Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 3 Feb 1898, p. 4

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` , '4. I.` k`~}) 3'" `V -V _ .5 `. ` ~ \ _ 5 .~. , . .. | *1 ; HILGI-I GRADE '.W( Grea:}uIf}|$1ring Remnants Curl Clotis (wVorth $2 to $2;,Vfor 81 and `I 0: All New $tylish Goods. 31 25 Goods for 75c 75c u for 600 50 and 60c. Goods for 35 and 37c. 25 so 35c Goods for 15 and 20c. ' .~ - .r".4 . ,-. L.. , . .. , , ` / . . V; . .|.Fraser&0u :| ;T%H|N8 `Am-B 3" 9+ 3 Our numerous customers know that this is a grandopportunity for securing Bar-I gains in a1l.Departments. Very Special Clearing Prices in the balance of our R. I. Fraser & Cu. DRESS GOODS. T % MANTLES and MILLINERY. New, Stylish, Fre.~h Goods at a Low Rate an the :3 of the wholesale cost n&AN'iLES AND JTACKETS. $'No new name will be added to the Subscription List until the money i- paid. Q... _-A!L,._- ,--___ A- _.__--4_ Ir - AI -- VAI I Bankrupt Stock. MANTLE TCLOTHS. TABLE LINENS. DRESS GOODS We have a large number of odd lengths in DRESS GOODS; and many ef them being in the very best materials, but too short for a full Dress Just the thing for (3hildren s Dresses 0 rLadies Skirts, &c., all at prices that must clear the lot. sap` boon mom 5 POINTS. We cqmmenceg on WEDNESDAY, JANU. ARY ,l2`_l'H, and during the rest of the month will hold our ' TO CLOSE THE ESTATE. PENETANGUEEENE REFO MATORY. Slaughter Sale. noors AND SHOES. Every pair in stock zictuallv Slaughtered. Bargain Boot Table. choice 75c, worth from $1.25 to $2 50 a pair. Meu e Long Boots worth $225 for $1-%- Men sFine Kangaroo Boots worth $2 75 10! 81.75. . Boys Boots 900 for 65. Boys Bnnt.e_70c for 45. Meu e Finest. Overshoes, $1.50 for $100 3 .the SI 25 to 81 40 kind for 75c. Womeu s and Misses Overshoes, W0? $1.35 for 75. Uhildren e 85c kind for 50. One` Long Sab'e Cape and one Canadian Beaver Cape. half price. MEN S UNDERULOTHING. 250 kind for 17c. 30c kind for 220 50 to 7Uc kind for 375:). $1.00 and $1.25 kind for 75c. 75:: kind for 50. . Mitts, Gloves, Scarfs, Braces-, Ties, S01 Shirts. Collars, away below wholesale cost. WOMEZ\"S AND CHILDREN S UNDER wE.uT(}L;." ~ ' ` Big sale of White-wear, at less than cost. r Best Spool Cotton 25c per doz. spools. 80 Batting for 5c. 1 Shake! Flunnels-6c quality, wide, fol [ 4c.; 8c quality for 6c (...uI.... l?I.......I 1: ....A la. I.:..,a 4'... Im } Best Scotch, 8%. -lTli>.TVfo'1" 500. Bald\sin a Bee Hive, wprth 10c. ek. now 4 for 25c. 1 Va uh ulllll. LU! U0 9 I `:l I Ceylon F|annel-l5 and 18c kind for 10c.` 10c kind for 7&0 TWEEDS AND TROUSERINGS. 35. kind for 203 90c kind for 500 70c quality, all Wool, for 40c $1 0U n '9: -v for 600 MILLINERY as` your own price. Travellers should secure a Rand-McNa.lly RaIls;;; Guide and Hand Book-issucd nionthly. Fgnniunv 3. 1898. YARNS. for dav .AHh `1%or 1191:` fric-n mil the. ` gave infc yan. 1..,;.I; T32; rjlonfru-I_.=:RN Aovnuca] go-tu mon last. visit.` M her M her ( M at M for he]-J Tue ofo MN-I () CV84`) C011!) SAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETORN cimn succ Coat! of s lhwi sh SUI} para` hone H181`. the buri lam Dem CVPH rend [jest An 8 Page 48 Column Newnpnper. ll Published from the Oice-, :23 Dunlop Street Barrie. in the Cnunty of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada. every Thursdav Morning, by n-co, DH 1 Hp!` ll in 01 men Inwi SW BIBL Cr-ai 01): All Cm stro W4 vim! Ki! hm; \- Chin'- give day Wti dayi H108 hoP"] Grwe J. Franklackson. mm. a.m. a.m. am. p.m. .ml .111. .m `(.11 8.10 10.02 11.15 2.07 .25 30 `55 ALLA-DALE -ro BARRIE. mm a.m. a.m. pm. pm. .m 11.1!) .m.0 0.05 11.10 11.35 3.35 5.50 5.25 7.50 5.00 no IIIVBIIHD all J,',l.'