F_QR_$4.5d_ - 54 Dun1op`t., B: A Public Harbor. Chancellar Boyd made an imnortant`de- ciaion at Osgoode Hall on _Monday, in the suit of Duncan McDonald, of Sutton. against the Lake Simcoe Ice Company, for damages \for treanaaa on 3 wamr Im-. at _`r.m|......v. ULIV for "Mr. Cook bid 85c. for `September make. I On motion the`fa.ctories were rivileged to sell their September make 0 the Board. Board adjourned to meet at the Barrie } House. Barrie, on Thursday, Nov. 4th, 1897, j at one o clock. `VI Us QIIIUL II Elmvale, . . . . Cookstown . . . Edenvale. . . . Gilford . . . . . . Avening . . . . . % Stayner. . . . Wyevale . . . . . Hillsdale . . 3 Wyebridge . . . Lakeview . . . . Gamebridge . . East Oro. . . . . Newmarket . . . ` Uptergrove. . . 1 Sutton . . . . . . . . : Northbrook . . . Beaver Valley. Crown Hill. . . I Mt. Albert. . . . I1 II_-___ I _ That is what the new store of WE are iio-tv-im_p;cking large ship&r-it; Sf ilew F.`-all Shoes direct from J. - & T. Bell, Geo. T. Slater and Son and other well known and reli_able makers, and are now ready with is. superb stock of ' the nest `and iyewest styles, superior qualities and the easiest tting shapes-bought at, ready cash prices, Selling aeweebuy, we are able to make `prices decidedly in your. favor. For instance: ' ` L V t ' i * " " . ~v if ; , .. '1' 1:);t'm'LoP-sax.` swarm.` 0 . *hi m--best goods jloyvest i r!t.<-BFB ro\ my-av Avv \J\llllllII IUI UGIIIIIEUH on a water 10!: at Jackson : 613.` Everything that it is possible _ `Ct attention to two important features `can; condently asert that our TenDollar Suits and 0 coats for boys, in 22 to 28, worth W Ydnr choice While The Advance. _ ` All over_ the tonfjit is "the same-- Iigwet yjics -tha ` G00'd,8',ln"9 fq1l.n"ew and qualities-`-8uch_.gs you`-can": pand on. ,,Sjtep;,' ..in-t_7;nd ;i see ;,fo;"y oiuirga1f,4 no need; to Abuy. Trunks and? ` -'V'a1-is'es-.-`-' We `ca4rVr_y`iI figoinplete-. PW? *!iPh?i=~%[A :;8 *'n,- ~ : `Men : heav ond L;aw11;r"}3'oots.1>:11. 5 or cong., rth $1.75 to $2.00 per plz. i on sale _ 13, week at $1.50 per pair; Thursday, Nov. 4, 1897.-On lot. 16, con. 6, Sunnirlale; horses, cattle, sheep, pigs. implements, fowl, etc. Sale at 1 o clock. W. D. Russell, prop. L. Tebo, auctioneer. -Thut-aday, Nov. 25th," has been pm- claimed Thanksgiving Day. Wednesday. Nov. 3, 1897.--On lot -23, con. 2, Oro; horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, im- plements f0Wl. 800- Sale at 12 o'clock. [Inn (In-u-1...... 'l'\..I-.._._ l\ -n 11 vnvlllvuv, IUWI, U00. 0816 8.15 IZ 0C0CK- IGeo. Gardner, Dalston, prop. G. R. Ford. I auctioneer. Credit Sale. Mrs. Jane Wright, Minesing Station, will sell by public auction on Friday, 29th inst., at 2 p m.. her Alarze stock 'of horses, cattle, and implements. See large posters. Geo. Ford, auctioneer. _-60,.PAIRS ADVERTISE IN Odronms 28, 1897. There is some talk of some of our sports wanting to match P. McAvoy s horse againat Big Ben for a. nurse of $200, the race to take place on the mmilton track. `Ill 15 .a 1 `IO. Belton is star ' g a. clues in faney work to-day at Mrs. hurston s, Burton Ave. She expects remain for two or three weeks, and hes the ladies to call and see her work. Sacrament will be dispensed in the Pres- byterian church next Sunday mornin . A preparatory service will be held on ridav evening, when it will be conducted by Rev. N. Campbell, of Oro. A thanksgiving ser- vice will be held on Monday evening. II1I.-_.-__ A_J-_._-._ _____'__,.A__.. _,, 4 ,- -_,! , I I Guy Fawkes day (5th November) is not far distant. Wonder if the L.O.L. lodge of` the 6th ward will celebrate this memorable occasion. Instead of the regular meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society on Friday even- ing of next week there will be a free social gathering at: the residence of Mr. D. Cameron. Last week some thief or thieves entered the boat house of Mr, Wm. Church and stole about $2 worth of shing tackle, An en- trance was made by pulling 9. board of! the building. ' .1`: `I 1. 