r 'bh s,AI;_oVR fronlsu-r. If Ll'-n9..._ n-__-_.--.nu_-. -9 nn-.......`.... ..p .. . be 4 nI?\.?nhf\nn!nggn:e1|sfI-3% ~ N Nov. 11, 1897; 45 47 Free Chrysabthetbum Show. . 4I_2__j -__.,_-I f\L.__._A, .I BERKSHIRE BOARS. _, g n-. _ _n_ _o.._ c... -__ 2.. AI'.. .45: EUR Dlilu IV lKl.'4lVl.".- go rgsidenca and round: gt the_north- ' Elizabeth and (-1 h streets. Immedi- n_ Annlvtn 1.: ' 1 - Dfvl-throw-vac . STRATH; &- ESTEN. - fvenaod _Solic'itora, am-Ia. `or VALUABLE" H... Ill \'l[1 Pm-Ia, uunuvoon -.-- vwlc uywuwwpwu ---pa Aparsox _& _c31;sw;dkn. n(Sgd)",` J. D.AARM0UB. lVIl\ zof_ Dress Goods in 'l fHoward s Bank- L 1. vme. BARRIE. COUN'l:Y OF SIMCOE, __,______,M/ U- 2- '\Xe QITICBII, IUFVIUBU e o o e e e e e c Miss Ellie, telegram . . . . . . . .. . . . J. C Thompson. certage; . . . . . _ Barrie Waterworks 09., service... 4 45 `Wilson: Cousins. 2 hydrant gates. . 20 35 ' Amonons. ` ' ' Frawley-RedenhurIt'--That all persons- hnvina aooonnttf against AthiIXIn,I1nioipnlity' . resent them before thenext meeting of the `nnoil, "fan December 6th". l A Mr. .Freyley.`uid thief: mo'tiqn_jg:to`otop.. he} .bAi.d_ practice of laying aeconntev over ,v rn'=`~ it .- ..9"9!* -=-rt..wi*hr.t*e9-n |heet.`-,` .. _fr'birr` yorg-co `year: god"v6~give`che-.aaunill~of' ` Georze Fox,. V n V. . . . '. . . Wm. Sibblild,-L trimming trees `J. A. -G. Ardsgh, iervjceu ml `ninmnnv-u . vv cunuvn, 3. Heffern, Jae Tursqr, II II II Wm. Graham, :1 II I! II R. M. Sheppard E. Ardagh, n ~ ~ F McCarthy, H ' a o Centre Simcoe Ag. Society grant. H. Metcalf, stenographer. . . . . . . . . Jno. Stapleton, repairs . . . . . . . Walter Partridge work . . . . . . . . . . Chas Meohom, salary. ._,. . . . . v E Williams, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . R _King, R R. fare for indigent... Geo. Ball, work. . .. . . . . . . . . . Jno `Sherlock, work...... Chas Mulert, n . . . . . . . . . . `Joe. Turner. 11 .; . . . . . . . ` L.'Oliver,sa.la.ry . . . . . . H: niootbt uauouo ooono R. J. Fletcher, eoeleoting Jurors. . . . Henry Bird. n ' . n . . Wm. Armstrong, work-.l..._... . ` Jan Campbell, up _V _-' " do air`. 0 u 0 a do 0 I l coo-`someone. IIi._.w nn.I.; _1'._n-- o . v Refcrences. our : ence invited. uavnsuuvu ua Jlanvvvnllu, auuu Ul IUUB for crusher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Mcl)onagh', extras . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Newbery, work . . . . . . . . . . .. Watson Jones, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. French, work...... .ma. Chas. J. Lane, .repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . H. McQuarry, repairs . . . . . . . . . .. H. Sewrey, repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johnston 8: Sarjeant, sewer pipes. . George Ball, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hugh McLeod, work . . . . . . . . . . .. Jno. Clayton, work . . . . . . . . . . . . Barrie Fire Brigade, practice... . . . Miss Sibbald,,salar'v. .` . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs E Ross, rent `fer lots . . . . . . . . Mickle, Dyment & Son, lumber. . . . H. H. Otton, account . . . . . . . . ., . . . J . A. Hill, supplies . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. Allandale School Coupons . . . . . . . . Jno `McKenzie, work . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Sibbald. Zwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Josf Jones,.work ., . . . . . . . . . . ..'.. Neil Cameron, work...... . . Jno. Hefferen, work . . . . . . . . . . . . J no Dodds, work. .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Dodds, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Nixon, work . . . . . . . . . . . .'.[`hos. Dunsmore, team. . . . . . . . . Walter Scott, stationery . . . . . . . `. . . Mrs. Hinds, indigent supplies. . . . . Thos. Turner, indigent supplies .. R King, salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jas. Marrin, salary`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Bird, salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. C. Murchison, salary . . . . . . . . . . J._ Ferguson, work in connection - with waterworks arbitration. . T. Shouldice. u . n g`. .McMullen, n . n lnlnnb S Tench, work.` . . . . . . . . . . . . Jno. Cameron,'team`. . . . . . .` . . . . . . . Jno Bennett, team . . . . . . . . . . . . J no. Spearln, team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chas. McKenzie, team... The Finance Uominittee presented a re- port recommending payment of the follow- ing accounts :- * T Canadian Souv. Pub. Co. . . . . . . .$ 50 00 J no Ferguson, cedar. .-.- . . . . . . . . . . 13 50 R. McDona.gh, contract . . . . . . . . . . 49 50 Allandale School Debentures . . . . . . 215 24 _ n u (COUPOIIS) . . . . . . . 28 25 J. A G.'Ardagh, disbursement`. . . . 7 96 W. J. Valleau. account . . . . . . . . . . . 35 R. Cristoe, binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Ball Planing Mill-Co . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 2 60 J. Henderson, supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 3 65 Dickinson & Macwatt, rent of lots nuuunlsan 1 K "E A letter was read from F. S Spence, of the Dominion Alliance, Toronto, asking the Council : co operation in pushing certain proposed amendments to liquor laws. Tho nnunrnl nnl-nn-uuninntinnn nun-n unfou-at` LUPUDUIL QIIIUI-IIIIIIUIIIIB IOU lI|illU`I-7 IGWHn The several commumcatxons were referred to Committees. \JCI\I '7 VII, V IQ : Q`,- Sim'mons & Co. wrote as follows :- We have.been instructed by our solicitors to give you notice in writing that boys congre- I gate at our front door from 7.30 to 8.30 p. in. ` every night, weather being favorable. dam- aging our front, smashing glass, etc. We will hold the town responsibne after this no- tice in writing. A word from Chief King or Constable Martin could stop it A I_.-,,, __, , J p,, I: (i n A __.`---' cu.-v-v -u-vvpvwvu Henry Bird, Town Clerk. sent in a sche- dule showing the names of parties living on etreetswhere there is nocsewer main, but had connected with the nearest main on some other streets. The list contained the fol- lowing names along with cost of connections: J. McL Stevenson, cost $22; John Laird, $7.50 ; County- of.'Simcoe. $76.22 ; James. and John Dougall, $22; Samuel Chapman, $11 ; Wm Hubbert, $13 20 ; N. Kin $33 ; Thomas McCullough, $16.50; Alfred Mor- ren, $21.78 ; William Webb, $21.78; Thos. Lowe, $l9,80 ; A. Urquhart, $19.80 ; Misses Partridge, $19.80 ; C. E. Hewson, $19.80; Miss Joy, $19 80; Mrs. M L. Ardaah, $29 70; W. J. Coulter, $19.80; Salvation Army, $16.50; L. S. Sanders, $%; Thomas Caqldwell, $13.20. mmmm ..... B. (V- ......L.. .. 3-11-..- . n ll]- A Long List of Accounts Recommended ! for Pa.yment-Boys Must Cease Di_s- "1 turbence on the Front Street- All Outstanding Accounts Against the 1 Council Must be in by Next Regular ' Meeting. " ` At the regular meeting of the Town Coun- cil on Monday night Mayor Wells presided, and around the semicircle -in front of him `sat Reeve Rsdenhurst. Deputy-Reeves Sules and Wilkinson, and Councillors Roz-; era, Frswley, Powell, Hood and Peacock. COMMUNICATIONS. Johnson & Sarjeant wrote, -saying they had charged 6 per cent. interest on their ac- count for 3} months, because they had been urged by members of the Council to furnish the sewer pipe at out prices. On these prices they could` not wait 3; months for their money without interest. ` `II 'I'\IIl'II nu -- WIILALLANDALEAGBEPTTHEBOND. 32: `COUNCIL Dmcmms "ro MAKE WARDNO. a A DEFINITE omrmn. PM II 2 " r 1 05 _ _ .. I 30 V] .g. 100 00 Me, :ogta._pher...M. ..... 5 00 Mc repa.n's._ . . . 2 25 `in! a .. V 87 w_ sa.larv.._,.....'.... 9 00 An; I 4...:-o. In rare mdngent... 2 40 w_ o ofloy-'u.u` 2 Sat vork . . . . . 401 the . .. . 2 50 Lag . . . ....-. ` 50 tow no o n u : no u 25 00 -"gurus...--oooooo electing Jnrou..., 400 gym -n ...'. 4 00 Q3 w,ork....,......_` W2 25 Wm A ll can-`coco.-L. soot ' ii 'v`ooVu~>ooono_oo `A 70 tiou iIfnmin g`tr`eeI .!'OI'V5;0QI'......'.. 1 W -_ garage .... ; 95 mo!; .k,u`.-b_9.w,_ ,ngrvioe.. 4 46- hot` > 9 35, .n.. REPORTS. . . . 6 . . .. ntures .. IOIIB) .. ; Iraement`... ` I: .. 1 . .. .; . . .. ` '15 75 _smco1: A'1n TI-IE; nonunion or` CANADA ova cnrrnmon. ...-...u as L vuvuuujulvgvno Shortly after` two o'clock last Thursday morning ve; Vdeotroyad about two million feet of lumbr, mostly hardwood, in Mr. David Davidson : lumber `ylvard. Peuetnngni- kahene. With much diicn tv the large mill was saved. A `Tlio loo": is about 820,000,: with ` no- insurance.` How. the tire `nursed is n great. znyltez-y., , Some "claim that it; won from a spark trom the boat; tied at ' II, wiiile hook`-keepe,r, oljipn -thg.I; the piano yo: not on tire : Theyo oliitn -that '\`viI:h':thounoont of snow and igmzg , lmlv thus W99 b imP-iib`s4J=i `"+' statedo:th$b1ti_2n t` lMr.-D,a v_idson~;-nn A`... G; .. , his, n on Friday night. The weather was not -pub I ticularly favorable tor huntim-p- vu EIIUD lllslip 71119 Walther ` ,_ ticularly favorable to; huhting. Barrle Hunt Club. The Barrie Hunt Club, composed of Messrs W. Kennedy, W. B. Gray and J. McFarlane, Barrie ; Wm. Addison, Mine- eing; F. Camplin, Beeton: Dr Sutherland, J. `Fisher, Alex McDonald and J. Leslie, Alliaton; R. Montgomer and Dr-.` Silver- -thorn, Toronto; Jae. A. ohneon, cook, and Terry, guide, returned from camp on Saturday morning, having killed 22 deer in chase. These hunters camp at Big. East Lake and go by Gravenhurst. From that town they took th e teams and wagon: to -their camp, 35 "mi ea; inland. The party report an enjoyabl, ,and_' agreeable time. Shortly after the um on the return the- teame -got stuck with 1 their heavyloade, but with" the assistance of the dhuntere, iwere IOOII {ID Ihalhillf And Imnnlnul l1'-..n'.n.L-'--n- If wanted. at the PHOTO` _ near Scott : V: " chatrcaiar a Inuin'_t~ -wt Bl uuw vvussuugu Ul (LIB BOCIBFY all 8Xpl'OB6(f' his desire for its` success. The address was followed by a vocal selection by the oicers. The meeting was then favored with a read- ing by Miss Edna Erly, entitled, A Night of Terror, the author of which was an A Form student. Spicy addresses by Messrs. Thomson and Wiggins, rst and second vice presidents, respectively, followed. An essa entitled, A Trip Through the Brit- ish mpire, written by a Third Form stn dent, was then read by Miss Hayes. That one of their number should be able to com- pose so splendid an essay is a source of great satisfaction to the Form. The reading was followed `by a violin solo by _ Mr Cyrus Thomson and another selection by the of- cers.