ALLANDALE mm mm xxx. House 3, 1397. K(` W Clgzs and VP. Soules hue returned home from her visit to her daughter. Mrs Camp- bell, Windsor, and frieudsvin Toronto. -. v uv n Conductor Sam. Lawrence, of Hamilton. arrived in the 6th ward on Saturday, as did also his household furniture. He will reside on Worsley street, Barrie. 1'; run I `N 'I\ III! . I Rev. Charles E. Perry. of Toronto, preach- ed a. sermon to the Orangemen of the 6th ward and their friends in the Burton Avenue Methodist church on Sunday after- noon. C'[`i1; lodge will be in session next` Wednesday night. 'I\I| Venn V g; Vtgme table _on`t'be G. T. R. came into effect on Sunday, 14th inst. ' _II I ,-,_ AI, - ____!.,, -~--; -.-- -- ------- -, -~.-.--, -- - Friday were let off. No evidence to convict. Miss C. Havereon. ot Toronto. is visiting jewelry peciiilara arrestetiv Vlietre on. her sister. Mrs. Athaniel Smith, Essa street. - Biscombe, of Belleville, is- visiting her sisters. Mrs. Wm. Church and Mrs. F. Link. L ~ C. will be in `session next Sun- day. 21st inst. -(`I l'\ 1'.` I I `II I Railivay vas opened 61 years ago last Friday. ' - - ' TZh-e '_I;ar 1_\;1-;iiiary will meet this (Thursday) afternoon. I ' H The '1`rainmenAheld"a. meeting on Sunday` afternoon. Trains were running on the new track be- tween Barrie and this station on Monday. Mr Berta. Martini. of the G. T. R. shops. has been off duty during the past week, a. piece of brass cutting having accidentally got. into his right eye. He returned to work on Tuesday. In .0 1| en. r: I I I ` Sevent.;'-'eight deer were transbipped dbl this station on Tuesday. ,I\lIII\, ,lA| Z The Foresters will hoid their next. regiilaxf meeting next Thursday night, 25th inst. 111 . I The congregation of St. George's church will give a. thanksgiving supper and literary entertainment in the old Methodist -church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Every- bondy should attend it. 7 Z T(()itnVritV1VuVt'<;!;arV'Z2s's a75'Tfhesi v ill have tl1e-prim- 4est Christmas beef in the land this year. ` {'Ls;gs;a:,;{{ T :5; T n; .AnvAiv1,Z is; `best weekly paper in the County of Simcoe. The ofcers and teachers of the Presby- terian church Sunday school are preparing to produce the sacred cantata. The Two Ways," at the annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Sunday School. ' n.a nut-vn Brakeman Eldon Heard, of the`T. H. & B. railway, is home from Hamilton. for a. couple of weeks. He met with an accident recently, coupling cars, by which he had his right. hand badly jammed. I II. T Mr. Thomas Campbell is, I am pleased to state, able to be u from his bed and trying to walk about the mouse. He has bad along and painful time of it. We hope to soon`see him-on our streets again. 4-4 . Mr. and l'1-1's.'-..J`a1'r1es Overs have returned to Parry Harbor after visiting relatives in Allandale and Bradford. I7 Cottage prayer meetings in connection with the Burton Avenue Methodist church are being held weekly. To-morrow (Friday) night the meeting will be held at the resi- dence of Mr. John Bruntonh. sr., Cumberland street. Robert Hooper, son of Mr. Wm. Hooper, of Painswick, died at Huntsville on Satur- day morning very suddenly of inamnmtion. His remains were brought to this place on the 2 15 p.m. train the same day and taken to Painswick for burial. Next Sundny, 21st inst., the anniversary services ot the Presbyterian church will be held. Rev. J. M. Cameron, moderator of Synod of Torontoand Kingston, will preach at. 11 a..m. and 7 p.m ; a.c3p.m. Rev J M. Cameron and Rev D. D. McLeod. The an- nual supper and entertainment will be given i on the following Monday evening. Ad- dresses will be given by Revs. Cameron, Mc- -ran RAILLWAY omwran on was ` mrrunm CITY. A Leod, Edwards, Hudson soil`. Paton. v Harris, sprsno soloist of V Cook I church; 1-onto, assisted by the chuxfoh ohoiraud load- ing local talent` will"fut nish the _musicsl- program. -,_ ll__.S,.A_ ,lTI'_I,.,! I1 -F` '9' " "' Mr. James `Murdock, of Holstein, County Grey, the government inspector of weights and measures, wasin tbe'h6th ward recently on his reaufar tour ol inspection," and was well_ leased with both Mr Dvment s and Mr. amlin a large weigh scales, not having to make any alterations in either of them- both being perfect. Their weights cannot be disputed. A A IIIUI Illlls {UL UUllDI\|I3IGUlUlln Chairman Hamilton, 0! Finance Commit- tee, recommended payment of Bell Tele-_ phone Co. a account of $6. 