bi-. "Mrs. John Warner: `L33 boen dangerously ill for some fame, is now rapidly improving. I ' Miss O; Switzer, music teacher, has 3 resigned her classes here, and has gone ` to follow her profession in Barrie. Her pupils here are sorry to part with her as she is looked upon as a very successful teacher. A Miss G. Rot.1se-end-Mm Seottlefs i for Tennessee this week-. ` ` The Central dhutch aizniversary ml! 1 be held `next Sabbath. n.r\sIl\nIIJ wvuvvn an uuo LJli'.!ulU iwill.-hold their social tea. in December. Messrs. Ed. and Jae..Cmwford and ;Wm. Spring . have returned from the North West. " `The `Sunday schdol at the Sfyaare Mitchell` Square. `Advance Cgn-espondenoe. J;f"II:'o`'a;"o:heu'"""' 7mmu.""'""' '3"'1'c3'i':'. "'.S."'1Eaa". imam (Pa'l0l!Al|or by Mail) MR._H RY BIR Soc. uuld:-en"I Soaot v._ of Burns 6-lv V; Harvard McC'\llough had the privilege of attending the wedding of Mr. John A. Thompson, Thornton, on the 27th inst. ruL1""$"_ffj:`!3ii3fE'ETH any -`can-- - Our Bicycle Livery is supplied with wheels of the very best manufacture, with lightness and durability combined. Ladies , Gents and Children s Wheels and Tandems deliv- ered at your door at moderate rates. HARD AND son- ,wooD, BALED iHA)_(_ AN D STRAW -.. II..Il $I_lE3$ II I `I I AS the wheeling season is now coming to a close we have to thank the citizens of Barrie, as our numbers for 1897 have ed almost the one hundred mark. Notwith- standing the keen competition of rival wheels the RED BIRD and RUBY RIM continue high above them all. BICYCLE REPAIRING. The Repairing Shop is well equipped, and is in charge of Mr. B. W. Smith, of Toron- to, who. with a staff of competent assistants, is able to do any work pertaining to a | bicycle. SECOND HAND WHEELS AS GOOD AS NEW FOR SALE. }. BICYCLE L|VERY- \ DR. RICHARDSUN. Dentist H. N. HUGHES &. BRO. V. -1-"c:Fro n}3; All branches of Dentistry skillfully performed. We do as we advertise. 42-tf Oiao--Ova : Seotfe Bookstore, Dunlop Street. ' V 'ngt3opt a. child. or who am my afotheu` dcuroua` ofdoin .o.u.-.41 2`... tla`.._.a.`..I1. ..g. 1.... n-:I\ up 1.: av Innr! Mr. C. Artzkfixiasgxz made 9. trip to Bond Head last week. on BEST !MPORTEl;R'UBBER BASE. 111:: -p.` 4; 4_ LOSING MONEY ON HORSES. There are several ways of do- ing this--betting on the wrong one, mistakes in trading, &c., but the most frequent way is by neg- lecting their health just when the hard winter is at hand. A great deal can be saved by using It s a. general Tonic and Appe- tizer, gives a ne glossy coat, hardens the muscles, and places the animal in best condition for hard work. A full pound pack- age for V K} 250. And it s all medicine, nothing added to make it heavy and bulky. Seagers Drug Store n Opp. Post Oice. Don t forget a full box of Mil- ler s Comp. Iron Pills given to each person making a 50c. pur- chase Saturday, Oct. 23. ..smns . . Gondilion Powder. [CC C - "Ii" canon .I'o'I-i'N'cHE':sMAN, _ Collier and Clappetton streets. Bothwe1l s Block, Barrie. The best chance aver offered in Barrie, FREE A IR ON DRAUGHT. Rev.'Strang.ways, B.A.,'B.D., will preach a. missionary sermon in our church some Sunday in November. - V _-.---- o1i}_7$T3.o`6 f5l\I\ Invhvon u p..-.._-.._ WMiss Jennie Wallace, of the General Hospital, Toronto, called on friends in this nexghborhood last week. WMr. will Cunningham, Phelpston, is spending a couple of weeks with his cousin, Mr. Spillettfs family. run ; Mr. !I;a.;1-1es Taylor gnd Miss 1370115 of Cold water, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Caracadden this week; ` ` Wilson Cross will tshm h` rd` t `B ' istszzezbgmm s we. ,. _..- v.