of ad [e in 1! tb I6 '5 me n. of at to! Beef.fgrequm-ters.................. 4 50.... -300, Bed h1ndqu OIIIOIIIIOOUCIOIII 5 SOIOII Dressedhogspqrcwt............... 5oo.... 550 Chickensperpau'.............. ` 40.... 55 Butter, Roll,perlb............. `x5..... :6 .I.U...I.I'I'C.I.I.0.0.I.I.I.I`I: .0 Eggs per doz. .............. ...... noon 9 Gl'bSg~.-onn.u..noo-u 5-n-o 3 % Apples perbarrel................... 1 50.... 2 50 Potatoesper 4a.... 0 50 Hay rton` 6 oo.... 7 35: ...-voooonuoooooo Inna . Woo.washedpcrlb................ 18.... ac Wool.un_:waahed.perlb .... xo.... n wOOd,lft.. onocououncoonf 35-o-o 353 Wood, Qtt., percord............... pl' tonuu-....... A nmns. CoworSteer, No, 1. perlb.'........ on n I: "No. 2. n 6.... co II n .. ' 11 3 oo.... 3 25` 6 50.... 6 5o An enthusiastic meeting was held on Fri- day evening in the Wellington hotel for the purpose of organizing a junior lacrosse club. when the following oicers were elected :- Hon. President. Mr Tiin; President, Mr. N. Dyment; Vice-President. Mr. W. Ken- nedy ; Treasurer, Mr. W. Moore; Secretary, ' John J J McKenzie: Captain,iGeorge Mar- rina Committee of Management-L. ' 0. Clark, W. McAllister. R. A Mcl')ona h. W. F. Reid, James P. Skahl. The c ub would like to arrange a match for 94th May. 0 QUALIFIED owrrcuuv BARRIE. 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOO be arran ed by corresponding with "the Sec- retary. no. J. Kelly. The Brookdsle horses leave for the Wood- bine next Monday morning. The string is in charge of trainer Jack Dvment, assisted by steepleohsser Moxley and Sam Howard, the at rider The crack jockey of the out- t, little James, ioins them about May 15th.- ('1`or_onoo Farmers Market-s. . loaou-no. April 26, 1898. Wheat White....u..-.-..u.......3 'I:_0 $10: Whe3t:fedW..... oofncoouoooouou:- I Q-coo ` 03! Wheat,30086-nu.-o...-....u.gu t--o d Ha:-lav . . . . . . , . . . . . . . -_' . 4 . , . . . . . . , ., n ~- Mr. George H. Seavrey returned last week from Albion, Miob., where he has been.work- in for several months. T . Iiuu -tutu I 3.: UUIUI `onq yn;.CIUIIO...ICgIII. Beef; hindquaI't0|`8............u.-.. Dressedhogs pe_rcwt............... Chickensperpau'...................' Ruttm-. Roll. mar lb . . . . . . , , . , . 7 unlclusnapcrpaIr................-n Roll.perlb................. Butter, Tub, perlb..uuu.u...'... Lardperlb....`..................... Eggsper doz............... A I ~onoI0ooooIoocoooIu AS513:p%:r luIouoIoooooooIooIo Hnv nar ton` A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Be.rrle s South -Western Dlvlslon. *wlth its Pleasant Streets. its Testv Dwell ings. its Pretty Churches. ano. its Go- a.-head People w11l Entloe Settlement .--A Weekly Record of its Doings. Have you cleaned up your back yard yet? The Trnckmen will be in session Saturda. evening next. V - 1\ I I . I I cannibal Cowor Steer, "No.2. An HETHIIHEEEQ SPECIALTY, 3 \ Gristing and chopping liogifly. The Pnoe nunng tithe Ban-1e and . . Toronto Markets Dimng the Week. IIKIIIKIDBCICIL 90000000-oooaouoac T" owperlb......... ........... ~ ..."_o.r 'n'!n`... " A V __ T :a~,_T'O`|,._l.E_N;DAL Holler Flounng Mulls. "ALLANDALE. J g enltnr A 1 In FREE or CHARGE `0 and prescribe Glasses--Glasses O only-when `necessary. We . guarantee satisfaction. . Of many defects of the Eye ren- L T , T ders in unsafe to defer correcuion. if your eyes are troubling you in any way have them examined at once. We have equipped our Optical department with the most modern appliances and we make careful examinations D. H. Maclaren. V` Peacock has returned hbme from near Montreal. ` ' *mTn7f1:714._ ..TH E.. somenew lines or LA S WHITE UNDERWEAR, just received this w. % , will be sbld at wholesale prices; louses. -"BARBIE.-:1-pril 27, 2898. ` Q.._a..D__ ! 