35 ; that Colling- wood Treasurer A. D. Knight s account of $5 be not paid : and that a grant of $100 be `made to`Ruasell County suerers. The re- port was adopted. Quinla.n-Martin--Tho.t Bridges Commit tee consider a. proposed grant of $78.52 to complete bridge over Mad River, near Creemor. ---Carried. ' 1/ _ _ . , __ u rnL-4 _2.1____ \1.-Ii3_ 'I`_L On Friday next Principal Ed. Shem` will present to the successful scholars their Pro- motion Certicates. vuuuu} qpu,vvv. V Penetung-50 acres near summer hotel. Cost `to County $1,300. - -Midla.ud-None suitable. Orillia.-None suitable. . V Barrie--Bunl{er property: $3.700. Thomp- son estate, $8.025. - The report concluded as follows :' After looking carefuly over all places, your committee believe that the interests of the County will beserved best by building the House of Refuge in the county town. , 7'-en nnnnnf nun: IIAFAIVIIAJ nnf:` 'l`HnIInAnn ..- --_~`. ----- The following deer hunters lrom this vi- cinitye have returned some. _some of them sharing fairly well, while others were dis- gpnointed :--Messrsr Robb. Moore, E. S _-u-:._.. `D .u1-|..|.. 1'..n.. .. uI....:.... A M-.. 3 UUIIIKUIL 3LlLUDBII' LUUUUO UJUUIU. eekin , B "Webb, John Blevins, A."aaT. ~sha.ll. . Spearin, J. Whitoher, S.-Stephens H. Gregg `and J. E," Campbell, the last; named gentleman brought home a large buck weighing lbs. ~ ' v9( ":)`,i'ngwood?-Bauko_ pfoperlv. Cost to County $3,000. - ` D....`.m...n___Rn nnrnn iianlo urnnnnn In-sin` Ross-Quin1ani;'fi;a{Roada and Bridges Committee consider 'the advisability- of re- funding $3.50 to Oro township for repairs at ' Willpw Creek. -()arried. l [\n:-.19:-u .\uu6:n mlun` Janna l`,nvv\uv|:C-, \.ll CUIIIUI Ca '-`\JUIl L IUD: Kearne--K.onan -That widow Wolfe, Tot- teuham, be refunded the amount paid for auctioneer : license immediately before her buiband s death.-`-Carr-ied. i sin -. nu - `If, n, 1 1-- L- THE comm l}0AII_NGII:IN 8E8sI0I'I. } --- V _C!Zo;:tHin1-1eZd* 4. . I face site, and that his committee had visited % all sites offered. The following were the best properties offered :- ` llmatnn __'Rn|nann Warm nal-. tn. nun!-.u ` DESI: 1Jl'Ul.IUl'uUu uurscu a'- V . ._ b Beeton -Robinson Farm, Cost to County `$5,950. ' A Iliad-nn_; Wlnnknh (`Ami-. in nnnunfn Xli:ton+FVletcher fim. Cost to County 35,450. A . . fV.~.u'nnn.-Ant` '+x:nn '91! I\I'l\f\lII|`I'l hnn $1; Sir `1'4mV(aZi71"lT1e71s age m...;ksT 5% ,;;..;, cor- respondent for a. beautiful bouquet of Chris- anthemums. His show of mums is excellent. M3 UQl.l\.I B uuulau. jkllll I Iiilule Ross-Whitesides -'l`hat Mr. Boddy be asked to ex lain` why he signed a $5000 note to Standar Bank. for S3. Sanford, and that he be now heard. -Carried. EX-WARDEN nonnY s EXPLANATION. He said that in the January session. 1896, it came up in Council that the County was paying 6 per cent. interest to the Barrie banks while the Town Council was getting it for 5% per cent. He and Treasurer Sanford were instructed to interview the local mane agers to get a less rate. "In this they failed. so. he and Sanford chose a day to go to To- ronto to interview the head oicers. In the . meantime Manager Elliott of Standard Bank, Bradford, had told him his bank would give them what money they wanted at 5; per cent.. or perhaps less. The managers in Toronto refused to lower the rate, and upon his returning to Bradford was told by Mr. Elliott that the head oice had notied him not to give a rate lower than the Barrie banks. Shortly after this the Barrie banks- had lowered their rate to 55, but for this he gave the Standard Bank credit, so whenthe next` note was to be discounted he gave it to that bank, Mr. Sanford having told him that he had already paid the $5000 note in Bank of Commerce. To Mr. Hewson, Mr. Boddy said that he had not kept any record of the amount of `notes he discounted but left that with the Treasurer himself, who had always told him, when asked, they were not exceed- ing the borrowing powers of the County He had asked fora bill book but Sanford said `he did not keep one but used a calendar for the purpose, marking off the dates on which notes became due. ` ' J upp._yIar'vey-Tha.t Finance Committee consider advisability of making, a grant to S. S. No. 11, North Orillia. where the assess- ment is only $7000 to support section with. Carried. . - Il___-__ `I UIJU ILUUHU U5 J.IlUllp|F'.U ll-I IIIIU UUIIIJDJ IIUWIII Thereporb was deferred until Thursday morning for consideration. r`,I1n3nrnnn I-In rnnbnn A5 w:I\annA r!Anv\nnI-- \Jlll.'l'lUllr Ma:-tin- Lawson -That. Finance Commit; tee consider the advisability of passiu a by- law to appoint nominating officers or the various divisions of the County. Q . _ . m ......L...... LI........