- L _;'_!_.A_.u iggunoo of extravagance Trainulegva Barrie for and arrive from lzhe lld}'njl_ention_ed places as follows : _-_ IIAI-\t\|vII\p\ ___-- WHO is/ave the best equipped Studi in Ontario, and in 9, position to turn out good work at Low Prices. `'GOLD MEDAL" :39-,. "r v 703.. - 0 now. 0 10 a..m Ex ress, `(.58 pan. 807 Dan Atlantic _Pacic Ex. `s as -' `.88 u - M31]. .. a..m. ' HAMILTON. ' - 7 11 a..:n. Etltvfrgss. 9 04 pan- s.2o p m. ml 11 as am. GRAVENHURS I 8; NORTH BAY. 11.39 51.111. Mail. V 5 25 p.m. 3.39 p.m. Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 2:05 9 05 " North Bay Mixed. 07 10 a.m. 8.00 Cvravenhurst.M'xxed. 10.00 " ._--.-.- -.-`A-A-u.. pENfANG. 11.15 3.131. Accommudaon. 1 5.85 p m 7 30 p.m. Accommodation. 8-03 a.m ALLANDALE 82 BAR!-IE SECT:0N. ' muuzu: Tu ALLANDALB. \J\JI4 L1 11 15 am. 7.55 pm. BARBIE RAILWAY GUIDE, "co1.1_mcwoo1>`& MEAFoi{u" Ix .. .. M..: 555 :'1:I:TEV;OWN-Oi*". "iA12"R1E. G;l3AD`.WORK AT A- ` " Lowspmcz. ' Terms or Susscnu-`non. !`3.::m`\`:um 3' URI! 5 56 8.08 S V-"" '--"~--".".-'-'-"' ' "1"! an mnlxnn v 4 I A`...`:{?,P. {gr `Shut! : 4'1`;-oaml am-, (Lib, `. ' `x WHERE YOU WILL FIND THEM. I As time moves along one-time promi- nent politicians are missed from the po. litical arena, and an inquisitive and wide awake public ask where they have gone. The following list will give it little light on the question_, though it is by no means complete, but indicates with suicient olcarness what has been and is still going on :- Allen, Ben., M.P. for North Grey, ap. pointed clerk of the Division Court at Owen Sound. Awrey, Nicholas, M.P.P. for South Wentworth, appointed registrar of Wentworth. Mr. Awi-ey ditd re cently and it is to the vacant publ- tiun that Mr. Gibson proposes to ap point his relative, Mr. Hope. Avlesworh James,M.P P. for Lennox; unseated lor irregularities by agentn; appointed Division Court clerk i Lennux. ` Bettes, J. W., candidate in Muskoka, appointed sheriffuf Muskoka. A Boston, Robert, M.P., and brother-in law of Hon. G. W. Ross; appointed gaoler at London. Col er, 0. W., M.P. for Haldiinand; - appointed clerk of the peace for Hal- diiiiand. A Cameron, D. M., M.P. for West Mid- dlesex ; appointed registrar at Mid dlesex. , Coyne, J. H., candidatein West'Elgin 3 appoin ed registrar of Elain. - Currie. J. J.,,M.P.P. for -Lincoln ; ap- pointed registrar for Lincoln. . Cole, W. H , M.P.P. for Leeds; ap- pointed registrar of Leeds. Chisholm. Kenneth, 'M.P P for Peel; appointed registrar ot Peel. Chamberlain, Dr., M.P.P. for Dundas ; uiist-ated and then defeated by Mr. Whitney ; appointed inspector ot prisons. V Clarke, Dr., (M.P.P. for Norfolk; ap pointed sheri of Algoma. Claik. Charles, M.P.P. for Centre \ Wellington; appointed clerk of the House. _ . Ca racadden, Dr.. M.P. P. for West Elgin, physician to Mimioo asylum. ' 7 Christie, Rober-', defeated candidate in Wentworih; appointed inspector of charities. ' Dcury, Charles, M. P.P. for East Sim- one; became Minister of Agricul- turt, ; defeated at the polls; appoint- ed Sherilf of Simcoe. ` Fleming, James, M.P. for Peel ; ap; pointed inspector of public oices. Gibbons, R., M.P.P. from Huron; ap- pointed sheriff of Huron. Gilmour, ])r., M.P.P. for West York ; . _ appointed registrar of York, and ' transferred to wardenshfp of Cen-. , tral Prison. . A i _ Guthrie, Donald, M.P.P. - for Welling ton ; appointed inspector of Division . . Courts. Gow. Peter, M.P.P. for `Wellington and Minister of the Crown ; appointed sheri` of Wellington. _ v D Hay, D. D.,M.P.P for North Perth ; appointed registrar or Perth. Hagar, Alfred, M.P.P. for Prescott; appointed sheri` of Prescott. Iler, J. C., defeated candidate in Essex; appointed sheriff ot Esex. . . i - Jackson, J.,.M.'P. for South Norfolk ; appointed sheri' oi Norfolk. , _ Lyon, R. A., M.P.P. for Algoina; ap- pointed registrar, of Algoina`. - . A yen, W. D._, M.P.P. for Haltoii ; ape ; winted` lstipendary magistrate for . Vest Algoina.