Sterling Silver and Plated` Ware, Watches, [}1eeks,Jew- 1 elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, 1 Beits, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given tel Wench Repairing. TELEPHONE 2608 -._ . ..___._._ ____...j._...,A ..._..L__. 8-ly ELECTRIC tiunrxnc. I E` EIIIIIIJ Another gmpedlment in the path of the] youmz men is tho cheap female labor. . In many cases girls are employed, `where men would be`in nitely more capable and compe-. tent, simply because they are cheaper, and as they can live cheaner they can afford to work for smaller salaries. The coneeq uence being they shirk their res nsihilitiea on the . ground that as, womans work. itls done well. but as general work it is notvup to the marks * L - e e . . `1-`___ gg_ _____gj_1__ _______ _______,_,,,;-I, i 1-1 DEAR SIR,--A short time ago a. letter ap- peared in your paper written by some bene- volent (1?) person regarding `the number of unemployed young men in town, vigorously assailingvthem in very unprepossessing terms as ` having no visible means of support,l and not being williugyto work it an oppor- tunity presented itself. This is uncharit- able, and I venture to say that the writer would be the last man to procure work for the various unemployed young men in town. To what extent is it their fault that they are unemployed ? It is sad to state that at this early part of the winter there is more actual scarcity of work in this town than ever before at this time of the year Not in any particular line or calling is this the case but generally, young-men of integrity. cap- able young men, young men of address, men willing to do anything and yet nd it im possible to. get anything to do. Business men in all departments of industry have the mania for getting cheap labor, let the con- sequences be what they may, and the con- sequences are thatin most cases in all da- partments of trade, callow youngsters, un- trained, untutored, unmannered an ! un rig teens are preferred, because on account of their lack of business capability they are on the market at from $1.00 per week up._ Thin hnina the anus: what Anna it lam-I tn 9 newal of this franchise in June next, or per- haps with their .well-known modesty they will conne their `request, to a perpetual. franchise. In justice to Mr. Samuel Lount I willsay that he retired from the company several years ago, and has since, I believe, had nothing to do with it. The Electric Light Company has never had a franchise for street lighting. This has been conducted under an agreement that has been renewed ' from time to time. . At present there is no time limit in operation. The original ag- reement for street lighting is .dated the nine- teenth day of November, 1889, and waste continue for two years. By a kind of mu- tual consent the conditions, payments, etc , contained in this agreement are the ones that now prevail, except as to time ` The Corporation pays the Company $70 each per annum for the first thirty-one lights and $65 for the other seven. the Company agree- ing to furnish two thousand candle power to each light and to keep them burning til 12 and 1 o clock at certain seasons of the year except moonlight nights. The price we pay is altogether too high, even if they complied with the agreement in reference to the candle power I have the assurance of an electrical expert that the arc lights do not exceed twelve hundred candle power Shortly after we assumed oice in January last _a proposal from the Company was sub- mitted to the Council. This was the only authentic proposition made us by the Com- pany this year; briey, it was as follows : That the Corporation guarantee the Com- pany s bonds to the extent of $50,000, they offering to secure us by mortgage on their electric light plant We declined on the ground (rst) that the Corporation had no right to go security for private companies or individuals, (second) that the security offered was not good for the amount, nor even half the fifty thousand dollars. A still more ob- jectionable proposal was that the corporation should give them practically a perpetual, ever-lasting, never-ending contract for street lighting. What nerve it must have required to make such an absurd and unheard of proposal as this ! Need I say that we declined even to enter- tain such a cheeky request-we simply gave the whole business the six month s hoist and are, I think. entitled to the thanks of our citizens for so doing. Certain members of the council have endeavored to get motions or resolutions passed granting the company contracts for lighting. extending over a period of five or three years. Those in- spired resolutions were voted down. r|`h:n vino!