Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1897, p. 2

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RS. ROSS & ARTHUR, Physicians, Surgeons, etc. W. A. Ross, L.R.C.b. Edin,, L.R C.P., London. J. R. Arthur, M.B. Toronto University, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Oices and night residences-- Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77 R. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. I-larvie & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen anti Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. J. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fe ow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. n. rnumnn, out-geon, nye, nar, 1 meat, Nose, U 40 ` College street, Toronto,` may be con- sulted at the needs Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from to u a..m,, and the second Friday of every month. T 3900f?! for Denoaitor-I in a bomnanv is undnn hum WM. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitor, Notary, etc. Mane toloan. 0i ces-Ba.n'ie Stayner. Barne oe-Bank of Toronto Budding, Owen street. 5-ly ONALD ROSS B. A.-Ba.rrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc.. money to loan. Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly "Ole: Ilock. cCARTHY,- PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyaneers. etc. D'AL'roN McC.uu'mr, Q.C. F. E. P. Penna, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muxcmsou. Raoohl AULT & ACOWAN. Barristers, Solicitors of the Supreme -Court, Proctors, Notaries, Conve - anoers. etc. Money to Loan. Oicca-Ross' Bloc , Dunlop-st., Barrie. `I7..- - __-_____ A -._ _ A _ __ tV__.. . __ The t.;)tal, export; `and imports of Canada are made up as follows :- BRITISH EMPIRE. Country. ' Exports. Iniports. Great Britain. . . . $66,690,288 ' $33, 57,234 Almtrnhmin R19 099 ` nu`: non C W. PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary V a Public, Conveyanoer, &c. Ofces over Fraser, Cla.r_k& Co's. store, D_unlo street, Barrie. Money -fgr1vate and Compan fun to lend at lowest rates :3 Interest on town an farm property. 9-ly. . ICKINSON 8; MACWATT, Barristers, No- taries Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Ont. Offices in Bank of Toronto Block, No. lOsl\:en street. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKeggie's DC ______________________ NAMES EDWARDS, Conve. Murnza l.lmnn.n.. n ` TRATHY & ESTEN. Barristers, Solicitors in High Court of J usticea, Notaries Public, Convevancern- Oinen over the Bank of Toronto. DUIICIKOTI III 111811 BOUT! OX Jusncra, LVOIZIICS 1' IIDIIC, Conveyancers. Oioes over the Bank of Toronto, Ran-in. OUNT 3: LOUNT, Barristers, Solicitors, Proc- T tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, &c. Oicea cor. gun and Clapperton streets. Bare. H- .nnn-r. n. a... Gun. W. Lnnw'r, VII: 011106-0])PC at lowest rates. --v-v, or -vuouu C. E. Hxwsox. IAIIIVIIO. Barrie oo-nor. Dunlop and Owen sts. Elm- valeode-oppooite Hunt's hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates. HEWSON 8: CRESWICKE. barristers. Solici- ton of the Sn reme Court of Judicature of Ontario. `Proctor: otarics, Conv cars, etc. Money to loan. 0$ces-Ross Block, atria. II I! ll____,_r_, ~ A In It 1N_--__,___ Toto.l..... .....100p. c` Ontario's imports for home consump- tion during 1896 amounted to 844,642,- 442, of which $27 ,3 ? 7,377 worth were dutiable, the duties collected being $7,- 860,387.` LENNOX, BOYS 8: BROWN, Ban-uten, Solic- - ii ` &c. -Hauorrrox Lnmox, W. A. Bows, 6'0. E0 0 . I - Barrie, Alhston and Creemore. - . Lnmcox 8: Boys, Rlmvnln R. BOSANKO, DENTIST, has removed to his old office, over Henderson's hardware store. [Joan Dxcxmsox, BA. D. F. MACWATT. lVIUUllIC'I'l1a r.KI'I.4KK, WIDTAKTHY X IJUNUGN, Alhston and Creemore. Mccnxnnr, Pnnnnr,` I<'gRBouLD & MCCARTHY _ _--vr -w., ---.