Diamond Hall} Personal News. Chief King was in Toronto on Wednes- nvv DA'VID _ The Jecler, `Duniop-St.. Baicie. The largest plae in:InVufac- . turers in_the world. Every . knife stamped T ' access BROS.. 18_47.. ___. E1113 ad News}. Practical Tuner and R '1-er. References from the leading anufacturers. :9-ly ' :1 In i,AQE'I'l.l ea-uan_-2--r anna--s `THE INTERESTS or-` BARR iE. run COUNTY `OF VSIMC0E_ AND `run DOMINION OF CANAPA ova cnrrmuon. BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, 5.6-l_y IUWIO 3rd. The: in the said. o.p'pliceeion,. the amount: of the Allundaleehiblic School Levy . for 1896.` viz {$1517. was clearlyetated to L b_e a.`pu.rt of the $13405; the |a.els`mentio'ne:d A sum being the full` amount demanded of the` `fTown. ~ Ark Thu? {Jun Tnmn has I-Janna` Our Olga ;.[`he following re. on o; the .Finance Com- mittee was aomew at of a. bomb t.ha.b`.ex- p oded the high hopesund expectations of some Trustees that the Town Council would have to hand over $1350, the much-talked` of balance at Allandale 1896 levy, and gel: down on their knees in doing so. Trustee McLennan enquired if Miss Stone- house had received due notice concerning leaving the staff He had not the slightest intention of being harsh, but as the Board had a rule to go by in employing only second class professional teachers, and had enforced it in the case of some teachers, he thought it but right to treat all alike. Trustees Goodall and Reedvthought that though two teachers had been engaged as a result of some misunderstanding as to qualication, they should not be dismissed at this inop portune time so long as they are successful with their classes. Necessary changes in conformity with the rules of the Board might then be made at end of the term The discussion brought out certain hearsays. othcial and otherwise. in connection with the schools, whereupon the Chairman pertin ently remarked there would be better re~ sults if the townspeople would let the School Board run the schools, and not listen to all the clap-trap they hear on the streets. The matter was ended for the time being by a motion authorizing the Management Com- mittee to make a full report at next meeting concerning all teachers whose qualications have been called, in question. Chairman Smith, of the Management Com- mittee, reported aguinst increasing Mr. Ben~ tley s salary at present ; eiso that an account should be kept of the number of days every teacher loses through illness ; and also that the Property and Supply Committee consider the advisabi-lity of having the caretaker of South Ward School remain on the premises during the noon hour. -Adopted. Chairman Montgomery, of the Propertv and Supply Committee, reported that ten old desks and seats had been sold at $1 each; and also recommended that the part of the Central School yard to the rear of the Con- gregational church be enclosed as a perman- ent wood yard. On Mr. Reedy being assur- ed that the cost of this fence enclosure will not exceed $20, the report was adopted. Major Ward, of Finance Committee, pre- sented a report recommending payment of accounts amounting to $317 9l.-Adopted. His second report recommended the appoint- ment of Alfred Wilkes as Secretary-Trea surer at $100 per year. An amendment by Trustees Ward and Smith proposed to sub- stitute-tehe name of Joseph Rogers for A. Wilkes An amendment to the amendment turning the Board `into Committee of. the Whole was carried The motion and amend- ment were again laid on the table, but an amendment to the amendment that the Uom-. mittee ballot for Secretary-Treasurer was carried. The rst ballot resulted as follows: F. Marr..4; C. W. Plaxton, 3; Jos. Rog- ers, 2; J A. McIntosh, l ;. Alfred Wilkes, 2. Another ballot ended the matter as fol lows-F. Mart, 8; C` W. ' Plaxton, 1 ; Jos Racers. 2; A. Wilkes, 1. The reports sub- stituting ` F. Marr for A Wilkes was adopted. % Barrie, 0ns., l4'ch Feb., 1898 A To Tun Cnunnun mp Bomnor Treas- TEES Buuun PUBLIc`S_CHO0LS. G`entlemen.--Your Committee beg to re; port-as follows -: "If`|A;B nbrnv.:4-an Inna I-`noun n...II...I L- -vuu-qua nvuunuuncivsun VI do IT`, 51 EL'l\ZABETl-I s1'ns:'r BARBIE. I VI U 30 IUIIUVVB '3 That their attention has been called. to, and thatthev have had under consideration Fina`nce'Report, No. 7, dated 15th July, 1897. in.ita relation to the claim made by this Board onthe Town or Barrie, for the] Allaurlale. Public School levy of 1896, amountin to $1517. and"your Committee `nd as fol own : I -; fI'IL ; ,, `-o __- ,, 91 IIIIVI TC IUIIUVV lat Thutacopy of said report was sent to the Town Clerk and constituted the only application to the Town Council" for the necessary fundsto cover the Public School expenditure tor 189.7 ' o.;..1 vm..