-Iron A` ntnanf nTnnfv\;n `:(v`\:r-nno AZI\3\1|lI IV JJIHLIU \-\I The undoubted alliance that has recently been formed between the Waterworks and Electric Light companies stands asa menace against the welfare and prosperity of this town. If the candidates they support are elected there wiil ensue company combine and monopoly rule. If, on the other hand, the corporation supporters achieve victory, the people will retain control of civic affairs. Into the hands of the electorate will soon come the power of deciding this issue. Whatever the result, I_ for` one will willingly submit, as I recognize the will of the people as being supreme on those matters. 'FhaI1Iz:n(r `YIIII MG `l\I| IVIIIIII l,:"Il`_ DB Ills Dull! ULIIV Ull LIIUBU lIlD|LUlHg Thanking you, Ml`. Editor, for your kind- ness and courtesy in granting so much valu- able space and trusting that you will permit me in your next issue to deal with the town s nancial and other questions. ` I am. V 17...... -2... ........l-. UPI! VIA l`vUl\l|lI\lll VVVIU VUUUKI \.l\l'\I-Io This matter of street electric lighting stands now just where it did in January last, and there in my opmiun it should re main till the fourth of June next, when the company s franchise for citizens lighting will cease to exist, everything then being upon the question of what will you do for the private consumer can properly be asked. and upon their answer will probably depend the putting in of a. civil electric light plant to compete with and to break up the pur- chased monopoly now enjoyed by the Barrie Electric Light L`o rm... .....4....|..+-,: ..n:......- 4.1.}; I.-- ........'..n.. preach I A - `Y uu uuw ulna l\Ull nu Llvlu W1-UV pct WCCB up. This being the case, what does it lead to? We observe by the papers that cases are by nomeans rare of such persons being before the J uatice for appropriating to their own use their employer's goods or money The rea- son generally given for such steals being the insuicienb Day, and they are tempted to steal to make up the balance There` are a great many capable young men in Barrie who are able and wiiling to work, and busi-. ness menof Barrie ought to try a different scheme than that of harboring incapacity simply because it is cheap, and then cry at the youn man Why don t you go to work 2" t is easy to talk when in their po sition. but .,do they practice what they Annltknn Ivnnninnnnlr 3-. slug i\n\ 1.5 Now, `Sir, possibly your correspondent did not corefully consider tl;__'ese*fa.ots_when writ- ing, but nevertheless be has done a deep in- justice to some ofthe young men who are .x_-emly unfortunate. _Give them a chance to show their abilities before condemning them. Thanking you for your veluable space, I aim, youth,` &o; A nlhb ` . _ . - u .l(l"`eu". n-MU!`-`N919 F9 3A: rgnd: atth'3~ The lar e gesndeuce 3&1 H` h ,,g_. ,:II,1,1!l1,','.~;. west corner 0 Elizabeth 83 *3 w M ate possession. 4o-cf ""Fx'E{17S0N.&.33Wx'." Barrie, Dec. 21, 97. "Very sincerely, S. M. \VELLS, Mayor. NI"! Bunna. --Mr. E. Donnell, the newly appointed Town Clerk aud"Treasurer, has been `in Barrie for fifteen years. For ve years he was in mercantile life in the rm _of Strong & Dohnell, and for the last: ten years has been eicient accountant for the rm of Mo- Carthy. Pep`er 8: McCarthy. ' --W. H. Gillard, \vholeae.le grocers, To- ronto, have written Mr.-Ja.mea Vair, con- -gratulating him upon the excellent manner in which his recent four page circular is ar- ranged and the very comprehensive list at lines oered. '1`h`ey say that such enter- prise in to the trade will `meet. its reward. -Next Sunday the Congregationalists of Barrie will :ele|)ra.t.e the fifteenth aI:niver~ sary of their church. People who attend service nowhere else are Invited there. -The first local hockey match was played on Monday night between the Westerns and the Professionals. resulting in victory for the latter by 4 goals to `2 Mr. F. M. Thomas was referee. tLook out for t e can Wood, the Ta]: the auspices of the F ist church. on Th p m. Tickets 25c Seagers drug store. --Christmas promotion examinations were cture of Rev. Mor~ e of Detroit, under beth street Method- Dec. 23rd, at 8 d 350. Plan at held in the Public schools on Thursday, Fri- ` day and Monday. The teachers read the a.uswer`papers on Tuesdav and Wednesday and the list. of successful pupils will be pub- lished next week. - -The results of the J uuior term examin- ations at. Ontario Coflege ot Pharmacy were published on Saturday. We are` pleased to -note that Mr; S M. Lyon passed with rst; class honors, and Mr. J. A Milrbee, second class honors. The senior and last term be- gins on January 5th. 7|: 171 ix n .1 1 o . 1 _-Cl1ief Bell. of Lindsay, was in town on Tuesday and -identied the prisoner Gedrge Burns as the man who stole a. team of horses and sleigh from _a. farmer at Kinmouut about a year ago. He was last week convicted of burglary at Mrs. GuilEoyle s and sentenced to three months in the Central. \\`Ru:m~ --In Essa. on Si urdav. nth inst.. Mrs. _I:\mes A. \Vright, age 21 years. V . l'row.\'z-:Y In Alliston. on Sunday, 12th inst., Mrs. John Downey. aged 42 years. Hu!\'.'