0 . .0. n V - - ED. Musrav is still vs and doiog well. Call and see him when u want choice meats, poultry. oysters, &c. at Looker-`s old stand. Miss Baptie and Miss Strstton, who have been the guests for some time of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, Essa street, left on Sutur- dsy for their homes in Belleville. The members of the Order of United Workman from this place, who attended di- vine service at the Baptist church last Sun- day morning, are loud in their praise of the excellent discourse to that body of men. ('1, `II I If C "b}."MI;a;34' 'e;.i.'S.' soap vendor or somethin of that sort amused 9. -crowd of boys on t e street by his songs. I` , Q I . "fi1};f%i5}' iiixiraia {J n}"}'1e1ega:e from here to the Ladies Auxiliary convention of the W. F.M.-S: Mrradforti this week. Barrie s jinesi Shoestofi 7 `TI.;7;.?.}.ii.}rs..k'ue laying of the dor- ner stone of the Methodist church will be held on Sunday, 31st inst. I mg; s:oiii~'aLa1;.;[ r'o'r;n.srny of this place, but late of England, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. . ineld their weekly meeting on Tuesday evening of. this week, Itwas consecration meeting. 1 . .0 Inns .1 cc..- OIIIBB-8&0 J-VJULJULII-IGII uuu LIIIHI Hula \JICI'H will amend the Sunday school convention at Hamilton this week. -A cbttage prayer zueeting will beheld this Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. Leslie, Caroline "street. ' ' A-win: '1Li}. 3;iI;_(3;eii;;; 3: Bellevl, a. visiting her brother, Mr. O; Walton, and other friends in this vicinity. _....._ _._----"-- -- v v v-uyw-u . H '.im'n I_"irievl;as secured '9 situation on the C. P. R... and is running between Toronto and Hafelook. if - - "-1:l:l`l!- 8:`:'y,' `Ia:-\.r-e':1':ber 25th,v has` beeh Vpro-I claimed Thanksgiving Day. ` ' * ` ~ n__--__ ___ g In ' ' b ' - xii. i5fSa;XJ.}"nT.3.E"._6me oueamg. 1.... provpments made to his" hotel. ' ` phi, 4, , .. u` . H 1*he'L`;I Xui1ia}Si'uI `v\'f.'iu. s. will meet on Friday afternoon at 3 o c}ock. SI-1:`.};;11es `Webster ixpectu _to ` m ove to `Toronto this jveek. ' L '- i. L " (The hnntere excursions commenced terdny (Wednesday). VIVL- 11-..- :~n.,,| ,, ,. "wt you --' ` vv vsuuliovulill [O . V The Home Circle was mnaiming busineu 9n'Monda.y evening. V n'0L.._....1-_ \ tl:u_L 1.-., L-_,. -..,, ul-II` day). v------ --- --v------5-vv-3 ---g- _. .- 0Y 8tel'l orb in season. D. Murry iecelwnr-`T ed the first consigumept here. -I-gun- ---- Barrie : south-Western .D1v1e1on,. with ` lte Pleasant Streets. its Tap?! Dwell- Ince, its Pretty churches. am us Go- epheede People wul Entioe Settlement --A Weekly Record of its Domes. . ' Mrs; D. Mbilougallia on tghelafick list. l The S. O. E. wuin session last" night. The I. 0. F. will meet to-nightf(Thur_a- n.v\_ ` * ;e..;s;;.}g;1;; in?A${}zon, the bat wobkly paper in the County ofsimcoe. IIYL- Y_j!__ A,_,_!I! ,__ its in". nu` `WAY ommrn `I E :63` .1-n"m ` L -m4 Ilia: cLeunan and Miss M. _Clark .211 ..'-a.-...I LL- co--_.1_-- __l___I _.._._.._.L_._. _. -`e Irainmen were in seaion qu Snndgy an:-nnnn NEWHFN-l-..$H0_E WEAR.-_ ' Men a Boston Ca.lf`Laee Boots, extension sole * \ ~MEN S DEP'T. M ` Men : Fine Am. Calf Balmorala. seamless 1 faxed, new toe. tip,` extension sole, worth V4; moo", special ...... ............;.........$150; toe cap, seamless faxed. warranted beat ` 1` 1 paniIh dole, worth $1.75, special.-._. . .. . .$l 35 Menu Stronte Lqce .Boot_s. bellows tongue, b . warran Asohd. mt-like sole, wax euteh- ; c seams, upccia1.....;...............J;..8l 00 `.-.?`'. =*'e"c:. .`' *- 4 A m -neso ..ea A Goodgeaor welt sewn. warranted to*g'is"3 ` each eitxomn-t and wear. . 5 "'f?""`i;'5es?'5ep-T. Ladies; Donaolt lgid Bugtoniolzoottayuiezshteusion, I e. A a co n . s V min '31.. _.svfa r:aTs..