-.:.. am ......1:.....:_.. .._:-.;..-.1 .- \Il\ RIJIFIIIUIII 9 `VI 13 2nd. That in the application referred to demand was made on the Town for 813405,. being the full amount stated to `be .required `t'rom,t_be Town for school `pnrposen during 1897. ` ` CI-) 'I'\I,__ 1,, 4I,, ,,9I ~10 The Allandale Balance D1sa.ppee.rs-Mr. Fred. Mart Appointed Secreta.ry-'1`rea- surer-A Long and Stormy Session- Heated Debate over the Finance Re- port4Somebody Blundered, but who was it 9--Adjournment at 11 o'clock. Monday night s meeting of the Public School Board and previous 1898 meetings have disclosed elements of discord and dis- agreement, which must be held in check by Chairman Perkins, or by the end of the year every parliamentary procedure will have been violated many times over. Dis- cussion, even it is at times very animated. is better than indifference, but has to be gov- erned and rules of parliamentary debate strictly adhered to, or all the good results will be lost. The discussion started on Monday night over the minutes of the last meeting. Major Ward contended they were not com- plete. in that they did not contain a refer- ence to all stages of the meeting On this point there is. of course. a medium ground. The tendency of clerks and secretaries of modern times is to curtail minutes. and per- haps none are to blame for this more than municipal bodies themselves, some of whose members generally settle down to a some-' what inattentive and restful position while the minutes of the last meeting are being read. Turning this important item of busi- ness into unmeaningless formality is a great mistake. which is amply proven bv the fact that at almost every meeting minutes of previous meetings are referred to. Very important then it is that members ot pub- lic bodies should be on the alert to see that minutes are both complete and accurate. They should contain an exact copv of all motions, amendments and reports, whether defeated or adopted, and any other matter that affects seriously any subject of delibera- tion by the Board. ALLANBILE BALANUE, A mu 1] REGULAR MEETING-OF THE SCHOOL BOARD ON MONDAY NIGHT. ` vvvu. I 4gb. That thy Town has placed to the I When the orderof motions was taken up, Chairman Perkins and Trustees Reedy. I Montgomery and Smith were appointed the Special Committee referred. to. Another motion was passed communicating to the Council that the various Committees will present their estimates at next meetingcf the Board. `Mr. Jocelyn addressed. the Board concerning taking his children from Ferndale school end letting them" attend Allandale, As the hour was late,_a com- mittee` wasappointed to report on the matter Lt ngxt meeting. . . . A Tho nt\.Dl"dl';!`lIFI|!I at `I n'nlAnIr' VA Av: \.r|IIv\a' nu. any vu-g-cu. uyuu-vu- MEMBERS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME. Telegruplny, Business Practice, shorthand. Typewrltlng, etc.. rlII'v(\`I'\1\Ivl\lVI' (J IFZA '71` I'll!` This amendment brought out pretty. iltmrp ring betwelen Trustees `Ward and ontgomery the atter twitting Trustee Ward as beihg a town oicial, which prob- ably explained the noble ght he (Ward) and his qble llileutenant, 1:5id,d had` biaegdnuv ting up or t e town. ar as ex ont- gomery what he had paid for his advice, and upon beipg answered "_nothing,, quickly re- l7l`t8(_ii,, ' aha: s ?l:hll3 11I;3`_worth.C In l\;lta](:P an s a ac o e mance ommi ees gures ofhlast year hvirpet hot shot in, If you say t at. its a lie, rom Trustee Rhine- hart. Chairman Perkins called this lan- guage unparliamentary and asked for a re- tracpion; sing it came[ lE`rom::(li':ea oetndingb rus ee as o ows: wt raw 1 ]l18 for peace sake Upon expressing regret for the unfortunate occurrence, Trustee Montgomery said it yvas the town s_ duty if :03 tthe SchooltB.oa1:l todsele hoxsv this ?l,30 is een spen in an a e. evera. resi- (gents ofhthat lslvard would like very much to now w eie t e money had gone. He was therefore against closing` the matter. Fur- ther, ihere were other matters between the Board and the town that required straight- ening up, among these being the question of `unfair exemptions. He quoted from the Council shall have power and it shall be their duty to correct auv errors or emissions that may have been made within three years next preceding such correction` in the col- _lection of any school rate duly imposed or intended so tube , to the end- that no pro- perty shall escape from its proper proportion of the rate and that no property shall be compelled tonpayl more than its pro er share of such rate. Aftervmore hot ring the amendment carried, Ward, Reid and Ball `\n:-I10 6-`in `aunts: Statute as follows :--Every MuIlclpIl narsneaven overcoat na_ Frieze U} .311 reduced, alt Hume r_>a .. Barrie, -".3r1{{ ;LLQ.