Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Jan 1898, p. 5

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whine. v up-we -Advance Correspondence. _ _. _ The anniversary set vices and `festival in connection with Craigvale Presby- terian church. held on the 9th and 10th Jan., were of a highly successful char-_ acter, and it is to be hoped ,that'the glorious weather that prevailed during the meetings may augur a year of ex- ceptional prosperity and success to this uurishing congregation. On Sabbath, the Rev. J. J. Cochrane, M.A.,v of Barrie, assisted `he pastor, delivering two earnest and practical addresses, Which were listened to by large audi ences, in the evening the church being lled to its utmost capacity. I\ 'I1T_J,,.._I__ __-__:_.. L`._ I... E-._I [haW%%Bn'S%i." WV- What is This 9| NEXT DOOR`TO BARRIE HOTEL. FIVE POINTS _BAl-=I'R_|E.' {re}. LIBERAL TERMS THE 8'50 800 Than those we offer this week have nefer been seen in this `or any other town. The garments agn new, stylishly. made, `fashionable in material and colors-ii a Word they are up to date in every point that makes clothfng.desirable They can t last long at such prices. Don t Ifelay, but purchase early 5. . While sizes are complete. g. >---cur nil U15 FCC _ The ;I:n:nl meeting of the THE EMPRE Our $5.00 5 Fashionable Suiis Our $7.50 Business S `ts iour $450 Ulster ouz;/$5.25 Ulster rank Ewan, Man ager; 1 DRUG$ .;:PA_Tf MEDICINES, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS C)utside 'T|-u=_` EMPIRE, ;TANULBI 1898.. ,1 BA.R:FlIE S_ GREATEST DRUG STORE. SEAGIAEERS DRUQ STORE, Are more t11anmoney s Worth. Made in neat, dressy pattern; perfect t. The best ever shown at the prlce. if Are esihcially tailored by the very best tailor hands. Particular men-Well dressed men-have expre sed themselves in the most complimentary _lang . ge about them. "They come in the newest Is a wonderful Coat for the money. Made from heavy `freize. Good wool linings and perfect t. sthe'Ulster everyune is talking about. It is paralyzing the Clothing trade in town. It s a. rare bargain. - 80Dunlop-SI: , 3 doors east of the -Bank of Commerce. the queation of price, it : to` your advantage to get your drugs at Seagen Drug Store. Thevery fact of its being a. new store pad of our large ttede assures a continual freshness, and there- fore an eoecy that you would not get from the old utoree where __ dqugu lay around a yeeroreo 80 DU N LO P-ST. Opp. Post Office. . .\ .- J(_,.._ .,._ , . Sundary school was held In the church on the 5th inst , and the following of- ricerssnd teachers elected for to e pre- , sent yeer:-Superint.endenf, R. Y. Wil- liams ; Ass. Supn, John Sanderson 3 Sec.,`Bert. Sanderson ; Treasurer, Miss Q S Annie Scarlett; Librarian, Miss Minnie : I Budd ; Teachers, J. Sanderson, M.` 1 7 Arthur, J. Simpson, N. Palll, Mrs. E. 1 i Polk, Mrs. Sanderson ; Teachers in reserve, A. Pall: and Jno. Martin. " 'i\3as'X.'i3'e1"a,' "Jr" 6o'3 '"1iT11',";Int part of last week at M 1'. Arthur Bell's. 'Il';.... '?..g:- 1).A..-...-_ - Il'2.._L-1I` Mr. Massey, of Tmy, is the guest of MrW.H.Todd.' _ _' Mrs. M. Gilchrist, of Munitobt, -is the quest of `Mrs. D. McCuaig. "'1sZI-.'& 'i1{.'bZn;'or' 'ia'nitoba, are the guests of Mr. Crawford ` `"'1\7:'a 'f<'ei"e'"13.'EEe}"s5a.I}'"1aE{1}UEi Square, is the guest of Miss Mary Cur bett. V - ...,. ... .... -.......- --,..