_' nnrrw. nluuon and ureemore. , ` Lnmzox 8: Boys, . 1 . _ Elmvale ' A Barriogoce-cor. Dunlop and Owen sts. Elm- vgleode-oppouite Hunt's hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates. b A . HEWSON 8: CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- tors of jhe Su reme Court of Judicature of Ontario. Proctors. otaries. Conveyancers. etc. Moneyto loan. Oices-Ross Block, Barrie. [1 '1) `II ______ _- A vs II :1 ` itors. &c. Hwam-on Lmmox. W. A. Bcvs. '-Gun. E. L Rnrvn. )R. BUSANKO, DENTIST, has removed to his Old oice. over Hendern:\n'n tlnrurarn es"..- JOHN Dxcxmsox, B.A. D. F. MACWATT. MCCARTHY. Panza, Mccnwmv 8; DUNCAN, - Alliston and Cteemore. MCCARTHY, Pxpnnx Coxnovnn &.MCCARTHY u-{Illa _ _-..vr -v., --.--u- WELLINGTON Aura`. PALMER;Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nos; 40 College strn-.1-_|'._']'nrnntn_ mav he nnn- [ T. ARNAIZL, M.D.C.M,, office in Bot.hwell's . Block, Allandalc. On the premises at night. 43-1) 3B.I'l'lCo Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 Del Cllt- Nm1=o'r1s-rs AND Nmporrsnk. Hon R. W. Scott gave his brother `a_ _ position in the, Government land oioe in Battleford. H. H. Snu-nnr, Q.C. 4 VETERINARY SURGEONS. m. puonnnu, unm 1'1b"1`, has removed oice, over Henderson : Hardware store. OUNT & LOUN1, Barristers, Solicitors, Proc- I fnrn- Nnfhon, Fnnunuannnra Rrn Gm:-an onu- KULT & COWAN,.BartisIers, Solicitors of the Sun:-on-In .(IIIPf prnnfnrc NTnI>au-33: Fnnumy- i `A; RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. fa Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyance: etc. [ee--First door Owen street, over Bank 0 Com- Ef- R9 l'l';, Al\_AR W. PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public- Convevancen-_ &c. OH}:-1;: aver `Fraser. ..._Z_.___ MANUFACTURES. ?------ |. `QKUWN. Barrie. Alliuon and Creemore. 'I,uvuunv 2! Ann FINANCIAL. . ..J--avw-Our One of Sir itiohard Cartzvrighfa sons 1; Deputy Attorny-General for On- PHYSICIANS. OFFICIAL. DENTISTS. HOTELS. H. sgyvnev `.1 sansxactonly. Hot _-Bayeld Street, Bar- ;. successor: tn nan u -uauunacturlng or gs, etc. Planin of satisfactorily. ot Baveld Sfl-not Rav- LL COMPANY- manufacturing of 78. Planinor nf A. E. CRBSWICKE. Hon. A. Hardy` aids his brother to 8 judgeahip. -.L-5--- ncer, xssuer of B cf:-:1-u -.-inns.` AUCTION Aux. Comm. G. H. ESTER. [Cross-Cut Sa.W9 Scroggie & Smitl'1W1suranceAgent8, .,._,...a. $500,000. uoverjnment 0t`P0~"" """'Co The Waterloo:Mutual_Fire Insurance ` Capital $5oo.oco. The Economical Fire Insurance Co.,B9 _ Total Assets $340,000. Money to Loan on rst mortgages. C0""3 a"cmg done. Accounts collected, etc. ...u.w uuu. .I.'1.l.'U 1IlbU.I'8.I1C8 UHICS OI Lnuuuv-' -England. The oldest purelv Fire Insurancf Co. m the world. The Insura._nce Company of: North Amen` ca` Capital $3n00,000. The Mercantile Fire Insurance Company` Pita] $50.ooo. Government deposit made- 'I"`hn \Kfn -I `1'TIl-_ _ -I-__ _.---nv\I\ C0. nu-u uun vr. IHIVUILHJ REPRESENT rm: Fouowmc. Co.\n~.mEs: The Sun Fire Insurance Office of Lond0n~ England. the world. v_-vva`.g ILl\& '7 us. vv- courtegus manner. , P.S.--N ever pass the Ind1' {j '"'c....;;...;:; Tit; the following` named in the eld :- Dundae...Lt.-Col. J. P. Whitney, Q.O. S. Lanark . . . . . . . 001. A. J. Matheeon N. Lamar]: . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Dr. Preston E. Northumberland . . . . Dr. Willoughby W. York . . . . . . . . . . . .J. W. St. John Lennox-. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Dr. Meacham N. Perth . . . . . . . . . . . .Thos. Magwood E. Simone . . . . . . . . . . .A. Miecampbell E. Victoria . . . . . . . . . ..J. H. Carnegie W. Viotoria.. .S.J.Fox E. Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. M. Mason W. Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Hall N. Grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G. M. Boyd W. Elgin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .McDermid W. Huron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jos. Beck 8. Huron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Eilber C. Simone. . . . . . . . . .A. B. Thompson N. Ontario ...... . . . . . . .N. W. Hoylea N. Wentworth... . . . . . . F. A. Wardell Welland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. H. Pew W. Durham . . . . . . . . . . . .W. H. Reid E. Huron. . . . . . . . . . . . . .H. Mooney N. Hastings . . . . . . . . . . . .W. J. Allan` Prince Edward . . . . . . . . . . J an. Gibson N. Essex. . . . . . . . . .Geo. Wintermnte N. York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .001. Wailing E. York. . . . . . . . . . . . ...J. W. Moyea s $CROGG|EZ& SMIATH. 'l..`h6y can always Vbank on getting the BEST QUALITY for the `LEAST CASH. and waited on in 3 DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES D11 STUFFS, SOAPS, comas AND BRUSHES. TOILET ARTICLES-A FULL LINE. ` r;3Ec3AUsE Do people always go 1? GRAN; jHAANMER's for then` Tub Cigars, etc., etc.'I 2 Doors West of the Barrie Hotel. GEORGE -1- MONKMAN, cnsmsr AND DRUGGIST % [OWEN STREET. , IN THE FIELD. c Our friends have already nominated candidates in a number of the constitu- encies of the Province, and good selec-A tions have been made. Where conven- tions have not been held no time should be. lost in putting a candidate in the eld, for there is no certainty as to when the elections will come 03. They may be held in December or they may be kept back till June next. Mr. Hardy will bring them on whenever it will best suit himself and his friends, and Conservatives should not permit themselves to be surprised or forced into a ght unprepared. DEM L"L\_1-{>'X1I'{'.W PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. * E'I'C., ETC., ETC. STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI -r\v\-nv-- . _ _ __, ymnu nnanason, ` nd General Repait 51'0" BARRIE. , -_-_ -.-..vuu Ivulo Cuts f<;1-advverllsements must in every case be mounted on solid metal bases. ____________%______ T-<--. 'Provincia| Building and Loan Association. , , V __r -__ --_, . .....u;u.v1r..\].\_ Condensed advertisements on rstpagem as wants of all kinds, last and found, [)l'\`~perT for sale or to rent, snecific articles, etc, et, must be accompanied with the cash, and be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 centseper won; each subsequent: insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted 5 words); but a reduction of one cent per M will be made when the number of insertion; of the same matter exceed four. 1u__4, 4- LU 11 L115: Advertisers will not be allowed space for advertislng anything 0 own regular business. Should transient rates will be charged vertisements. "u `V ru;_\.v|Au. auucu. W Preferred positions in the paper me sold at an advance of one-third on aim rates. This rule will be strictly camed om CONTRACT cm.l\'(:i:.\-_} ' Advertisers will please bear in mind thy notice of intention to change advertisemenlf must be handed into the oflice r.0t later 1 Q Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for gm change must be in THE AIJYANIJE office later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday mm Week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemeg} may not be made public until the wee]; M lowing. ' be allowed to use their advertising anvthimr numm 5L- : `For one month-tl1e three with 15 per cent. added, *wnu- Lynn can-`LL- LL , .1 ', `iooes and ocials to one? _grsa`t aim` to keepxthe The