|..|- 6`n:n: n HI-oh: nova- VGl'IUll3 L|IVIBI|Dl.IB UL LIlU' \JIl\lll|l,s Some members thought this a little pre- mature, `but Mr. Martin urged there might be a vacancy "this year. `and they required to be ready for it. The motion - was then carried ASSISTANT TREASURER S'1`EWAR'1`,S EXPLANA- TION. At the request ot the Council Mr. P.'H. Stewart, Assistant Treasurer. gave explana- tions concerning his countersigning of many Sanford chequesmarked salary. He said -hewas never considered an ofcial of the County ; that he was just asked to counter- sign cheques, to satisfy the Guarantee Com-` l panv; that he was not held responsible by Mofrroxs. W111 '3 Galbraith,` I.` Druggist and O_pticia.n,. . O ' - Barrie. O OCCOCOCOCCOOC the County ; that the Auditors and Wardens never, unless casually,.consulted him regard- ing the nances ; that he conntersigned the first cheque under protest. as he considered the countcrsigning a farce, and in this the present treasurer agreed with him ; that a great deal of money was paid into the oice and out again without ever reaching Bank; that money was drawn out of the Bank by - the Treasurer, brought to the oice and paid out over the counter`, and that he had never had anything to do with Mr. Sanford s cash- book or ledger. Sometimes previous to going away for a day or two, which privil- ege he was given by agreement, he had eountersigned cheques for Mr. Sanford to ll in, and similarly when Mr. Sanford was going away for two or three days, he left cheques signed for Mr. Stewart toqnegotiate. ` a He, Mr. Stewart, had never regularly com- oared returned cheques with the stubs, nor had he looked at the stubs after he- had re- turned from a'day or two absence, to see what Mr. Sanford had done with the coun- tersigned blank cheques. Since Mr. San- ford s departure he `had noticed that the stubs did not correspond always with the `cheques. neither in particulars or amount of m oney. . He had implicit confidence in Mr. Sanford, but regretted that he'had grievi- ously erred in so conding in him. ` WEDNESDAY MORNING. -. The session on Wednesday morning, was a short one, as considerable ,,business had to be transacted in committee before the evening session. - ` _ n.___.9.L;_ ._ 'n_:_..:_.._.__'_-...--.'..-.1I ` "For insuring his wife whowas dying of. consumption, L. Alger was sentenced to seven years in the Penitentiary. Sir Oliver MoVv_gt~hss winked at this in- snrenoe fraud .by psrdoning him after - sensing. only` eseiventeen months of _ his The Y P.S.C E. will hold a thanksgiving meeting on Friday evening of this week. A thankoffering collection for the poor will be taken up. I? I I I I uuasuuu. _ The Committee on Printingwas requested to consider the propriety of instructing the Clerk to have the minutes of Council for 1892 to 1898 bound in one volume. Com- mittee on Finance will also consider Archi- tect Bird s claim against Opera House. ' MOTION. ' Qui_nlan-Hewson-That Committee on Finance consider the nropriet% of dispensing with the services of Mr P. . Stewart, as Assistant County Treasurer ; that the opin- ion of County -Solicitors he obtained by the ~Chairman as to the liability of Mr. Stewart to this Corporation in respect to the cheques improperly signed by him ; that until the successor to the present. Treasurer is_appoint- ed, the Treasurer be authorized toengage such assistant as he may see "t at a salary not to exceed $50 per month,` and that the office of Assistant Treasurer be abolished after the present--Treasurer's successor is ap inted.