as Class C and proceeds as follows : n Test-Telephoned alarm about half a mile from Fire l1all`11.46& a. 11)., ball rang 11.47, hose wagon and seven men 11.49;, one stream 11.502, two streams 11.51}, tank pressure 120 feet thrown horizontally. One chemical re. extinguisher tested satisfac- torily. Found all in good condition at the pump house. - 15- .n,,'I,.n ,vInu.A- Ae we notied the Chairman of the Water, Sewer and Light Committee last week, the award in reference to the waterworks has been made and will be delivered up upon payment of the arbitrators and etenograph- er : fees, which amount to $6380.10, more than one-third of thin eum being the eteno-. grapher e fees. If you furnish us with the above sum we will lift the award. \ ' Yours truly. Changee-The chemical re extin uiahers. are now carried on bone wagon. ecorde kept. Two hydrants added. General tele- phone service day and night. i V anu wmg dancer; Little da. Grace. the cnua won- der: Mazie La Brahy. prano: Chan. W. Guthrie. descriptive baritone. 4 e latest novelty-The Ani- mated Song Sheet ; a host of novelties. A . Our Grand Openin Bill. the new Four Act Comedy nu-2 ma " IFINAL s'r1uNGmN'r- APPEAL . non DE-I TAILS or mm PLANT FOR sum battle, i S. M. V Wells, `Esq , Mayor. Watbrworks about 0 be purchased by the town ; the award not in yet. ummm in ELEUTBIU LIGHT en. mr Inspector Eowe's Report-Water- works Award to be Li!tsd--Street . watering": in A.llanda1eWard`-Gent1-al C Simooe Exhibition Asks the `Usual Grant of $100. v Councillors Williamson, Brennan ~ and Newberry were absent from the regular .meeting. of the Town Council on Monday night. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were amended to,allow Thomas Camp- bell to havethe scales in Ward 6 for$l0 a `year dating from June let. ` A _ COMMUNICATIONS.` - . Mrs C. Hinds wrote asking the Council to raise the sidewalk in front of her property to the new level. ' -Inn. wmrnnwonx Awgnn. Barrie, Sept. 19, 1898. WK UCIIIVIL `III UIIU QUIIVVVIII II ID .Yen.e-`Frivvlev. Scales, ' 3's, '1`i::-Ben. l nose, Rogers, Jobnlon,i_M.o1.oean. Caldwell, Peacock-10. L . ' ., V ,_ ` Nay :-,.-Powell`, An_drew--`2.- _ - ' `.u.t..mnn.n`e'r`n ur`.wA'rnn1xo.~ A A Gounclllou Andrew and Powell moved. IJYIHII THE LdTTERv TICKET s uwuwsmuu yo uvyuu -'LuvVU UUIIIUB uuuuguu t e report is just what is re uired. A con- ference is not necessary unti after the en- gineerhas reported. It is knowledge we want. he concluded. Councillor Johnson said the report indicates the proper position for the Council to take. We do not know what the plant is composed of,; said Mr. Johnson, " let them give us a. statement of what they have for sa'le',~ then we will be in a position to confer with them. Councillor Ball did not see that it is necessary to have a statement from the Company as the Coun- cil would nally accept the report of the en- a gineer employed` to = estimate the plant. Chairman Frawley and`;Ma7or Wells replied that the word pls'i_i't l,_!Ais very indenite, and that it was thei_E,dtw of the Company ;(_if they are sincere in;}v3a_`nting to sell)'to say jilstlwhat that word plant means: it would /not be eatisfactoryo send-an engineer there and,_;'hunt up all their property. They should make` an invoice of their roperty for sale.- Councillor. Bennett-saidrt at-to prove: that the word plant is very indenite. it was only necessary to so that during the discussion preeedingtthe Ky-law, the Com pany had stated "plan ._.inpl_nded the gas plant, ` when:-they ` wanted; `the town to guarantee 8503200 debentures {or thorn-v` He` was sure, however, that the would say that plant `hafs fwdierent 'mea_ning'when, .. applied to the. 840,000` defer; Councillor - Dnnvgn nnd I-`IA-~r';annua-new nlnnelal. .4-s-I_I I'D u uwuvuavuu In wuul. tun] uuvu LUIIBGIU. at the El.