Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 3 Mar 1898, p. 5

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V()s' Per xonrnnnu Anvancm INTIEHIGH CUUBT UFJIISTICE RE DAWSON Pursuant to the judgment herein dated the 29th d f Ja a , 898. th ewillbesold w'th theha - fgbgtion Sf Cottg, Esquire, Master of thgs .-m.-A -1- Ran-in l-Iv Tnsmnl-u Rnaprs. amttinnem-. at ronauon 0! _|._ It. potter, nsqulrc, 1Vlil3u::l' 01 L111: ourt at I}arne, bv Josegh Rogers_. auctioneer. at the QUEEN s Horn, Bame, at :2 o clock. noon, on n . -n , rm, _1__ .-n `1r-_--1. -Innn """"_""U ' Vi "" 7" I the following lands and premises in one parcel :-- Thn-nnnrln um not-An nf the west } of lot 24. in t ulna xvuuu u --sag-nu, um... i aI1ra:A ~ 1!=1!%s1;=tJ*3iff fi*C%?W997 the xouowing lanos ana premises in one parcel :-- The`south xco acres of the west Qlof lot 24, in the th concession of the township of es ra. On the ot are one small frame house and one rame stable. About 4 acres cleared. The fences on the property are goo . The property is within one mile of Fern- dale school and three miles of Barrie market. "PI... _.-.\-un-6u uyill `an ANQIIAA can gain cnkinnf in n dale school and tnree mues or Darn: marxet. The Eropertymwill be offered for sale.sub'ect toa. reserve bid to be xed by the master. endors only to be called upon to produce such titledeeds as are in their possessnon. _ _ In all nlhar remnants: the terms and condmons of in their In all other respects the terms and conditions -of sale will be the standing conditions of this Court. l4`nu-ner nartirulars man he had hlam Inhn Hnskin. sale wnu be the|ng conamons or tms uourr. _ Further partxculars can be had from John Hoskm. Esqujre. Q.C.. Toronto, Messrs. Strathv and Esten, Barne. Messrs Hewson 8: Creswicke, Barrie, or the undersi ned; _ Date at Barrie this 9th day of February, 1898. I 1 T'F'E'B Miss litiatry Orchard has returned from her recent visit`. with friends in Aurora. * "I 81 STRATHV} & ESTEN, Vendors Solicitors, Barrie. MORTGAGE SALE _oF_ ;Va|uab|eFarm froperly tained in certain Mortgages (which will be produced at the time of . sale) there will be oered {or sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, by Mr. G. R. I Fordauctioneer, at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Barrie, on II A `I A1 , CIIAI, `I_-,-1, d NUILK and pursuant [0 [DC FOWCTS OI cane C011` | at 11-30 OCIOCK, a..m.. [He louowlng VHIUHDIC Iarms I } Parcel No. x.-The E of lot 5 in the 5th con., Sunnidale. ` Danna` `YA an ___'rI-an Q an an:-Asa A` R 1 n` In} II :n S%5fI`51"3[v`?."* "Jf!i@5z389%? V 77- " 7Il I 7 I I at o'clock, a.m.. the following valuable farms : Parcel Nn- x.-The E I of lot : in the :th con.. aunmuale. _ Parcel No. 2.--The S 50 acres of E Q of lot 7 m 3rd con.. Vespra. Unnn narcel-No. 1 the Vendors are informed there 3ra con.. vespra. Upon parcel-No. 1 the Vendors are informed there are a good frame house and ham, orchard` in bearing of about an acre and that about 50 acres are dear- ed and well fenced, soil good. Ihunn nan-nu-I Nn, on the Vennrn are dnfnrn-and Hlere ca 3110 weu ICTICCO, SOII goon. Upon parcel N o. 2 the Vendors are informed there are a. small house and barn. nice orchard of about xoo trees, that the land is nearly all cleared and fenced and the soil ood. - Te_rm__a_nd co_n i_tions of_ As_a.le_(wl-ch fare v_eI_'y ICDCCC anu CHE BOII 000- Terms and congitions of sale (which are very easy) will be made known at the time of sale, andin the meantime upon application to STRATHY 8: ESTEN, - Vendors Solicitors, Barie. 