- The critic than fully reviewed the program, after which the meeting adjourned uuuuvo was xcucnjcu uuu accepted Ella M!` H S. Z Sriglevelected to fill the vacancy I After the appointment of Mr. Bennett as critic a. very interesting program was ren- dered. The first item was an address by the president, in which be fully reviewed } the workings of the society and expressed his desire for its llnnnnnn "N-m nth`-n-n -mm --.._.,.-..v --nu-auuvw aaAuvLcu'_y DUUlUby- (By the Society's Own Reporter.) V The regular meeting of the B C.I.L & M. S. wan held on Friday evening lest, the resident, Mr. Foucar, in the chair. Mr. heldon e resignation as member of the com- mittan Inna IInnn=I9n:` -...I ..... L--'| --A-1 `I uuuvauvu U IISBIEUDDIUIJ 53 memoer OI `De mittee was received and accepted and Mr H S. Z SI'iaI:_v'sSInnI-nu-I tn ll H... m........`.... e-u-cle-:3-on, of the City Hos- ity, is home on a vacation. Mrs. Colonel Campbell, Miss Kortrlght and Miss Cotter were guests of Mrs. W. M. Campbell. `Sta_wnez_', recently I `D... ll 7 n- site! staff, Blackwell Island, New York i3'e.' Wnkffaa Ethel Bonney, of Crown am, is as. iting friends at Toronto, Aurora, Newmarket and Holland Landing. `D -L-_a.`rl 11', ,1 0 -- -~-- -- I -"W.`.-----. -vw--'--.', cwvvllvul Rev. M. L. Pearson` has been invited ,to Collier street church for a fourth year. Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, will occupy Mr. Peareon e pulpit on Sunday. T Lindsay, left last Friday for Australia via Vancouver. Mr. H. J._ Siaaons, B. A., is an active mem- ber of O_sgoode Hall Literary and Legal So- cielzv- vo u-Iranian A.` `I 17 SI V James Hemierson returned to town from Chicago last week. ' Sterling Silver and Plated Were, Watches, U1eeks,Jew-B elry, Bleuse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. . Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. E-_I_=:IoNE 2608 my J Mrs. McAfee, Small street, has returned from a. three weeks visit in Toronto. - .- -_._.. ----v --o Av-v--svg Mr James Henderson, post ofce inspec- tor, Toronto, was in town over Sunday. T3...` (1.1 (1-... Tf.__.I,__ Il'1\ 1 o s Mr. GTebr_gV(aZ _1\_4`<>`l'Je-r_l_y.- t" bollingwood, wits in town a. few days this week. ` "biescian has been re-engaged as teacher at Guthrie for 1898. uvuu nun: nun wuvvv auu IIIJU Vlllllu ulsluuuwu to $8000, the town would lose th3000. The following motion was then carried : Radenhurst-Frawley-That the names submitted in the bond re Allandale dissolu- tion, viz., M. J. Hamlin, E. A. Little, W B. Taylor, Wm. Armstrong, W. Culross, Chas. Catcher. S, J. McMorran, J. S. Brun-' ton, Robert Campbell, James Cam bell, D G. Johnson, F. 0. Link, R. Mc errighan and Jun Little, be approved; that thesum of $8,000 _be inserted ; that It be referred to the`Finance Committee to settle the form of bond; and that it be left with the Com- mittee for execution ; and that the time be extended to Nov. 220 "IL. I\..___ -21 -1- _,, , ,1: 1 H'Howard & Co q now on sale. Dry and Shoes at sluugh% uvauau` uuu ucvu mun UL ll.- ` Reeve Radenhurst said that his Commit- tee had drafted _a bond ready for lling in. Names of bondsmen. had been mentioned to his Committee, but it remained with the Council to say for what amount the bond should be drawn, and whether the men-pro- posed as bondsmen. are acceptable to the Council. .He thought the amount should "not be less than $5000, for even the Govern- ment does pass a bill favoring dissolution, such dissolution would not probably occur `before three years after the period of annexa- tion, and in that three years considerable money would be spent in Ward No. 6. If the bond was for $5000 and the claim against the ward was but 33000, the ward would have to pay only that amount ; but if the bond was for $5000 and the claim amounted 5.. Q0000 LI... a-..... _.-.-l.J I--- ;|._nonnn vvuucuuluu Wllall nut: ll.`U|bl'lalUl.I. - Mayor Wells said it was uncertain who- would have to pay these arbitration expen- pses, as the matter rested entirely with the arbitrators; `unless in the event of the town refusing to accept the award, then the town would have to pay all expenses, according to contract with the Waterworks Company. The motion then carried. i Councillor Peacock said he had been ex- pecting a motion dealing with the Allandale Annexation uestion. and was surprised that nothing had en said of it. Danna 'D...I....t.......o. ....:.: 51...; |..:.. n-......:L uu uuusuuyu wvxc luuluuuu Ill hull. ` , Councillor Frawley said there is an ap- propuation to meet preliminary expenses in connection with the arbitration. 