~ j_ V Moran, James E, M.P. P. for Welland; appointed .registra_r of We]|Qnd.', P _ Massie, James. MP-*.P. from Welling-C ton; appointed .`WI'l`d_OIf of iCen`.tral_ Prison ; `transferred. to registrnrlhip Z of East York. U . f 3 . Jff_ _ McKiiu, Robert. MiJ?j_P. from. Welling: ` own 3 `PPih*ds5!9?!3?!fiWdli?m9:.t ;. _`bil sonfis reiiistra`r _':`_'fOl'illa' ] A t Hsli-Whliui.`Dr; `ll:-1: ~`-`F '_i 7; i Il5iJ5'.Hl_ir%ti!?ilt.i>f?Dtirhiiiii;*' T`? `GEO uvuxv. ave Stop the extravagancoe that now characterize this institution and which wzth a fuyther lease of power will em bolden thee masters of the people to plunge even deeper_ if `possible in the public chest. And yet the Govern- ment claim this in of all their institu- tions the least deserving of attack. When a few weeks ago the improper. Ind reckless extravagance of this in stitumon in its dea.l1ngs' with Mr; David D svidson, the Liberal candidate in Centre Simcoe was exposed, Mr. David- non attempted to justify what had been done, and in a labored defence tried to jut-zif_y. 9. large payment for cordwood at $2.50 per cord to himself, the con- tention being that with tenders fairly and publicly called, wood could then have leen bought at $1.70 per cord. " Ibdys am. .856 $245.25. T ` 05.... al... n-Lnnnnnnnnnu Oknb mnnr "U""'l'D "' I` J not fancy whuat 8 snap the local company have of which I.-Qprominent "Grit in almoatsole owner. . T _Abn - Ann. "'1.;."'.]{.; ",;.;......., ;--1s79.`..23o 1 boys cost $29,664--av9;;~n9 $129. _--- _..- ,;.AA'AH.l "` `Our Herald friend is right}, the "in- stitution doee coat too much, but the extravagance: of ' the ooialeand the general running. of the concern as where the knife should be applied. Here are a few samples: A no u nnn `III- -L_,2_ . --:r_-.. . - -I;t;blio Accounts for 1897-Electric lighting for year $1500. V` T - -_-_ AL- `I-'.-`I etvona of tire Puj.v1noo- is ahoiih in Wtluo; Pei:-etaiig Rtoruiatory A Rpoins `" Last year It cost tho_;u_x ;poyu'fs Ontario 824-5 for each In; in` that in_ titution--N or ove.r'$20 enoli .per_mu.iiih.*= 'l he lad; who are theie` for thieving -`or _aomt_n other crime"li_ve like ghziiig cocks compared with the'cbi'loren if thou- sands of farmers aodotheus in Ontario who are heavily taxed to maintain such institutions. It is time for to chnngoin the Government.-Muskok Herald. ,wm':ri~':mY's`eooD morros. One of the weaknesses of the Con- servative party in Ontario in the - past was its habit of putting up week local candidates for the elegislsmure-men neither shle not fit for psrlmmentary honours, huuwho were given the hope- "leas nominstions as reward for patient, if-poo:-,iseg~vioe3'to the petty. In this lojwedfe dihrent course, `end has put up -the lien material available. `In `nearly all the oeeitnencies, able and ; Wler med hsieheen -nominsusdge end %h;sI% m-kins via` .- ,o-mp-inIe '--~. 3 Thnirk -e.A.'.