-v. VVELLINGTON AULT. 331116: Mcney in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to {can at 5 per cant- K .. .--{..-..' V R. Sutgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 'Colle2`e strpnt- Tnrnntn.` mnv he ran. [ T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs 0 Block, Allandale. 9n the premises at night. I 110 V ' Mcclurmv. Pnpunz, MCCARTHY 8; DUNCAN, Allintnn and Crpnrnnra_ H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOXIZI on Rml Estate. at lnunsaf .-59.. t:`.............- 31 per cent. of Canada's imports - came from the British Empire, and 59 per cent. of her exports were sent to ` various parts of the empire. 61 per` cent of goods brought into Canada _for. consumption were dutiable, the total amount of duties collected being -820,- 219,037. b The importsare made up as follows : per oent. Articles of food and animals . . . . . . . . 16.45 An6:n`na 3-. nun`)- ..s..a... O 4 VETERINARY SURGEONS. - `I A. ..RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. :0 Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer etc. First door Owen street, over Bank of. Com- nnnn, Rarrin. An.AR_ ._-:-..-___.._..___;_-.__: MANUFACTUBE8. FOR INVESTMENT on fr&;hnh'l nnmufu at I.-u....a. _ oronto. FINANCIAL. 1-nirswuivs. o1r1ucnu.._ DENTISTS. PEI: and . Articles in crude state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Articles fvivholly or partially manufac-A turn nouins. oxucx, 1 45-15 - LEGAL. . Ho 8EWREY- UH 43-ly. in a. Loan Co'y i:-` Inc: on record Chm ta, Darnc. Gxo. W. Loam`. 5:-"my Ban Dunlop street 8-ly --_ run - Aux. Comm. V Deponu. ouuuwu wuvuJ UL 1155 luau luIl.lIll.llU" turedilltll OIIOVOOIO QDIIOIIOII Manufactured articles for consumption Luxuri'eBOOOIlIOO OIIOOI.o0OOICOlIIlo E,I rmA rten G. H. E31-nu. Anssuer of mu! _.2.... 4... 3? Which we are selling at 9,,_ and as high as $3- ` `P3908-' "Take g look at our window- D'* f.I'2et am we are still selling the 0"` 3111110 Navy smoking 'l`obacc 3` 851:. PO!` plug. ' AG`. MHMMEB; Q . Tobacc}Jnist, . 89 Dunlap street. v 4%,; JUST V RECEIVED9 200 Cased. Pipes Soroggie & Smit1I_Isura,nceVAgents.% (3%... ....-_ I1-.. 1,, -..o uuu uusu 1l.lBuI'IlCB uznce pl 1-U_W:`c`e' England. The oldest purclv Fire I"" Co. in the world. The Insurance Company of North Ame? 1' ca. Capital $3,000,000. The Mercantile Fire Insurance CpmPd3nY' Capital $509,000. Government dt pOSlt ma 6- -The Water1oo:Mutua1_F1re Insurance 00- , Capital,$5oo.oco. The `Economical Fire Insurance Co.,B6I' ` T Assets $340,000. Money to Loan ontrst mortgages. Con\'I~'3`ig done. Accounts collected, etc. ruuvnl \l\lI` V B I HIVUBHO REPRESENT rue, Fouowmc Co.\mmnss: The Sun Fire Insurance Office of London. d. old t I F Insurance the world. es pure V Ire The grain returne of the Province of Ontario for 1896 shows the following average :-Fell wheat,` 17 bueheleti Opting wheat, 14-`; barley, 27 ; oete,`34;. A`:-ye, 15; peaae, 2|; buckwheat, 18, bone 18 ; potatoes, 119 ; mengolde,` 467; carrots, 374 ; turnips, 471 ,' corn for hueking, 76 ; corn for teed, 11 ; hay Ind clover, 1. ' e A _ - _._.-_ ScnoGG`I& $Ml4TT4`. nnng.-- _ DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES DYE STUFFS, SOAPS, comss AND BRUSHES. TOILET ARTICLES-A FULL LINE. MUARRv'$ -,'.-BI--;L_`_ 0.. -. .` _ - _ a cl.-- 2 Doors West of the Barrie` Hotel. O1?'1?IcE-Next door to Bank of Toronto, OWEN STREET. - - BARBIE atone:-:-mmmu, % GHEMIST `" DRUGGIST --___-...-u-..4.4 `A4311 sA\a\/A 1)1i1:i'r COMPANY. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ETC. , ETC. , ETC. STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI -;----_ ymnu RUGERSHN, , e 1`he*Year Book @1896 e lined by the Department -of Agrionls ; Sure. In order to increaee the nufurberr of copies available for the general` as? tribution, compression 1133 been the primary principle adopted in the pre- peretidn. The result in larger"-`issue and 1 smaller book. Cuulfor advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases, ._+_.________.______, `Provincial Building and Loan Association. _-_-- ....... ......v.. .. uuuta pcl wor each subsequent insertion 1 cent per W0 (names, addresses and gures counted WTd\` A l`nl`l`lnf;nn nt Ann nn-* ~-- \uuu1oo, auuxcnacu uuu ugures COl1ntPd aj words); but a. reductlon of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. - - ~ ---~-- --.... . _.--.;u4..u1..\ 13' Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pmpen forsale or to rent, specic articles, etc. etcy must be accompanied with the cash and wiii be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word word (IIRIDBS- addressing and anrnc nnnn6u\,] . JV 17 A1560 Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside thej, own regular business. Shnuld they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. L k.__ `For one month-the three monthhk 15 per cent. gldded. 5 me or two mont s-the three in with 10 per cent. added. onthly me 'Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on 350 rates. This rule will be sttictly carried out CONTRACT CHANGES.| Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisement must be handed into the office not later thas Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for SW? change must be"in THE ADVANCE ofre ,,;,t later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in an week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemenyg may not be made public until the week {UL lowing. Ar`uA~nIr1'r_-A-an 121:1` AL 1,- -11-, 1 . xinch 2% inches...... . . . . . . .. 5inches, % column...... no inches, 56 column... no inches, x column. . . . .. : : one with added. *For months-the "prnfnrv-nrl nnn&u'n.... 1.. u, _ linefo , . . 5 cent` per A -lU*' 1 119. um, ., uexlmsngs `per line for time gm ``.`noti05n 10 V r each subsequent `1 Bendlng utter. itcmc _ _ of the sa._r!I8cl::'acter, charged $3 5 der 5 d Govemmell ling: 5] ofcial an g 2 t advertise- tea. .1 at ab0V" `"3 '11 be chge men W1 vE]{TIS1xG- C0NTBA(?::1:nts will 1:6 dm _ vertl _ dm te on cor cont1 3inga(,1.,tes. W? Ij1e1a.ffa Will b How . 1 princl the mercla I rect om e strictly _H be only one price for t0. adhered all- ken: "he wot;1 Eup in Ontario was 5,531,; 387 lbs. 21,852 horses, 104,451 cattle, and 391,490 sheep were exported from - Canada. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. THE`NoRTHeRNF,T i .ADVERTISING 1zATEs_ NE Aovnncn lms ; .3; on FOURTEEN nvnn:gho; . noun co:-ms_ AN Almost, if not quite. double that of ' Wiper published in Bame Y otheg lfwvnnnsnns snonm) NOTE Tnn; F `L 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inAlcl'r.`Wi TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS` c . First insertion 10 cents per line each qnent insertion 4 cents per line `mbse. Rendino nntimag In M-.. -_ ' .. I *rescm7pt'ions Carefully Compomuled/. Gmmod and Trued at `El? Oioe over Henderson's Hardware Store. `- Barrie. Ont. ~ ,"`~"T"i." "' " " ' ;. Repair shov- ~- ` V nmuun. 43` Number of inches nnann INtJ"RXI'v_c"I-: ';csE::r" AND CONVEYANCERS Duncan-nu _.._ 13-- _ _ FIRE AND _LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 1 1 IOIII coon count: on coon 3-000 I000!` :00! I0! 0000!! `I7 `I'.. .1 All is of Ocronnn 28, 431,097 9,238 98,031 608,749 659, 758 581,540 _ 757,531 139,828 55,759 _ 8,253 83,814 989,415 18,759 285 44,448,410 vv, VVV,&UU 518,233 154,465 154,465 274,536 1,660,800 1 '70`) 91:0 5 M I rt . $33',"1'$7,34 213,683 75,021 - 359,096 194,031 l.20l,392 551,852 J. VIIV'VliVU 99,473 2, 782.773 6,454,705 99.473 297.251 435.774 1,648,232 346,940 656,258 1,243,320 336,467 64,334,800 204,637 727,457 113,063 7 1,030,698 ( 00 AFI9 L001`, 21. 