11..--.. ll'1_II_ ...:.1 s._ ._-_ .-.,---.L,- , '- II VI Ell` IIIUUIUIII ' Mr. Powell wished to know if disburse ments in connection with the water-w_orks Iarbitration were included in this. 1 l'\....-.(:Il__ tzV_-_I__. -_:.1 AL--- 2- __, ',._ D Qmlslnnnl -I-ul-A-5 al of the motion. _ I ll _ 'I'I-_ _I I ___ ONTARIO, NovEMBE5;{s,% 1897- Collegiat Institu Literary Society. (Ru oh. S.-...'-a...'- n..._ n-_-_L-_ \ \ _l8;For stylish at : try The Em I UV-III\IC\I II`, .L VC 55" The Council then adjournged. mm 1:: Panama" % Jiemg 1.. ..h.._. 4.--- -944 n i . ..... Pereozal News. ' pri es. nkrupt Stock is Uackets. Boots --AfVner mi il`nes's olhree years. Mrs. ? Mtoalf, or the 13th Vcoupegsion Iunislil. died .o__n Saturday.` She was .a naciyq of Marin- h_I_in*uwn`uhip; but his resided {near Pains- ='*wi,c|_'I. .1!-h.9r.;Ih.9 -moved with her ..!.'st 110:-I -.bund.`Henr Smith, for about fifty six years. ..8_h had I V fumili 16! vih6n':--aur- V TELEGRAPH PBJZES .~-While crossing Elizabeth itreet on Tues- day last, Roy Greenwood, a. pupil of the `West ward oehool; got in the way of Dr. Slnitifo rig.\vhich.\"n'o passing otthe time. The`lit.tle} fellow was knocked dow, the horde : ,_ohoe butting his iiree eiitohed to cheout: ' `V - `I head. necessitating? l t -Three men and a boy were _ arrested in IAlland_ale last Friday. afternoon charged with peddling jewelry without license. Magistrate Roe: said the evidence was insuf- Veient to `convict. andischarged them after ineu-noting. them concerning` the peddle:-e neemg by-law. ' ' -Ralph Sheppard, who was sent from here to Mimico Asylum. some time ago. as- caped-from that institution last Saturday. On_ 1`_uesday he was in Tollendal, his former home, end was at his old-time practice of- ring of a. gun. He will be rem-rested. --.-In the recent examinationeat Upper Canada Colle e, Mr. George S; Strathy. son of the late r. J. A. Strathy. took first prize ingenoral prociency and also first in `French, in Form Upper.` II. Congratula- tiona, George. - A l'I_I_| no I - - '--A party of hunters from Western On- tario passed through here on Saturday. on their way home from Moon: River. They shot eighteen deer, and reported deer, bears and wolves plentiful. i V 'Mra.-H. D. M ` other column th good. green coda tione and other i by addreuing J. Ont. ' advertises in an- he a prepared to buy a les. Specica- r tion can be obtained .EBlair, manager, Orillia, account given in the Toronto papers of Saturday last of Hat-bord st. Collegiate Institute, also proves that our old friend, Principal Spotton, still retains his grasp on educational matters. --Bert McKewen. of Ossington Ave , To- ronto`, brother of Miss Charlotte McKewen, of Barrie Hotel, was found lying unconsci- ous beside the C.P.R. track last Thursday morning. -On appeal, Miss Ida Hastings and- Miss A. Leishman have been ranted junior leaving certicates; Mr. rnest Drury, senior leaving; and Miss Ethel Lewis, part I of iuuior leaving. ' --- __ ..---- nuuoninn vs -v--Mr. iog. sr.,_ has disposed of his property in the east end, and has purchased a property on Poyntz street from Mr. Mc- ` Keggie, and formerly occupied by Mr. Mc- [ Allister. V -'-Celiu "A-'c'l;ah;.,";a.ged 18 years. `died in gaol on Saturday morning. Coroner Wells held the usual inquest. and the jury returned a. verdict of heart failure. 11- um -.- -A hockey league consisting -of teams from the banks, the Collegiate Institute. the Business College, etc., is already under way for the approaching season. f`-I:- n,,,1 II I an 1 - -- Wants tobuy. . . . -ZRya.`n Gu`ch Hunbmg Olub returned from the north on Wednesday morning They shot nine deer and report a pleasant time. - -Mr. Martin Burton had the end of one I of his ngers nipped off recently through the slamming of a. car door. A painful `wound was inicted. -Dr. M`o}};, Hubbert and party returned from Matchedaah hunting grounds on Tuesday. They brought with them six deer and a. ne black bear. I | -Sir Oliver Mowat will be sworn in as Tueutenant-Governor of Ontario today 1 (Thursday). He resigned the portfolio of Minister of Justice yesterday. A I_-_l_-,, I, -Fa.rmers carrving mortgages on their farms have made better payments on inter- est account this year than for some veara nmnz- j ` ' "` V _"_ "-"`.- 'V'``' r. """V"' ~In th East York plowing match held nuar Markham last Friday. Spencer Crow- ley, of Strnud, took first ptize in sod,_open to all. _ ___-_-- -..-.-.--.,. -The ladies of St. Ma.1y s church pur- pose organizing an auxiliary to S5 Vincent de t a.ul society for charitable purposes. 'I'._ `L; Tn--- IT ,I I _. ......-vr - v . v v no i5r;;VE}t;ods :1 Jackets 1 pay nearly double H & Co '3 E Stock prices.` B. Hi 5 old stand. -M;'. A Z3'u;-nY1i-n'gs`.