' VETERINARY. SURGEONS. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, 'gnlh~:fno :91 Chnnnoru, (`nnvnunr _ run uVVnal.LV1bN1' on good freehold security at lowest rate of Nodarincipal money required until end of n. . H. STRATHY, Solicitor, Etc., p. D Wu, `Barrie, Alliaton and Creemore. I _l?|!\lt\1P R2 Rnvc, MANUFACTUBE8. u., lztaronto. FOR INVESTMENT good securitv at lowest rate or PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. in musical circles, son of Mr. Geo. J. Mason of Harr Hall, Parkdale, and nephew of the late Mr. Robert _A. Harrison, Chief Justice of Ontario, was married to Miss Ethel K. (Kitty) Tilley, second daughter of .the late Mr. W. J. ;l.`illey, Secretary of the Railway 0 m, mittee of the Privy "Council, Otta a, and formerly of Bath, England. Both families being recently in mourning, ' the ceremony was dery quiet, the bride being married in her travelling dress, which was of rich cadet blue cloth, with blazer "coat trimmed with silver fox fur, and a grey kid beltand gold buckle strapping the coat at`. the back, and blacksatiniblouse"-front. V Shenalso were a very becoming large "Irene . black felthat, with black beaver crown, and lightkid gloves, which completed`. .a most costnne.__ After the ` ceremonythe party a`diourned~.to trim. -s Vrv iviiusiel ._dejenner"_was-i_ games, .with- ma. ..<` [Wu ment of the Rev. Mr. Dickie, the rst one that has been sent. The convener was instructed to give a check for the travelling expenses of Mr. Dickie and salary to "date. It `was felt that next spring other missionaries must follow, which, with" the demand for additional laborers in the Rossland mining dis-g triots,` will call for greatly increased contributions for home missions on the part of the Church. It was agreed to have prepared and issued a leaet showing the progtessbf home mission work throughout the Dominion. The following - were ap- pointed. a committee to attend to this : -$Dr.' Robertson, 0.. W. Gordon, -Dr. Krmstrong, `A. Findlay, Prof. Ross.` Alex. Henderdon. Dr. s Campbell, M. W. `McLean,`and Dr. `Oockrane. ` ' reason .the new Oounoll. ] "90" M wek owe` Ssmth Simone `teaser-'sa.`sa? oonva:ezs.. as tami- 558:*P9*l*`!!*.!!i!tnnsvoi 1ftbvr= ices) D` 1 .I)EN'l`IS'.l`S. ' OFFICIAL. IIIIIIIOII HUG D7061 Lnmvox & Boys, Elmvale .4- `I'\.._I.._ _..A I` HOTELS. LEGAL. DIUCK 45-15 - J u. _ Barnstera, I- (:5 `nature: 1 A. E. H. Cxnsw1cxn.,i UIBU 5:-ly DKTTISICT, l`IIlUI llC,g ', Conveyance: `etc. :t, over-Bank of Com- Aflog. 4Ma.eon-Tilley Nnptials. A. quiet but pretty wedding -`took place yesterday afternoon at Stayner in that pretty little church on the hill, Church of the Good Shepherd," by Rev. 0. E. Wright, brother-in-law of `the groom, Mr. Frank "H. Mason of To- ronto, formerly of Barrie, so well known Sur eon. Honor e, onor mcmber Ewans Dry Good [ulmster Sf. and H'0VBd (likin- Aux. Comm. G. H. Esirnx. I Attorney. an-or `Afr. UNT. I Barrxe. lG aW9 vayuax $500,000. uovernment Oepuw. -m--*' The W_a.ter1oo:Mutua.1_Fire Insurance 5` pntal,$5oo.ooo. The Economical Fire Insurance Co.,BeF1i - Total Assets $340,000. Money to Loan onfrsfmortgages. Com-c,\'anC`3' done. A Accounts collected. etc. ` Shortly after the ceremony the com- pany proceeded to the large dining` room and partook of the wedding feast, which was varied, sumptuous and in every way creditable to all concerned. The presents were many, well selected and useful. A photograph, rst of the bridal party, and then of the assembled guests, will serve as a souvenir to re- "mind many of a very happy occasion in every respect suitable to a christian celebration. At 5 20 the wedded couple left to take the train for the south, amid showers of _shoes and rice, ac- companied by the best wishes of all present. ' Scrnggie 85 Smitlfisurance Agents. vsan V-Plum Q3.(.lJ0, The Mercantile Fire Iesurance Company` capital $500.0oo. Government deposit made- fI'I1..-. \~rr..;.-..u---u--4, . -.. c _____ __.....-.a (To. I-`I15: \I\ll`Vl'-Il'\l`\Jl-II-0 REPRESENT `ma FOLLO\\`I.\'G Co.\xr.a.\'1s: The Sun Fire Insurance Office of Lond0{1v England. The oldest purelv Fire Insurand Co. In the world. The Insurance Company of North Amer 08. Capital $3.ooo,ooo. VI`!