premon that Lander, no .circnm_atunoea _ am: they: be inmregea with. 1`: hair ` been `considered proper, ii: View of thaa `Inspectors Reportsf - ` Dear Su-,-Yonr editorial in re Inl- apectors reports was so evidently writ? tan nnmv n m:m........|....:...:.._ -r 1.---...*. a. a.u.lILL\ll. IL curb ' On Tuesday morning about three o'clock in Bradford, -the handsome brick residence, viith most of the contents, belonging _to Mr. John Rogers", was totally destroyed by fire.. It is supposed that it originated from a de- fective ue. ` Loss about six `thousand dol- lars, with some insurance. When toned up bf Dick's Blood `I')__.__' _ , --the preni:iErs?pas: and presntof ' Ontario; John a Cooper gives an account of the Fen- joliver moment i i1}.. A,..;;., 9, fm," ian Raid of .1866. ...Dr. J. G. Bonrinot gives therst of his series of `twelve. pa s on The Makers of `the Dominion of node." Geo. W." Orton compares Canadian and United States Rugby, and A. H. U.. Gol- quhoun writes of Current Events Abroad. The stories are -by Lee Wyndham, Fergus Hume; G, M. Fairchild, jr., and Ella S. Atkinson. Contributions from Gilbert Par- ker. Goldwin Smith, Principal Perkin, and other leading writers, are announced for the lchristmas number. If you Wan! to-see the nicest line of A common Brod cow I 1. nwsanovz A'Bra;dfor_l Fire. Sound. Genuing lurks in A`--`` " _ _....... `rs uuvaunlrl IUN, $1 per Ammm in Advance.` urifir oN6`oE ENGLAND am 1, PIPKIN, ~ Smnmm Avnziux, .,., DICK I 00., Proprietors. _AAA_} `_---- . DITINCT- Home- 4043 ' ilie SAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETOR ooooll A. LARGE RANGE OF FANCIES AT 25, `CHOICE TWEED EFFECTS AT - 35. ELEGANT FANCIES, A FULL RANGE, AT 50. COVERT COATINGS FROM - - 50. to $l.0o 100 COs'rUMEs,ALL DIFFERENT, FROM $3.50 to $|2.5o PRIEVs'rLEY s` CEIAEBRAATED BLACK ' Goons FROM - - - - 50. to SL25 ,, THE NORTHERN ADVANCE An R nllll no I! .... -- -' _ the characteristic. features of our Dress Goods an_dDressmaking De- partment, features which concern every dress wearer. Our stock is very complete with all the leading Novelties of the sea- son. ,The style and prices are such as will commend them to every one, R.I.FRASER&C0. ECONOMY; .{ . .. Some ofytheleading things are The Best Glove made in France is the Trefousse. . . . . . . . --III` l`l3Ul'|I`9E An 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper, II Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every ' Thursday Morning, by QUA.LIgjg. . ; . .We sell the Trefousse, and doing so sell the best. You should see our Kid Glove stock. , etc. V from Assignee -Richard Tew It. a low rate on the dollar. Eve ~ thing must be .slaughtered STYLE . is a [Genuine Closing at; away below the $|.25 n 1 PENl:2;I:E1;JG. _ 10.55 a.m. Accommodzition. 5.50 p m. 7.57 p.m. Accommodation. 7.48 a.m. Ttavellers should secure a Rand-McNally Rail- way Guide and Hand Book--issued monthly. . 7 refused for the Novnunmz 4 iv, 1897. For Excellence in Photography,` by Photographers? Association of ' _Cauada, 1897. ' Trains leave Barrie for and arrive undermentioned places as follows : 10.55va.m. 7057 p.m. um uuuquu noun, U1` JJUIIIIUII, 5ng., Iuiuo Dollarcheclu, y_able at" aria Unit` ' ad Snug, Canada. Alaska. exneo and out India: It foilowmg rates :- . V1 uuo...........I5c.` V These Chgks are absolutely sscu_ro and orb :the cheapest sud most convenient form of remitting money in small amounts. ` hacks can he issued from one cent upwards. The? 0haqua B?L:1::,Nc1"ff5L1}qg{1_,_ hing llnllnr I|nn,Ira_ ........u Gold Medal Bame Railway Guide.l J.u.n?`"` ig i"e &co -gr-IIvI\I-I1Gig ' '5} DUNLOP srnzarr, anaruz. A general banking business tranencted; V Farmers Notes discounted. Notes-cashed or taken for collecton. Note F.-rm: supplied ee on application. .._ _v_- nut to: 'TdiioNTo. V mom. 7.50 3.1:: - Ex was. 7.55 pan. 8.18 p.m Atlantic Pacic Ex. 3.08 " 80 .' 3.131. HAMILTON. 7 88 3.111. Ex ress. I 8 59 pm. ` 5.88 _p.m. ail. 11.38 a.m. can us} uuncu. Uri`) I-H1 I0 " dienhum Mixed. o.oo '- COLLINGWOOD 8: MEAFORD. Terms or Svsscmrnon, 5 "C.'J.ooouIvr0uooou-o SCI 30 ,1! uoooouua-. . . . . .-lfI'- 75 *I.--l. J. H. MCKEGlE,. - _ - MANAGER._ ESTBLISH3D : `BANKERS; II An Q-papa: - Express. ................x5. ;;;;;.':::`.'.;;;: l..L.I.. -.......