Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Oct 1897, p. 6

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DUNN S BAKING R. L. BARWICK, 36-tf Bank of Toronto Buildings, Barrie. . -r OPP. POST OFFICE. BARBIE. wvvI\ V nil-U1 I I\ll-III '|'3ac.:s1' SAL! m_ AmmA. .poRw?Nc:~.E6oDs ,0 THE (SNLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET Guns,_ Rifles, Gun and Rie Powder, Shot, MONEY. uvnvv Juan 5 `cu:-u-cg--u-ysvu Very elegant wall pockets are made of ` old hats. Indeed, the possibilities of old or new straw hats_are endless. You take a roughly braided bathing hat which on ` wore -last summer at the beach, 'ne it wi-th azure-satin, twist it to any graceful shape you please, on the upper surface of the arm brim paint or embroider a group of owers, and to the lower attach a large bow of ribbon with broad loops, and you have an ornament which sets off the wall splendidly. The deep crowns form the pocket, and -the brim makes the pic- turesque part, _and you would hardly suppose that with so -little you could do so much toward the brightening; or a dull room. Father's summer straw hat (which you hid away in the attic. so that he should be com elled to buy a new one) will lend itse 1.` to your ideas of the beautiful very readily. `Line. it with crimson annel, fasten` a cluster of wheat, a bunch of summer grasses, or a few spears of oats to one side, `and tack one bit of the brim down with a bow, and there you are with the scrap basket, which is just what you need in- in the sitting room or library. %~*B?`wRRIEE AND STRQU D. WIRENIJLINE MEDIBINES A sure cure for Headache, Dxzziness, Constlpation. Indi~ gestion, Bi liousness, `I2:-3 n}: We D; can an COIILULI, I)! I av uauuuu, Bnght s Disease. Diabetes. Paralvsis, Cogvulsions, Heart: Dxsease, etc., etc. Bradford St , S S-Lot 11 and pt. 1,0312 with comfortable frame dwe11in_v. Cumberland St., N S-Pt. of Lg_)t `Z6. Jacobs Terrace, S S--Lot:= 7 and 10, Marcus St., E S-Pt Lot 23. FARM, TOWN AND OTHER LANDS L FOR SALE [ BARBIE - CENTRE \\'AP.I)S. j Dunlop Street, S S-Large Brick Building, known as The Moore Block. Part of Lot 12, occupied as a livery stable, Part of Lot 26. -_L `KT 0 T .A._ n: 1___,'.I 1 Llllla UI JJUII (ill- Dunlop Street, N S-L0ts 25 (with ing house) and 26. Collier Street, S S-Lots 40 and 41. John Street, N S--Part Lots 5 and 6 BAI .RIE-\VEST \VAl .I). Bradford Street, W S-- Parts Lots 33 and 34. Bradford Street, E S-Lots 22, 23, 31an13-2, Bradford Street, E S--(Thompsou'.s Block; Lot 8. Charles Street, W S-Pt Lot 49 Ehzabeth Street, (Boys Rlock) S S-Lot Sanford Street, E S--Parts Lot. `Z1 and '22. Oliver St, N S Park Lots 16 and 17 Q 1-` A Oliver St, SS-- Park Lots 13, 14, 15 3 L Bay Shore-2 blocks of land, about 7:10., with saw mill. xsuvvwnu `Viva lav u..... The use of owers, such as rose leaves and violets, for making confections is well-known. Now the nnsturtium is treated in a -like manner, and _the pro- ducts are received with much favor. This ower 'and its pungent leaves are said to possess valuable dietetic proper- sz... .....I own nlmmml among the most Blake Street: N S- Lots 48 and 49. Blake Street, S S -Lots 37 and 38. Cndrington Street, S S-Lots 23, 27, and pt 26. Amelia. Sfiteet, N and S S-Lots 5, 6, 7. Eugenia Street, 8 S- Lot 5. Theresa Street, N S-Lots 4, 5, 6, 7. LNNISFIL. Pt Lot 11 in 14th Con. This property in cludes Minet Point, and has on in a number ot beautiful building sites. SUNNIDALE. Pt E 4} 12 in 10th, W S R, about 85 acres. TESPILA. W 1} 24 in 6th Con. This parcel would be rented on an improvement lease. Pu W 1} 25 in 6th Con., about 90 acres. W 5 in 6th Con. W 1} 5 in 