-nu vv vvaan Misses Watson and Robinson, of Crown Hill. were with friends in this Vjcinity over Sunday. ' M _ 1\ up . . ".i\.i-1;~1mLaura Walkgr, of Cookat`oown,l was the guest of M133 Hastings last week. . A V I I Duncanigringston and Miss night entered into matrimonial bonds _V V9? recently. Our best wishes. ' Mr Jae pence, `who itsai-B d'l . ` - ` T - web at Model School In th? `iZs: ? ronto, is visiting at Mr- W188 b i; in The Klondyke baseball clut accept in existence, and i8 Prepwed ' 0' 0 challenges from any 0tl11' 7g hams. club in the county. Mr. J b Johnson and M199 % Hunter $259 married 1889 "991" ' We extend our oongratulatiogs and: wall` them along and 11899! V".l Ullllully Dvuvvs v. __._v'- .- ""9.-lvuu I s, M . J h 0 . da:nu,b:1ng:w:ay.wan' the mpe'.n Nantyr. Advance Correspondence. . My. Will. Sawyer spent last Sunday with his mother and aistexs in Barrie. o-u- A15. W Swen, ot: this place, led the Sunday school of Knock -on` Sunday . ll- Tn`\I\ (`Anton I1`-In nnnnu-=nh3n Thornton. , . 2 I Advance Correspondence; Rev. Mr. Drever has returned $0 hi` h8I`ge after a. two weeks holida: ` Our carriage maker, Mr. Hicks; lIiV. . ?d9d in winning a number` fe-P1'.i. fair 1: A r from here B9dd '-thgj h;c1iluilxt1 eBradtdrd 01!-Tl _"%',',hy Fxiday of last week. ' ` " ` ` Mrs. and Miss d. by my sick list is, we are glad to say, ,9, covering. V I . Qujtg a numbeg of this place attend. ed dlvme Worship at Stroud on Sun. day night. . ` _ Mr. R. Wright and Miss L. Boy} man, of Knock, were visiting friend, in Vine on Sunday. V TI{""*rerao... Mn 11: "?" `.`"" '0 nidVwMr on w"'7.* own was Atouriagmi = "h `*0 A I. : L . The dog poiaoner is at work-%in this` village` . ` `w 7' M, 0wen s meeunga are prngres-_ sing favorably. _ . , some of the farmers In this neigh- boihood have nished their `fall -plow-` mi few of the young rnen offthia. vicinity `have gone to the shnnties this winter. . ' V ` Mn Wm. Harrell, who has been on 2-1- 1:. in am am: clad in In! In. Oomnnn 25, Vine. . . ' M - V ~ . . . , \. . . Advanfe C0|'I`8.P0|l35oV . v . $h 1 , E e ace 1 at W w W Rev. B`- '.'`.`..;;.T.``. ()wen meetings pr0grea- Pn?Ea:n.a-9y.A A -V pgUAUAUQCQCQ6Q.`i`'dI Advance Correspondence. |`I'\ R.` `I\IV' rdm jouin in e;;oV lee thgt Mater John A. Bell, who has =on' the' lsioyiac, is able to be'*outiagn.i,n.` L I D l `'.L`_-'-." ---J - ` V Mrs. J. G. Martin, Ston`ville; is paying a. visit to Vhjerjuialgy friends `town and vicinity.` " . " 1 UIVK` IIDII ID CIILV IX V9 VIQU uauunjou Mr. A. P. 9 Maths:-_,` Toronto, came home Saturdayzevening to spend his lholidays with ~hia.4father.4 Mr.`='J. A; .`Ma_her.` ` " ` - "" ,Q. _;__:_-_`.1;.7`:_ |~ There were 39. '0}he1d%inth9 .Preabytorian ohuich here last: Sunday, and s`nuu';ber _of' ou'rgpeopIa sttendgd thggnniieiuw in, .' ` ___. T-__=-1 n_._n..- 1.1..` Messrs. McCullough and Spillett went out to work as usual on Friday mornmg, 22nd. They had laboured, however, but a few minutes wheri each complained to the other that they did not feel quite up to the mark. All at once the two gentlemen were stricken with a sudden attack or the show fair fever Half an hour after they were on their way to Bradford. l $3.3` hgre km wegkveo reside in 'B`ar`rie.." when I may triendu resrotfthoir` aep-mare` New Lowell. Advance Correspondence. Mr. H. F. Donne spent a few Ldaye in Barrielaat week`, V . 1 ' . V In -spite of the weather, the fowl supper and entertainment. given by the Methodist church was quite a success. The evening selected proved to be one day too late, as- the remarkably ne weather of this autumn seems to have ended on that day. However, the rain was much needed and did not seriously affect the success of the evening, so all` were pleased. The ladies showed their ability to prepare a fowl supper, the re- sult of their efforts being much enjoyed by those present. The entertainment proved to be quite entertaining, In-. vteresting addresses were given by Revs. McConnell, Ross and Walker. Our growing. patriotic sentiment was shown by the reception accorded the