Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 3 Feb 1898, p. 2

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LEGAL. _.._'.-.____. mmox. BOYS & BROWN, Barristers, son}- 1 :...... so I-lumn-mu Lnmox. W. A. BOYS. 1 ON ALD ROSS B. A.-Ba ` Conve ancer, etc.. money r Bank of Tomato Building, Uwen ! R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- Friday, Oct. suited at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on the nth. from 8 to u a.m,, and the second Friday of every month. I .__..__._____.....___.._._.__..._______._.__________ ;a1VIc;::y in sums 0133.000 and PW3"d`v " l"'h 3` 5 mun non I _ ` Ac I-(AUHNKIUKDI, D3| l'l3ll', nusunuogp To Solicitor, in Chancery, Conveyance: etc. ce-Firat door Owen sgreet. over Bank of Com- -.... n.....:. 40-48. 4 R.TJ. F. Pallin . Graduate of Trinity University U oronto, Fe ow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Co.lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. llI.IU|lr-woI' -- -..-'roN Am.-r. DR.Pl]. C. SMITH, L.L.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. arvic & Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Comer streets, Barrie :3-ly l , RS. ROSS & ARTI-lUh. Physicians, Surge. ns, etc. W. A. Ross, L.R.C.b. Edin,, L.R C.P , Londun. J. R. Arthur. M.B. Toronto Unnersity, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Ofces and night resi...ences- t$rown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77- - 0 H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections mad~ in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice--Ross block, Dunlop street Barrie. ,4:-Iv- Herein the Local Government vies with and outdoes Tammany. The liquor business once controlled by t.h_e people through their municipal councils ,_,_--1. ..-o ...-.-v.vncn:unnnru nnd Mccurmv, 72 FOR INVESTMENT on good , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No '1)rin`ipa_:`nlvgey}:{quiredh until er: of r . A . so `citor. tc.. AL- 94:91!` ,1cx1NsoN 3: -ACWATT, Barnsters. .. _:..- n..m:.. g..1:.~:mm `of Sum-eme Court.` interest. No nnctpax money rcqulrcu uuun s the term. . H. STRAL HY, Solicitor, MCCARTHY. PBPLER, MCCARTHY 8; DUNCAN, Alliston and Creemore. ~ ` " ---- ---- Io Ill-(`.AII'l'|lV AM ES EDWARDS, Conveyancer, xssuer of Marriage Iuceu-e-. Office strictly private. Post Oice building. Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary atreet. u-ly T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will . be at his office. at the Court House, Barrie. every Satul'd4V. Residence and P.0. Cookslown. Yll gUL`.b1V D .l'l\JLE414.--l\l.4I`. Ann A141... Manager. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of nests conveyed free to and from all trams. Few oors west of Market street on Dunlop street. vlu-us. DALI. .I.'l.4l"llVl.V\J LVIILL4 \.4u.urnu1- Ca rpe -tering, Building and manufacturing of Doors. Sash. blinds. Mouldings. etc. Planin of. all kinds done promptly_ and satisfactorily. ot Blast I):-ying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- ber. _ Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS Ry f1AI.I.lF., an. 1-Assn:-9: to Gen. Rn". Def. ractory-Dayne|u OIICCC, Darne. I `,& GALLIE, smcessors to bee. Ball. yvvrnu s.....V...a_ -__,_ I now rests with pet commissioners and licenee inspectoxs. Dwision ' Court clerks and bailiffs once appointed by the judges are now appointed by the machine. The Cumty Council no longer can appoint. all its own servants, And now these oicials, so long in oce, have become so brazened and em- boldened as to believe they are the ,1` L`.