7th Con. Well timbered. Lot 13 in 11th Con. _ ` Park Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 on F. .1_;*2`2 111 ozh Con , 21 acres Park Lot 6 on 25 in 7th Con.. 5 acres. .STRATHY a. S_TEN ,0. I-I. LYON & SON. J.G.SCOTT DRAIN PIPE, PURTMND CEMENT ;.i-AV`?5` Mifactory. try our It means satisfaction- At very Low Prices and on Easy Term wit-hes to vary tne menu. The latest accession to the dietary list is that favorite fall ower, the chrysnn- themum. Those that have tried this ower food proclaim it to be as pleasant to taste as it `is beautiful -to look upon. Chrysanthemums areserved as a salad with a French dressing, orchopped ne with a. nicely seasoneds `cream sauce poured over them. The owers have a avor somewhat similar to the caulei-' ower . but -more delicate. A a{........`.-`I +`Ima- tho Ii`:-nnnh it-on.` Lot 12. S S 7th Street. Lots 41 and 42 in 6311 Con., Not1a\x'aseg.;. onmms RESPECTFULLY sdmcxmu Lot 5 in let Con, Lot 5 in 2nd Range. E Q Lot 20 in 10th Con. 14-ly ---Dealer 1n-- ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS Water Mme. Plaster of Pa:-Incl` Or I: v YB Roas Bnl3ock. Foot of Toronto 5" Telephone. BARBIE, ONT- Barrie. BARRIE- SIXTH \VA P. I ). saw to possess vumume ultncuu pxupcnr ties and are_ `classed among the most approved addmons for salads and sand- ` wiches to vary the menu. Fl... Ind-ng+ unnnnninn in fhn dinrfnrv lit BUCCESSOR T0 BARBIE---EAST VVARI). WEAR! ma. COLLINGWOOD. -Odronnn 7, 1897. ORO. i &~l I nun v, Solicitors, &c., Barne. YARDS 9 mnrnnto Three > Excellent } Farms. 9! die. but more delicate. A A dbwer salad that the French CODE, sider a great delicacy is made 11-om the- young pink'and white clover blossoms. ' Noveltlou in SIQIIIGWIVCHOIV ` All bread sandwiches `should be made of bread at least twenty-four hours old. The slices should be very thin; the crest. should be `cutoff, and the shape otthe sandwich whatever the "whim, ':Io1.Vthe\ maker dictates. . _. . , 1u..+I.:.m mm hp more (men than let- maker dictates. ' . Nothing gun be are crisp. than .let- I tuce sandwnches. preacl buttered` s]1ces of bread with salad dressing;-a'nd place between them small lettuce leaves. rm. rnalrn nhnnfnnt snndwiie bail between tnem Imau lettuce 1eu_n:a. To make ghestnut san_dw1Eli`es boil chestnuts u1_1t11 _tender, peel and rub through a w1re's1eve. Butter bread and spread _ the _ chestrgut paste` over 1!, sprinkling wxth a_ httleA _salt._ , ` 7 'l`n mains -4-heme` sandwiches snread Bprinkllng Wit!) 8., nine` sun. - To make cheese Vsan_dwichea spread thin slices of bread wlth. butter and grated cheese, and then. slightly toast; put togeth'er,_and~ sews] hot. g `Wafer m-an-1mm- w an unread with n `tl ect"se` thatvnuex riehced `jelly-1 Axn:k[,~ may`-eui 151.. E: `hush, will :*0113931 `before you trans-,-_ 193901` 01' CITE 1! lI}VU_lVu_' ll.|_ 'JClI .' _- making, Peaches` 'snd__ \pea,rs,fa_.1_1d evgn; cm`-rants, when over-r1pe,._~_conta,1n. no ht- ` _ 9 ,1}: niade entrants-~;under_ pe:.,_and `fresh tromthe .n....=n. 5...`... 4|... hn.H>ln`.'+n +.lm~ mmh1ei~.--` put togetner JEIICI servl nut. a Water crackers, vs; en spread -with grated cheese. and phghtly browned In ` the oven, make delicioui sandwiches. M1811. will ;. 00.118911 nexpre you `can ,|-Iqlla-`_ jet it (mm `the kettle to the` tumbler.-V--" lira. 8. 1`. Ron-eAr. in Ladies Home Jon;- - . :23. gf4;7. MAKING Husamos HAPPY. IIIU X-B5!!!` u &'z,uuU vw_-nova. plea contain ho `much pcta thht labor for care V it .involvgd'- in jelly-3; :.'.'.: Peaches and bears: -ind even J the making 5-,: Quit Jqum. I I - W, ; - `.._ _._--1. ....`.A.-..- A !_ Straw Hat Possibilities. Flowers Nica to Eat. '`9$; it r t'eV`l",7il".'