- __. A circular has been sent out from ', the Crown Lands Department to all lumber-men with limits in Ontario re- questing that they will furnish the ' department with a statement showing approximately the `quantity of sawlogs inlronnd timber in feet, board measure, whih they propose taking out during _ the present-lumberin season, 1s9g:_a9s,'e on their licensed lands in this Province. Statements have been made in _ the press and by lumbermenxto the effect ` that the licensees who: are cnttingpfor? -N export are making prepar_ations_ for l `taking out an enormously increased "1 cut, ' with the object, apparentli. of ` forestalli-ng` any aotionvwhieh miht._he: ' taken the expiry the lioensei.` end evidently under the Flaneur in the Mail-Empire has the - following to say :--I_Reading, writing, gures. spelling and grammar are. uni- versally recognized as the_ primary es- sentials of a sound education-`in fact,` a thorough knowledge of these essen- tials is a sound knowledge in itself. So sound, in fact, that notten per cent. of our common school children in Canada receive it. It may be impossibleto have a national school system` in a "complete and thorough sense; but we r I mustgoas near to it as /possible. We : b have accepted the theory that the edu- 1 .' cation of children is the province of i the State, and,` having gained our point, we find the order a larger one than we had any idea of. We must makethe best job possible of what we have un- dertaken to do. I believe our educa- v tional system is too uniform and me- 3 chanical to be of much worth. Child- ren are taught vbyprote, like parrots. .1, The _e'ect aimed at is a record for the '1, -schools,not for the pupils.f Anyone who in people. in different parts of the contry; is painfully aware that our much-bragged- V about educational system in Canada is largely a delusion and a snare. , EDlTO_RIAL NOTE; If the O;-illis Times editor wishes to ` refute what THE Anvlmfcs has said concerning the Asylum at Orillia, he must stick to the Government reports, and not renger himself ridiculous by trying to establish his case by County Council resolutions which provenothing. Otherwise he cannot be heard. --_.-- -_ wu -vanvvvu a""' "I believefhhalgall the needed reforms are summed up inthe philosophy-'-the right of every man to eat, to drink, `to speak as he sees t, so long es he does not trench on the rights of any other man. V Henry `Geo:-ge s doctrine, as given by himself in in concluding sentence of his last speech, delivered the night be-. fore his death, may be safely endorsed, and its practice would mean the aimelior-, etion _ of existing conditions of man- kind. The sentenoeis as follows:- uf L,I! - In times of conict between capital and labor, the peacable settling of-which is one or the world s burning Aqueetions just now, labor . requires such persever- ing advocates as Henry George, hence his death will be keenly .felf. The principle for which he fought-greater" equality between rich and lpoor-was- prompted by his love ~ `of justice and humanity and is accepted "as a worthy object to ght for,_though perhaps his "single tax method of bringing about this desired end is accepted by compara- ` tively few. ' . DEATH OF HENRY GEORGE. In the death of Heory George of. single tax fame, the United States" has lost one of its greatestoociol reformers ; and _.tho laboring` classes, a~ vigorous- ohempion of their rights. 'I'_ 1.2..-- - 1' to Ivorkrifor the` beat` `into;-cit; 61 the Provinoe. The_,determinatioo_f:om tlge louteet quiet be to win, an}! tlie_queetion of hoivito go about-it e_hould be doly ooneidemd. The ratetepie thorough orgeni"z'stion in all parts of "Centre ooe as well as elsewhere. If any inert -of the riding is unorganized let organ- ization take place immediately. Give every man his work, and me_v.he do it faithfully. ' ' ' on that eallary,-;l_le~in that sway ahowe` ` table nntneaalfor the poeition. V " .--'---v- If. GIVIUQ AW hether the Treasurer xfequirea any extra means or not is a debatable mat- ter. He ehouldbeeable to keep up re-. lpectable appearances on $1,200 ; many: a man and his family do no on a great deal lees. We were going to say that if the '.l;`reaanrer cannot live reapeotablyf `uppn`$VIIUIVlI 0 The lV_>;_l:ti;'Aow1':-y"'vv;lA-l ao6n h e:T1soun;!ed in earnest, Ihd `it is the manifst duty of Conservative: to settlg down; at once 1.. __.._I_ :Q - bee}: oultomqry "to soon After the of Legigmur w no; 1ske%1y7bL nongetnan aw month, and `it l:u `hang;-5 -__L_'._-`-`- ll . u, culurrot we jroronto Globe. agnioantarticlo `dealin M9c.d9n*1d. , with John __-.. ,-_...ywu nu, ma uuuo I roaring !