In 1 l'lIl|JUl. uuuu. .I. ADE-LU .l. Iu'i`ITU1`E co. OF oNTXf5Io, Limited, 1 `nil flan Anna A` nl` not-nnd-:n Janna -.-I:1:n&:n-.1. [EAPPS:__l_}_0_ GOA. 'Ee'deu'sH ;;B{R5K{FAs1' cocon. TORONTO, ONT. "CUT FLOWERS--Roscs, Calnations, Violets, etc , fresh every day, Bouquets-Button- hole. Hand or C :rsage. Funeral Tokens in any desi ns. VVEGETAB ES- Celery, Crisp and Tender; Lettuce. Cabbage, Parsnips. Beets, Carrats, tc. SElEDS-Flower Seeds, Vegetable seeds, Plants and Bulbs. WM. TAYLOR Telephone 1 5. T'*!E9Z !3.E.LFB.|ND s'EED".'ToRI=_' )ERSO_NSwishing to adop/l:_a child. ox-`who may know bf othrs desirous of doin so kindly km lpanonallv m-FwM.m Mn nu ovnnnn Tana: MARKS DESIGNS copvmawrs ac. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tion may `quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably atentable. Communica- tions strictly condent sl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest a _ency for securing atents. Patents taken t rou h Munn & 0. receive special notice, without c urge. in the -"AA4A,. 4_ AAAAAAQAAAA v - - - v - v ---J, ~~:- -~ ------------ Owing sgson of year whentest was made; it cnnnot be considered a. 1 thorough test, gand it should be com-! plated in May, or earlier if season will ` permit. v. ` i _ -. .1 v-v-vy---y 7 -__'__v--_vv A handsomely Illustrated zveekly. La:-neat cir- culation of any scientic ournal. Terms, 83 a year: four months. 81. so (I by all newsdealers. nun: n - ----- . ll---. u-._I. VIIIGUIUII U1 6 I DUIUIJIIIIIIJ i gvnnuu, vu u ear: `< ll;;;.ii mm &`o.see~am. New vm Branch Ofnce. 625 F St.. Washington, D. C. I` C ft-LT L. Jfll ` _ln1_|Ig_n:lous Men of Character. . Inll:-' I 111:-nru-run A.-.4... pocuu novice, wlunout. cnarge. III. we Scie mic flmerican. I I._-.I_A__ AI- lII.--L-n.L;-;I xuuanl-I- fa-p-an-L AI- an-vvuI\vIaI-U I I IIII-III LARGEQT SALE IN CANADA. 71!-`Y 7 BC} Dy JAIVIE-D I'4I'I.'D E \.r\ ., Lian ITOXHTV opathxc Chemists. London. England 40-13 of the liqubr disease is fe!t by nearly all families. 582 Sherbnurne-81., These wo}k have been constructed by Messrs. Hfnds 85 Bond, of Water 1 down, N. Y,.::..on the franchise plan, i they owning operating the works, ] the town payixig `n xed-annual hydrant. rental, and rfetining the right to pur- chase at any-7'tin1e for a valuation. V FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN, one 1:. was n:unI.\n.Qt Your grocer sells it. If not. write us and we will tell you where to Eat it. in vour town. wnw us and will tell y: get it. in your town. THE TILLSON CO.'Y. Ln(- l TlllSON'S " Glll DUST CORN MEAL of . making the sweetest. lightest. and most nutrition: Corn Bread will te'l you that the " knack " lies not only in the cooking, but in the sense of choosing the Corn Meal they use. Thereareno black specks, no white or uneven oury grains 3;) . U Oks % F Vvho Have The Knack 11-no, Txnsonnunc, ONT. GO TO THE NEW "135 f:7-Li':Tscew'71"17`E:'oM PANY, -' . _ 'roRoN'r.o.~~ I The system is practically that out- lined in my report of January 15th, 1890. ' ODDIJDLVIIILV , :55 Dunlap-St... Barrie 3-ly I23 Dunlap `Street. J. 0 UL VER WELI/S Halrcutting and Shaving Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE- Razors and Scissors ground and set on short notice. , " ""' `:'_C-""*" " The Great English Remedy. V ,. Sold and recommended by all . J druggiata in Canada. On] reli- \ 4 ablzalgnediclnemtgesaotxgecn . it tormao Bexua Weakness, all eects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use o1 1`o- ba.cco,0p1nm or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price one ackage $1. 51 .85. Onewillpleanc qtzwillure. amphlets tfee to anirnaddreas. ' The Wood Company. W dsor, Ont: CHEAPER THAN cm! PRQGES. (AI: oce of McCarthy. Pepler & McCarthy) SEC.- TREAS. ARRIE LOCAL BOARD. 