# `ii . {C ` `_`llI_`I0=?'il`ll16`:---A"`..[ addi tiiiiie:ii_o? thfe qsineii-al frefvival pr business yous moments happy 0 umber #516 to report llioslin thefluinber biisinesshas Dis? '` strict` and that theie are times in sight." {The `Star must beifwell aware" thatit is not a;liimber boom at iall, but . a real boom, taking Ontario's ne logs across the lake :to*-the Michigan mills; and Canadian mill owners and mill hands continue to suffer. During` a part` of September a total of over 12,000,000 feet of logs were taken into Michigan, and towards the end of the month the tugs Manistique and "Pro- tector took over `a e monstrousraft of .67,000 pieces. The Algoma Pioneer reports that there are only two sawmills in Sonic 8 e. Marie and French River, one at Thessalon and one at French River. The mills at John Island (120,- 000 per day), Cutler (]60,000 per day),A and three at Little Current are idle. John Island` mill had a contract to out. 12,000,000 feet, but the agreement has been rescinded and -timber rafted to Tawus, Mich. In- fact, with the two exceptions'sta.t.ed, says the Pioneer, the entire cut of the north shore. is being rafted across the lake and sawn at mills in the State of` Michigan, and the ex- tensive lumber trade of this great terri- tory 'is blottedsout. V . "EDITORIAL Nome. A new Canadian stamp will be is- sued in December. Ic_will contain a pieture of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, as she appeered at the Coronation; and will be decorated in one `corner with a. maple leaf. The barbers of Paris, Ont., are up in arms against the_Board of Health for enacting the following stringent regu-p laticns :-.All the barbers" metal in- struments must be plunged, directly after use, into boiling soapy water, and all other combs must be replaced by metal ones, which are more easily` dis- infected. iScissors,_rszors, clippers and brushes must be kept over a stove heated up to 100 degrees 0., ormust be placed in a closed receptacle, in the lower part of which there is a strong disinfecting solution. Shaving brushes , before being used, must be `plunged into boiling water ;'all barbers must wash their hands between customers. The rain fell at different places linthel county during J uly is given as follows I. in the Weather Review : ' The Management Committee of the Public Schools of Toronto have recom- mended :- That after consideration of the question referred to us of `religious, instruction in the` schools, we beg to report that in our `opinion it would not be desirable to devote any part of the. regular school `hours to" the giving of sectarian or denominational instruction in the schools. Rev. Dr. Langtry, of the church of England, in an interview as` to the probable result of this step, said, I think it will result in an agi-L; tation for Separate schools amongst our own clergy and cur own people. Fair Notes. Country people patronized the fair- better than t Jwnapeople. I.` Ila` , Vs'$m;!*r;;i was `;tol|en, in apife of the: vigilange of the constables. T-'.'l`he ioung man and his girl were not? do much in evidence as of old. ` go` much `fruit prveael-Vving done surely` more mighbe shown. 7 m._B&c's~z';7;'_a7x;o.i\T1:1-uigemzuvnt might be given for work done byjgirls under fourteen. I I ,- L- `Same c:f ;aney work have be- come familiar from oft -repeated appear- ance.` _ ` T A -8. - i _ Wdniier.ifo.ddin a few ladieqto the; managing committee would. improve matters. 