---,. On Wednesday evenimz the hot fowl supper, which is now regarded as an annual event, was served in the'base- ment, and we need only add that the arrangements were carried out by the ladies in their usual skilltul and order- ly style. The physical having been ministered to, the intellectual treat commenced in the lecture room of the church. the Rev. W. McConnell fulll ing the duties of chairman. The music by the choir, the S-roud Quartette and Mr. Peter was well rendered and shnw ed excellent taste in selection. The speiches by the local clergyman and others were interesting and witty and received good attention. The proceed- ings were varied by Mr. Orispin, of Barrie, giving an exhibition of the phonograph which was much enjoyed by those who had not before had the privilege of hearing this wonderful in- vention. At a late hour the meeting` was brought to a close by a selection = by the choir and all repaired to their homes fully satised with the enter- tainment, while the funds of the Ladies Aid S-uciety were augmented by almost $130 r II 2 , 2, _, .1- (1_L`.-..1_ uuvu II us Mr mVV"1;I:_'l3rook and Miss Olive Crawford, of Goldwater, are visiting at Mr. J as. Crawford's. RI` rp 3--u-v-I-any was at vw. vvvxuna -"iv " ``'``'J 3- ; Messrs. M. and L. Marlin, of Allan-, dale, skated out to Om Station and; spent Sunday with their brother, Mr. N James Marlin. _ . V N LII A a un- vvu...-vw ---u The La&iS3'. Aid `of the Mechvoditac church intend holding a parlor social on Friday evening at the residence of Mr. Jae. Crawford. J1`. ml. (1 - t`\.__._A. ,._.1 ul`IL___.__ 11..-..- v v--cu v----v - -`Mr. Gr-0. Oherry Grove; Farm, Oro Station, has purchusfad; 2;:d.:;,s?":;:` .`;.,:: 1:*::::'~ I. s 8 y } ``M__qasbank. f , _ _ W / The teachers and oicera of the Methodist Sabbath school fcr1898 are r as follo_wa_:--A. A. Bell, Supt. ; Mr. T. \ Pye. Bible Class teacher; Mrs. A A. 7 Bell, teacher 5 Miss A. Graham, Misc Stella Stanley, teacher; Secretary, J. l E. Crawford 3 Treasurer, W. Todd.` %""1s&}I'A.":i$&h 'n'&'"1ia}."ii.'Ii$hnaeon spent part of last week in` Tmy. ' `II . ._.I `ll -.. r'|..-...._ -1 `ll--:A'.-I..- wuvvu Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strabtbn, of Uxbrldge, paid a ying visit. to friends hex:e_ laa_yeek.___ ' oven v-vv- 7-u-vv vnunuu ' everal of ale young people of Oro = Station spent an enjoyable time at. Mr. Geo. Crawford's on Saturday evening. 11..---- IA -_.l I nl..-n.. .1 All... Minesing. Advance Correspondence. The young people of. this neighbor- hood are contemplating the orgamzation of a musical and literary society. ' `IE..- T..-I-_...._ __L- I . _ _ _ .__- LL..- 15$ U50`! .\I|FU3 `II G$IO ii. `?'VY.` Mr. James Johnatoh, jr., is- laid up ` with`: `severe `o_.t.t.ao_k 2!` iuag1_1tion.- _ `}lII\I The following evening the Sabbath : school pupils were treated to a free tea. 1 and sleigh drive, and we feel assured from passing remarks that the Young. people fully enjoyed this part. of thei prugramtine. _--,_______ 1 up. an -av:-r-vino Inuaia In!-VII-0 IIVVIVUJI Mrs. Jaokmun, who for some time past has been under medical treatment in the Victoria Hospital, Barrie, has recovered in so far as to permit of her return to her home hereon Saturday, the"_l'5th inst: ~ M`:-'._ H. Johnston. of Pe;etang, Vthe guest of ' Miss Al_mie`Todd. `ll... 1\ 'El'..I.I.._-...L -t 7IVL__..L-.. -'H.oldav;ort'h, of Tho`:-nton, : threshing clovr in this vicinity. '11:..- A fI'\-.I.I .._.I `II . `LT 'l -L_..4._ wu-up `run. We are pleased to notice that Mr. | Butkholder, the present principal ox our school, has succeeded in passing his ; Normal examination, thus qualityingi as 9. second c ass protessional teacher. Congratulations. i "VI... -.'