tun} Big Bay Point. I-.- ._ -_ I` -___--_-...l_.. Shb.nty Bav. ._._-.' l`___-__ -__l_ 4NoMHE::mvA1cm MAY IT BLOW HURRICANES! CYCLONES. 2: TORNADOES rzz _CASHMAN & PER RY, instructive address, -his subject being The Pumpkin. Solos by Miss Ross, Miss Todd, and one by request from Mr. Martin, were well received, as "were also two duets by Rev. Mr. Fish and Miss Sanderson. The quartette -by Rev. Mr. Fish, Miss Sanderson and Messrs. `Martin was much appreciated. Miss Hodges and Miss Todd delighted all with their recitations. The selec- tions throuahout the programme were especially well chosen. At the close of the concert the pastor, Rev. Mr. Fish, appealed for subscriptions to wipe off a debt of $106, and to this request the [maple responded so liberally that with the aid of `talent money the amount was Mia; McGregor, Bf Dundalk, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Rosa. -sq- u; 5-`... -- The late rains have consider proved fall wheat ; and clover and threshing are common. I. ,,1___ |_A` Mrs.~ 15355; i'"v'iS{i'zI"riends in Uxbridge. c In I . . u 110 Mr. `-l')avid Corbett is Vcalling upon his sons in Toronto. ' Mr. Art Brown, of, Aurora, spent Sunday in thisvillage. Q-An n-1` -I1. . Mrs. Edwards, gaf Barrie, is spending` a few days with her son-in-law, Mr. _Ed. Sloan. The Woman s Foreign Mission 80-` ciety held a very successful -thanks o'ering meeting on Monday night. Rev. Mr. Pogue, of Stayner, delivered a very interesting address, whibh added greatly to the evening's entertainment. An On Tuesday evening, Oct. 26, _a con- certwill be held in the Orange hall under the auspices of our Public school scholars, in aid of the Russel re suf fers. A good programme is being pre- pared, and a splended time may be ex- pected. During the evening a collec- tion will be taken up. No admission. I On Wedneeda.y,.0ct. 27th-, 18 the annual Innial plowing match. In the past our plowmen have carried off a ;_very large percentage of prizes, and we hope that this year they will not allow the reputation of their native village to be lowered in the least. We have the men to win if they practice, so let each one do his duty. ' __ . ___v 'v- `.'-_v.__.. Mrs. Lewry left '3. Wednesdey for her home in Portage la. Prairie. She has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Simp- I _g_ Mr. Robert Lowry buried his only child on Tuesday at lvy. The little boy was about `four months old. Mr. and Mrs. Lowry have the sympathy of the community. . -an n . ' n ; -_- ---._..---7 . The post ofce has been moved from I Mr. Burk s late premises Tin_to- Mr. Ardell s grocery store. A telephone oioe was also opened here` a short time ` ago and is also in Mr. Ardell s store. ; \ W1;fE;.-:I{=1ng Houston has been engaged to teach in the Nantyr school for 1898. We wish the young man success. ' A-D n `. u The Presbyterian church at Ivy is being extensively improved and will be reopened ehortly. A basement has been placed beneath the church, and a brick outside placed to the building. Miss MI"I;;".7i1J"`.'a'ig with. hef sister, Mrs. Gran, Barrie. - Thos. Wdllvbin has bebn very sick, but we are glad to hear that he is improving. - V . but soh'ool children had. their photo- `graph taken last week by Mr. Buttery, >of Barrie. ` \ ` ` ' ' . % mu 1s'xZ"6.I%?'.'3'ome over` '%StnA:dny. . ; " ` ` `- Miss M; Rogers. primary teacher of Barrie Central school, epent Sunday -with Miss E. Wnllwin. _ _ _ - Apple pickiitgis the bqupatioh here ahpresent.` The drop 13 good, _oonaider~ `in; the bad you for jpples. ' `I95? wIII_uu - ` - _ < Meas_rs.- Alex. .W1laon_ and John _Mu1_-rgy gpeht Sunday it _ .1 "Mr. Arthur Gibson, of Holly, ppent 1 600916 f9`v:~, with 3:3-{%tn!e. M.-rs ' 111.". 1173!-.. V` 'Mi;'OouhIin hie" begun Go bixy hereavgum,-_r % g ' - '17:}. orl --.