-us 'Il4\ou4..-u-`LII- 11u_- 1.. . _ _ _ . _ .... n-mnnnV. DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES DYE STUFFS, SOAPS, cozmss AND BRUSHES. TOILET ARTICLES-A FULL LINE- anfi 2 Doors West of the Barrie Hotel. O 1 I ' 9 GHEMIST `" DRUGGIST STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI OWEN STREET. Among those present were :-Mr. and Mrs. .J. K. Ross, Barrie; Miss Ross, Churchill; Mrs. Geo. Ross and . Miss Myrna. Ross. Parkdale ; Mr. and ` Mrs. W. J. Ross, Mrs. Wright` and H. R. Douglas, Toronto ; Mrs. Lodge, Thornton ; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Long, g Mr. George and the Misses Long, New- town Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Magee, Mrs. J. H. `Magee, Mr. and Mrs. James Bowles, Mr. George and Miss Bowles, Mr. _ and Mrs. Henry Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, all of West Gwillirnbury. V " DEI:IT (:6nZi>XN'Y. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ETC. , ETC. , ETC, [JOHN RUGERSGN, Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. (- Thej can always Bank 011 getting the `BEST QUALITX for -LEAST CASH. and wanted 01 goourteous manner. D Q 1'? .1 `I',_ Jinn ,7 ___ . _-----.....uu.\ 1.), Condensed advertisements on first page Surh as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pI.\pem. for sale or `to rent, snecic articles, etc, etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and wi be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word each subsequent insertion 1 cent per won} (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Provincia| Buildinfai Loan Association. Do_ people always go 19 GRAN; I-IANMI-:n's for their Tb` Cigars, etc., etc} }BECAUSE +Q??C3;:i`'S , and Guam! Rcpait shov- ' BARRIE.- ` i WHY Miss Laura. Bowles acted as brides- maid; the groom was supported by Mr. W. J. McDonald, Barrister, of the rm of Ferguson, McDonald & Glass- ford, Toronto, and the guests were rela- tives of the contracting parties. `For one month- the threu with 15 per cent. added. molltllly rate *For two months--the three monthly m, l with 10 per cent. added. _ 'Preferred positions in the sold at an advance of one-third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out coxrrmcr cHA.\`cE.s. Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention to change adv must be handed into the office not later :1; Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for Sufi? change must be in THE ADVANCE office ,1"; later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in ant. week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemenl may not be made public until the week {gt lowing. " Annrl-dogma u-7:11 ant 1... ..11___, 1 . mlfld that ertisemem, paper will be 1 LU IV Ll-I50 Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for 8.dV9I`t1S}I)2 anything outside their own regular busmess. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. IIICII ouooouooouonnnwo 2% inches...... . . . . .. 5 inches, $4 column. . . . no inches, % column. . no inches, 1 column. . . . ` jpvnfnvrn runny !-:nn.. .' `i|`gu| ;uocI uuu `x Ucll L5 [JCT lme. . wuse` Reading notices, 10 cents per line for insertion ; 5 cents per line for each Subse insertion of the same matter. :"All ` QM" der 5 lines, of this cha1acter,=.ch3rged as _; linIi'.lOi`1 dG 0 V n , c1a an overnment ~ mentg will be cha`ed at above rates.adVmBe' coN'rItA bT ADVE} .'I`ISI`.\`G, Contraqt advertisem_ents will be.t the follow_mg_rates,' wlnch are dratted on cor rect commercml pr1nc1ples and will be . st ' adhered to. There wnll be only one p,icr;cg{ all. aken a ATI-llE].NORTHERNi$ _ ADVERTISING RATES AME um ADVANI B HAS A ' A on rovnrnnm nmggglsnon _ FOUR con-ms_ `Nb Almost, if not quite. double that of paper published in Bame any othe; anvnnrlsnns SHOULD NOTE . 12 lines solid nonpureil m TRANSIENT ADVERTISEME_\~TS First insertion 10 cents er 1' ` qnent insertion 4 cents pe1Plineme' each subse. per. Mn cents 3 for first Pnm-`-. ake 1 inch . u'ncnrf1'nn A`. [Jan on-V... ..-_ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 35,000,000. 0FFICE-Next door to Bank of Toronto, Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. 