`own e_ engineer should be nonem- ied by an engineer, emploved by the ompany, and .the two in common x vslnee. The motion for the adoption of the report was carried on the following` division :- 1-r;,_ "n_;'_"_I.-._- u;_I'-__ . -__.,`1-Ln -n, Uuv vtvgvvv VI-lute UU IIIIUIIIUL` '13'&'$2`ii`u?'a the Com guy should certain] ve a. uts.temnt of w at they have forule. nl-. flan Town : nnninmnu nhnnld I-In gnmun, I VII |JlIl\IllU `II VIIVII t'ICIIUO Reeve McLean suggested that the report be added to by a clause suggesting a con- ference between the committee and Electric Light Company. He did not, however, on- pose the report, but thought possibly the addition might be made to the satisfaction of all concerned. Councillor Frawley want- ed to know what the subiect in such a con- ference would be. We cannot confer until we are in possession of the facts, and the facts are the details of the plant (and the values thereof) oered tor sale- Deputy- zeeve Caldwell wanted to see communica- tions between the Town and Company ended. If this could be done by a. conference, then they should have a conference. a At such a meeting price might be discussed, but be for one was certainly not going to ive them $40,000 nor anything like it. ouncillor Love agreed with report; the corporation is the purchaser, and ad a right to say who should inspect the stock o'ered for sale, and until that inspection has taken place he did not see what matter could come `before a conference. Mayor Wells said if such a conference were heldat once the rst ques- tion to the committee would be-'What will you give for the plant? At! present the Uouncil does not know what the plant is worth, nor do they know what the plant consists of, hence they could not answer the question ; an engineer's report was absolute- Ii necessary. Deputyreeve Soules thought it A I'Al\nI'I'. in inn!-. mine. in emnnh-m-I -A nan,` Total........ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$257 33 t FINAL LETTER TO nnnc-rare mam` co. The Committee on Lighting. having duly considered the communication from the Barrie Electric Light Company , reported and recommended :-I. To place your Committee or Council in a position to further negoti- ate with the Barrie Electric Light Co. re- garding the purchase of their plant it is absolutely ' necessary that the company should furnish your Committee with the memorandum previously asked for, enumer- ating denitely what their plant consists of which they have offered to sell to the town for $40,000. 2. That your Committee do not consider the Barrie Electric Light Co. should` have any voice in the selection of the engineer this Council may employ to inspect and value the said property on behalf of the municipality. 3. On the company furnish- ing the information requested and inspection and valuation made by an engineer appoint- ed by the Committee,` we will then be in a position to meet the representatives of the company to further discuss matters if they so desire. Finally, as the season is advanc- ing and denite action necessary. your Com- mittee would further recommend that this Council insist upon the com any complying withthe repeated requests 0 the Council at once if they desire the town to negotiate for the purchase of their plant. DQAIIQ Mn` .nnn annnnnlrnn` banlh lnn u....-_L IUULUJJUV ll cone` `liichard Wrsy, ' u Jas. Turner, A u . . . . Wm. Sibbsld, A u . .` Thos. Hobson, . u . . . .. W. Partridge, u. . . . . David R088, 0: . .' . . . Thos. Collins, u . . . . Jno. Jones, V n . . . . Joshua. Clsrkson, u . . . . Wm. Meakin, u . . . . w J no. McDonsgh, u . . . . J as. MoDonegh, u Hugh McLeod, n Jae. Smith . . . . . ..tesm..... Ed. Williams, I: . . . . . Jno. McKenzie, u . . . . . Jno. Bennett, u .. Wm. Johnson, H . . . .. Mrs. Guilfoyle, Wm. Woodford, '_1`hos. Somers, Jno. Salter. . . . . . J ames Berry, one horse. . Wm. Webb, rebate of ne. Hugh McLeod. parks work `Jno. Calvert, u Jno. Heernsn, n Wm. Sibbald, . n T... `lA..L.. I LUIUIIKIII Meakin: Thoa. Collins, in Jno. Hines, II J no. Salter, . . . . . .team . . . . `DJ III:........ ,, `I333 'v'iiIi . ;i.',' ""17" Wm. Woodtord, n QNTARIO, SEPTEMBER 22, 19s; amount would not `disqualify Councillors. He said they were eimply borrowing the amount from the general fund and after the debentures have been sold the money would be returned. , The report wan then adopted. PAYMENT or AOOOUNTI. The following account: will be paid :_- Bell Telephone 00., aooount. . . ....$ 1 70 u out u_ moa IQIW4... 12 '50 Wm. Bayliae. removing eeate. . . . . . , e 50 Wm. Skahl, work . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . 2 50 Mrs. Sarah Garrod, work . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 J no. Neelande, rent for gas governor 1 85 Jno. Hinea,. . . gwork; . . . . . . . . . . . 13 50 Jno. Heifernan. `% n .... . . 9 37 Hugh Lourd, n . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 12 Joe. Wellwood, u . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Albert Lee, H . . . . . . . . . . . . I 25 'D..L...uI muncu __ 9 UK "ijiji ., jiwu _And his company of Dramatic nd Vaudevil e Att- `3- Producing a repertoire o ew and up-to-date P -`Y8 and Specialties. __...A -5 CDII aate fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- -Row -M . L. P ou-can 1711-1` occupy'hia :v..".2'".t:*. U; V Eguu will} amntlne hid sermon next Sunday e'v`onin_g*on How I found Info- Inna.` 1?e1soy.*`ohoh- 'will,aing.` M wbndqr and by virtue of the,Powe " of Safe con- at`"}fd I_n certain Mortgages, which I be reduced 1 e ume of sale. and under which ;``` e in the Pm men! of interest. the will be otrered ' 331 by Public Auction on `"1 2 ' , D..:.1_ .. - . 72- - - . - ault as'been~ "i'y'. 851:3}; 33'{EL'2`s.."&3 eZTa's'C$~'.' `- 25,-35u":d- ' :".3'..:"`*.a;::;.'. " How w~vm`on the 21th 2" . D`on t_fo {tongs rlli kl ed , I The Fea1r`;(dow 13 .5," s:'th:8G?:d 5;. laughs. Our ...pe.k hiahly of the val. Ronni-Q man 0- Iriabd at gnnnnhn h-5.3- "Sept. 28th, 29th and famous au`ering' vaith ;)inture should take note of the visit of J."Y. Egan. Hernia S eoialiat, Toronto, t. Barrie, Wellington otel. Wexlheudav. nradav and Friday. --.the three days of the Fail`. His success in e treatment of hernia, judging irom the vldence submitted, ap- ln the light of so many IQIIIII C II UN Note Tdgto oT:v;;_lf.'. See adv. for further pgrtioulam under the heading of word n `* ' ' I During the past ten days Messrs. Parks and Rogers have been making alterations to the interior of Trinity church. The vesti- bule just inside the front door has been re- moved and the stairwav on the left also taken down with a view to increasing the seating capacity. The two side aisles in the church have been narrowed to permit a new and wide aisle down the centre. The choir platform has been extended and will be sur- mounted with new` seats. The pulpit ar- rangements have also been changed some- what as~a consequence of `other changes in that part of the building. Last Sunday the services were held in the school room, the organ used having been given for the oc- casionby Mr. `A. F-. Garrett. .. LLIIII Flue Arts-Dr. Morton, Barrie; W. A. V Campbell, Stayner ` Fruits-George Vair, Toronto. Plants and Flowers-Jolm Chambers, To- ronto. - Garden Produce--George Street, Orillia. Roots-Col. O'Brien, Shanty Bay. Grain-S. Caldwell and J. J. Brown, Barrie. _ Very Rev. Dean Egan resumed his pas- torate at St. Mary's church on Sunday last. At vespers the Dean addressed a large con- gregation, taking as his subject his recent trip to Ireland. This has been a prosperous year in old Erin and as the country is high- ly productive the common belief in Irish poverty is being conmderably shaken. Now that the Home Rule contributions from America have almost ceased, the Irish lead- ers. Ire beginning to realize their folly in estrhgglng external support bvinternal dis: sensions. In `the course of his address the Dean cited the success of the Irish in Amer- ica` and even in England! where Home Rule is enjoyed.