Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Oct 1897, p. 1

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Men a Sox 3 Barrie at Hunter D .; `1;m' Comodian.7a.sjDub1in_: . ` Low fuowol! tour. ` Mr. W. J. '-B taccompniut u:dhu1nIt- ' Lv\lI\QIl\`7 .`__ FY11` nD'lt`h1 , inn. {emu 31'ucx'%~nwm.'L1NG FOR ' SALE- A Inn I-nnnnn ndw. on north nido ROI! " -4.4;-can an LP. WANTED.-LlVE MAN .TO SELL D...-In fhbnlvnnu-an mmmlnninn fhfllhlv -. N E W A DVEBTISEMENTS Trouble at Midhurst. Hockey Club. V uikonamcsv & GALLIE, A 9 1` The Ball Planing Mill Co. ghg pleulngvexpooont of Ira- I ice ii_ne of Banqut .= Son. . j . B118 ubbera cheapest in Bun Ixmguuu CHILDREN. xoc. *$5.00 Ulster ; BA`RRIE. C0UNTY7`OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 21, 1897. --ginning on the nnruu IUUII unusual; as U16 y6&l'1Y salary 0! dollars, for the term of one year, be day of i 18-`-, end- ing on the day of 18-; and fur- ther agrees that it and its sucessors in oce will pay such salary to the said teacher at least quarterly, and will exercise all were and perform all duties under the ublic Schools Act and regulations of the Educa- tional Department which maybe requisite for such payment. 0 mien Onnnhnur Alanna. mn3LIy. LL- _-2`} 1)--..) `VI `K955 KIIWHUQ 2. The he char sgrees with the said `Board of Public School Trustees. to teach and con- duct the said "school during the said term` according to the sand laws and regulations in that behalf. . _ (I NIL- l-..-_.-!___.r!__ _._I_!-,L ,` -1 n"-- V UIICU UUIJDIII 3 The foregoing is subject to the follow-' in: conditions :-(a)-That the teacher shall continue to be the holder of a legal certicate of qualication as a. Public school teacher in Ontario. (b) That holidays and vacations prescribed by the lure aind regulations are excepted from the said term. (c) That the days on which the teacher has attended the meetings of Teachers Associations or Insti- tutes, es certied by the Inspector or chair`- man thereof, shall be ` allowed hint-as if he had actually ran ht in the said school. ((1) That` in case o `sickness, as-certied by: registered medical practitioner; he shall be entitled to receive `-`hlseielary, dnctio`n*,` for lsnclr,perlo1 as rnjzbe authors Elie Ield'~e84j:__ho0'I' msygrt itI_i.op:_ I19 . `: l ' will .1 Y. ` ` ,_ I. c or ;;iii:*~-vzermli-ste4iili"?9i:r:$mnfx'W_*l'l`8_A required. 'Upon the vote"B'eVir::"ta'l' clause in the report was declared lost. # 0 That {aha nnnnuanl `Anna on` ---4--- uv uuu uuuu Ul. nl.IU|al.IUl.'o Y` Cl."rustee Perkins said he had asked Miss Booth whether it was true that she had been boastin that other salaries had been reduc- ed. whi e hers remained the same. She said that some had remarked to her how fortu- nate she was in not having hers reduced. In reply she had said, yes, and she was very` glad of -it. Mr. Perkins said if the rumor had been started he. believed it originated from some whorwanted Miss Booth s salary reduced. fI'\l_- l`!I__!___._. N 7 ` 9 -I IVVIIIVWIIO The Chairman remarked that to carry the c1ause,'a two-thirds majority would be- Upon vote being taken that ninnnn in tho u-Ann:-I: ma. Ann`nnnA l..-4. vuluuv In uuw xvyun: wul ueuusreu I086. "9. That the annexed form of contract he used and 200 copies printed. CONTRAU1`. The Board of Public School Trustees here- by employ for the school in said Town of Barrie nuoh teacher at the yearly salary of dollars. for. than tm-m nf mm ma... 1.- vuuv , uuu 111.155 IJUUIIIJ, @060: Trustee Montgomery, in speaking to this clause, thought it right tc reconsider Mr. Fostei; s and Mr. Shear s cases, but not Miss Booth s. He was against the reduction of Mr. Foster s salary at_ last meeting, and gave his reasons for reducing Mr. bhear s; how- ever he had _intended moving for a recon- sideration of those two salaries if no person else made the move. He considered Miss Booth one of the best teachers in the Town of Barrie, and he knew whereof he spoke. She had been brought into a room that was almost unmanageable, had brought it to order, and was doing good work, There was no complaint against her, and he would like to_know the meaning of this proposed reduction; there must be a reason for it. equally as good as other teachers getting $350, and should get the same salary . He_therefore moved, seconded by Trustee Rhinehart, that Miss Booth s name be erased from the report. - Chairman Innunni-O-nadir` Linn`. L- I2I--.1 L- va nsvu suuu uuu 1`upuI.`u. Chairman Macwatt-said that .he liked to see consistency. . Mr. Montgomery was will- ing to have the salaries of Miss ~Lee s' and sMiss King out down, and the Inspector's re- z port. of their work was quite as good as Miss _Booth s. He did not believe in making sh of gne and esh of another. D_._I_:.;_ __sj I s n I - -- uvuv vn. uuv Llvuauo--1u.U|.