--e(_larried . - ' t he Council then adjourned. ` After a course of study at, and graduating `from, the Philadelphia Uptical College, I am prepared to correct all defective eyesight. I have all the modern appliances to. ascertain the nature of the trouble. If your eyes trouble you in any way come in and we will examine them free of all charge. . , D. H. Maclaren. `mmmnnx ADVANCE ITHE EMPIRE IS THE N,g.ME ach branch of this business as perfect as experience and capital can make it. Buyin large quantities for spot cash in the very best markets, direct from manufacturers, ow enable us to place before the public values hitherto unknown in Barrie. Read our gain list, the greatest ever offered in Barrie. No misrepresentations. Everything as_ a ` rtised. CLOTHING. A first class Suit. in different patterns, well made and good t. Special at $5.00. A ne Tweed Suitin dark brown, - made, good linings, etc. Regu $10.50, our price $7 50.` We certainly have the best va coats in Barrie. Our about half price Se Men's Freize Uletera, in Over- one is just patterns , tweed `Clothing, Hat & Fury` sa'.ia3"b'oI:aEE ` -n-up-A4--pin.-In an v.3+':l`.'EA;'a,T|'El'3'--UlTS Mr. Percy Hamlyn, who has been the guest; of Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence for some weeks past, returned to his home in Toronto on Friday. ru 7 at no -1. HUNTER` ands: EF?/-%`~'_\.".` _'E-'WA_N Manager- Bmemher the Place, 3 doors East of Bank of Commerce. That HUNTER BROS. Ready to put on Clothing is equal to custom tailors makes, and in many instances better. It looks as well wears as well, and is made as well. In fact the only d-i`erence is theprice. which is from .one-third to one half cheaper. Tailors measure, tryon and t. We try on and t. -You can tell exactly what your suit looks like before you buy it. ARE YUIJ MW[ 10 IHE H161 snap, vsuuuuuu, nuu cvclybulllx DUUUE LUCBU Uult Utrlctaly nr35` clasa, and fully equal to made to order $10.00. Cheaper ones $4 50, $5000, $6.00, $6 50 up: MEWS ULSTER8 In Double Breasted, made of the beat Iris}. Freize. Tweed Linings, breast or slash pockets, warm and aervi: Re ular price $10 00 and $12.00, this week 38 50. Cheap: at $4.25, $5.00, $6 00, $7.50. ` l[nE.N' ENGLISH DVEBGDATS If, 3 ms SIGN or ms BIEu Min.` , % - 1: 54;: puma?-s1'.~. . r In Single or Double Breasted, made staunch, service-giving materials in the very newest patterns and colorinqs. A Work inan- ship, trimmings, and everything about these Suite strictly ret- class. fully equal to made to order mam. nl-........ ......... Barr_le's `south-Western Division.` with its Pleasant Streets. its Tasty Dwell- ings, its Pretty Churches. no its Go- a.-head People W111 Entlce Settlement" -A Weekly Record oi its Doings. V . Our Sungay schools are largely attended now. : A Made `in Single. or Double Breasted, with silk velvet collars, mohair sleeve linings. heavy Italian bodv linings, single or -donble stitehed `with silk. Fully equal to made to order, $10.00 and $12.00. Cheaper ones at $4.25, $55, $6, $7, $7.50, 38 50. fI'\I_2.. __--_ ,, - ~ -v, yv, vv V3 vaouv, WU UV: Th saving-money cluestion is making lots of sales _ among. ashionable folks` who know the class of Clothing "we sell; HuNTER;BR0S. YOUR PATRONAGE RESIPECTFULLY SOLICITED. _I_EN S_NQI}B A1m_wE1.L' wmimu sums rMen s Extra. Heavy Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, a great bargain, regular 40 cents, ' special at 25c Men's Heavy Ribbed 0. K. Line, regular 75c. goods. Special 50c. ' Men s Scotch make, pure wool,. very special at`50c. , Men s eece lined, non-shrinkable, worth Eng: Vand storm collar. Only $5.00. 1'Y\Y1\11*l\ R1713 n 1" OF THE NEW UNDERWEAR. Heavy warm `An nor nhnsn la] n "'-I`l-1;3"I:_I_c>n1_ia--(:`ir;:`i;"in-'il'l_ ':3;"i;; ;.,i.;;;;.;.;:... oii the 22nd inst. _ This society is adding to its. membership. 1:0 A l\- , I , 1- I\_II__SII- S- A Vania. LIUQ V ml serviceable. Cheaper ones annmz. 75c, for 50. Top Shirts at 50c, 75c, and S1. Cannot be equalled by any other house in the trade. 1": VI'\\TY(VIV'I`\Y/`V 1` New Ties from 15c up Braces, extra. heavy, at 10c- Good Wool Sox. 2 pairs for 25c. New Hats at 50c, 75c. and $1. See our Paramata. Waterproofs at 35. WOW` Q9 nn F-URNISHING s. ""` 375.55 BEAVER ovEncoAT~ Novmnznn 13, HUNTER BRO5-' A43 l\l\ "l1`7tn.m'V;nii',W_silbhicago, was called here last wsek bv the serious illness of his sister. Mrs. Neil Wilkinson.