1 `I'\.o.A ...n. t:-1..'.. 3.9 2.... : Mr. Lennox a baby is very ill at present, suffering from inammation of the lungn. ma. 1 1 1 o .1 THE BEST F OR CATTLE; ....For sa.1ea.t.... NEXT .000]! T0 BARBIE HOTEL. in St. Mary : church, conducted. by _Dean_ Egan. The deceased was the daughter of Mr. Daniel Eu hes, of Weston, and nearly all her life live with Mr. Bennett and fam- ily in this town. She was much respected. Personal News. ' Min Edna Freak" is vipining her grand- parents at Richmond Hill. . 1-,u,,_ 11.1.1 .13 1-s-__;.__....:-L-..- ..:-:a. I +1. H. anon & sows? 6-1':;':I<;l-1:_;-i3'e;l-<;,':f*Pzgizangniahene, visit- V ed friends in town over Sunday. % on on An: ' . . n III :L_ _-!__2L-_I| H..i'.,.:~is:ot.1_;.";3'.'A'.,- `~:f-.:].::o'nto,_ visited `his parents for a few days this week. mu,_`4-_-;_. _.____ -g 41.- t.~-|.....-... A'....:.._a. u... :.-.v--- -v- w _v.. ....a.. -.__~ . The frontepege of the February Ancient Forester contains a nhobogravure of, Mr. D. F. Macwatt. ' Rev. D.` D. McLeod occupied Rev. D. C. Hassock : pulpit: `in Toronto last Sunday, morning and evening. a II`! -no r\-u___2;.I_ nnb :_.4.-II-.I all!-In U-nnna -c-- v - vu- Bro. w. M. Ga-1-1;-'aith. n.C.R.,- installed thenewly elected A O. F. .oicera"nt Orillia 911 Tuesday night, 22nd `alt. . I XII , I _ __A ___LA_____ _j .:'-LlEr:'.l.:I`:;>'rnbury,.retnrned Home on Sanurday,- after visiting his sinker- -law, Mrs.A_ W. Armstrong, Big Bay =vuOo Mr. uWm. Standen preached in the Methodist church on Sunday evening to a large congregation. m. up 1 1 I'UlllIio \ ,,T1;vifeT of the late J ad a Iae, Owen Sound, was in` town last W eaday; "attending the funeral bf heri ulster-in-law, thh1te'Mxs. L. S. `Sanders. -_ ` o qn`- Q- `Mr; Gear Raedy returned on Mondby from New `ark city where he viuited, from ti. buaix`:_eI'a int of `view, some of the lamest drygoodn ousapinthe world.` . . 12.", ,_; n-__|__. _-._ ;n't1-_.1....'.._I)---I-... ir'. .7'.E'n22.TJ,'oIL: E3;1; of `Hamilton, was `in town ovar Sunday, `Mute:-;Baule`7,iwho ig a vloliniatof ability, .1... .. 8;.-s-n.-..-'-u-)o-la-l- has Ir-main in i-Jun DUEIDUQBIUV, Inn: 1; D vlvuuuuuvs uvusy; l;;~h..u inltrumentthat has in. shell yiindithe l7-th%oentury.V _ > Dated v7th Feb'y. . [NDER and pursuant to the Powers of Sale con- tained in nprfain Mnrtpapes {which will be Steam %Refined Seal ,0i| % DAWSON VSLT DAWSON m nu: TOWNSHIPS or SUNNIDALE AND VESPRAo an. -0., V. ...._._ - ma . R. co'r'rE':F'{,' Ila...L..- -4. D4 Rev. Mr. Teeny preached a powerful and eloquent sermon on the Life of Elijah, to 9. very large congregation on Sunday last. Anus - II 17- It TI I1II Master at Barrie. IUIIUI II} 8-I0 Snnnia|___ Announcement nn. HARPER HAS mum: A] cums run INFLAMMATURY RHEUMATISM. \ Read what he says aboutrit .- For several years past, especially the last four, I have s'u_ered terribly from Inflamma- tory Rheumatism, a disordered liver, indiges- tion, .etc., and no remedies that I used were of much value. In Marchelast I saw in the Eng- lish Review of Reviews an advertisement of Kutnow`s Improved Efervescent Carlsbad Powder, which I tried to procure, but was un- able to find it anywhere in Canada. I sent by Mr. Geo. Reedy, one of our merchants, for some bottles of it, when on his trip to Eng- land,` and after receiving it I began its use ac- cording to directions. Before I had taken three bottles a wonderful, revolution took place. My liver was put right My stomach was