7.-_- vvv uni uuuuucs - Ross-Bowles Nuptials; A very interesting ceremony occur- Q red at " Fairvale, the residence of_ ` and Mrs.` Wm. Bowles, 10th concession of West Gwillimbury, on Wednesday,` 6th inst., when Annie Louisa, their third daughter, was married to Edmond Magee Ross, youngest son of Mr. J. K. Boss, of Barrie, the ceremony being performed by Rev.` J. L. Locke, of Bradford. I-I3 7' Ofceove r Henderson : Hardware Barrie. One. Sl0fev _f Gummed and T1095 `t ,-nu Number of inhes nnnnn Z|N;.5lJR;l-\lEE vicff AND CONVEYANCERS --..._.._-._. ____ 11,, FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE .A.G-IE1\`l"I' CONDENSED ADVERTISEM EXT5. All kinds of Oaronnn 21`, `One `I Inser- , tron. 5 $ I 9:` oigogettdvgre oonuumgd utiitheae clubs 1; `l !.`lI,i~ if "` th . boyp will get hothyfroin th'ese c1h_ha nth respectable hour. BARBIE i Hon. -John`Dryden; Minister of. Ag; rioulture, has gone topGuelph1' today (Wednead1ay)` `on an .importa`nt mission . hauls or superuous futuukf iu taking placefthis afternoon- on the grounds of Guelph -[Agricultural `College. The sale is most important, since it is under- stood that-,the celebratedeilver medal bull is to be disposed of, It will be remembered that the bull went. on a rampage in the_ Provincial elections our 1894 and caused a good deal of tronhle... To make sure that he will not gore anybody in the coining election, heis to be sold and turned out as an orphan to seek the hospitality of some private in-. dividual. Another important sale will be the unit with the cough, a highly in- -telligent young beast which made a great deal of noise at the last election. The bronchitic` creature-is now an adult beef." These two animals which were as troublesome as the Papal bulls that used to effect the politics of England, will boast the Ontario Government's protection no longer.--News. Illu-ll`) In 11 pm gnieff my stanc linen Yet ish, thilt with so` f ul write send at t _c-ours with has every her. her Y A `I a do depn dutif dl she s pot a upon sonc swat sin-. CFGDL y s neck ..`I _., gow some foot had socia sun hind .1 LI Lllllll of pl 8. lin the l mise keep uni ncrp M \V mind for ed t `glad the lasf `burs 7 11' W110 frn com barn Suc ama Mat" blo pal and ter nos tak rors \\ L11`) hel (In) one_ disc 6 be Pre she em rad the she Ynn . Petition to that &>uh;oounm1. __In our report last week of `the South Simone tenoh'e:-3, convention `the ollo'w- ing petition" win un_woidobly_ left over: % '15 the Warden ind Meinber onhe AOounty_O__ogncilV pf Simone: V It prepared progt-ess"of following ap- -__VDr.' Robertson, Krmsuong, A. Findlay, Prof. Ross. Henderson, 'MoLeen,' and _ . ---_-= ___ .'--v-- w. your VAIOVIZIVJ El-Ill felt next spring other dis- for ` oontributions home missions on part Dr; Robertson. referred T the ne- cessity of following up the great rush of miners and gold seekers to" the Klon- djke with eicient missionaries, and stated the steps taken in the appoint- of the Rein Mr. Dickie, that has sent. convener instructed to check for of Presbyterian Home Missions. Revs. R. Moodie and A. Findlay, of Barrie, were present at the meeting of the Executive of the Home Mission Committee of the Presbyterian church, in Toronto, on Tuesday, 12th inst. The claims` amounting to $28,335.00, for mission work done in the various pres- byteries during the summer months were passed, the amount going to Bar- rie, presbytery being $1838.90. Ap. pointments were made of missionaries to different elds for the coming win- tersand for longer periods. The young men to be stationed in the Barrie pres- bytery are Revs. T. Paton, G. J. A. Thompson, W. S. Noble, R. J. Wilson, J. H. Bruce, Cranston, A. C. Wishsrt, W. `N. Carr, J. B. Miller, L. H. Cur- rie, Jas. Geddes, F. Welsh, W. Ander- son, and` J.