00.... -4... H Cameox:hipped 9. can load" of cattle from this station last week. hpatterns. -Good material a. We bought a big lot o of Blouses fr `the manufacturer at a regular way 90c. each. 7 e oer youyour choice of the jet at hcent ach. .'s.vAIRA & C9. Mount Calvary Preceptory, No. 12, Barrie, was honored on Tuesday night by an ocial visit from Right Eminent H.. B. Howson, Provincial Prior of Toronto District, accompanied by Right Eminent W. J. Ryrie, Preceptor of Geo`r_ey de St. Aldemar Preceptory, No. 2, Toronto; and Eminent C. E. Davis, Preceptor of Cyrene Preceptory, No. 29, Toronto. These gentlemen ap- peared` in full uniform. Many Knights Templar in Toronto desired to be pre- sent but were compelled to remain in the city to prepare for the annual Shriner event on Friday evening. Two candidates were put through the Red Cross and Templar degrees, the princi- pal work being done by Eminent Pre- oeptor J. B. McPhee, and Past Emin ent Preceptors J. 0. Morgan and W. J. Hallett. The distinguished visitors were very much delighted with the work, and expressed their satisfaction in terms very complimentary to the Preceptory. At the close of the work in the lodge room the guests were es- corted to the Wellington Hotel, where a luxurious` supper was in waiting. I Two hourswere pleasantly spent around the board in festivities and merry- making. "Auld Lang Sang sung heartily brought the evening's enjoy- . ments to a close. Mr. Robert Henderson, of Chicago, son of Mr. George Henderson. of this town, has enlisted with the National Guards of Illinois on the hospital corps of .a. csvslty regiment which expected to leave. for the South on Monday or Tuesday of this week. Knights L"l';.'J:".."}3zrfuixtonZ is aging `to buiid an- other dwelling house on Burton Avenue. 5" I` 1` '5 _,,..__-__- ._ ____ -_,#__A,,I A Just to hand. - Buyers of Clothing will nd our goods _well made, well trimmed in fact the _ equal in Fit, Finish, Style and quality to best tailor-made good, `with much lower and 25 per cent less than usual prices (if ready-made, I clothing. . V - . V In Viall thse different departments of our business, Of these we would direct A particular attention to our large importationg of L 4 In. which will be found latest designs in Brussels, Tapestry, Unions and All Wools, Japanese Squares and China Mattings. Also to our large receipts of [wt JHLAVE PLEASURE. New-Spring -Goods see ovur BOYS CLOTHING also new SPRING OVERCO ATS for mm ` A Opened this week-New lines of Ladies A DRESS GOODS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, ETC. Frawley & Devlin. 1 WI IIDUCTZKS (0 CUTE all me 030 XIIIPICXIOIIS In 3 community. If ynu want to have a good com lexion you must have a clear skin. Hot water. pure soap, and a Bailey : Rubber Complexion rush, used every night, is the secret of a. fair, fresh skin, despite every argument to the contrary. We can sup ly you wxth the Scrubbing Brush. the Toilet Cream. and thirty different Toilet Soaps to choose rom, while you have the hot water. Here's `what the greatest Dermatologist in` the British Em ire sa_vs :-Seventy-ve per cent. of the men women I encounter look at me in horror w en I msist on their scrubbmg their oountenanms wnth a scrubbmg brush. Not such a. brush, I hasten to add. as one uses for the kitchen oor nor yet a nail brush but a. work of care and science, known to the trade under or... ........, nf , , , . , _ _ _ _ ,.nnn In}-e nnnnn.-I: nnum rannm nnncu aueveyors are expeete to reach this place by the end of this week IHC KIICIICII IIOOT DUI yet 8 nan DIIISII DU! 3 WOYK 01' Care and SCICIICC, KIIOWII IO U18 [fade UHCIBT the name of ...... ....