\'l:'-(.)n T hursday. Dec. 9th, at Nevis. Oro tmvnship. Mrs. James Horne, aged 35 years. !.n..\' In Essa township, on Friday. lath inst., Mr. j uncs F. Lyon, aged 59 years, 8 munths. I3-.: the House of Providence, on Dec, :6, /\1 me Mallon, wiFc of the late Richard Baby, of Bra-Jfoml, Unt.. and sister of James J. Mallon, aged 83 years and to months. 1 -.-.v.`H'1 - In Guelph. on Saturday. 18th inst, Rev. Michael Fawcett. aged 82 years. I P.-or I-I -At Craigvale, on Sunday. 19th inst.. Mrs. I\l:1rgnrct Poole. aged about 55 years. 1'ru:sn.\'-On VVednesday. 22nd inst.. in Toronto. H um-wood Ave.. Mr M. P-arson, father of Rev. M. L. Pearson, Barrie. The deceased was ov--r So \ ears of age. -1 -.-Jamea Robins, 9. Barrie citizen, visited `the city yesterday, and got into trouble. `At the Black Horse hotel his eye alighted on a. `picturesque goatskin robe. the property of David Purdv, of Malvern P. 0. He appro- priated it, and was later in the dav-locked .up -by Detective Black` on a charge of theft. I The skin was found in his possessi'on.--Mail I Empire. I 9 1 I a 7 Handkerchiefs, M nffs .clot.hihg, Boots, Ulste , at" E'Give something eful,a.nd save from 25 to 50 or cent.` on its 03!: the slaughter sale of award & Co. a ' nkrupt: Stock. Kid Gloves. J ackets, mesa Goods, ntleta, Hos- Ties, Collars, , Sex, Under- Closing How- . -Hin 3'3 old stand iery. Boots and Shoes, Soarfs, Shirts, Glove std & Co: '3 estate in -i-At` last; meeting of Separate iSchiool Board returning oicera and .clerks were up- pomted for the election of trustees "on Wed; inesiley. January-'5th. Owing to the re- moval of 'l`l'_nst.ees Meloney and Kingsley and resignation of Mr. W. Moore," nine true-` `steers, will be elected this time _No,chnnge has been made in the present teaching ata _for, 1898. .. -The Boerdwill also require ainew EA new Dres 1' Christmas present- $3,000 worth bei ughtered in Howard & Co s Bic: Ban ' p Stock, B. Hindsfs old ` store. ~ 1 -St. Mary s church bazaar this week is a great success. A more extended reference is held over till next week, owing to lack of space at 1'1 1'\u 1 .9 ,0 a . m`Great slanghte s. e of Howard & Co s Big Bankru -k of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, A lii .ry and Men a Fur- nishings. B. Hind `s o.d stand. `up A -. .. --0n Sa.turda.y Mr. Arch Currie, the sit- ting member for West Simcoe, was re-nom- inated unanimously to contest: the constitu- ency again as an independent. candidate. III! (`.I II I .1 I 1 \ 1 l 1 } i l i 1 j -The Times has published a. souvenir of ?. Orillm. Numerous illustrations of hand- ` some residences, public buildings and prom- ~ inent: citizens -are given and the work on the 4 l whole is a credit; to the publisher. w __1\ I. 4- -n . u -I\o an 1 ` L hear and see Pinafore and ` us c and logs of laugh- ; ter on Ne _ n_ to-day ` at Seage g S e. Speclal prices for i chxldren so that all the familv can go. _.\ ll new 1?'Don t fail ` have plenty M gem` Woonri lecture ."in the Music Hall Everybody is going. } nly 250.; Reserve, E Don t miss ti on The Average this Thursday evenin Get your tickets ea ' 350. Tickets an Score. Milne FA(I_I_UjY ;an suns. `buy ;);f;);; vyfon see the splendid assortment at R. I. Fraser & Co. ' } --Mr. Henry Bird, the retiring town clerk. has held t,he.p<.sition for twenty-four years. He was Clerk` and Treasurer for sixteen years of this time --There will be appropriate Christmas `services in the Elizabeth street Methodist \ church next Sunday, morning and evening. Special music at both__ services. 1 ._/-an . 1 t s n ---up u - Ba(i at this (Thursday) | evening. Admission 15 -'1; Eoimggf-Ivs J nhn Lee for assault". was thrownfaut by the petty jury. m Christmas p9~25 to 50 per cent. o'AKid Gloves in o a.rd s Bankrupt Stock. 1.'AspIendid c c orua and orchestra at Pinafpre, anl res introduced M __-\. _ ... --Tons of poultry have been purchased . this week for shipment: to Toronto and other places -.7 . II _..- A Series of Short and Newsy Peragraphs Carefully Prepared for the Benefit of Our Many Readers. ' -Merrv Christmas and Happy New Year. -Schools re open on Tuesday, Ja.nua.rv 4. 4' mpine Dress s for $1.00 at The? Empire. -The Mail-Empire has issued a very ne Christmas number. 5 -Hang up ybur stockings on Friday night, boys and girfs, and "may Santa Claus ` be good to ycu. J M _,.__ . an L n. . THE mm LUUAL HAPPENINGS. A VERY INTERESTING CHAPTER OF` LOCAL` HISTORY. MISS HORNSB $3352: 1. with the Latest Dances. is repared to re-open her CI.a~.< s. Children's Classes eanesday Afternoons. and .\';m1rday Mornings. Terms. in advance-$6._oo for :4 lessons, or $2 a month. Evening Classes 0_f|Ce -1 wu ck--$4.oo for :2 lessons. Ordmary Soctety U.'_1ncc.s`-Minuets, Skirt I Danc?ng. SCOtCh Reds: Hnghlm d Fling. Sailors Hornpipe. etc.. etc. 47-2 ` -The Tc-ouVx)Tt;5Z1-tgazx sale last Friday amount- j ed to about $8`0. .1 -: m`Dr. B-Iac'1;.1:eZzn 11% removed his dental ` oices to the Ross block. % --Tl:e bay is frozen over, the first ice having formed on Saturday. 