` as a clinching argument in favor of Irish Home Rule. According to recent statistics, for instance, the results `of Ireland's splendid school system have gained an enviable position in the English civil service competitive examinations. Light Horses:Dr. Sinclair, Cannington; F. Mason, Brampton. Heavy Horses Jno Stevenson, Alliston. : Beef Breeds-E. Jeff, Bond Head. . Milking Breed-A. Lehman, Orillia. Long Wooled Sheep-J. Fitzgerald, Mt. St. Louis. - ' Pigs-B. Je', Bond Head. Poultry-C. Hall,vl'xing. Doga-Dr. Nicol, Cookstown. Dairy Produce --R. A. `Thomas and James Vair, Barrie ; Alfred Sneath, Elmvale. Manufactures--T. T. Young, Dalston. Cat-riages-Hiram Snider, Fergnsonvale. Ladies Work-Mrs. M. Cooper, Elmvale; Mrs. W. H. Mitchell, Beeton ; Mrs. A. Payne, Orillia; Mrs. Chas. Drury Crown Hm. I that Mr: B. Parker be instructed towater contract. Mayor Wells said, that the dis- pute as to street watering in ward 6 seemed a trivial one,-but it had caused a great deal ' oficontention, and it was the duty of the Council to look into the matter fully with a ` view to settling. the diiculty in a proper manner. This started the ball rolling, and in the discussion that followed for an hour nearly every member passed in his opinion. Chairman Soules of the Board of Works said that Mr. Parker had tendered to water the streets from Pullanis tin~shop to the railway crossing for $115; but a compromise had been made by which he was to water the streets from McAvoy s hotel to the weigh scales for $100. The report giving Mr Parker the work was read, and proved to be ambiguous Thewords as at present watered- had been understood dierently by. dierent Councillors," some of whom having beeuof the opinion that the cart was to `go as far as Pullan s tin-shop. and others only as far as McAvoy s. The discussion revealed considerable hard feeling among the parties interested, one councillor go- ing so far as to say that he and Parker had had their knives into each other for sometime. it was decided, however, to postpone the matter until the next meeting ; of the Council, and in the meantime Mr. Parker s tender will be looked up. A ____`_g___ _____ ________j ,_ 1, 0 as II I the streets inwards 5 and` 6 according to ` I -v- acne by Public Auction `.' Friday, the 14th day [At flotnber.4 "1'lie'1i${'qr judges is neat-lv complete, the ; acceptances so far being as follows : 1 'I'!__l,_'I'1',,, T\ A u - rnotion wan passed ordering B sidewalk in front of Mr. Fletcher : new houses on To- ronto street. Buiidings have been thoroughly cleaned 1 and otherwise prepared for numerous ex- hibits. r_ } Hand's reworks will be worth seeing. I!!! D I vv , -'- - - Th: farmers of Vespra. t;ownahip have do- { nated $20 to be divided among successful \ Veapra. exhibitors. I up.-- - `Sept 30th. Alnout l00l)Mt('1:ee tickets have been dia- tributed about rural school children. Town 1 pupils will be supplied on Friday morning, : \ Central Simcoe Fair Notes. ` Sept. 28. 29, 30. Next Wednesday, Thursdey and Friday. The track has been put in excellent con- dition. The Cor;:il then adjourned. Night ay'1;hAe.4Gra.nd. _ Trinity vchurch Improvements Dean Egan on Ireland. Comina 13"!