\r`e, but `there was :9 much metal in the utonqjthu-t Lit amoltog and ran :1- over the oor. `He now hum gold- plu.te`d` o:ofr.` `I338 no `replace..-gKlon. n"=Iyre.+ F JacobemI::a:<'l-a' a. pretty good strske on ` the Little Juniper this week. He -struck ' plenty ot gold at a depth of ` `three feet-, but as the lamps were too big to carry, he closed up the hole and has staked another claim further` up the creek; l - . Aleck A0`ameron1 put . at new lreplaoe in his cabin this 'week,bnt~he will. now ` hove to build `another one. i After he had; completed it, = he: built. on roaring- `rb. `but there `was an lnnnlu ....a-I :`..- l . AnA,zm1Aversa.1~y_.,Nuxn`ber-, V L The7 `.Novembu{ ',iI7Ine of The Canadian iaian Iniaiveruary number. `Mr. J. J -Wtlli_aon.Teditor1of the Tgrout Globe." tn: 3 mumimns ..-um. .a..n.... ....m. -nx- waivi- yup In shing if not stopped. `D!!! T- -~- ~----w s Uvllll IIIIII Illlll V While Ike Sigman, the esteemed ` proprietor of the Big Strike saloon, V was shing in the river yesterday, his V boat struck a snag. It turned out to . ' |_AgG551- A5 O3. M be a 600-pound nugget. He will have S T an it taken out and will use it as a horse Go To. block .in front of his place. V Ike is al- H. H. A & wavs bound to have thebest that is A NEXT T0 BARRIE HOTEAL; going.` Large numbers of dead catsh are l V seen oating` in the river __every- day.. V > . -When examined it is found that every ~ one of them -has from six to eight ounces of gold; dust in its stomach. . ' " POSSESSES THE FOLLOWING -DIS nhinn if made .1-m........I - __., ...... .... .. uuuun. uu cue Ila-`.IlHEallF." ` Strict integrity and "3 good book- keeper! Yes, these are the qualica- tions, with a double emphasis on the former. If the Council can get such a man for the appointment, and establish beyond doubt their choice has these qualications, _ it matters not whether he is an ex-Councillor or` not. .. -_.- .._- -can-van VIJVQ The Widow Larltih yesterday met with Q misfortune which will, we are sure, call forth the sympathy of the public. During the heavy rainstorm -in the afternoon, a_ regular torrent {rushed down the gully back of her house and washed so much gold dust into her pigstye that the pig was smothered. A subscription has been started for her benet. -.v'_. _ `Dawson Pettibone has nished his new well in the rear of his kitchen. It now has eleven feet of ice water in it, and he has washed out over $85,000 in dut from the dirt taken out. Klondyke Notes. _ Our esteemed townsman, Bud Gra- vel, placed upon our desk yesterday a handsomely shaped nuggett. It,weigh- ed twenty-seven pounds. We have - credited him with three months sub- scription to the Lyre. We are pleased to see that Mr. Gravely who is one of our best citizens,_is doing well. He is one of a sy_ndicate which expects to buy a` quart of whiskey on Saturday night. _ The high wind yesterday raised con- siderable dust. Jake Luckenbill, who was out on the eldorada road with his team, says he was nearly blinded by it- when he came home he coughed up $73 89. One of our greatest needs` is . street sprinkling. , once. If A thriving, it may be` fatted 5 and the meat inspected._ On inspection . only `a very small percentage is found_ unt for human food. If the animal 1 be a breeding cow, the calf, if removed r at birth and fed the boiled millr of the` `V mother will be quite safe. There is , more danger` from milk, than from meat. The milk of a tuberculous_ani- mal maybe a source of danger, and should always be boiled or pasteurized before being used for food. Mr. inc? 5 and explained their use. The matter: received great attention from those present. ' stitute,-who detailed the steps to be '_....