--v-- Advance Correspondence. Numbers are teaming their grain to market. 7th Concession. Vespra; Advance Correspondence. `I- Advance Thornton. Advance Correspondence. I ll. TC`? I Ante M1113. ~ Advmge our Men's and Boys Furnishing Department is complete. Men : Heavy Ribbed All Wool Shirts and Drawers, 16 oz.. worth 7 5c., for 500. Men a Heavy Plain Scotch All Wool Shirts and Drawers`, reg. price 75c., for 500. Men aHearyWool_Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 25c. Men's Fine Lines Underwear, in Fancy and Plain, Natural Wool, dzc. Prices _.:..`I_A. ' T right - Men s 4. ply Linen` Collars, 2 for . . . . . . . . . .\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys 4: ply Linen Collars; . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men s Heavy Wool Sex, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men s Fancy Wool Cashmere Sox, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The very latest styles in Neckwear. Tryiour Jubilee Hat for $1.25. Money in your pocket. Little Current, visited Mr. Robert. Carson lastlvpgki - A Cylinder Boat. Several interested spectators witness- ed a trial on Tuesday morning of a model for a new cylinder bdat, the let- est invention of Mr. H. R. Shaw, of 1 Roaseau, but formerly of Barrie. The experiment was made at the slip at Carley s boat house, and as the boat was very smalldid not require a great deal of room. The model is a tin pipe three feet long and eight inches in diameter, both ends being tapered nearly to a point. This pipe or cylinder has passing around the outside and attached to it a spiral ange which propels [the boat as the cylinder revolves. In the model a spring serves as motive power, but on the larger boat steam or electricity would~be used. Inside this revolving cylinder is another cylinder which is stationary, and encloses the cabin which is ventilated by means of ventilating shafts. In one end of this stationary apartment the engine would be located. The boat would therefore move forwards by means of the cylinder revolving around the cabin, whose passengers ,would not perceive any motion. The `boat has keel and rudder, and passing overall at the outside is a promenade deck supported at both ends. Here passengers may not only enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ocean, lake or river, but watch the probably most in- teresting feature, viz., the revolution of the cylinder just beneath them. `If. GL,_._!.. 2.........L:.... ... ...-._L....I... Threshing is about done, and the farmers are beginning their fall plow- ing, as the ground` has been too hard heretofore. Inna`: 1-Janna`-no Jun-av -asaagvu-v... Qnonannal Mr. Shaw s invention is certainly very unique, and judging from the suc- cesi of the model, it looks quite possible to construct a. large craft of similar de- sign that would be an important ad dition to modern ship building. New Elevator at Collingwood. District Freight Agent White, of the G.T.R.,`in company with Superintend- ent Tiin, of Allandale, Thursday night discussed at the Globe hotel, Colling 1 wood, with prominent citizens the build- : ing of an elevator of `a million bushels capacity. The Dominion Government are expending a large sum of money in harbor improvements by which the depth of water will be increased to 18 feet and the elevator will follow as a matter of course. It was decided that a further meeting between the oicszs of tlie company and the Mayor and Council of Oollingwood shall be held on the 21st instant; when a company. will betormed to build and operate the ele _-,l__ VB 01 . - CICCCCC S Ct T - j-- - - V IN T E TOWNSHIP OF FLOS, IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. There will beoeredwfor sal by PUBLIC Avcrxou, I at the PHELPSTON HOTEL, Village of Phelpston, on I c C FARMN ;E;B;9NE, 3 W E} ??i'*?iiiIiE1??:'2?Fi2E"3???? ` A}1i.."i...