` C. Bain. V-.. .._.. V v :---. Spoial `gt-guts werev made to new elds on the Parry Sound railway. -Ix, 1-5.1,. How does the-above advice suit On- tario`, Liberals to-day ! We commend it to them and` would sayfurther, if you prefer Sir Wilfred Laurier s govern- mentto that of the Conservative party, you may still unite in supporting an independent government at Toronto under Mr. Whitney's leadership. ?And further you will nd that such an ad- ministration will serve Ontario s best interests at this time in a manner greatly superior to a government under Mr. Hardy, dependent upon and in close` alliance with such men as Tarts, Fielding, Blair, and the worst elements of `the Liberal party at Ottawa. When Sir Oliver leaves Ottawaheaven help Ontario should Tarte and Hardy re- main in ofce. ' __ 't`_` is one inwhich Con- servatives - and ->Reto_rmers I should all `-_unit`ein order that there may be here in ' onadq a `government _independent of the government `at Ottawa, Gon- servatives may prefer, I know a great` many of; them` do, Sir John Macdonald and his policy to Edward Blake and his "policy. , am sorry they do. If they had more light am sure they V would not, and a great many Conserva- tives are discovering that, and are act- ing accordingly, but even those Cone servatives who. believe in the policy of Sir John Macdonald and prefer the present. Dominion Government toany other, may i still unite at this crisis in supporting an indefzendent Government here, because there are great matters with which we have to deal which ab solutely require, for the sake of On- tario s interests that the Provincial Government should be entirely inde- pendent of the government at Ottawa. N ow there are a variety of cases by which I `might illustrate the manner in which the Dominion Government have dealt with the Provinces, and show the absolute necessity in the in- terests of this Province that there should be an independent Government here under no obligation to Sir John Macdonald, and who have a policy en- tirely Provincial in regard to the terri- tory and Provincial rights. I . .Mr. Mowat in 1eee._ V '.Seekiugot`.e' in_eeting_ Toronto on the 18th of December, 1886, just prior to the provincial elections `ot that year, Sir Oliver Mowat is_ quoted in the Globe of the 20th as follows :- Nonmimn ` ADVANCE; _ 3 ___.--_ wvrv-.nvV\l_ UV` gate the 1.; July, 1896, hnjnpoias gnet will terlnipute Ttinleaq.Je=xjen'ded 9Ii ilig o"xpii-`u,i9n_ .91` `v-4 `jail-3],` from ili Changes in the Militia`. Some important changes regarding commanding oicers and honorary ap- pointments in the militia were promul- gated last Tnesday in general orders. -Provision is made for the retirement of commanding oicers after ve years service, for the appointment of honor- ary lientenant-colonels and `chaplains. 'l he regulations `regarding commanding ocers are amended to provide that all appointments as commanding oicer are for a tenure of ve A Any ex- tension of_ tenure ,will for three y-rd. and -mm best-Inced npon_ use reeomInendation- of the disti`~ict_ oliicer '##th.f;* we jxulinuem . +._*._-~ .5 - i6i3Im5iiii[fi`ii8.:a v w 1ioi lsb6`|.li1td' iuiliinic` his nted be- ; :.~",=,'s.:,. `_ ;e_, ' Go to John Smith for ly'o1/1r-cofl"ins "and undertekers. supplies. I will fur- nish hearse free to those who buy cof- ns of me.` I em not out of thecof- n business, neither do I expect to be till I need one for myself. Give me a. trial. I sell cheaper than any house in the West, besides I sell on `easy terms if necessary. A horse dealer adlrertises as follows: " A ne gentle`man s bay saddle horse for sale with a full'long tail strong enough to carry a very heavy weight that has done a mile in three ininutes. An Italian shoemaker in York has a sign reading Gents soled and heeled for $1 if sewed. Ladies, 50c.` Boys, 40c. Gents, if nailed, 7 5c. N 0 paper soul; here, is the sign of a boot and shoe store oui: West. Widow in comfortable circumstan- ces wisheavto marry two sons. 16 Mr. `Brown, furrier, begs to an- nounce that he will make up gowns, capes, etc, for ladies out of their own skins. Bulldog for sale; will eat anything, very fond of children. . 