V oflondonfingland. 4 WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON. - " `E The United Statesghgqggggnk, . n o - - a - u o - - u o o - - o < - u - . . . . . . . . . - 1al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . i 7 .......B..i_-`_--__:F;,`;'.'5'v M*5:.:e..9s.'s;:":s`;*:,::::::,t. .%`r-:%: and $l_75. special . . . . . . . . . . . . . l`III-3 3 lIEl'I I . Child's Chocolate Color Button Boots. turn , sole. sizes 3 to 7, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chxld's Chocolate Color Oxford Shoe, tip. 10 heel. strong sole. sizes 6 to lo. special. . .. C13! ZXXT ' - 13 I F 337 U u 5o7-Boy's Boston Calf Lace Boot. _tip. \"h1" ` fox: d, nobby, serviceable style.srzes x to 5- worth $1.40. special . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . .. Boy's Tan Oxford Shoe. leather lmed, wvh 4 $1.00. sizes to to :3. special . . . . . . . . . . . . . - soo--Boy"a Strong Lace boots, peg sole. 1W1` lows tongue sizes x to 5. worth 5`-*`5' week} _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ , . . .. EXTRURDINARY SHOE SELLINQ. nowgwongue, sxzes to W0?! ` 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- all Boy' Strong Eacza Boots. tip. 1 6toxo,specIal`............ . . . . . . . . .. ' IVIEI` 3 33" I u 7a3-Men's Tan Lace Boots. tip, extension _,5 -3010. Worth $1.7 . s ial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l 1 ' 7o7-Men's Boston E231 Lace and Congre 300?. neat styles. all leather, worth S1 J 1 23 8 N... . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . - - -- 135 " ei;': Q"8ola`. (gxford Shoe. selwed 501 1 25 . - . on . , ` . . . _ _ _ , . u 7a:-Men-".K`."cane fie? $3.35? new we. I tlbension sole. seamless foxed, worth r. u o - o n - - - o u o ~ - u . . . o - . . - 2. ` , . 179-s;'s':rc:::l Lace Boots. peg sole, "" 1 0 1 ll leagxer; bellows ton ue. SPc`3l tion I, `. Tnmh.-\Va ' and Travelling age. at excePe fr 3!'10'.? P ' . l You'll find goods exactlY 35 ' p .-. : -meal l..=. -1: not vnawill cheertully nsunayour "`" _ |g'QlVlJI@t_iI(`>IVI8_+_-t,l1at"8 what we like- __.-cf mate con_:parisons-that's when M. ` V " '3 Street, Barrie NT"`s V foi- the Celebrated tshluii-ez:etc1::3.m' \ SW, la!5"` SAMUEL WESLEY, Pnopnlrronl -:---- . . . u u - A v u u u a lvyyul Cl] or in"Issr-:s' DEPT. ` I) I7!) t`\,,l`, I LADIES DEPT. e'.;'rc.s:ss"'.si:a=+;` :3 Barrie L- A....__._ 2.1. L`_` I..I.Iu aw... u-ca nu. urin- Bo+s~"'.s"m_. -L-,, l`,IfI MEN'S oer?-r. -.. I'___ I'!-,._ Jmgn 24,1897. 1'23 $1 per TAM/num in Advance. . - L`..- c..L_._._a.!.... 108 60 Orien gOOdS, and $ Trains leave Barrie for and a.t-ruive from the ` undermentioned places as follows : n\I\nt\\Y'Fr\ nan Prettb On A of the in the the me tion. into t Refug Ross, Some letter, of th Tm: the s not (1 port i essen' To th 3% {II RDCG. respe and < {me whic by t. 1' "' L ' "NO new name will be added to the Subsgription Lllt until the money is paid. . `Subs_cribers now in arrears for three months and over wxll be charged $!. per annum. rt ?/0+ 913% visit com tion bav stro desi Bamewailway Guide. 1 women in the British empire who in all_ 2 V as Her Maj_es_ty.th'e' Queeny. Inv THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE. ` 82 During these jubilee celebrations and ch rejoioings we naturally expect extrava. gance of language and a good deal of ea-Iaggeration on the platform, in the pulpit and in the newspapers, and we are getting it in generous quantities. It the royal lady, who so worthily oc- cupies the throne, could see all that is B said and written, her better sense would protest against what she would regard as unreasonable attery and untruth- fulness. A great deal more merit is attributed to her than she would be willing to accept, and much of the glory of her reign she would claim no agency in producing. The truest loyal- ty to the sovereign is not necessarily connected with extravagant adulation" and depreciation of the virtue and good deeds of her ubjeots. When it is as- serted that for all womanly virtues, kindness of heart, benevolence, charity, purity of life, exemplary conduct as wife and mother, for christian charity and all els"that go to make up as `perfect a character as humanity can reach, and that as sovereign in the highest place I for the exercise of the most impartial justice and wisdom she is a marked and shining example every one will cheer- fully s assent,- butwhen it is asserted thatlshe possesses all these Vll'I168_in a greater degree than any other -woman, as it is sometimes asserted in the pulpit, then we undertaketo say it is not true. There are `hundreds of thousands of ' Oi] C: n b a n a '.| t | l relations of life as "wives, mothers and christians are quite` as exemplar-y_:' Majestypesupies themost. ` "` ' ' ' " 7empire`vandl"whereop`po our r V, ` , PENETANG. 