-;5. .;'..'.'yo1 as Ladneo ongo.a Kit! Butto an Lace Bo`ots.j T` W patent tap or plug new uh_ape. full *4 _ toe,Dw:dth,uazea. spec1al.... .....'....Q]."35~,. Ladies" Tweed Home Slippats. :I0_Wd`_I0!S. _ 5 ` 1: :11 L a.9*r'z%*;`:r::.:.:':;*;:::z;m.* 1 3 35 3c; 3 _ ` . - :.Slivm hvdrM!9- Kidiinou j ,. 1.1:-.2.`f UFIDVLI IIUIU Ill IIIIU DU`! Cross examined by Mr. Cotter, Crown At- torney, Brown said that on the Sunday Rankin went with him he did not say any- thing about the keg until they reached the bush ; thenhe asked Rankin if he knew of e a keg in ()undle s bush. He did not, so Brown told him and took him to it and treat- ed him. The glass was there. and there was also a tap in the barrel. He swore that he did notbring the glass, nor the ta , not put the tap in the barrel, and did not now who `brought them there. He had not told Greer. the truth when he said he did not get any beer in Cundle s bush, for he did -not see .u_uuu vu uuuuu] II WUUIS U1.` VWU N50. The only evidence for the defence was that of the accused himself. .Brown s evi- dence was in substance as follows :--He had some of the beer but had nothin to do with` taking the keg there. He first new it was there on a Thursday, 9 one of the fair days. He was up that way hunting mushrooms, and came across the keg of beer. He saw a I glass near by and sampled the beer, nding it was alright. On the following Saturday he askegl.Jas. MoDonagh if he would like a glass of beer, and both went. up to the bush and had some. He went backagain on Sun- day with Andy Rankin. He made no secret" of his nd, nor did he `charge anyone to keep it secret. He did not go back again and knew nothing more about it. He thought that perhaps a gallon altogether was taken out of the keg. (`ma-n Avnun:-earl kn Mn (`,4-sol-an I`--.-n. A4. us uua yuan LUV! ululllullu A result of the investigation was the ar- rest of Eldon Brown on Thursday, whom they charged with nppro rioting the contents of sheer keg found In (1ndle e bush, know- ing that the property was not his. A man named Wells in company with 9. little boy; Albert Bedford, found a- ten gallon keg marked "Simpaon e Brewery." in Cundle. s bush. its presence there having been~diecov- ered by Messrs. Orroek and Shanacy, two farmers driving past. The two detectives upon searching the bush found a fteen gal-` lon "Ande:-ton keg not far from where the other was found. ` AL LL- ;.._. -I L_-.__ `I , ,0 A A 'I\ ` IIIIIIVL VVCHIUUII I At the trial uhefore Magistrates Ross and Bird, Mr. Simpson s employees swore that the keg produced had been stolen from their premises. Mr. Wells related the "nding of the keg, and Albert Bedford. told of seeing Eldon Brown` and Andy Rankin in Cundle s Bush on Sunday a week or two ago. Th nnlv hV`l1Al'|nA `Ah Ilka Jndhnnn unas- vvuu4'l.| usu uuu us`-nuns UU llllllo Detective Greer was in town for a. few days last week andin company with Detec- tive Beardsley endeavored ' to get some clue to the parties who have been committing env or all of the robberies and incendiary res` of the past few months. A I-nQn`I', A` 63:45 3-..un.8.....L!-.. ._-_ LL- __ -rev. can on-av IJIADI-Io Thehusiness at the police court last Fri- da.y~a.nd Saturday mornings was mainlyan inquiry into the charge against Eldon Brown of appropriating to his own use property which did not belong to him. nn|gnfug {lunar Inna Ln inn... 1'... 3-... Z rabbitwceuvleed late of fun for Dy- ment e employeeseat the meat factory. One of=theAmen'wee led to believe it was 9. real ro.bbit," end fired the contents of two barrels % ing himself the victim of 3 good joke. into it. ` He was terribly crest-fallen at nd- 'f\.. Q-a.--_4.I-_....-.__!-,._I-,. --I It is understood that the G. T. 