departmental. merit V" power. _ stores, have `brought ruin to merchants _ in many of the small towns and villages - withina hundred miles of Toronto and caused to `be tenantless and _unpr'oduct- ive many of - the nest business build- ings in the ' city itself because of the power of capital to centralize so much `control and interest in these establish- ments. The provincial government has centralized all control" over educa- tion, liquor licenses, appointments to municipal as well as provincial oices, and everypettykind of patronagefthat it can grasp until now the people are ruled by an autocracy or family com- pact as greedy as ever existed in On- tario. .The rights of the people to local self-government are totally disregarded and' they are imposed upon'byvfavor- ites of the ministry, while the local ' revenues of the municipalities are taken from them and the tax-payers compell- ed to pay heavier rates for municipal purposes in consequence. In one re- spect the government di'ersj from the w big stores. It has no competition while J the stores have competition and some- times erce at that among themselves. _ The government allows no rivals in the ' distribution of favors and patronage. g It is a mighty monopolist and regards itself as master of the situation irre- spective of what the people think. It acts on the same lines as the big trusts, monopolists, combines and political rings across the border and is as de struotive of good government and local self-respect among the people. Should the Hardy administration be voted in power the taxpayers of the province will pav dear for the misplaced con- dence. How many things would be done dibrently in the municipalities if the people only had the say, and how much more economy would be exercised. The only way to restore a better `order of things and retrenchment is to" have a change of government. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000_ OFFICE-Next door to Bank of Toronto. C-wefuillv vummed and Trued at ,_4 xinch 2% inchcs........... 5 inches, % column... no inches, 54 column. zoinches, 1 column... vvxuu. Lu Pct GUILD. uuucu. *For two months-the three F with 10 per_cent. added. Rpvnrnnrntl v.;....'A-3...... 3 .1 . /~~u Hum line. - 111.5 P" D u`: 1 .610 cents pt? -1"` (Eng notices Bea 1' line for -/ f reachsub .- rtion ; 5 centsnfigf ggfteg. All ituseq Q` inse _ n of the 33' inserno f this ch3"3te.r . O ` de; 5 lmes, ` (1 Government advengg linfshal Om? fglld at am M e 9 0 3: `ll be " men W1 ` ACT AD CONTR _ - ts will be taken: `t advenxserg are drafted on 00; 10W - 1 princ rect 9) s_tricdy h 6 will be only one pncefa T 91' t0. adhered all. ms an, charged M 9' *' ----~-, --uv...w....- wu Oice over Her'12derson s Hardware Store. an-L. f\_L Prescm'pt/ions Carefully Comjmundetl. ;};ll1-`Oat, if not quite. double that f ` o 33' ADVERTISERS SHOULD N ADvERTiI`R;SVAN THE`ADVAN(E uAg,,`m ' ' ' on nounrnnn HUNn:cu'4A'n` FOUR corn; En! _ Paper published in game any 0 . 12 lines solid nonpureil 1:akr:`_PAc'r.~Q k First insertion 10 cents pg - quent insertion 4 cents 9, Mn ' eachsu ` Reading nmim-s In , e` `T bu yv vv vv `Sit? piiidhai-du '.Qar .tw;"ight I gm,` INJnX[vEE 'KcE:'T" AND CONVEYANCERS I:-nan-~n-.... ...-._ 13-, , Number of inches nvnnaa FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE `CONDENSED ADVERTISEBIENTS I__._-j -2, . . vvnlyg sertiol} line 1;: nouces, 10 ' L cents per line for xof same matter zes. of this r-;hm~g..+nL 1'Cl. Iu] AGENT ISIIGCTSOH 113 Bame, Ont. All kinds of SEPTEMBER uuuJu\4OD- UHUUHI U193 for such azi. Z$o_` 2 001 8 3 7-5} :5 0; 7 nn` at. ..-> J 1:); IU 00" 7 oo` 26 00 k '91:`: R BARBIE '~ ~ _-ac meg: outsme [M d do w I for cm-.L .1 ~< monthly r ..A. I: ... . .. ...G in ..1 Icon. u. 1 .. 