$AIu:Y's UBBER COMPLEXION BRUSH. With this brush, a. pure hygxenic soap, a. simp emolient or toilet cream and plenty of hot water, I will undertake to cure all the bad complexions in a community." If vnu want to hnvn a annd rnmnlnrinn vnu rnnnt have 2 r-Inar cIn'n, Hnf watpr, nun: cnan How to Wash Your Face. Enlisted for the American War. ' -' "-'6s$. pc>'s%'o'r:-T62. DRUGS, STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS, GARDEN SEEDS. BARRIE $ GREATEST DRUG STORE. SEAGERS DRUG STORE, ODD DBQT (\E'I`Il`_F -"-`emvlar? The Ihxsty Express " has been doing duty in this vicinity during the past week. Ilothing Ia rpets in ANNoUNdING THE ARRIVAL 01: This is a new Canadian Company independent of Underwriter Associations. $:5. d 't with Ontario Govemment.. _ resident, Arch. Campbell, M.P. ; Vice Prcsidcnf. Thos. Crawford, M. P. R; General Manager. - Greenwood Brown ; Agent for Barrie. u-20 Ia. H. BENNETT. We have ux-chased and reopened the Barn": Steam Laun ry. xo Dunlop street. with the Latcst modern a Iiances or all classes of work. PAT- RONIZ A HOME INDUSTRY, and have ourri callat 'ou|-door. BPECIALOBDEBS } DEL VEB D THE SAME DAY. HEAD OFFICE - . . 'rooNTo. iurrnonlznn CAPITAL $1.<)00.ooo THE "ADVANCE. -o-v v w. Mr. J amen Kim: has moved from Baldwin street to Ross street west, near Buttereld a foundry. ' lI_\l'______ -l `I'I-...... Q---_..I 2.. [0UII_YFIR'["IEN8&lIRAN(:E STEAM LAUNDRY "-N%:%9A3hAes&%Br- tnem 3110 KCCP IHCITI In men PIZCCS. In our ne lane of Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Clothes Brushes. Natl Brushes. etc O`co Our stock is made up of the best Ameri can. English ond French Goods, and wi be sold at popular prices. Monkman s Drugstore 92 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. BRISTLES svccnssogs T0 E. s. LALLY. Walk in and look around, you don't have In Inn: Are all `Very Well in their place. \Ve have them and keep them in their places. In our ne line nf IS I to buy. vnvvuaw - cu...- Mr. Wm. arnice, jr., of Montreal, was called home on account of the serious ill- ness of his father. He arrived here; last Friday afternoon. , I ,,,_ - 'I f-_________I_1`_ 2:`c;"n':..s; BARRIE ADVERTISE IN .`;;A g 1_r.;_ 28. 1898. }I1-------? uycenuu uuuruu lulu Uuuun muuuua. _ umv. W. H. McIntosh preache an appropriate sermon for the occasion. There was a large ._You "want Ian`-abundant oi'op of good fruit, it is necessary that you should, spray your trees and to do so with the least labour and the best` results, get 9. spraymoter outfit. It will pay you 100 per cent on the investment. This pump has been adopted by the Ontario [Government and is the best in -use. Call and see them at Billy Plewia, voi";1`oronto. was in the 66h. ward last week visiting friends. Lit. John Bush has moved to Charles street into one of 1'. Joseph Bebb s houses. _ -"L-1-1: 'V'Vm. Mchiorrau, of Party Satind, is visiting friends and acquaintances here for a week or so. . - Mr. Guite, sr., has been seriously ill of late, but we hope noon to hear of his being alright again. 1 I_._ 1|___-_I_ _L- L-.. L--- ..!-L2.... "$11: <":BL1I{if.{{{.1}'.Q purchased 6. new bike--the K.0 S Itia a handsome wheel, and Charlie feels quite proud of it. ' ,v , ____I-__ ___s _'___ urns. `yu-V---_- ---~.. _.-.,-, `_, , House cleaning is now in iorciien, anii you can see wives and daughters with dusting caps on their heads and broom in hand on al- most any street. 9! , LI. _ I... ___.. `L2- l"\L.-.._.1_..\ A has--u -- -----vv_- A number of members of Kempenfeldt Lodge S. O. E. attended service in Barrie last Sundpv morning with St. George : So- ciety at Trinity church. , ,1 4|. _ l'\._-_.I flI_.___I_ 'f)_!I.._-_ `vvu, v I V: Communion service was held in the Pros- byterian churcb last Sunda. morning. Rev. ('11 u M -1`... ml. -nun: Al. .3 n n n nrnvnnri ntn nanwuw ----J .------. Remember the bazaar this (Thursday) ` afternoon and evening. in Bothwell a hail. given by the Ladies Guild of Helpers of S15. George s church. r 1: I11_ r1__2..