|l.l':uo wg ' That the salaries of W. E Foster, E. Shear, and Miss Booth be reconsidered, and that they be re-engaged at the following salaries: W. E. Foster, $600; E. Shear, $550 ; and Miss Booth, 3325. 'l`IInnC-an Mnnrmnnannn ._ .._-_L2_.. L- L`_2_ u no acuu uuuuu. nu uu Luuuuay urgut. 7. That all teachers on the staff enter into a contract with the Board, the engage- ment being for the year 1898, and not to be cancelled during that period except by the consent of the Board.-Adopted. Q That lm: union-{an 1.` `I7 IF IiV....4..... `IF nvuuuuuug nu one ruqulreulenoa OI W16 DONG. 4. That. Miss Fletcher be appointed to the `Sr. I. Form ih'the West Ward school at a salary ot $275;--Adopted. 5, Mk. R Du`.-nnnnru kn U\ us. we a u. -auup|.uu. m-3'."1`hat Miss Annie B. Patterson be ap- pointed to Forms I. and II.'in the Allandale school at a. salary of $375.-Adopted. 6 That an nvnrtinnmnnt ha Snag:-Hui 3n uvuuvn nu u Haul]. y U1 @041).--J1uUPGUu. 6 That an advertisement be inserted in two Toronto daily newspapers fully describ- ing the qualications necessary and request- ing applications to be sent to the chairman of this committee onor before the 23rd inst. for Form I in the Central school.-Adopted. Th nnnnnrn M Ann A` nlnnrinu nu. xv: us .1. ul. ulu uuuuliul GUIIUUI.-AUOPEBQ. It appears that Miss Bone, of Dundas, who was engaged for this form at last meeting. could not qualify, though nothing was said about it on Monday night. 7. That an fan:-has-u An tl-un at-n` anon- $525 .;m,.z.;;i: " *7 ' 2. The. F. N. Lloyd be appointed to the Fifth Form in the Central school, at a salary of $400. A - . fl-`._:_ _1_____ ___`__ Aj__`_3 -1 `I It Three New Teachers Engaged -- -Two Vacancies Yet - Salaries Reduced - Teachers Must Hereafter Sign 9. Con- tract-A Motion to Reconsider Certain Salaries Defeated--A Quiet Meeting. _ Trustee Adams was the only absentee at a special meeting of the Public School Board on- Monday night for the further considera- tion of the teaching sta`, with a view to de- ciding what teachers shall be in the employ of the Board during 1898. Several citizens were present and. as at last meeting, watch- ed proceedings with considerable interest. M I `pjunnnnn-s nnU\A-bn1` ml... I. LL - a.. .a.unu u.n. uuuuon ue uppoulueu run- 'oipa.l of the East Ward school, at a anlary of $325 -A ?opted. - O fl1L- `m `T r|-__s I - - -Q W This `clause was adopted `nsvided Mr. Rogerson nds out that Mr. loyd has the necessary qualications. R OLA 'Iunnn`no.-nu L- -A -- uvvvuuul J xiuuuuuuuxvul. i 3. That the following `teachers be re-en- gaged :- ` ll... 1:l .....L.......... 4... 4.1.- 1'..._:._ 11' 1.1._._. 2- a(5}eo..-H-enderson to the Junior II Form in West Ward school, at a salary of $350. This clause was changed by the omission of _Junior II -. . .' school." His, class will be located by the Inspector and Management Committee. ' Miss Phalen, at'$300.-Adopted. Miss Caldwell, at $325.`--Adopted. A Miss Howe. at $300. This recommenda- .tion was lost, as Miss Howe cannot uality according to the requirements of the ard. 4 That Mk: wlnfnknn I-no nvunnn4-AA 6... cl... omens mm scnum. Bum SECOND nmmrme ITO bmcxbm -rm: ' TEACHING sum` or 1393. vu luvvvvuu.I5u WIIJII UUIIBIUUIIIUIU lnuereali. Mr. `John Rogereon reported that the Mann ement Committee, composed of John Rogeraon, Chairman, P. J. Love, 0. A. Per- kins, G. G. Smith, Jae. Ball and D._ F. Mac- watt. met on Monday evening and recom- I ufnlended that the following clauses be pass- e :- ' ` ul6.`_Tha.t'. G. H. Stizon be hppointed Prin- Ipal DO! A `-_A.-.'I ing them as diehonoxfsble. I beg to n y my friends and the ublio in general the all advertisements` to ietive to my unniehe work other than `those of Dre. Me.Leren ke, dentists, are un- authorized and on` otioned by myself. I would" hesitate to lo dlnhonoreble as these notioeoewonld in "fund. in condemn- . ' d on rofeeuionel I am` only exonerating m If.` ' sold my notice; and ell unnilh ark to Drug V iQ.cL eren &. Lake. -They so e have my books`, and-~ they` alone jknow -_ him those ?. , ~,' ' ` _ ~ . Bacon Hogs. `A V I r At the fall fair held in Jdrvii substantial- prizefwerje given by thre,o- of the `.lI|'OI3` china rms 9: the; but phohnof apt I in thtee'h9`govgadl3,i mgi Itx_ _;._..I__ 4],! AL,`- uyvvulvvlyo .:.uu ptulurnwra were sworn m and all necessary arran ementa made for. the taking of evidence on ovember 4th and following days." The Company will have to swear to the value of eve part of the plant. Before leaving the Ar itratore visit- ed eeveral parts of the plant. V r-- .-uu &\F I.lI"Ul"s I\[I'UnCC' Il'Dll| W... Mgnufacturerd. - _ 19"? ~ 51 ELIZABETH STREET V ABhB_|:.?.