{i} n}ei{s'iJgraEes con- - ducted by the Misses Hall. in the Methodist church. are very successful, and _a.re very largely` `attended. Meetings will continue `next week. l KIIIIJIIVIIIIYI-III WWI I IIFII I I being the only nays ONTARIO. FEBRUA]-ZY 17, 1893. G pan.-us-nvu, qlluzvqo P5tb.~ That, from the above statement of facts, it is self-evident` that the Town has heat-ised to the full all demands made upon it by the Board on behalf of the Public School expenditure for 1897 and the Allan- dale Publiclschool Levy of 1896 and that the correction of any irregularities existing with regard to the latter now rests with the Town and not with this Board. ___.`I__. L- ____.`l '_.__- ._..a.L-_ __2_,____'I_,, LKJVVII IJ\` IJUU VVILII Idlll LJ\JlIl\Il In order to avoid any. further misunder- standing on the matter it is deemed advis- able to call the .attention'~of the Board to the fact that the accounts show that the late Treasurer of the Allandale P. S. Board paid "to us $167, the same being a part of the Allandale levy of 1896, hence the claim, as shown by Finance Report, No. 10, of 1897, i$s stated to be $1350, instead of as originally 1517. All of which is respectfully submitted. L JAMES WARD, Chairman. ' The Finance Report sent to the Council in ' July reads as follows : - I""l-.:n an-mama`!-Ont: lent` nnnn`nIv nnnn:('nmn:` Your Committee begs to report that since I the last regular meeting they have examined the report of the Finance Committee of last year containing their estimates, and have also examined the copy of said report sent to the Town Council and found the language i-sed in the report and copy sent to the Town Council does not clearly express the inten- tion of the Board as to the monies compos- ing the Allandale levy of l896-and as the Town Council did forward to the Board a checqne for $402 93 claiming it to be the balance of levy for l897-we would there fore recommend that the balance in dispute be left in abeyance, and that the Board ac- cede to the request of the Special Committee of the Town Council to confer with them as -to the disputed balance and other matters relating to school nances with a view ot arranging a more satisfactory way of keep- ing the school nances so as to prevent future misunderstandings. nu `II-IIY IUQKLU W5 IUILUVVS This committee had carefully considered the estimates for the year, and regret that on account of the heavy expenditure for the year 1896, which left a large decit to be paid this year, the amount reu uirezl for use of the schools, which includes Allandale, will be $14,405 ; from this must be deducted $1,000, the amount of receipts payable to the Board by the government and from other sources, which leaves $13,405, and from this should be deducted $1,517 due in the Allan- dale levy of 1896, leaving $11,888 to be levied. This includes $653 for Barrie school debenture debt, and $271 75 for Allandale school debenture debt If the town does not credit the Board with the Allandale balance of 1896, amounting to $1,517, the amount to be levied will be $13,405. Your commit- tee recommend that the Secretary be in- structed to send the Clerk of the town of Barrie a copy of this clause of the report and to levy accordingly. 'li`....... O-b-.:a :6- nnnnnnn Olsnf QIQAAK Inna QIJU LU IV QUUUIQIUEIJ. From this it appears that 313405 was asked by the School Board from the town, said amount including $1517 due on Allan- dale levy of l896,`and $924.75 debenture debt on Barrie and Allandale schools. The Council struck anine mill rate, which amounted to $13002 07 on Barrie s Assess- ment. This left a balance of $402 93, which was paid over last week by cheque direct from the Town Treasurer to the School Board. In addition to this it may be stated that the School Board received 3167 from Allandale School Board out of the $1517, besides $69.64 a balance from last year; therefore the exact nancial condition of the School Board at present evidently is that they have received 3236. 