..J.J:--.. L..`lI... -1.` LL- L___._ _':_..I-_I ---,_.,-_-..-----..... The wedding belle of the town iingled gaily on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 10th inst, when Miss Mary Brem- ner was united in the bonds -of mutri-' -moby to the Rev. Mr. Tinkum. The happy couple departed to their future home in Nebraska, where Mr. Tiukum is etatiened. T ' ` Anniversary services were conducted in the Methodist church on Sunday, the 16th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Large, , of Stroud. The reverend gentlemen I diecoureed very ably in the morning on ` the subject of Fuit.h," and in the. evening preached a. most eloquent ser- mon on the subject of Personal Sal- vution.- The eerviceswere largely at-' tended,'in the evening the building I being fairly packed. ` ' A ........:-... -1. .L-.'m..._.-_.'.a 1-...v..:..-..- -.~-_a -.._- -, ,. .... _. _ A meeziug ot the `Farmers Institute of Centre Suncoe was held in the Workmen s hall, Minesing, on Friday, Jan. l4z.h. There were afternoon and evening sessions. Interesting addresses were delivered at. buIl148888l0n by Wm. Rennie, 0. A.'C. Guelph, and also by John I. Hobson, Mosboro, Out. The subjects dealt with by Mr. Rennie were ` Economic feeding of livestock" and; Beautifying the farm. Mr. I-Iobfson spoke in the afternoon on What leads to success or failure in farming, and in. the evening on "Lessons learned during a summer's travel in other lands. _ A number of local speakers took part. in rhe discussion. Both meetings were largely attended and a large number was added to the membership ot`_the. local Institme. and M. ' Cottn are qisiting friends in 0:70 this week. * fl.-.5... In -unnnknu hath ntnd ; pg `V13 w vv Vt: "i`Ul|:`;;`:vJa'a quit _a heavy rainvitotm; on W-`e%dne'Id ay,= accompanied by~`.: 1} bright lightning. ; - '1' L . Advan; Cotnspziadonce. i Mao. Murray was staying gt Mr.` i Myers this week. V ' ` ' ` ` -II`--- l.___. l'I;.....-..-.. 2- _'.2..:.I.2.._ ...2.`._`.I.. ,- Thorntdn. Advance Correspondence. The Kindergarten entertainment given by the pupils ot the public school ` under the direction of Miss Long, was- Wril attended and much enjoyed. Mr. T. W. Lennox was chairman. The piogauime was pleasantly interspersed thlolluhollli by suitable selections from the Thornt- n oi-chestrii. `The " Trio consisting of Henry Bros. and Rev. J. J. Spurllng, delighted the audience as usual bv some of their choice music. Coukstown was well represented in the person of Miss Mabel Graham, who, though only a little girl, gave several iecitations and sons in a most pleasing niaiiner. The piogramme closed with a very pretty tableau. consisting of a pretty hollle scene. One of the teach ers rt-presented the father, while a couple of the older pupils acted as mother and grandmother, and a number of small children were placed in differ- ent. positions on the platform, and be- hind the curtail! the trio sang, Home Sweet Home, while the children all joined in the chorus. ` "lls -B-1:r_\"(`I'3:s-gaercloljia visiting friends 5 in Oaonnd Orilliu chin week." " lI'II_',I`. ,---~ AI. _' ,I.I __-;II :1 nun \JI\r-UII-In -- v-any vv wus- Mr. ssmT"uea up the 'o1d we1ue; the dphool .with_ stone this wee ~ - C I `l- `f I` 1;. } BI`) Ibuvuta uov-y-up ocuu col`: -1-: nova : Quite qnumberfrom here attended; i l.h6 D0,l1|'$ of ARev_isiox'1A-st .E_lm_n!lvo on iWedn addy. V . V 1.-- 4n--:L- A A .