mnldnamt-I AI an}/nllnmnvu nut] n-nu Xanydinnolinm Anna A 1 No. so DUNLOP STREET. Frank Ewan, Manager. -LII IIUUCII IKIINU It/"III C Vylllt J11 0|/\""tI4U\./Ill Ci/(U!) relieved of atulency and my indig tion was completely removed. A complete c ange to a healthy normal state followed and I found myself largely a new man During this win- ter I induced Mr. Seagers, our enterprising druggist, to procure a stock of it, which he has just received direct from England. I have tried to procure it in several Canadian cities. but without success, and so far as I am aware, Seagers Drug Store, Barrie, is the only -place in Oanada this medicine can be pro- I namu-an "nn nrn-ulna 0'9 Inen o]n'Ii:'.nno UIi.nA -vxtvnnn Tm, Arvin COCOA Manclnm. |per;ee2Bzg;;ai am Mr. and Mrs. O Brien of King, Mr. and Mrs. F. O Brien, Mayor of Han- nibal, Missouri, U.S.A., and Miss E. O Brien were the guests of Mrs. Young lately. -A youngjnan from Barrie shot an eagle in the .neighborhqo_d` of Aanteu Mills" on 'I.'_b9.|'!d&y.\ 1:`. weighed 11 lbs. :6 oz: and `inn-nnng "'0-, 01:: ~`I-nun Q`:-1' 0:. tin 4.` ion IKII III . II L`-IIIl `II-I :'1s'{:j_ 1t`,_wa'i}zher 1.1"'fE._ '1`na_uu:-ed 7 ft. 2~in.*f;jom tip to tip of its xfnhn -. "Wan Hr|'I"'&n'n nnn nvlsnn aha`- `Hills IICINIO '1' \J$IlIUIoIvIoII|AI UIGFW IlIvClGIUUIPlII Lllali I/C Fl U 1' . cured. The price is two slzillings nine pence sterling per bottle, and considering duty and ocean freights, I assure you Mr. Seagers is oering it at a very low price at 90:: per bome. Man} Inn:-u|nIu".n limit`, nmon-:n.nI:Aa1n,an HA f.i.....n.... .&ec'tal Blezd Ooiee UJWI I15 50 IEO ID Ucly 01-Ill `II I140 L50 UUD PCT UUOC-CC. Moat heartily and_conscz'entiously do I recom- mend `it to all persons alicted.` as I wss. be- lieving `that use cannot fail to benq/it them greatly. _ _ ` ' (Rev) E . B. HARPER. 1: __o: 1:11 A... `Any. W v99__se!'..31'_9!e*dav? Ba_m'e. Febj1';t, 1898. We h-ave just opened a stock of Hats Speci- ally Imported direct from manufacturers for our own trade, which for VALUE, VARIETY, STYLE -and NOVELTY has probably never been equalled north of Toronto. It will not be necessary in future to patronize Toronto When you Want an up-to-date Hat. It can now be found right at home. and at a much loWer__price quality for quality than city hat- ters charge. TH E EM Pl REL, T-._}`_4- 9._B%|-.L.I-I_.i To the Gentlemen of Barrie and Vicinity: A mock election was held in our public school on Friday last. Candi- dates---Oonaervative, Geo. Johnston; Liberal, Jos. Orchard; Independent, Allan Knapp. Much interest. was shown in the contest, and the ballot vas conducted in an orderly and in- etructive manner. Ill 5 up.` 5- u_I. :4|`uu,1 up In: uy U4 Thg b_i'rd:"wu yiqg when shot. luululus u .wvu l3< We have nine varieties-of Cocoa to choose from, a. cup of which after dinner aids digestion. And` when you [are weary at the close of Vthe"dsy.- take with your evening meal acup of our '. -1-.` 1... and 10! you will find your weari- 'ness- forgotten. and; your brain re- optivo for your unlit! recreation. Which will. nerve you morning : work. V [V45 `satin I\:l|h Ionvn=n6:ou ' ] .