64 more than their 1897 levy. CONTEMPLATING And wish to enter a, Business College that has 78 per cent. or its Graduates in good situations correspond with the Excelsior Business Gqege, Barrie. The discussion on the report was intro- duced by Trustee Montgomery, who backed by Major Smith, expressed their surprise at the wording of the July report of the Fin- ance Committee. Thev said it was worded in a way to convey the meaning opposite to that intended at the time. They were against closing the matter and therefore moved the following amendment : `'9 1* credit of the Board,7on account of its 1897 application, $13405. 5531- Thu? from fhn nhnvn shut-nun;-.+ NF IIVA U I-IIUU UIIJ6 - "TEE Bonrd'adjour_ud at 11 o'clock. Ld Frieze Ulstera, I-nu Ila.--uiu:a ulna Iv vvu navy. nan-- --Beeton_ carried the Electric Light By- law on Friday last by a vote of 77 to 0. On Saturday, Reeve Somera, Dr. Law, W. J. Bell and others from Beeton, were in town and met Chairman.` Whitesides, Warden Devitt and County Solicitors, McCarthy, Pepler 8; McCa.rthv, concerning the nal e.cceptence,of the bondgiven by Beeton to the County ensuring that -Beetou and Te- cumaeth will-carry out their o`ers re the House of Refuge. ' @'0ur stock'(;f Furs 'Tv7)i'ZtlZxlooking at. guy during our Fe'bru9$ sale. Simmons & o. Fridav. Feb`. 1 h is the date of Spec- ial Bargain Day of d & Co s. Bank- rupt Stock. -Messrs. Thos. Truman of Midland, and M. N. Stephens of Glencairn, were in town last week and this, auditing the County accounts. THE LATEST LUGAL HAPPENINGS. A Series of Short and Newsy Paragraphs Carefully Prepared forthe Benet of Our Many Readers. ' m'Dr. Ma.cLa.re`n as remeved his dental oices to the Ross bl k. 7 A CHANTLER-STORK-At the residence of the bride's father, Bolton, on Wednesday. Feb. 9th, by the Rev. Thos. McLachla.n. Mr. Milton G. Chantler, .......,.L....o Nnluyfnn Dal-uinnnn fn M:c Rlnnnhn @'Men s o"?3o ts and Rubbers, cheapest in Barrie, at Hu ter Bros . s . J. W Artl;;1t`~I!_i;`}'1;a.s__r'e3`tnoved to } Sanders Block, 78 Dun op street. 1$'The Bell Or 11 and Piano 00 . Mr. J. A McDonald, agen have removed from the Music Hall Block 0 latterly near the Five Points. to 137 Du lop street, opposite Queen's Hotel. F t-class Pianos and Ozigang are on exhibiti for inspection add as. e .-.. ...-u_ u... -.-.._.... -A Collingwood deputation consisting of Thomas Long, Toronto; J. Chamberlain, Fred W. Churchill, Henry Telfer, Robert Emerson, R. Wilson, James Gnilfoyle, 0. Stewart, and John Birnie, introduced by D Alton McCarthy, M.P., waited on the Dominion Government last Wednesday and asked for a grant for improvements to Col- lingwood harbor, ,,9,,| LL- `ll-_L_2_ 'l 2_I.J. 1).. Electionllay Tuesday, March Isl. `A; VERY INTERESTING CHAPTER OF LOCAL HISTORY. -Mr. James Craig, Mary street, has the contract for excavating, and stone and com crete work in connection with the House of Refuge, Beeton. Ah(\(\ nn 1 II . I C 1` I 0 I1 I- -$22 60 contributed in Barrie in aid of the Algoina. and Northwest Colportage Mis- sion is eratefully acknowledged by Geo. Buskin, Missionary. ._... n . "1 . . Z Reedyr ` pening up a large stock of New Go this week. Go in crowds next week is the goods and take advantage of the b rga. `us. = 5--.... -., ---_--~ --z ., . . . 5 entertainment before Lens. ife, and Comedietta. Cut; , Opera House, February Century Costumes, Bur- ic. Funny Situations, Opera, Hig off with a. Shil 22nd. Beautiful 1 lesque and bright m Brides galore. an :10 fr II -,-__- ,.-12-;__ _.-__L:_.. Rev. '1 nos. McLacma.n. Mr. muton u. vnanuer, merchant, Newton Robinson, to MISS Blanche Stork, of Bolton. HooPER-SAUNm:Rs-At Elmvale, on 9th inst.. by Rev. F. L. Brown. James H. Hooper, of Gibson to Miss Maggie E. Saunders. of Allenwood. H1'nmcR'r-B1sHoP-At Grenfel, on th inst. at the residence of the bride's father. r. Wm. Bishop. by Rev. G. Agar, B. A.. Mr. W. 0. Hubbert, of Holly, to Miss Mary A, Bishop. ROBXNSON-DlNWO0DY-At Alliston. on 3rd inst., by Rev. W. Buchanan, Mr. A. M. Robinson, to Miss Nellie Dinwoody. MCBBrA I`H--NlORRlSON-At Holstein. Grey county, by Rev. Mr. Miller, Mr. Donald McBeath. mer- chant. Elmvale, to Miss Elizabeth Morrison. l'\`I T?IT'\ .'. ....-_. D-_v- vv -The Misses Hall, evangelists, working in Collier street Methodist church, received a message on Sunday announcing the death of their step-father, Mr. Wrigglesworth, of Guelph. On Monday morning one of the sisters left for home to attend the funeral. ...