`OroA8t$t1on.] ' to. Advance Con-esp<`>;1dence. Mr. D. MoAule_y e' house is about completed inside. s:_,_ `|l-A__I_._ __.1 mt..- nan- _:- " ii}. `If BZEEQ a'i.?;I.Id' Zi.i'rES' car loads of slabs to Toronto on Thursday and has more regdy. TIT __ . . . _ _ _ ~ _ # L- L--- J.L-A. `If- T and Mrs. Oiey vis- ited frienda in Wyevale on Friday. T `ll... 1 T:LA`_ I. _ _ _ . _- A. We were sorrv to hear that Mr. J. . -Leece n house at Hillsdule was burned ` I leanly Sunday m'orning_. _` n .-'-u mnnnann I|l\nIIl\II|lI- nfnl-don 4 |Il.l." Clint) IIJ\l.\l ovum]! I w.j'4]"aar'iJy`-""i"I~1Jee.<-1-5; )?!-I-I-(?1" 1iing' the stables ` of M;'. J. Bunch were burned to the ground, cause unknown. ` ` I ,,_- . ` I A 43.6. ~_ :5 n x I` ` 5 . * . E ` ` V . _ ` '9 - -. i` 9 - "` ; . - ' , \ V \ .. " 1` I . .- .. _ A V Kid` 4') (A 4'; I; V ' ,4. Q " `n` ` - \ I I . us I` .2 - I I - . - C . _ - . . - ' ~.. 0 v .--r- Corres *ndents3; , ,7 _ _:;:jLjLTL-L_L-jn-j_L l`\J`- G.I\IIl\|I II. `V Jvvuuov v- .-no-vv Mrs. J. Little has gone to '1-`:e'nton to see her mother, who in verv sick. `II "III `l'\ __A. _n_:__ -J AI___A.--_. _-_ u v uuv vu u vv.vv--v--cu: . Miss Margin. of. Betbel, is visiting friends here. _ 4 I ,- -,9 ., 9, ,, 1| _,,.____s__J' `.I_:_ I-UJICD L`I I friends here Il`!__, ll , I ll lVI.l\lD IIUI. U Misa Maud Wood, of Dee:-hurat.*is visit? ing at. Mr J Randolph Arnold's` Miss Vetta. Ross, of Cookatowu, spent Sunday with fncnds in this vicinity. Tho mnn;nn uan nvnnzil-, nn nnntv all 0 KIKIIIV-IT VVIUI-I IlI\JII_'-I3 III IIIIIE 'IvILIlIIJo The Mission Band meet on Sunday at 2 30 _ p m. In is a very interesting meeting to attend. T ' `nu, -n__-_1 n _,1,. (`In ,__._L. .2 1-,,, Luv 3:__ QUDUIJIL ' ' The Royal Scarlet. Chapter of Inniel1iis- i trictwaaeopened in the Orange Hall, Ivy, ` on Friday. 14th inst; Five members of L. : 0 L. No. 450 were installed to that degree. "`hn-`Ann. |Il\I\nlI nu.` A5k\.Al|fu:I'|I`\'\A.|l\f :1! `J 140 &'o 1lI\I VVVIV IIIUKKIIWII Il\I UIIWII \lV6I\J\h The "fowl supper and entertainment in connection with the ' Presbyterian church on Monday night was very successful The tea. furnished in the basement was up to the high standard already set by the ladies of the churc_h. The program was very inter- esting until disturbed by a gang of ruians outside and at the back of the church` The proceeds of Sunday and Monday were $259 (From another correspondent.) The annual tea meeting held here on Mon- day night, 10th in-~t., in point of numbers and largerecejpts was a great success. but in the way of bad order was a great dis- grace. Certainly the crowd was intense, which.had-something to do, no doubt. with f the uproar in the rear of the hall, but there was no reason for the breaking of windows, shameful crowding and other disorder. Two Earties even went so far as to exchange lows, and women and children became ter- ribly frightened The ohairman did his ut- most to preserve order, but could not and had to dismiss the audience when the pro gram was half nished, as no person could get a hearing. The receipts on Monday T night amounted to about $l50'and on Sun- day $100, making a total"of some $250. IIDl'g IF IIIIPIUVIII . There was an open meetibg of the C. E. `on Tuaday night last. Thn l`lIIl'II'lI'QI\ `min-:1` twin:-an n nn-can-B an llll LIIVBIICJ IIIHIIU I|lUU- ` The Orangemen intend givinv 9. concert on I`:"rid`a.y, the 28th of this month, -in Victoria IRII ID &&Dll VII IIJUIIWCJ l.lUl\Ive ' Au o'yeI:er supper of the officers and teach; an of the Sunday school was held. the residence of Thou. Barrits on Wedn'esda.y' evenioglut when 71`. A. Foster was present- ed wich a. pair of gauntlet; and an address as-follows:--' - ' * ' ' `To Mr. '1` A. Foster: d .f\___. IF..