11- Feb. 18th, 1891. ' To the Mayor ant! Council 01 the Town `of Barrie I . 1 Gentlemen,-i-I-\ beg to present the } following report ongin examination and test of your *vwater'worke made on the 12 h and lash inst. -v -_ V- 7-..- An investment safe as government securities and much more protable, realizing the investor an equiva- lent to 15 per cent. per annum. simple interest. For printed matter and further information call on `95 Dunlop-St., Ross Block, Barrie. `FF PUBLIC-Why .,...a all&og:.- B.,.- mu `money Goc. a. month placed with the Loan Auociatio ill yield ' ho PRESENT of 3.3.x, or 121-3'iiao".3.z.?.3 your monthlv pavmc nts. THE NVEST R~Wh t 1 81:30.00 the 0. R03. & L. $.23. n71ha5:"ai doubled in I2 years. beside receiving during the in- term] 6 X per annum oaid to vou evcrv six month: I noumea nu years. oesxae recexvnng during the in- Z per paid vou every six month! I In other words, for your $xoo.oo you will receive as interest $66 and a. lump sum of $200, making 1. grand total of $266. ' mwreuaoo n sass`. | 5 `gm | -vvny pay rent. wnen, OI! Illch m monthI paents. you 53:: become your own lord ? on ve the choice of repayini at a. monthly rate of Shoo, $1.50, or $1.90 for $300.00 hot- towed. O. H.LYON. Calla attention to the` Spa-cial Iucihties o'ered to _ Investors andBm'*rowers. T % Building and % Loan ` Association A`nExactOopforn... _ completion of Watorwo . The following is the report 0: water works tow. presented, to tho: Council of 1891, by Willis Chipilnu, ` 13sq., Civil Eogineer: nu, gn.L innd - we Engineer`: robortlut ?S.ld in Barrie at Seagers' Drug Store. Evenings at residence,` 67 Owen-St. TE ANT-VVhy pay rent. when, such 1 339-. 22-- '.`'.'f'i".'.:_Vf L"_,f"_"_`2"_`?`Z`!'l . Y'. `" wo`oDsTocI_<, ONTARIO, Shipping Tags, Dodgers, Posters, Etc., Eta, Note Heads, Statements, pmponw or 'oa19nA_N_.';n. Envelopes, Letkter Heads, Bill Heads, E. DONNELL, A-`pr: :- Wood : Fhosphodino, ll- l'l__~4 noun)! -1: 'D`.~n44D4. I23 Dunlap Street. J A_1llIABY` 2,0; '189,84.,_ ' so am. __ feet -from thepump house is 020 feetin` n. M diameter and. 30'fe e_tfi_u depth :1 the 90. 0: i'.'"' V Th~i' hon mm iover 72,000 U. 8. 383993 9` .!_'|l9"o owing V to -position of 0 overow #1!!!` I'll? 9L 0 tiono pipe `I not over 54,000 gallons Town bestored in it for fire purposes. pump well should bemade water tight, ; `ha the leaks now manifest are of no im- D portance and can easily be remedied. n BOILERS. Two tubular boilers made by. the I noted Porter Manufacturing 00., of `Syracuse, ` yateh N. Y., term the pumping machinery. Each of these is 14 feet long. 60 inches ,0, in diameter, with 100 tubes 2% inches" ` in diameter. These boilers are of plain . but fair workmanship, and are ample j for the `duty required. They are not a: yet furnished with waste pipes from red safety valves, nor are the tops of the boilers covered. 0 rirant . We found the nuts in caps of nozzles of unequal sizes ; on seveisl the keys would not fit. The keys should also be; formed at other end Into hose coupling` keys. 4 H 'c`.n A-.o 1 cl , U` "-' " ""r ' {Nearly of `the hydrants are set ! of Sunnidnle`.--`Ora-tried. . so low or are so snrt. that the key for -The secretary was instructed to write opening (hydrant nozzles cannot be re- ; MK -K0130: T050530. biking hill: to nd valved when ~ removing -these _ caps. -places if possible for`; `Robins This`shonId be. tenxedied 5-`by removing _t:\nd`;Almer< Robins. earth. wound hyamg. in several Re;.