9 A Mr. J. 0. Morgan thinks that ooutlty aned. township agricultural societies will have to reduce their show days from two or threeto one,.and whenthie is done, and not "till then, they will regain . ` V their popularity. Ooe-dayhvahow with- big crowds, a ;lot_ of hustle and plenty , to he 'aeeo,lw`x1l_jappjear. iwnnore`auoansgl theirix"much:1I`u6rFattn;lnca{:gd>`?the3_ Bow to Fulll the sac:-ct`! Duty at Every ' ' Married Woman. -Recipes for maltin _- husbagxds hamgy are almost as multntu mous as dyspepsia cures; but -one or the most" notable ad- ditions to the list, which possesses a-t least the charm of novelty, was that.pte- scribed at a recent meeting 01; .the Bro- tessional Women s League, `in New York, by Mrs. Emma Sheridan Fry, who in a brightly humorous paper a on the trivolities other sex threw out this spe- ninn ' One of the ci1rioaiti_ge.on the fruit table: was an exhibit of eight dibrent varieties of. apples, on one tree, by Mr. Tool. V - 4. --n ' _ _.g . _g -; It? 'is(.;_:r_epo`r6`e`tlLA iveak i8%%inr9IiI*8%ahd%thnt 11 *i1I.noo rs11v% iron` his extrema f69b19sI- 4 % Collingwood. -. . . . (I-ulin . \4V|lll-I5 W Vvu o I Orillia. .. l'\-I .I__4.-_ \ I IIIII I I O I O I Q C I I Goldwater." . . . . . . Barrie . . . . . . . . . . uanni+unHmum mns. asrrtjnp-`BY sixi-'. Z0..E AND nwraxo-r ` mxommems AS Loan. mews And mm Paras .'renha`fcr "Advance Readers Who Like the narrow or the Heat. _ TOTTElHA M--The village by-lewa re- quire revising and consolidating. . . . Repaiifs` are urgently. needed at the tcwnevheli. . . .'1`he big picnic in Adjala; was a great success. Ellie McGarrity won` the cake and Miss ldardon secured the clock. _` e uuuo . - ,, I asked a friend or mine, who is the hap- iest woman I know-that is to lay, whose usband is the happiest man I know-how Ihe managed it, and shesaid: Good looks! ood dressing! and irting!" And when`! nquired about the irting, she explained: A woman may or may not irt with her husband before she marries him. That is as she chooses. But to flirt with her hul- band after she marries him is the second duty of every woman!" "'\rD--~_ --_---......-A ncvnnw uvnrnnn `IRE ` WAUnAUs11mu:-The. mill is likely (0 close within; a week or ten days. . . . Mrs. `Swat-tman, vihile wheeling, Mon- day, had thamisfortune to fall and dia- looata her ahoulder.....'.'1`he*Social Club gave another very enjoyable hop last Tuesday night, WAVEBLEY-Mr. F. Robinson lost a ne horse last week in `a very peculiar manner. Theh horses were racing across the elds when one of them stumbled and A fell, a projecting root completely severing. the jugular vein, the horse `expiring in ten minutes. PENETAtiGUisHENE -There are a. few small boys aching to see what the in- side of the lock-up looks like ; they are on 9. window smashing _tour . . . .Fa.rm- ers are complaining of dry weather. They `say it is almost impossible to "plough, the ground being "so hard and dry. -KIRKVILLE-The tea. meeting was a. `success nancially and otherwise `; pro- ceeds, $50 . .Sunday night services are disturbed by the hooting of a few hoodlume . . . .Grain is turning out fair- ly well, . ; .P1ume sold freely in this neighborhood at 10:3; and 15c. per basket for choice lombards. Tnom>souv1Lm:-Mr. W. I. Clark is erecting a large silo. . ._ .Miss Bella. Bray, eldest daughter. of Mr. George Bray, was married last week to Mr. Leonard Patterson, fof Ivy . . . . Serious doubts are entertained as to the growth of fall wheat in this section. . .Very few cases of potato rot are reported. CLOVER HILt.