}}7-2:? mi .3-2x};;,`p.m.} L,- M . 'co..r2;1z}.', i Auctioneer. the .south-east guutcr of Lot 0. 9, 'Concesaion 2, in the Townshnp of Flos. containinf M so acres, more or less. About goacres arecl . 7 Han Inalnnt-A Iuncr n lrnn I-lardwnnd Ruth. Thn 3 ; tne balance oemg a good naruwooa DIIBKI. sue soilfis 3. Clay Loam. Frame House. large Frame 5 Barn and nther nuthn:ldno-1:. grand water. 3 50 I5 3 Klly I.l%.llIa rriune nousc. large rramc Barn and other outbuildings, water. ` The above will be sold. an ject to a reserved bid, -, for Cash, or. oIi`tern6`eIaGtifnitry to the Execueors. * /mos. C0UGHL1Ni`2 E`""" ' Anten ills P. 0. i I:`I-- n... - -9... .-A.- This burg has been quiet for a. week, but there are signs of lots of stir, "as your correspondent writes, particu- lars of which may be given next week. A Valuable Building lots for Sale] --m 1-an-- TOWN or BARBIE. I IIZIIU 6llt!I,IlII`Il| 115.. can nu.-y -uw-.y-v. in _tl| xtI__hlnnches. Busineu Course _Con$plnt. .Cin:ubu freq. . . `- : -_ _- 1.--J. uusonovqn. . u1Isa1_mvn's. Busmngs GOI_.LEHE. Flol. Oct. 2. :89]. go mdre Abocit 30 acres are cl he balance being 9. good Hardwood Bush. The nil` in a Clav Loam. Frame I-lnnne. Ianre Frame South Henry Sheet-Part of Lots 19 to 20. North Henry Stroet-.-Lots n to no. South McDonald Street-Lots 15 to 20. North Elinboth Stneet-LotJ :9 to no. Rant :33: Iain: tenot._.Lnt an. ' LVOITII IIIZIXIII DKIXC`-LOIS I9 (0 30. East side we St_reet-.Lot xo. . West Street-Lots 8 to 5. Eat Bradford St:-aet-I.ot _u. c. ` Foe `terms and further puticulan apply to 1 ' MRS. WM. D. PUG!-I, - . 'Clamnoni,On't. -. ` gfbgfug ', Ge.-Inuine !l_,__nI__A.I `L-__.-__LI._ L_.._J.L .. AL... ngnnska u-cc-cw---(cw-.- -- .--.-____...... Con. S-nun : um $nnn_uuV ExEcu1'on*s SALE Mr. E. Drury resigned his position as assistant teacher, and Miss Morris, from the neighborhood of Alliston, has taken his place. He intends to con- tinue his studies. or VALUABLE ,:v-_-_.__ E` POSSESSES_ V'I`-H1_E-F'0I:LOWIN-G 'D1'riNcT- IVE MERITS: g ':ieL|'si1 ' :BREAKFAST cocoa. ._.-;au4~-non:-nu-gr: rnvvvn wars: 1 t\ vvvvv 111 1-\1r~n\I\vr~r1I S the wheeling season is now coming to a close we have to thank the citizens of Barrie, as our numbers for 1897 have reach- ed almost the one hundred mark. Notwith- standing the keen competition of rival wheels the RED BIRD and RUBY RIM continue high above them all. The Repairing Shop is well equipped, and is in charge of Mr. B. W. Smith, of Toron- to, who. with a sta` of competent assistants, is able to do any work pertaining to a bicycle SECOND HAND WHEELS AS GOOD AS NEW FOR SALE. Miss Maggie Thornton, of 3rd line, Oro, and Robert D. Burt, of Hawk- stone, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Thornton home on Tuesday, the 12th inst. Rev. T. Leg~ gette performed the ceremony. It was a very pleasant and prettv wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Burt went to their home in Hawkst-one that evening, accompan- :-,1 1__ AL. I___;. _._:_L-.. -1. .L..:.. ...-.... Our Bicycle Livery is supplied with wheels of the very best manufacture, with lightness and durability combined. Ladies , Gents and Childreu s Wheels and Tandems deliv- ered ab your door at moderate rates. H. N. HUGHES &. BRO. iEP%PS:__l_}_[_l_GOA. NU 1 K11 [V D gunk: .1 Ana _\JLVl\l v [runny- In uarter-Pound Tms only. Prepared by MES EPPS 8: co.. Ltd.. Homoe- pathic Chemists. London. England. 4043 `DELICACY OF FLAVOR. 