'I`L--,!. I1 ! AFII v. v A IIL|aB_ \J UIILIU Tntleta, t Chriatmas. pres us `A new Jacket at 25 to 50 per cent. 0 cost. Howard & Co. s Bankrupt S k. lIlVVD,l\lI I-IJIU ulilbl IUU n"` Seniors--(a) Coingwood V. Barrie, Janu- ary 6 ; Orillia v. Barrie, January 12 ; Barrie V. Collingwood. January 17 ; Oriliia. v. Col- lingwood,`Januarv 22; Collingwnod v. 0ril- lia, January 28 ; Barrie v. Orillia. February 2. (b) [Goldwater v. Waubaushene. Janu- aryg; Waubausheue v. Goldwater, Janu- _ New De otrice. ' L Dr. C. Taylor has pained a dental oioo ,in the McC`onkey ck, over.Monkmsn n Drug Store. . ~ . x Mr. M Atkinson, manager of Bank of Toronto, has left (in a. holiday for New York, Sc Catharines and other p'a.ces He took samples of our hardwood with him, and ex- pects to do some business in that line while away. Ba.rrie Separate Scvhool Honor Roll. Sr. IV. -Ma.mie McDonald. Katie O Neil, Olive Blaine, Nellie Hill, Stella Hamlin, Jas. Gallagher Jr IV.---Mary Chave, John Hamlin, Mary Cameron Marcella. Cro- nnn. Cassie Cameron, Annie Shouldice. Sr. III.---Leo Dalton, R. Sibbalrl, L. Marrin. J. Logue, Ed, McAvoy, Geo Hearn. Jr III. -M. Marrin, A. Kennedy, M. Powell, M. Crossland, M Oliver, R. Malkin. Sr. II. --Anna Gallagher, Agnes Sevignv, Elinor Simmons, Mabel Chave, Ellen Cameron, Alf- red McDonnell. Jr. II. -Fred Urossland, "Herbert Barrv, Katie Toben. Part II - Irene Simmons, Winnie McDonald Kath- leen Spearin, Agnes St;.Onge, Mona. Perry, George Cameron, Willie Logue, Clara \1 ar- rin, Rita. McDonald, Alicn Gilly, D`Arc McDonnell, May Moore, Jack Powel . Part I.-Irene McDonald. Lizzie McDona'd, Amy McDonald, Alfred Shanacy, Eelie Sevigny, Marguerite Powell. l"l\ll'I3-3 I'\ll"I ru-In" Or cxciizxnge, suitable for farmers and general deliv- ')'- C-0 d in single and dauble harness. Will ex- h**t;c for cattle. Horse to hire. Living the American Hotel, at the Market. 50-: M. CARROLL. Schedule o?Hockey gtches. The 0. H A Executive `met in Toronto on Friday and arranged the matches as fol- lows,f_or this district :- 1 1" 0 `r in.ners of (a.) v. winners of (b), before Febru:_:.ry'7, ice to be named by executive. -Jun-nun-ma `K"onv-nnnlra It 12.. ruin .] nnnn!-ti one that washes but para A _ ew Your : mg a; liner `and Shady Flaherty O'F_`lynn alone worth price of admission. -..v ---:`._-.- 7- ----~--. Among the varieties of Praia to be dis- tributed during the coming season will be some of the more promising of the new cross-bred sorts. "All the grain sent out will be carefully cleaned and true to name To prevent the disappointment which occurs when parties receive samples of varieties they already have, it would be well for each person applying to name two or three sorts which he would prefer, arranging them in the order of preference: when, in case the stock of the first named variety is exhaust- ed, the second or thivd could be substituted. As it is proposed to only send these samples on personal, single application, it is impor- tant that every farmer who desires a sample should apply for himselt. Lists of names will not be considered. All letters address- ed to the Central Farm at Ottawa may be sent free of Postage, and the samples weigh- ing three pounds each will be sent free to the applicants, through the mail. The dis- tribution will begin early in December, and as the stock is limited and the applications will be filled in the order in which they are received, those sent in early will have the advantage. Applications may, however, be sent in at any time before the lst of March; but after that date the list will be closed so as to ensure the sending out of all the sam~ plea in time for early sowing. _AAA _,- __ S905 I-|?l., 0, I039 DU UV unluuu U] Unvvuluyvo Jun1ors--Newmarkeb v. Barrie, Jaynuarv 10 to 14; Barrie v. Newmarket, Januarv 15 \ , to 00 ~' A E. Dvment, M P., and Mrs. Dvment, of Thessalon, are spending Christmas week in town. We congrattllate Mr. E. D. Cunningham on passing the recent Civil Service Examina- tions. and hope he has sufficient pull with the powers that be, to get into a good Gov- ernment situation. 1 H'Great assortm _f Grieves at The Empire. . ` V IlIUUv Mrs. D. Spry. of London. visited her daughter, Mrs. A. E. H Creswicke, last week. Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Morris, recently of Nantyr, have taken up residence in"cown for the winter. '1` ENDERS will be received by the_undersigned ...-mi! 12 o'clock, noon, on the toll: day `of January, :-`us , for {lie delivery of :38 cords of best quality ~.;n-cn Hardwood. Must be four feet long` and of i$3_\. timber. Greater portion must be hard maple. `(U be dclivercd as follows :--At Centre Ward school. 7 cords ; at the VVest VVard School, so cords; and V) .1... A.1....,x..I.. ._..l..