- Wlaaiil Docletv. KJIUCCS--\)Ver E'an5 Ur)` I store. Dunlap St. Residence r6 Mnlcaster St. F. `C. GREGG, Veterinary Surgeon. Honor \ Graduate 0nt., Vet. College, Honor member Medical Societv. 0fces-0ver Ewans Dry Good nfnrn, nulnlnn Sf, Rpe;dnnn9 r Nllllnzletpr gt. _.____.__.___,_,_______________ A. RADLNHURST, Barrister, Attorney. c..u:..:..... 3.. nlmnmrv- Convevancer. we MAKE--....:. Sewer and `.`.!Y?'I* Pivs v_-..-'- -,,,-, [ T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., oice in Bothwex . Block. Allandale. ?n the premises at night. .1 2- V | THE ammo sum PIPE en.` T 60} ADELAIDE 31*. 2., ` iAmum_At Eamon. `BARBIE lAN & SAVINGS 0. INCORPORATED 1881. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 4 Per Cent. Interest Enid on lloponu. The Security for Depoaiton in a. Loan company is undoubted. Ross` new Block. south side Dunlap streov out of the Poet Umoe. . 8-lv The security to depositors in a Loan \Co`y is un- doubted. There is no inetance on record where: deposition" has ever made a loss bv an Loan Co v.v uters and people. .I1._ . R. BUSANKO. DENTIST, has removed to his old ofcc, over H:nderson's hardware store. _ `JOHNSON &SAR_JEANT, BARRIE, Im otters u and Dealer: in Coal: of all Kinds. and eorge town,VGre and Guelvh White Finishing Lime, Vamcnts all kinda. Fire Bricks and Plastereff HEP. SQOXHBIIIQ hf fh Nina-than-n D93]-mu Qnpiouiu cuwn.yurc nnu uuemn wmte rlmsnlng Lnme. Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street. near the depot. The bond of this L " eis better than that of any oth_er kind. apd the 5' ash superior. 0ipo--Corner of John and Elijabethstroets. , A . , 3 Se " x.ozgmx_n LD Fmws" . , _ . Icky. a whn-lwx_nd. Prospectus :51 cents, worth $2. Bug pay. Capntal uqn _Bunx.xv-Gumrrsox COMl_ AllY. Lamited, ` u-ly Tonozrro. 11-IE QUEEN'S HOTEL.-ALF. ARNALL. Manager. Excellent `HE BALL PLANING MILL 0NIPt}NY; I`-.-.-A `A-v:v|lD R..2lAS.u- ,nr` In-nnul`-unrnv-untv n` `OHNSON & SARJEANT, BARRXE, and Danlarn in Cnaln nf All Kinds, ant` -...u-... Ln8Ixunom4h.;o4In. nu I"A|-- gallan- ii . ._-..-.. ::.n..... M Trinitv Medical College, VE'I`ERlNABY BJJIIGEONS. PYPICWI Fourthly-Tammanv winks at out- rageous raids upon the public treasury, and the bigger the steal the more it approves and applauds. Here Hardy & Ross leave Tammany for in the wake, as instance the Moore Lumber Oo'y steal, published in full in Mail Empire of January 17th, the facts of which briey are-thut in 1894 it 4.--..- .8 IIDI ll'UIlI I Illo III II III.` ll connections. WRITE FOR PRICES. AIHSIOH auu Ultvunvnuo I ` PIPLERI,` C`0RBOULD 8; MCCARTHY .: I: lVIANUl.\(`.'l`UBE$. rnvsiuuns. FIN AN (JIAL. DEN'l`lb'l`S. 01` FICIAL. IIOTELS. 3 \.I 43-13 -Evian -av r-w-.v-__ .. We could multiply instances, but shove wxll suce` for the present. Hardy & Co. can put Tammany and Boss Croker to blush. unuun, 1 45-1) money. to loan. Urncczs, ', strect, Barrie. 48-ly D. F. Macwxrr. Aux. COWAN. G. H. Esrnx. "'r6'oNTo. ` rs of tlie _.9`,'..l' soncitoy; 1 .. Rococo HUI-lb VU anvv-. -~-._. - _..___, , _ asks wherein` do the practice: . 'uu11 Etc., N THE NORTHERN Aov/meg ADVERTISING RATES. THE AIIVANI E HAS A CIBCULATIQR OF FOUIITEEN HUNDRED AND FOUR COPIES. Almost, if not quite double that of any ome, paper published in Bame 1 _,.__._-_ --A-no. mu... -. .__. --u. wvnnrlsms snopnn NOTE mu morn l2'lines sulid nonpareil make 1 inch. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion 10 cents per line, each subge. qnent insertion 4 cents per line. Rnnrlina nmim-8- I0 cents D8!` line for first qn8UT 11188111011 `I UUIILB PEI uuv. Reading novices, 10 cents per first insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subseqnm insertion of the same matter. All items an. der 5 lines, of this chanacter, charged as 5 `I:_ -- `.21, V. '3.