2 supznlonrrv IN QUALITY. lirataful and Uomfurting to tha I Ur DY313E,P,TJ9,-,., A'I`1'l` DC \I) I` inmucunnnsou, Dentist I-HG UlIl blusuuli cw !F0tL !i._T .Ii.EI"_"|5i"-_I|| Canadian Branch Head Olce. QIONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLAND M. C. HINSHAW. , SAIL]. PIPKIN. Bfamh Manager ' . Manager. `P141 A `II TIUII HARD AND SOFT wooD, BALED HAX AND STRAW _ I ._ Il\I.IhI I'*I.IEl'lII JJLUI UUII VJ. |.lJ.wa.A.l.J-a.a.vI LI NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED. In Ouarter-Pound onlv. id "tiy" ' friends. LOSING MONEY ON HORSES. There are several ways of do- ing this--betting on the wreng cne, mistakes in trading, &c., but the most frequent way is by neg- lecting their health just when the hard winter is at hand. A great deal can be saved by using ..sAons'.'. condition Powder. It s a general Tonic and Appe- tizer, gives a ne glossy coat, hardens the muscles, and places the animal in best condition for hard work. A full pound pack- age for We do as we advertise. 42-n Oicc--0ver Scott : Bookstore. Dunlop Street. And it s all mcdicin e, nothing added to make it heavy and bulky. seagers Drug Store Don t forget a full box of Mil- ler s Comp. Iron Pills given to each person making a 500. pur- chase Saturday, Oct. 23. -F'c)E7r{o M"oN'rHs. All branches of Dentistry skillfully pcrformeg- C Wu min at: nm advertise. ON BEST IMPOR'l`ED_R_UBBER BASE. Croesland. Advance Correspondence. Our teacher has purchased 9. new wheel. `fallen HIDE` I AVIQWEII ...A*1.*I'.As... E`.;I_`?,l_J'ANCE COMP9N:e.d 808 Ont. OeeinBothwoll I Block "-jUI -C- "cit: on JOHN CH E:sMA', :7-tf. T Collier and Clappcrbon streets. IJUIAI-LII ULI. DJ uavvas .uuua..I..svI The best chance ever if red in Barrie. FREE AIR ON DRAUGHT. Buthwe11 s Block, Barrie. `Plum knot nhnnnu pm-r n-'3:-ad in Barrie. BICYCLE REPAIRING. ..---._ .__- ONL__V_-'S"? :13;`=`3._(iO -.--g n--no.` u-A-u-nan 5 Points, Barrie. BICYCLE LIVEFIY- Opp. Post Qtce. Miss Lee, of Cookstown, was visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Martin, this week. Mr. Graham, of Bradford, was up for the Elmvsle fair. :' the 33 01 110110837) SKIHIEIIIY I We do adverhse. g. `anti . nan`:-barn nu: 250. .., ....25c. . . . . ..10c. ..10c. Miss 0. Cotton is away visiting friends near Holland Landing. She expects t ) be away a month. Mr. and Miss burrie and Miss Mo-I Leod, of Colliugwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, of Meaford, were the guests of Mr. Morrison this week. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Mor- rison had his leg broken. On Wednee-' day morning he got up on the threshing machine table but the table broke and he fell to the oor,breaking both bones in his leg just above the ankle. Dr. Murphy, of Phelpeton, set the broken V limb end Mr. Morrison is doing as well as can be expected. We hope he will soon be round again. .:ao.%%om % 1 ----'Corresp0hderits Golwell. Advance Correspondence. Harry Parks, of Belleville, is visiting his brother. ' ' J. Cloughley has returned from a visit. to Orangeville. -w I c . l\aI I III A. Ferguaim wheeled to Churchill and back last Sunday. I Mrs. Cloughley, `sun, has returned from a visit to Alliston. . Mr. Oolwell, travelling auditor of I the G. T. R., called on our agents last week. Miss Gilchrist, of Minesing, w__asJ visiting her uncle, Mr. Campbell, last. week. _ A i Rev. Mr. Large, our pastor, delivered ! an eddifying address to the young people of the Epworth League on Tuesday night. T ' 1 f",AL-__ 'rr-_;:__-.. I_;__ ,,_ Mr. J. Campbell treated the young people to 9. husking bee `last Thursday. mght. Your correspondent. haul the Pleasure of being there. and all enjoyed a pleasant time. unslo fair. ..... -. V | M Annie 0. Ball wane toworonw on FE:-iilday, to reside xvi? h."..nf."v'n'n n~ Mu. Carri/[e7. j V ` ` " atuvuula: UOI'l'UIpQXl|iIBlIC- Dr. and Mrs. Hunt and M'r. a.nd:' ?_rs-. N. M. Squire. attenvdedil Elmvsle . V II .... ..... a.nvUu uzvuulvu. uuul .4 -" V on-'.Ehuraday, after attending th0.fDi513` of her noioe. [ W 24 "reside. ` Rev; EWV. Plunkgtc, waa i mg 1 Week; He remoyqd; `hilfhougblugldj-V. streets so Kimbqp|g_,,; % `H Ooronnn 21, 1897. Mrs. R. Paton` refzptngfi If!