river bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gilpin Bros., supplies. . . -. . Toeorontio, Snnnidale bridge... Orillia, Matchedaah town line... Nottawasaga, M1_1Imu`r bridge.-.. Willow Creek bridge, Vespra... The Report wee etlopted. The Educetion Committee recommended that the following special school grants be made: No. 11, North Orillia, $35; No. 12, Matgchedaeh, $35.-Adop'tod. ~ ` 911-, ,__,,_ ,.,h_ S .L"63.ioh*13'3};$fgIvI&iieeo of M... -.tz_h9t,s'tg _t_.he Nomember hogwill intro- duce a. motion to sbolhh the Gaol Committee ondiphoe thy worl_': in uhe'hb.nda of a con:-- tawasaga rirer bridge . . . . J as. Church, repairs to Holland -A - BOOK COMPLETE STOCK or SCHOOL BOOKS" AND suppuzs. ROBT. CRISTOE, SIMOOE'S PIONEER NEWSPAPER. BARRIE'S LEADING _ JOB "PRINTING OFFICE. Total ... . . .. ITAL. ..,,,,.......s327 84 ADVANCE No. 5 numnr 31.. TOP noun. PROPRIETOR. BINDERY 7 17 3 17 94 oo 5ooo 50 00 50 oo 600 " "'fI"""' Councillor Whiteaidee said he `had met on Gaol Committee only the legal four timel during the year. Councillor Martin maid he had met six times; and that the increeed expenditure of that committee during 1897 was owing mainly to the feet that member: thereof lived a. long dietnneefrom the coun- tyv town,` hence the mileage w_a_e large. , ,!II_._ `f_L_ D Councillor Hewson pointed out that the statute gives $25 per quarter from the On- tario` ;Government to the Sheriff of the County for aupet-intending gaol mutton, which might quite ptoperlv include the put- ehasing or supplies. l1_,_..,sII,,, rust I.-,9j-_ _-:.l L-` 1.-.! ...-A E;;Conncillor ohn Rose, by request of -Council`, spoke to_ the guestion. As Chair- man of the Gaol Committee last year he had no more meetings of committee than was really necessary i he had to do gaol business oftener than the committee however, but had__done work for which he received no pay. At present he said the gaoler tells the Chair- man what was needed. and then the imenrgoestothe Sheritor snorde: toget } what irreqntred. J The discussion -then end- : ed, ~J'np'p e carried, ii -w u -, --v--v ; mittee. Mr. J upp in supporting his motion ? said the cost of the Gaol Committee is alto- gether too large, and increases the cost of gaolsupplies by 25 per cent. He was sur- prised last year to nd that during the first six months that committee had cost $151.60. He said that every Councillor shes around to get on that committee, which to him is an indication that ``it s a pretty good thing. He said he was on the Council to handle the business of the county in a business-like __,,, I All 11 I way, but if Councillors wanted to make the county pay for certain services three times their value they would have to do so with- out his assistance. i wanted to know if the 'Sheri' could not make purchases for the LARGEST CIRCULATION, MOST NEWS---MOST ADS. Eon the clioipdif. Always the Boat. ONE ISSUE A WEEK, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. and Tfcontinued on I CVO? IIIQI. owed per Lion rates Fun Report of Proceedings at Mint: mg Held in Barrie Last `Weak. } 4 LL- n_',___ -. bra on Wednesday, 22nd inet., the Conn-' of the County of: Simcoe met in `A an ession in the Courtcuee. burned 5 3 Wm. Stewart, Reeve of Tiny, asked A W Wyebridge bridge .be repaired._ :mmicipa1 World -sent in an account 3155 Warwick & Rutter renewed for- ;.quest for the paymentcf an ac- thm of $119.20 for an advertisement $3316 of wild lands ordered by S. J. Sanford in 1896. ` . - 7 The following report was presented by M, C, E. Hewson at ilollingwood : _..Th,,,-, Emma. Drury, wife of Richard Drury, is now prepared to complete her contract made with Sanford for the pur- me of lots 7 and 8 on the south `side C n . .__-..L .....J Inn. 19. and `IA. nn county Council` Clllluu U]. .