`hen brink for l')reak~ fast our delicious. . . . fqr your ' '0. I-I. LYON Ge SON , J.G.SCOTT [DRAIN PIPE, PORTLAND CEMENT Miss Edith Washington, who left this village last August for Coin, an in- land city in Japan, has this to say con- cerning her missionary work there :- 1 am to have, right away, full charge of three appointments in towns or Vll lages from three to ten miles away. Once a month I will take an interpre- ter, my teacher, and give a talk, and take charge of the meeting in each place 3 and once a month I will send a Bible-woman. At another place I al- ternate with Miss Preston, making one meeting a week for me. I am going Wednesday afternoons to three of the meetings, and Friday evenings to one. It will take the whole afternoon, and I shall visit as well, after a little, with an interpreter, of course. I write my talks out in English, then Inoyi San interprets them into Japanese, then we go over them, and it takes a long time. _ I shall miss it from my study of. the language 3 but Inoyi San could not in terpret straight off except for some con- versational purposes. I give lessons in English, music lessons, and calisthenios, etc. My time is very" full, `but I very happy at being `able to take up so much work so soon, if I can get enough- time still tor the study of the language for talking purposes." . MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERS, FANCY T BREAD AND CAKE BAKERS, ilieve Removed to their New Store, 127% Bunlep .street, R e OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL . In returning tha.nksWfor the very libegl` patronage received at the old store, we beg to remind` the public generally that we can now better serve them than at any previous time in ' our business history, and will be pfeaaed to See them at the new stand. I Iulv fr. sIDswoR1;H a. son :'.t'1 9+-.+;:!-;_A_!s_~ `Prices izagm. LYL ' DIVE B` lfgli am llnl OI pl'lV2Ie Illa! (0 [OED at four. and 1 half an 5 per cent... payable ycatly Loans on mortgage wlbe made a tonne half the valnehf the propergy offered. Mc utmr. PIPLBR ` Ar Ili'I`.An'ill\ ; Bnrnnto:-g ; Sm-_- Ba:-tin. 3.1110 0! H10 Vpropeqy OHCVBG. lVlC\.vAI' 3 MOCA:ll'nn'.. Barnsters. A8.:c.. Barrie. | V1 ....FOR....` . Hlard and Soft Woods, ,[ A Baied H;a.yand Slraw, . CALL ON ---*C0A.1.` respondents A . " v" :< K . .- '33- .` D iihv AT 4} AND 5 mm on-N'r._.we ; ` "have a- large um of pravate funds to loan 1 AI (mm and II Inn" an 1- nap oanL. nnvahla `unth- ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLIOITED. ANTI-1RACiTE AND BITUMINOUS Water Lime. Planet of Parh,:&c. Ormon Ross Block. TA` nun} BARBIE, ONT- -- SUCCESEIOR TO --- ilr. John Uoiaghlih, Of. spent Sunday and Mandi! tiveshero. . .D.lI,IUK. | Telenhone. --Daaler in 27#tf Yum: _ Foot of Toronto Stroo Ii. Ii. 9 In rs I` , COLLIER srnzm. la-ly Mr. Ship, bf J dephina, oondu_o'led- 9_.1.`.Vi90 in the JD$V$% $\IIIUwIlCVIIU$I Mr. and Mrs. Jan. couins apnt Sun; day with Mr. Robt-. Oollinu, of Mine; Mac; 3, 1893. If (I ts '11 Id dl leave. theitletteri unjealed, one cent will i. our l::fr:?iiti)::)il:an:nposvtvaLlge. nPo3s,t on Monday. if_pogible.-EDI_'ro3. Chu1'h111- T Waahingto'1'1',rv_wi1o is iatill ihdiapoqgd. i Advance Correspondence. : r-. Henry Sloan has an Orange ` Miss Mary 'Pratt is spending gt w_ek Rnntn inunnri tn hill [father in IV I with friend : in VBa.rri'e. _ . u v Anee'n'iu"uYa . Advance I It I` I-2, `_L __ Mr. Archgir ` Garvin,` of Midhursti spent Sunday at.Mr. Wm. Wilaon . A large party of young people from Posy Hill. recently took possession of Mr. M. 0ough1in s house. A` `very pleasant evening was spent in ds.ncing,. AL` . M188 Essie Collins gave a - birthday party last Tuesday to a few friends. Music, conversation, etc., made the evening pass ' very pleasantly to all present. _' All the little girls of the village met last Friday evening at Mr. S. Beeton s to help . his little `daughter Hazel oelebrateher fth birthday. The little folks hid a generalgood time in games, music and feasting. taify and pop corn being especially a feature of the treat. in the opinion of the youngsters. _ r\ `- On Monday evening a large number of our young people drove to the resi- dence of Mr. Garvin. of Midhurst. About eighty guests -were present and all were unanimous . that the aifair was the best they ever attended. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin made an ideal host and hostess. Music was furnished by Mes- srs. Wilsen; and Mr Shannon, of Ed- gar, acted as oor manager, while the ladies fully sustained their reputation for supplying dainties. M A most en- joyable night was spent by all. I Misses Mary and_Annie Soarlebt vis- [ited friends in our village last week- .-- v u-cw vv. - -..rv- Mra. Abbott and dauglawtvegof Melita, Mara, are visiting at her sister e. `Mrs. D. C. Cunningllun last week._ Mr's. Rev. Br-wn was the guest; of The Messrs. Bowmat-1 are moving to ` Mr. Wm. Clarkson s farm this week} Mr. W. J. Partridge is improving. All will be glad to see his smiling face again. WA number of the residents of our village attended the revival meetings at Barrie. ` Mr; Chas. Atkinson and family be 1 come residents of our neighborhood on Friday next. ` V pu n C .I Mr: E. D. Cunningham was tha. guest of Mr. James Wright, of Shanty Bay on Monday last. Oro Sta.t1on. Advance Correspondence. Mr. C. Lightfoot, of Barrie, is_ visit- ing here. V `r u\ I'M T!` I nr\ I11! I I In T nlabisg, hf Shanty Bay, isthe guest of Miss M. Ross here. ` -I-'I\ A 31:-.'D. G. French, of Ori1lia,is visit- i ing friends hetfe. nu-\ 31:. 0. G. `Kirkpatrick, of Barri 'spent Sunday in Oro Station. A -I 1-5 I 11 1 G Mr., Mrs. and Miss McDe1-motit and Lynn, of Grenfel, spent. Sunday. ; w1ch Mr. Jae. Marlm. The members of the S. of '1`. division here intend visiting the Hawkstone division on Friday evening next. -. cps-nu + The concert given by the I. O. F. on } Thursday evening last was a great auc- iceas. `R. W. Motoalf, of I-Iawbtone, occupied the chair. Mr. J. 0. Morgan, i of Barrie, assisted in the program. i Proceeds, about $11.50. The last of theseries of socials held in connection with the church here was held at `-Fairvi_e`w, the residence of Mr. J. Lennox, on Thursday evening last, the receipts amounting to $35. About dark, load after load began to gather until the house was over- crowd- ed with -people from Beeton, Cooks- town, Thornton, Oraigvale and Mine- sing. All participated merrily in games and at ten o c1ock` an excellent tea was served; Then the programme was commenced, many songs, solos, ducts and recitsticns being well given by all who tool: part. - At midnight the parting came and all dispersed to their respective homes greatly delighted with the events of the evening. Miss `Judd, of Toronto, is the guest. `of :Mis M. Platt. o . 1-u-vu--'-r Irv`- ` Mr. Plact has home tron Toronto, M1-.1D, Baker, of Stayner, his parents` Sunday last.` ' ' 'l\In ,.I_' mf TP. Tyne','o Dalston, was the quest of Mrs. P; Loftns quite recently. Messrs. David Brodericlrsnd Leslie Smith of Midland, were the guests of Mr. John Broderick last Sunday. A Lg- htly .00, m1l;I;':* Vmpblll via culling `on. friends up in Flollagt week. ` " 1 , 1., -..'L".;_ I__.I` _ V _"_v;____ v Mr. J. Campbell was on 9. business trip-c;oV.VVysvslo last ysek. n___..1_. n' ...'-... ..I|:.... '.. %.~*h9r` -i-W nag; % --I'D:-1.-;.