---v --The Brookdele racing stable, N. Dy- ment. proprietor, suffered a. serious loss last `Saturday, in the death of the imported racer, Lancashire Witch. Mr. Dvment: valued this speedy animal at $2000. Its track work last season was both protable l and promising. __.v-u II I A. ,.,, , ,1 l':\.__ __ `l\..__._ u--v-.. -`---' _v- --_-. ~__-,-., _`_ , 7 @ Attention is call d to the advertise- ment of a. Special 1'`: in Day in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoe n s Furnishings, Jackets and Mantles, will be iven on Friday, the 18th. wh eat a aughter will be made of good fr every` depart- ment in Howard & C s. ankrupt Stock, B Hinds old stand. I Hardy shows his preference for Michigan in more ways than one, seeing that his son is studying medicine at Ann Arbor Univer- sity. r -ThenToronto Newrirs states that Premier l'I'I`I"' . Cu 1'1 --Mr. F. J. Long, an enterprising Cana- dian, born in_Barrie, but for a number of years a. resident of New York City, has gone to Dawson City, where he will engage in commerce. -Chief King held up a runaway horse at the market on Thursday that threatened to do considerable damage. A little child was in the rig Lesson : Do not leave your horse untied and alone. ;iV'lAWol1oice collection of rare coins, gold, silver. copper, for le. Purchasers may have any coin desired as they will he sold separate. Applv '1`. eecroftz, at Banking Office of J. C. McKeggie Co. --Arthur Thompson, Ba.rrie s ` `Boy Gian t, left for New York on Tuesday for a. few months. Arthur is 19 vears of age, weighs 207 lbs . and is 7 feet 6 inches high, having grown 12 inches in height since April, 1897. _,___-__A_ I__-.__ T__._ m"I`here will be Ca.rniva.l at the Crys Thursday, Feb. 17, 189 Good cash prizes given for best costumes. dmission char es will be away down so eve body will be a le to come. See large Dos and get your I dress ready for this brillian event. - I 1 I` 1,,_,A' ` grand Fancy Dress 1 Rink. Barrie,-on l\._.._- --- -. ,_, -The subjects for the services in the Elizabeth St, church next Sunday to be conducted by the pastor, Rev. A G. Hud- I son are: 11 3.. m., Bread, 7 p. In, Switches along the line of life. ' III 1` I I (I15 [NI inst.. at 10 o'clock in the foren at the premises recentlv occupied by S. W. D is, North Dunlop street. Barrie, all that stock of oods. consisting of China, Glassware. etc., $1020. , the property of the insolvent, S. W. Davis. "I`..-.-.-..~ AI Cal. 1/ ......L __--....., , w--`v .v.,.._ _v. .._.... 2.. - ....A . .._.-...LL.-. Conservative Candidate Goo sAvE THE`. .QL JEEN. AN'D_ goon GOVERNMENT; THOMPSON 3 `Jun 0 [I511 IIU DUI: . stuau Llntsuau Day on Friday the 18 Howard & Co s. Bankrupt Stock, and. ` ew goods at one third their value. C ed Saturday for L.._..:.. .3 LL...` 3.. LL nan`-ml-I17 ' -"7Gi11`a;';1`5LrZt)ZurslZf T'nssZtfti1`<=.cV:V<.>'1Vl. Wear a. good cap, at the c price of making. Simmons & Co. VIII, ("K7 _ ; _ _ _ .._I___ 114....` _f A_.`.!L___.!,,, -484 Manhood Surage Vnzers were added to the list by Registrar Ault. The Court of Appeal will sit`. on Friday. (19 |JILI;llII\Jl.l III \JU- -The Waterworks Board of Arbitration did not resume their hearing of evidence on Tuesday. Mr. Barker, one of the Arbitrat- ors, is ill. ' -L` - .. Lain,` 4 p-nv .-...-r-- .. ---LastSs.t11rdav Mr. Herb. Whaley un- derwent a. difficult and very serious opera.- tion in the Toronto hospital to relieve the trouble consequent upen his recent attack of appendicitis. , L (`1,L___j___ __2._I_A_ `I'\.- T A ..rr___._-___,_. -Late last Saturday night Dr. J. A. Rose went into the station to use the tele- phone box there. He had been there only a. minute or two when the night operator. `Chas. Carmichael, fell to the oor in a. faint- ed condition. After working with him for some time he was restored to consciousness and was removed to his home. He remain- ed in bed until Wednesday morning. It is expected that he will sn be alright again. prU\ cu _]UlI)l DULCS, Intelsat at 0 per cent. The above stock is a well selected one and mav be inspeclcd at any time, and stock list examinecl. on application to J. N. Hobley, Assignee, Barrie, or to the undersigned. II IT`I7EI\\Y o, f\I1I5(`IlYIl*I71$ A big `range of \II Dress shirt: at The Empire. 