\,V_` _ of John street, and the north `side of Eaa::: 13 and 14 on the pric met Brrie, 31; recommend um lands be comptlset-E3: aatllfh Of the said money recovered from th e Purchase Elizabeth street lot Wang A 9 `Sale of the the payment of the moth Pphed towards on bth Properties and Eage of 31900 recommend that 30 mile`: commiee necessary to pay Off and a may be existing mortgage be .lsobarB% the purchase money and thazld out of the 33 Purchase money 59 `$1.2 hn of wounty_ Treasure:-..\Admed1 to the -`___ LL` I:~ 9 f 3800. Y uuuuvy --v-~~~ _ At the evening session the Finance Committee recommended a grant of $50 to the Trent Valley Canal Association," through S. R. Armstrong,Peterborongh, Treasurer of the association.-Adopted. The Printing Committee recommend- ed that the following accounts he paid 3 also that 1,500 copies of the J one Min- utes be printed for distribution :- Frank I. Somers, $2.60 ; Enterprise- Messenger, $4.25 ; N. W.`E. King; $7.50; Walter Scott, $58.25 Car-dwell Sentinel, $96.-Adopted. The Finance Committee reported that they had considered the communication ` of David Williams, Oollingwood, ask- ing that the County Council meetings, General Sessions, etc., be ndvertisedin the newspapers in the county outside of the county town. Your eommittee .0011- sider the cost` of same would be far in excess of the benet to be derived and would therefore recommend that no, action be taken in the Inatter.-Adopt- ed. xo mLrn s RESIDENCE AT ransnnr. Your Finance Committee have also considered the communication from J. Sissons, gaoler, praying that a residence be built for him adjacent to the goal. We consider the Uouncil have all the building on hand that they can attend to this year in the building of the House of Refuge at Beeton.- Your committee are of the opinion that after the erection of said House and the re- moval of the paupers from the gaol to it, a better idea can be formed by this `Council of the changes necessary to provide for the residence of the gaoler. -Adopted. Your special Committee on Finano carefully examined the abstract estate- meut of accounts of the Treasurer, Hon. Charles Drury, during his term of oice, presented by the Auditors dated 15th February, 1898, as instruct- A ed by this Council at January se_eIi0Do and having found same correct, the re-` Port and abstract were duly published with the Minutes of the'Jn119J'Y-5,3' -sion. Your committee found 1 -1183 511 Dyments made by the Treasurer had been duly authorized by the Council or other proper authority, except the items referred to in the Auditors , Re rt. - manta X: to the first *9 ( th:op:) vour to Mrs. Sibbald refetrd tbirtem Previous auditor ") and d(1;>i1ld Hhzb (thepayment ` 31 to `d e. qvhioh as caretaker of Wendel bttlhg`/`i'9 d 5.7. appears to have b {"1 {on,;1;ogdu' Report 1 of Y0, to and Bridges of__1332_ )t'... t A A __,u. 47 Committee have ' 1': 8513 the .m{Z;;a'1z;{.3e, '..;:;'};;;.;.e are Pmnents for services rendered % . for which like payments had been.mede . p'ding years and your Oemmittees mmend that same be allowed. the . ?'1'er as proper payments. ! ._AH:f 119 Second item ( the quarterly pay- `nt of $10 each to the-Judges` fo_r_ County Audit :1) in any uuthoriwffor i,*, "'V `!"y5,PF`; JZ.. % "`" that aside. ` _Ju`nn` 30, o, 1893. In Sessiqniil V the `hsim-n%:'of:i7th ;he.,3inetruoed to recjheithe edges to him to the %outhority'_ fox ij these pymegu _'nngl_; re- port to Oounoil at ifnext session. Your Oommittee alno xamined and made enquiries `as to the various credits be adopted. The report was adopted. . > WILL NOT Go To ALLISTON. Brett-Whiteside's-'.l`het' when this Council edjourns that it stands ajdourn- ed. to meet in4Alli aton for November session. . 0. E. :HW80N; Oheirman; `M_r. Brett said he had consented to go to O1-illia and Collingwood on con- dition that Councillors would support Alliston in turn. Mr. Whitesides ap- proved snd the motion was put,bnt lost. Chairman Whitesides reported that $3950 had been `paid to dateby the Treasurer on a House of "Refuge con- t`racts and recommended that said pay- ments A_ be _. conrmed. 