Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Feb 1898, p. 5

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.IlL ` I-IV`! `iv \o UV VVUIIV III`! A Preble . B"os,.,% of. New? iL51L hm {large ocfixtrgoti zntipg Thornton. NORTHEIKNTLAADVANCE. J. Ferguson. V. vaollins. ofVPheVlpston, is re leiving Mr. McMinn, who is laid. up with a. bad cold. --- . ....-' -v-- -....-__.v_-- Mr. ' D. Morrison is still visiting ; friends in this vicinity. 1Il__ n 'l1__LI___. `I.-- `L--- ..L-_:___ -1. gum- .-a vwvwovn - -v-- -...J-- Mt. Galloway, who has not been very well for some time, has been much worse lately, but we hope he may yet. recover. His ailment seems to be heart disease. ' ` -ma .u . up -- a ...-...v..--av We are very sorry that Mr. John Ryther is very ill at present. He has not been feeling very well for a number of years, but last.Saturday he took much worse, and medical aid was summoned on Sunday. On Wednes- day night all his friends were gathered round him, thinking the end was near, but he slightly recovered, and on Fri- day the Dr. said he thought there was achange for the better." We hope it may bea lasting change, as John is highly respe cted by all who know him. unuv 1%-y-gher has been staying at Mr. Dowe s for a few days. . Il'__ I`1_I`|-_-_ ._L- `I.-- __L L--- __-__._ v -v....--', . T _ Sheznty '39.? Advance Correspondence. Mr. W. A. Herron is visiting in Scarboro. ` I --n-- 1: -I-w- . 30.: r"" """` """"" ""'[""""' "' "" "'l"""""' The Presbyterian tea-meeting held on Thursday, did not draw the crowd it deserved on account of the cold and stormy weather. A good programme was furnished by local talent, assisted by Messrs. J. A. and D. H. McLaren, ot Barrie. A social was `held on Fri- day. Total proceeds about $40. now. Mr. and Mrs. John Hart are visiting friends in rillia. Miss A nie Scarlett is visiting friends in Waverly. Miss Nellie Mason has returned to her home in Grentel. The Misses Cameron, Barrie, visited friends here last week. go.-conga -. - '"i5Zr}'. "13:"3Ihi2Ef'N.W.T., visited Mia; D._Grahg} last wgek. -- r? '])`e"1.vv.auI'-1.-{r;);1-'9', 'V(.:;r't'enfel, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. W. A. Hr_r_on. ' -- `u poo.-. -' A. -. `MK !-igsu M. G. Willson, ofvSt. Pa.ul,1 Minn., spent a short time with Mrs. C. G. Arthur. vv- , gv-.-y -- `cu. van. -u`n.1u-u---- nu-an-vs: onvovu ` Mr. Seymour Dennis returned home from the shanty at White Fish on Sat- urday. III` `ISO! BT70: 3 1"` ME; and Mrs. Reid, of Vicntot-ia. Him I bor. renewed old acquaintances here on Sunday. ' Il`._ -.__`I"'Il.... If T:LL`- -2 `I3I...._..I.. ` V Advance Correspondence. Miss Rosie McDonald, of Hillsdale, K vis_ied friends 1_1_ere last week. _ A "*;.Ja;.nd'Mre. Little, of Elmvale, visited at his father's, M. J. Little, on Sunday. ' T I III T1 Tl,A1-,, -1` TN] ,1. S_ _L I "'51:; Whetham, of Elmvale. isnt present visiting at her brother a. Mr. J. Whetham, ' Ea};-3;`-F".ri-('isy even- I iug. Several of `the brephren were in~ [stalled to the Blue Degree. I -..-.L-- 4' `gnu. --..-`. ..4.s`nu AL G. Davidson waited in To-. ronto last week. --v ............. .. ..... ....... ....,.-... N A number of our young people at- tended the band concert at Thornton skating rink on Friday evening and report 9. jollv time. ` ` - 'u'-..-.... rm. -_ cs-_j.L-_ 13...... M... view Lodge, A.O.U.W.`; to Mrs. J. F, Lyons, in the death of her husband. Mrs. Lyons replied in acknowledge- ment of the .l..odge s consoling address. "guess of Mrs. Jan. Otawford. _ Oro station. Mrs. Gad: Crawford,` .Brr ie , is t __ Mia : A. J. Kixkpaerack, of`.Hwkea_- ten, spent Sunday in 'O ro,Stntion. ' - "`1n..-.. :n_...~.x;. "n........ -4- n-..__ tun" A '"1zi}.' .iI'iiSia'{LL.'""6r "\7i'c?oria Har- bor, renewed old acquaintances here. ll'._ Q-._~...