69 A 18:34 ` III l\l\ ` 936. any x The Roller Boat Rolls. _ . ~ 1.45, Thursday afternoon was the time arranged for the trial of the-roller boat in Toronto. While nogeneral an- nouncement won made, still the new: thlt the trial was to tote` plaoo nprand rapidly, and cuetmm in -the mgp.n `bo rhoo.d of ;thie j :P_olaon% -__- _;L`1j is I 0; And`. half{?y(;;a',T_,o;of3\'1ig`l'1-:5 3'; Thg other children 9.111-mved the . child : _n,;otherV' and their .50;-cams g A who fmd*ho1i!*!9% Child Burned to Death. J I `Lest Mondey afternoon about t } four o'clock some Aohildren were .plo'.ying about to bonre which they had built the welt hill, Owen ` Sound, when the clothes ,of `little j rgie _I e_1'*_e`yi:ja, a.I.;... "".'_'.IIk`". ;1._u- _;-, -_ .._,_ vr posed and inuenced affairs generally in connection with the war, He then founded the New York Sun asan inde- pendent Democratic paper and made it the most brilliant` journal of the day. He maintained a high standard in_`all- its departments, the great blemish on its pages,-being d that already noticed, its unreasonable, and extreme hostili- ity to British a`a1rs. But notwith- standing this shortcoming his to his country has beengreat andhis name go down among thosefof the notable men this century `produced l in the United `States ;-_-'-lie:\'i eo_w;_ . 1 l . Death of Editor Dana. Charles A. Dana, whose death has been recorded this week,-claims more - than a passing word. He was more than an Anglophobe and an exponent of extreme views on international ques- tions. His personality entered into his work and journalism for half a cen- tury has been. the better for his genius. and ideals. He was born in 18l9.and from early years took an interest in an- imprdved social and `intellectual life. After a newspaper apprenticeship he joined the sta` of the New York Tri- bune with Horace Greeley in 1847, be-_ coming shortly the managing editor and one of the proprietors,`_a post he held until 1862. *He_was an unmistakeable] force in the Anti"-Slavery crusade. Quit- ting, the Tribune he `became assistant Secretary of War and was at the front T during the war. Helchanipicned Gen- eral Grant whenr his promotion was op- ._-..-.1 _._.I :_1!___-_j _m - _ The centre of the bay` reached, the It tow rope wascast oil` and a sharp I whistle from the cruiser told Mr. Gard- - "nor Boyd, who was in charge of the - roller boat, that he could go ahead as soon as he liked.` .There was an answer-` : ing whistlefrom the new boat, the noise of escaping steamands the great circu- lar tube with its anges or paddles commenced to revolve in the water and go slowly ahead. The platforms on either end of the new boat swayed up and down when the _revolutions of the anges commenced, but as soon as the boat got well under way the platforms V became level and steady. In a minute it could be seen that the experiment wasps success, for, gathering` speed, al-' though at no time moving very fast through the water, the roller boat steadily made her way up the bay to- wards the western entrance. Those. in j the new. craft cheered lustily, while , snap shots were taken from the Cruiser and the Ada Alice which kept the roll- er boat company.-Globe. s A more. suitable day could" `hardly have been obtained for. the trial trip. The bay was `as `smooth as glass and there was no wind, so that all the con? ditions were favorable- The steam yacht Cruiser, with a party, towed the newiboat into the bay. Mrs. .F. A. Knapp, wife of. the inventor, was an interested spectator of the trial from the deck of the Qruiser. . It was three o'clock when the Cruiser started out, the long, ungainly craft towing behind her, and accompanied by a otilla of small boats. By that time the wharves were black with thousands of spectators, and from the remarks made It appeared to be pretty even betting whether the roller boat would roll or not. the boat,-wu.:'toy:red out 1 the hey there was a of the mach-. t ineryatthe wharf. The b'oat"w`a.atied no thatahe could not move . in _:,the slip, and the engines started. __'.l.