` V Evbnigo ' as-Don : forget that the Comedy 00. will be at the 0 next week, presenting 0.. re toire of new and original comedies and man, with new and original _u to da. ialtiea. The com yinm eup o 3'3: talent from A in 311- the lqigor oitieu. '*re&he-4 oi as M-I-r 9 has ever qppeured in -A-At eleven o olock on Monday night hre brokeout in the stables owned by Mickie, Dyment & Son in their lumber yard. The stable and contents including one team of horses, and a shed containing some leth and ahinqlee were destroyed. The oice was also damaged by the re. Those who new the re rat, think that it started in the hey `loft, "which suggests the probability that a trump` caused the blue. ,'.I.'h_e lose is placed at nearly $1009; - ___A ..-...,, .. . ..-................ . SCOBlE-In Collingwood. on Sept. 3rd., James Sco- bie. nearly 80 years of age. McMANus--At Nicolston. on. Sunday, Sept. nth, Henry McManus. in his 65th year. MORRISON--At Orillia, Sept. 8th. the infant twin daughters of Mrs. Archibald Morrison. ANDERSON-- In Creemore, on Friday. Sept. and, Joe. Anderson, aged 49 vears. Ru3vus--In Bradford, on Thursda. . Sept. A8th. Julia. beloved wife of Horatio eaves. aged 47 years. 1 month and 23 days. wHITAKER-At Bax-dwell rectory, Bury St. Ed- monds. Suffolk. En land. on Mondav, Aug. 20th. 1898, Arundel harlotte, widow of the late Ven. Archdeacon Whitaker, formerly Provost of Trinity College, Toronto. ' V-`As George Rodgers, of John street. was wheelinq towards Allandale late Friday evening, he was run down by a buggy oom- ing towards town. Both Rodgers and hi: wheel were severely trampled by the horse. `A: the driver, an lnnisl farmer named Tanner. was on the wrong side of the road, he may be asked to settle for the damages incurred` by the oyoliet and his mount. AA. _`l__._ , _I,I, ,l, , It I 0 street was raised over two feet and placed on a level with the new rosdbed this week. It is the intention to put in 9. stone founda- tion and brick the building. Other exten- sive improvements to the interior and front of the structure are also under consideration. t$'The Comm _ h Shoe Co of Quebec the largest manuta urers in Canada, are in liquidation. which as enabled J. C. Irwin to buy six thousan pairs of their Fall and Winter Boots and hoes st sbbut half regular prices. They a now on sale at prices never before Barrie, in B. Hinds s old store. -:-Hinds sstore and dwelling-on Elizabeth A -Mr. James Ingram has removed the fence in front of his handsome propertv on Collier street. A judicious use of paint has very much brightened the house, fences and attachments. The residence and grounds are now a. model of beauty, comfort and con- venience. -05 hionday afternoon a team attached to a heavy wagqon bolted from a store front on Elizabeth street. The team ran over half a mile before they were headed 03. Little damage was done although several other rigs were in danger. The outt be- longed to Mr. Gilchrist. oi Ora. - gm LATEST Low. HAPPENINGS. A may mmnmsmme cnam-ma or LOCAL mswonv. Clnahne & Sanbbrn ' Pure Seal Brand" and other Colleen t BOTHIVELIAS. -_r\ vvn - l___.- v--'- vv--vv-- --- -V --. wv t30vet-coats, ~ ters and Twee-<-1-vSut;itI at. wholesale cost t J. C. Irwin's in B. Hiridzfs old stop ' -Thomas J ackson. of Hamilton, is spend- ing thirty days in gaol for being drunk and disorderly on the streets here an Saturday night. -__7 t o l\ - --- "In Men's Over are and Ulsters it in acknowledged that e the trade. Our stock for {all trade i r and better than lever. Hunter Bros. Ba tie. omm HOUSE . . . om: sonmvwnax % COMMENCING / - I -A Toronto departmental store catalogue `is to hanu, We have no use for it however as we do our buying in Barrie, where we live and get good value for our money. .n-t\,,t`I9. . I 9 min I n . . 0 int fn._1l and winter trade _,v shown in Simooe u o`ur new suit before 1' ock. Hunter Brol.. HOur Suit 3 eclipses anythin county. Do not %ou have seen I t8'All Fall and tar Goods in Blankets. `Funnels, Flun , Underwear, Heavy Shirts, Tweeda, awls, etc.. can now be bought for less 1: ever before at J. O. Irwin a in B. old store. -Mr. James Gosling s frame dwelling in Vespra was burned on Tuesday afternoon at 4.30. Nearly all the contents upstairs were destroyed. The loss is put at about $400; insurance $200 ; cause of re unknown. 