` 'I`l`.i election, howeyer, the party has fol-. ON TO VICTORY! Elections will be held throughout the Province on Wednesday, March 2nd The battle will be short, sharp and de cisive. `In fact, it has already been decided that Hardy & 00. must go ; it is now only a. question of rolling up a big majority for Whitney... Let every loyal Conservative put his shoulder to the Whitney wheel and earn a share of the credit in rolling it on to victory. Voteifor Little, or Duff, or Miscamp- be 11, or Thompson. fiie G1.-italiie-s in `Toeonfo have made en excu-pdonnin their favor, however to this statement. _. _.- ...---- paw vs us :15` Ill"\JI V` J. I.ll"lll\"I-Ila "Men will come here not to serve their country generally, but the Gov- ernment of the day, in order that they themselves may profit and the interests of their constituents will only take a "very _aeco_ndnry po ition. _ In - ner Isaiah, defeated candidate in Stormont, appotnu-d caretaker of the G vernment. ptgsty. It is`_not contended that all of the above gentlemen are not good nicials. Take Mr. Drury, the efficient Sheriff ofl Stmcoe, for instance. When that gen- tleman was beaten in Etst Simcoe it was understood that Mr. Paton would i resign in his favor. _But Mr. Hardy was not anxious for Mr. Drurv who was then Minister of Agriculture.` Hardy wanted Dryden ; Drury was too respectable and would not stoop to ardyism unless in the interests of tte Province, hence Hardy s choice of Dry- den. _ ' Wm. Mulock, M.P. for North York, never spoke with greater truth than when hegave utterance to the following sentences in the Dominion Parliament of 1895. when he introduced a `bill to stop the appointment of members and indeed of candidates to oce :- "How can a member of this House who has the promise from theGovern ment of a position. of emolumenc be free to vote or take a. stand against the will of -the Government? However independent". he may desire to be, that relation entirely destroys his usefulness {as a representative of the conamuency which sent him here. -- --v._ --.-v ----. unv- Furvher,`eir, to regard _Parliament as prnmarily a. step; iugmuone to oice is calculated in my jndgmeutto lower the dignity of Parliament. I do not. deny that the member of Parliament -after the lapse of a proper period of time, may have an equal claim with others to" public oice; hot. it will be a deplor- able state of affairs if the idea comes to prevail that the best way to secure 9. public oEce is to be a candidate for Parhamv t or a mum her of Parliament. n.'Il ;, :II I . . - > . ' ,. l -4 M0 *9 0f,_I!l.O8' 1 sand .l%M13-or .' J . f 37 <"`, -- i,5ion`. I . n -~ -- ; :',[,;'; ascandidatap in 1. . `I_.ondon gnizist '_Sir `William Meredith, ap . . poiiite,d_~Uouli__ty Crowli Ammo?- _-Mc'Mahon_, Dr., M.P for North W633- _ storm, -'ap_'poinied` vendor-1 of law - stamps at Osgoode Hall. L N McLaws, J., M.P.P. from Elgin,` ap- " J. pointed deputy clerk of the Crown. '. Mhrray, Thomas, M.P.P. from Ren- - frew, appointed sheri` of , Renfrew. He resigned to become candidate tor Ottawa House. a Masters, Isaac, M.P P. for South vWa- _ ierloo, appointed registrar of Water- -) in North Grey, appointed registrar _' of Grey. ' ' M- Conlxey,_T. D., defeated candidate in West Simcce, appointed sheriff `of ` Simcoe. . * Mackenzie Dan., candidate in East Middlesex. `appointed storekeeper L--ndon asylum. - - N L-xon. James, defeated candldil1e,8p- pointed inspector of prisons. ` 0 Donoghue, D J ., M.P.P. for Ottawa, appointed. registrar of labor atatis-l ties. Paxmn, Thomas, M.P.P. from County of Ontario uncle at John Dryden. appointed sheriff of Ontario. His son, J. E, cousin of John Dryden. appointed to succeed him. oo. , _ . ! McKnight, Robert, defeated candidate! .Phelps, 0. J ., M.P.P. for Centre Sim- I cue, appointed Sheriff of