--v-- V. UHUUIUUIWIB In tle was taken top by D. McCrae, of V` Guelph, "at Owen Sound Farmers In-' only sure way is by the use of Koch's tnberculine. This substance was now prepared -and issued free to farmers by the Ontario Government for the testing % of their herds. When tested the in- f fected animals should be isolated and LL- I_._:I as -- _ I __ ltheldlondyltiet News] stsrTtsfo_`.asfollows-:-"[t is not an 1 any thing to serreas editor and `com- V po`sitor,_ as` reporter and business man- age: snddevil on the only paper in A town of ve thousand inhabitants. We, as a pioneer publisher, have been obliged to be All these things; for the `printer we brought with us has himself taken a claim and is too busy sacking his gold__ to care to work longer in `lead ; and there is neither devil or business manager to ~he hired for wages in all the ' Clondyke. Because of these things we are later wi_th'the number than we had promised. Nevertheless we are the rst. Subscription price, $20.00 per p veer. invnrinhlu :. ...a----- year, invariabi menth, $2.50. Advertising rates -_-_. `anlV\I Vvnvu 1"?" y in advance. By the Single copies, 75.` on application." photo} up} by cox`-re_ot theLde_por!:-" m`a nt- may feel upon _ to take. aohxentionin the preiniieg. Credit the Gonpervbtive preys with this oi;-oular. I ."l`he_q1eati6n t` tuberbuldsis in out- A man J-..)..- ---- ` "` " `A -_..- ..... vnasvv vs uuuuuy .l.l'e8Bll!'6l' 18 to be lled by an ex-member of the County Council. Now as a consider- able tax payer and one who has suffer ad from the want of proper audits and defalcations, the result of neglect on the part of former Councils,- I .must enter my protest. The position is one requiring a man of strict. integrity-a . man" of some private means not entire- V ly dependent on the salary, for there is at least respectable appearances. to be maintained; and above all, the holder of this important oice should be a good book-keeper and not in any way relying on an assistant .to do the work. He should be able to do the work thor- ` oughly and be a check on the assistant. . K GL_..L 3. I , ,,____,, ..... .......u, oouna. uenuiue Work. Shorthand thoroughly taught in three months. Bookkeeping in all xtlf bi-Inches. Businesl Course Complete. bCirculars f-cc v V ' ` COR. COLLEGI Swarm us;-. 1.-.....-___ f Gi':rt`t'e'fIf1"t`1;ti"('}o'1ni t'J; Irnnwnnd - --M ,,_- -__v-v-naval 0 7`Rumors are pretty generally abroad that the oioe of County Treasurer is tn 5. mama 1... .. -- _--~-~-- 1' -- H.on"6ii sows, NEXT Tn naanru ..--- - -- C OIUHLIIHU Congas: Srkmrr nub S BOOK AND minus STQYFS forms fumnh-' ' Latinas, nuts 1 co.. Agents,` Iontrul. 2A `A- - 4___._____._ THE COUNTY TREASURERSHIP. Who will be the next County Treas- urer ! This is the live question just now, and seems to have buried the House of Refuge agitation out of sight for the time being. Probably thistis because of less uncertainty connected with the latter. It is expected `that the appointment of County Treasurer will be made within the next three weeks, and a reader sends us the follow- ing in connection therewith :- 1` will wonderfully increase her yield of milk. It saves feed too- because a, smaller amount of well ' digested food satises the de- mands of the system and every particle of nourishment sticks. M-V5?l.:`e.n;verv it is, in my opinion, neces- sary or advisable, I supplement these reports hy_a written one_, and, ass. rule, I do not use the_ printed report at all. We inspectors are left perfectly` free in this matter. A.- . obligatory; they are furnished merelff: t for the convenience of Inspectors, who ' may report as they please and how they .4 ._r......J . vv uu vul; u.uuvuuUuu_1 P0.0y. 5? The use of the printed reports 18 not}; please. We are required to report only on such matters as require the atten- tion of the Trustees, i.e., such matters as it is the duty of the Trustees to set right, and on these points it is our duty to "report fully before withholding I the grant. V 1:: unmet-Pound Tins onfy; _`-_` ed b mns `EPPS & co.. Ltd., 1 pa icahemints. L9ndon.`England. 50 cewrs A Packaas. _b.._- 4.... "van: uo unuuu uuwuuug (:0 create` with respect to the Education Department. I do so all the more be- cause in many respects .I_ am not iii sympathy with our educational policy ' E lln nf hD:I\`nt` nnnnngbn -`n --Ii ,,_ _.r -, crow: UJIIUIIIJ Purier will give as much and as rich milk as a highly bred aristo- cratic jerscy cow gives upon ordinary feed, and Va. Jersey cow when given -`. ...... .vrvsw vvuo nu uvsuuuuy Will? ten under. s misapprehension of `facts that I write in common fairness to cor- reot the false impression which I `am sure you would be most unwilling to crenfa` with I-Annnnle 4... st... 1:-.a..--s:.<; 3N0 new name will added to the Subscription List until the money is paxd. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and our will be charzed $!.:o oer a_nnum.' `