address of Rev. Mr. Ross on "0anada, and a patriotic song, The Land of the Maple, by the quartette, Mr. H. Wal- lace singing the solo. Judging from the manner` in which this and their other selections were received, the audi- ence was well pleased with the efforts of our boys, Dr. Large is always heard with pleasure here, and never more so than on this occasion. The audience was delighted with the kinder- garten song, Miss Snowake," by Miss Lila Adas. Rev. Large, the pastor, made an excellent chairman. Total proceeds, $67. On account of the in- tense darkness, 9; number of` amusing incidents occurred on the way home. `W .Meroede9 `Cgrtr. ziaturned to her home in Tprontolaah week. -"ll: Micinurat, and Mr. A. Leishuiun were in town on Satur- dyo. ' `. -D in III` -0 (NA , J,-!iI_ .'..V -vv- --nos -rvnl unu lull! IIIH Plan! IN Iidre the meeting, Mr. G. Caston gave an excellent address, in whichhe dealt most thoroughly with all the various aspects of the question. He strongly recommended farmers to enter- more largely into the dairying business. A discussion on " silos arose out of Mr. Caston s speech, and threatened to last all night`, but was nally. stopped, and the meeting reverted. to. the original business. Hon. Chas. Drury spoke, commending Mr. Bell's pluck and en- terprise, and pointing out, that the establishment of the creamery was. a move in the right direction. ;The of-_ cers of the Cheese Company were re- elected unanimously.- E. C. Drury was elected as secretary-treasurer of the creamery. V The meeting then adjourn- ed. Tne creamery will open on N o`v. lat. We wish Mr. Bell every success in his new venture, and judging from present indications he can hardly fail to have success. . _ . --v- vvu - wwr\In-vI\IrI We unaeretend our teachers, Mr. Dearing and Miss M. McKenzie, are re-engaged for 1898. _ , On account of the darkness on Wed- nesday evening last, Mr. Dickie, sr., had the misfortune to fa1lo`_the bridge ` near his own `door and break three ribs. Mrs. Anderson . and family have ` moved to Toronto. They are followed a by the good wishes of our people. _ _We ` understand their house is to be oo_cu- pied by a Baptist minister appointed to the charge here. ' We have not yet obtained his name. Owing to the heavy rain and extreme darkness on the 20th inst. several rigs collided while on their way home from the Stroud tea-party. Mr._ Barry, of Lefroy, had the misfortune to have his buggy turned over and badly damaged. Misses Hastings, Sawyer and Lan- ner along with Messrs. Spillett and Morris were chosen as delegates to. represent our Sunday school at the county convention to be held in Totten- ham on the 3rd and 4th of November. St:-cud.` ` Advance Correspondence, Blg Bay Point. Advance Correlpondenbe. On Friday evening, October 22nd, a. large` number assembled at the home" of Mr. J. Soules and presented the Rev. J. D. MoLachlin, on the eve of his de. patture, with an address and well lled purse. Mr. 0. T, Hunter was appoint- ed chairman, and a short programme was given, . which consisted of singing by Ba` tist choir, Stroud, and Mr. and Miss rispin, Barrie; readings by O; T. Hunter, J. E. Morrison, Smith and Ethel -. Cook ; recitations zby McLaohlin' and. Miss Ella Cook; instrumentsl;mu'sic` by Geo]: Bros, The Chairman thgnpueked Mr; McLachlin_ to come forw"ard,i and the _ .fo_llowing ;a__d-. '_Ires`*'1f|j.3j'9Id, and the presentation. made: :L!6yd;: `A .n-- mf15.