0.... ..AnB.l no .......N.` .worth... .F. A mm ..W n . ..E nga ..W ldward ..Ja monthlv raz . .Jaa. . . Col. `. `.1: annual IUIIID an-than `rill-Ill d-I-LIJLBIUD, KII-O Dear Friends,-We, a few of your many well-wishers and neighbors, who are present before you, have come with feelings of profound respect and esteem to congratulate you on this the ftieth anniversary of your wedding day. We ` , desire to show in some humble manner' the high appreciation in which ya u both are held by all classes, regardless of sect or creed. We have always . found you most willing ` to assist in every good work, and we can heartily testify to your sterling Christian char- acters. You have always given" the most cheerful and steadfast support.-to the church of your choice, of which you are - esteemed members for over fty.-years. You-.h_ay_e witnessed many changes during your long residence in 1 our midst. 7 Many are the friends and? ; `neighb_ors'_v`cu have seen..boru`_ei.'to the . silent tomb ;, andldeeplyiengraven upon - -.1 ` thel; ;arte-uand -tthesegwho,` J`_1 tshronsh la `ties h9..m e!Iiris of you V , j .k i` on `We, your sons and daughters, gladly hailthis your golden wedding day as a betting season to express our love to you both. We memorialize this event with gifts to recall the scenes of yore. We are grateful for counsels of wisdom and earnest prayers guiding our feet into the King's Highway. .: The book of our family life has charms. Every- V where we meeta mother s tenderness and love, a father's faithfulness and zeal. The dew-drops of your love have distilled on it all. To you, `mother, we present thiavpurse of gold in memory of your watchful hours beside our trundle bed. . To you, father, we present this gold-tipped staff to support your declin- ing days. May we all meet in the Heavenly` home by and by. To Mr. and Mrs. John Merrick, Sr. 11...... `IF.;--.I.. nr. - rm; .1 _____ Newton Robmwm - Advance Correspondence. ' The following addresses were allnd to in our reference last week to Mr. and Mrs. John Merrick e golden wed- ding, but were `unavoidably laid over till this week : ` Mr. and Mrs. John Merrick, Sr. r at Robaix, France, the wheatcrop in . France, and in fact all Europe, has According` to P. '_Atwell, the commercial agent. of the United States fallen. much below the average, and that it is estimated that the United States and Canada will be called upon to export from 120.000,000 to 130,- 000,000 bushels more than they ex- ported to Europe. France will require about 60,000,000 to meet the deciency in. that country. Consul Heenan, at Odessa, Russia, says that the `failure in that country began in December, when serious doubts were entertained concerning winter grain. There was.a good prospect of spring wheat, but in many districts it has been the wettest seas'on ever known and grain has been aia during the season of 1897 98, as destroyed. The report predicts that \ little" wheat will be exported from Rus-. = there is little available for that pur- 3 _Late despatches from various parts of Ireland state that the harvest in that country is a failure. Potatoes is their staple crop, but blight has des- troyed. it; and heavy `rains have wrought havoc with hay and cat crops. Destitutiou seems to be facing the Irishman. Mr. R. Paton, manager of the meat factory, Coilingwood, says that Cana- dian live hogs range about 81.75 per hundredweight above American.- .:_This, he says, is owing to the fact that .Oa!na-` dians feed pease and barley,.. while Americans feed corn. If the Postmaster-`general is sincere in his reforms to make the nanciel burden of government rest lightly on the people of Oeneda, he ` will at an early date. introduce a two-cent postage ..