`he-hnge~ma-A chine turned round in revolution and a half, when the engines were Then a little hitch "occurred. After the boat revolved in the slip the Poison Company wanted Mr.iGoodwin' to take her o` their hands, they claiming that they had fullled their contract. Mr. Goodwin, however, objected to taking the bent over till she had been tried in they open. bay. Finally, however, Mr. Goodwin took `over the boat and it is now his, property. 9Pn6rant1.Y"~'59 '0' `iii? man in %L,tfhe % T'.*Wi11 4 use trial he _s_uoo`a_a`sfnl 3"7 am Mr; Kugpp,_i9 0`: query; 'Wait.. a few `idinutes and you will sch` that boat go round, just as I said it would. the_ event proved Mr. Knspp was right. ' V . -. v---- W `In? crowded with The odd- lookihg oraf tieg1.`i_jp;_a't he_ wh n~rf . WW1 M1.g|;|m% Pr `P9555! *9` - , ..___ _ v--vvnn roasted co'ee keeps. longer than that which is cooked, and when it is desir- able to purchase in large quantities the roaster has 9. manifeetludvantage. _ It is cnetomary in some households to make coee with egg.- This process ie ccomewhult more troublesome than the drip, but it beimade in an. ordinary veenel, t.v_hile- the drip, Amu'ct;hnve- 3 :iP*`.efP*`?"` .0 `.1? l t of 915??! Almost everyone makes coffee, or at least they think they do, but the con- noisseur is scarcely willing to admit that thebeverage which passes under the name of coffee has any right to each a title. The world is full of poor coffee,` but the very neat grade of this article may be spoiled in the `making. lB....-..a. --m.*- ...-L-_.-, , - Experh ho'ee`mekers'roast their ewn coffee, as most people think the eolfee is better when freshly Un- Jimmia_Rice, . . . . 1 1 2 1 Jimmie,.John Williams.... . 2 2 1 2 EvajF...i . . . . . 343 3 Sunrise, 8. Stephens . . . . . . . 4 3 0 0 Time, 2.4-0, 2 371}, 2.36, 2.35. , Tragk oioials _were':-Starter, A. Brownle, Barrie ; timer, D. H. Stead- man, Penetang ; judges, Dr. Sinclair, Oannihgton, and A. Brownlee, Barrio. BigBeh . . . . . . . . .. Maggie 0.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Time, 2.28, 2.25, 2.22. THREE MINUTE TROT. Cheesie, J. R. Furlong. . . . . . . F1tz, ,W. Thompspn . . . . .. . . _. . Sam -Hill, R. D. Hill . . . . . . -. . . .Maud,`C. Lawrence. . .V . . . . . . . Time, 2.47, 2.52, 2.53. " 2.35'mo1'. Time, 2.07%, 1.51%. _ TWO-YEAR-OLD mom on PACE. Harry Hamilton,`.H. McAvoy... 1 1 Dolly 0., A. Edwards . . . . . . .e . 2 2 Lady Ida, A. Parker. . _. . . . . .distanoed Time, 1.50;, 1.50. mm: FOR. ALL. Racing at(E`:lmva.Te. Thevarioua ring contests at Elmvale fair resulted as follows: mnunns mow. Farmer Boy, J. Sodens . . . . . . . 1 1 1 Maud, 0. Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 Poverty, George M. Cook. . . . . 3 3 3 Tune, 2252;, 2.45, 2.47. . RUNNING RACE. Service, George" Powell. . . . . 1 1 Frank, A. W. Ruby. . . . . . . 2 2 Trilby, John Kennedy . . . l. . .diatanced r\..