`-:>_mV ,]_!/Iiltpfi ..7I"I.,,,, I an. Ida. and Totten Hastings have re- turned from visiting their uncle, Mr. Hastings, of Midland. They report having 9. delightful visit. Nantyr. Advance Cofreppondeucg. I-LI-l\I-I\J ULIIQU `J \t&.& UIr6CI wit 3 I` the beat wisiaes of their many New Lowell; Advance Correspondence. .J II`, `Fl Dalston. `ltlnesinz. l _ Advance Correspondence. The people of this village and vicin- ity received with very deep sorrow the announcement on Monday morning that Mrs.` F. 0. Batten, wife of the Principal " of our `school, had departed this life. For several months she was in declining `health, the result of lung trouble, and latterly: it was known that `recovery, which her many friends had `been `anxiously awaiting, was hopeles. Her death was sudden at the last, and though preceded by a few hours of in- tense pain, was peaceful at the close, her illness being accepted throughout with remarkable resignation. I "tr-.. '.....:.a-.. ..-...- ..-- 'n.-._- 'r--- ' Ra; D.Me`et, of Toronto, lectured in. the Presbyterian 'church hat Mon- day evening in the interest of the Tract Society. I ' 5 - .- --`--cu-. --v-vow uvuuu -uuvnvuI'l ."-"Her maiden name. was Emma Jane 1 Kneeshaw ; she was the second daugh- ter of i the late Mr. John Kneeshaw, of West `Gwillimbury, and was born on July 25th, 1867, hence was only in her thirty-first year." On September 30th,, .1896, she was married to her now sore- ly bereaved husband, therefore was very little over a year married. This period was one of singular happiness, however, because of mutual attachment between her and her husband. Shewas an ex- cellent companion, possessed as she was of those womanly qualities, christian graces and that degree of common sence which ever made her a favorite both within and without the home. uvvvng vv--c-1 u-1`: vv now won`: an --v Her funeral _too-1`: place on Tuesday ` afternoon to Minesing station, then via railway to her motherls home in West Gwillimbury, west of Gilford. `On Wednesday afternoon her remains were interred in.the family plot in Ebenezer Cemetery, Deerhurst, where. a sister was buried a few years ago. At Mines- ing services were conducted by` Rev. W. 0. Washington. and at Deerhnrst by a former pastor, Rev. J no. Locke. In both places the "funeral cortege was verylarge. The bereaved husband has the warmest sympathy of friends in this and other localities, in his severe afflic- tion. V on v -uvw van . -.-rv--v-vv- The annual exhibition of the Town- .ah1p of Floa was held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last; week. The weather was very favorable through- _-_A. _...1 - _..-;.`l 1.`-.. 2.. -._--.... -1. 4.'L..L -I-Iav vi vvuvnnvn Irvin: vvn I ovuvvv cu-vow out, and a crowd far in excess of that of. previous years attended. It is esti- mated that nearly ve thousand people were on the grounds on Thursday. The number of exhibits in almost every class was very large. V N 0 dogs were on exhibition, but it is probable that it will not be long before a dog show will be added to the prize list. As is always the case, much interest centered in. the ring contests, the race between Big Ben and a horse from Orillia, the former winning easily, receiving the most at- tention. It would be well for the man- agement to keep off the grounds these wheel-of fortune men and other exhi- bitions,. whose aim is to gull the peo- ple. Elmvale band furnished excellent music during Wednesday and Thurs-' day afternoons and also at the concert on Thursday night. A special train for Barrie and other points south left at 10.30 ._the last day of the fair. " ;n:s;`):a::t;)-1"]St';1;iVs:?o; 'i}ea},'{peema our Sabbath school last Sunday.