10.55 a.m. Accommodation. 5.50 p m. 7.57 p.m. Accommodation. `(.48 a.m. Travellers should secure a Rand-McNa.1ly Rail- way Guide and Hand Book-issued monthly. HAMILTULV. 7 28 run. Ex ress. 8.59 p.m. 5.26 p.m. I\ ail. 11.33 a.m. GRAVENHURST 8.: NORTH BAY. 11.84 a.m. 1 Mail. 5 25 p.m. 1 29 p m.. Muskoka Express. 3 28 8.09 Atlantic & Pacic Ex. 2.10 " 9 00 North Bay Mixed. 7.25 a.m. 0:00 Gravenhurst Mixed. 10.00 _ . . _ . . - a - Ann :9. \]f}At)(\Dn UVVV \llIhV v--------- ----.~~ , , COLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD. 10 55 am. Mail. 5 50 1 7.57 pan. Express. 7.48 : 1\1"s\Yf.`'I\ A \Yl'1 FUR. a.vA\vn av. 7.50 a.m Express. 2.1! p.m Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 8.87 " Muskoka Express. 5.28 " Mail. 1 __ . _--_ ._..-o The Bh3q_"3 Bak/1 Carbonettes daily grqwing more popula}; BANKERSL BARBIE. ism ` 2.`? .GET TH:-:..'. Teams or Suascaumos, HAMILTON. Wvnrnaa TOR6NTO. Wvnrnac tr`:----.- 77_v,_- The Most Hon. The Marquia of Tweedale, Chair- man of Trustees ct Guarantee Fund. I03 11.: FROM. 7.55 p.m. 0 'IQ p.m. am. `CCU 1.33 a.m. FROM. V II an -11 not" `a word,`:is:r5uttered`by;;:_,_',' ,` ,' V` , `e!'i'1il- s s The" '9: t under circumstances innitely less`ay4 a potable who have attended to their child-. . jren. quite as carefully. asrthe Queen._ Her Majesty has` keenly ,felt`- the. sot,- "rows of the .be.reave_inent which ` the death of those, nearest` and dearest? to her can produce. `There are thousands of women who have been deprived of more. than she, who have herolcallysuf-` fared in silence without. the comforts and the solace : which Her Majesty by her. exalted position has always receiv- ed. The Queen has lepd-aipure life and her court has been free from any taint of immorality, `which disgrac. 7 ed the home lives of some of her an- ~ cestors, but there ans thousands of British homes, from the stately mansion to the lowly cot, in which the life of the wivesand mothers have been quite as ` pure as that of Her Majesty Alexandrina Victoria Guelph. The world admires her for all that she is and has been, but there are millions of Bnitish wives who have been heroic, pure and good under , circumstances which the Queen never : experienced, and whose deeds and vir- tues remain unrecorded, except in the ` book of the great Master above, who scans all actions and knows the motives 01 all human hearts. While,.therefore, the Queen deserves the loyalty andlove of her people for her good deeds and godly example, it is senseless flattery, unjust to other women, to say that she -` exceeds all others in the virtues and graces that adorn true womanhood. THE ABSCONDING TREACURER. Barrie s sensation last week was the disappearance of Mr. S. J. Sanford, the County Treasurer. When it became known that he had gone and had a `left a letter for his wife, stating that he was short in his accounts, all sortsof rumors were immediately set aoat as to the amount of the shortage, and it was all the way from $30,000 to $140,000. The truth is, no one knows yet what the state of matters `is between the County andggits missing Treasurer, and although the County Council has ad- journed till the 28th, it is impossible that anything more than an approxi- mation to the truth can be known, as it 7 will be necessary for the Auditors to go over the whole twelve years of Mr. ` Sanford s period of oine before the whole truth is known. .After the rst surprise was over, everybody knew that l some such catastrophe was inevitable. Nobody could live in the style which characterized life at Statenboroug on the salary which its proprietor was receiving, much less buy a steamboat, rebuild his residence, hold thousands of dollars worth of stocks, and erect a $20,000 opera house. These were the chief topics of gossip and discussion in our good town last week. change in municipal auditing. It is clear that the present system is value- tion of the County Council to this weak point in the municipal system in a speech he made to that body a year or two ago. With the many-gdefalcations there have been, this one of the Treas- urer of the large and important County of Simcoe will no doubt lead to a radi- cal change in dealing with municipal moneys, and the change will necessarily be an audit in fact instead of the declar- ation ot incompetent persons that the mere statement of a treasurer is an This seems to have been the amount of ~' the audit in this-county. The practical and vital question in ' volved is-the importance of an entire ` less. Almost with prophetic vision the C Hon. Senator Gowan called the atten- ` ` audit, without ever looking at his books. 