Simcoe. ` Pacuiid, Gaspard, M.P P. from Essex, appointed license inspector in Essex. Ross, A M., M.P.P. for West Huron ' and Provincial Treasurer, appointed clerk of the County Court of York. Robinson, W., M.P P. for Kingston. appointed clerk of the Division Court. Cpringer, Moses, M.P.P. from Water- loo, appointed shei.' of Waterloo. Sloane, Dr., candidate in- East Huron, appointed to Mimic. asylum. Sinclair, Donald, M.P.P. tor North Bruce, iippninti-d Regis rar of Bruce. Spohn, Dr., M.P. for E-st Siincu (3, ap- pointed surgeon ot Penetangnishene refurmatorv. , Tait, Joseph, M.P P. for Toronto, ap p -imed registrar of Surrogate Court- Widd eld. Dr., fiil` North York. appoimed Slieri of York. Wood, W. B.l.{M.P.P. fofr g0I';h Brant, appointed egisirar o 0| . Waters, John, M.P P. for North Mid- ` lesrx. appointed registrar of Middle THE jnonmaum Anvmcx % `ed on the following divihigo: h -- ---- o -v vv us v-Ev II Iwuuullllvo Mr. Sneath wee given to understand that the adoption of the report would not empower the Committee to go on with the erectvoo, _w'1thoot further in structi`cioa' ' The repent wfoethen adopt- ` `Y--- .l`|__4. '1 Mr. Ronan said Mr. Hewaon s ob- ject. was appwrenbiy to get the H ruse at Re-fuge `in Barrie or no place. Now the Cuncil has decided for Beeton, Hawsnn had beoome- 9. stumbling bloflr. ` iartv;-st`-is-r`i=*~7 Wnilobi'`n'4~*1#lw:N`ttq .vi`. Driven to asking tenders fairly and above board this year when wages are higher than for several years past, owing to the Americans immense lum- ber operations this yesr of tree logs to the States, what is the result? Twenty p rties tendered, lowest being 81 73. next $1.74, two at $1.80, next $1.85, twu as $1.90, and three at under $2.00. Asin the yearreferred to 1420 cords 1! re purchased at 82 50; had there. been competition as this year -$1136.00" would have been saved to the Province on c0ldWu0d alone in this ones. `-Ont puint with. Mr. Davidson in regards to his thousands of dollars worth of deal- ings witn this institution since 1873 is that he sold without fair competition ,.lld his great edvantsge on .v the .oord- ` _wood5 oontrsot above referred" to may ;bettuhe n_; fair. sample or thefytre-V meuidousiggroyts tnsdefhy him in snoh v"'15'!el'1"i-`J. i'=e4 Wilt iii.m"n :~59"if7 . 505 w..v v-my ca-`nun VII I|.l'7 ILUIIIQ Dl`-I UU Mr. Quinlan then asked Mr. John Runs if in was true that his Committee. had visited certain Houses ot Refuge that were sewer-ed into a cesspool, end if he had not been told than such uysg tom in those places was "very unsatis- factorv. ' Mr. Ross replied that. he did hot remember asking` or being told any nhrng about cesspool` sewerage, though the Comrnitteeeerbainly was advised to`- get. water sewerage if possible. M- nnnnbt .-.._ _..._`_ L- ._. J 7-: ` I up-`av-u Councillor Lawson then surprised the Council with his oratory on the text, Consistency, thou erta jewel. In his criticism of proceedings he tickled the South `men with Beeton and the Sunny South, and made the North men frown with bleak winds of Genr- gian Bay.-. He brought Mn. Hewaon over the coals for being so active" at the time of the Opera B.ouae`e. " I shall stand by that report until I am the lat man on tha.oor." said he 7 I. t\ 0 ` ' """ """" "|"K""l"""""""" Mr. Hewann spoke again, criticising severely the Committee's dealing with the House of rtefnge question, and charging `them with tinmg what they were not used to do. They had rushed in reports which they were not asked to prepare, and being`-a majnrity of the Connculdld practically as they liked. Chnirman VWhitesides objected to the charge and said he was not gniltv. Mr. Hewaon then excepted _Mr. White sides, but said other members of the Committee are guilw. `MI.. `I).