` His report can t fail to be gratifying. T _ __,, `II I Ivy. Advance Correspondence. ` l Ivy was represented at Elmvale fair. Some went single and some went. double and others wheeled along. T A1. 0 ..__ ._ LL. KLL \Y-__-...L_.. vvuovo v-ova-w v v nvvu `now At 2 en the-gth November there will be a football match-. All the boys are expected to be out and pound the rubber ball. The Mission band in connection with` the Presbyterian church gave a grand tea and entertainment in the Orange hall. * It was a success. ' While loading 9. `horse power, Mr. B. Banting received 9. severe blow on the forehead. We are glad to hear that Mr. Banting is recovering. ' l A petition is in circulation here ask-` ing that the route be changed from Al- landale` to Painswick instead ct from Painswick to Allandale as at present. As the carrier lives in Barrie he has now to make two trips, but if the pe- tition is granted he will make but one, the noon mail arrives and go to_Paine- wiok, returning in time for the south mail" in the evening. -'.l`he"e`ect"of this would be to make all mail iconnlections` between -Painswiok'and' partsnorth of Allandale a day later` than at present,` `thy; is _he would leave Allendale after . and many are notjdiepoled to `agree to_ suohachange. _ ' "' Mr. J 430. Onwfgrd, of Mineaing,'call ed o_n friend! here on "Sunday. ` - ' .9=hib**lm 3` m " "d: Apple buyefa are busy iuythia eih- iborhqod. ' Good prioel _u'e Plid; f ! Quite a umbr of people fr;n.1 hare attended the ontertainmeno i9_ Ddlatqi __on Tuesday evening. . Anugenumber of Maahurnjpgopxgw I '9%999E-?!E9%%'2*:;y}?*E"m'e+9"? J . _ .3, _,..._II , ;.__-~ AI ,. The Government photographer` in- sends photographing our school house and children on the 21st inst. He will certainly secure a worthy picture. Elmvale. Advance Correspondence. - an-coo-uv vv `van- clvance Correspondence. , Painswick. -`nun-nrrvlu UV!` alJalUlL4JJ\J|~ V V- r a s';;;1';.;;;.;.(a;:::: :::::::::.: 15 has Boys Frieze Ulsters,` all colors, worth $4.00 and $4.50; _for'_. . . . .".$3 and $3 50 Boys"Reefers, in all makes, just the thing for now. ` w - ' Men s Heavy All Wool Suits, $5, $6, $6.50 and $8, made to wear. There s a. wealth of wear and service in our -Boys New Fall Suits. Boys Double Breasted Suits for ages 6 to" 12 years. Can t-wear them out. Eto`e, Mackinaw and Oottonade Smacks. \ - ` ' Our $1.25 Eto'e Pants knocks them all cold ; the kind you used to pay $2.50 for. In- 1, ,,,g .1- ,,--j -n,_;,_ __- LL- `n-__.:._--.. 1.`.-. an Kn VI`... LL-.. O'VE.ROOATS deck week, euatched by wide awake buyers before advance of prices. Colder weather is just around the corner,. it will `give you a. gentle etminder theta. helavier Coat will. be quite in order, As a matter of feet you look to us to supply. that want. We won t kick, neither will youat these prices`: . ` Menls Heavy All Wbol Frieze Ulsters, all colors, reglar price $10, for.$ 8 00 u ' u ` u u I u T u u _ $8, fo,_..__ 6 00 V Frieze Ulsters, all cblors, regulilr priee_$6, for. .' . . . . . . . . 5* 00 00100000000090; c o o o an` o o o o o Iuro0o_oo_'IouoV o o o o o u u oa . ` Imported English`Beaver Cloth . . . .T . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . .8 50 at n ' . ' on . .u u ;..:I.... .......:I.. 10 nn Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby and fam- ily, of Cookstown, spent: a. few davs last week, Sunday included, visiting at Mr. Wm. McCullough's and Mr. Thos. Haatings s, oi this place. ` CCU JBVUI-I0 J. lllnlll Q1-IIJV VII as \Il\nl IlIl\I 535551.: In `Iva vv tau-J V-- l l:a.