-.,.l .Q nru-I`: Tl-an wnnd rnnnt Miss J Meggison, Miss M. Kearns and Mrs. J. Croft. of Beeton, were the guests of the Misses Grose recently. n. w- -- nu .1 1-; Mrs. F. M Thomas, 0} the Barrie hotel, left: on Tuesday to spend Christmaawith her mother. Mrs. Johnson, East Toronto. Mess;'s Elliott and, Robert; Brownlee, of Mnntana, U.S, were the guests of their brother, Mr. Alex Brownlce. this week. Rev. M. L. Pearson was caed to Toronto on VVednesday by the death of his aged father, who was one of the first business men in Toronto. ` 'Dr. Taylor has arrived homeafromvWinni- peg to spend Christmas with his family ' nu! I:/iiss Mav Grose attended Miss Anderson's wedding at Elmvale on Wednesday, 15th inst. T\ (`1 ,, ,ET, `I , _!,'a 1 I Misa.Martha C~ispin has beer; engaged to teach Belle Ewart school during 1898 '1\ II`! 1 Qvo ' rs RV. Buttereld and children are; visit- ing Mrs. Buttereld s parents in Orillia. `to It `I ! I 1 Eiiss Mary Bunker ;vill teach >the `.1 unior Department of Midhurst school in 1898. 1 1 Ir- Mr. Linton. the noted catle denier of Aurora. was in town on Tuesday. `to it .n I o 1 I u . %? . _ OUR SPECIIALTIES. _-. I\Ign.. -:11`. '- ' ` izecretary for 1898 in place of Mr. Wm. Moore, the present secretary. A .1 o .. . aun- -At the Christmas examinations in Trin- ity Univer-ity (first year), Mr. Gerrad B. Strathy. son of H H. Strathy, Q.U., took first class honors in: Classics His name also appears in Class 1 in Latin, Greek, Mathematics. French and Divinity. and also in the General Pass list. Congratula- tions. ' D A1ton McCa.rthy, Q C . M.P., was in town this week Mr. Thos McCarthy, of Chicago, is vigit; ing his parents in town. I Mrs. MortimerAAtkinson is the guest of | relatives in New York. Mrs D J. Quinlan is visiting in the city this week. I Mir. aMi(1;5'rsT bdggn, photographer, lefs | town on Tuesday for Chicago 1 g [$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE cuunvn nnnynn ncqpn 1-nu:-an Free Samples bfgrain. SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS - urns AIIVAV val 3LV (311 v 5. Personal News. PIANO_'_|'__UN I NGJ FRED. anooxs "` - \ RgBl!RTSON----`VAl..L.-\CE--0n Wednesday. Dec. 15th, i 1597. at Lake View Farn," Ravenua, the resi- `7 dance of the_bride's parents, by Rev. T. .E. ` Wethcrall. Lila Myrtle, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ias. \Vallace,.to Matthew Robertson, of Barrie. . 3.{+:m.v..-uq MoRRxsoN-In St. Johnschurch, Craig- hur.~t, on Tuesday Dec_. 7th, bfy Rev. Mr. Tee- 0 I pcy, Miss Lizzie orrxson. Craighurst. to Mr. James Edward Rea-zman. of Gravenhurst. m:;m.m- A.\'m:R.~oN--At_ Crossland, on Wednesday. 15111 inst., at the residence of the bride's father, bx Rev. Mr. Rollins, of _Elmvale. Mr. E. Graham, of Newton Robinson, \Vest Gwillim- bu.-y, to Miss M. Anderson. T 041 ru RAMSAY-On Saturda '. 18th inst.. in Hamil- tuv, by Rev. Canon Du oulin, B. B. Osler, . L` . to Miss Lillian Ramsay daughter of Mr. . K`. l\ .n~n:n\r, connwoqd j:- IF Emsfnmn And wish to enter a Business College gm: has 73 per cent. ol its Graduuteslnv good situations correspond with the Excelsior Business llollege, Ba.rrie._ 3)ocumcnts on le to prove this statement. 26-ly W. J. R055; Principal. `Will be a common saying among Yohng Men and Wolnrn throughout "our _ rovinceon Mon- da,-Jan. 3rd. when the wmter sessnon t f the ...-.u-ran: nllelmrcc ran:-II:-n_:-` K`. l\:|1TlS&L\'. {i~.xm~ -CRo:u-:-Yn Nottawasaga township, on Wednesday. 8th inst., by `Rev. T. Ferguson. Mr. S. C. Baker. to. Barba ncl daughter of Mr. '1' has. Crone. ':,~`.M\f.!-Y--HAR I`~ On Tuesday, 14th _inst.. at the cmid`.-n e of Mr. C. P. White. Owen street. Bar- .-iu, Lucy Cassandra Hart. daughter of Mr, Chas. Ilart, Dalston, to Mr. C. W. Bradley, B:u'rie. Ll`IlIl'\I- I-9\nv|vI1\-IQJ &&&&\I$' of Toronto, begins, Those who attend this'popu-` la, ..|...oI_ _qI Bush-er-I _Tralulng will enjoy the bust facxllttcs to Fe foqnd m Canad_a. Tmgraphy, Book-keep}n_g and Bu--mess Practice. shorthand gnd Typgwrntgng thoroughl taught`, Students assnstpd to sntuzmons. Good ellllll guaranteed. New prospectus ready. Address A III I-I GI-I'A\Al DPINEIDAI` hrs to me GENTRAL d3)'JuLn. Jun v--- -- -- CENTRAL 'a'LI's"|-ii'e':;=."'.mc$b`iL'L.EG:; r\( w*....mwn l\nnr;nQ_ Thoma. whn nnnzl fl-1::-nan..- P`r`u1F.-In Toronto. on `um_`1a.y xqth inst. to Mr. znd Mrs, George M. Ritchie. a daughter. . ; W 11 RMAID (rst-<=`8"` """ _A Ivy: Calreglgs Hotgl. "qo:`r".'..'.A. "*3 7 rsonally. if potable: *9 V V . ` ~ ~ L .ALL,.\ = ' - \VlH [38 SUN.` Cneap I` arm properly. Apply tg ,, A i _,v__ ___ _ `TOLING widow wants situation as Housekeeper. 1-.-...rA_...u_:.. 1.-.... 5'... :...._...r and hnv : vears nuvoua Jnw 4-. a v-..`-.., ..f.._.. Ref;-_ren_ces. our shippers everywhere. Corfcspono nee mvnted. ~ Park, Blackwell 00., - td.l TORONTO. .40-52 4 cords the Vvest warn bcnool. 50 corus; mm x the Allandale school. :8 cords. The wood must v piled to the satisfaction of the Supply Committee. '1 cndcrs may be sent for all or any portion of the mu-u 0.1 LEs1nEr;1c1: FOR "SALE of: To %RB N.'1T-_ Thn Inn-nun nAQ:t'nA|na ant` ovnnnna hf Ih llftht FOR THE BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ;.