-}<)~rmerIy ot Dr. Richardson : oico. has received the degree of D. D. S from Toronto University. VI'\I._ I_J2_- ,2 Tu be delivered at S tiona during the win- ter 97-'98. ' -'1`1i9i3][1:1ic School Board has the thanks of the press for desk accommodation lately provided in the Board room; vw av up- A - - --H. N. Hughee removed` the Barrie Steam Laundrv from Bayeld street to their premises on Dunlop street. A-`l'.V-__ 'l'\, , rm `I E 3. . --- ,,_',_, -_--.. ----. .---v--vu-nu Il\l\I.o 3-215 Mantles Jackets ` a.re- being wglaughteted in H0 at s Bankrupt Stock. Sixty ries for the Boys Brigade, No 1 company, arrived from Glasgow last; week. -Ea.st Simcoe Reformers meet next Tues- day to select a. candidate for the Legislature. y$`l\-..h. 1..--.. _--,__ `l'\---- 1` _.._.___._..v _v- guy 4-uanunwvusvn your Dress Goods before you see the splendid assortment at R. I. Fraser & Com ' ` 1` C I? . IQ: u - V - \Il\I\I --The Barrie Hunt Club rturned: on Saturday morning from the north. They shot 22 deer. I -Rev. Harper has collected a large number of books for the use of the vagrant poor conned in the mac]. an /1511: ms rs -- 4'-H. P! Eeiiardt & Co. s sample of their excellent Ludella. Ceylon tea is to hand. --Art; Thompson, the Boy Giant, returned on Tuesday night. iiom his American tour. A4:(`I 4:: `ligature has removed his dental office: to the Ross lock. -1-$*l7Tz;otV;ing stars wer: numerous on Satur- ` day and Sunday nights. -T711131: u. -_ __..v -'7-..-- .....`;..v. -S;i;ration A;-my self denial week is from Nqv. 2lt to 27th inst. sL'ccEssoR TO s. B. WINDRUM. 31 King st. East _(oo snoairs) Toronto. Ald. _ she most` -Het3ter Brae . new nger /siusgzn `is attrac- tive and well executed. E A Series of Short and Newsy Paragraphs 3 Carefully Prepared for the Benet of I`:-In "4-no-so 13--A___ A VERY ENTERESTING CHAPTR OF ; LOCAL HISTORY. .._- c--v-u.-: .1`: 3311330 All ante notices ot Society. Church. or other meetlnfn. all or which are In their essence a venleemenu, must be Btld tor at the regular rate of loo. per 00 {THE LATEST Lam mmnmus. t$'Fine Brajces I SPECIAL NOTICE. - -.an___ .4. Q, .-_A,,. he Empire. L`J;iz}{c}s' you will l& Bankrupt Jr` chant` FULL LINE OF - -1- -r-_.7.f.c _--V -------vu % ..nEg;; xv.` P. Kiackey, Grand brganim at theji M./',B.' A... addreedA a public meeting _ Nmio Halt lut aw.-nin .-A A % . . Mr; and Mrs. Wiiliem Calvert` returned on-*S'sturda.v from Pm Carling where they ,hvQ, begl !1io.ndi,`ng`tho summer. III. II? In vrgu. ,| \ ` Buy your Christ :1-resents at ` church Bazaar. to _ old in the house about the 13th qf ' mbet-. Dper. vent.` Ticketa25 nae posters; good enjoy `Phanksniving cu`:-kev with the: I on of Collier street 4_M_e thodisu qhm-oh. x BRACEBRIDGE-`The following prices have been adopted in this town for incandescent lights by the corporation: the rst ve lights. $3.00 each per annum; the second ve, $2 50 each ; the third ve, $2.00 each 3 and for every light over fteen, $1 50 each. The above rates are for 16 candle power lights. Bedrooms and cellars can have 8 c. p lights at $1 50 each ; and churches and lodgesat $2.00 for first ve lights ; $1 50 for next ten; and $1.00 for all over ten. A `merchant having the light installed in his place of business and his residence is debited with but one installation, and the sliding scale applied accordingly. The cost of pro- ducing light is cheaper in Bracebridge than most other places, as `power is supplied by I water, a convenience ewvplaces enjoy. uuvuv Ill IIUU DIVE- Among the visitors were the members of the County Council who had been specially invited to attend. vuyvuvu IVUIII uuuug bill: HIDCFUOOD. The hospital was thoroughly inspected, and the unanimous opinion is that excellent advantages belong to the institution. pro- curedeas it has been for eicient treat- ment of the sick. A_____,_ ` At home" at the Hospital. The Ladies Auxiliary to Royal Victoria Hospital "struck the right key when they decided to give an informal `A`At Home on Tuesday afternoon to give the public an op- portunity to visit the hospital and see for themselves how their money had been spent. The invitation was heartily responded to, articularly by the ladies of the town, who i airlv crowded the large building. It is very gratifying to notice the unanimity that pre- vails among the ladies of all the congrega- tions, joining hear tily as they do in further- ing the interests of the hospital They pro- vided an abundant supply of cake and cof- fee, which was served principally in the re- ception room during the afternoon. Thu ilnlnhfn` 1-nun I~Rnuo'.-......LI.. :.___--L_J &'uI\IL`IJ Committee--Ward 1. 2. Fred Warren; 3. W. Otto Plaxton; 5, N. V Goodall. @'Good second-l H. Otton & Son s. { Mrs. H. D. McGgfF'REY uvllovu g U LI. 111 UUl'y; 0, pm. Wlgglu. J A. Mrntosh Ticket.-President, J. A. McIntosh ; Vice-President, J ames Gavan- agh ; 2nd Vice-President, Oliver Patterson ; Secretary, Alex. Uowan; Treasurer, Arthur McNab _ .