-.... "I'\-__2.. ._-L-__..-.l 1.-...- Advance Correspondence. Miss Jennie Aberam, of Barrie. 18 visiting at Mr. F. 0.` Arnold . l I 1` f\ T \T.` AKA _.-l. -_ `II\_2.l-_ .._-_ Ivy. ' I W 1 VII UIIIJ wlessr. T'hos. goythes, Harry Mart," Richard Thompson and James Bonk havetenderad the `sympathy of Lake- ...-_. 'I'...3.....` A (`I TTTIT L. `If... T "I? uvll wrvllv an. 951: Ivwuuvuvnao ,. . -O _Misa~ 0 one `Dmry of Crown Hill, spent part of last week with her ainer, Mu. . _ Orossland. Advance Correspondence. ` up A. -v.--.. ---uv vv vvg. Mr. S. Mcaster, Utopia, was in town on Sunday. 11.... 1') f`1.__.__:- OL__._ .. .._..._L Q___ In returning thanks for the very liberal etronage received at the old store, we beg -to remind the unblio generally that we can .now..l>etter serve them. than at any preview` .time`in our bneineil history, and will A be thelnvet the new stand. ,4. *1. SIDSWORTH a. son i ITHE MARUFAOIURING Commcnomms, ' FANCY Bun Am} Cum Buunns, Have Removed to their New Stern, 127 Dunlap Street. `V umsIIEVuusu's Hum. `The Keeley Institute 00., Limited, 582 Sheibeurne-8t., Teronte. ALco Hon.) 'roBAcco] OPIUM Frank Ewan, Manager. HALF PRI V -- -- V... \QDd\aVIJ u , V Mrs. Currie, Stayner, spent Sun- day at Mr. Angus Bell s. 1).... `IT "D `IK..l'_J.-..L AIL._.J..I.. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS Outside BARF-HE GREATEST DRUG STORE. Three `doors East of the Bank of Commerce. is what we are offering g,o;i2v. We must have the space for Sppiiig Goods, which are now arriving. coat is re- duced to a price that wi.l,I=ena*b1e everyone to have a good warmoat for very little money, Come eaI'l)f_i;,:5:.iIld get rst choice. OVERCOATS at about HALF rile {Q \vh9t 117:: turn ntbr-inrr nifur XXTQ sEAG:Rs;DRI;g STORE, Produce each a disease, easily cur- able by the application of the Kec- ley Remedies, as administered at our I nstitu_te-the only one in this in ......J ..- .__... ___.n_.. .7--- Rev. W. R. McIntosh, Allandale, preached in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday afternoon. In the evening he spoke to the young people, in connection with the organization of the Sabbath school, which will be open- ed next Sunday. __L _ _.__ 2.. 41.. 11.___L__L___ CURE! the question of price, 't s to your advantage to get: your drugs at Seagers Drug Store. The very fact of its being a new store and of our large trade assures a continual freshness, and there- fore an eicacy that you would not get. from the old stores where drugs lay around a year or so DUNLOP STREET. Opp. Post Office. . PORTRAIT FRAMES A SPECIALTY. V,Aanu'rs Wanna-Gaur Iunucsuxms Owens. I .ForhighgndeviotkatL:wpricescallon _ rnpwglapna qt an Kill Me has at reduced rates. -.-----u . -_n ._ . _. nu; n w an. 3 nuuhls. ISA KKHS. , Established 1880. The dc! reliable Ignnd for Porttaits and Frames. Portraits nished an every style of an, Oil. later Color, India ink and Crayon. . -' Photonranlu of an khxdg nnlarcrorl and {rams-A on `nnnm PIPE, Pnnmwn cmsm J.G.SCOTT Advance Correspondence. Mr. Joe. Kmtrea. is home for a few weeks. Victoria AKLGEJIQFY sHAv\r BROS. ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLIOITED. .40IOl', In IIJK Ill`! DIHYOD. Photograph: of all kinds enlarged and framed to if: size at reduci rams. - ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS Water` Line. Planet of Pa.rlI,[&o. urrlcla 1 Anna Rona Block. I Fool: ot Toronto 8:1-co 'I`n'ln BOTHWELUS BLOCK. BARRIE. Imam \Iv| navazv naunanu-u-J. . The concert given in the Presbyter ian church on the 2nd inst., under the auspices of C. E. Society, was a decid- ed success, although _the unfavorable weather prevented a very large attend ance. The feature of the evening was the Japanese Fan Drill, performed