t `your boy can : NTEB BBO ftcnlsk 1+Io1zm{1.v,'1z~I ADVANCE. Mr. P. Gqjlpgher, once 3 reaident of this place, .pa.i.d us a ying visit last week. We are plugged to see Mr. Gal-' -lngher ingopd health and prap'Orit.y.. - Mr. Tyne, of Dalston,` is the gut of Mrs. B. Kelly. - Vpnematon. ' I Mvmm Conespondengo. Miaa E.` 0 0omio1g has resumed her politionin Elmvale. ' ' ' , _ The second open meeting of the Minesinq Lit.enry_ Association was held in their hell on Tuesday evening last. A, large nnmbex-_ of persons at-' tended. L - Service will be conducted in the Chui-oh of England on Good Friday at 10.30 a.m., by the pastor, `Rev. Mr. Teeny. ` V , rl'|I.- ----_.I ;__.. _.--;2_.. -5 .L_ ' Mrs. Foyato`-1'1 has best: very ilfrorl some time ; recovery will probably be] alox. ___ _ _ V_ _ _ 1 Miss Gullum, of Edenvale, is the guest; of Miss A. Benson. - - We are to have a paper in about two weeks under the name of the first paper started in Cookstown-The Advocate. Mr. Alf. McDonald, late of Toronto, will take charge of the new printing oice for the proprietor, W. E. Stoddarc. U-vl't'['ra. Jackman has again been under treatmentin the Victoria hospi- tal, but is now recovering. ' V Miss Mae Fletcher spent a few days last week visiting friends in Barrie. V can. 9'` 4 no. Miss Wallaoe,Uof Woodbridge, is ..e present visiting friends it; our village. '11- 1-: .----,. Our young esteemed friend, Mr. Samuel J. Reynolds, has gone to C01- lingwood fox-`the summer. ` He has secured a position on the Majestic. Success, Sam. V ' Mr. and Mrs. James Henry, er., have returned from South Lyon, Mich., where they have been spending the winter with their son, Dr. D. Henry. The breach of . promise suit recently enacted -in connection with Thornton Sons of Temoerance was nally decid- ed in favor of the plaintiff, Miss Clo- vertop. ' (L-.. _-.._.. -..a.-_.._-_`I l__-.__l `ll - _---......- .. _.,,....... We are glad to report that Mr. Wm. Hodgins, under the treatment of Dr. McGregor, is rapidly recovering from a. severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. Andrew McI3onald, tailor, now occupies Mr. Ball's shop. ! Mr. Willie Boake,- who recently underwent an operation, in rapidly re- covering. `|l_. Q_._:Ll_ -1` 1'), W3, 0 I -I Mr. Smith, of Barrie, occupied the pulp1_I; of the Methodist church, last Sahhath. ' uvu--1 vu- Maj: H. Len_nox has returned from I Detroit, where he has been visiting relatives; _ _ _ I The business at the post oicelast week was as follows :--Letters posted, 831 ; post cards, 254 ,' papers, books, etc.. 113; merchandise packets, 19 3! total postage value, $30.04-. Mr. Charles Coulter has gone to` Burk s Falls as clerk for Mr. Bell, of that place. Mr. Bell was formerly a merchant at Egbert; TIT- ...... .1.) L. _.-_.-__n. LL_L 'll`__ TI ! , Our grain merchants report a good season. ' Mr. Thins. Hurst, of Banks, in visit- ing relatives. Te.nders are out for ghe erection of a new Methodist church here. Mr. Arthur McClea.n -htvw moved on 9. farm near Churchill. Success. Mr. McKee, P.S.I., gave us a call on Monday. `Mr. Robt. Finlay is making things boom in his new shop. Easter `He: in 1 TE]! BROS. month, returned to his home in Toronto last` Friday and will sail for England next month. ' -v..- --v-not A large quantity of square timber is being shipped, from this vicinity to Quebec. The Parochial Guild of St. John's church have arranged to hold at At Home at The Sweet Briers, the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Fawoett, on the evening of April 12th, com- mencing at 7.30 o clock. Mrs. Lodge at time of writing is no better. Minesing. Advance Correspondence. a now. an vvnan Advance Correspondence. ivarlety at HUN- ---_,.. ...