____ .,:.I II'_ 'l"l'-,,,__ 1 I The late A. D. McNa.b. In your reference to the family of the late A. D McN;ab, whose widow adecease and burial you note in lust; week s paper, you are slightly in error in stating there is only one survivor of the numerous children born to Mr ' and Mrs. McNu.b. They had 13 chilulren, of whom two vet: survive. viz: Kate, wife of Duncan McMillan, Beaverton, and Donald, now in Guelph. {BEETl]N_ Is Now AT am. Young Conservative Club. The regular weekly meeting of the Young Liberal-Conservative Club was held in,their rooms last Friday evening and was largely attended. President D. Quinlan in the chair Speeches reviewing the history of the Harrlv Government and its failures were made by E A Little, M.P P., and F E. P. Pepler, Q 0. Mr. John Nettleton, of Col ingwood, and Mr. James Brett, of Aliston, gave short speeches telling of good prospects of victory tor Duff in West Simcoe Mr. R H. Jupp, of Orillia. ensured victory for Misca.mpbell in East Simcoe, while Mr R. J. Fletcher upheld Mr Thompsons good prospects in Centre Suncoe Readings were given by Dr Pulling and Vice President Whiteley The Manda-in and Guitar Club was present and added their quota to the evening's entertainment. I (Continued from page 3 ) Councillor John Russ said he was strongly in favor of Barrie until. the Council decided for Beeton, and then he tell in with the majority. He drew `attention to the following .guree.`:- Last June the Council a;-prnpviated- as la n ._._ r..- 11...--- .1 1)-;-_.._ . zn _ full-ws for House of Refuge : 50 acres, $3 000; out.bu1_|dinga. $1,500; heating, $2 000; erection of building $15,000; t.-tn $22,500 . Now they were getting I00 acres fur $6000, and vheamount. of tenders 18 $18 000 or $24 000 altogeth- er. The builuings on farm are worth $1000, and than wivb $500 from Tr`- cum:-eth and $2 000 Bemon's cash 0`.r gives u tut-l $3 500. $3.500 from $24,. 000 leaves.$20,500 or $2,000 less than the June nppmprlalions. `Ml - lJ-._._,_._ ....,_L- -_-_:_ _`_.:.: 2,2 Tiu4e;T2.T42,V 2.41;, 2.42, 243. Free-for-a.ll- V _Col. Brock . . . . . . .; . . . . . .V . . . . . Spunk . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muuahaw. ." . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Named race-- Grocer Maid . . . . . . Jimmie Whirlwind . Munice . . . . . . . . . . . . -.-on.` Q`! vv.n.v sous aagnavavaauv Barrie is beautifully situated on a picturesque slope. overlooking Kempeiifedt Bay, an arm of Lake Simcue. nine ii iles long a. cl from one to three miles bioad and one ot the pretties bays in Canada. In summer boats ply dail\ to and from neighbo ing summer resort. and parks. The population of liar- rie is 7,000. Stret ts and sidewalks are lirst lass and handsome resiclenc.s are numerous. Streets. public buildings and dwellings aie iglited with gas or elec- tricity. | h.- wat. rworhs and sewerage svstems are very etlicient a d rnvide spring water, good drain- age and r lia. le re protection in every part of the town. Barrie is a rztiluay centre tor eiitral and Northern Ontario. 'l hirteen passeng r train~ arrive and depiist daily.' The postal service is all that can. be des.rcd: thirteen mails arrive daily; there is prompt postal colleeti n and de ivery throughout the town. here are eight schools (onc separate) em- ploying thirty one teathers; twelve churches. three weeklv newspapers. on commercial, evrry da.