bv twelve young ladies, with Miss F. C. Bell as captain. Miss M. H. Squire, Owen Sound, played the music torthe drill. Others who took part were- Mrs. N. M. Squire,`Mr. J. A. Mather, Miss Annie Reid, Rev. J. Leishman, and a number of children. Mr. A. Bell acted as chairman, and the pro- gramme closed with some fascinating tableaux. V no nxuux. I I006 01: 'l.'0r0l'lIl Telonhone. BARBIE, ONT- ---succnsson 'ro---- ----DeiLlor in Mrs. Dr. Law; of Barrie, is the guat of _L.i_rs. 13_re_rPne!:._ V '"17Ir. 513}". i3'S{v","6E "1ii"i:mo;;a Han, is at present visiting with her sister-in" _lo.w, Mrs. Pattenden: - _I ___.___. I _____1S_, _.. '___`, 1 ,S.__. V. E.uI:1:1:i-dge is just recovering from a rather severe illness. ' . -`C\n I Q-C1--In `W ;;';-an-o.f"1";;i`.\'"as'l'meeti1_)gs are being held in the Open Communion Baptist church by -the Rev. Mr, Bentley, of Tofntau hh - . I ': _ " 1- ,f_.:, .. _ , 1-" 111' I,` __1-_` 2.. _x_..`_.`-,_-_;-.-.~;. .n.v:vusv. ." " `'."'I'`'`"".. " """` Rev, Mr, Wash ing{_'{o_n is v at held indi`gposed.7 His` pulpit" in` the, l1>li'I0~-*?..:0.v|.33.~: ~ I - .: - _-.`r.= v :.r,~.'.~.w.~.e~~ -V _-.-A -3.: _. .- I - . 4 -_ 5a~:.,~ , . ; Interesting %N'eJws% - I.-ans: Ana Fnnnmnv. '10, 189.8; If our correepondente evill kindly leave their letter: u'neeeleo, one cent Will. be suicient postage. `Poet on Monday, it` pouible.--Enrron. Advan; New Lowell. . Advance Correspondence. The annual Anniversary sermons` and tea-meeting in connection with the Presbyterian church here, were held on Sunday and Monday respectively. Sun-4 day morning and evening, Rev. Mr. Frizzell, at Toronto, preached excellent sermons to large congregations. The tea-meeting on Monday night proved as popular as ever, and people from far and near gathered until the church was taxed to its utmost seating capacity. The supper served in the basement was one of the best ever provided by the ladies of Churchill, and all hands in- dulged freely in the good things pro- vided. The concert consisted of sing- ing and addresses, the chairman being the pastor, Rev. Mr. Ross. His ad- dress was followed by others from Rev. Mr. _Paton, of Midhurst, Rev. Mr. Large, 01 Stroud, Rev. Mr.-Frizzell, of Toronto, and Rev. Mr. Smith, of Brad- ford, the latter gentleman bringing down the house with several good Irish jokes. These speeches were inter- spersed with singing`_by Barrie Collier St. Methodist Choir, who rendered with entire satisfaction twelve anthems. Mr. J. B. Edwards, leader of the choir, delighted all with a solo. Two selec- tions were also given by a quartette from the choir. At the close of_the programme, Rev. Mr. Large, seconded by Rev. Mr Frizzell, moved a vote of thanks to the choir for their excellent singing which according to Rev. Mr. Frizzell s compliment, was much ahead of that of most city choirs. The vote was heartily given by the audience and was responded to by a short speech from Mr. Edwards and a closing an- them. \Ia-Inna voooog I FROM `OUR Correspondents - Literary Society `is a thriving` institution. At their meeting of last week the subject: Resolved that the- girls have more pleasure than boys, was ably debated. The judges gave verdict in favor of the negative. Tues- day's meeting will be open to the public. `church was supplied on Sunday morn- ing last by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of I Bairie. ' ` - V . - A meeting was called `last week to discuss ways and means of draining the low lying land near the Nottawasaga River, so it was said, but imagine the surprise of -many when Candidate Davidson and his Lieutenant Hart walked in, thus turning it into an out and out Grit meeting. But the scheme caught no votes. TIT- A.I_-..-_'l_L 'Il -- T\__.I 1'\__2.I..-.. v v vvtivl ---,..