% Esmzm R Thelarcz F9 0 . u-vvo vv vs-an as IIAIM unsun- The first meeting of the Board of Arbi- tration re the value of the Barrie waterworks slant met it the council chamber last Thurs- ay. Tho board is composed of Mr. Walter Barwick, representing the Town Council, Mr. Samuel Barker for the Waterworks Companv, and Judge Benson, of Northam- berland county. the third or neutral arbi- trator. Mr. H. H. Strathy, Q.C.. appeared for the town, and Mr. F. E. P. Pepler, Q.C., for the Company, assisted by Messrs. Haughton Leunox and C. E. ,Hewson re- spectively. The arbitrators were sworn in Ina Ilnnnnannn nnnn-uauau-.A-L.. _.-.`I- E-.. unuug uuuu IUI` uuu_ UUIF plll 0| . I105 fa'3't5.'n three hoguaoh, ne mofe thin six months old, chm: met_ the "requirements 9! Dr./3&9. McKw, of Chicago, left for home on Wedeadayhmornmg after a short visit: with his parents here, Rev. Thomas and Mrs. McKee. . V ' photographer, has removed into the building lately occupied by Dr. Boyd. Mr. Bald intends to remain lzere all 'winter.-Coldwater Planet. 0. Perry in removing his family from Orillia. to Barrie, in order that he may take charge of his rm s branch in the coun- ty town. Orillians part with Mr. Perry LA_L l c3'For up`-to-da in the new spore, H tar as. Post Oice Inspector F. H. Smith has been transferred to an eastern district. He and his family will reside in Bnrrie.--Port Ar- thur Herald. ,,",-___ ..__.. --_-_ _.---r--- lav--w-u Rev. Mr. Woodsworth, Superintendent of Missions in the Northwest, was the guest of sis brother-in-law, Mr. J. Sissona, over San- av. T [l'3'rigadierVAddie. formerly of tho Salvation Army here, now of the United States, signs -himself thus :--A Canadian on foreign ser- vice. Reix/7;` Crocgett, of Cookstown, con- d ducted services in Collier street church on ; Sunday morning and evening. d ___. 1'_I.__ `I1, ,, `lo 1-. ` h'a`v`e`a=ll':!`_ 4} AND 5 PEI! Ltufzm. ma ` melt; ggaqunt of pin"-ate funds`ft,73oIu d 5 per centdpnycillxldtl `(Dim ... 0, thamaase wail " _to. mac uaxsziz wmv?'a:':ri:.;.`:?z`;.ABM.,.d Mise Linlims. Goodfellow and brother, ` Frank, visited for a. few days last. week with friends at Bradford. {1};i{:g;s`o ' QQH-Ea Misses _ Rog- erson have returned from a very enjoyable visit in England andother European points. `D-.. 11.. .1'1_,1, . n b .n 'l')'re;d-evn: -gas at the Sim- coe House for a. few days this week. II}..- AI2__ IV . I -. C . I n v.. --J~ -..-- vv wann- Miss "S_argent left last week for Waterville, N. Y;, where she has secured a. situation. -` Mis7e-Fo1V-d line returned from visiting Miss Jeanie Walker, of Clarksburg. II. II ? `I `l'l'__.__-,u 1 ha. I Wm Hagerman; of Locust Hill. Markham township, is visiting at Mr. R. A. l Stephens a. . T Mrs. Hugh Mulheron have re- turned from Roasland for a. short visit to friends in town. Mr. "H,a.'y_ward. of Parry Sound, in the guest of relatives in town. '9 C`? Is -- - `* Mrs. H. T`. WTh1:1e-`vivaa-.Vs-1:_l;e- guest of rela- tives in Huntsville last week. 1 Dr.' Taylor returned, to Winnipeg on Tuesday. Inn: A Iron, NO. P130!` an In a n r nuiabor . \'v'o3|'1'1e':&-. kneel! 9s""` a nnm. all kind: or evil; Bottles. and all kinda of Jllllkt E 8 MARY STl=lI=_'E'r_ annals. Mr. Wm. Galbraith is a grain buyer at Cooksbown this fall. . 1 Mia; is the gues of Mrs. A. W. Giles, Parkdale. ' Mr. J`. i$e;gra.m, of Berlin, was intown on Wednesday on business. Mr: gs . ;?Villmott visited relatives in Markham township last week. `ll'_,__ 11' n'I- Irv: 4: OIL llllle .Ll.lU IIIDIIUUK `VIII U U` special meeting of the Board. Man tnnvn nh___Danl9 :.... ml... Buulv suuuu nuuuuuoao Mr. Ball then enquired how long the boy Smith was suspended for. Trustee Mont- gomery said that he understood the boy was suspended because he would not take punish- ment. He - supposed that if he came back and was willing to take the punishment he could be admitted at any time. This the Board concurred in. V ' ' f'I'\L- I')-__J A.`.__. 1!, ,, L 1 .T @'Boys Odd P_ th 75c. per pair for 600. at Hunter 1' . 1 M(;TIONSo Moved by Trustees Rogerson and 3411, 4 that the matter of the engagement of teach- ers in place of Miss Howe and Miss Rodgers he left in the hands of the Inspector, Prin- cipal of the school. Chairman of the School Board and Chairman of the Management Committee. A ' !I'\I_- I1L,!,,, II` . sol .u '- . u IIIIIIIIIUUVI "The Chairman did not like the principie in the motion as it would establish .9. bad precedent. The motion was put and declar- ed lost. The matter will be dealt with at a ........:..I .........:.... -1 .|_. 13...: i CRVUICI IIIVWIIIII5 U5 Ill-IV I. \'lV'-$0 . Montgomery-Perkind-That Mr. Foster : salary be increased to $600, and Mr. Shea.r s in QKKD PIANo_'_r__uN I MG. FRED. anooKs_ Tuna! -I-J 3 wahairman Macwatt said this matterhad 1 already been dealt with and could not be brought up again` at that meeting. Mr. Perkins recommended the payment of . unuusuv II!) 9501].!` DD llll: payment some small accounts. `It- `D_'I'l pl.-- _._-_;_s_-.1 I___,_ 1,, _, 1:, 1 Vvulvva III any YDIIIN . 