='D.l.D. McLeod ma Hem-yi Coiner Wellington nod Toronto, no pressure. o . ` Corner Mgry and TG.jT. R., out of order.. _ ' ` - In examining the. hydrants we found in some few places considerable dirt, &c., in mains. On Wellington street, west of Mary street, the 4 inch main appears to be nearly closed. This should be at once attended to. Where half the diameter of a main is exposed in passing through a culvert it should be lowered. There are several points where pipes should be lowered to pre- vent accident to water pipes or obstruc- tion in culvert. E Corner Bradford road and fair ground, out of order. ` T ` DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Owing to snow I was unable to ex- amine and test any part of the diatri-' bution system except the re hydrants.` _ The mains were of course subjected to the re pressure. which was main-_ tained for several hours, thepressure on the pumps being 130 p -unds, and during part of this time the pressure was increased to 160 pounds. Under these pressures` only two leaks mani- fested themselves to our knowledge, one on Buy eld street` and` one on Pene- tanguishene Rpad. These leaks are unimportant. The valves we did not examine at all. The legch or size of pipe laid I lied no means `of verifying. A V 9 Corner Sampson and Dunlap, frozen. Corner Penetang and Betczy, frozen. Corner. High and Park. frozen. Corner Small and_Ross; frozen. A Corner Blake and St. Vincent, drip closed. ' - V V [The basement of T engine -room is dark and only about 5 feet in height, arid water stands in it about.6 inches in `depth. No doubt this can bedmined in the spring. The main "valves on the" suction pipes from "buy and piimp well: are in. this basement. It 7 better to extend eth`eIieyvalfv:e' 701' above the oor. J ' V _Cornr Ma_ry and Elizabeth, out of order. `T . _ ' .- Cornei Small and Sophia, dripclos- ed, V V T f In spring, after the frost leaves and the streets. become dry, the pressure test should again be applied to the mains, as it is probable that leaks will then be discovered that are now hidden by the frozen soil, snow and ice. The valves should also be examined then. . FIRE HYDRANTS. ' We examined all of `the 67. hydrants now erected. They are Ludlow pat- tern. made by Stevens dz Burn, of London, Ont. I We found 10 of those not in good working order. th following being the list: V ' `unit : These engines worked smoothly when pumping up to their full capa- cities" under a water pressure of 160 pounds against the plungers. A . The geam pipes: cyndem, &c., in the engine room are not yet laggedor covered. The capacity of each pumping engine is about 800 U.S. gallons per mimite, or a little over a million gallons per day. The smoke stack of sheet iron is a temporary substitute for a_. chimney, and will no doubt prove a source of trouble and expense to the owners. ` PUMPING MACHINERY. , The "pumping machinery consists ` of two compound, duplex, pumping en gines of the Worthington pattern, made ` by Northey 8; 00., of Toronto, with one independent condenser. They are simple. strong machines, well pro- ; portioned, and well adapted for the `duty required. I at The contract provides (sec. 12) that tlre valve in the bay inlet is not to be i opened exceptwhen deemed necessary by the Mayor. This being the case it would have inspired greater condence if this valve had been placed in sight on main oor, or at least to have placed the lock -and seal in sight. This can still be done by extending the valve stem above the oor and attaching -thereto an Indicator to show whether the valve is open or closed. ._- -J -vvvu aura D. McLeod and seconded by Rev. W. R. Molntoah, ' that the necessary step: be taken to procure, eithexj by volun. tary assistance or otherwise, piogior -i clothing torthe boy, and if money was neoeaaarv,_ to have it arranged that "such mon1eeahoul_d he oaid-by_ the township 'ot nSunnidale.b-V-`Gian-ied. f 4' Intosh,Mr. Henry Bird,and Mr. Arthur G. Audagh, secretary, were also present. Moved by Mrs McKee, seconded by Miss Beardsley, that Mrs. S'teer s account for the board of Pearl Grant be recommended to the town council for payment, to the amount of three vreeke -board at $1.00 per week; the said three weeks being_ the period that elapsed between the time that `Mrs. Steers received the child in charge"a_nd that she madeapplication [for the adop- tion` of her.