---------"-----"'------------- VOL. XLVI, No. 5; . WHOLENO 3a84[ . 9 SAMUEL Wzsun. Proprietorl TE w A nvIan'usE1v1EN'rs. "Hoa_`s:s FOR sAT.E'- ,, t-,__-..- -._.: ...-.... DANcIN(: vu r---rv--.. . `w.H.s'H --..-J- now: by Aw, PR;N(;PAL; Vanna an ! (`.n-nn-.I`-L..-..L.. Egtabligheml 1880. an II-Illllllluuo , . Returns Promptly made. I'`._......._.. , - mcucal `tuner and K airer. Kegercnces xrom um leading anufacturers. V 19-1? 1 51 ELIZABETH STREET aAn?nI;.i (L MARRIED; F. M. MONTGOMERY, ' Chairman Supply Com. c III tilriiig "" Yonge and Gerrard` gtreets. Lu: J Pix RANK|N, BARRIE- BORN. DIED. 5?itmas ,Ba.rgains. OI IIIU pix Vllllu 8: Mccugwv. 1 0NI5'Y-A1` AND 5 Eli ~I VlJI!nL1'l'o--vve have a large amount of pnvate funds to loin at font and a half angl 5LpI'ce`nt Payable year! ' Loans on, mortgagejwall be made u to one half: 9 value of the pmperty o'ere_d.. . Am-av,` Pnrux I n. nun...-uv- Bu-rintars. &c.. Battio. A Planing Factnry for 5:11 ' or rent. with Good ` Muchizmery in rsl: class order 150 Threga Brit-._k mm Four Plaslered ousesg all situated 1:) Barric. _ ; Will be sold cheap fo cash. or exchanged for ` 9" v-vn nr-nnprl u. AI-\n`v tn ` Commencing'to-day we o'ei'.':the fol- lowing high-class Fans for cash only.- 13; ooz. Fans, regular pt`ice'$5.I'0,l for $3 00} I n w u ` n u nu` 1 u ,u A n _ ll u Also 9. `6nAeoline.o`f Silver Noveltla. Engag- men_t. Rngs,o0pa.`a, Gold Watches, etc. V -~'- --v--- -uv Jvnov ` |\4U Ill EGUIIIIUU sale of Howard s Beaaxtil Stock. Boys Brigade Concert. The ponularity of the Boys Brigade was shown by the large attendance at the con-V cert given in the Grand Opera House last `Thursday night in aid of the Brigade s funds. At 7.30 the boys marched in full uniform through the main streets and as usual presented a_ very creditable appear- ance. The various readings by Miss Tessa McCallum were well received. It was with the greatest (liiculty that Miss McCallum got out of replying to every encore- She is quite at home in everv character she imper- sonates Miss Detta E Zie2'er appeared in several songs and also received very favor- able hearing. Good Bye and Lullaby were perhaps the favorites. In these Miss Ziegler`s excellent soprano voice was heard to advantage During intermission the orchestra favored the audience with a very ne selection. The program closed with an ambulance scene. In the background was a water scene and the boys were supposed to have found one of their comrades nearly drowned. They at once set to work to re- suscitate him and latest reports say that the lad is alright again. The boys certainly did their work well not only in their life-saying exercises but in the `energetic manner in which they advertised their concert by ticket selling and invitation `Xma.s briaces ha: 1 Empire. Tog .-_-_, - v, .. -v---__ -. The Toronto University Glee. Banjo. Gui- tar and Mandolin Clubs appeared on Wed- nesday night at the Music Hall to an an- preciative audience. The students greatly increased the good reputation which they made here two-years ago. The programme was a very choice one and was rendered throughout in an admirable manner. The programme opened with a. verse from the .Maple Leaf, followed by the \Va.nderer_ s song by Schuman The Glee CIub s.other numbers were given with excellent style and perfect intonation. Mr. A E J. Jackson's solo, J_ack s the Bov, received a we:l-de- served encore, which he resnonded to with Jollv Jack, by Lloyd Bruce Bradley s> solo, Queen of the Earth, . was very care- fully given, as was Mr W. Flavelle Prizer s solo from Ivanhoe Theconductors, Herr Ruth and Mr. Geo. Smedley. are to be con- gratulated on the excellence of the pro- gramme. Royal-Victoria. htoapital. It should be remembered that this institution is largely dependent on the benevolence of thepeople. Already the hos ital has `Voved itself a great boon to a number of su erers. e would lke to be able to take in patients who are not able to pa)`. but we can only do this if the "generous people of the town and `district supply us with the means. A9 01.3.: {` u-int-mac season we ask vou who desire t0 ' to the hospital fund. ' - Am one can understand that the establishing of such arrinstitution entails expenses. which will not be ht'n dwhen `t is fully equipped. co ` ue " t `D. D. McL3on,, Chairman. HIS you wa.n't The` Empire. ..----. -v--.--an vuuavv numaulublo. _ ' The annual meeting of_ the 1n_nislCon- seryative Association was held in the Orange Hall. Stroud, on` Friday, Dec. 17th. the President, Mr. R. W. Sloan. in the chair. There was a large representation` of Conser vatives from every polling subdivision in the townships. V Lieut.