6. This agreement shall also be construed ; to continue in force from year to year unless and until it is terminated by the notices hereinbefore prescribed. The agreement to be signed by the chairman, secretary, and teacher, and the corporate seal aixed. I 5. This agreement shall continue in force 1 for the full school year and be determinable I by `the said teacher only at the end of any a school year on giving the said Board notice I in writing on or before the first day of No- vember in any year. I A "FL: ....... ..-4. ..L..`I`I -u-- L- --_-a...---.1 IIIZI \J \I\IIJ\Il`l I Uh lul The Board then adjourxfed. 9% Pegonal News. Detective William Greer is in town this ....J. Ann "ran nommou or CANADA oun cnrrnnuox. Watr VV`ox-ks Arbitratxon, 1 . X01138, L `I F0 'D.S., DQS, _i4 eckwear try rournrvonog It ul-QVIDYSJ 95 LU?` Ila We The House 0; Refuge Committee, com- .posed of Messrs. R. Whitesides (chairman), Warden Sneath, P. Kearns. J. Lawson, John Ross. Jas. Ross, Lohn Nettleton. D. M. Harvey, and Jas. .Martin, met in the County Council Chemher on Tuesday and- Wednesdey to receive and discuss the var- ious plans and specicationssubmitted re House of Refuge. Mr. C. E. Hewson was also present. Twelve plans, ranging from $l5,$17,000. in all were submitted, and came from -Barrie, Toronto, 'Stratt'ord. andfelsewhere. Many of them were very beautifully executed, Architects Powell, of Stratiord; Kennedy, of Barrie; and Bird, of Barrie, were `presentsnd explained their plans. The plan to be recommended to Council had not been selected at the time of sofas to prev ` ' uuuu new canny Luv equal In lauu Ulla mm- 1 tary bends. Recently he heard both the Grenadiere and the Highlanders bends play such marches is La. Fiesta and The Hood- lume, old favorites with the Be.rrie public. Although-lemaller in number the Barrie band. ._gave >a`more correct and~pleaein' rendering VQI`-thus` nurohee tho.-n"their city rethren of "tlbj_1ill13ip|lifrate;plv. _ ' . V a vv-v -uwvvw--u -wc `run- A ehtlemgn well varied in auclrmatters was card to state recent] that the Citizens band was eusilv the equa ofthe city mili- Imiv hand: Rmmnhlv Ins I-mg-A Irma-"I. ml... :% ;-:1-N. <.>.:1- comps-guy B0?- Brixstkwete pho- hgd on `Fr_ida.y_e_ven_ing. They then In ' V and prelented . . !\***%1in5%-vv~r-n- _ aanahsnwv Iirililll `Ill IIEUII u . Barrie, Oct. 15th, 1897. To the Chief and Members of the Barrie Fire Brigade. . Gentlemen, -Euclosed please nd my cheque for twenty-ve dollars as a small token of my appreciation of your splendid services in saving my factory from destruc- tion by re on the morning of the 12th inst., when it seemed to be past all human efforts to save it; and for your promptness in get- ting a stream of water on the re, which was I believe only four minutes after the alarm was given. 1' n`nn .I....:.... 4... aI..._I. LL- ..2..LL __..-L..__._ suusnu was given. I I also desire to thank the night watchman, James Marrin, for his vigilance in seeing the re after it was started, and his prompt- ness in giving the alarm. Ann-a nnn-unnL`.u- Major Ward, who succeeds to the com- mand, has also been for many years in the regiment as a company ofcer, as Adjutant, in which capacity he served in the York and Simcoe Battalion. and for the last eight years as a-eld oicer. I I _ ?You put your f when you buy a pair 03 1 1..- w- -vv up-nu; agvv oavnnuuo . The following letter to the Barrie Fire Brigade speaks for itself : I R...-..:.. n..a- Inn. 1onn Interesting` Sketch of the Popular Com- mander of the 35th Battalion. Col. O'Brien, whose retirement from the command of the 35th Battalion (Simcoe For esters), was referred to in our issue of last week, has been for over thirty years con- nected with the `militia of Canada, and has been on service on every occasion that the militia have been called out since the Trent affair, when he rst joined the active force. He at that time held a Captain's commission in the sedentary militia of Simcoe in the Battalion commanded by Col. Mc Vittie, and volunteered for active service` when the threatened hostilities with the U. S. caused the Government. to call for a company from each militia regiment in the country. On the peaceful termination of that incident he resigned his commission and si ned the ser- vice roll of the old Barrie Ri e Company, under Capt. McKenzie. He was then ap- pointed Ensign, and soon after became Lieu- tenant, obtaining a certicate of qualica- tion from Col. Peacock. of the 16th Regi- ment. He served in that capacity in the Provisional Battalion under Col Durie, sta- tioned at Niagara in 1864, .and was subse- quently with his company at Dunnville, when the militia were rst called in antici- pation of a Fenian raid. The force at Dunn- ville-was recalled on the 24th May, 1866, and one week later the whole force was called out to repel the raid, which actually took place on the rst June. The Barrie Rie Company were sent to Fort Erie. and formed part of a Provisional Battalion