- -4 I certainly feel that I could teach the juvenile department, or the higher grade. Did` you ask what salary? Teachers in some graded schools get $250.g No doubt you pay the same. Hoping my application will receive a consideration, I wish you Good Morn- mg. `No doubt ydur powers of imagma-' tion are overcome, so I conclude. Yours truly, I. Can 1352 t Yes, and always have my pupils sing, as singing tends to strengthen thevocsl organs, elevates the mind, and improves the quality of the voice. The scope of education at the Pub- lic schools used to be better than it is now. , He said he belived in keeping up the standard of the Public schools` to the 'ghest;capacity, and confessed that h `thought there were too many High schools now. It seemed to him that in the towns and cities they had been forcing higher education. If they could save a little in higher education they could give more to the Public schools. He might` be a little radical in this respect,- but if certain members of the Government did not agree with him it was their misfortune. rie was going to hold his views-and enunciate-a them. whether - they agreed `with,th e-_ powers that he or not.'--Andrew Pa-_. tullo, Liberal M:P_.P. for South V ed the Model ns_:-l1-<>:>i-at:vt rathroy in 1893. Am now in attendance again instead of going to N ormal. ` Dear Sira,-No doubt you are tired of reading applications. To rent your mind, imagine you see `a `person ve and a half. feet tall, clad in a. black dress. Her weight is, about one hun tired and forty pounds, and in her countenance you eee every character- istic of the old time` Presbyterian. She says :--Kind Site :-Your adver- tisement in the: Globe brought` me thither to" present `myself as a candi- date. I hold a Junior Leaving certi- cate. Have had three terms experi- ence in teaching a rural school. Pass- __`I 41,- If ta 1 - An o:1cxnaYppnc:ubn. _Among the many applications re- ceived by the school board for the va- cancies` on the "teaching sta` was the following truly original "one, and we think it well worthy of a place in our columns :- Board of '.l`z-Vtvzlateeg: A "l'i:i)"1y"bu1 -neti about the - lower port of the body and. the face Ind `diedvot 8 o'olock . next. jnorning, other onbring excruciating-A agony. The of tho child : mother and neigh- borsjiere soviet-sly Burned in extingui- ohing the Igmoa. Pia:-eira is o last year of consumption. . ..222 '-Beeton World. TEE NOI'1`HERN4A]5V}ANOE. The Collingwood Enterprise in its last issue says :- Without venturing any opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the young man Ponton, charged with robbing the bank, where he was em- ployed, the Enterprise confesses to the belief that any nancial institution do- serves to be robbed that pays employees such a salary as Ponton received for handling the thousands of dollars that daily passed through his hands. V . - -v vvIVl_llUl' icook plgoe sn%Ai1;u%%#T,%:ohnrgh, ma ndpa1~kht'iu_ by Mr. Niddrle-mworthy Nuptiala. Our esteemed townnmtp Alderman R. J. Niddrie, M.D.,. went to Calling- .wood yesterday to_ be prelent at go. very important event. in. which he wok .' :-o-:e~vh-t Piolnint jg- ---------` via mu'ri.ed to 1iEii'io:anoef7v:.;na or the at E. El`v`r`o1-`thy, Ea'q., of tn gun; no oemnony Suicide at Marizdale. . The body of Geo. C. Williams, aged 21, son of Goo. Williams, four miles north of Msrkdsle, was found last Thursday at Bell's Lake. Coroner Christoe, of. Flesherton, inquiited into the cause of his death Thursday after! noon, and decided that it was a case of suicide. He left his home on Monday at 11 o olook in apparent good `health; No cause is known why he , Bhiiuld hsve committed shioide._ "His family is very "highly in the __ in! Wise men make more opportunitlea than they find. You never Aloaie by doihg 9. good not. Zeal without knowledge is re with-, out light.-Philadelphia Record. ' ;-_ The boughs th;t bear /l:I;(V)-8t hang `lowest. Upright walkingis "Sure walkipg. Virue V and happiness are mother and daughter. Quiet conscience. is qniet sleep. Richest is he that wants least. Small faults indulged are little thieves that let in greater ones. It costs more to revenge wrongs than to enffer them. ` V Knavery is the `worst trade. Learning makes a man t company `for himself. a Modesty is a guard to virtue. Not to hear conscience is the way to silence it. Ono hour today is worth two to- morrow. A Foolish fear` doubles danger. ` God teaches us good things by our own hands. Nmnxronm NOTES. Although the campaign has not yet 1 opened, the whole province is taking the stump`. Michigan is getting the logs.