-- -..... ....... -R. Redfern and family have moved to Richardson : _mill, Vespra. Mrs. Roforn was" presenfed with a. Presby- Uanfijan Hymnal. by the Y. P. S. C. E. on Mondw night. before leaving for her _"new'homo.J ` V Mrs. John Hoard : l.:oue.;ervas destroy- [ad . by re last. Thursday afternoon. KAI DI.._._ `I.-- --_. , vwu vJ gnaw aunuv-QIJUIDIQC, IIIUVIIJUULIQ Neil Shaw has completedthe new bridge over Pinenver. . D 1:-_'m_.._ -.__1 t _.:|_ I, H, , a no-ug no any `noun 9 navauug ualllvg Ull iraay, the 16th April, "1393, At 12 o'clock, noon. the following valuable Farm Ptogerty, that is to say: .- T 4: north half of lot number eighteen. in the 5th concession of the Townehjp of Sunnidale. in the County of Simcoe. contaanmg one hundred acres of land, more or less. - `Tnnnn and nnnrnnn nf cal. _"l`... _-.. .._a. -1.` Mia; Dick has returned to her. home in Maple Valley, near Creemore, after an extended visit: with her sister, Mrs. Dr. McKay. ulna, more or less. . `Terms and conditions of sal_e.--Ten r cent, of the purchase money on the dav of sac and the i balance in an dsum wiinnt Sn}.-n-at I ' NDER and pursuant to the Power of -Sale con- - tained in a certain Mortgage which will be i produced at the time of sale) there wi be oered for sale by rmsuc AUCTION by Mr. Finlay Crawford. N auctioneer, at the Qvunsrfs HOTEL. Barrie, on lI_1;_`_.__`I-'_ 11,, can! n In . ---- cu Ia ccuuiuny situated as to markets. scnools, etc. BRMS OF sALE.-The purchaser will pay to per cent of the urchase money on the day of sale, the balance. wit out interest, within 30 days. The Ven- dor is willing to accept a first mortga e on the prop- erty for a reasonable proportion o the purchase money. Other particulars and conditions will be made. known on the day of sale, or inthe meantiine upon application to Il \7\Vl\`r v\p\vv4-A - .._..--..- me purchase money on me uav C balance in odays without interest. There wi be a reserve bid. la`... "nu-Olunn -an-6:n..I--. -.__I-. L- UNDER and pursuant to the powers or sale con- tained in a certain mortgage (which will be pro- duced at the time of sale. there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION. by Mr. W. D. McConkey. auctioneer. at the mama HOTEL in the Town of Barrie, at one o'clock in the afternoon. on IIIUTC UT ICSIM This is an improved farm well and conveniently situated in one of the best arming localities in the county. The soil is of good quality and the prop- ert is centrally situated as to markets. schools, etc. 'IERMS on SALE.-The nurrlmncnr mm nan .. .....- smmm;`z1.j;;j;;; 1398. f_______. .v__ _"- A valuable and desirable farm : Being composed of the south-east quarter of lot number :2, in the 4th concession of the township of Essa, in the County ofsiincoe, containing fty acres, more or less. 'I"l.:.. 2- .... 2___..---_.I t____ ___u , , 1 ,, -- rAnIn"`ff_IfI_"_ii`i'En1v| Farrrin ffsberty IN! Tun Tn vvucuvn no I:-can John Ferguson left Toronto on Thurs- day for England in search of better health. We hope he may soon return much improved. Miss Dot Ferguson accompanied John A. on his trip. . 71' I V en: Dated March 30. 2898. I IIBYB WI]! 06 3 IFCTVG DIG. F or further partnculan apply to. IJA urn -I-nu n Dated 17th March. I898. MOR'[QAGE snua MORTGAGE SALE IN THE` % rownsmr or sUNNm.u.n. IN THEIOVVNSHIP &` ESVSA. THE - EMPIRE A GREAT SUIT. 24th of May will be celebrated here under the auspices of the Lacrosse club. The band will give a concert in` the evening. `It. r\c . u . - - , annua- Advadcg Coriespondence. LETNNOX, BOYS & BR_OWN, _,_I IE!