--At 0. joint meeting of . the congregations of First Essa, Burn's, and Dunn's church, Presbytery of Barrie, a nnsnimona call was~extend- ed to the Rev. J. E. Smith, late mis- sionary at Sudbury. Mr. Smith has accepted the call and will be inducted } into his new charge about the 11th inst. V - I STAYNIB--Mr. Wm. Train thresher, says that he has read a great deal in the papers about the big wheat yields-. This `gentieman, with Messrs. Jones and Shaw, engineer and feeder respect ively, have been up and down Sunni- dale for nearly a month now, threshing out on an average 1,000 bushels of grain a day. He says Sunnidale can hold its own. ELMVALI--MiB8 Switzer, teacher, has resigned to accept a similar posi- tion at Oollingwood . . . .The Methodist church `will be either enlarged, or a new building erected. . . .Mr. R. Pat- terson fell from the horse he was riding and fractured his wrist. . .'.Mr. R. H. Middleton has been re`-appointed Col- lector of Flos township. This will be `his gtwelfth year. ' ' no '1\ I1 I 7 BHVEAVERTON---Mr.l Ken." Davidson has sold his fine team of draught mares to Mr. Young, of Nova Scotia, for the handsome sum of $500. .Miss Annie ,.Logan, who was trampled beneath. a team in Toronto, after being knocked off her bicycle, died from the injuries, on Sunday, 26th inst. Her remains were. buried here on Wednesday, 29th int. a Business places were closed dur- ihg the funera . " 1:-3 1- 11- `r_s___a.-,_ _1__ AI.I.1s'roN'--Mr. J. H. Johnston, who has carried the mails to and from Allis- ton station for about seven Vvears, is `about to retire on Oct. 1st. Some time ago the Postmaster-General called` for tende_rs for the work and the oontraot was awarded -to Mr. J. Holland at 7 c. per`-trip, a reduction of one cent on the former price. . .Mr. 'D. MeRae lost two valuable hounds last week from sonieunknown disease. . -...The Herald complains of in the railway postal servi u ` 1-I1 n:n.I--__ -113 `El I"""' "- 'On1Lt.u-W. H. Sibley, of R. H. Jupp 8c 00. : eioe, has left for parts unknown "leaving behind him $50 `in unpaid bills; beaidesthree weeks board hill-gtl the Daily house. .Mr. Tobiee` `Wallace had e._abr_o_ke of parelyais on ?llTuesdnye,morning: lent which ne7a.rly`;-re- gulhed. `fatally . Seoretety V _Thomaon ri_epor%t;uh}thet 853 .ent1-lee` were made" _at AIM i9li13nE ;:*hP9l `m!dee'ih -eoroiary f;eh?*h.1l .E?binB`vr91,:-0: ,.`v .4. \ ~ .-,;- ~ . . l ,99z:; _.Scro fulai:ipiis" . word fyou `don t quite understand, -butifw "you talk owith your doctor, ` he will -tell your that it is generally helieved. to be due i to the sine oause `Which. gives rise to Consumption. It a ears mostl in those PP Y _ who are fat-starved and thin, usually in early life. A course of treatment of Scott's Emulsion with the Hypo- phosites wherever Scrofula manifests itself, will prevent : `the development of the dis-- __.-- 3 -. I } ease. Let us send you a: book. F rec. ` V We have urchaaed and reopened `the Barrie Steam Laun ry. 34 Bayeld street. with the latest modern aggliances for all classes of work. PAT- BONIZ A HOME IN IDUSTRY, and have our ri all at Eaufdoor. SPEOIA L ORDERS DEL YER D TIIE SAME DAY. STEAM LAllN|lRY| MIDLAND--The rate of taxation for the current year is 22 mills. . . .`'The progress of this town is retarded more or less, says the Free Press, by an occasional exhibition by a few of the citizens of ferocious bitterness towards some fellow citizen whose only offence generally is honesty. . . . . Midlanders discuss these questions :-Do you think the mills will run next summer? Do you think [the elevator will be built? What do fyou think of the prospects for my making money if I go to the Klondyke? . Do you think Great Britain and the United States really mean to fight ! H-N%:%9A3hs8e?Br- Orlllla Teachers. The regular monthly meeting of the teachers of the public school was held in the Central School on Friday, 24th , ult., the Principal, Mr. McKee, in the chair. Mr. Knox was elected secre- tary. After some routine business, the chairman explained that the delay in granting promotion certicates was owing to the fact that they had not been signed by the Inspector. The committee on moral training reported, and their recommendation was adopt- ed, namely, to present the subjects to the classes this term as follows :-( 1) Purity of thought, word, action. '(2) Obedience to parents, to teachers, to all in authority. (3) Respect to elders, to strangers." (4) Kindness to dumb`ani- male, to their companions. (5) Hon- esty. (6) Truthfulness. (7) Unsol- 1n\ `l\I0 In\-"ls, 1 shness. (8) Politeness. (9) Regard for the rights of others, in public ga- therings, property. (10) Reverence for sacrdd things, the Ten Command- ments. (1 1) To do right for the sake of right. (12) Temperance in all things. (13) Self control.` (14) Pa- triotism. (15) Industry. (16) Acon- position, or .summsry,- to I be. written duty OI e\'cry Wuluuua Before marriage every woman has her own ideas as to the best way by which a. husband may be made happy. "After marriage a` ehunge is too apt to come o'er the spirit of her dreams. In `too many cases she feels privileged to look trowsy and to dress slouchily; and as to irting with her better _half-except. to flirt the price of an Easter bonnet out of his _poc1get`-she is_more `apt to c_on- -..a,... u-4-mhnn xxnfh him as mcomnutible after each lesson. It was decided to place three of the best educational papers on the table of the teachers room in each school. Miss Dale, Miss Buck- ley and Mr. Cole were authorized to make the selections. Suitable" dates were xed upon for'the raising of - the ags. _ The offer of the Publishsr s-Syn- dicate was not accepted. Allthe pupils of jhonor`_ab le mention at last examine."- tion are voted the privilege ol reading of the library books; presented chm Wk- T- 9- *'Defeo- inlha Limit 1`a_b1e`,`f will his at fths` to be .h- :a*g'-- :0oto.1nr[ Chili, 8:909`.-5`-Ono pogk j at ripe to-V nix pepperdrw-it .m9na.`. two easpgqntnls each `_f-`ofxgijondf-_I}let` (SUCCESSOES TO E. S. LALLY.) SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville,V0. BARRIE T. gndrcggkgtg of all kinds in stock or made to order. Robes, Grape" and `al_1Funera.l Requisites furnished Orders by"Telegraph or rotherwlse promptly attended to, ' G. o. DOLMAGE, immager, Stroud. PAPER, BRASS. IND LOADED SHOT SHELLS A Plough Lines, Plough Points, Churns, Lan- D terns, Root Baskets, Rubber Knee Covers, Coal Qil, Harness Oil, Paint Oil, Carriage and House Paints, and Builders Hardware, of his pocket`--sue !8 more up: not cun- nider irtation with him as incompatible with her ideas of true Wifely duty than to set about it with that light touch of spontaneity which alone can give it savor. Mrs. Fry is a humorist; but her` huinor on this que_tion veils a sound -.1..1,.m.n1no T-Tor 1-mnio nx'frn('.t of (3011- `The PLEASANT, PURE AND HEALTHFUL ' Guaranteed to cure PHRENUIINE out and Neuralgia. Specific A I`lI'A nrlre Tm` gestion, Biliousness, P" H E N 0 NE Bright's _ Paralysis, Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only at seams DRUG STOREI uulauurlnuu U .IJl`o LLUUIU ll III-IIIIIIJIGIIUII HID remedies for Inebrietv and Drug addictions. Write for literature giving full particulars of treatment. The only place in the Province of Ontario authorized by Dr. Keeley to administer his manna;-`:nn `no, TI'|`\II;nl I1 ant` nnnn IIl`l`:l`lf:l\I`I ADDRESS 3 TFIE KEELEY INSTITUTE. $} to loan on Farm or Town property. for loug or short time with easy terms of repaymen I)-.__-_____ _..