'R has de- cided to abandon the double-header sys- tem ofemovinq heavy freight trains, because it involves so many accidents. For the in- formation of `the uninitiated, it may be ex; plsined that under the double-`header system two engines are employed in pullin . a freight train on upgrades, and the be feature about the method i that the trains push from behind. p often breakin two, to the end. that much less accrues. I-Ienceforth one engine will be employed to pull a train, and a. second to ,,Y __ . __-.. --__ vw--- Mr. Robert Pulford, section foreman on the G.T.R st.Alla.ndale, was in town on Tuesday. He hes a house and lot on Centre street and came to town on some business in connection with the property. He resided in Beetoa about six years see, and has been an employee of the Grand Trunk for 21 years, and is well-known and highly esteem- ed by the authorities and fellow-employees of tha.t_line.-World. . _.__.V..._ -- - --v---- v- -- av!-\-_ Jvgvn 7); Saturdaytnxorning, last, N orugan Uttley, " `the seven months old son of Mr. Robert Moore, Cumberland street, died unexpected- ly The funeral took place on Sundav after- noon to the Union Cemetery and was large- ly attended. Two beautiful sprays, _oral tributes, covered the ooin. - a `ll . `n_L__,. -raj: 1*ad."1'mu' bicL1e had four in holes put intoyone of thewheele on Tues y `even- ing ,'of last week. On the same evening Rev. W. B. Molntosh bed the. air cap taken of his wheel and the air let out. `Any `per- sonxeor persons guilty of` such mean acts should be punished severely. .- ugvzu.-_u.,., .5: an in cvnaulgn UlullllUIl.\_ f~ 'H.\l1owe ati falls on.Sundoy7hj| It" in not known whether the mioohievouq boys w,ill'ce,lebr1ate` the occasion on -Saturday or. Mondiy nights. " Better not oolohrqte at all, bnvn- ed that the Barrie Souvenir did"not.con`t`ain any views of this _picturdaque Apart of the town- It isaserious omilsiona 5 _ L 'tI _I1-_._-L Q. 3 II Some hoiana broke some windows in Mrs. 7 Bedf_ord e house on `a Sunday afternoon_re- `Gently. ` Any person wishing to ea'tnf85`can do so by giymg her mformstion as to who the guilty portion are. '3... "`I , III alib'i:_pj1Bis wifofihd .... jiig `on thgduy sfterthg ` ' - g JlLIIlI\IC 7 iii}. Lot Webb arrived ms frnm Parry Sound last weekvwith an attack of rheumatic fever. His many friends in the niith ward hope that nothing serious will result from his illneu.A`_` ` - - '9 Beer infthve Buh. III VVGU-IIUIIIU IIUIVIU IE `I UIVUDO Mr. Haughton Lennox, counsel for Brown, addressed the.magistra.te atesome length in beha.lf`:of his client,r.e.nd Attorney Cotter spoke for the proaeculaionr The in ' etrate found Brown guilty but remanded lm till next Saturday for sentence. _. - . Ea Refuses to do wrong. I Bailiff Cunningham; of Collingood, broughuan elderly man named John. scan, of 81.3 net. to, gun! `on , Tuesday morning. `Aocor in : to Betta story, he orderedfruit Organ.-`Inna uadfnn `II `IQOR kn` nuns -XI-`uni QVVVIGIU` UV IJVUIUC UIIVIJ, IIU UIVIUIUII IKIIIU treeefrom W. Holton in 1 96, but says that the trees delivered were not of the excellent kind ordered. `The trees were planted how- ever. = He `refund to pay the amount claim- ed by .H`_>1ton,.-:".-' fe latter wed him in` the % Divisionh0onit..in: pvembet, 1896; end at .j'ui!gmen`t for-2 er , "ant of $48.69, the ' e4 ifndnnt Batten; - feli'X_t.f " Hefrefni ' pa'y`__ :`the" amount ant} lud,h9|57ipp6ii` Otirt on 2 Se_p_tem'ber" 1316' lI{I1A'."l';`I`Ii`*`III.` in inn": `gurine.- nJC"Iv'n\ In `eta!!- ig ts thexinattoreso W 69-. h why he should tell Greer where he got the beer. He told Greer he did not have to tell him the truth. ashe was not on his oath then. He swore that he and Rankin were not in the bush througn Saturday night. and that they did not pass Urry s house at 7.30 on Sunday morning. The night before Ball s factory fire he was at work in the barber shop. He left for home about 11 o clock and washome before 12 o'clock. 