formed under the command `of Colonel Stephen, and which was afterwards formed intothe 35th Battalion Simcoe Foresters. Captain, then Major, McKenzie remained on service at Port Colborne for some time, but Col. O Brien being appointed to the com- mand of the Company, which he had raised at East Oro, No. 6, of the 35th, returned home. He soon rose to the rank of Major, and on the death of Col. McKenzie, succeed- ed to the command of the Regiment in June, 1882. In 1885 when the N, W. rebellion broke out he volunteered for active service. and was given the command of the York and Simcoe Battalion, formed of four com panies each from the 12th and 35th. Though not engaged in. any actual ghting this regi- ment had its full share of the hard work incident to the campaign. and discharged its duty to the entire satisfaction of those in authority. The high character which the 35th has always maintained for eiciency and good conduct is the best testimony to zeal and ability of those in command. Col. O Brien is, we believe, the last man remain- ing in the regiment of the many oicers and men who began their military career in the old Barrie Rie Company under the careful training of the lamented Col. McKenzie, whose valuable service to the force should never be torgotten. The selection of Col. O Brien as one of the officers chosen to repre- sent the Canadian Militia in the Jubilee celebration, was a compliment to the Regi- ment as much as to himself, and was a pleas- ant termination of a long career in the ser- vice of the country. In 0 nnv . s C ,,,V,,ea_ V - \ Park, Blackwell 00., Ltd.` \____ TORONTO. 4o-so HENTY UF PRIVATE MUNEY TO LOAN `T F? @111 am AImrWAnns the the tige the packers for export trade; The judges were the pork packers who had given the money to be awarded in prizes. There was a 'very satisfactory competition, fourteen pens being on `exhibit, all except one pen being qualied to 20 into any packing house and pass with more or less excellence as ~bacon hogs, weighing between 150 and 200 pounds, long in body. deep in sides, light in bone, in good meaty condition but not too fat, small heads, narrow shoulders, and good sized hams. The whole exhibit was very satisfactory, and showed that the farmers in that district are alive to`their best interests. and are breeding and feeding the kind of hogs most in demand, and that are bringing the highest prices.--Mai1-Empire. LQILITARY CAREER OF COL. O'BRIEN A Gift of Twenty-ve Dollars. _ -II___, eating re House of Refug . . lI-._..- -k 'n_n_-.._ 11, ~.. Out mowers for our Band. I03 III: Yours respectfully, ; Gno. i Q good thing er Bros. Shoes. 1 BALL. IJWLLIV UIIIU VVVVQ II\I "III" Dr. W. A. Rose. Dr. large experience in Eu having spent some DBBUUIOVUU WIDH grill is a man of e and in Canada, `hospitals. and will be ell received in Barrie. by his patients with him lieve them, but go taking a short poet the hoe itale of New e near uture, and Dr. charge of his practice Dr. Ross contempl graduate course ' York some time i Langrill will ta while abeent. . V ED: Boean ie prepar ` to complete all engagements made by D Taylor for per- manent aete oi teeth at co ract prices made Dr. Taylor has .A If any per- note this, do not be- Dr. Boaanko a oice retired from` practice in disputes" or con and he will tell you lahont it._ A`: bogul _thi|'oce.. Seton ;I.;w_e`m9ntha;'. .. pout graduates are idly going out or date, they are neither owed nor employed in "teeth from `for Tenders for the use of the Agricult lbuildings fog Hockey. Curling and Skating duri next winter W111 be received by the undersigned p to 4 p.m. on Saturdav, 30111 Oct. Tendpre tn kn nnnlncn 3:1 Anunln nun!-Ina!` Tan- sow`! Va out-bavo Millex- : Compoun ron Pills are known to he a. good remed fo_1-V pale, weakly and overworked people The proprietor: have ,Iu'ran_g,ed to give each purchaser oi 50. ocenupe worth of g .s`t`:S'ea gere Dru ah gran. `J B IIIIU L UIV fN&'sI`he Bell 1;lue.phony'Co. of Canada. Barrie oice will be open all night and Sun- davs, oommenci;:vo'p'Oct. 4th, until fufther notice Personnel shing to communicate by telephone wi other cities and town: in Canada will everv convenience "at 86 Dnnlof) street, Barrie. Metallic circuits, sound proof cabinet. R. A. Douglas, local manager. - Ag-1'1. `I .......:II - `l3-...:h. . _ . . _ . _ -_ M;;'I`):-i.` Langrill. of Ba ilton, coma "Barrie this" week and will associated with n. (17 A `D..- `n.. 1 ....:n :- _ ...___ -1 -Dr. Dunn. . Medical Health Oicer of Beeton, last Friday reported an outbreak of diphtheria in that village. Seven cases had developed. A supply of anti-toxine was sent and an isolation hospital secured to guard against the spread of the epidemic-- so says the Telegram _ Min A` (`---.1- -Seme boys gather at night in the grove on Blake street, near Mr. Stra.thy s proper- ty, and disturb and insult psssers-by, with foul language, cat calls, etc. The authorities will arrest these lads unless the nuisance is I discontinued. \T-__4 13,11, .1 1-. 