- L- To the victbts go the spoils. ' Tolthe Grits go all _the public oce the land. ` Torte must` go,~ of the Reform hip of State will bewrecked. "`- '0 ms` ". t An important Cabinet ahuie at O tawa ia~looked for. V .v j _Ptemig1j Hafdy has given 9. tifumizet call to `Ontario Liberals; . V ' 3 of is.....;.... ouooeeddd ii; - getiing his son ;promoted to the position of .`lieute`nant-7c`olonoli in ordgr to qualify.him1for the` position of -District Uioerommanding in Quebec over theiheads of all the qualied oili- cera in that district. on the m- __..--1 are here convicted, the strong point being, he undertook the expenditure of our money on a work about which he was ignorant, with the result, imper feet work and wasted money. The manjsuccessful in public business as in private is no pretender. In the latter `hlslone would suffer, but in the for- `mer all the taxpayers of the munici- pality, manv not being able. feel keenly theeifects of his folly. What is to be gained by such pretence '3' Councillors are elected not as specialists in the . various kinds of puhlic`works, but as ' members of an executive, and should exercise their best ' most suita_ble"menjto` perform, the dif- I pjyudgtnent in "securing .P .P1' adminitrbfion,` the main point of which "is the employment of` the .1erent.works so to produce the most. durable, serviceable and.eo.onomic"al re- sulfa, I The-.fullest- 1injformc,tion on any 4-` ,subjectr.is:,n'7oni`l?O fun; `This islage 3 "'. f~'I"9h.3.i9."'a: :#9 f "':.":"~`f;"'~ 5i:"`'59Sii`?9i? I I O . evbtrlv .dp9.rt- *:`<>i*-f:Jifi_ ment, have sacriced their own `aims, The public is an impartial judge, and -Instruction Required. It is to be regretted that certain` councillors look upon their election as a certicate of tness to perform any public service involving even scientic knowledge,. and that the ex- tent of their public career depends up- on the amount of such-pretended service rendered. In this delusion many other- wise good men, eager for public prefer- the verdict strictly `upon the evidence," % regardless of its severity. and, although ` this evidence may V not be produced at the first trial-the polls-how many acts `-4-; A---.:-L__I I L`. - , A He-referred ivitii shame to the Mo- hammedans conduct towards women, . whom they subject to the most menial, cruel _and slavish treatment. A good feature of the Mohammedans` is, he stated, their strict temperance princi- 'p_les, there being no saloon so far as he knew in the whole of Persia. I on a bicycle, with a valise on board, Baba Yoseph, a` Persian student of . Victoria College, arrived in town on ` street Methodist church. When he . is the hardest of- all languages to mas- Baba Yoseph, of Persia. After a ride of ninety-eight miles Saturday. On Sunday night- of last week he delivered an address in Collier landed in New York four years ago he did not know a word of English, but since then he hasgwith the utmost dii- culty got partial mastery of that lang- uage. ` He agreed with the statement of all other foreigners that the English ter, the pronunciation and spelling of ` so many words differing so much. He said that Ancient Persia occupied much the same position as the modern Great Britain. The present population is about nine millions, with eight and a half million Mohammedans. `He be- lieved that his ancestors had heard Jesus and his disciples preaching. They belonged to the early` Christians called Nistorians, who had` sent missionaries to India, China and Japan. Subse- guently these Nistorians had been per- secuted by the Romans and Moham- medans, hundreds of thousands of them having been killed. What few de- scendants of these DGOPLO were left now