-0a'r1-ied. ` Th (Ease of Wiliiam Robins `was discussed. It was moved by Rev. D.` -n 13.1--'_,: _, 9r.l_1.' Supply Corporation with sworn abatement of cost of conan notion ao per contract. A A _ 5th. Place blow off" valve at feet of Mary street. , ' . ~ 6th. Repair leaks in mains. T 7th. Place hydrants in good work- ing erdei. ' ' -8h. Supply Corporation with map of system with location of hydrants, Valves, etc. ` ' Place pressure gauge in re` hall; -\ ,n.- _ - _' Children's Am Society. -. The regular meetxng of the Child- 'ren a Ald Society was held on, the afternoon of 11th inst., in the council` chamber, the president, AMr. H. V. H. Strethy, Q 0., in the chair. Mus. Me` Kee. Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Beardsley, Rev. D. D. McLeod, Rev.*W. R.` Mo- The Boiler House is of wood covered with sheet iron, not of brick. as speci- ed. This building cannot be classed; ge proof. . Five re streams were thrown at the same time from ve hydrants on Don- lop street , each 1 through 200 feet hose and {L V inch and 3 1} inch nozzles. Each stream was full 100 feet in height measured vertically. Two re streams wereslao thrown from the hydrants on the hill near the water toiver completely over the highest build- ings in the vicinity. 2nd. Complete eeginee and boilers. ' 3rd. Drain building and stop leaks in well." ' ` It will be found, `however, that the pressure from the tower when full, or nearly so, will be quite suicient to cope with any re in the lower. parts of the town`, including all the business and manufacturing portions. ' VA rnsrs. ' The tests of the machinery and fire streams,` made on the_12th and 13th instg, were, with the exceptions.denot- ed, very satisfactory. i - _C'l`he Companyehould be requested to do the following works before full pay- ment is made on the hydrant rental :- K lat. Put down gnother artesian } well. A , 4-th. . Arrange proper lock and key for pay inlet valve. t It is; well. constructed, properly lo_ oated and connected, but, as with the. "pump house,the ornamental hasbeen sadly neglected. . ` ' ' On the main pipe through which water passes to and fro from the tower is placed a gate or valve by which the ' tower can out off from the pumps. Around this gate, however, is a by- pass pipe with a check valve which allows water to pass from the tower into the town` when the pumps are not working. but does not allow water to ow into the tower. A gate is also placed on this by-pass pipe so that the tower can be completely cut "off from the system. By_,means of this arrange- ment in case of re the gate rirst men ` V tioned should be closed; the pumps can then increase the pressure from about 85 pounds at `pump house (the static pressure from tower when full) to over 150 pounds if ' necessary. This pressure can be obtained until the pump well is empty, the pumps c-in will then ow into the system. then be stopped and the water in tower ` meter` and 50 fot "high-, containing --4-uA-AAwcan when full dvet 180,000 gallons. ` PUMP HOUSE. . The brick building erected for pump house is not "neat in design as speci-y ed in contract, but a disgrace to both architecture and engineering. A pump- ing station for a city or town is con- sidered one of the public buildings of the place, and as such shouldpossess some architectural beauty no matter where located, but your pumping sta tion is located in a central part.of your town, in full view of the travelling pub- lie and should have been a structure in which your citizens could have taken. pride. ' led; replacing. V `gthe eiriih loner'Lon'ei"`irhete nee eetth on. hot be removed. V ,` wank towns. .. . The base or the jute: tower an elevation or about 158 feet above the buy. I .Au 4 . n -- i`h water tov:r_etjia'25 feet in dis- Reapctfully ubmitted, Wu.LIs Gn1PnAN,~ Cnvil Enginoer,_ .1`93*? 