-...I .-__..I _lI_... lI.V_...I__.. (I1- eh. ; Stroud. Advance Correspondence. The concert given In the Temperance . Hall on Thursday night, under the uns- plces of Minerva Lodge A.F. A.M., was very enjoyable. In the fairly large audience were representatives fl um Barrie, Churchill and other places.` M r. J. H. Willis, of Barrie, presided.` Jnrnes Fnx, of Toronto, was in his usual comic trim, and kept his hearers in laughter. Muss Sloan, pianist. of Churchill, was qu to a. favorite with the audience and proved herself to be an accomplished musician. Mr. Peer, of Cmigvale, gave several guitar 'solos which added a very pleasant variety to- the. entertainment. The Strand Quar- tette Club disappointed those present in not putting in their appearance as advertised. The gap was aulv and ac- ceptably lled, however, bv Mr. Walter Montgomery, who entertained the and- ience with several selections from his phonograph. V - Advance Correspondence. ' 1 . Dr Neabitt, who has been on theiick list, is improving V Thorn Inna an nnnn m..o:;.- A` I-Inn f`, m..ev. Mr Taylor, of Allanda|e. ocupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sun'- day [evening last. mkg (`I-an:-O`nnu I4`-`A... nan A` 'DnAnL.o"QQ `J CVCIIIII` lilo u..'i`he Christian Endeavor-of the `Presbyter- ian church intend holding a. social in Vio- toria. Hall on Monday next. A - Ah an-kn: -nu-u-nr A` OM45 cumin;-an nun.` Dear Friend and Fellow-Wot-ker,-We take thie opportunity of expressing our ap- preciation ot the active interest you have taken in our Sabbarachool work and es- pecially in makin our `Christmas anniver- sary a success. an we gladly acknowledge that the prograqnne rendered so oredicably was due largely to our `unselsh attention in prenaration, an we now have much pleasure in ?reeentin`g_ you with this pair of gauntlet In `esteem in, which you are heldhy yonr-fellow- V001`.'._ '_ "_`:'_ j _, x . v'TH_0I$`B133!1'l5`8`l'lTpWj:". worker: in the Angaa Methodist Sunday canoe.` . j 9 ~ r Signed on behalf of pastor, -teaohera.,and' r .% i .a :.5..e.;;fj'4.a.aas.;'Ian;%E.~Ii|nn~`5 tu as a alight`tolzen_ of the] i1'._Ip ` `uuunugu ;`;AnuvV-;.`" Jainutry 12 h-,~ 1898. 51 D. an lill ,Our skating` rink is well patronized" this l ICBUI-II Miss Ida. Lennox, of Toronto, is visiting -3'n..A. Icahn ' - --...- J .,.-.. We are pleased to report. the marked success at Mr. J useph Best in-the sunny south. He was In our `midst and one of our number for many years, since he came from the parental roof in Eng- land, and has made many friends among the young peuple. He will be missed in both choirs as a leading.bar1- tone. In all social gatherings he was the leading spirit. His character is of a high standard andwill gain him ad- mittauoe into any society. 1-H:-: WMJERFUL CHEAP MEN. CashInan& E Ivy. Advance Correspondence. 0 I` '\ A. I ! %NRm!3w %ADvAm~ mm %5 9 06 w i U E GREAT JANUARY SALE` cAsH1\/1AN8c PERRY, ....OUR JANUARY P3.d`+RAMME.... A BARRIB. T Francis St. Wost-Brick House, 7 rooms, stable, etc. - Francis St. East-x Building Lot. iacre. M ry St.-The nest Mans on in Barrie. :6 rooms, coach hnuse. stable, etc. Roughcast House, 1: rooms. summer kitchen, hard and soft water, stable, em. Utopia. Advance Correspondence. Mr. Speer, our teacher, has reaum ed his calling for another year. We wish him as green. success as he had last year. T H 117, ,- u_,,,n.