-Sol. Tvrwhitt, M P.,` was present and gave an .able address on'the,leading questions of the day. Mr. Henry Grose and Mr. D. W. Lenuox also addressed the meet- ing. Messrs. E. A Little. M.P 1: . and A. Miscampbell, M.P P., were unable, to be present owing .to duties. The followmn nmnnru morn chm:-.33 3.... 4.]... UGIJ uvvu.I_ .w men-_,pa.ruamenI'.a.ry duties. following oicers were elected for the ensuing vear ':--President;, R. W. Sloan ; lst Vice-President, Alex. Groae , 2nd Vice- Puesident, Robb. Bqnd ; 3rd Vice-President, John Fennoll; Secretary, R McConkey; Asst. Secretary, 8. Fawcett; Treasurer, I), I W. Lenn"ox.v T ' - | f`L......--.. l_-- A` _ tcev. Morgan Wood; j A speaker of` the ma tic type, extr_a.- ordinary comman of In uage, great pow- 3 er of illustration, . n sp'endid plauformi presence. The area He is a real Bonrn ronto. ` 11:17, n ,__.--4.--J lost an ornament. E s -The News, 1`o- j SUCCESSOR TO S. B. VVINDRUM, 31 King St. Eia._(]1p stairs) Toronto, "district up 1}; wxth the . _ - At this C rnstmas season we ask 'ou desire do snme kind deed. to send a contri ution of money I hospital fund. _ . Ant nne ma understand estabhshmg G011. - , - Lecture who Average Man, Music Hall, Dec. 23rd. p.m. Tickets 250. and 35. o uvuu'J4. v _ I I Chairmen for the various csmmfmea we; Iappointed :-No 1. Frank Ross; No 2, James Reid ; No. 3, John Wba.n;` No. 4. Juo A Stewart; No. *5, E. T. McConkey.; No. 6. Ja.mes.Black ; No 7. Harry Brown ; No. 8,` I`boma.a Ska.nnon ; No. 9, John Fen- uell; Nd. 10, R J. 0oleman_. ' ` rm... ........4.:_... 4--.`: L uvu , LVU. LU, [V U: \JOIe[nann~ _ . The meeting closed by giving three cheers ` for the Queen, J. P. Wh'tney. Lie_ut.~Col. Ty:-whims, M P., and E. A. Little, M.P.?. M`Goods a your Baa` v._- _-.-_..._ _._ v;,_..__, We cheerfully wish on many customers -and friends of both to n and country a Merry Xmas and 9. H. y New Year when it comes, and in retu for the very liberal patronage we haver eived during the year, we beg to state we ave made for the holi- day trade special V ductions In all our stock of Boots, Shoes, ipners. Rubbers and Over- shoes, also Tru s and Valises, Mitts and Moccasins at l 3 than manufacturers prices. The right 2 do at the lowest price our motto. Co V and see how we will, treat you at the est End` Shoe Store. 1 T. A .QmI.~DuIr\n1 Thain. |"0NI'Y-A'I` 4} AND 5 PE -` .0lN'f.--We L--- .. 1...... amount of on-mate funds Ind13l.ConservativeV Association. PHD nnnnnl -----3--- ". " FULL Lmclbr N EW ADVEll'l`ISE1!lEN'l`8. The .1eV-v;l-?r,A;uil;-S_t._. I Va.rs1ty Boys Concert. D Christmas Gregtings. propergy one V9 rec. .mDuJul' 8356-V. |I\l\d K)U'-'5 ~ L. A. STEPHENS. ; good braces . go no J ULINU wxdow wants SIZURIIOH 88 uuacuccpql. Comfortable home for herself and boy 5 years Old. Address MRS. SPENCER, B.-adVord._ 5o-52 nd afer round of The Press, Lon- arrived at The THE INTERESTS OF .'us'J.-Q my rice in sacrice SA _ _I_ BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 23,, 1897. pans On the 4th day of June, 1888 the Town Council passed By-law No. 345. granting certain privileges` to an Electric Light Com- . that Samuel Lount, James L Burton. Geo. `Ball and others with whom they may asso- ciate shall have theexelusive privilege for ten.years-from the date of the passing here- of of erecting poles and wires for electric circuits through the streets and squares of the town of Barrie for the purpose of sup- plying light and power to the citizens of said town- This bv-law gave the Company" a complete monopoly of the electric lighting `for, citizens inwthis town for ten years. This exclusive privilege orfranchiae expires by eiox of time on the 4th day of June, 1898. That date uni htvery properly -be termed ourmfunicipaf , ` V" V A .inconiing `council: is __=s_uiiieiently ~ under the hi, deuce Jot). }-`ompany. to utreepply. the fi tters that have called _n`e. so long a The goitizena may therefore. expect that this coin - 2*is'V`ll'9*"*tV `**`r`?'?li?"*i " " ].`he first clause in this _by-law enacts_ `emancipation `day unless our IGICIJUW Il\I IIIIIE IIIINLIICL As a majority of the `members of the Council had been elected to support the waterworks platform, andafter selecting a strong and capable committee with,_M. J. Frawley as chairman, we opened proceed- ings on January 27th, 1897, by letter to the Waterworks Company at Waterdown, New York State, requesting from them a detailed statement of the cost` of construction and the valuation they put on their waterworks plant in Barrie It would not be wise neither would it be quite proper-_ for me to detail here the correspondence that ass:-d nor the result of the conference tha took place between the Waterworks Committee and the President of the complny, as the matter is now in litigation. I will say. how- ever, that from the 27th of January last till the 7th of J une we repeatedly and courteous- V ly asked for and urged the company to put a valuation on their plant. The company avoided comp'ying with our request as to the amount they would take for their works in this town till nally in the` latter part of May they informed us that they would re- quire the corporation to rst state the amount we would give them for their com- plete pjant Finding that the company would not recede from the stand they had taken on this all important questlon of valu-' ation, and knowing that an offer from us might be used subsequently (if arbitration ensued) to the prejudice of the corporation in the matter of costs, we decided to avail ourselves of the only means left to ascertain the amount required to purchase the water- works plant in Barrie (L. 0].... Holy. l\` 1...... an. .........:...4....J `A..