__-; __;_-._,l___ A`__A E; 9- l'__ A, ,,_., -1` .....o V. ....v.- .-_._ u --.. --..l .v...... V- --r... .-.`...-. Borrowers must remember that it is the terms of repayment they should consider. 1'1` ,__,,, A,,._-..A A._ ,1 -,__- t_II, I _ .1 I, , , Y "I B11310!` U118 quvsuuu vcua u. auuuu philosophy. Her triple extract of con- Juga-l happiness might fail to prove in-` variably successful; but it can, at least. be recommended as harmless. Indeed," if she had only omitted the ingredient of irting. which needsoto be administer- ed with caution, she might have been credited with a formula for happiness worthy to be recommended to all of her sex, single at well as married. -vr-, --no.-w -.v, -.-v--- vv-unu--o If your present mortgage falls due this year, I will hold your money to pay it of? without any charges for interest and you can arrange now for its pay- ment when due. It costs you nothing to ascertain my terms. I have a good 100 acre farm for rent, clay, ood tngdfngs, Township of Innisl, about 5 miles rom I12. ' iron '_l"wEN.'l'Y-SEVEN YEAERS spice, cloves, and cinnamon, wo cup- fula _ of brown sugar, ve cnpfula of Q,__ A _,`LA, 1 2 Citron l ickle.-Pare and out citron into ` such pieces as you like; boil in water with a very small piece of alum until tender, then drain; boil together for ten minutes three quarts of vinegar, four pounds of sugar, and one fourth pound of osssisbuds ; put in the cit- ron, boil ve minutes. Tolnnto. Sweet Pickle.-For `this take seven pounds of tomato, three pounds of sugar-,_o.ne_ quart of vinegar ; ' `the vinegar` and sugsr together, cook, the tomatoes in the liquor ;_ ' boiling twenty minutes. Then intake; out the tolistoes put in "s v hoenircv min ---c-- v- fuv vv 1 A-IVII \IIyllII-IIIC UL vinegar; salt to taste. ` Soald and skim tomatoes, chop onions and peppersne. Boil all together three or four hours, than bottle :nd seal.` COMPANY OF ONTARIO, (LIMITED). 582 Shetbuurne-81., TORONTO, ONT. lliepper; dh ijntineg; Call. or write me. 1$jj-2 fuecoicsalasr FRIEND I AnP_l'Q`I' Al E In nunnn llousekeeper s Alphabet. Apples: as possible without freezing. Brooms: Hang in the cellarway to keep soft and pliant. Cranberries: Keep under wat- er, in cellar; change water monthly. Dish of hot water set in oven prevents cakes, etc, from scorching. Eeommrze time, health and means, and you Will never beg. Flour: Keep cool, dry and securely covered. Glass: Clean with one ` quart of water, mixed with a tablespoon of ammonia. Herbs: Gather when the- Keep in_ a dry place, as cool I 1 inning to blossom; keep in paper bag. , nk stains: Wet with spirits turpentine; after three hours, rub well. Jars: To prevent, always keep your temper. Kee an account of all supplies, with cost a date when purchased. Money: Count carefully when you-` receive change. Nut- megs: Prick with a pin, and it good. oil will run out. Orange and lemon peel, dry, pound and keep in corked bottles. Parsnips: Keep in the ground until spring. _ Quick silver and white of an egg destroys bedbugs. Rice: Select large, with a clear, fresh look; old. rice may have Insects. Sugar: For family use, the granulated is the best. Tea: Equal parts of Japan and een are as good as English breakfast. se cement made of ashes, salt and water for cracks in stove. Variety is the best culinary spice. Watch your. backyard for dirt and `bones. Xan-tippe was a scold; don't imitate her.. Youth is best preserved by a cheerful temper. . Zinc-lined sinks are better than wooden ones, and regulate the clock by your husband s watch, and in all rtion- ments of -time, remember the iver.

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