1 __ `IE2, lI'-._L I"l1I,,1 -, "-V ~_"`V`- `V '7 7 HT. J. Dick 11. Ladies Hair Dresser, Toronto, will be t the Barrie Hotel on Thursday, Friday nd Saturday of this week. Ladies wish: to catch this oppor- tunity of having thei hair attended to will do well to call at the rrie Hotel, Room 3. The ball on Thursday 'ght promises to be the best yet. Ladies, 9. d to its success by having your hair dressed y this well-known ' artist. Those who do not will make a mis- I take. uvlug uh uuulc. Mrs. McCarthy was remarkablystrongand healthy until seven years ago, when she had her first serious illness. From this it was hardly expected she would recover, but was restored to complete health and continued to enjoy remarkably good health_ until ad- vancinsz years undermined her strength, though she continued to drive out till late *in1896. Since then she gradually failed, without any pronounced disease, and nally took to her bed about two `months ago, which until a month since she was able to leave. Finally she passed away without a struggle or pain. She attained a great age, but not so great as her sister, Mrs. Goldie, who lived to 96 years. The funeral on Wednesday afternoon was private, the re- mains being interred in the family plot in the Union cemetery. ;wIIII\J UIJUII '$IInI9o \l ltIl AV\A \A L benet: of those in thraodntry. `VVuher Bros , Ba. , for a. ggod uttiuq, 1 reliable Suit. ta'Furs, Furs, Fuga miss, call in this we Simmons & C0. .3` The late Mrs. McCarthy. Mrs. McCarthy. widow of the late Mr. D Alton McCarthy, sr., died at her late residence, Ca.ernarvon, Bayeld St'.., on Monday evening, in her ninet`.y~second year. L f`l......l..:..... ul\C\fI `Kayne-noun Inna flan I r\I1v\II which year they came to Canada, the family , ..... ` Charlzina Hope Manners was the. young- est daughter of the late Thomas Manners, writer to the sienet. Edinburgh, Scotland, who in his early days was associated with Sir Walter Scott. She was born in that city in 1806, and was comparatively young when her mother died. She was taken charge of largely by her elder sister who married Col. Leigh. In Dublin, Miss Charlzina, and&Mr. D'Alton Me-Carthy, who was then practising law in that city, formed an acquaintance, which ripened into mar- riage in 1828. Shortly afterwards they moved to a small property at Black Rock, near Dublin, where they lived till 1847. in um] Uvvulua, ALI lava. unuvuj uuuvuu JV!-AIL: at that time numbering nine, two of the eleven children being Canadian born. They rst settled at Stonyroid, Oro, near Shanty Ba) , where they rented a farm from Capt. Walker. They did not remain there long before moving into Barrie, where Mr. Mc- Carthy resumed the practise of his profes- sion. Mrs. McCarthy was left a widow in 1873, and since then resided at Caernar- Von, Bayeld St.. devoting herself princi- pally to the care of an invalid son and daughter, all other members of the family having in one wayor another been provided for. an , II ('1 _,;I _,L, _I,!_ _L____,L_..!,,.! _ _.__..' CVULQHU Ill IIICLIURI IIULQILJIIIULIUDO As previously stated, her family num- bered eleven ; two are dead,-Bucknell Henry, the eldest, and a much beloved son, who passed away at an early age in Austra- lia, where he was following mercantile ma- rine life in the Marco Pollo Line; the other child who died was christened her mother s name, and was ten or twelve years of age. The surviving children are D Alton McCarthy, Q,.C., M.P.; Thomas Anthony Maitland McCarthy, County Judge of Duf- ferin; Dr. J. L. G. McCarthy. Barrie; Hussey Berg McCarthy, living at home; Mrs. Hornsby, Barrie; Mrs. Edward Mor- gan, wife of Judge Morgan, Toronto ; Mrs. Frederick Patterson, Toronto; and Mrs. Trocke, wife of Major Trocke, adjutant until recently of a militia district in South- ern lreland; and Miss Anna McCarthy, living at home. 11.... 'M ..(`.nn4-Inn mun -nrnorlznklwnfrnnannrl IUI 0 Mrs. McCarthv s chief characteristic was devotion to her home. She exercised every diligence and care in the proper training of her large family, and was rewarded in the honorable and distinguished positions which `many of her children were called to ll. She was a wotmn of strong individuality, rm of purpose, and a. good deal above the average in mental attainments. An nnnndnviuitv cl-:1-or` Ear `grunt! nun-n- umc scnuul auu mree V Les or narne marKet._ The propexty will e oFfered for sale sub act to a reserved bud to be xed by the master. endors only to be called u n to produce such titlefdeeds as are in their posses _ n. In all nth:-r rt: on: Man has-nae an.-I nnninnn nf - F t B ' ._':"}_ .:2.:=.