-. - -. - . uu a.uau1.4a:Lcu ; .Lrcuuurel', U1`. amltn. Committee-Wa.rd 1. Alex. Brown; 2, Jno. A. McLean; 3, Dr. Lake ; 4, Thos. Stritcb; 5, H E Jory; 6, Chan. Wiggins. J A. McTnfnnh Tinkat :prnn:Ann6 T A . - -- - - ---4 -V-v---an -UV" "-*'*- -" T. Beecroft Ticket. -President. Tbos. Beecroft ; Vice-President, Dr. Wallwin ; 2nd Vice-President, E. B. Reid ; Secretary, t J. A. MacLa.ren ; Treasurer, Dr. Smith. (`.nmm:n....._\xr.....1 `I Al--- 'D------- 0 u. 5 a.uuULa.I uxuu. The Young Liberal Club met in the Re- form rooms on Friday night, the President, Donald Ross, B A., in the chair. The at- tendance was large. The Treasurer's report by Dr Smith, showed a clean sheet The Executive Committee s report reviewed the work of the Club and made recommenda- tions for the future. A change was made in the constitution ordering monthly meetings instead of fortnightly. The next business was the nomination of oicers Two tickets were made out as follows, the election to take place on Friday evening, 26th inst. :- rn l),.,...._-EL m.--1. cuuuucu, " All appeal 60 the BOYS." Rev. M. L. Pearson gave a. brief address, dwelling on the importance of temperance teaching, and the promin`e t part women are taking in the crusade agains intemperance. A social chat over co'ee and cake, followed by 9. hvmn and the benediction. brought the pleasant informal gathering to a. close. vvwvlllu` no uuunyuusury Iu L518 VBFIOUS CIESSOS as any other subject. Miss Lillian Hill a solo, Fiddle and I. received favorable hearing, as also did the duet by Mrs Smith and Miss Hi!l. Mrs. Rogerson read 8 paper entitled, An Appeal to the Boys. L. Pern UFLVR A Hr-`of an-IA-nan . W. C. T. U. At Home. The annual At Home given. by the members of the local W. C. T. U to the Public `school teachers and Model school students was held in the .society s parlors on Thursday evening last. All the students attended, and several teachers. The several members of the Union succeeded in giving their guests a most enjoyable evening. After the opening hymn. Mr. R A. Thomas led in prayer. Mrs McKee, President, gave a short address. in which she welcomed the many visitors. and spoke of the recent W. C T. U. convention in Toronto. when a large deputation waited on the Minister of Education, who promised them that after this year it is intended to make scientic teaching as compulsory in the various classes as: nnv nfhnr cnlnimu \II:.... I :n:-._ 1"rnn.. 'See the biggbi room of Stoves. _H. H. Uttou & Son. . -Noticeable changes have been made in the personnel of the band. As Messrs. `Morley, Sharp, DeGeer, Sibbald. Sewrey }aud otters have severed their connection 7 with the band on account `of rem wal from town, etc.. several recruits have been ad- mitted. Among others are Messrs. N W. F. `Khan hut!` `]t\--n:n`w 11-11-- _ I ,1 an 2 To authorize the C ncil of said Countv to issue debentures for such p oses for the sum of $50,000, payable in annual years from the dat Dated at Barri 17th Nov., 1897. . W. A. SNEATH. 46-5: Clem; Co. Simcoe. Warden Co. Simcoe. . -_ _v-.- nu uuunluuilju --Miss Hannah -VLightfoot, Dnckworthest, near Little Lake. was buried on Sunday afternoon in the Union Cemetery, 9. large` number of the friends of the family attend- ing. She was thirty-three years old, and had been ailing for nine years ; six years of this time she was in bed and unable even to feed herself. Rev. A. G. Hudson conducted ; burial services, Q9 .- A uuoueu. Among others Messrs. N W. E. King, Duff, Merrick, McDonald, Mc- Alluater and Thompson. ... uuv ucuulul 0011001 on rrmay atternoon by D. F. Macwatt, Chairman of Board, and John Rogeraon, Chairman of Management Committee. Mr. Macwatt addressed the children of every room in encouraging words. Certicates for good conduct and regular at- tendance will be given out in J anua ry. _Ih.. ulna-u-anal. T 3...l.A.E__A. `l'\ V I -' yive her. The funeral to Stroud cemeterv. on Monday afternpon was largely attended. D--_.-..2___ n _ ,,. on -_ __-_....J .~.u.....-you nus: nuusoly uuuuuuu. 7 -Promotion Cgrticates were distributed in the Central School on Friday afternoon by F- Mnnwntt {`.Hn:rvnnn A` Dunn) ---1 {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE swam: corms mm can-rs Young I;1bera.1 Club. u. vv. 0. LJHLIIULWIAUU; `I, W. E. King; 6, A. fstoves, cheap, at H. H. M. [MINT Harry J amieson ; J. Sutheiland; 4, J In In... A A .g:'.`t:: 133;` /\9'L ..`..Ia.4._ - x To consolidate the unp vided for debt of the M County of Simcoe and to ise money for the erec- ` {ion of a House of Indus Cedar/Poles Practical Tu - i Notice is hereby given that the ouncil of the ` Corporation of the County of Sim e will apply to the Legislative Assembly of the P Vince of Ontario at its next session for the passi of an Act for the following purposes :- According to nature rms of repayment. raw IHUIUE4 yvru.|.n WIANUUIIIS A Cuckerels, for sale cheap. R. CROSSLAND. at this oicc or P. O. Box 32'. 45-tf FOR SA LE-GO(`D SOUND AMILY PONY also Phaeton, Dog Cart, Cl er and two sets of Harness. Anv reasonable offe ill not be refused. App!) to R_ KING. sr.. Blake reet. 46-tf Application to Parlia/ment * W[|lV1L1J t\ IKIIJLVKW \J' AL housework. Agpll to` HENDERSON. Bellevue. MC.