- Eo-t._l;;;-iuTgitp .had a.:1icn-ow escape from burned out Fri .I-;. ' . Crown Hill. Advance Correspondence. Ivy. Advance Correspondence. .Aav..a.' '*co...s""';Ca.m. Phelnston. , `n-A,,_,- ,g - nuo;ber'.of;` fooog people at`, Mr. Ferguson : on Monday evening to give a. farewell party to his son who ia_.,goio to uooompeny. Mr. L. Cooper to Butfalo on Thursday. M. G. I;1.1'tir;;`ia;apent Su- day in Bo1_ton.' % . '- ' Mr. J o`bioA Elder spent the._ week visiting friends in;HF_los. ` ` .-- .nn. 1' Mnwand Mrs. `flblb spent Saturday tindsunday with friends in Essa. ' W: J. Coborn` is spending '3 feiv weeks under the parentatroof at Orillie. _ Mr. J. P. Merrick, of Toronto Junc- tion; is visiting friends in this vicinity. .Mr. and Miss Gil;-oy are guests at the -home of their mint, Mrs. Joseph Giltoy. - I ' = -_- in - 71-1. 'I 4.Mi:'8;n(`l M115. Jacbb H616, of Eg- bert, paid as a ying yiait on Wednes- day of,lasb week- ` i?l:eorgel(l}nmmereon in suffering` from blood poisoning, resulting froma wound received while bridling a~ horse. sch. . Mr. Jerry Ramsay lost 9. horse a few days ago owing` to injurie received_ in breaking through the ice in one of the the swamps. up c 1- nus 11"! `I 1 w...o.,. Hglck,`hu ret1iihed.' Mr. Louis Long, of Bond Head, and formerly of this place, 13 suffering from a split knee cap owing to 9. fall on the barn oor. T Mr. J. T," Whiteside, thresher, has moved from our midst owing to his having taken a. contract of cutting wood at Oollingwood. R AV aleighloaoi. of our young people drove down to Mr. Peter Holmes , of `Bradford, on f.Wednesday evening last an1d_apent'a very enioyable time. Loblaw; of` Everett, is bsy moving out to the place lately occupied `by. Mr. Kane, on the ninth line, the latter moving `to near Tottenhgm. - - -1-\ . C11 no Mr. Boyle, editor of Beeton World, and G. T. Somers addressed a. meeting here on Seturda.y_night, in ' the interest of Wm. Wright, the defeated Grit candidate. ---v--vv -w-r.,--_-_'-v Mr. W. Barns:-spent Sunday with Inniahl friends. Mrs. Chas. Packard returned to her home in the N. W. T. last week. Mr. Geo. Malcolm spent Sunday, 27th with Gilchrist friends.. Correspondence. : .- Mr. Orange certicate issued to his father in 1800. The Orange Sentinel makes the follow`- ing reference to Bro. Sloan :- Bro. Sloan, who now holds the aged paper, is a resident of Churchill, Simcoe Coun- ty, Ontario. He was born on July 2, O 1816, in County Down, Ireland, where at the age of ten he joined what was known as the Little Lodge. Coming to Canada in 1833 he joined the Orange Association in Nelson township in 1838, and in 1851 received the first Scarlet dispensation issued. Since that time he has held in addition to the oice of W.M. in his Primary lodge, the Di_s- T trict and County Mastership of South Simcoe. He is the only living charter member of L.O.L. No. 533, Churchill, of which he is new an honorary mem- ber. The Cookstown Royal Black Pre- ceptory has had him for a member for a number of years, and the Orange Mutual Benet Society has had his name on the list of policy-holderssince its commencement. This is an Orange record of which any man might well be proud, and when to the honors that brethren have bestowed upon him are added those given by his neighbors it will be seen that his character was such as to justify their favor and affection. He has held the oice of postmaster, assessor, tax collector, councilman, deputy-reeve and justice of the peace for a number of years, and is also the oldest