cried out to the civilized world saying, Come over and help us. All the colleges in Persia are Mohammedan, and Baba Yoseph had come over here to study Christian theology and to do this had to learn English, though this language will be of no use to him a year hence, when he returns to labor among his own people. `T? - -` thei-irsiviuax and. may they .o_fpt_en"callvto mind pleasant recollections of this occasion. "It is seldom that the 'opport`unitv ~ of . being present at a gold- en`-wedding. presents itself, but in the order of a. kind` providencsyou both have been spared to -a good old -age to celebrate such` an event. You have seen your sons and your daughters crow" up around you, and ll their various lcalliugs with honor and respect, and now, asthe sun of your livesisdescend- ing in the western sl;y you can look back upon well-spent lives in God s service. And as you come near the border-land our hope and prayer is that the Son of Righteousness may continue to guide and support you until you have passed over the river to be forever -with the Lord. Signed on behalf the `friends: Jonx Ronmsox, Mns. J. Lmmox. \ JAMES Lnzmox, Mns. J. Downer, Jas. E. Hour, Mas. Crnus Lona, Mas. Jas. Gosunn, J R. ` Newton Robinson, Sept. 1st, 1897. NoM`HER_N Anvmcn. % Aum planed to see M':.X Kenuble to bo_, out again. ` (ropugggtutwunaaum Mr. Mrs. Thompsoxi visite `at Mr. A. T!iltner_ a recently. . `Mr. M. `Smith, of Uht'hAo_', spent Sundhy with hid daughter, Mrs. Chap`. P993393-, 1 b 5 ` ` A ,,,-__- -. ........ .. uuvslll vuu_v IIBII W06K.- Miss Laura; Turner is hoine ~aain, after visiting friends` in Barrie and Midhurat. V V _ .' her home in Barrie. T L Mr. and Mrs. Swan, of Vaaey, paid Mrs.` J. Swan a. shot"- visit last week- ' `IE2..- `I Several from this vicinity are attend- ing the exhibition in Toronto this week. Among those who want are Mrs. J. Dryedale, Mrs. G. Ingram, Mrs. R. A. Kent, Mr. Johnston and the Misses Swan. , ,- ' 2nd Line Lat-ks. Advance Cortespondenoe. Miss Jemima Rowat spent Sunday and Monday at home this week. Mrs. McCoy and Miss Ross have been spending sqme time with Mrs. P. Oleland `lately. - (____----- v. ---v -L UUVV In 1856, and is now one of the senior magistrates of the County of Simcoe. In 1845 he married the eldest daughter of the late John Munro, Esq., of In- verness, Scotland, and has been blessed with a large family. One son; is now Warden of C the County of Simcoe, and another is a member of the Township Counciliof North Norwich, County of Oxford. a Mr. Sneath was appointed clerk and ' treasurer of the united townships of ' Vespra and Sunnidale; County of Sim- ` coe, in January, 1854. When the ' townships were -`separated he retained ` the offices for the senior township. In I the thirty-rst year of his service Mr. 1 Sneath was banqueted by the ratepay- ' ers, presented with an address and a valuable gold watch in appreciation of his services. . During his long term of ` oice he has not been absent `from a S meeting of the council. He also held several other oices. For forty years he has been the secretary of the Vespra Agricultural Society, and for a num- ber of S years held the oice of secre- tary-treasurer of the Electoral District Agricultural Society of North Simcoe. . Mr. Sneath was [born at Croyden, near ` London, brought up and educated in y the town of Nottingham, England. He i came.to Canada at the age of 19, en- t gaged in school work, and subsequently i in farming. He` was for a number of : years Local Superintendent of Schools ` for the Township of Vespra, was ap- pointed on the Commission of the Peace - I it'll-'n Mr. Sneath, Clerk of Veepra. ' 7 The Municipal World gives the fol- lowing sketch of Mr. Sneath, the pres- ent Clerk of Vespra : Ont'sri,)",'_.6'h,l'-A1l.5 2nd.