` v.--` V ' V I I I - Legal, Oicial and Government advertise. ments will he charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. ' Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates, which are drafted on cor. rect commercial principles and will be strictly adhered to. There will be only one price for ell. xinch 2% inches. . . . . . . . . . .. sinchcs, % column...` no inches, 54 column. winches, 1 column... "IEUI Uuu u.IUuLu.- vuu I with 15 per cent. added. in..- 61-nn I-nnnf}\o- +1113 i wmx 10 per cent. auueu. `Fur two months- the three monthly rate I wish 10 per cent. added. .a=n....r.m-na nnairinnn in the nauer will be not the servants of the * W111] 1U per cent. auueu. 3 Preferred positions in the paper sold at an advance of one-third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGESJ Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the office not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in any week, otherwise the adve1'tiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol- lowing. 12 changes of Advertisements allowed per year It more are required, composition rate..- will be charged. A.:.......:.....- mm nn+ Ln allowed to use their vuu uc L`-uanscuo Advertisers will not be allowed to their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad- I vertisemems. \l`Ib/Aagv ~...... ___ Condensed advertisements on rst page 311 .1: as wants ot .111 kinds, lrst and found, pmpertv for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc, et(:., must be acc mpanied with the cash, and wiii be inserted- first insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per xx-M will be made when the number of insertion of the s nme matter exceed four. Cuts} for atfverllsements must In every case be mounted on solid meta_I_~l)hu_v---5. ___?_:__ `For one munth- the three monthly rate -.1 12 _-__ _-_a. ...L1...J , Provincial Building and Loan Association. [JOHN RUGBRSUN. STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCT "5_s~;T cam. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSUCIATION. E'1`C., ETC., ETC. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. Huang 1 1 OWEN STREET. REPRESENT -ms Fouowmc Fuzu l.\'s1R\.\'Ci COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- don 8: Lancashire of England. .\ccur- Zsu Q.....u-..-nu` uy, qpI5.uuIJ,u\.n. The Waterioo Mu` ual, of Waterloo. Ont Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. OM Total assets, $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insura.nc9 Cpm` puny, of New York. Cash capital, mo- SCROGGLE & SMITH, Anamhe Sun Loan and savings Cc . `of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgv1K*`5- counts collected. &c. f\$a- nu..- !.l-...l--...-... n `J-n-(`guard Qrnn`, B3 JUST RECEI\ lED9 A 200 '~ Cased Pipes counts oouectea. ac. Office over Henderson_s Hardware Storc. Ont. scnoecu: a. SMITH; VCOUNTERFEIT ;MONEY Sec. V ""ill . NW. 0! by Ma*)g1R..HE ' u 6-lv :ERSONs I. ` has `'` !It to .50 . w .of others detirog: `fh"- or who may 0 dom 30 king}, - RY BIRD.- UUUUIIVVH U5 Van... _ puny paid its s1o,si-tte Elmaum, less the $5 000 disoount-and got of!` soot free. In Pete:-borough, the other day, Mr. John Green,addresaing a pub ~ lic audience, contrasted the treatment accorded to the Michigan Arm with that meted out to a Canadian some years ago. `* The late W. A. Scott. of Peterborongh, he said. owing to the wrong-`doing of an agent of the Government. had had his limits con- scated by the Government. A depu- " tatnon of Peterborough citizens, Grits R OI-`1r1c1:-Next door to Bank of Toronto, Which We are selling at 90c. and as high as 53-"` A ---ruvvvu `unite us -vu-- u. v... -- ---- LD-c`>n't forget that we are still selling the 8110 Myrtle Navy smoking Tobacco 85. per plug. on ' HAMMER, - Tnbacconist. 