`v'_e the best Tweed Page iie Bomi1,1ion for $i .B0. Try them. iogors Old stand. Mr. L. D. Robinson, the enterpris- ing carriage maker of this village, is to be congratulated on receiving second prize for his carriages at Barrie exhibi tion, -in competition with the largest -manufacturing rms of Ontario. He made more sales than any other ex~ hibitor. He has sold in the neighbor- hood of thirty rigs this season. Good workmanship is always appreciated, and this is the secret of Mr. Robinson s 81100688. ~ The potato "picking is abdut over. The report` is; 9, good amp. no -\ so 3 Mill Road News; Advance Correspondence. Miss A. Ellie is recovering from her illness. ` "Mia/8. M. D1_'i:ry is siending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Perkins, of Anten Mills. ` V There is some strange and unknown enemy "in the neighborhood. Mr. R. Goodfellow lost quite a `number of his fowl in one night. V ' -cc . c .c- .u- 'l\ AE SPREA D u N G " Mr. Cole has the contract for build- ing a new wood shed at Candle school. The work is -progressing. Mr. Spilletlt-3;;:j't:;;;);inenoed5to transplant some 12,000` gooaeberry We are pleased to hear that Mr. R. Goodfellow is able to travel again. Last week he paid a short visit to his friends -near Churchill. T A dispute arose about the fence dividing the lots of Mrs} Bedford and Mr. Bishop. The surveyors proved the fence to be in the correct place. Mrs. Tracey, who formerly was a resident of this neighborhood, but who for thopast year had been moved away, has again taken possession of her house. `We welcome them back. The house was vacated by Mrs. 0'1-Iolloran. Advance Correupondence. A number of our young people at- tended a huaking bee at the home of J. B. Cook last. Friday evening. Mr.'Grandige h'ad`a plo-ughing bee last Friday, and the boys report having had a `good time in thegvening. ' ---C . 11" -r We:'egret to learn that W;1.eIrwin is about to remove from our midst, having purchased a farm near. Ivy. DJ` -It-r CI! 1 II! n Mr. McLaughlin preached his fare-. well sermon last Sunday morning and will attend college during the winter months. _ A petition was in circulation in this neighborhood last week to change the carrying of the mail between Allandale and .1 ainswick,, so that the present mail carrier may make only two trips instead of four. If such change occurs our mail going north will be_a day later leaving Allandale. Miss Lena Kent psid Eady friends a visit last week. ' ' . --u--- w C--v- ---- Advan'c:e-(.-c:rreopondenee. _ ' 1 Mr. '.l`hos. Hindle spent Sunday on i the base line. - plguwo Mr, Addison McKenzie, of'1`hornton,v' was the guest: of Mr. Harvard` McCul- lough on Sunday. ` -. mL-..'l.-up Q-Gnlii. nnnlv Q-uvulnu We are pleased to report t.hat'the` sick are progressing favorably. T emiura` Row at 'spent`.S$turday p.x;d'8unday with her parents. I `Mr. and. Mrs. Dal-1.Jy visitod friends in neighborhood last week. ` M6351-a.UParker and Robins visited friends in this vicinity on Sunday. 4 We hear that Miss" Jennie Dr;-scale, `of Elmvsle, `formerly of ' this place, intends leaving shortly for California. Miss Drysdale will be greatly missed by her many friends, T who wish her a. safe and pleasant journey. ' -mazes-vi -rusty I Advance Correspondence. ` _ ` The Ladies Aid Society of the Metho- dist church eervedo New England Din; ner in the Temperance hall here on Tnesdey night, 19:11 inst. A large mun 1- attended and thoroughly en" j.o_ the many good ' and substantial things provided by the ladies. After the msny visitors V0130 plesssntly entertained -in f the ;cherch,:_1'rhere a Choice/pmgrm -carried rent. V Mr-. `:J0Ii!!h,8i!39!i33 61 -.P*8i'!d.t Fnfde Jhouen tenfarks. Elie ;`chpi_r7 {via} pom: well rendered selections, nd_ v. u-`__|_"._ n'.._.;a_ ;;;..;;.,_".V_.. 4 Ttjt VVCOI QVUCXYQYT CV.Y'.Y I-`-`LT A. G. liqdnon. 2.6` veg III [Sell in Geteh the fI I 'If Breeze or Preeer|fy,'? new wefllngtewarde use on the magic w|ndQ 2nd Line Larks. IUU5 ""' " M , Stanley.Spillett.apent Sunday wighrhie cousins, Mr. Co}>g_1\rn a family, of Newton Robinson. _,-_ I___- --....:_'I-._ LI_ 2..