- 3.. - ll-..4.......I -unnl Mr. Wil-liam Armstrong has been xing npthe streets and repairing the aidewalks in the 6th ward. - -on-6 --- -=--- _...__. Mrs. John Peacock, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Brown, in To- ronto, has returned home. -I'D |n 1 __ __,____`__4__1 ; _A__ Frawley s Shoe Store. You can't possibiy no wrong in buying Boots and Shoes at this store. `Our. `Footwear is not in the common run of goods. In ours the styles and shapes are correct, the tper- faction, the leather and workmanship of the very best. In bu in here you sre sure of getting values ahead of anything shown outside of this store. ere ere a. few items that appeal to every thoughtful` buyer :`-- A ' , = ~ 1 ' e e V Ladies : lLl3I')0tli!Pil`0la }{_igdB*utton Boots.` paa ten . a van: on ; qua:-ta; taxing. }?E_CI3_r #33, D. gvidth.` snze: re . nee . upecul... Laaau'c:'.oieJiici_"iaB?.c:on.na_ noon. ' "A patentleathsf "P. Bull_ to9.Lucw4 shape, veryouyttting. D md nun of to 7. Idll . . . . . .5 - . - . - u n n n nanoonovconooicnboodhl SO "'o.'---1 "'--"-v v .. m 4 ' facing. round toe,_Mc y sawed. D width, / 0. Iollulgbonoucloltoolvvn Ladies` Choice 11 Kid Oxford Shoe. pu- . lent leulwrtip d turn nolu.` kid lin .`w7p.wodoIobon--I , . 13113335 =_AND CHILDREN'S DEPT. 4 *3.utton7 hoot, pntat _lo3nthcr /I` "76-Ih Ioao:I'cocopo count; n:oun"` *`if:.S .:`3.'! ; ".;..." %.`:`.f`E:`.;.....a.""1..:...`?`. .f : *"r.:.:r'..::..;.':..... ':.9~:,...", "' """ _?-hints` Fine Button . THE RAILWAY CENTRE OF THE FUTURE CITY. % % %BAa"nu:. she--=vo!or~ V Bhoiziro one ' _a. sV tepreuntad. or yohi; mongy Ifelnndod. "Gompuhon `will not gxpggerttodg A NEXT `TO BARBIE HOTEL. LADIES DEPT. FOR THIS wEI=_'K. SHOE 1 0FFER|N(i8..;. Li}.-'. i;$1Jii{'1i{u}oZ iLiL'i..c Vwoek for Toronto. where he has secured a. hituatipn. :coiI!`` fli pr`aIont,vh`asi.'ly will 6f~whihie- amine and Dlftook of .ho%n.o'1-ed elementy A Mr. inward Fairies uld wifo late 0.. Mon- dav evenin for Toronto, where he intends going` into uainou. |,1~I`nud. -. - -I ufil-;. -F;a:1-I:-;I'e-'e'I'd left oh Tuesday for Gravenhurec, where he has `secured `a, situa- tion in Mr. JMIIGI Va.ir a grocery store. _ Locomotives have been done from fbie` place to Toronto of late for re-painting and -re-numbering. Last week engine: Nos. 296 and 93 formerlv l74ea.nd 658, returned end looked quite new. - `Y .0 3'vheelutoth8ir`lgrge stock. > : ~ 1:. 9,,,, n, I_l.-I` . - us. m;;}.i;.;;{ i;.;:*'. 1}.i%i.7 week as . visas to his porex:;t.Vo.lV_hom'ev in Gertie. L ' ` | Mrs. Sootuaud daughter, bf Kirkelidl, are I visiting with Mrs. R. Gilpin. Cgrolinutreet. ILLANDALE WARD "NUMBER SIX. -inspect your premises. Notices are out requeatilig householders and others to cleanvall rubbish and dirt from their premises R; King, jr.. Sanitary I_n- spector, will be around on the 7th of May to (I A l u nuhueroul were bikes on Essa. street or: Saturdev night thet in was diioult to pause each other without ooliding. In fact one rider fell ohie wheel and nearly tumbled under a horse close by ' e e - e "TL- I'1l...:_L:-_. 11,,,-.n9, , I n I The Christian Guardian of last week an- nounces that the annual meeting of the Bar- rie District of the Methodist church will be held this year in the Burton Avenue Metho- dist ohurch on May 25th and 26th. _,_--' _- - .-_.- -w---- `T The lateetminatructione from: the general freight agent : office of the Grand Trunk authorize the comuany e agents to reduce the minimum on lumber and rough forest products, from 30,000 to 26.000 poundl. A number of Oddfellowe of this place pur- pose attendiug divine service pext Sunday morning with the Barrie Qddfellowu at the Elizabeth street church, where the pastor, Rev. A. G. Hudson, will preach_to them. - <~-gE`o-l\a. ... ---~_-an-ou4-m. " .4.