` I. arucularl apply to. HAMILTON D. STEWART. Vendors Solicitor, Barrie. Out. 10. I808. no.1! OF VALUABLE OF VALUABLE 0 0 0 0 0 0 We have placed on sale this week I00 Tailor Made Suits, direct from the best makers, in styles that are at once Attractive, Natty and exclusive. The materials are Serges, Venetians, Coverts, Whipcords and Scotch Tweeds, in all the new shades, perfect- ly cut and good linings. You will nd our Clothing stock far superior to any- thing hitherto shown in Barrie. vv-_, -"rn\/ up `any Vendors` Solicitor, Rnrrin ant` FRANK %EWAN, Manager. The millinery opening at the Fire Prouf last week under the management of Miss Snowball was very largely at- tended. x ooucnzors, _ Barrie and Alhston. I 1' I4 y ---.-... `3"5 DPPIIHTIINITY van: 5'1` `I (111116 FEB GENT.-We have a. large amount of private funds to loan at four and 1.1131! and 5 percent" payable y Loans on`. mortgage will be madeu to one half 0 nine of the. prciterty offered. M _Al`l'l!Y. Pnnn. & Mocumu. ' ten. &c.. Blfc. ` {Cross-Cut Saws In returning thanks for the very liberal patronage received at the old store, we beg to remind the public generally that we can now betterserve them than at any previoue time in our business history, and will be pleased to see them at the new stand. 1'. SIDSWORTH a. son A town clock is bein`g1;ec1';;c'l this week by Alex. Banting and Chas. Tink- ley. two of our enterprising townsmen. IIVI , , !II! I MANUFACTURING Commcrxoxnns. | FANCY BREAD AND CAKE BAKERS, Have Removed to their N aw Stora, 127 Dunlap Street. OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL DRAIN PIPE, PORTLAND CEMENT 0. I-I. LYON & SON, J. G.SCOTT McQUAFRRY'S ORDERS RESPECTFULLY BOLIOITED. 45-tf [0NEY AT 4} AND.5 mm GENT.- hv 2. Jf nmnnunb nfnoiunba Cunt`. 5.. Miss Lottie N icol is the guest otfoer. sister, Mrs. Alfred Wright, Doveroouri Road, Toronto. . ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS Water Limo. Planer of Pl.rlI,|kc. Carefully Gummed and T1-ued at on-non Yuma Ross Block. Foot of Toronto Stroe` Telephone. Blacksmith and General Repair Shop. ` BARRIE. , 43- BARBIE, ONT-` BUCCEBBOR TO Dtzaler in- Messrs. Henry Harper und.Jno. Mo- Lean, of Barrie, attended the funeral last week of the late Capt. Irwin. Miss Flo. Goodwin spent a f;vv":-"'(la.ya ` with her sister in Allisbon last week. Dr. Irwin, of Mfchigan. attended his 2 fat.her s funeral here last Thursday. - `II: `I'D! I` Geo. McKay has been oh the sick list for a few days. ` Graciea saw ;ni1l will open. for the ; season next Monday. "\ ll `IE1! ..- - --- Miss Jennie Du' in visiting friends in the queen city. ` Hero. Ross `is taking a. businoga course in Toronto. A 3 Interesting "News .. i..5 I I-non ' nm:7` Arm; 7,;1s9sf. vnvnvnvnvhvvnvnvvjwjd'l l If our correspondents will kindly lesveftheir letters unsealed, `ene cent will be suicient postage. Post, on Mondays, if possible.-EDn'oB. Cookstown. to a_ clese. and all went home mononuc- Advance Correspondence. _ _ _ _ _ ing the Lesgue s rst At Home e._ de- iss 15 vxsltmg aided succgga, V A u n nnnnn nu}:-1 I-`ROM oua> % > %% ' Ai "Correspondents ` Mr. William Elliott, of El-mvale. made a. short visit at Mr, Alf. Caraoad-T den a last week. _ - The Endeavor meeting was led last Thnnday. by Rev. `Mr. Morripogi, who` has; been iiiiting `frindn in thirvioini- IVS.` U03 U. 8-? 1 moved from their formor 5: real?- deuce, and are now two Vlinoa,._furthero vemnooncea-ion 5- A v I Miss Gertie Knigin, of -Edgar i. b visiting Miss fMu'y Campbell. Three men of rather doubtful char- acter "visited our village one night last week. They tried to make their home in the school house but Mr. McLean and Mr. Myers saw them and sent them ,a.way. - They went very unw_il-- `lingly. . ye ~ The Insurance Inspector was in our village this week xing the value of the store that was burned. Mr, Myers is going to "get his insurance. Some of the farmers around _ here have commenced spring work but many will not do much before next week. The old house on Mr. CoughIin s upper farm was totally destroyed by re last Tuesday afternoon. Mra. Lewvis and family lgve on Thursday to join her husband at War- Mr. A. F. Garrett conducted services in the.Methodiat church here last`. Sun- ! day evening. iur. am; Miss Kilbunk and % Miss Deyell, of Hillsdale, visited -friends here last Sunday. - Mr. Jae. Colllna left last week to take charge. of Collingwood section of the Northern railway. _-a .