5 `also that the Treasurer issue House of Refuge cheques on the combined order otthe. Architect and Chairman of Committee, he having satised himself that no mechanics lien will attach to interfere with such payments.-Adopted. +,_-A 1' .... .- . Q55 *' "- """ r".I '-`"""' *""'l""""' . Hewaon-V.-Jupp-That' copies of On- tario Statutee for 1898 be obtained for the Clerk and Treasurer and for each member (if the Couneil.-Carried. Quinlan-.Jupp-'1`hat Roads and Bridges Committee consider the advis- ability of so amending the by-laws as to authorize the payment of necessary repairs on County bridges` by the Treasurer between sessions.-Carried. The Finance Committee recommend- ed that 810 be granted to the Prisoners? Aid Association, also that the report of High Constable Beardsley and County Clerk Banting, and that the Clerk's report on licenses granted to pedlars, auctioneers and hawkers be sent to the constables and postmasters in the oounty.-Adopted. snnnrrr nRUnr s Rsqunsr. On Thursday morning the following letter was r'ead?:from-Sheri` Drnry: the feet _,thst we `have many; prisoners in the. geol who are from;time to tiiue sentenced" to impris- onment at herdglsborg also the fact that there is: increasing diculty in getting such prisoners removed to the Central prison, owing to that institution being often over crowded, I beg to ask your honorable body to consider some_ scheme by which such labor can be fur- nished to able bodied prisoners conned in the goal. nouss or an-was or-mcrxns. The Council by motion; decided to go -inlzoeommittee of the Whole to ballot for superintendent, matron and surgeon of House of Refuge. W. A. Sneath was appointed chairman, and U. E. -Hewson and R. H. J app sorutineers. The particulars of'the di`erent ballots are as follows: For Caretaker- Mr. MoBeth, Stayner. . . . . . . . Mr. Ball, Jarraws 'Uorners. . . . . John Ross, Innial........ Ballot t. .Mr. -MoKenny, Sunnidale .1 . . . I 2 . 11 Mr.Baeke1.-ville, 2 0 H.Ross,A1list,on . . . . 0 2 . W. Scott, Noitawaaaga. . .; . . . . Mrs. John Ross, Innil. . .. Mrs. Wright, Mineaing. . . . .` [M1-a. MoBeth, Stayxv:,er.T. . . . . Dr. I bheiiey, Baotou . . . . Dr. Dunn, Beeton . Dr. Wrighe;'1'ouen_ham.T The oeere willrtherefore be :-.-Jae. Ross, Caretaker, at a salary of , $250 R9: ,~"!.l"Y 3` Dr. Wright. surgeon. $100. The spa pointinent eta nn._Inape'otor was deferred tillnexteeuien.-- A ' -`The V - ` Oommlkftee-I ` ' . .1_V_:- oo_n1n_1ith, : h_=5PiFi0'1. 911? - 5.53.1: --4n: I if tame, wigas ma-: j ;"yb; Ixl_7f`I_a;i*tliiHveuL1'!:i`jy'bf the73o`i`1_n'`l_:y - IVE" --vv-~~ -~ 7 T Total...& ..... ' The first ballot was spoiled. For Surg6on- I For Matron- Tis 18 1'4 i I "It" was stated that there is about 30,000 acres. at present badly in need of -drainina and in` its wet state worth only $2 per acre, whereasif drained it would be worth $25,per acre. . srnrurnr wymi MR8. `_D ALTON'M CAR'l`HY On Thursday ieveningthe jlrinance Committee reported that they had be- fore them the resolution of ;.this Coun- cil referred to `them re the propriety of sending a letter -"of condolence to Mrs. McCarthy and family. 1 Your . commit- too have prepared the accompanying letter which theywould recommend be signed by the Warden and Clerk on be- half of the Council and forwarded to Mrs. McCarthy and family. Your committee would also recommend that a picture of the late D .Alton McCarthy, Q.C., M.P., similar to those already hung in the Council Chamber, be ob- tained and placed in position. in this ` room; and that a copy of this report be forwarded to Mrs. McCarthy and family along with the` following letter : -'.l'he Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe in council as- : sembled " for the rst time since the death of your revered husband, the late ' D Alton McCarthy, Q.C., M.P., desire to tender to yourself and family their most heartfelt condolence for the sad and" irreparable less you have sustained in losing a loving husband and affec- tionate father in the prime of life and to express to you the deep regret which fwonld thine pay one-half of the coat of such and `plans `providing the half cost dose not exceed $200.. and the municipalities. interested pey- ing the remaining half or balance of over $400 inall,Vnnd~ providing all re- ports,` plans pond accounts properly vouched fox-_ be laid before this Council at its first sebion after auchmurvey is mede.