7 29 llnnlop street. Monkman s Drug Store ._uUu. X LJULIUC Ity, $15,000,000. . _ 1?74L_..IA- `. CONDENSED ADVERTISEME.\`'[`S. :- FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. apiece. Take a look at our window. ` i&v-v-- `- and Tories,- p'rotesm;' to the Govern- menu against the action. The Gov- ` I` _ -1.` db n -xunnnmr on-man: - The Globe complains thus the Oppo-. Iition press, in urging Mr. Whitnoft `claims to be given n toun to govern Onturio, compare the Hardy-Ron Gov- ernment to New York a'l`unmnny ring 3- -L`-- -...-0:Anl lg` a 92 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. Fnnnunnt 3. 1898 is not half so harmful as cmxntcrfcit ..... ../11...... I5 HUI. llctll 3U unluuun ua \\'\lllL\.-w-V medicine. `When your doctor writes " take" or- a prescription. he does so with the understanding that each ingrcdi rt shall be as indicated. If wc c.-unmt supply the precise ingredients writ- ten we wiol not fill the prc.scriptio:1 until we hear from the ph)sici.'m. .A.GrE].\T'I` : .L:.,.. ...-A.,.:,),. sL,\:- PRICE FOR BA1{1-:IE '1 ./ ompaf Barrie. Illvlnv way---- - ._ . t ernmem. than impogd a ne of $26,- "OOO The reason for: this fine, the Gnvernment claimed, was that Mr. Ao- Emu [5000 pm an ap Stayn H0118 the C4 tions W88 8 other Th savinV July asked at (3 [ 0!] C9. suret W Scott had shipped out more lumber than had been accounted for to tlie Government ; but Mr. Scot.\. s friends explained that this lumber had not `.`all been taken off of Government lends, A good deal of it came of! J 9) Cl - for and I from the been _Ch nanc Werf , takv rep ed M sew wickl paid, Trea ty of Iowa spec ins}, Con Mr. 8cott e "own private lands. So that there is one brand of justice for the Michigan man, and another for the Canadian. The Michigan operator, when found out, is permitted to go on payment of two-thirds of the amount out of which his oicers tried to de fraud the country. He saves a clear 85,000 by the deal. ` The Canadian. on the other hand, although claiming V that there has been no fraud, is first 7 condemned to suffer the conscation of all his limits, and is nally punished ` with a line of $26 000. This sort of 1 thing ought surely to be changed. have fr"? (`d B port- Pete I], 100 the` of 3 thin sho fun inst . ubo $G,( tion Bee vice all P91~i| ghia 3raig B8!` furt fact bei the div S01 of fail WHERE THE MONEYZGOES. ` The intelligent elector reasonably asks himself how it 18 that his municip- al taxes are keeping as high as and higher than in years gone by when to-day rail- road bonuses_ are practically paid o` and expenditures for building school . houses, public buildings. heavy improve- 3 ments for roads and bridges are not as great as formerly. The whole proof lies in a nutshell (among other reasons) in the following summary showing what the County of Simcoe received some years ago from the. Local Govern I ment as its proportion from the liquor license funds paid in the County and Government aid to schools contrasted with the same grants in 1896. Then the Government took possession of $2 839 of the local license fees. A ` W21 car` notl ro {Jo to pri the it Then it made these grants: Cash to the municipalities . . . . . . . Grants to High schools . . . . . . . . . . Grants to Public schools. _. . . . . .. Grants to other schools . . . . . . . . . . $13,389 So that the Government took $2,839 from the County annually and gave back $13,389. The people received $10,550. For 1896 `the Government took ` $9,798 of the license fees. ` an N For High schools . . . . . . . . . For Public schools . . . . . . . . For other aohools . . . . . . . . 