1311: would be nnfai to the clothing buy- ing public if we did :2 tate that Hunter Bros. stock of fall, f terC1othin is now complete and is r r and better than _ever. That; is the pl e buy your Cloth- mg. n'II twins :1` u -u uuunv ulwutluucu. luau WUCIS 3'_-alllBlaUl.l. 3ct.a6, 7; Barrie, Sept. 28, 29, 30; Cooks- town, Oct. 6, 7 ; Elmvale, Oct. 11, 12, 13; Beeton. Oct. 11, 12. a To have good p kles you must have good Vinegar. This ' to certify that I have sold Lytle s Vinegar for the last ten years and that they have ays given satisfaction and are guaranteed re. T. N. HOBLEY, Tea, Coffee and Coc a Merchant. -For the year ending March 31st. 1898, Barrie contributed $98.06 to Upper Canada Bible Society; Beeton, $59 15; Bradford, $44.07; Churchill, $22.85; Craigvale and Strqud, $31.50; Lefroy and Bell Ewart, $15.91 ; Orillia, $904 Tottenham, $30.60. nngenon co. Pia Fed Honev Cured Ham: and Bacontnt B0TllWELL9S. -The W. C. T. U. extend an invitation I to all interested in the plebiscite to join them in a special prayer service in the inter- ests of prohibition. The meeting will be held in the Congregational church lecture room on Wednesday next, from 3 to 5 o'clock. A Series of Short and Newsy Paragraphs b Carefully Prepared for the Benet of Our Many Readers. -\/Vednesdav mortnizxzygtz ttnteak thief tapped the till in the Royal hotel bar. His reward, however, was small as the attendant had Imost of the cash with him. vvublav III! nvaca v as! Cvvs UULULV DI! II: VI -H. Fuller's barn and crop, Henry Pratt : house, stable and grain stacks. James Cava- no.gh s hay stack, Fred Prieatfs stable and Wm. Webb's nine fab bogs were burned dur- ing therecent res in Vespra. swamp. `II_, 'l`_,,,,,, r: ,I- 1 9 I 0 I. `4- sou... .4./vvuanvuvuo SPECIAL FEATURES Lewis and Farnham, the hot tamales; Thos. . O'Neill. champion buck and wing dancer; Little da. Grace. the child dart N12-1'n T a R.-ahuy on-nnn 0 Chan. W. Gunthrin. -Wbile exercising in the gymnasium At the Collegiate Institute on Tuesday morning Oliver Somers. son of Mr. George Somers, Kempenfeldt, broke his arm. He swung from a ring and fell, with the result as stated. -_ -The Collingwood Enterprise of last week aaid- Town Solicitor Birnie has been can- vassing the Ridmg the past week with a view of being the Reform candidate in the bye-election. He reports great encourage- ment." -We are thankful for complimentary tickets to the tollowing fall fairs in addition to those mentioned last week :_--All1ston. nae-_A '1. `D-.....:.. 0...; no on on. n....I... {$1.013 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE - smau comes nvr curs VALUABLE mains JOHN DIHCIHIF. EIIOIHCT OI LVl|'3v alnclalr. &Vl.uIC3U' ter street. Bame, aged 76 years. _ Gmzon-On Sunday. Sept. 4th. Mrs. John Garrod. Stayner, aged 63 years. A McDoNA:.n--In Stayngr, on Sept. 5th, Mrs. Mc- Donald, aged 54 years. . ` GmsoN-At Kirkville. on Saturday. nth inst, Mrs. Robert Gibson. aged about forty years. MCEACHERN-In Collin wood. on Sunday. uth inst.. Miss Mary, W. cEachem. 0---... r, n,n-,-,_,__j __ a--. __.I `1-..._- c_- ab... 1 - J -w- -- Fmus_-In Mulmur. on Thursday, ept. 8th. Mts. Alex. Ferris, aged 40 years. ` SmcLAm-In Nottawasaga. T ., on Sept. 131:. Mrs. John Sinclair. mother of rs. Sinclair. Mulca.s- tpr an-mat. Rn rt-in. nomad n vearn. McCA.~m--In Adjala, on Sept. and, Samuel McCann. aged 72 years. - I1 ,,, I, Il,,I,.,,,, _,_ I`L,____j-__ __L BL`. I'__ AUCTION SAI ALLWARD-KENNEDY-In Galt. on Wednesday, 1 th inst.. by Rev. R. C. Knowles. Walter S. l-` ward. sculftor. Toronto. to Miss Margaret Kennedy.0 Gait- Lmu--HAvnxsoN-In Sunnidale, on Wednesday, 14th inst., at the residence of the bride : father. by Rev. Phllllp Jones. Mr. John Little. coal merchant, Toronto. to Eliza. fth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haverson. Smr-RIcH-In Trinity church. St. 