-v- nu-v-u-an-vvl, alulmulvo $8.0 :20 JJUIIQ , - Mr. Alex. Johnston, V of th.ia place, left for Maine last Thursday. He will be greatly missed by friends here. I The Breach of Promise Mock Trial was held on March 31, and was nan- cially a success. The oicers of the court were as follows :-R. 0. Bell, judge; "J as. Crawford, counsel for prose- cution ; James Marlin, counsel for de fence ; A. A. Bell. sheriff; H. Spencer, court crier; A. Douglas, court clerk; A. McQuay, constable. The jury brought in a. verdict of guilty, and sen- tenced the accused to a ne of 9c. and a song, after which all sang God Save } the Queen, and went home apparently I well satised. TMrs. -'Vollme1'-, of Saurin, is staying` with her son, Mr. J. Vollmer. Miss L. Pye is visiting at Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. . amen Marlin spent Sunday in Grenfel. Mr.'D. Hunt, of Coulion,apent Sun- day in Om Station. ' Mrs. Thomas Day, of Orillia, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. A. A. `Bell. I Men : heavy We ! pair at HUNTER A rendered by the members of the Region d On Friday evening, 2nd inst., the members of the-Epworth League of the Methodist church held an At Home in the school room of thechurch for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with one another and of getting others interested in the work of the League. The ladies had the school room laid out in drawing room style and furnished with sofas, chairs, tables, etc. Parlor games were provided in order that all who wished might spend the evening in playing harmless games at which many seemed to enjoy themselves, while others sat in little groups passing the time in quiet social talk. After. the games and the conversation had continued for about an hour, lunch was served, which always adds` so,much_to' the pleasure of an evening's entertain- ment, and this is no less true here than elsewhere. Lunch having been cleared away, an excellent program, .;coneist:ing : of music, recitations and readinfd, `Vii: assisted by the orchestra` led by our? Qenial townsman, Mr ,0. J.f'S. .. Indeed, we a `beginning'tot;;}thit_:j,i.t`h9?f L` orchestra indispensable J Sfamme in '0O0kQ'0,Wo, ?1 o'clock the "you, jjf A very large and enthusiastic meet- ing was held in Jebb s hall on Wednes day night, 30th ult.. for the purpose of reorganizing` the Cookstown Lacrosse Club for the season of 1898.` The prospects for a good season are" this -year very bright. The following oi cers were elected :--Hon. President, J. S. Duff, M.P,P.; Hon. Vice-President, Rev. J. McLennan ; .President, W. J. Phillips ; Vice-President, J. Wilcox; Secretary-Treasurer, `A. Mackay, M. D. 5 `Executive Committee, Bert. Brown, Alf. .McDonald' and R. L. Banting; Captain, John Agnew; Field Captain, Fred. Fisher. The Cookstown lacross- ists in the past were perhaps the most successful team in South Simcoe, and so long as they play a clean, honorable game with home talent they are assured of a continuance of public support and esteem, and no doubt they will meet with success. _ Another landmark removed.