1 1 370371 TheACounty now gets, back s 1 , 136 more than it pays in, instead of $10,550 an formerly. fuwgvwww - Where stand we now ! The losers by $9,414 in a single year, and if the reckless extravagance of Hardy dz Co. is kept up much longer we will not be receiving the pittance we got in 1896. This shortage was of necessity there- fore made up by increased municipal taxation. ' In 1&8 Government received from license funds, $75,528.85; in 1896 Government rev .,.ved from license funds. 828617218 ; or in other words $210.- 64293 was taken directly from the municipnlitiee, which shortage had to he made top T in directmnnicipal tax- the two compete. Fu'at-'l`ammeoy blaokmeile every- one under its power to extort fuhde to carry elections. ` " A ~ -3- f`-_.n.-.-unnn hmf. Scion. ANOTHER mo eon":-. 7 - It is a common exquee with apolo- gists for Hardy & 00. that if there have been: inerepsing. expenditures of late years, it hes in the main been due to the feet that in former years littleor no expenditures were made for public .bi|_iIdingI Ind:~pII,b1i'o `works; and theta I--ve been Then it. returned to the County : $2,940 ` . 1.572 7, 888 090 $2.134 - V 8,369 431 M6 the; faowa publtahed in Mr; E: court ; Budget Speech :, _ runuo nuxnnmas. ` 1s7o...,,...... 282,908 52 187l.- .... 29e.o7e9s 1s72...~.. 2os.o71s3 1873 .............. .. 472,359 so 1874 . . . . . . . . . . 291,558 14 N13}? 989 . Total... . . .. . ._ 41,394,081 25 Or $155,393.72 Jean during the last- five years, than was spent an therat ve years of.Grit rule. V PUBLIC wonxs. This includes work on roads, bridges, local canals, timber slides, etc.: 1870...` ........... .. $124,825 77 ` 1871 .............. .. 134,543 47 1 1872...., ..... 60.69312 1873.. ............ .. 81.530 21. 1874 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 117.880 14 `Total. . . . . . . $135,269 84 Or $384 202.87 leas.duriug the last ve years than was spent during the first five years of Grit rule. 9]" L _ _ _ _ ____ Had the Government of late years spent as much in public buildings and public works as trom 1870 to 187-1,.we would havebeen face_ to face with di- rect taxation ere this. A CI!" I`, VIDV ulvuuo Here the Ontario Government shines. Surely one instance will suice. Every intelligent reader remembers the publi- cation of the very cheques given by hotellreepers in the city of Toronto` to W. '1`. Preston, Librarian of the Legis- lature, during one of the ghts to sup. plv funds to throw down the wicked Tories in the then elections. ` Seocndly-Tsmmany sdvocutes the giving of contracts for supplies to party friends without public competition and - - 27-- .:..-.a 1... north! favorites ".Dr. Holland, and endeavor, with a few z:vam*1=:ucn;f , Next to Premier Hardy, Minister of ' Education Ross takes the palm of the 3 Ontario ministers for bare-faced e'ront- cry; but what can be expected of a man who will take a poem written years ago by a great man now dead, bungling changes, to palm it o` as his own. But when it comes downto loot- ing the public chest to attempt to build himself up, as Mr. Ross is doing, by establishing another Normal school at London, it is time a halt should be called. If such an institution is a ne- cessity to day it surely must have been a tow years ago, and why, therefore was git not built then? 1870..._, 1871.-... 1872.... 1873.... 