'Wanted-an organit and a boy to blow the same. A Funny Adventisements. Wanted, a room for two gentlemen about 30 feet long and 20 feet broad. For sa.le-a' piano, the property of a. musician with curved legs. l -. -nr --n Considering these and many other reasons that might be deduced, we be- lieve it would be in the interests of the ratepayers and the intellectual advance- ment of the Public school pupils to have the examinations conducted as heretofore. We therefore beg your honorable body to reconsider your late action in this matter. Signed on behalf of the teachers at South West Simooe. Why, therefore, should a few pupils who are fortunate to live in a town where there is 9. High school receive special favors, while pupils from rising towns and villages are ignored ! 3: It has been argued that the cost of examiners and stationery in this county is too great, namely; six hundred dollars. From ascertained facts the eight centres in S. W. Simcoe, out of a total of thirteen, in 1897 cost only $170. On the other hand, in the in-' spectorate of S. W. Simcoe for the year 1897 there were ve hundred pupils who presented themselves for examina- tion. At a low estimate the increase_ of cost to each pupil would be three dollars, making a total of fteen hun- dred dollars, a large sum compared with present expenses. Feeling it our duty to look efter the educetion'el'interes'tein this inei)`eotor- ate,i we desire to call your attention to a. few `of the arguments that may `be given to show that aid notion on your part inot in the best interests of the retepnyere of . this county. pane-on-an 1.VThere is-not in the S.W. Simooe in- speotorate a High school within reason- able distance of the majority of _sohools wherein pupils are prepared for the entrance examination. In fact thereia on_ly one in the inspectorate, and that is on the extreme south eastern border. the expenses of entrance examinations- at, all points outside of High School and Collegiate Institute oenttes. em ettendnnoent snoh_,_e_ place; V now. many, peI?Agn_tq;-3f__li.|ve cents"-el_ enough The Packet says that The Boys have organized a. Social Club to while "sway the winter eienings. It would be interesting to know how many at these. Ox-illie `,` boys have respectable, and comfortable homes in which they could .lP0nd `their, winter` evenings ; also, how many parents .oonn`t_engno,d ll! olnb by `not fo13hidilin g.41;'he_ir. `:l;*"i' Pt ;`F e`|!: '{ W ` 1 "A3.-5 s, 3- r ,.f.{.E fl`! 4., n; V. ` ,` - v , -1- .4 V.` ` '- 2. `Pupils, whose parents, are in `straightened circumstances, will be de- prived of the privilege of writing on this examination as it will increase the cost per pupil fourfold. Hence the usefulness of the newly inaugurated continuation classes will be seriously interfered" with, which are intended especiallyto give the poor classes some of the advantages of a higher educa_ T. MCKEE, President. G. WILSON, Secretary. LJOHNSON SARJEANT; BARRIE, and Dealers in Crnln nf all :::...a. ._ `I. '_' 3- .1 yen: in command, hm appointment will " junta unless extended in 1898, on uermmsne unless extended in 1898, ghe day and month corresponding to these on ivhwh he was appointed." No qicgi 1_vi~ll be allpwga to retain his com- I:L:IVt.`Ig`>.gi+4`s)Ae.ye1:1d he limits of sgeffor re- iiemen xed by psngi-sph 55, reuh. tfdiiiiail the iiiliois, 1897. _ , 0NSON&SARJEANT, BQRRIE, Im rterl J andDeal era in Coal: of all Kmdg. and rge town, Grey and Gu While Fmishin Lime. Cements of all kinds, are Back: and P rem Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot of John street. near the depot.` The bond of this L-`we iebetter tlnnhat of any oth er kind. and the f` ash superior. Oic rn_er of John and Eliznbethltreeta. jzj 4 Per Cent. Interest Paul on Depoexts. The Security for Depositors in a Loan company is undoubted. Rosa new Block. south side Dunlop street east or the Post 011109. 8-lv ' The security todepoeitors in a Loan Co y is un- doubted. There is no instance on record depositior has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co'v. 'j"'::"` `jjj INc5i:'56n'i\T'+:'|3' -;'8'8: . W. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL; Mr. R. Kimber Johns, of Graven- hurst, complains of the annoyance ex- perienced on railway trains from the presence of intoxicated men. He says: "These liquor disturbing places along thelines are nuisances. " It is all right if a, cup of tea or coffee could be got here and there, but to keep liquor that is supplied to men without reference to the state they are in at-the time oi pur- ehasing is wrong, and it should be the; rst careot our Provincial Secretary to see that the provision be` added `tothe liquor license laws to prohibit the sale of all intoxicating liquors- atrailway QLA LI._.. 