`3:`33.::*1td.i':$,:%;:.,. :':3: {$1.60 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE swam: corms nvr csm-s VOTE FOR ..THE. . Chance too good to E. Plums in Furs. NOT TOO LATE! build %with..' GENTRAE B"Ii's"i i`1i`r"1:;_;s;n;tg'jg_RI:yEeE, (WC Tnrnnfn, fnr I` A gov--_w GRAHAM-At Newton Robinson. on February 3rd. 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Graham. a. daugh- ter. .; d' Pursuant to the judgment her day of January. 1898, there will \ Erobation of J. R. Cotter, f ourt at Barrie, bv Joseph I the QUEEN'S HOTEL. Barrie, ` (I ; 1 5-.1 -I dated the 29th ` sold with the a - xre, Master of this gets. auctioneer. at 12 o'clock, noon. on C. ` ll I s -___ . ; the following lands and pre The south Ico acres of 1` th concession of the to l ot are one small frame ! About 45 acres cleared. r are good. The prope E dale school and three Tha nrnnnrtv will __ __-_,_ , I , , _ nses in one parcel :_- e west vat" lot 24, in the ship of es ra. On the use and one rame stable. he fences on the prooerty is within one mile of Fem- es of Barrie market. A: nq-`n-gr` 4`..- 9n`n nun`-Joni On a . H V ' I " v`b'`.l;s;e:;t. iiarfie; STRATH & ESTEN, ` V I Vixdon-s' Solicitors. Barrie. 7-9 J1` ' 'Lei{S~H' cBcie'E1. )V`\,r1g%tI. and Leghgrn Eggs; -1311. 1. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. P. &s. Edin.3 M. F. P. & S. Glasg. Spec' lty-Eye, Ear. Throat and Nnse. Has removed to Sanders Block. .lJ m. r. r. or 3. ulasg. apecpIty-nye, nan Throat and Nose. Has removed to Sanders Block, opposite post office. Phone 54. 7-ly AKE NOTICE that all unolaim goods in the possession of L. S. Sander fter March 13th will be sold to defray expenses. e will be at his residence No. lo Dunlop St.. Barrie. 7-7 IHSOIVCHI, D. VV. UEIVIS. Terms of Sale, % cash,$mce in 2 and 4 months approved joint notes, mter t at 6 per cent. The ahnve gtnrlr ic 2 wp" cnlnnfpr` nuns and max: he are In mcnr posses In all other re cts the terms and conditions of sale will be the s ding conditions of this Court. Further nartin nrs ran I-us had h-nm Inlnn Hnelrin. Kssncurss sale In rustic] Aucmm. g ;`.Vedne-day, the 23rd davlf February. l , sale wm 0:: me s mug conmuons or tms uourt. _ F Further parti ars can be had from John Hoskm. Esqu_ire. .C.. ronto, Messrs. Strathv and Eaten, Bame, essrs cwson 8: Creswicke, Barrie. or dye" undersigned. 1Jd.l"llC, H1383! undersigned. h-. 0-42.] .4. D. an ppuession An. F`: .LI) I. luv nu 'W8t COI'llGI' 0 IN THE HIGH COURT UFJHSTICE RE DAWSON )2.` saumam` aa&2&%Lma&e@s:% PlANO]'__U-N|NG.` FRED. anooxs 1 vv-- hb-cu-' i=R=oviNcIAI, _E;_;6i`iE?>:T\;, 19a Write for Prospectus to Documents on le to prove this statement. - I `I7 1 I\l'\(V I\ ' Vs/iilfor UNCLAIMED goons. There will be offered for sale by #10 AUCTION, I .n Barrie, Feb. x4th. 1898. lnuelslgnea. ` Dated at B 'e this 9th day of February. 1898. J . R . COTTER , M... ..a. n....'..:- FOR SALE-- 1 White `W andotte Cock, 3 White Leghorn Cockerels. ood birds. Settiu of /Va ndntte and Lanrhnrn Earn. A nnlv `ll-in `M VOL. XLVII. No. Qnulvnl so-ly DAWSON vs. uAvfsoN .I..I-Ilduhl-I dlnalvaalclnluviv vial-laud Of Toron to. for the currenf session. -.-.-`cu nun`: "`U!!IIII\ LII! A1117 I l\ EW ADVERTiSEMENTS. By any means to emer in any Department of the n-up -nu-run:-:9-I-Inna uh .VII. N . . T . WHOLE No T SAMUE: 6VESLB':. Proprietor. ` 3'92 gt WHEWSON & CRESWICKE, ...r......... v w. H : SHAW, PRINCIPAL. Yonge and Gerrard streets. MARRIED. -- -------, v-v-, VTVHOROUGHLY TAUGHT. have 7 their ']5'1'1E15.' BORN. "v'v'. '_-I`.--li0SS, Principal. Solicitors for Assignee- H-F1 To The Electors of Centwze Simcoe. DAVIDSON Election on Tuesday, Jllarch 1st. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. 5-8 THE % REFORM CANDIDATE. You are respectfully requested to vote for Mr. J. Stuart Reid, druggist, of Detroit, is speuding a few days with his cousin, J. H. Seagers. of this town. `ll I`-IIO 1 run` a I H. B.`Spottor1'1. M A., Priucivpal of Har- bord St., Collegiate Institute, was the guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Jno Dicvkin-V son. (1L_l!l`1,..- I!_,,,S,- _i`l \,__.,._ __._II .,I_, DIIIJO Staff-Capt. Minnice, of Toronto, WI take charge of the Northern Section of Central Ontario District: S.A., and will reside in town. He will conduct. the services in the Barracks on Sunday. @3513 (1lII\I`IIl) flflfu Tlnkll Puumonnvu _.