1* I u- A \JIU\lI-II-I VII-I II?`-In -Next Sabbath Rev. John Locke, of Bradford, will conduct young people s ser- vices in the Elizabeth street Methodist church, both morning and evening. The evening subject will be An Epworth League!` in the Church. -A canine battle between " Icelander - and Duchess on Saturday night blocked Elizabeth street for a. short time. The former won utter a. hard contest. For such performances 9. back yard would be a. better place. run us In T`. . -....- 4.. the Music Hall on Wed dav evening, Oct. 27. This company is .', ell known to the citizens of Barrie, and always had full houses. ` 8`Erin and the Brenlgna will appear in ,,_-_` _-_ --_' -..-- --av -The head of the 35th Battalion seren- aded Lt.-Col. () Brien at his residence, Shanty Bay, on Thursday night. The bands- men were taken in and treated right royally by the gallant colonel and his family. L-LL`- L-;.i ` -The Ball Planing Mill Company resum- ed work at; the factory on Saturda last. The pulleys and belting destroyed y the re warn all ranlnnmi In: Hum 44...... \x7:..., + will not neccssanly be acce ted. der tor use of b1iildings." and e highet or any 1 J0 N !CKINSON. ural Joint Stock Co. Barrie. x:1h Or-L :91`-1, r $7 . A'n.An I .n.uu yuuuya uuu. Uvualug UCUBl'0y8(l. Dy CDO re were all replaced by that time. Win- dows will be put in" as soon as" the sash are ` made. -Mr. Harry Brown, District Agent of" the Sun Life, has resigned his position as such with that company. Mr. Beecroft has been appointed local agent for Barrie [and sur- rounding country for the Sun Life. __ -_._--_. _,......--..u-y uu LLIl`III am;..;.; to Rent 'ood Brick House on Wellington street. y to Geo. Reedy. a Don t buy your Dress Goods before you see the splendid assortment at R. I. Fraser & Co. _m It;}}.'it'i1 Plowing Match will be held on Mr. Alex. Dunca.n s farm, Strand, next Wednesday. A large number of com- petitors and interested spectators in expect- ed. A series of short and Newsy Paragraphs Carefully Prepared for the `Benet of Our Many Readers. ' -The trees wear a. very wintry aapect. -Tbe fall assizes begin here on Monday, 25th inst. -No' iiorae sales have been held in town recently. 1'70 0 --HZi"gVh prices rule supreme on the marktt now-a.-days. - 1-. an I n no -Barr'i'eMechanics Institute was incor- porated in 1862. [ wag` - "' &$'Se ourxi-vig Show; Room of Stoves. H. H. Octon & Son?-`v-..?....v-` lZ'Dr. has/`moved his dental oices to the Rose block -Appa-t-Zeetzlry; no further development! in the incendiary cases. 11.", It 0 IEEEFHJQEFEEEB Sterling Silver and Plated Ware, Watches, lileeks, Jew- elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. 8-ly . ..__ -_---...---J vvvv nu. -MI". Muir, an elderly woman living Lt Grenfel. was buried yegterdav at Angus. n--_._L-n,;4IW sn- ;Now that the fruit trade is done. rail- road men turn their attention to the grain traic. -Mr. L. Vair secured 14 rst and 3 second prizes at the Elmvale show for plant! and cut owers. - . -_...bu -Ca ttli 22:1`; great demand throughout the country for shipping purposes. A good beef beast brings about $40. `l"'l ,4 0`! I 'Guy Bros. will giye 3 first-`class per- formance in the Grant;/Opera House to-night (Thursday). An entirely new program will be presented. ' -'-The:%`e[V3V:'zrate School Board held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday night, 1212!: inst , but no business of importance was transacted. a'25 doz. B/I"en s n lrwear bought at 0. bargain selling at . r suit; at the new store of Hunter 8 s. _ - ..v-_`_ `ow: -Hetnfdgn; Zn old man about 80, died in gaol last Thursday. The usual inquest was conducted on Friday by Coroner W. A. Ross. -TneEn;. Mr. McIntosh, of Allandale. conducted service in the Congregational church last Sunday evening. (1.. Ln- _._- 2" A VERY INTERESTING CHAPTER OF LOCAL .HISTORY. Ref:-rcnces. ence invited. Tl nun. Jun./nan: LVII nxunu Ali ante notice: ot Society. Church. or other meeun s, all or which are In their essence a vertleemenu, mun be uld tor at the regular rate of loo. per Oo - THE LATEST LUGALr"H_APPENINGS. $x.oo PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE - smau: corms mm cum-I-V SPECIAL NOTICE. A ._-l_-_ _;. an , 1vre "51 U3l-D1l\l`\!CvlJ PKLHVI LITE: 1' of Fred. Egles, North} Lot 1. Co about 15! Sept, 5 Ewes. 3 Ewe Lam Lamb. All had rings on under 8!` liberal rpwa rd will he nffnred fnr t 93 DLVIIDDD . and 1 Ram f left car. A nturn. .1a..u.n :4, Innisl. . TO ALL WHOM IT MAYCON/CERN. SUCCESSOR T0 s. l. WINDRUM, 31 King St. East (up stairs) Toronto. Established 1880. IIIIWVI IIIIU I 39 "EUR SPECIALTIES. Highest Prices Obtained. gamo. ll 113.0 nngs OD under 81' I let` car. A lxberal reward will be offered for t ei etum. 42-44-p FULL LINE OF has the - suc- and ack --wire WEi1;_fEEEAup Puiiirnv :4 B (NI-an-A.A -nn-an Woon--At Allandale, on Sundav, 17th inst. William Wood, aged 88 years. KLL\'-At his late residence. :37 Tecumseh street, Toronto. on Oct. 0. 