militia captain in the county, having been appointed in 1867. Bro. Sloan was married in 1841 to Susannah, eldest daughter of Robert Langtry, of Trafalgar, and the 56 years of his mar- ried life have been happily spent. Not- withstanding his age Bro. Sloan is still a hearty old gentleman, able to read the newspaper without the aid of glasses. In politics he has been a life- long Conservative, while in religious matters he has always taken an active part in the work of the Episcopal church. He is of the kind of men who do honor to the Orange Associa- tion. A Miss Brandon, Edgar, is spending a short time with Mrs. Jas. Fillingham. Miss Ethel Brown, Barrie, spe; Sun- day with her aunt, Mrs. E. Clarkson. \ `Rev. S Lennox'and Russell Stewart, of Barrie, visited friends here Monday, 28th. ` Mrs. R. J. Robertson, Loudon,~ is visiting hermother, Mrs. Budd, for a few days. Mia; Mary Scarlett, of Waverley, is spending a short time with her aunt, IMrs. J as. Wright. -\ Col. O Brier: is very ill at the Barrie hospital. His many friends hope to hear of his speedy recovery. A number of our young people gathered at the home _ of Mr. James Pue on Thursday evening to bid fare- well to Alf. Pue, who left for N. W. '1`. on Tueadaymorning in company with Alf. Brooks. ' ` ' Miss .f{ E3'.inE.}3iI11""is visiting friendq in Allandale; The E. L. of 0. E. intend holding their monthly literary meeting next. Thursday evening. - 4-; nun: q Miss 'Netti9 "lime, of Orillia, has been spending a. week with Mias,Zell. Sriqlev, of this place. Minesing. Advance Correspondence. Miss Rumble, of Vaughan, is the guest. of Mr. Daniel Wood. 1' I Miss Marietta Lougheed, of New Westminster, 13.0., has returned to her home after spending several weeks visiting friends in this place and vicin- ity. Report of Big Bay Point Public school for February. Class V.-Amy Webb, Gertrude `Webb, Bennie Redfern. . Class IV. Sr. -Albert Fennell, Louie Armstrong, Thressa Reid,` George Fennell. Gloss IV. J r.--Myrtle Guest, Fannie Vernon, Zelma Webb, Fred Elliott. Class III. -Jennie Elliott, Gertie Reid, ' Pearl Soules, Alfred" Webb. Class II.-- Hazel Mayor, James Irwin, Hurry Elliott, Gladys Mayor. ` . mneamgrubnc schbol Report for Febru- Senior Division:--Fifth. Clsss-W.. Ronald, R. McLean, W. Armstrong... A. Knapp. Sr, Fonz-th-Alioe Young, Geo. Johnston, Olsre. Washington, David Maw. V _ J r.` Fonrth-A my Johns ton, John Tessdsle, Millie Lennox and Jennie Llyisgston (equal), Joseph Orchard." St. -Third--Ids. Kerfoot, 1-n_.~..|-- 1a-_....-_ 13--.: m_.`_ -_ m-_____I TIYEUCKI . C IIDOZ iv" uL&IJC Ohdrlea Foy;t ;n, TFred.V'l`1-`soy, Samvugi `Knhpp. Jr. Third-Lizzle Campbell, Frd. Foyaten. Willie Bremner, Albert I \d on ' an an u an .- TWO `Junior Division.-V-Sr. Second---Stella Downey, Mabel Teasdale, John Maw,` Susan Tracy. Jr. Second --Susie Teas-V dale, Nellie J aeobfe, Roy Kerfoot, Roy Keater. Sr. Part Seeond-_-Olive Gib-. son, Bert Foysl:en,_ Elmer Kester. Wil- lie Yeung; .'Jr. Part Seoon d-Walter rDoI`n'|ey,}J_'ehn Fletcher; Finis Class .-`--:I`ran;k`.'lK'oyaten, Stbken; , --Mina Jane Eitgzheidlod at the` residence of . Mr. 1GhiII_. Bennett, VPenVetanguisheno meet, on 1-`hurldsy last at the .-of forty! o(r},,1__Vvifd-I bnI:iod_oin* y- in tho - NAewton`Rob1nson. . Shanty Bav V `Advance Correspondence. Holly. _ . Advance Correspondence. 'I' C IN I II C C It is reported that scarlet fever has made its appearance in our midst. - - 4 1 1 1 . 1

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