- _. D We thought Mr. David Davidson would bring something new when he came, but no, it isthe twenty-hve year old campaign tad of draining the N ot- tawasaga River. A new teatureie in- troduced, thiatime the water is to be diverted from its natural channel and a new cut made. Some say it will fol- low the route known as the Dickinson survey. Whatever route is chosen the water must all be taken away. Hold on Mr. Davidson, we want some sh. f\_ G_-_'_`l__. I-_; ll- I'-L_ 'Il`_\T.l_ Miss E'{r}2i"i$i1IE;`"i visiting f1-ig_}ds_t }T_ew_If _. ' "6E"sEn"ei'1I'e, "Isa;-'."III:1I1-'1sz['c'1~"II.b lifted a pot full of boiling water off the stove and laid it down at his feet, when to his surprise his little daughter, Jessie May, 3 years old, who he thought was in another room, fell into the boiling water. Medical aid was obtained with speed, but the little sufferer was re- lieved by death on Monday evening. The remains were laid in Stayner ceme- tery on Wednesday. followed by a large concourse of people, notwithstanding the very inclement weather. Mr. and- Mrs.` McNab havethe lsyimpathy of this community in their and bereave ment. ` Q V--v-u v-v Q: v- V-- N The Publi: irarf has just made an additional purchase of 75 volumes. `lift..- A.._.. II..- 'IJ`....L.... 3.. .................. "_"1sY:s"X3; '1C1;'y"iiIsEr' is Jiiiilig old ecquaintarices at Brentwood and New Lowell. 0 A -I\ run Mr. Chas Stewart was successful in obtaining the assessorship for Vespra for 1898. gnaw:-.-aw can ya`-.. v -----Q." l -\ .uu :10 p . 1 II _...~ uvvu ulna v...- . ....... J 3 Election matters 9. little mild. yet. The independent candidate is busy as 9. bee, his work is pretty much on the side. q-gr un us In u no `.1 v vv --v -v V-on j We are sorry to hear of Dr. West {being conned no the house, hope he ; may soon be out again. '[l__L2__ .._-AL-.__ _ IZLLIA ...1I.`I _..L -unwav- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell are moving to Minnesing. This old and respected couple we will be sorry to see leave us. no in -r . I '1: . _.- __. V The Rev. Mr. McIntosh, of Allan-. dale, and our worthy pastor, Rev. Mr. Leishman, exchanged pulpits last Sun- well appreciated by the large congre- gation present. ` IIII I I (V `I 1 day. Mr. McIntosh a discourse was. 1 The Presbyterian Sunday school is ;in operation once more, after having been closed for some time, owing to church repairs. ` A new staff of oicers and en additional staff of teachers have been appointed. The work is going on most successfully. V . I v v-.- .- ~----v- -u v.--.. . 'wII.1:=A.-t-);'d, of Eady, paid 3 1].. II? `I I....A. L... ....A...........I l.`........ A Qn\aII Mrfi W. Kent has returned from Goldwater, as the connement of the store there was not agreeable to his hel_t_h. T _ An . u u ` c --_ -vv -v--v-r_--__----. Miss B. `--Morrow, of Midland, is visiting at Mr. Gavin Turner's. VI... ll :-nan T41.-`guns. A` -Dunn`-new nun ` vunan-nan. uuw pug.-u -av-v-- --u------- The Misses Johnson, of Rogby, are visiting at Mr. John "]`nrner s this week. 1;. A 13--.: -1 m...1.. ....:.: .. n..:..;.. Anus-a Va-nu Miss Lizzie'Sutton, who hasheen re- siding 'in Toronto for` some time, is - an ac: cw. now staying with her brother, Mr. J es. S'u1.t_on. V --T---&+v'---T Midhurst. Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Broomhead Russell "is visiting friends in this village. 1r ru (*1 _ ,,,,,._,.1`,,`I 2- M1_-._'Ihomaa Bowlea and ilelf, of the vilhg have moved in with their broth- er, Bowlen, who lives font lots ~---.|."`- Nulviiguand Mrs. W. Parker, of Wye- bridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mia; Th_om_s_rock. * ` } " '63 T535353; `.3K{Jg2'TJg;'.I;'uier of young people took the oommodtoua most enjoyable time was spam; by all. home of Mr. R. Rowot by sorpriale. A- ` Newton Robinson, Advance Correspondence. ' Miss Pascoe, our Jr. teacher berg, spent. Saturday and Sunday at her home in Cookatown. nun 5...