-Mail-Empire. - He has havrdvwork who has nothing to do. ` Alphabet of Proverbs. A grain of prudence is worth a. pound of craft. Boosters are cousins to lists. Denying a fault doubles it. -Envy shoots at others and wounds -__-. --._-uvuu vuvv nu. uuvvu uuun,-nu Irllll . it simply springs and swings, as it were, instead of jolts, which . is the reason it does not throw the rider over the handlebars. Besides making riding easy it saves the frame from being snapped at the points, or broken by jarring. The wheel, it is" claimed, can be taken over any kind of surface, even broken glass, without the punc- turing so frequent in the pneumatic tire.-London Free Press. sonu tires. '._l'ne pneumatic tire, so to speak, is in the hub of the wheel. _ The tire itself is of solid rubber, so that it is. not puncturable. This tire is not cemented to the rim, but. is sliced on the inside so that it fits snugly in grooves cut into the wood. .It cannot possibly become loose, shift or tear off, and once on, it stayson until worn out, which the inventor says it will not do inside of two years, no _ matter how much used. The wooden rim consists of three kinds of wood, in three sec- tions, sliced together. The spokes are of a A material which can be bent and twisted, and "tied into knots like twine, without breaking--in fact, they can- not be broken. The inventor alsohas a new way of stringing the wheel, so that the pressure and weight are never on less than four spokes at the same time. The main invention, however, consistsoi the pneumatic hub. Around the axle, protected by steel thimbles, so that there is absolutely no wear on the rubber, is a pneumatic tube, blown up the same as pneumatic tires. The tube is encased in a nieklesteel frame, to which the spokes are attached. The frame, hanging on these inated hubs, causes the rider to rock easily, as though he were sitting in a swing. There is, consequently, the least pos- ; sible vibration and jolting. In run- T ning up against a ditch or curbstone, . for instance,_ as was done in a trial, the pressure of the frame forward is against 5 this inated tube in both hubs,.so that T :f. ;l!\ nlwv (nan: ...;.... -..,2I ____ .... Proud looks make foul work in fair is .;let4dorrn_into the Inner then raised and held up by the. string as l ' _ T - Whatever may be the. process of cof- .tee making the following are absolutely v_n_eoe_s_s,,ary: The vessel must be thorough- ly `clean, the water must be boiling; and! the colfee must be ground very ne, as fine as the best corn meal 3 for it will make at least one third diiference in the strength of. drip coffee whether the particles are ne or coe.rse.-Grocer and Country Merchant. V More Bicycle Freaks. A new bicycle patent has been ae- cured covering `pneumatic hubs and solid tires. The pneumatic tire,'ao to .......1. :. :. 41;. 1.-.. ..c .1... _:.--1 mL_ . . . ~'" 1" ""`"'5 "` Qnnoh at the reidenoe of the bride : the _hap1,_oy couple left on the "rain gfor a. trip to Chicago, -se:I26i:iii`nnd rhilddolphis;-sen. Ki:-kby, assisted by Rev. 0. H. P. `Owen. The deotor was assisted through the trying ordeal by his friend, Mr. l!'re.d.. Burton, of ,,Bsrrie, and the bride Asttended by her"stw_o sisters, Misses ;lf3ghms sn_l`~ I;ens.f` After partaking of Omml; ..a`-gu... '....2t:.a._--- -4-`uh - -- - UHNSUN & SARJEANT. BQRRIE. Im 1 J and Dealer: in Coal: of all Ktnds, and eorge town. Grey and _Guel%l_1_ White Finishin Lime, Cements of 311 kznds, Ire Buck: and P ten-era` Hair. -Storehouse at the Northern Ranlwny Switch. `footof John street, near the depot. The bond of this L- we in better than that of any other kind, and e f ash superior. Oee--Cotner of `John and li=4.beth_.s.r..t.