'II.. TT-_-_I.4__ I -___._._ ,;_,____-Dl-__1 \__,,,, ll IIVU W1lyUWI- E.V`UU\IlU VII KIVIJUUIIIIIUL LII UV give explanations. so was ordered to l0_ do V in goal. 'J.`.he_Wwrit\wa_s _eez`ve_d three wee 'u ago, but be you not taken into cuedody'uutil -Mondey, A ,Betjt;ee. says he .never got notice -t`o:appeor.on: V13thSeptemher,;. or he would -have, `done no. He says -he _ would not be he--doing.rjght_ paying thgghlil. -- ma will 'e\z'er1:ru.ther.th`en pa`y.for _ ;e,6f iibiehe'he al- Is-ee5eed*doeneenew :;H'm*7 omemcom .'A . Druggist` an Optician, . I T _ Barrie. I oooooo ooooooo 000K Ann amine * 3T9!F3- H. H;91f6_iiJ_&s0u's.l Valuable Bn_qiIlg_l_t1ts for Sale LA D| ES ! South Henry Street-Part of Lots 19 to 20. North Henry Street--Lote u to no. , South. McDonald Street-Lots. 15 to 20. North Elizabeth Street-Loto :9 to 20. East side Jane Street-Lot :0. T ' West Eccles Street-Lots 8 to 5. East Bradford St:-eet-Lot at. For terms any! further pa:-ticuian apply to MRS. WM. D. PUGH, 4:-44,. _ T Claremont, Ont; . , LARGEST ASSORTM ENT, Town or BARRIE. If you want to see the nicest line of NEXT T0 BARRIE HOTEL. -.-IN 'l'H.E-- NORTHERN A]WNDE._ ' J 36 (i'o`z.;,Men sL Fihe ,. Woo1__.S1jirts Qand Drawrs; size, ` would be cheap at $`1V.`50i per iui_t,;. but five. :`b_mght them `at a.` bargain. `will sell thmi $1.90 per}%sni:%wm1etheyT We can sell you ahein?y,' 'ui>l;`i ed Beaver Oveircoat. This coat is ` trimmed and stylishly made. Ryan Gulch Hunting Club. -Tbe eet footed and straight shot members of this record breaking club are: James Arnold, James MeGinnis, Fred. McGinnis, Wm. Robinson, J. G. Scott, Geo. E033 and S. Wesley. They take seven dogs with them, and` will hunt in township of Bethume, Nipissing District. They leave on Friday night,'going via`G.'1`.R - to Scetia J unetion. and then by Barry Sound Railway to Kar- ney. uuuunuu, vv uh uauuuun, .|.uuu. IDIUIIWUIIED and Chas. Ross. They will bum: in the vicinity of Moon river, and leave on Friday night, going by Citv of Toronto from Pene- tanguiahene. ' Porcupine Hunt Club.-John Hines is ca. tein of this oompan of hunters, the ot er members being . Grose, John Car- ley, Clifford Carley, Philip Love, Gilbert Love, Samuel Ste hens, A. Marshall, Wm. Johnson, Wm. addock, Thos. Sidsworth nut` (`Juan Dana Than ...:n 1...... 3.. 4.1.- VIII` UL IUD CAIDIIVIIUVD . Cape Cog Hunting Club. --This `club is com osed of Messrs. S. Sewrey. Henry Hn son, John Hudson, Thos. Johnson, Samuel Loans and M. Shanacy, -They leave on Friday night: for Cape Cog, going via. Penetanq, by S. Uitvof Toronto I IV I of to the Hunting Grounds. A large number of -Barrie hunters have 1 left for the hunting grounds of the north, and many 3 eet-footed deer is nearing the end ot its existence. (1-..- I1--. 1"l_, __ IVI I IIIII . I I . ` i It is surprising how comprehensive tin for a man or boy to wear is sold here. We pa . Careful Workmanship and Attractive Pric . > ` n Thomas Anderson, conductor on the mixed train which passes through Orillia at 10.20 p.m., met with a painful accident while his train was shunting at Atherly on Monday night of last week. Anderson was sitting on the bumper of the rear car. The train was running down the side track and end- denly came to a standstill. The shock came unexpectedly to Conductor Anderson and caused him to -fall before he could grasp any- thing to hold on to. The train hands found him lying unconscious in a cattle guard. The train was hacked to Orillia with the in- jured conductor Dr. Ardagh was telephon- ed for and had Anderson conveyed from the station to the Orillia House, where his in- Juries. though painful. were discovered not to be serious. The most painful one was a fracture of the right knee. In addition An- derson s nose was broken and his lower lip was cut open almost to his chin. He was removed to his.home here. Mr. Anderson desires to thank the citizens of Orillia for theirkindness to him while in Orillia, and