189;. Thos. L. Kelly. son of John Kelly, J. P., a. ormer resident of West Gwillimbury, and late of Pilkington, in his 54th \'PA I`. BATTF.N-0n Monday, 18th inst.. at Minesing, Emma Jane Kneeshaw. beloved wife of Mr. Fred. C. Batten. aged 30 years. 2 months, 23 days. Her end was peace. R9BI.\7SON-ln Sunnidale. on the 8th inst , Jane, wife of William Robinson, aged 50 years, 6 months. ol the late K. A. narnson: UIIIEX Justice or Un- tario. to Ethel (Kitt .) C. Talley. second daughter of the late W. J. ulley, actmg secretary of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council Ot- tawa. and formerly of Bath. Gloustershire. Eng. H,u'\\'ARD--S'TAMP--In Barrie. Oct. :4. by Rev. Alex. Lennox. of the Congregational church, Mr. William John Hayward, of Parry Sound. `to Miss Melissa Adelaide Dougall Stamp, of Barrie. CARLE\'~ VVARmcA-At Pnlnswick, Oct. zoth, by Rev. W. R. Mclntosh. B. A.. Mr. John Carley, Barrie. to Miss Ada Warnica, of Painswick. BURT--THORNTON-In Oro. on 12th lnst.. by Rev. T. Leggette, Robert D. Burt, to Miss Maggie E. Thornton. Con. 3, Oro. KELLY-TYNE--In St. Mary's church. Barrie. Oct. Iqth, by Rev. Father Swene . Mr. Bernard Kelly, of Flos Townshim to has Julia Tvne, second daughter of Mr. ichael Tyne, Dalston, Om Township. Lowixn, u: a nu... C Lms--In Barrie. Alla d 1 W d, 01-1897, a sun to Mr. and $133? W.aoll?:s.oct. Igth C D A -I-vi-u-II-l|1\ Caron- nn I paq. muuu nun MASO.\'-TILLEY-At the churqh of the Good Shep- herd,Sta\'ncr, Ont., on_ Frnday, Oct. 8th, bv the Rev. A. A. H. Wright, nncumbent, brother-in-law of the groom, Fr_ank H. Mason, advertising agent of the relignous weekhea. Toronto, son of G, 1. Mason. Harr Hall. Parkdale. and ne hew of the late R. A. Harrison. Chief Justice 0 On- .....:.. on IWI-ml (Vinny! C. Till;-v. not-nn tlnuuahtnp 1 According go natur ms of repayment." g I Easy te WUIU wiil . J. upnv--, - ~-- I L.-a_At Coldwater, on Wednesday. Oct. :3, the wife of James Lang. of a daughter. A A m%1:;%"bbE.:?:*::~d:::::*'="- **' We of NLOP-At Moonstone. on Oct. 7th. the wife of R, DU Dunlop. of a daughter. COWAN-At Moonstone. On Oct. 7th. the wifeof J. (Tnwan. of a son. secry. I Barrie, x5th Oct. 1897. ___.__.._.. UUNLDAVLL -------v ' . * And wish to enter a Busmess College that has 73 per cent. of its Graduates in ` good situations correspond with the Excelsior Business Uullega, Barrie; .. _...a.. An Fuln tn nrove this statement. RF: [F Yc~z?EMPLATING `-4 wkh to enter a: |'OST-STRAYED FROM THE P EMISEE I .-J l`.nA `D...l.... \Y,...ol.1 Int. an- .. I....:-Cl slab W EU 3 [`h'}Y A1,` 4 AND 5 rII.'il3e`in!l="l.7-9 fa - ,_ Y9 9 large nmniint .4` `...-.:.;.-.'a~.e:`a..v.:.Am-*1 n H | I 3 I I I I I 1 T V young man or wo_m_a.n' who _nd.s i_t neces- Is "y,55ume the responsnbnlmes of lxfe wnthout a. W3 . Business Educatign or a. gpecjal training useful and lucratwe poutnon Ana the com- ?'rwnAL ausmzss COLLEGE. L, ,_.___a.!__..I l'..-2l2A.3-- L- -._......_ l nAUUl|l\-Ia. _ ____`\ Documents on file to ` ` ` `* ~;,- prove this Sta 1 \ -,___- tement . J` R 0 088` P*Pnl. J `poN-.`viURRAY- At St. Paul's church. Montreal, on October 13, by Rev. Dr. Barclay, Dr. Fred- gck J, Capon. of Toronto. to A nes E. Muro . my, second daughter of the late ohn Murray, Esq. Montreal. ' rr -..... A1. 4.1.... -1...--1. A0 6L. (13.1 CI... )WA.V`-41; -uvuu--- Cowan. I, n.._..:.. qrnruvpvu .RoL'L--At Alliston, Monday, Oct. to, 1897. to Mn. w_ J, Sproul, a son. . A . (`-1 lumlmuu nn \X7nr`nnnr`nu (`pi -n 6|.` NE\V ADVERTISEMENTS. VI. No. 42 WHOLE N0 3315 l 9 . XL . VOL Smum. Wasx.u'._ Propnetor; '"""" 3| aua an kinda of Jlullto Ill 58 MARY s-rn:+:'r. BAR-RIB; llhlllill. l`.n..I- In..I...... 1-3.: --'-`- El}NDlCAPPED , up wo_t_n_q._n_ who_ f_i_qds i_t_ne pr! -11;; IVIMHY STREET... ghoul. Cnuh l'l'lc0IIId9 - &:__ -u UJ.:u.I.l.| 1111 U1 to nature of security. ;erms rcpavment; WANTED. - .. you-p-vs-u T V Returns Promptly Made. . our shippers everywhere. Correapon-" W. H. SI-II-\ , rzunuuml... Yonge and Gerrar streets, Toronto. PLAXTON J Ofces, Bothwelfs Block, Barrie. _ MARRIED. BORN. DIED. e airer. Raferenees frdm anufactureru. A .19-ly ,. an-nan.--r mg n:-inun'-- ,".ci l`-;;;rWe A `an - ELP. WANTED.-LlVE MAN ` Fresh 0 terron commission for thoroughly mlubio -and o d eatabliuhed rm. Adgltggp. 22:3 Bogtoxi otroef, Baltimore. Md, ` 3 ` ,4:-43.9 i5OYR7'sALn-Gooh_.;n1i1v\fhR, `BUGGYA Cutter. and Human. W`. % we % "-`>M;.c.`NN:x.s.',].'.j % BVVAFIRIE n7I'u" '.l'-l'xl'.'l:. WEP`{FM_Yv . A -- II 335133315, Ireland : Scenafy. I ' ` M ' d M . A ....5.`. a`.. `ra1...``?` MI . R6 lip. D - UI-I 1 E133 ' W88- raenb. .