331* UVW9` ~ I ' 7` , Ifyou up above foolish ' dica again " L lung for a. good book, 'vvrit`:r3_:l `got my ' The information will cost _, 3, I `lawn nmflnuulgndg 50"..-- .. ..I.. __A__ -4 , ,u c pudwillworkjnard. ` * `Inc intormatian will cost 7 ' I have put hundrodspf men the way of making money : some of are now` ` , I ca.ndo goodtlungIforyou,>nf you .;;.xy 1'. s.% Lmscorr, 1'o}uc < ` `If you are Energetic andstrongl If YOU `M73 Iireiilznn nuninnc nnnag; ` Resolved--_That in eommemopatieu, of Friend Webb we will shroud our. .ehar_'ter yich monn.-Bing for an indefinite Resolved-That. by the death of our Friend, Allandale Council C. O. `C. F. has lost a true and faithful member, the family a kind husband and father, and the community a useful endure- epeoted citizen, and we extend our hearfelt sympathy to the family and relatives of our `late Friend in their be-i reavement, and most earnestly oo_m- mend them to seek true condolence from Him who has promised to be a- .father to the fatherlese and the widow's J I` I In my -opinion you should have two _ additional wells of equal ow to the one now owing to be safe against ac- cxdent to any one, of them, as it re- quires two wells even according to con- tract. for the present pupulation. r Uoxwo:-th-Ervin-The Clerk was instructed to place $9 on _the Collector's Roll against the E 5 lot 21. in the 2nd con., and that the like sum be refunded to -W. 0. Bell, which was returned against his lauds by error` of the late Collector for 1896. ` Coxworth-Ervin--The Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders `for the Township printing for the current year from THE ADVANCE, Allisbon Herald and Beeton World printing oioes. Coxworth--Dundas --- The Couneil adjourned to meet at Alexander Stew- art s hotel, Tho`:-nton, on the 14th Feb.. next, at 10 o clock a.m., sharp. . Duff -- Coxworth--Leave was grant- ed to introduce _a. by-law for appointing a. Board of Health. The by-law was introduced and after getting three read- ings was adopted. A Du'-Ervin-The taxes of the fol- lowing indigents `were remitted :- Aaron Barnes, .John McCoy, Widows Brennan and Heard. V Du`- Coxworth - The Reeve was paid $5 for services for hie preparing the annual nancial statement and his last. year's postage account. Q. Resolution of Condolence. At the regular meeting of Allandale Council Canadian Order Chosen Frionde No. 140, the following resolutions were adopted : _ That, whereas we are again called `upon to mourn the loss of one of our number in the death `of Friend Lot Webb, who died January` 5th, 1898. While we.mourn with profound sorrow for our beloved friend, we recognize in our and bereavement the hand of our Heavenly Father, and humbly submit to His divine will, rmly relying on His power to alleviate the sufferings of those who are called upon to mourn the loss of friend, husband and father, therefore ' A ` The Reeve presented several appli- cations for the office of Assessor, and after mature deliberation`, accepted the application of Mr. James G. Chapman at a salary of $60; ' ' . p Duff--Dundsss--The Clerk was paid .