- - Argentine Republic Austria . . . . . . . . . . Belgium . . . . . . . . . . Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . China . . . . . . . . . . .. Dutch East Indies France . . . . . . . . . . Germany . . . . . . . . Greece . . . . . . . . . . . Holland . . .. Italy . . . . . . . . . . _. . Japan . . . . . . . . . . .. Spain... . . . . . . . . .. Snaniah W. Indies Other Spanish pose. Switzerland . . . . . . United States 4. i`n`a .1b.T'u`I.i'r'2.. "`I . W feotm-In ad in atop: gggvggf ltI}1`eml1eteet 1.r?.ve"5"xgn.. CALL AND EXAMINE STO before going elsewhere. L 4:: i I-I-8EWREY- Ania hJOU|l.lil|I LU: Uompany is undoubted. Ross new Block. south side Du: east ot the Post (mice. The security to depositors ~ doubted. There is no instance tee: depoeitior has ever mad. n 1.... I... .. `I --. _.,........w u. u. yuan way I! un- ThTeI:e' record where: 1 depositiorhau ever made a loss bv a Loan Co v. ` 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid onT `Bunnie : sI_g_v___ wonks 1 %__________.____._.____. F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Su :1`. Honor . Graduate Ont. Vet. College, onor member Medical Socletv. Olces-Over Ewan: Dry Good store, Dunloo St. Residence r6 Mulcaster St. l lN`(3_>l'-'-I-I;-(.3 n'A'r;:'|'>' Ta"e1. W. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 0 5250.000; [Banana 1u m3EE3RA11: -__ _ _ _ , _____ -_.-.v.n-u Avnnuu UU1Vlf1VX- 1 nterin , Building and manufacturing `of Doors. sh. B 'nds, Mouldings, etc. Planin f all kinds done fro tly and satisfactorily. $13!: Blast D 'nE Ki 1:. actory-Bayeld Street, Bar- xl-Biiu R0316 RS 8: GALLIE, successors to Geo. Australasia ..... . . British Africa. . . . . British East Indies British Guiana. . . . British West Indies N ewfoundland]. . . . 1,782,309 FOREIGN COUNTRIES. ; .u 05 HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- Q_oo_rg, _ s_h. Mouldings. etc. Planinrr of [Inn gumslvs HOTEL.-ALF. ARNALL, 1 Manager. Excellent accommodation for the vtravelhng public. Bar and larder well supplied with the `best. Good smbling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of eats conved tree to and from all trams. Few oors west of arkct street on Dunlap street. .-_-..____...._____-__..________..._..i___ R T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simeoe, will . be at his oice, at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. .j.__.:-._._ T E QUEEN'S I-IOTEL.-ALF. Manager. a.ccommo_i_ation __fo_,- 09919;":-an _..LI:_ `I3... __ J I _ I tuvusa n.uwAl{Us, Convngancerz issuer o Marriage Licenses. 0 cc Strictly private. Post Oce building, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary street. n-ly We `are now think Rtnvnn AI .* run uv vx-.auvu.<.N1` good N $1 freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfnnipal money required until end of the term. . STRATHY, Solicitor, Etc., Barrie. . ~- n. uxun. rxuvzuu. EUNUS TU LOAN . on Real Estate at_ lowest rates. Farmers Notes Disaounted. Collectnons made in any gm of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0iee-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-lv. 370,000 Interest. No r IOKA On-an J foxmsou & SARJEANT. BARRIE. Dealer: in Cash hi all I(:...a. -.. 6 Tlie total value of Canadian exports during 1895 were as follows:-Pro- ducts of the mine $7,056,047, sheries ' 81 1,07 7 ,7 65, forest $6,067 ,7 41, animals and their products $36,507,641, agri- cultural products $l4,083,361 ; manu- factures $30,47 6.932. '

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