- Rev. M. L. Pearson of the Collier street Methodist church, and Rev. Thomas Ed wards exchanged pnlpits on Sunday evening last. There was` a large congregation to hear Mr. Pearson in the Burton Avenue church. ' The members of the lacrosse club are re- quested to attend practice every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings Come. boys. get a move on and be on the lacrosse eld instead of on the streets. Practice makes perfect. 6A.? . Some of the residents` of Cumberland street.` in the vicinity of the G.T.RL shops. complain of some very rude boys, who are in the habit, in the evenings, of pulling pickets off fences. throwing stones and break- ing windowa. Parents, keep an eye on your boy: or they will be getting into trouble. The crowd was so large at St. George's church on Sunday evening that all available space was used for seating . urposes. the seats being enerously loaned v the Metho- dist church. rom their Sabbath school room. This is as it should be, especially in a place" where the churches are so interdependent as thev are in the sixth ward. IIJK ILVDIICH IIU Ulluv IOIICU III UIILUI UV `IV? UIIV senior`Capta.ins 3 reasonable opportunity to qualify, they will be allowed till the let of August next to do so, provided that thev at once make application for admission to the respective schools. After the above men- tioned date qualied seniority must ob,- tain recognition. : ~ St. George's Churo'h-F1-iday evening at 7.30 there will be a short addreds to the newly oonrmedand the no'n-communicant. Sunday. May 1st. early communion at 8.30, and also mid-day communion. `the sermons on Sunday, May let, will have `reference to the three years pastorate `of the present Rector. whose duties as -such begun on the 1st Sunday In May, 1895. A ' YTVBCTE AD7VAI;ICE7, the best weekly paper in the County of Simcue. an 1 n 1!__'.__;_-_ -- .._-._.. L- L__2I_'I __ General" Manager Hays of G. T. 3., ac companied by Divisional Superintendent Tiin and other railway officials`, called here on Tuesday morning on a tour of inspection to Midland. North Bay and intermediate stations. Brief visits were made at Barrie. and Allandaie stations and the party escort- ed about the premises hv Mr. Tiin. Con- ductor Lynch, engineer Fenneli, brakeman McLe_nnan and; reman" Houston were V in charge of the train. The Grand Trunk engine men recently complained. to Supt. McGnian that, in many places, they were expected to make better time than their engines were capable of A This was one of the grievances which the trainmen s'committoe discussed with the Superintendent at Montreal. Mr. F. W. Morse, the superintendent of motive power, is investigating the matter, and has expert engineers testing the engines, which have been` reported a aiust. The capabilitiesof the engines will established by the tests. - Regimental Orders. . Maior Ward, through Capt. Jno. B. Mc- Phee, acting .Adjutant, has issued the fol- lowing order : I. ' L A I `T I `I , , III I _, ,__ _ II No. '1~-Ae promotion will be more rapid in future andas vacancies will occur, calling for lptclass. Grade A. Infantry, and also Equitation Certicates, the officer command- inc desires to state that in order to give the ann3nn`r`.nni-.n3e\u n nnnnnnkln nnnnhfnuiadtn n Men : Colored I at HUN TEE BI` v.u-can ruuvv V--vq, -rw--- - - - - - - u v - - . . . - . - `Y Men:| Ruuet Luce Boots. tiezped, latent Ihade. - now too. extension sole, 3 ea 6 to to. special : Men : Strong Plow Boon bellows tonguoniuod stitched teams, ext:-ahenvy 0613:. post. sixes 6t". OCII'lI IOIIOCQIUCIIOICOC UIIII *`~.:..*:..-:.%=.::m.:e.*:.r.*-.,.c;.."-:9-.;svr: . A 3025' mu-'r. _ hey. Bhutan Calflace Boot. tipped namteu, . ~ fond, Inodiuuuvdght, 31206110 5. Ipechl. .1 's` ~"?:.....i'.:i." " odooooou-ooiuouoo I ` ' - Men : Calf Lace and Congress 4 I: f ed ' kid to . M Kl ::v|:d..:&nt:e, uht?:gin ..:5..aco .3, Wuoo vuo ocnouvtuo'u*I 5 \1-_a- 13.