-`the sum of $51 for the late election ex- penses of the Deputy Returning Officer: and assistants, and $14 for the polling booths and public halls used for the `election . SOURCE or SUPPLY. ' Your source of supply is now taken from one artesian well four inches in diameter and about 120 feet deep, =situ- p ated on Mary street, about 30 feet N. W. from the pump house. Another well 6 inches in diameter was first sunk about 50 feet `S. W. from the pump house and about 120 feet from the well from which the supply now comes, but, through an accident, it became blocked 8( on after the ow was struck. It is expected that the Company will remove the obstruction in this well. The ow from the well now owing supplies about 100 U. S. gallons per minute. By your contract with the Company they are required to furnish 30 gallons per day for each inhabitant, at which _1`ate the supply from the present well is suicient for a population of nearly -5000 people. year were read and con`!-i'r'Ined. -The Reeve addressed the Council and ex- pressed the hope that the Council _wonld aid in keeping down` expenses and lessening the burden of the rate- payers as they had so successfully done the past year. ~ ' The Council. of Essa met today in pursn ance of the -Municipal Institutions Act of Ontario, consisting of Richard Bell, Reeve; J. S. Du', lstf Deputy; Wm. Ervin, 2nd Deputy ; and Messrs. James Dundass and John Coxworth, Councillors; each of whom having made and subscribed the prescribed de- clarations of qualication and oice, took their seats in Council and were called to `order by the Reeve. The minutes of the last meeting of the past The secretary will be pleased to give any information regarding `the Bnrrio branch of the nocietyl by oommnnicnt jug with -him oith`er porqonnlly or by letter. - ' saga ...;;`*h;.. m..;.;af '~Atdegh be appointed 3 special - commit ice to urringe for en enterteiument in aid` of the Gliil:in-en : Aid Society, at which Mr. K91 win be present to give 1 lecture on the uimafend methods of. the society,` illustrated by magic lantern.--Oarried. ` Signed on behglf of abov Oqunoil, ' . A} SAML; McMonnA_N, V.0. ' `En. SHEAR, 0 `C. R. T. AN'1`I1VG, Clerk. 1'_ -know as ache}; a'ei?3E' S'T1'c'.'. ".3 "E1321; iarcrm (Personally or by Mail) MR.-I-IE RY BIRD, Sec. children`: Aid Socnetv. oi Barrie 6.Iv nuoran grersonauy by Mail) MR.-I-[EN RY BIRD. Llnldx-e_n',a Aid Socnqtv. ot Barrie 6-Iv We are now manufacturing and carry in stock Stoves of the latest. improved `designs. CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK" before going elsewhere. ` , . ` `If - Ho _ [malt sT_q_v_I; ywanxs I] The arrangement of well connections, l pump-well, etc., is not, in my opinion, calculated to develop the flow of wells to their fullest extent, thus requiring more wells for a stipulated quantity than if properly arranged. i i BAY INLET. The 12 inch inlet from the Bay with the present arrangement may be a wise , provision, but if the sum expended in the present wells, bay inlet and pump- well had been expended in 9. properly ` constructed system of wells and con-- l nections you would not have required the Bay inlet for the construction of anx ornamental pumping station. 'VVANATED. `lnalnulnlnnq an: A4` 1 {THE CURSE LLVKJLLLLILJB \J\.I- \JL' \J.L`.I.'lI.\I].\J, uluuucu, for the cure of all narcotic drug addictions, is the only one in this Province. POSSESSES VTHE-[FOLLOWING })ISTINCT- IVE MERITS: 1 ~1U'1'I*z7t;1Vx`7i:_cL'iAi.}'rf1:_sTi;J;z;\;Ai.LED. In ua rtcr-Pound Tins only. Prepared by MES EPPS 8: C0., Ltd.. Home-7 nnathm Chernintn- Lnndnrn Rnclnnd Anna FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS j]'.4E K_EELEY CURE Has restered to society over tgree hundred thousand helpless drinkers.` Ninety-ve per cent of these are now active in the cause of Temperance. THE KEELE `I \Turn'l"l\I'YrI~In n/\ An 1u\*rrnA~nrr\ 7- -. me KEEIEEISNSSTITUIEI DELICACY or FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. . Grateful and comforting. to the A I{E1WUS QQDYSPEPTIG. T A blow-o' valve should be placed at the south end of Mary street to allow mains to be emptied of bay water when used for re purposes. This blow 011' could be connected to our sewer outlet with advantage.