--Cap-y tain Jas. Irwin, one of Essa s oldest and most respected pioneers, passed away to join the great majority on the;29th -of March, in his 90th year, after a lingering illness which he bore with christian: meekness : and resignation. Captain Irwin received his title for his heroic actionin the rebellion of 1837, when he _ led the "loyalists of Essa and West Gwillimbsry to Toronto to` meet the usurpers of law and order, and has ever since -proved himself to be a loyal and devoted `subject-of Her Majesty. He has left to mourn their loss a large and inuential grown-up family and a large circle of sorrowing friends that will ever revere his memory. fH1-:);'oj:]:)iviIi:'n s.j 0. '1'.` has` I MrI'John Oa.u'1pbell and hlnjly -llmvaf , 4.I____ -__.__ ..I... .E _`-_._ \WKl Ulull LU! Advance Cprrupondenoe. ' cusp Advance C-<':1V'resp:>.:':dence. -..-- vvan anlvocnhii Advance Correspondence. Oro Stanon. Advance Correspondence. The following are a few lines receiv- ed by the Cookstown A. 0.. U. W. Lvdge No. 228 from Mrs. James Mc Knight, of Egbert :--`*I hereby tender my best thanks to Cookstown Lodge of A. O U. W. for the sympathy and 8.8-` Blstance which I have received from them in my time of sorrow and trouble, and also for the prompt action taken by them in securing and handing over to me two thousand dollars, the amount of insurance from the death of my hus- band. ' Anton Mills. Ggthe. ' ii nul I :3` . 3 `?" A Mrs. 800100 Evan Vcalled home Tlaist week '_by the depth of Mn. Bibbald. Gnnige. who. has been vi-we with his brat!-error we put Mr. `B. Smith is-Vmaiing preparations build a n6w*~b_rn ghia summer. 7 1 Miss Lizzie Cloughley in staying with Mrs. B-._ Dobson who is laid up with Vl_a at-ippe. _ . ,. p Mr. Roberta, of Penetazpg, is ap- pointed -seotion `toreman in place of Mr. MoMinn. . _ V ` Mr. J Q R. Cooper, operator on G. T. R., is visiting `hie aieter,Mr_a.. Parka, for a few days,` A meeting of the I. O. G. T. lodges of South Simcoe was held here` on the 30th of March for the purpose of or gauizing a district lodge. The dele- g('.t8 were addressed by the Grand Sec- rotary, Scobie, after which the district was duly organized and the following executive elected :-D.C I., E. Agnew, Thompsonville ; D.C.C.. D. F. Kidd, Cookstown 3 D.C., John Hughes, Gil- ford ; D. Sec., Will. J. Moir, Cooks- LA"... . Messrs; Brown and Gollaxt loaded their timber _for the Old Country last Mon ' ` ' ,,,'l`!`_._!_ IV`--, _II `D T Farhlra heve ceased their ploughing on account of the cold weather. Mrs. D. VFe'rguson Has roturned from visiting relatives in Meaford. If you want a i wear out buy from nI"I"Oo , ` Mr. W. J. gimp; `Sf dtehfel, occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church -here last Sabbath and gave a very earnest and practical exhortation from the words, Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sow- eth that shall he also reap. - Several of the spring birds have ar- rwed and gladden our hearts with their cheerful songs. g -- --- vn-vwo a use uvna`CI Mr. Wm. Clank has returned home after spending the winter in the vicin- ity of Markdale. . ' Wedding bzns ha$'aiI_a.i;:1"in oar burg. Mr. Geo. Scott was joined in the bonds of holy matrimony to" Miss Carrie Barclay. We wish them a long-and prosperous life. The store of the late John Warner is to be carried on by his son, Charles, who is an enterprising young man and will no doubt malb store keeping a pro- table business in Brentwood. _ Mr. `Morrison made an appropriate reply, and in the course of his address reviewed briey his twenty-eight years in the `teaching profession. The hand- some present he had just received was an unexpected tribute to his services. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison then placed their home at the disposal of their many guests, and games and plays of various kinds concluded the _very enjoy- able evening. ` Mr. T. Roantree "is on the sick list. Mr. Pipher has rented the Geo. Far- rell farm for a term of years. i 11' `IR `ll rsn " I town. Mr. F. McCleary h;asi;>-u-1-`<;hased the two hundred acre farm lately vacated by Mr. Dawe. `Mr. Wm. Turley is moving from here to Utopia, and is going to work on the ra.i_l_road_ section in that vicinity. II__ 'I'_.l._, `I -1' I I ` . _-__.