` _or0otober.,_ss1853. HO to,ths.bar. in`f`l876`,vande was a` `Qgesn s.. Counsel `by the Dominion ' Government in: .1890, Heisa veteran of .1866, having ve months active service during the; Fenian troubles. He takes deep interest `in the -militia, and is "Lieutenant-Col` onel of ' the Reserve Militia for the county of Dundas. `His first attempt to enter the Legislature in 1886 was unsuccessful, but in a bye-election two years -later caused by the unseating of the then member, he turned the tables, and has ever since represented the 7 county of Dundas. In the Legislature his career has been eminently success- ful, culminating in his election to the leadership of the Opposition last year, and he has developed with wonderful rapidity the- rare qualities, usually ac- quired only in time and by much patient labor, of a_ thorough parlia- mentarian. Mr. Whitney has a mag- ` netic personality and is a born leader 2' of men, possessing the requisite com- a bination of bonhomie and dignity. r He is both a uent speaker and a ready debater. These qualities were conspic- uous during - the past session, when, under his leadership, the Opposition made the noble ght which drew the l eyes of the people to the Legislature q as they had not been drawn to provin- Q cial affairs for many years previous. Aided by his capable lieutenants, of whom our own member, Mr. Miscamp- bell, is one of the chief, he is now pro- 5 secuting a vigorous campaign against the well entrenched forces of the Hardy Government, a campaign which we ex- pect to end in the overthrow of that stronghold or extravagance and cor- ruption.-Packet. . % Ju_n9s Pliny Whitney` is of Egglish desont, and was born at Williathaburg, `Ana =_.--` vi--- . JaInesi1_ioMulle1i s brother his 1-oooived I good position in Kingston` Penitentiary. ' V _ 5 T A 71!. 0. Cameron : non-in-law: in. now; _po|t_umter-in Goderiob, v_ .. 7 '5 V ' :;.t.'u:__-_; 11-", I -nan -.g$~-'_" cal dnbaiion clu-ly demonstrated.-V Municipal Wdrld. . _ , ' A Mr. Walter - -J01-%INSON&SARJ.EANT, BARRIE. Im rtera and Dealer: in Coal: of all Kinds. and eorge town. Gme and Guelph White Finishin Lime, `Cements 0 all kinds, Fire Bricks and P terera` . Stotehu tthcNrthcrnRail S 'tch, Iogtof J_ohdntt:t.' near Jae depot. `Fl?! boml oi 1 sin better tlnnthat of any other kind. and dug f L0ce--.Cot'ner ot Jahn fund stock stov of the late: i d dye! _ on m rave gn CALL Ar! LANDEXAMINE sgroc `be `olsj`owhe ro.T ' . ; ` mm: T_0__!_f_ wunxs 1 nwnms ALI; KINDS. or 3191-nan , -_.,..._, .u uuuvuuuuu. Rosa new Block. south side Dunlap street east of the-`oat Omce. 8-lv The security to depositors in a. Loan Co'y is un- doubted. There is no instance on record where: dgpoqitior has ever made 3103: bv a Loan Co v. 4 Per Cent. Intreut Paid on Deposits. . The Security for `Depositora in a. Loan company is undoubted. `Dan... -A-- "5' ` " sir o1av.,maa;;~. is sharia` of V .|.'otonto;gVI:a1a`t`y, 08,000: 7"ye?or._.>'.~. _ u L ;sAnm wan & snvmas on? A INCORPORATED 1881. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, HE BALL PLANING MILL Cl Cargeuterin , Building and manuf Doors, bash. B ' ds. Mouldings, all kinds done prom tly and satisfac last 1) ing Kiln. actor_y;-Bayeld -- D!` I-ghunp o_ I`;-u ... nauua uunu prom uy and satisfactoril Blast actory-Bayeld Stre 13." R0 GERS & GALLIE, successors a . 1 Inn gunnna .l'lU'.l.'EL.--ALF. ARNALL, J. Manager. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of ests oonve `ed tree to and from all trams. Few oors west of arket street on Dunlop street. :;_.j_._._ i T E QUEEN'S HOTEL.--ALF. Ezgsfllent` _a.cc9mmoc_l_ation o......u:..... _.