'W' F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Graduate Medical Societv. Ont. Vet. Colle 01% ces-Over H me: wans l Residence r6 Mulcaster St. BAHHIIE lnAN& snvmas cu. lrlulng: ----._ Inn DALL KLANINU MILL COMPANY- r Cargenterin . Building and manufacturing of Doors, bash. B ' ds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done `foronxlgtly and satisfactorily. ot Blast D ing K` n. acto -Bayeld Street, Bar- 1;: l R0 GLRS & GALL E, successors to Geo. UIQIIIQU street. THE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- Building`_nd magxufagguripg DA... g....I. n:...1_ in 1 nun gunnn 3 nU1l`.L.-ALl*`. ARNALL. Manager. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of ests conve `ed tree to and from all trams. Few oors west of arket street on Dunlop .__.__-__-._._._.__-.._________. R T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will be at his ofce. at the Court House, Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. j..-;_.__..- T I (`[11-IE"QUEEN'S HOTEL.-ALF. ARNALL. o.im..II:..... _..u:.. n-_ -.._u ._-.a-,, ,, _._______._________________________ AMES EDWARDS, Conve cer, ISSUCP of 9 `Marriage Licenses.-O ce strictly private. Post Oice building, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary street. xx-ly Some interesting gures touching the ilnportations into Britain from Canada have just been published. During. September the numberof cattle landed was 17,093, their value being 277,078; sheep and lambs, 11,835, valued at 47,836. There were received 28,84-6 ewts. of bacon, 47,336 ; 17,302 hams, 38,746 ; butter, 42,l46lbs., 16,928; cheese, 239,808 lbs., 520,016; eggs, 66,591 crates, of one hundred, 20,-_ 939; horses, 1,624, 40,170, n. uxun. rxuvaus EUNU3 '1'U LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-Ross Bloclk. Dunlop street Barrie. ' AI` V. RS. ROSS & ARTHUR. Physicians, Surgeons, etc. W. A. Ross. L.R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P., London. J. R. Arthur, M.B. Toronto University, L.C.P. and S., Ont. ' Oces and night residences- Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77- - DR. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S{, Ont., (lgte of Drs. I-larvie & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen anti Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. J. F. Pallin . Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fe ow of Trinity Medncal College, Member of the Coalege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ofce and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may ` be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from 8 to n 3.11),, and the_second Fnday of everv mhnth_ IJIC IlLIl,- ITO! every month. M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicito_r, Notary, etc. Mane to loan. 0ices-Barne and Stayner. Barn: ice-Ba.nk of Toronto Building, Owen street, 5-ly ONALD ROSS B. A.-Barristr, Solicitor, Conveyancer, e_tc., money to loan. Ofces, Bank of Toronto Building`, Owen street, Barrie. 48-ly uarne, Unt. Umcesul bank or l.0f0nt0 mocx, no. .lOvlI::n street. Branch office, Elmvale, McKeggie's oc _ :. non-- The Gravenhurst Banner will do the Sanitarium more harm than good by sending out such quack" statements as the following :-9` One of the Sana- torium patients gained 20 pounds in weight in a very short time, and an- other got so fat as to be ashamed to look in the glass. Another consump- tive pstient boarding in the neighbor- hood has in a few weeks been changed from a haggard scarecrow into a well set up man who once more enjoys`liv- ccgiuzrnv, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. D'AL'roN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. PBPLBR, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muncmsox. Ra:-n, V U141 at DUWAN, Darnsters, aou_cuors or me Supreme Court, Proctots. Notancs, Conve - aI1)nce`re, etc. 