--., . Mr. obn Fisher ia so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to call on his neighbors-for a social chat. `[1 ? I II ' ssunu uuuy uuuxy UUIIU llllby De Iifllly YOUPS Violet McLa.u hlin, Elma. Warnica. Bella. McGa.w, Jessie uantz, Rebecca Carr, Geo. Colbert, Selby .Cgrr. V As a slight token of our aection and ap- preciation of your labors and inuence among us, we beg of you to accept this sec- retary and this chair, hoping. that they will remind you in the future of the girls and bos of Painewrck school. is nnnn`.nn:...a SL 2- -.-._ v__....-_L 5l- -` uv as us. 1 cuuuwlun auuuul. in conclusion it is our `earnest desire that you may see many years of health and pros- erlty, and that the reward which comes rom duty nobly done may be truly yours Violet MnT.n.IIahIin Elma Y.-'..:.`... 'D..ll.. sunny yous: vul. uznvuuli uuu irwuu. Looking back over our school days we can now recall so many ways in which you have truly befriended us and led us onward, not only in our studies but in our daily life, set- ting for us an example of true manly hear- ing and sterling honor. We can by no means measure your kindness of heart, nor would we wish to do -so, as we believe it wide enough to include all your many scholars." ` Deer"Sirv.:-:It-is-with pleasure and grati- tude that we assemble to-night to show in some feeble measure the strong regard we entertain for you, who have been for so many years our teacher and friend. I l|nI):nou I-nu-.1. ..-..... -_-_ _-|_--1 _1,_., W, , , ' This locality was well represented at Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Morrison's resi- dence last Friday night, the children of the school being among those present. The object of the gathering was to pre- sent Mr. Morrison with a revolving and tilting oice chair and a secretary and `book case combined. Miss Elma Warnica `made the presentation and Mass McLaughlin read the following address: _ ' ' Mr. J. Morson,-V M:-. Albert Morrison returned home on nurday, having "spent the winter with friends at Roaemont. Miss Sanders, of Cookstown, a. vis- itor at Mr. George McFadden s, took ill the other dav with a pain in her side. She appeared to rally and went to church on Sunday, 2731:. She got worse and died on the following Tues- day morning about four o .:lock.-Elm- Yale Chronicle. Mr. Jgian Carley his ;1; ;ed into but village. ` T V ' Mr. James CulberI:,3'r., is eoualy ill with congestion of the lungs. I I. `II II nUN'rnn nnos. Sula are world In $7 and 88 High : cu--v-tool: IJIIJI-IIIJCID WILL WU IIVUUQUEI l information from any oior or member. I tn; lo1loiiig' om.:;,. tile en; -euing quarter :e--`W.P., Br6.`John Wig- gins; 'W.A.. Sieter I. .Pr_oaeer"; B.S., Bre. G. VW. Mason; A.R.S., Sister Connell; E.S., Sister 0. . Campbell; Treaeg Bro. T. Guthrie ;_ Chap.,`- Bro. W. Campbell; Con., Bro. M. Hunter; Asst. Gong, Sister A. Campbell; I. S., Slater N. Guthrie ; O.S.. Bro. T.`S.and- ere; Organist, Sister Connell; Bro. Jae. Stoddart becomes PW.P.. Lodge meetings are on Saturday evenings. Intending members will get necessary ;I'|`.l\I1ll'|nO::uu| `nuns-u. 1...-. -J!:_.;.. -___..__L.... dolweu. Advance Co;-nopondeizce. to v-our vv Advance Correspondence. nuaonoulgvbvl Advance Correspondence.` Big Bay Point. .I.___.._ I -____..- Brentwood. There will be a special service in St. John s church on Good F riduy. at 7.30 p.m., when a sermon appropriate to the occcaslon will be preached ; also on Easter Day the services will be of a special nature with suitable music at all the services.