-:.I:- T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe. will be at his office, at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. FARMSTOCVK SALES A_.--- 70 FOR INVESTMENT on good $ , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No!-frinrciipal money required until end of the term. . STRALHY, Solicitor, Etc., Barrie. *- j____________. __._.____.__. O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any of the Count}; Real estate bought and sold. nvey- anciadg in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issu . Oice--Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. ' 45-13!- --~---v -v.--vJ u ' TL (ib9V<)ni s'l_>r;-ather has been `given: ,1 position in a registry oice. `-f._ '7, `I I5 `I ' ,1. - RS. ROSS 8; ARTHUR. Physicians, Surgeons, etc. W. A. Rose, L.R.C.b. Edin,, L.R C.P., London. J. R. Arthur, M.B. Toronto University, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Oices and night residences- Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77- DR. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. Harvie & Smith, Orilha.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. J. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fe ow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Coilege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. xx. rnumnn, surgeon, nye, rat, '1 meat, Nose, 40 College street, , Toronto, may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the 11th. from 8 to 11 a.m,, and the second Friday of every month. ONALD ROSS B. A.-Ba.rrister, Solicitor, Convey ancer, etc., money to loan. Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street, Bgrrie. 48-ly M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Mane toloan. Oices--Barrie and Stayner. Barrie ce-Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. 5-ly IVIIUT1 .v at .McCARTHY, PEPLER 8; MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyancets, etc. D AL_'roN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. Pznnn, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muxcmson. Rn 99:45 NAMES EDWARDS, Convfgy`; Marriage Lilinnnn n ___..-.._. _-v,- . hon. M}. Drydeh';'l'>rbtn_er]-l;as been made registrar of Ontario county; DICKIN ON 8; MACWATT, Ba;-istcrs. No- taties ublic, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Ont. Oices in Bank of Toronto Block, No. lOvlvLen street. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKeggie's DC ULJI 3 Iu\JVVflLVg.Da.l'llSleI'S, DOIJCIKOTS OI [He A Supreme Court, Proctors. Notaries, Conv - ancers. etc. Money to Loan. Oicca--Ross' Bloc , Dunlap-st., Barrie. T I`l7_-- ...... -- A_--_ A____ t<-_-.__ c'la'rk ;'(':3". 7:3}-E, 333185` ':reZ." i'3'a'u-HI.` M3712} -`privatc and Company funds to lend at lowest rates 0 interest on town and farm property. 9-ly; 1 vv . queuuun, narnuer, aoucntor, notary o Pubhc, Conveyancer, &c. Offices over `Fraser, Clark 8; Co's. store, Dunlap street, Barrie. Money _nrivate and Comnanv funds in hand at Inwent rat: UULV 1 $ I-LIU 1` I , DHTUSCCFU, DOIICIEOTB, I'I'OC' tors, Notaries. Conveyancers, &c. Oices cor. Dun] and Clapperton streets, Bare. `Wu. cum, 9. c.. Gxo. W. Loun-r. '10:-onto. ' 5:-Iy Barrie . IIDI1. Co DAL E. J.nBn9'wx:," c. E.'nn}'.?"u'. TRATHY .& ESTEN. Barristers, . Solicitors in High Court of J ustices, Notaries Public, Convevancers- (rings: nt-or Hun Ran]: nf Tnrnntn DUIICIIOIT In High DOIIIT OI JIJSUCCS, IVOISTICS YIIDIIC, Conveyancers. Oices ovex the Bank of Toronto, Barrie- ' ' V F. C. GREGG, Vetennary Surgeon. Honor ` Graduate Ont. Vet. College, Honor member iical Societv. 0?ices-Over Ewans Dry Good e, Dunloo St. Residence r6 Mulcaster St. A brother of Hon. G. W. Rout was appointed jailer of Middlesex county. -_ `II _. 'I'\,