1874.... -It is carrying out Hardy s principle iof bluff at Owen Sound a few years 'ago, when he tnld the citizens that if Mr. Patterson was not elected they could only expect cold justice, and so to-day a promised expenditure of $7 5,- 000 for a Normal school is held out as a bait to the people of London to elect Ia supporter of Hardy & Co. - $4-4- AL- -L 1892 . . The following table shows the at- tendance at the Normal schools, which is almost the same trom 1891` to 1897. Why then the necessity of this large expenditure? Simply and solely to" bribe London, or attempt to do so, and help to give Hardy, Ross 85 Co a chance to draw $4,600 each from this long-suffering Province for four years 1896.. 'rHm,oos;rMo' TEXT Booxs. Hon. G. W. Russ, speaking at. Ba.rtie_ recently. contendedothat. school books are very cheap. - -0 - -1 19 , On this pomt there is a wide diver- gr-ncy of opinion. In comparison with other standard books, they are thought to be very dear. For exat'nple-Mr. Ross has ordered that s .rst reader, part L, costing 5 cents, shall be sold for 10 cents; that part ,II., costing 6 cents, shall be sold for 15 cents; that the second book, costing 11 cents, shall be sold for 25 cents; that the third book. costing 14 cents. shell be sold for 35Acems 3 and that the fourth book, 0 istrng 16 cents, shall `be sc1d'for"45 1392... 1393... 1394... .1395 .. 1896... Were the printing of the books `thrown open to competition it is safe to say that the prices would "be "largely _re- duced, and the -bixrden that _now falls upon thefethers of large families {very ooneiderablylightened. . ' V rleuuu vuvuvuu. 3.--..- _o__` at the prices xed by party favorites lucky enough to secure these favors. .. u , ,....l` :. nI\\Cl"nr` I117 ML As it is, the `printing is locked up in 1;. close ' monopoly, and the prices xed by the Mnnieter. He has order, ed that I share. of the Xprots ahsil be given over to the Ontetio Government. Thin is in common parlance, ` milking the oontxoot.f_ _ ome men or tw,elve_ % thoneande of dolls;-Vs annually are Hand- 9.: 9v_er by the favored pn5lieh`|"a" ;t :rog.x...... .$1,549.474 97% I0RM_AL SCHOOL A'l'l`ENDANCE. '1`otal._... Terml | Term2 I 120 111 116 112 120 `(IF i5? Tonomo. man` Nqmunnx Annual? NICK) Buuugu nu uvvuuv -..-..- Here ample proof is aorded by Mr. David Davidson, the Lxberal candidate in Centre Simcoe, who has received thousands upon thousands of dollars for supplies furnished to the Peuetang. Beformatory. Upon what terms? When tenders were publicly asked. -1 - l.`_1I-...._n. 127 121 v 119 118 123 125 `(III $393,969?l4 320.943 00 205.194 21 265,600 90 208,374 00 ..$519.472 71 Mr. Har- 3 21.324 85 13.045 87 28.582 36 23,739 70 38,077 06 ` Term 1|_erm2 93 102 109 OTTAWA. 98 Ill 102 94 l'|f\ VV uuu ucuuu-u .. .. . I _ , No, not a bit of it. but in the following manner, to quote Mr. Davidson s own words, in his lame attempts to justify l the Government's conduct, When l lumber is required at the Reformatory quotations are asked for and the prices submitted to the Inspector, who ap proves if satisfactory. Whoever heard of such competition, and so in the thousands of dollars worth of lumber sold by Mr. Davidson since 1873, as the public accounts show, he has hxed the price, and practically been both buyer and seller, as far as price was concerned. -` - ,,L-_ 113 97 100 school bmk to t"hvP1-ovi_ncial T11-aunt 'w?"I TTYZQI CI! v:w zyv V _ ' " A` .i " "-1: . novs &BROWN,B c Solic- et It m a due ax leywd on he ` it]? &c. Hauam-on .L3nnox?TV...2'Bovs. school population. The tax i; paid by Gan. . Bjngwrxmmn and Cumm- all who have t.o.bny these 601% books. LnNrg>l1':n:JBovs. . V Barrio ocw-cor. Dunlop and Owen