-Adopted. it feels for the loss of a faithful and most efficient oicer who for over twen- ty-ve years has been the solicitor and legal adviser of this Council, and also the great loss the country has sustained by his death in losing one of its most eminent lawyers and distinguished statemen, and we pray that the good Lord, who alone can heal the [broken heart may make you and youra'IE[is ea- pecial care. The report was adopted. COUNCILLOR JOHN B088 RESIGNS. - The following fetter was received from Mr. John Ross,` the newly appoint- ed caretaker of House of Refuge :- I hereby resign my oice as County Councillor of Division No. 2 of V this county. I thank you and other mem- bers of this Council for the many cour- tesies extended to me .as a fellow Coun- cillor, and I hope that you and each of you may long be spared to conduct and control the business of the county. On motion the resignation ` wraa ac- oepted. C an p Q `I i 1A by-lsw was read s first, second and third times appointing Mr. and Mrs. "John Ross as Caretaker and Matron re- spectively of House of Refuge. ~ - A second by-law was read a first time appointing Dr. Wright, of Tot- - tenham, Physician of the House of Refuge. Councillor Hewson then mov- ed iu amendment that Dr. Wright s name be substituted by Law's. At , Councillor Lawson's instance the amendment was ruledout of order as a by~law must haveheen read twice when an amendment is in order. After the second reading, therefore, Councillor Hewson brought in the amendment favoring `Dr. Law. Mr. Hewson said he for one did not wish it sent broad- cast through this connty that the Coun- cil went .from ve to eight miles from "the House of Refuge for a physician when there were two competent doctors adjacent to the building. It would be just as reasonable` to appoint a Stroud or Thornton doctor physician to Barrie- gaol. He therefore opposed the up`- pointment,of .Dr_.'Wrigl1t. ,.oouncinora 'Ju pp _' and Hamilton` supported Dr; Wright while Councillor` Whitesfides said` he had supported -;Dr. Law `right through the -ballot and intended to vote forhim now, as he con'side_red the ap-. pointment `or a Boston" would be in the best interests--of the:09I_1i1_ty;_a_I well` -I'th5*i_`m*'i 0* ".i` '.i.`.`."'?i..'.*.i.".`.`i-` The amendment lost onsthe follow- ' M: c r Bren; Ron-n. frhorpe. 3" I ' .- -,`_ - ` ' . .~. v_;s., - .12`, L" :..`Q LI_`.;` Ilk - VV __ V jvw c-vv-u > ' Councillor Kenn! outof the. room. when T.theV . vote 1: `A1 second-imendmenk by iemn-s-.Msr.n _ adbithtiug >1 ); :for Dr? Wghef ADVANCE f:o,ooo. .WhiteI'Ii'dea.-'-`I. V For Dr. W1-ight--Hamilton, Sneoth, J upp, Lawson, Nottleton, Quinlan, Ross, Bonan, Wright.--9. I AI!,J '1`l;e- by-la'wHw:s fhen read a. third time and passed. ' ' - 4 AAA . nsrnuns-non 1898. '_ V o On Friday morning the .F_`inance Committee reported that `they had'es- timated the probable sources of income and expenditure for the current year, and believing that the sum of $45010,- 44 is amply sucient for __the require- mentsof the County, would," therefore, recommend that the above amount be levied on the" different municipalities for the purpose set out as per abstract statement below, and present herewith the accompanying by-law to raise the required amount. e V Regiatry Aooe, refund. . . . . - Licenses, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash on hand . . . . . . . . . . .- . Receipts and fees of treasur- I > mconn. _ :Administrati'o'n` of J notice, } refund . .- . . . . . . . . . . . $ er s oice . . . . . . . . . `Levy for 1898 ..... Law . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . Roads and bridges. . . . . . County Council . . . . . . . . . . V. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing and stationery . . . . Salaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public schools . . . . . . . . . . . High schools, etc . . . . . . . . . Registry oice . . . . . . . . . . . Heat, light, insurance. . . . . c Total ............ .. $55610 4.4 EXPENDITURE. . Administration of J ustice...$l3000 00 .. 500 00 3500 00 2500 00 500 00 700 00 Salaries . 3300 00 3500 00 65/00 00 g 484 17 insurance . 800 00 Lockups and Court House... 500 00 Hospitals, charities, etc. . . . ' 2000 00 Debentures and coupons of Collingwood branch H. dz N. W. R7 . . . . . . . . 1 Mai yline de bentt;r'e (special repolfb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . County debenture debt . . . . krontoo Total .... .; ...... .. $55610 44 WHAT men MUNICIPALITY WILL PAY. The following by-law was passed to levy and raise the sum of $45.0l0.44- to make provision for the necessary ex- penses of the County for the current year, on the equalized assessment rolls. of 1897 : Whereas it will require e_ rate of 2 1-10 mills on the dollar of the assess- ment of the Coimty to raise the re- quired amount: `I\ , n C I n I IV Be it therefore enacted by the Cor- poration of the County of Simcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the sum of $45,010.44 shall be collected in the several town- ship, town and village corporations within the County of Simooe for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned, accord-, ing to the following schedule : Adjala....._ . . . . ....-"$1906 78 Ann` AA . The Finance Committee reported` that they had examined the account of the Home a for Incurablea_`c `$204.00, for the keep of Samuel Place from -F;'.eb- huh. 1897; W rat. 189.8. at $2.50 per, week. tos!= With 9!! @0- count -`of $8,7 9 for funeg-al expenses, _etc.,~= Tof: `thee arch T.n.`-mm-in, g1ui.;.ge-.na- mush. f A A ing the some correct, I ivonld recom- mend the payment. . V V _ , Your ` Oommitteehave exemin- .the following ecoouhta and recom- .li16dl:'t'l1eii`hIim0ht`:."": ' `. V A A" mnigigaal oW.orld, mbeepoua.;i5 oo 13. 1 cristo;:1ii1di1:;g minuteoj... . 19776 A. ~-v.'A Total ..EB 4500 00 1700 00 700 00 ': j3ooo oo 700 O0 4: 45010 44 $45010` 44 .$1906 3611 80 . 2080 36 3866 64. . 1939 31 144 87 . 4040 17 . 3917 49 . 1249 46 . 1716 31 . 4263 87 1668 37 .Vl063 07 . 1498 04 . 1724 57 . 3137 04 338 36 303 12 : 2355 43 150 48 `V1854 03 174 84 .2 429 91 . 1258 03 418 52 .342.5o 5176~66: us WVHI Fnted cg 7226' 81 6920'37 3679 09 2 so" B Stock of Scribblers andi Exercise Books Cannot be Equalled for Value. All Sizes in Dierent Bindings of the new Presbyterian Book of Praise With or without Music. To clear" -`Out, wlll" salt Balance of Baby Car- " rlages at cost Price. sooT'r's sco.'rT's BOOKSTORE, BARBIE. All kinds of Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasonable rates. Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than city prices. Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. `o BARRIE The Roads and Bridges Committee roommended the following grants :- Ridge Road, South Orillia. ..$45 00 James Bi-eitt, . commission work- 9 00 R. A. Jupp . I 7 50 W. A. Sneuth ' . . 6 00 Chas. McKinnon, work on Not- --_..-._..._' V--- . The County property Committee reported that they had received `nodinite o`er for the County stock in the Northern Railway; they alsoreoommended that storm windows be made `for the most exposed windows of the Court house; that new `glass be put in the gaol onpola and that a new iron door he put in the north corridor upstairs in the gaol: they also reported nding the gaol in good -condition. Ther`_Bre 24 vagrants, 7 criminals and one idiot "conned there at present.--Adopted. . ` . ro isno1.1sn~_ dson. aoumm. was Councillor Sns`ath>Cl__i:airman oijthe G_Ta_ol_'_Comn_1it_tee. . IITH,