%s`i-,-we, the`me`n'1bere of the church and congregation of Big Bay Point, torwhom you have ministered for eomeve emont`ha,. deeireto present. you` without einohre__ thanks` end" this 1p1i"r_ee`, eonteining the sum `bf $23.55, as xmere . `_erid_e nee_ end > token, bf our 10711 I imprecis- $32199! Y9":*h3e' Mr. Jae. Garvin and the Misses ma. Jans, of _ Midhurst, called _on friends here last Saturday. V Mr. Joseph. Megan has the contract tor erecting a. substantial dwelling for Mr. M. Legace and is pushing the work rapidly. The building, when completed, promises to be one of the handaomest on Park street. ~ We are glad to learn that Mrs. John Wallwin, who has been dangerously ill, is slowly recovering. Mrs. 0. William- son, whom Dr. Wallwin secured from Toronto, is still in attendance as nurse. future welfare in their new home. -_- . --vv wv--vero--v- Mrs. Robinson, of Toronvtio, spent a few days last week with Miss E. Wall- V Mr. Ro1; c Hardy intends removing his family to Allandale this week. an--v I-uvv saw: 0 vufvuuunuvvu Mr. Eli`B:-own, of the B.C.I.. visited here this week. . A lat-g'e quantity of grain is being brought. in to our ` grain house at pre- aent; , The services in our church last Sun- day were conducted by VMr. B. Tracey, of-9 Minesing. Mr. I-Ie;bert. Knapp, of Ebenezer, spent a. couple of days visiting _fr_iends hex-e.t'hi_s week. The recent rain has made the ground ne for ploughing, and this week of clear weather has been just what was wanted. On Sunday, 24th, Christie church was attended by 9. large congregation, to whom Rev. W. Wescney gave an excel- lent sermon. The Reading Circle organized last week and elected the following oicers: Pres., T. Kidd; Sec., Miss L. Pratt. Committee--Miss M. Leadlay, Miss B. Munroe and Mr. J. Campbell. 7 Advance Correspondence. Mr. C. H. Wilson visited in Grenfel last Sunday. . _ T we:'o:-vv-igti-1.1g at Mr. Jo 11;'."vC bell a. ` V... -q-v-wu- -v amp- Mr. Henry Pratt left here lest Thurs- day for Beaverstone, where he intends to stay during the winter. Friends from Hendrie, Sunday last, ....... -2.252... .1. ml. `I'-I._ E` l`l_____ Miss Ida Hastings has been engaged to teach school in the neighborhood of Midland for the year 1898. We wish" the young lady success. 7th Concession, Vespra. Advance Correspondence. 1\uo 1| Anton Mills. _The Sunday school anniversary was held on Sunday last, and psi-took of a somewhat different nature this year, in that there was no tea meeting. - The congregation -was asked for s free will 'o`e1-ing towards the funds of. the school, the `offering to be. `such an amount as each member thhpght it `would be neoegs.ary,.for himto pay out towards theexpenses of. 3 tea meeting. .'],`he `method .tol;e 1.11 ohosen, sue `over $40`? e rP!i$:i. bi A-355` ];R_s`v. 7Mi. "V- *!%h V. l .,..`:;.).r f.>,`.-` `. Misa M. J. Wilson has been in Creemore the past week, nursing her brother, '1`. A., who is ill. We are glad to hear that he is convalescent. The neat little cottage lately erected by Mr. J. Merrick, jr., is nearly com- pleted, and presents a very attractive appearance. It `will be occupied by Mr. D. A. McOlean, engineer in Mr. Men-ick s mill. i We are pleased to know that TM:-. _W. J. Moleen, `vibe `located in Bond Read 9. oouple. of weeks ago, is doing a rushing business in the tailoring line. He has secured the assistance of Mr. West, of` Thornton. ' Miss Belle Greenaway, of Totenham, is the guest of the Misses Banting. 'nr:_,,-' '17 Mr. Thos. Lannin, J.1*>.i,mo Beacon, spent Sunday `and Monday renewing acq uaintancesv in this vicinity. `II `I?! In - -- I -Mr. Freeman Camelrerli `and Mrs. Campbell, of Clover Hill, were the guests of Mr. M. Rogers on Saturday last. V . Th home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fraser was gladdened about a week ago by the varrival of a little baby daughter. Miss Mziy T Mitchell has returned home from Toronto. Ohr present teachers, Mr. J. Holt and Miss Louie Paecoethave both been reengaged `tor the ensuing year, at the game salaries. V . T l We were sorry to hear last week about the death of Mrs. F. 0. Batten, of Minesing. Fred is well known around here, `and we feel deeply for him in this and hour. _ The "many friends` of Mr. W.