`\R'I`Hl'R--At Mitchell Square, on Nov. 3rd, Charles McArthur. aged 69 years. ` CLARKE--At the Manse. Bracebridge. on Thursda. , the nth November, the Rev. Wm. Clarke, an his 70th year. Lu;m`rooT--In Barrie, on Friday. November lath. Hannah. daughter of Mr. A. Li htfoot, near Little Lake, aged 33 years. 8 mont s. AN':T)_A YOUNG GI FOR GENER- App! to MR. `JON. l.ll4`\'l\I?DQ(\1\1 `illnllguu Specications and rticulars on application to B ';-C .vo1:- PORT--6--t;I_'-' 1!`. b ` It LA Powell, Daniel]! Bie -`Canal; sezotrl:: `:3: g` Chief Big-Canoe, to nss Hartiett Port, both of Georgina Island RL`sSF.I.L--SYL\'ESTER.--I B ' , N ,' Rev. Alex. McConn;ckai::1snox.1tIr.!?dh5n:eq II32::=i<:l.l to MISS Sarah Jane Sylvester, DIED. 5 -,u Tuesday. 8th inst.. a daughter (Q "KL. and Mrs. Walter Stewart, Tecumseth tow_n- ship. ' I PORRlT'I`-0n Tuesday. Nov. th. at Fernle:i.." NH`. Barrie, the wife of Fred. R. orntt, of a (laugh. suvu u.w........,.-.. _--.v..r.'u.. . Excelsior ;BEi.I3ls M18262 "an-m; '__iT.? that the CENTRAL BUSINESS >co OF L ` . A Is about the most r;Il`igtONT0 . . I-EGE4 ` p_eople can enjoy: a Ihgrouga Play?-in which 1 cxal branches, mcludin skalmng in an Y0uug writing and Telogyga `lilo:-nun` c'g`a;m,_ R by the largely increased attp V. This is? pg. ~ all parts of the comm. "dance of nude 388ted admitted each g; thI;P|'ese;;g must` go!!! . articular, cherfuew Ily memberidd ress w_ H SHA . wl PRINCIP AL, 1 iven. onge and Gerrard streets Tor Onto. 30-Iv { ``*~~~-- \ I 46-49 II... It knows th should have; aa:.,,.::eI'_'-" young ma from a busmess standpgi':ar%n 'f!ra'd won ! ' t Sam` du ' also 6:, 17.5. PUBLIC KNo`wsn* nun:-tr vnnna man anal nn\._-.. ._ NF YOU ARE I CONTEMPLATING ` '-l. L- __.A.-.. - IJ-lav nu--- , _ Documents on me to . Prove ti.` . 26-ly ls stateme W. to J- . _p`aL T"? " `c.)~ _ I -.____ nu. . tcr. FEW CHOICE WHITE" WYANDOTTE (-`.nrln'xrnle Fnr enln 0`-unnn D FDIWQCI ARTE f T _ XLVI. N . 6 WHOLE N VOL SAMU:L4WBSLBY. Proprietor. 0 Sm} I n;u.-.- ------._. ,,___ _..- ._-- And wish to enter a Busiuessaollege has 7 3 per cent. oi its Graduate: in good situations correspond with gh, ' ' ---1---..- n- V v, -u .-.:.u.u UJ:l.|.IJ.n ..1I.IJ UI According to nature of security-A Merms repavment. 1\ E W A DVERTISEMENTS. Tuner and Re airer. Refer: leading anufacturerl. ; ZADI.--I-u --- - -`- T1\Df\\Y'Ft\ coon Gl)EN OF OSWEGO, N} JEW. BLAIR, Manageru ORILLlA,ONT. . ; ncpayment. ' c. w. PLAX'fdN' J v Oicea, Bothwelfs Block, ` Barfi-'1 AT FIVE +0 La'A".\.' " clwgn GENT. um Imlms I` Inc in -Int---- -1.` _-..._!L__ Estabuh ..I" ._ grun---Ivuuu Returns Promphy Made. - shippers everywhere. Corresporv :roi2'o'N'T'o. MARRIED. BORN . gr. References from the actunm-_ - -ml l` til` \JI'41VI!vl(' JON. 46-46 T 40-5: '_'o"u SPECIALTIES. -Hi:-finest Prices Obtained. `SCll.'lgGGlE,"1I_o. :8 mget. [Bat-no. 44-46.` .i:o MRS. M RGIIRET All `in? as: v lvuluvuvv west gorgeo Elizabeth `W 5 '` "l?;`ws 46.! _ E.&I`II\IlII"l& ZZFIIIZI . *_ F.edOct.,h, Str4'tlib!oodf (im;)a'.`) rI`:terprise."v Pri:e..$5.oo :3 `End gegintargd nftnken thismonth. 4, T -. A" .3 A . 45-47,` 1 W. J. BELL, Angus. `Qnh; At :2 o'clock. noon, the following propert .' name! : The north-cut quarter of tl_Ie ndrth Ldf of K number six in the and eonoeennon of the Township of Sunnidale, containing 3 acres. more 0l_' lean. - - Te:-mn-xo per cent. on 4: day of ale and balance _withln_ one month, without interest. The $-opettiy will be offered eubjact to at :-eserve bid. urtlier `particulars will be made known on day of sale. or in meantime upon appliention to corn A muv I. navrliu ' Under and by vmue 91 me power contained III I certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale` there will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Qunn s Horst, Barrie. on _ n _ 'L__ .1 - _' ALI. .1-.. -.n 'n-.~--_.-1.-.. 1 nnn ?iT"i?'f.D6m*!9r:_1*!9_7 -_ - _nn._nn an-An-_ . A`IIC'1:9'___SAL'E - cow v1-g-vs-on-av-urn-`non. uwnavvvo The third annual Chry nthemum Show will be held at the Vairv' e Conservatories from Nov. 22nd ` uh 2.500 Chrysanthe- mums, 600_ Roses, Carnations and a. house of Violets, all ud snd bloom Also 9. ne display of cl1o' V Ferns, Palms, etc , etc. Don t forget t . Everyone wel- 001116. 1' T TO . FABMf.iEEE%BIYJ : I'$I I U'|_-&"1II ._u 1.913;` I I o DyiFe1liug_.-,!{que,"Ent of Florence _ M conah- 3..'. ;8...% .uh:7d 7A`.?3|:`!f.wf `fa Vnafggf - -, uumwcus D1068, Dll'|'l< -'|AN(v)M:'_l'_UN I Na. FRED. RooKs_' /practical Tuner 5...; D- St. Mary s Literary Society. `(By the Society's Qwn Reporter.) I _ The seating aecomodation was not suici~ eat _on Friday night for the large crowd that attended the third meeting of St. Mary's Literary Society. Much time was taken in discussion re Constitution and by- laws for the society. A committee consist- ing of Mrs. Hinds. vice-pres ; James Kea- ney, sec y; Miss Naughton, treas.; Miss Hamlin. and James O Neil was appointed to draft a-Constitution and By`-laws Mrs. Shanacy read an admirable essay on Prac- tical Charity. and, in a well-composed paper, Mrs. Hinds gave much information on general astronomy. Mrs.