---.. `I --- 15--.. u_..-.| 1-..... .I.-;I- _....,.v' ---v- - vw 9, -.uvv--- - - . - - - - - - w - - - .- Y'th'B tonCalfLnceB tipped. "mfg. u;i'g than 1- of modiu;%|It. -p-97:1? M 1'. William N ewberry left on Monday for Penetanguishene on 9. week : business up there. _ I Mn-zrs DEPT.` s in great variety ; Th` ritpa `of `oonrmgtion was performed in Trinity Church and St. George : church" on Sunday. morning and fevening, "reaped- tively, by Bishop Sweatma.n.~of Toronto. C In `__'_`a'ddressing -- the ` .oonlirmation class of twenty oandidates.:the-.Bishop-spoke oi the importance of*the step. they were talking and the. rellgious_ duties consequent on con- rmation, He` urged fhem to be faithful intheir duties to. the church which they had` chosen and the best way to ensure this `service is to be consistent Christians It was not enough for them to be members of the church militant, they must also become members of the Church of Christ, which includes all persons who embrace the faith ofthe Lord Jesus Christ. In referring to the Book of Common Prayer the Bishop said that the prayers in that book are not modern. as some persons state, but are of_ most ancient origin. having been translated from the classic language into `English. He stated that the conrmation prayer had its origin about the year . 460. A D. It is " Defend, '0 Lord, this Thy servant with Thy Heavenly ' grace that he may continue Thine forlever, and daily increase in Thy `Holy Spirit more and more. until he come. into Thy Everlasting Kingdom. Inciden- tally the Bishop reterred to the union of Church and State years ago, and said that the Government of to day owes most of its good features to the time before the union was broken , sr. anoncn s CHURCH. Long before seven o'clock on - Sunday evening St. George s church, Allandale, was packed to the doors and manyecould not nd admission. The Con"irmation class in this chu ch numbered thirty-ve and were addressed by the Bishop on The Power of Choice. The gift of free will. the speaker contended,- is one of God's `great gifts to man, but it is also one of the most danger- ous as God has left the matter of choice entirely in man's own hands but offers the guidance of his Holy Spirit tothem who seek it. The danger of choosing the bitter instead of the sweet is recognized by parents and guardians whochoosefor their children but the child must come to ears of discre tion when he must choose or himself, not only in temperance matters, but also in spiritual. Conrmation assumes that per~ sons seeking to be conrmed have chosen the church in which they will worship, a very important matter in these days. That churchmanship is very insincere and unstable, said the Bishop, which arises from merely being born inthe church, To be lasting It must be a result of deliberate choice." Other denominations will say that their method of worship is more conform- able than others to Scripture, and then a young man of woman will be compelled to make a choice. if not before. The Bishop urged them to consider the Church or Eng- land in the light of.God s word and see if its` worship is not based thereon. They should also consider the historical claims of the church. It is not a modern institution brou ht into existence in the reign of Henry VII , but is a continuance of. that branch of the Church immediately subsequent to the time oi the twelve apostles. They should be faithful too in their allegiance to the Church of their choice. This demands of them diligent and regular attendance, takihg part with heart, and voice in the service, devout demeanor, sharing the work of the church, strengthening the hands of the