-V----r .---vv-u Mr. A`. B. Thompson was a guest of Mr. David Jamieson a few days this wegk. _-Hg lm'visit9d otl_1ar friends. T Alma Eade has moved in with ' his mother where he will remain until. sprii,1;v,hen',, we understand, `h will aocompan-y;-;T--;Mr. Chas. Newborn, to Manitoba mtha view tofaett.ling._ _ ` On account of quarterly meeting at Suthex-land e appointment last Sunday morning, our usual` morning service _was`diepanled-with.` A serviee of song 9 has held in the eveningrec 7 eoelock.-,:` ;;'_1_ -...- _._.n. -`.nIA-./ - ' * . gngas. ` V Advance Correspondence. |a`.+_h._~1 T.ninI~n-no\n in Edenvale. ` Advance _Con-espondenjce. .6 _ II ,1 I ,.n -...-. ----av u-v-- .---- Advanoe Correspondence. A\./vx/ ""Mr. 3'. J. Russell had his foot badly cut. on Wednesday while at work cut- ting down a straw stack. A ____.. fl1_.\:.. `L- D,.4....._ ....._.J..J..L.. -2nd Line I;:arxs_. Ilil ilviruoonn;p;.;;,"a;':% .&\lIIll The roads are not in a very good con- dition for politicians in Oro and Ves- prs. The Penetang road is the best at present, and we nd Messrs. Miscamp- bell, Thompson and Train are on it fre- quently. Messrs. `Davidson and Harvie must be on the still hunt as we have notseen so much of them. . Mr. .W. A. White becomes the owner of the 50 acres on which the Dalston hotel is situated on the 10th inst. We wish the young man success. By care, prudence, industry and economy he has a good opportunity to succeed. Horace A. White will resume farmingon the Vespra side this spring also.- Graigvale. Advance Correspondence. Mr. Joshua .l{obinson,, of Con. 10, Innisl, was workingamong his horses in the stable on Saturday morning, "and one of themrbacked up and started to run out of the stable. In doing so it slipped on some ice and fell over against Mr. Robinson, pinning him `against the wall. He did not pay much attention to the crushing at the time and in, a short time he and his wife started for Barrie. On the way he was taken with severe pains and at once returned back to his home. The severe abdom- inal injuries he had received in the stable resulted in his death .on Sunday morning. The unfortunate affair has cast a gloom over the entire community. Mr. Robinson was an old and highly respected resident of Innishl. The funeral to the Twelfth Line Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon was largely at- A.__`.`l-.'l A number of tall clever looking young people are in attendance V at Dalston public school. Eight pupils are doing the-work of the commercial I. 01;-yo` 1 l l " iiIJ3J{&iy"Zr3fc2E izTi1TJ'1?aeh. odiac church were well attended on Salfbath. . vau vv .. uu Ittvnwuvv V... B ..- ..- Amos Train, the Patron candidate for Centre Simcoe, is holding meetings hereabouts and canvassing. 7I`LA.... ._-...... ..........L--....l .'.. `Than..- .1..- Advance Correspondence. ` Miss Susie Boake is visiting friends in Downsview. n 1-vi C 0 0.! nun --u nu. v-nu v-w----v - les Minnie Simpson spent last. week in Tottenham, renewing old ac- quaintances. ' TIT- ...... ...I.........J 1... mm 4.'L..a. `|\lI .. A.. Ian-on. vvunovvna `` We are pieased to see that Mr. Ar- dill, who has been on the sick list, is able to be about again. I\ II`! ` `I 111-` 0.,J AL. I'\,,.__ ,.- l`ive,red 6.35 adrlraa, or: `a subject taken from Bunyan : Pilgrims Pro- gress :-'l he Pilgrim : journey the n-r_'_L:-1 11;.-- n Oeletial am Enif." - Iiiss - of King, is visiting friends in this vicinity. I Ivvvuv W-6:;vThh;sday, Feh:"3rd, the Orange- men ofpthie place gave a grand ball, `which was not as well attended as they expected. The proceeds went to help to pay off the debt: on the hall. f'l'\'L.. A!I.....J..l.. L.....I l\nl\I'II\l\ ......