` Perry was well're- ceived in her recitation A Block of Marble." Dean Egan Brought down the house in his practical lesson on elocution. .[`he question ox brought forth rounds of applause as guestion after question was read by Father weney. The proceedings of the evening were criticised y Dean Egan,gwhose criti- cisms were in some cases fearless andsevere. Under and by virtue of the p-ower contained in a m-rain mm-tgvacre- which will be nroduced at the Ema vvuul lUuI.lUI.In The action must therefore be dismissed with costs. :n u\.-* '`" up -5 - . 9:51 ;uw .Ul55UDIa `I town is bemg aacni rapt Stock. J c. cuscnargea rrom. liability upon this bond. He was entitled to assume irom the terms of the Finance Committee of June. 1893, in pursuance of which his Bond was given`, that the liability of the Guarantee Company upon its bond would be co-extensive with his liability. upon his bond. and the answer of Mr. Pepler to his inquiry why`the Guar- antee Company was not a party to the bond which he was yaskedto sign, that the Guar- antee Company had a special form of bond of its own, would not tend to rebut the as- sumption nor would it give him to under- stand that theliability of the Company on its bond would be less extensive than his liability upon _his bond and the the eect of what was done was to prejudice his right to contribution. FIVL- -~_L2,,, , . .1 A - -- - - pnsmsxcs FOR SALE on To RENT-.- I. TL. `span oaahlnnon :|n(I.n-nninl nf tllnnnn-u. nun: uuuuuy uu ulu UULIQ. And there is no hardship upon the plain- t.i' corporation in so holding. for if their Council had done its duty and had appointed competent and eioient auditors and had itself upon their report properly and ei- ciently nally audited and allowed the ac- counts of the Treasurer, as it was required to do by law, the default of the Treasurer would have been discovered at the very lrst audi 'I'V1_-.._ 1..,,,,AI ` IJIBU GIILIIII There is another ground upon which,` in my opinion, the defendant is entitled to be discharged fromliability this bond. A man nnt-it-.Im-I on ..... w... 0..-... cl..- .-_._._ vuvu all Ulllullh ' These representations and assurances hav- ing turned out to have been in fact untrue, I must hold that the defendant is discharged from liability on his band. ' Ali!` Ohaltn :1! -. L-...I-L2.. ,,.- L - I` IJVIZIII "I i These representations the defendant had a -right to rely upon, as he did, and apparent- ly everyone else did ; `he also relied upon the assurances given to him by the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Council and contained in thecerticate -of the War- den to the Guarantee Companv impliedly assuring him that the Treasurer wasnut then in default. m|_`_` ________,,s 1' ` ......,. uucu uuopcea nv the Uouncil ' The defendant at the time he signed the ibond sued on bad a right to assume that the ,auditora had done their duty and that the Council had done its duty and that the-audits so made and adopted truly `showed `the cor- rectness of. the`Treaaurer s accounts. Them: nnrlh -a ......I d.L-:.. _.1-__.:__, L n so-auuvuu or. one u'easul'er's accounts. These audits and their adoption by the Council has in eect representations by the Council to theratepayers of. the County, of whom the defendant was one, that the Treas- urer was not at the times they were made in default. - ! rm_-__, . .. - '4 - uuuuuquu uuuatl. From the date of his appointment tojthe date of the bond the Council of the-plaintiff [corporation had every year ippointed audi- tors, as required bylaw, and these auditors !ha.d always reported the correctness of the lTressurer s accounts and their reports had `always been adopted by the Council The nfnnano-, as Al... a.:..._ L- -2- - 5' -' l , .--..~-vv vvullty G56-IUIlI u3o L :1 Sanford was appointed Treasurer of the ;Uountv of Simcoe on the 20th November, .'l885, and continued to be such '.l`i'euurer juotil on orabout the 1631: J une. 1897, when I" he abeeonded a. defaulter to the plaintiff cor- `poration in the sum of 362.857 02. H8 cnmmflti `A A-mu`-...__I- A..- we " yuI.`u|.|Uu In H18 sum Of $52,857 02. He comynenced to embezzle the money of the plaintiff corporation the very day after hie appointment, and continued to embezzle it from day to day until` at the date of the bondesued on inthia action he had become a thousand dollars. r.'.-....... n.. .1_L- 7- - - defaulter to the extent of abont twenty-_ve ----- '1-ns Lordship, -Gives Ernpixatic Decision in Favor of Mr. Burton. The following is a verbatim report of Chief J ustioe Armour : decision in the suit `of Sinjcoe County against Jss. L `Burton Rnnftnu` -I-- -----9 ` inii '_r6w11:sriu3 SF SUIWIIBLLE. lvIUI:lVLol!t Thu Iran` I :oorger_o El 1 }X:.L:.`::`*:.':.`i.i'%.{:`.'"""` r-----u. uamsters. &c.. Barrica I , I Hg;qcRApH1c BUSINESS "FOR