---- -vvu--- gvv Iv Advance Correspondence. A big Grit. meeting was held in Cuudle a school house on Monday night. The follow- ing ia 9. full list. of those oresent ~S Sewrey ((Jhairma.n), Donald McNiveu, Thos. Cronan, George McDonald, M. Urunan. D Bunker, and Wm. Moizmt. The Grit camlidnte was represented in a. speech by Mr. McNiven. The only Conservative speech of the evening was given by Mr Motfatt. who, no doubt. converted fully .l1alf the audience . Irnuvlrilwve-Om MONEY AT If AND5 Pliv-= CIEN'l`._--We have a. large amount of pr vate funds to'loa'n at four and 1 half am} 5 per cent-.. pa_\'a.b:e yearly Loans on mortgage wall be made u to one half the` value of the prc-pe_r_ty offered. Mc ARTHY, PBPLBR I _& Mccumiv. Bazmtera. &c.. Barrie. 1 Ganley. of Sault Ste. Marie visited relatives in town last week. Crown Hill, is re- lieving Mr. J. C. Morrison, bea.cher, Pains- wick, for a. few weeks. as. -\ nu` an n 1- , u 1` Joseph Cavanagh, who has been working in the city for the past. four months, return- ed to town last week. U 4 Miss Jennie Pdole returned to Toronto on Saturday. after visiting for a. fortnight. with 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Scroggie. In (N `I 1 .1 I` Mr. Sinclair, of the Barrie Tannery Co.. returned last week from an exm-nded busi- E uess trip through Ontario and Quebec. 1'? `I\ (N .. II` A `Isa I 31' IJGLIIIIUIIH UIJ KJLIIJIICHJ 0 Messrs. George and J ohu E G. Curran, of Orillia, passed through here on F riday on their way to the lxlondike Several of their Barrie friends were at the station to wish them luck in their search for gold. 4%,, _ _ sterling Sver and Plated Ware, Watches, Blocks, J ew- elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. TELEPHONE 2608 " a8-lv_ THIS WEEK we ARE on-Emma? GENUINE nos:-:as' K v:sf T? I ' The Literary Union- ' A , The Literary Union of this year has sev- E eral correspondingmembers who formerly is resided in town. Among these are ,Dr. ; Addison, Byng Inlet; H. A. Harper, M A ; ; Mail Empire. Toronto; Dr. Washington, 1 Winnipeg, and J.- W~.' Forhap. Richmond Hill, who sent letters to Friday night s meeting, expressing their intention of con- tributing occasional essavs, Dr. Addison promising one on Philosophy of Poetry Mr. -Harper s letter was accompanied by his essay Elizabethan Drama in the Mod _ ern Novel," which was much appreciated by the society. W. K. Foucar B.A., read a valu- able essay on Drama. of the Restoration. Both papers were followed by compliment- ary remarks. _ Mr. Thos. Moore` made a critical review of the evening's entertain- ment. J. E. Minus, B.A., President, occu- pied the chair. .....____....._- Mr. Thos Collins has returned home again. he has been up north t`nr'ee mouths. l -I-\ 11v 1 Ir; I 1 . Dr. VV. A. Ross has returned to town after a. season of study in New York. 1 Miss B Reid, of Ja.rro.tt s Corners. is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Seagers and Mrs. R. Marshall, in town. Mrs.qCoTlins and Lillie have been visiting friends in Thornton and Scroud. They re- turned home on Sat-urduy. 11- 1- o v\ 1 1 . In - Mr. George Raike attended the annual meeting of the Dominion Shorthorn Breed~ ers Association in Toronto last week. la'75c. Wlfxiite `Shire for 500. at Hunter Bros . Barrie. . `R. A}. DOUG-LAS Our stock of Evening Wear is very large, The Empire. \ \Jll day. T T Mr. G`reorge Ellis, 1.13, is able to be around M again after an illness for several weeks. * II A 'I\ IV ,0 1- 1*: `Iran! SUCCESSOR TO 5. B. WLNDRUM, D I 31 King St. East (up stairs) Toronto. Established 1880.` k Quaill, of Otillia, was in town over ` Sunday._ r1 I In I01. `I: 11- I 1 Col. i`yrwhitt, Bradford, was in town on ; Monday n [*4 O 1- he I. ha. `I 1 ; o. I FULL LINE or BLAcK-On Thursdav. 3rd inst.. James Black, Sun- nidale tp.. aged 79 years. SHAPO0TT- On Sunday. 13th inst.. Mr. William Samuel Shapcott. Worsley street, Barrie, aged 65 years. 25 days. _]oHNsoN--0n Saturday. xzth inst., at Oro Station, Mr. James Johnson. aged 3x years. 4 months. TIND/u.L-On Sunday. 1 th inst.. at Crown Hill. Mr. George Tindall. age 66 years, IO mos.. 4 days. ARMs'rRoN(;-On Thursday. xoth inst.. at Big Bay Point, Mr. J. W. Armstrong, aged 45 years, 6 mos 24 days. CAMPnuLL.-In Barrie, on Wednesday, Feb. 16th, I898, Sydney Campbell, wife of Mr. James Camp- bell, aged 7! years. McCAR'rHv,--At her residence, "Caemarvon." Bar- rie. on Monday. February 14th, 1898, Charlzina. Hope, widow of D'Alton McCarthy, in her qznd year. DODWlLL.-On January 26th, 1593. at College Farm. Long (`rendon, England, Timothy Dodwell. the beloved father of Mrs. Geo. Dudley.