pastor and regular partakers of the sacrament. Of much greater. im ortance, however, is the question given to oshua of old, "Choose you this day whom ye will nnrun 9 url-nk nnnnthun in nlnn niun-an in than \lI\A `J IIII 39 UK VI-II \lID '7 II\IIII J 97 " III I serve? which question is also given to the people of today. No person is free from the law of service. You may be sure that a thousand seductive voices will seek to allure you from the path of true service, and you must publicly to-night forswear these saducers which may be classed under three heads-The World, The Flesh and The `Devil. Are you prepared to make such a renunciation? The`Bishop then reviewed the arguments and inducements these cue- mies o`er,,and showed that they are as nothing when compared with the blessings that result from the true service of Christ, viz., the new name, the heavenly inheritance and everlasting life. Only a decided and whole hearted choice is acceptable to Christ. It is impossible to serve Him and yet have a hankering after the_world. No man can serve two masters and no `person is more miserable than he who halts between two opinions. You will encounter a great deal of ridicule, concluded the Bishop; many -will say you'have been exceedingly foolish to` turn your back upon the world and its- pleasures ; but look forward to the end or to that day when true wisdom will be put to .a test, then all who have chosen Christ will nd they have chosen all things, and like many have chosen the good part which` shall never be taken away; yours will be the" happiest kind of life and as years roll /by" you will be more and- more thankful for the choice you have made. V ` Services}: \;V`1'xat about organizing a baseball olub in the 6th ward this year? Some one make a move. The Collegiate Institute football club was re-organized on Monday evening. The fol- lowing gentlemen were elected to oioe :--_ President, W. K. Fonoar, B.`A.; Vice-Preai- dent, A; `McConnell ;` Oapain, McKee; Secretary-Treasurer, W. . Thompson ' Committee of Management, J. W.` Wiggins, G. Wright, F. Burton. - ,, I !, ,,_.._ -5-.- . !,, v v --F.--- -. .--_---- Contrary to the general impression" in rural districts, the bicyclist has a right to half the road, and the driver of a vehicle must turn out to give a wheelman room to pau. There are people who regard bioyolieta I as freak: of nature that have no right to travel on the king : highway, -but this it an erroneoua idea The bicycle has all the rights of a four-wheeled conveyance.-Alli ton-_Herald; _ - " V 9. The bicycle season will open in earnest to- night (Thursday) by a race to Shanty Bay and return between ve eet riders chosen by President Scott,..and vexof the same kind chosen by V'ioe-President Craig. . The President`: ve are `John Crai` , Claytus Hinds," Percy Soanlon. Wm. Bot well and John Taylor. The Vine-President : men are James Craig. Ernest Allward, W. J. Johnson. Harold Dyment and Alt.` Shanaey. The oontestan,tsv'vi1lstart at 6.15 from the cgus-as House; ` A iunlor beeebell club under the name of Oriole: organized on Friday evening at the Wellington hotel. The-oicere elected were an tollowe :-'-Hon. President, Thou itriteh ; Preeldent, .Mr. Gray; let Vice, N Groee; Secretary, J {J . 'Kel_l_y;` ffrunrer, B John- etonfepteln.` J`. Edwerdi Oorninittee, L. *will.b'e-_a. mae.t.it>a the `W0: lnntonhotel on- `Frldov. '29tMn_It. ; `at 8' pan. , - All interested" :`in__ r;lnIebo;ll.`s'l:onVl_il.etten`cl. The club in now* ._ogen-`to- receive o1_ullenge s.l {Matcher my. Sporting Notes, rum NORTHERN ADVANCE,-1` ww ------ --- .._-__. The earnings of the Grand Trunk Railway svstem. for the week ending` April 14th, amounted to $469,655. against $405,979 for the aameperiod in 1897. The increase is $63,678. 0-, <-_ I--IJ 2.. LL- 15..--