\ is market day, machine shops. planing mills. grist mills. saw mills. marble cutters. bicvcle works. boat builders, tann rv, breweries. trn butcher sh ps, sever- :1! first clas hote switli reasonable rates, three liveries, three laundries. one creamery and all other modern conveniences. Stores are numerous itnd carry tu-I lines of all kinds of first class goods ; competition is keen and prices are as low as in`:-1 city. Telegraph and clay and -ight telephone systcms connictthe town with all plat es near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. ' urrel Dan . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . .` . . . . . . ' Times-2:36; 3-37;. 2 41%. 3-minute class - Frank Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mad K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VW-alter Wilkes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Little Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -----:u- -;:\-:--- . vlWh4iVhv willwin, _ " Ajicl Hardy mun; go, ' - . . `Are phrases that . adnnd gltight , . 3 And to people who think of the . ' men thatlwern in ' ' The phases Do cut-much ice." We do not. wiuh'lQ stval poetry and so be clan-ased with G. W. Ross; hence we Will credit the above` elnghtly l;_hanged,'vtu the Clint -vn No"-w Era. Jimmy Rice. Birdie Ben-t.ieJ.;... Time-2.42 '2.38}. - Home keepers race- Erin Chief. . . .A . . . . . . . . "Maud Stewart. . . T. . . .. Maggie Usher . . . . . . . . Dol.vC ..... . . . . .. O1 Orphan . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (\l\l\ 1 ljace--T V Colonel Brock . . . . . . . . . Munshaw..,.... . Belwood . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sorrel Dan . .' [ fl"..- 0 `)1! 0 C ! T Ba.1-xii Ice Races . The annual winter races but last Tuesday. `Wednesday and Thursday resulted as fol- lows :5 ' ' .. V... uuv uvnlvwill` IIIVIDIIII-I 5 You-`Brett, Hjrvey, Jupp, Fasb: named race- Time-2.35%. 2. 36, 2 38. mnxrbmhi. 1:401-1:13. . ..:n m GRAV .`nnl-n Beau time-2.54. A IJUIIJII. Yours trulv, J. GALBRAITH. vuus ulvvnuu wvs on we too opu, nu ya. u 81 25 N up Cloth worth 75 to 90. for 45 Navy Serge 1 yards wide, worth 600 for, 2011 V -__ ..---- _.._ -..v..-, - r---u Sul-scribers now in arrears for three months and oven wall be charged $1.40 oer annum. 12c. kind for 8c. 22c. kind for 15c. I 16c kind for" 12c. 35c. kind for 22c. Shiriiug. Cottonades, Tickings, ~heetiugs, Giughams, '1`owelings,.a.t. 25c. straight dis- count. T * 30c. "WI Mackinaw Cloth, extra, 52 00 for 75 GREY, NAVY 8: BRO WN FLANNELS- 220. quavitv t\oT}`15'TcW m"i:a'c"kina for 500 50c. kind for 37130 . 350 kind for 250. HOSIERY. V 22. kind for 15.; rise. kind for 17c 35c kind for 250 50c kind for 350. 35c. kind, extra heavy ribbed. for 250. GLOVES. T ~ Ringwnod. newest patterns and ooloringe. 50 -quality fur 350. _ 35. kind for 250 '1`: " 251:. kind for:20c. ' Cashmere, silk lined, 40c. now 25c. -. 20.` kind for l2c - Kiallovee. $125 kind 80c.; $1.00 kind for 50 to` 700 ;5 lo kind for 3543. T __BLANKE PS. . _ "All kind: at B bin Discount - Klondykeluuketu were 81.75 for 150 gweleeu deans cheaper than ethet- storew pay for them, because HOWARD at co.he`vefei1ed u_nd.their Goods t , MUST BE~"SLAUGHTERED. $5.06 ;a&L$6 6o uiulito} s Ed V 83 50. $4 and $4 50 kinds for $2 00_ $10 00 and $12 00 kinds for $5 00 No house qamfapprouch us on priceb, as this stock must he sold Goods at; actually less then the cost of manufacture, as the loss falls on the Wholesale Houses. ' HOWARD 81 C0. S l5nAAAAnAAAAAAAAAnnnAAAAng_3l $1 per Annum in Advance.

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