'l_`homI'u. on Wednesday. Sept. axst. 1898. Daniel William Bigelow Spry. of the Chatham Banner. non of the late Mr. Damel Sp . Poet Oice Inspector, London. to_Ethelyn Alma. Rich. niece of Mr. aid Mrs. Mxclrleborough. :18 Centre street, St. omas. PORTER-ENGLlSH-0n Sept. no. at Toronto, by the Very Rev. J. J. McCa.nn. May Constance, v est dau hter of ohn En lush. Es . -t i.?.l.l.'.ltE.:.-1. Rngnrt Pm-9'.`-.-. D I'),E_- I._n_Ef :3 ana uua. vv ......... -., _ .--. ea-m;*:81?GE?a;:*:eaS::;: *"~ $98 *" '* S1-HHENS-At Collingrwood. 0!! Sunday. Sept. nth.- {he wife of Robt. Stephens, of a son: I , L...Z.~CI nil Qnnf wvfk Ohm 111:`; A` f.'..An-a- 8 Wllc vn l\\.r|.rp- - . _,__._______' '. U` -v I -1 I ' l. . ' - RlLlYuey'r1ofn:l:on.0n Sept. _uth. the wife of George C0 "-1 E I S . 0 IT C:lemsas:, `na_ d:%tgh't"et:r 1898: the wxfe pf M 26 ' the _o M dav, nth inst. adaughten-toMr. sung ; Mr: W33. Snider, F103. ,_ n.. 'l`Innu-arlnv goat, RH! IQ:-sQ `K; 11:34; LgMAN--In Lassa. 911 Sept. tom, 1095, Inc wire or James Coleman, of a daughter. ' -At the parsona e. Crnighurst. on Sunda. Twgening. the wife of . H. Teeny. of a son. y MARRIED. nu "K," ,., .,..-v. - --.----_ has 73 per cent. or its raduatoi in wt good situations correspond with the Excalsior Business college, Barrie. eggs on file to prove this statement: ' `',"_,y w. J. ROSS. Pnucnpal. van-was TOWNSHIP or vasfrm. IN THE COUNTY or smgon. - F""-.'_ -w----w- ww--u:v-1 Toronto, Yonge and Gerrard Streetu.` ' . M be d 'tted t Fall-n::mE!i`;;)l`:'t (igegflalar :e"z:.chre`rs.a- mS|plend?d 3") . u ,,t, Write for catalogue. - d, Typewriting. Bookkeeping aqd all '(',`, ,.'f.?ear'$a.-:1 Subiects are properly taught in the A-..-rnll nnomlroo nnnrnr IEEi?`ai*`:;us.u'ess'cum: r...nnm. Yonze Streets.` act. Uflllw Out. \:o:1|rige`s`t~ 'd'auEhtJc'r John Engish. Es;.,"t"o' Frederick Robert Porter. D.D. ',y L.D. .. of Orillia. son of Dr. W. H. Porter, of Bradford. nut no-vuuuuy nu- V--uwvun NEW ADVEBTISEMENT8.. Y3JN'%1PLATING A 341315 IN 1 And wish to enter a. Business College no ....u 4-nun. , nl Itn (lanai-and 7Ti1ei S-on-Ie;vi;a.; Diffreht Col 1-Lin AT srmennsv. -:s.3s .63. smunz. nsr-In`. Pvfietot. _ PRINCIPAL, -` ---IN THE -'-- BORN . DIED. JV` hi f M 5 E` men" '1:15:i:,b1`}3-d V ,Vespra. , . A msmzncn-= non ..sAL1: on` T0" RENT- ` . Tho` rgidonco _an_d and: at the notthi west _ `Elizabeth A, _ ntmutf, _1_IVmu1e_d_l-9-' .1. naiahnmnn- `A`1nlv.tg'3- * M _;`_ aa'::.~.:'..n.'~"* on ` I '11: ' th Inutittlt. - know but an furnace and ' B1830 ' ` W on sun vu- gi.;c`innmt:.t-": ht5:v$FI I%{>uldarfe&. having hot as: furnace and `othct modern convnnicnca. Ap- plvto SIRAIHY 8; ESTER. Barrie. _ , `9-tt I .Nc')V.'xo IUt:,`5lIIt`WGIC ` `."" HM` 49.9" `.`.. .'r..`` `V.A` ` '*.L9_ . `9-"'~`- 354-` .Tha.t; desirable [munch outhe west side of Bayold street; Barrie. his gbccupied the late Sir` Cornelius Kogtright, inc_Iu gotable, go garden.-etc.` For futth'er- ' ' hung? ` - s'l`. ._THY _& 1: EN, ' ' Rnlfnnng Harris. -.,Ll.' Bnooxs u acom nt and. reliab We take pleuue in I-ecoxvnmendinf l`I`n. Fauna e uner an R _a.irer, and W013! reqqest our trans to entrust to m workof this discnptnon. eepectfully yours, vGmzmuu> Ham-rzmsu. . . ' Orders left for Tuning at 5: Elizabeth Street will receive cateful attention. .____ -in-44133 v Q.33.- MI- [ Wlll IEUBIVU Ulnuul in n In nouI'<`sZ1__I1.4\,I!,'L.....'Mr4T- roumes, an reua: thereon.` Apply ' Highest cash pi-ice ' for Endowment Insurance : Polimee, in reliable mpaniea or money loaned ` I-ls-tinny Annlv Two Front Rooms; with mod n conveniences in Central Block. next to Dr. R0 3 oices. Apply to McCAR"l`l-IV. PEPLER 82 _ .AR I"!