sts. Elm- GIVE FARMERS A CHANCE. ' valie ode opposite Hunt : hotel. Money to loan A _ no nuvonr rites. ~ magmas A onanosz. Wud' is not goodlenough" for fuel at the Ortllia Asylum, but the occupants ol'that."1nstitutiou must be heated by coal, if even it does cost a great deal more than if wood were used. . Farmers are numerous who would be glad to supply that institution with the best of hardwood at $2 00 per cord. Elias Rogers 85 Co. are good Grits, and are pleased to supply coal, and the Govern- ment is pleased to allow them to. Let us look into the Public Accounts dur- - ing the past` few years and see what these coal bills amount to every year: l888-p. 143. J. W. Blair, coal. . .3 104 04 - 1888--p. 150, C. Mclnnes, n 4842 28 , 1888-1). 151, C. J. Smith, In . . . 3858 96 ` 1889-9. 155, C Mclnnes. n 14 00 1889-1: 155, E. Rogers & Uo.,coal 5053 73 l890-p. 159, J. 0. Coleman, n_ 508322 l89l-p. 163, J. F. Coleman, 13139 46 - 1892--p. l77,.E Rogers & (.20. 13009 02 1893-p. 182, E. Rogers & Co. 12377 33 1894-1). 195, E. Rogers 8t 00. 10824 39 1895-p 209, E. Rogers & Co. 10848 47 1896-p. 213, E. Rogers &. Co. 6301 91' l897-p. 220, E. Rogers 8; Co. In 6811 49 The inmates of the Asylum must have coal lor fuel, while ordinary peo ple have to put up with the cheaper fuel, wood. It may also be said that the inmates must also have creamery 8 butter at 20. or 3c. per lb. more than d dairy butter, which ordinary people have to eat. THE.DUTY or THE..l:10UR. What is the dutyvot the hour ! It is that all Conservatives and loval Ontar- ians should unite in solid array to restore the nancial equilibrium of the province, to stop the creation of pub- lic otces for politicians, either retired or defeated, to reform the educational policy by creating an Advising Board to the Minister of Education, to stamp out the Grit centralization policy and to elect Mr. Whitney and his colleagues to oice so that _Ontario .s resources may be made to contribute to Ontario's prosperity. F108 Council. Flos Council met. January 10, pm` suants to statute reluuvs to first meet- ings ot Township Councils. The mem- bers made and subscrnbed the declara- tions required by lsw. I . 1 A11 l'll'\ _ I __ Ityccouncs to the` amount of $14.00 for work on surveys of Phelpaton aiarsh lands were passed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid :-W-. -A. Ritchie, cedar for culvert and work repairing culvert, $3.00 ; Robt. McGrath, repairing road- way, sideroad 5 and 6, cons. 10 and` 11, $5.50 , Joseph Gaod, for township printing for 1897, $55.00 ; Cyril Huule, digging ditch as required by an agreement under the Ditches and 'Watercourses Act, $18.00; Joseph Gadd, `balance for printing by-law tor Phelpston marsh drainage, $25 00; J useph Gadd, printing notices for ten- ders for Marl Lake drainage, $1.00; Joseph Gadd, printing` notices for ten ders for Phelpston Marsh drainage, $1.50. The Council appointed N. LeClere as Auiitor of Accounts for 1897. The Reeve named J ohn " McEuchern. M Lawson was appointed Assessor. Train-Speirs---Ordered that Henry O Neil be g1ven to the 313: Dec, 1898, to remove timber 011' base line Gone. 1` and 2. ' THE LUMBER STEAL. _-The facts relating to the . Moore Lumber Company affair can related in a few words. This Michigan `cor poretion had timber limits in Ontario, end it was its duty to preserve an ac curate report of its out, that the stump- pngedues might `be levied eceoljding to iluiw. One of `ite oioers kept e__double_-_ record. . In onerecord `he gave the `cob; not _gpreI fer the ;guidene_e,o - Ip mother ihejentered free-.j e ttttdnlonseet1snreit'ie "-{the J` i 9, I 