-.-...L -v r.--, .... -...._ ......_- ._ The Allandale band gave a. concert on our rink on Friday night last. There were about two hundred and fifty people on the rink. All eojoyed them selves. We hope the band will come lout again soon. ""7fESe"e}},iZ}7 {n Vespra dur- ing 1897, 44 births, (30 girls, 14 boys) 5' marriages and 28 deaths. T T\ 'l')_L.'_.___ L . _ L . . _._1.L ..--A. 1/l`.. Grenfel. Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Bromley is recovering. Mr. McDermott is recovering from 9. severe illness. 0 10 A I 1 -.1- v ---.-V..." I 1` W Miss Carson is spending a. few days with Miss Mary Bishop. ' l'l1l_- _-'L-_I Z- _.._. _.II ......:........1 L-.. I . ` 'vAdvuIeo Correspondence. ' Mr} J. M. Baldwin is `gettingread to erect a large barn next summer. UIVL- ...._..A.-..I_ ..-.._.--... -.. LL- IIALL U IJUIJIII Wul UU .|uvu.cuo 1:} the debate of the E. L. of C.`E. it was decided that war caused more misery than intemperance. War" was taken by W. Lynn as leader, and In- temperance by Mr. Lowery. Rev. Mr. Agar presided. 7th Concession, vespra. - Advance Correspondence. Miss Sadie Wallw1n is visiting frigxids at` Smitten. `In-O II.~ I now... .---..-. .----, --.._vr The school is now we'll equipped, ten seats being the latest addition. A .._-....'._... .-..... l....].J .... `l.l'......l..... Duiluu II\lII-I8 vnav auavuvuv Uivuviav-`Inc! A meeting was held pn Monday night in the school house by Mr. Train, the_ Patron candidate. `V `I920 -Service will be held in Christ church here. Sunday next, by the pastor, Rev, Mr. Westney. ' V :__ 1m__:- 1rr:_..._-_-- I__'.. 1...: .' UIl\I uln IDIdl.\lIJ Glanawowauwu V-`II A social evening will be spent in the church by the League, to which the Leagues of Elizabeth street church and Utopia will be invited. 111' Dr!-1'.` liaise F13'rie Wingrova has had a severe attack_ of inammation of the lungs, but is now recovering." ' n 5 av-bun: u-..avu L. D. Robinson has bought. out Mr. Haves stand at Craighurst, and com- mences business there this week. He will be greatly missed in this neighbor- hood where he has been so successful a business man. V Miss M. Carson has left her home here for the remainder of the winter, and is at present staying in town. We shall` welcome her back again when. spring returns. `I ` lI.|\7I.I\a:l Ill! nauvuvuo Mrs. A`. Sneath, Midhurat, spent. a. How days with Miss E. Wallwin, last _..1_ ltllulali, KIIAII I? law 11 ovvnovwanon.-an The eleighride across the plains to the Midhurs't;Christian endeavor forms one of the interesting items of the _.--I_ ' > . :f..qckhaft and J-.-- Handy took` in Tofgnto_la week." I - 11-` ..1 III `JIIIIHUIQII AGIIU - 1 Why not aub;o:i-1;; for the but local paper, THE ADVANGI. T J `II : "KT ` 'n'nl-Iunnnnlnn Han I-nntn Q ` _ has rented a. farm in. Mulmnr townahfp. u- . m ..1_....L1.._ _... .. `. I.....:L.L.L. Oolwell. V ' Z Advance Corfeapondpnce, - Thomas Ho.rrio has gone to Churchill ~o:vor1n.% vl . ' `C T1` Ir: LVCUIIUII laws vvvv Mr. A. Ca_mpb:ll_untl hitaunt drove. I *9 .1331-wt P"! '*2*- A n .3 1 .1 i" ""?r`.'*'3i`3'&'nIZ}' '$L'"&n %..A:.....ja.... trip togawkstone last 1` ` "g. I ' Dnunnnf` Vllhhu an-n EH51: "3? '1'i3fiaIa}.$'aZ;gm 91.; car 1 of hop poles to Solnville, N. Y. % `L "D..AI.Jn n`-an n "A1 '.:\nnI '\:n'un` v-an n...-.. Mrs. Peacock died here on the let inst . By her death Midhurst loses. another of the first settlers. Deceased was seventy-four years of age. The funeral took place on Friday, when a large number of friends turned out to pay their last. respects to the departed. VlWl._ T)._.._L_.;..._.1.. L..- ._. . . A . ._... L..'IJ

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