-IV. -:8-R VIE .I.4\Il..-_\lLV` UR ADUU , D5171. 18!. a. promissorv note. payable to e order of W. B. Ailun. Finder will be reward b returning same to 3: McDonald street, Ba. e. ayment of note has been. stopped. 38-38-p 'rroub1e.`1ntne:a:o1. A few days ago Mr. Sissons,.gaoler, asked one of the va ant inmates of the gacl to do some work. he knight of the road promot- ly refused, backing up his refusal with a wordy ar ument that the magistrate who had comm tted him . said he would not have tc-d_o any labor. The gaoler. upon looking up the commitment. was surprised to see. that the words with hard labor had been icratched out. ' Ashe has no power to alter the commitment, `the cheeky vagrant won the day and resumed his chair to gloat over the victory he had won over the county that feeds him for `nothin . A representative of Tm: Anvmca asks to see these commit- ments and was shown four of recent date in which it is stated that. the persons commit- ted are to be entertained "without labor. One mansent up for being _drunk and dis - orderly was _thus favored. Magistrates err by not leaving in the words "with hard labor, for in the first place there is little If any hard labor about the gaol, and in the `next place the gaoler, turnkey. and 29.01 physician are quite capable of judging as to whether these men are able to work or not. These vagrants havenever yet been known to work so hard as to cause loss of either appetite or sleep. The gaoler s hands should not be tied. - (I7- __- -1 ..- L_`.! .1.-. -1.-- .3 AI, , I not no men. V _ We are also told that three 3f the four above mentioned strayed in from other counties, having heard probably of the royal treatment their class receive: in the County of Simooe. OTE TLOST.-_ON_ OR ABOU ,'SEPT. xst. R An..- Finao will kn rnunn-A I: rnhu-n:nI:r ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES % Sterling Sver and Plated Ware, Watches, Bleeks, Jew- elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. 1 TELEPHONE 2608 ' 98-lv . . -I. QIUGU LU!` IJOVCTB or. Mrs. Marie H_ rriaon. Can singer, pupil of Madame . Paris. is engaged with other. ' for a 'oon6o'rt._in the Opera day. 4:}: October. This Iaortunitv to hear Mn. eaves Canada `on lab- yeare. Plan 0 ened Store on Mon av 11 your seats early. V ovember for two A Monkman e Drug . ; 26th inst. Secure I . ventral DIOCK. DEX! 50 III . ISO . App! 3 ounces MCCARTHY, PEPLER & l3ARTk'!Y. y to 33-38 | {Of SUCCESSOR TO S. B. WINDRUM. ; ` 31 King St. East`(u1A)sta.irs)_To13onto. -L-I. 3-I.- -00- VFULL LINE or ---vvI'IlUIl I-ICE! 4 Rev. 1`. Paton. formerly Z China, lectures on Ihunday night, '8 o'cl , in Presbyterian church, under auupi of Mission Band. Subject--VV_hat I an n China. Refurb- H. M. LUUNT, Th-be uar. - ` 1 {that-A Comforta;Hbnnd Comuodioul ,3:-ink `Rui- ~=__.~:..:%.*:::.'.-.:: .` PIANO _'gUNIN_G. Poor.% Watches R. A. Douglas, -----r------------.---* ` . FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. wa my mum n -V 23.'` t.`=`.Z"' ";g'`*`a`.`:`L.'5`.:` `Eng. In out; zoapair departxgent we em-1 ploy only slu_ll workmen; and guarapteo the but possible results from every tune- piece entrusted to us. ` 'fparticularly desirable 10- -~' . 1 will he and an twdpu-: ' to` per cent. of tho" .. T`- u?u'."' t9 be -."`- own at the tinioof yiun d band to. Vcndorlor their mumffh Y3 from date of ale, togothorwith eve,` the "eon at th gatoof 5 Z snuupn. lf.h_>w~ twwrdglugchauer _ _ :1 `not oxepeglgn ' on sh '0 - - money Ill'_ , ` !Ite:..,mh Prop 0.1: a__tut.."!II'Q j . 5,- .2 :mv. eqmf 2*: , s,Ztl:JGrnut:um 8, .`j ' ms men .1 , :1` "'`' -ubieczt` " A '1`he'Jeweler._86 Dunlap-st. FOR SALE OR TO NT. vAv'1`rea.t Lovers 01 )! ' c. ., M...- u-..-2-- NEW Anvnn'usmTmN'rs.T 14"` 3 1-IV SIIIBDGIII lilwbun V nu-nu:---