'l`ram-Coughlin-Ordered that the Reeve and Mr Speusiuspecs the toad made by Mr. Lofuus and if satisfactory set le tor the woak. o ` v'.I;;a1n--Spei't``8':-'\)rdured that the sum of $15 be paxd Mr. Richardson -for digging duch and bunldmg culvere on sxdcroagd 25 and 26. Gun. 1. `pg. -p---v-v--u -we -1- owv urvng - Spems - Train - O`rdere`d `chat; the Clerk give notice them tenders for the ..ownsh|p prmting for l898.w,1ll be re- cewed. -_. _ Council adjourned to meet at Phallus- ton, Feb. 19gb, 80 the hour of 10 o clock. T ` Simcoe Law Association. _ The County of Sunoue Luw Anemia- nion mes last. Wedunday morning and elected the following oioers ":- Pasron-'_l`he Hon. Senator Gowan. Hon. Pres.-- Hue Honor Judge Ardegh, Hon. .Vioe-Pres.-Hns..:- Honor Judge Boys. . I President-H. H. Stralshy, Q.C. `Vice President-Geo. Mobertlv. CurM.o_r-F. E, P. Pepler. Q.C. Sec.-Trequ.--D.V F. M_ucwAab.A . .'i`msteeLa-- H ia Hohor ude Boys, H. H Sm-athy. Q.C., F. E. P. Pepler, Q.0., H. Lennox, 'Jno. D1ckinaon,0.- E. Hewson, Hf. Robertson, Q 0,, W. A. J. Bell, R. D. G-nun. A. E Bonulon- Auditors-_-W..Ault, A. E. H. cm- ._!.I_. . wioke. Vile omuu uppu at lowest rates. Us nu-nu -..---_.J ,-, was discovered that under valuations as to quantity of timber cut by this American company, were made `by which the Province lost $15,712. What did Mr. Hardy do? Cancel the Cumpany s licenses and prosecute the parties criminally, both of which moves should have been made. No, not at ' -all, but compromised the steal for $10,-. 000, and let the parties go with a cau- tion. And what was done by Mr. Hardy with the Government agent, McDonald, who was knee deep in the mire in the transaction. Was he prose- cuted? Not at all, but he is still, as admitted by Mr. Hardy when the question was debated in the House a short time ago, in the employ of the Crown Land Dept. Shame on such conniving and keeping in high places such men, and defending crimes `which should be prosecuted to the bitter end. _.. L-_L Hnwson & cnuswxcxz, barristers; tors of the Sueme Court of ]_udicature of Ontario. Proctors. otaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oices--Ross Block, Barrie. .. .. .. ,,,_-__ A 1'.` L! (`nocunr-Kn. C. E. Huwson. D _ _ _ Barristers, _ Solncxtors In High Court of J ustices, Notaries Pubhc, uonvpyancers. uces over the Bank of Toronto, Rants. ________________________________._ OUNT 8: LOUN1, Barristers, Solicitors, Proc- tors, Notaries, Conveyanoelfs, &c. Oces cor. Dun] and Clapperton streets, Barrie. Wu. oun-r, .c., e G30. W. Louxrr. oronto. 5:-sy Barrie. ULT & COWAN. Barristers. Solicitors 4 Supreme Court. Proctors, Notaries, Cc ancera. etc. Money to Loan. Oiccs-Ross' 1 Dunlop-et.. Bartie. I|1__ - .........n A nu or ` A~LRx_ Cov `-.wC-)_v-v"':n-sht.' Branch of lock. Joan Dncmxsox. B.A. ICKINSON 8: -AUWAT1 , narrxucra. nu- taries Public. Solicitors `of Supreme Court, etc., `Barrie. Ont. Oioes in Bank of Toronto Block, Ijlo. . Owen street. oce, Elmvale, McKegg'1e s '44`- McCAR'rHY, PL-.PLER & MCCARTHY, Ba:-| ristets, Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. D AL'roN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. `P. Pnnnn, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muncmson. ` Barrie. M. M. CAMPBELL, Ban-istejr, Solicitor,` Notary, etc. Mane to loan. -Barrie and tayner. Barn: ce-Bank of Toronto Buil g, Owen street, 5- QTRATHY 8: ESTEN. * R: UUHV UUUU `av Tbirdly-Tammany creates number- less efces, and from the people takes away the right. of appointing oicials and gives this power to the machine. 1 r1 ,-___._.-_4. ..:....

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