__l_ ltl'tn BEE . . Credit Sale. - _ Mrs. Jane Wright. Minesing Station, will sell by public auouion on Friday,'29ch inst., at 2 9 In. . her lame stock of horses, cattle, and Vxmplementa. See large posters. Geo. |Ford, auctioneer. V ' ' Farewell Tour of Favorites. The Souvenirsyave Arrived. We have seen an .a.dvan_ce copy of the Barrie Souvenir, and must 5;) it is inevery way very credipble. Every person -in. town, we are. satised. will want one,` at all evauts they should have it. V We undemtancl they will boon sale at Scott : Book Store .__-u-_-:___|_. ., iEnIN.!24.n_1H.E.?;Ei.r1I.t4'S 00! A meeting of-the-Iigrrieulicckey Club will be held at the Wellington Hotel on Friday, .22nd in`st.,sat 8 p m., for the purpose of election of oicers, etc. It is the intention to enter teams in both the interme into and junior series, and as we have a f t lotiof Juniors we expect to have a. better season s hockey than we had last year. This meet- ing is not for members of the club only, but all who are interested in the game are in- vited to attend. .: V .-.-----:Q-4 !'Cull and sec`; 0 Lumps. H. H. Out VIII? VV III III exclusively. Ullllg . and Terrible Railway Collision. At ve o'clock on Thursday morning of last week the C. P. R. express train dashed into a freight train while running at forty miles per hour, resulting in the death of four men and serious injury to two others. The accident occurred east of Stittsville, near Ottawa. The engines were smashed into scrap iron, and the mail and express cars and a few freight cars piled thirty feet high. The accident was the result of some mis- understanding or a disobedience of orders. 4`, 7, ,, A Girl's Strange Death. Miss L. J. Smith, of Sanford, died on Friday, the 8th inst., under eculiar circum- stances. She was a healt y active girl, twenty years of age. A week ago she went out to the front lawn to rake upthe leaves and pull down some wild-cucumber vines. She squeezed some cucumber` bu_lbs to get out the seed for planting next year but in doin so touched a pimple on her chee `with her agar, and it is supposed that the` juice of. the vine` entered it. for blood poisoning -set in, resulting in death. . Harvest .Eom,e..8erv1oes. . The annual Hat-v.est Hoihe'eerv.ices in con- nection with held onsunda . morning church was beautifully ducts of all kinds, and evening, The decorated with pro- emphasis being given the root dlspla . all renresentative of the full harvest; he pastors sermon in the even.- ing was Lessons from the squash, and many practical suggestions were given. A van: .m'.......c..I u......--. -1---; W - - Elizabeth street church were .Luv vuuar nu um unurcn S3112 IZWO anthems, the first being a special and good rendering of "All Hail. ' . E'Before bu inf: ' it : a. dgndy. unt Bu Thanks ,to the Fire _.__._.-- _ -v --no o no`: Marrln. . . .We. hereby desire to pnb1' with sincere thanks the t services of the member brigade, and of Mr. watchman, at the lat factory. We feel been for the pro ment the buildin have been destro d. 'l\A_A_.____ n I`! $553 y acknowledge elv. and eicient the Barrie re arrin. our night re at Mr. Geo. Ball`a ured that had it not t and skiltul manage- d entire contents must ---.._., ,...-.vv.vuu ruuHQVI|lUllD ware gIVBll. A very successful Harvest Home social took place on Monday evening and was largely_attended.s Seven little girls. viz. Ruby Carson. Lillie Somerville, Norma Simmons, Basel Tucker, Ruby Bowen, Lenore Gallagher and Bertha Redditt, de- lighted the large audience in-two Kinder- garten selections, vis., Autumn Leaves, and Good bye to Summer. Miss I-[ill showed much ability as a contralto singer in. two solos. Mr. Foucar gave a splendid reading entitled, The Baby Corpse. Rev. W. R. Mclntosh, B. A.. of Allandale, gave another of `his bright ,,and sparkling ad- dresses. Dr . Washington sang to the de-' light of all two solos, the first one being of re igious character, and the second patriotic. The choir of the church sang two anthems, rat bin R. linnnial and nnnr` IIAI|t`Avs:u\1n _- w--use `av QIAOIAGJILISVO Mr. McGowan, who was superintendin work on the road near Midhurst. `hag authority, it appears. from the Vespra Council to take gravel from an unused con- cession road, a by road having for years been used for public tra_i_iic. This unused line is enclosed on property held by Mr. Lowry and he forbade McGowan taking the gravel. Hot words passed between them. and on a subsequent day Reeve Richardson andMr. McGowan together in a buggy, met Mr. Lowrie near the disputed line, and the Euarrel was resumed, the result being that owry grabbed McGowan by the whiskers and dealt him a severe blow over the head with a stick. The Reeve interfered and pre- vented further injury. Lowry appeared in the police court `on Friday to answer the charge, and was ned $5 and costs. or in all over $20. `_ V. V

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