- G. Wilson will be pleased to know that since returning to Varsit y' he has won the Westminster scholarship, val- ued at $40, -Congratulations Will. labor amongst us. We feel that you have earnestly tried to show unto us the way of God in truth, and we pray that Divine goodness may rest with you, never swerving from the path shown unto us by that light which is as a lamp unto our feet. May it be to you as a shining light, shining more and more even unto the perfect day. Wish- ing vou success and every blessing, Signed on behalf of the congregation. J. W. ARMSTRONG, JOHN W. SoULEs. _ Refreshments were provided by the ladies, and after tendering a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Soules for their kindness all returned home feeling that they had spent an enjoyable evening. Mia; Kate Handy, cf A1}iE;, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wealgy Graham. V Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Allandale, preached at the Sutherland appoint.- ment. last Sabbath afternoon. s M... H. `12;;"k;,;;`a;:;;;;i; visiting with friends here. . Newton Robinson. Advance Correspondence. vuquuvu nu uunuuvsu vuuuoulu uuu xuuuvvlug paragraph: . V . "Mrs. S. G. McKee, _Ba.rrio, read the re- port of the-Committee upon `Curfew Boll, reporting that in this work also some pro- ._g_ruhadbeen made; In reply to circulars out no 1'09! t.hln'60 hesof ax: Inpa- thptio naturohsd been vod. No star vemivd leghlption in tho, wprld, the Ten , ' ._dmont_ dud thmrevgalod will-bf dvinad- to X `J . . _ ` ,._f'Iond' V protec- ""' """ I The Misses Black, of East Qro, called on friends here on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mason, of Elm- "ale. have been visiting their son, G. W. Mason. | Mr. Wm. Stunden occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday. " . The S. of T. `held open lodge on Friday nightmndi had a good time. ; Mr. Boedwey and family have moved `to Edenvale, Hie blacksmith shop is nearing oompleiion. i . Mrs. Jt;l-1-1;-E}v<')avtfe:s.'i-erv1I'.e:3`c:.erihg from her severe illness. V '1`he'Our!'ew Bell. `The. Gxbea of the W.C.T.U. con-. ._ventiox'i at Bran ox-d.`oontainI the following, .I|I.!'I'|'l`lIh '2 ' I Brenuwood. Advance Correspondence. A large number of our boys have gone `north to the shanties. ` Mre. (Rev) G? Agar, who has been yieiting for some time as her parental home, has returned, much improved in health. t ' Mr. A. L. Stewart, of Angus, con- ` ducted divine service in the Methodist ichurch here last Sabbath. He chose `for his subject, The Prodigal Son. } His earnest exhortation, along with the : appropriate selections sung by the choir, made a very enjoyable service. T Five 1a'"$'i3'aTd:%'Z}w 311$"; left the} factory on onday morning. if CIT - - - ' school in the afternoon and preached an excellent sermon to a general con- gregation in _t_he evening. His morn- ing text. was Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way 1 by taking heed thereto according to thy word." The children occupied the centre of the church and did the singing. Mr. Long's afternoon talk was most inter- esting, illustrations being drawn from a lead pencil. The question, Why are boys like a lead pencil '1. puzzled the little fellows; when the answer, Because they need sharpening up once in a while, was given they won- dered. why they were so slow in answer- ing. -The church.was packed to the doors at night and the audience listen- ed attentively to an impressive dis- course 'in answer to the question, `What is Life 2" ' Mrs. D. Smith is on an extended visit with friends in Bracebridge. 'I._,, `T? I`! 0 ll /\ "' Mrs. W. Cairns, of visit- ing at her sister's here, Mrs. Gauley. `ll TI Q`-v - Mr. and Miss Neabitt, of Croxon s Corners, Gwillimbury, are visiting their sisters, Mrs. Chas. McCullough, Nan- tyr. , 1--r 4 up pm as u c n :-