'V!on_ey to Loan. Oiccs--Ross Bloc , nn nn.nl>._ at-no. ' ICKINSON 8; MACWATT, Barristers, No- taries Public, 'tors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Ont. Oices Bank of Toronto Block, No. 0, nnyan ah-not Rrnnnh nmnn Elmvnln. MnKeQi,S I`-IIIIVSIE ` Barrie oce-cor. Dunlap and Owen eta. Elm- valeode-oppoeite Hunt`: hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates. 6`1:e-Firs:ordoo`:O;en _stree't, inerce. Barrie. U - narnstc:-s_, Solicitors in High Court of J ustices, Notaries Public, gonvpyancers. Oces ovex the Bank f of Toronto, an-re. ' . - Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. II tr c__._-..- t\t" I`. ll Danna`! C W. PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary . Public, Conveyaneer, &c. Oices over Fraser, Clark 8;-Co's. store, Dunlo street. Barrie. Money -private and Compan fun to lend at lowest rates of interest on town an farm property. V 9-ly. :T;~iN1iox,'B'6Y-ai B1i6WN, amst7et's;S7oli-c: itors. &c. Haucurox Lnxmox, W. A. Boys. Gm. E. J. Brown, `Ran-34-._ Allintnn and Crnemnre. EWSON & CRESWlCKE,_barristers, Solici- tots of the Sugqreme Court` of Judicature of Ontario. Proctors. otaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. 'Ofces-Ross Block, Barrie. fl vs II, ,___-_, A 15 If I`._ _______ -.. ..-'._-, vv ---.--. E. Huwso . DITORIAL NOTES. During the past thirty years there have been 57 divorces granted in Can-. ada--40 for Ontario couples, 14 for Quebec, 2 for Manitoba, and 1 for` Northwest Territory. OUNT & LOUNT, Barristers, Solicitors, Proc- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, &c. Offices cor. Dual and Clapperton streets, Bare. Wu. .nrm*r_ n. (3,. G80. W. LOUNT. - pvv-u Jorm D1cxmsox,bB.A. D. F. Macwarr. -__ovr vvv. --.---. \VELLINaroN Aurxr. -----v-ru -nu v.--u-nu '- McCA;u'mr, PEPLERA (_3f>_a3oULn& MCCARTHY )R. BUSANKO, DENTIST, has removed tam, old oice, over Henderson's hardware store. :71` RATHY 8: ESTEN [ T. ARNALL, M._D.C.M,, oice in Bothwell's 0 Block, Allandal. 10n the premises at night. - 43' Y MCCARTHY. Panza, MCCARTHY 8; DUNCAN, Alliston and Creemore. nppu -q-a KULT 8: COWAN, Barristers, Solicitors of the Qua.-mu- Pnnrlv pun-\otnrn_ Notaries Cnnx-av. H. ZLYON. PRIVATE FENDS T0 L0:N nn R1-2| Fatah: at lnnumo .--.o.... `l.`............' A y . : `W 19'dr-sid1=" 0 *5-9tf*@1ir -_!cr current expendi'tures.- _ Instead of ofiliitbipi out surplus in the 0 Ilnount of millions, while dtheyiewknew well that there was not a. dollar. They; called the Trust funds held by the Do-' mloion and which belonged to the Pro- vince since confederation, surplus, though not one dollar of it is now, or- ever has been, available to draw upon having surplus money to draw upon when decits stared them in the face because of reckless expenditures they have been compelled year by year for a long period to borrow money to carry on public a'airs. The province now owes about $3,000,000 annuities and railway certicates, all of which has been borrowed and must be paid back with interest in the years ahead. Each year nds the province 0 further in debt. The decit in 1894 wasover'$400,000; in 1895 over $350,000; In 1`896_over 8446,- 000,` and according to Treasurer Har- conrt s statement during the last session of the legislature it will be over $600,- 000 for the present year. A recent sale of timber limits and the proceeds of the mining boom in northwestern On- tlrio may lessen the decit somewhat for 1897. Hardy, Ross and Harcourt have played the role of pclitical"'~monte- banks for many years. Now that their deceptive deeds are being exposed they grow wrathy and belittle the leader of the Opposition `and his colleagues in a lurther attempt to make the people believe that they are the only men who have brains to run a government and conduct the affairs of the country. Mr. Hardy e turgid speeches, `his ridi- cule of men ` more honest and quite as able as himself will not go down with the people. He can never atone for the deception he has practised on the country. He lived on the fame of Sir Oliver Mowat, but now that Mr. Mowat is no longer at the helm the people have no- longer any condence in the government and demand a