- __, -_,._ .1- __-_.1'__.1 `FARM AND TOWN TPBUPEBTY ; FOR SALE- wonney or.-1Veal: nmu ncas: nouse. 6 rooms. Bradford St.-Brick ouse. 6 rooms. Brick House. 8'1-ooms. Double Dwelling, 2 Tenements. _ t ollier St.--Fine Residence, all modern improve- ments F walravxrlotte St. Fine Residence 13 rooms and base- ` ment. Gard n Fruit. All modern improvements. Dunlop St. 2 Brick dwelling 2 storeys. Owen St.--Two Lots. Q acres each. Kempenfeldt St -Bnck House, boat house. stables, etc., rooms, i acre. Penetang t.-Frame House. 5 rooms. On Owen and. Sophia Sts.-Brick House. all modern improvements. A Elizabeth St.-.-Roughcast House, 5 rooms. stable. etc. GIC. ` Elizabeth St -Roughcast House. 5 rooms. Brick Store and Dwelling. LANDS IN NORTH ORlLLIA.-L0t :4 Con. no, :55 ac. Mxrcmzmsn -Lot :7, Con. x. Lot :5. Con. 2. Lot :2, Con. :0. II_,_____ I . 11,, I A__-_ l!_4 _A'I'-. .. ._, vv-u -V. ` VESPRA.-Lot 3. Con. 6. no Acres. Part of Lot 32, C n 6,18 Acres. N.) Lot 14. Con. 14. II I I _ 11-4 _ AA, ` -44- Lon. n._ zoo Acres. i --, w -- \r,u\r unuuvuu 3 --v- -1. -V." -7. INNISPIL.-S. W. }"I';ot 25. Con. q. 100 Acrs. N. Part Lot 25. Con. u. 80 Acres. N. Lot :6. Ma '0N'l`B.-L0ts 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, on. 4. Lots 3. 6, 7. 3 Can. 2. won. 5. V - Townsmr or Cnorr (Parry Sound) Lot so. too I acres, I 0t 20, 88 acres. C-vn. q. beautifulh situated on the N. shore of Lake Ahmic. noted for its sh. IlAntv-nan; Ca nun` aka}:-g 1 QnnI:n-an I`l\ an-an 3 U (C 1`. SHOT: -OI IAEKU l`\I1.l'l'IlCg TIUKCK-I. lUI' IE5 "SH: 7 _. MANITOBA.-Se era] choice Sqztnons. 160 Acres ` each. Two ne Ranches. 1600 and 1280 Acres each. 3 BRADFORD.-6 Acres. Dwelling. etc. b ToRoNTo.-a Choice Lots in Toronto. MANUFA0l`URING Coxrncnomcns. FANCY V BREAD AND Cum Baxnns, Havainemuve to their New storm; 12? Dunlop Street. OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL A Shanty Bev V ' Advance correspondence. _ ` The Guchne S.O.'1`. w/in present "__1`e_n Nights in a Bar Room in the Temper- ance Hell here in t_I!e{ne_er.`f:u}xre.i-;_.~-~.e `Advertise in %Anmu:.'*" BI=_:|${JAM|_N %& J co.1 T In returning thanks for the very liberal patronage received at the old store, we beg to remind the public generally that we can now better serve them than at any previous time in our business history, and will be pleased to see `them at the new stsnd ` The` mostpowerful wood heating atova on: exhibition and for sale by` I H`. sIos\Aion1'H a. son H. H. 0TTON& SON Lightning Heater} CC. Worsley St.-Neat Rau beast Hbue. 8 Rrndrnr gf _'Rr:nIp nnnn R u-Ann-an D-L W H w'l! teli yo : we give everyftte ' d sateiai`a:tion1 and on`: send: another. `Th:\?:re leaving their order: for choice portraits to sent to their irign I in;-di-`cunt laqdp. Owingto _such a, demand in Christmas specials nnotho r artist is wanted. We aredlhrging and fr ming pictures at such print; as were never before heard of in Ontanp. A at: wanted to canvas.` Grant in- dgccmentn ogored. Nothing like snafu. *Vic- tory is ours. For the latoat. chea M an Work call at SHAW BROS. ART-' `ALLERY. -4.`: `A d but it is the tan. or the town. Everybbdv {mam `why such crowds are making their my to vv no-an ouvnv I00 I! I C5-ail-III`: The services in ttizle-..`i'Jng|1As h' hnrohh are to be held every Snndg`:y_ Vmqrninu, instead of morning and a$.t_qtno_pn pl- cernatelv, as in the put. In... ..-...._.. ....`..:...v. .1 .1.-.. u.;.L..::..L'is

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