- .... VUII ulu'.|u:uvUu `The delays incident to the investigation have never been asked for by our able and trusted solicitors, they have urged expedi-A .ticn and protested against delay, but they are compelled to submit to the arbitrators decision. .I 9 1 . -I ........ ,..u.... .. .......... On the 7th of June we appointedour ar- bitrator, and notied the Company of our action The proceedings from and after this date passed out of the hands of the cor- poration, the law of the land now become seized of the matter and responsible for its continuance. LIUTI l'l`-\;Ir-In u Hiiuncst Prices 0-bmlned. \IG\.lII\JI-II ' The corporation s duty, as we now under- stand it, is to put up the very best case we can. With that object in view we have se- cured competent and reliable persons to give evidence on behalf of the corporation, as soon as the Company closes their case. We anticipate being able to show good and, we hope, sufficient reasons to the Arbitration Board why they should direct the Water- works_Company to pay all expenses incur- red by this arbitration . (171.1... .1... ..:o:........ -1. `D......:.. _..._ :__n__ - UIIIB I IJIIII IIUIUIJ When the citizens of Barrie are fully in- formed, as no doubt they soon will be, that the earning power of the Barrie Waterworks plant amounts to between eight and ten thousand dollars per annum, and its operat- ing expenses, including interest on cost of construction, does not exceeed ve thousand dollars per annum. they will begin to com- prehend the reason why the Company are so desirous of retaining this good paying con- "cern. and particularly when its earning power will constantly increase without a corresponding increase in operating expense. Our American friendehave a good thing in this Waterworks system. and right well they know it. We think that, at least. some of the good things pertaining to this country should bs_,reser.ved for the special benet of Barrie and its citizens. particularly when we know that in this case itis their hard earn- ed dollars that makes this plant such a good paying concern Why not retain the prots right here, where we need it so badly, in- stead of forwarding the -money to some of our clever, shrewd and versatile neighbors -in New York State " D On Feb. 24th; 1896, atva bye-election, the "question of taking over the waterworks sys- tem and installing an electric lighting plant was submitted to the freeholders of Barrie The` vote thereon resulted in 308 for and 147 against. Inevery ward in town except N o. 5 more than two to one of the property own- era declared in favor of the course we have since adopted. At the election in January last for the Mayoralty, the whole electorate voting, conrmed the previous-vote of the freeholders when they elected me by a ma- jority of 175, as I denitely informed them by election card, from the platform, and during the canvas, that my purpose in so- liciting their support was principally to give effect to the ireeholders instructions in re- iference to this matter. \ _ ,2 L`,_ .__,__.,I_____ _E LL, Wm THE PEOPLE HAVE TO MY. vvuuu-no`; 50.5.5315, vaill VVV L.l.\IL\-L ie Opinion of the Writer. The following letters, addressed to the editor of Tax NORTHERN ADVANCE. have been received for publication: ' To mm Crnznxs or BARBIE :b The electors of- this town will soon . he called upon to choose their representatives to_ administer the civic busineasiahirs ut Barrie. Before doing so they have 9. right to lm0.W_ how some at least of the present year's civic rulers have com lied with their promises given previous to e cotton in J anu- nry last. Having beenone of the candidates elected on that occasion and advocating a denite platform, the tint two principles of which pertained to waterworks and electric lighting. I feel it incumbent on me to inform you of what eorts have been made to re-' deem the pledges then given. .With that purpose in view and the authority for our actions, I beg to` draw your attention rst to the ' ' ' -- LETTERS ADDRESED 190 THE EDITOR THIS WEEK. .'he `Admission of Correspondencenoes Not Necessarily Imply that we Hold O-`Ian t\..a...a..... .& 4.1.- 1-rr...u.-._ smug, um co6 WATEBWORKS QUESTION.` practical Tuner and R aiter.` Refrnce from 19-17' . 51 El Ivan-,--u-u an-nan.-r ann'DlI'.`