9 THE EYCLE BILL. The bill to compel railways to carry bicycles as baggage, which passed in ' the House of Commons,` has been ` thrown out by the Senate. This is a ' very regrettable circumstance. It is regrettable from the tact that railway inuence over an irresponsible branch of the legislature seems to be greater than over `that directly responsible to the ' public`. It is further regrettable because. it will intensify the feelings already strong in the country = that the Oanadianenatevhas out lived `its use. "fuln[ess, and tha`t'*i_t is `obstructive in tiolicrfind Sevtisii=s91f=ii`hutasoniuh : to theopnlar: `of -the great -`railways am :31: 1';liey :- %eoiilii*.`to -prevent the passage ct -._t`hi'j*'biIl? there was _?o`p'en;boast =`after7its;g"ii ysy~~th_*b commons` that-it"i*is;a.:+t=e`aefnt ii: u a-at Cheque Bank Cheques are available at par, and plus the same as Bank of_ England Nozes, in any country in the vyorld. _ Most convement to travellers and rcmnttera to Great Britain, or aux foreign country. and Rank- cnnmminer addresses of 3000 agents frahims pri.i1;e`g i and- it `in the" duty ~_ofi go exerpisej 3:: `the piililio interest. . i "therefore the v fhoast is made that a `I fipeaaure. by-_ one `branch of the legislature for` `protec- tion of the peoples interests will `be defeated in the other branch and that beast is veried, it places the Senate in 9. position before the people in a light not pleasant to" contemplate. It i is about time that the question `whether the jailways or the government shall l rule this country . THE AN'"i~z_11:xA'r1oN on` HAWAII. -` annexation of Hawaii to the United States is an interesting event. It marks a departure in the professed policy of the Washington government, and indicates a desire to do some colon- izing on its own account. It is true that\ the purchase of Alaska occurred some years ago and is quite as foreign a possessicnssthe islau_ds_n_ow acquired. What success will attend Brother J ona_- than in governing such diverse races as are crowding to Hawaii, and how she _ will"get along with the turbulent Cu- ,ban`s when the annexation of that islaind is effected remains to be seen. It will be a` new experience that will ` need more wisdom than Congress has of late exhibited. The story goes that the ' native population of Hawaii would pre- ' for Britain to rule them` than any other power. It is also said that the annex- ation scheme has under it an element of trickery and wrong that will yet cause trouble. The world must wait ` for developments. - ' m131'roR1Xi. JOTTINGS. Sir Richard Cartwright is now all smiles and sweetness. His fears of blue ruin have gone and he is ready to vote any amount of money to railroad companies, bridge builders or anybody ` else. The poor tax payer has vanished entirely from his brain. Algomabids fair to become a veri- table El Dorado. When the work of development is fully established that famed part of Ontario will yield im mense quantities of the precious metals. Judging from the reports of yield from ` four or ve of its mines there is a good time coming for the Algomaites. The emblem of cheap transportation `will not be solved till we have good roads in the rural districts of the coun- try. {Railroads we have in all direc- tions, but the missing `link is the ret- class country road, and the sooner this is recognized and acted upon the better 1 for the prosperity of the country. The question of conferring degrees on women by the University of Cambridge was considered a short time ago and was voted down by the undergraduates. This is a step back into the dark again. Austria, which is often regarded as somewhat behind the age, lately gradu- ated a woman at one of its universities, the professors of which spoke in high commendation of the abilities of the graduate. ' Cambridge has manifestly taken a wrong stand, from which it will have to recede in the near future. Town Council. The regular fortnightly meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday night, Mayor Wells presiding, the only absente being Councillor Caldwell. 11'... "l)-.._.....J 'I':l':....l.. .......o.. 41...; L1... ILUDISUUU IIOII-I5 vvuuvuava vuuuvv vaao Mrs. Bernard Hinds wrote that her property on Sunnidale road had been damaged by the removal of earth and asked what settlement the Town pro- \ posed. - A....-....Ln l'\` Q9 nun: snnnndnn fnntn Acoounte of 83 was received from Dougall Bros. _. Councillor Frawley read the follow- ing statement of overdraft in the Bank of Toronto :--Public school, $1048.09`; town, 820525.80; Engineer Ardagh s, $265.64. Total, 21840.38. Great Britain, torelgn country. Hand Book. coptaming addresses 3000 in all parts of the world, and full information on pygiigation to J. c. wIcKEcaIE&_co.. `!$Vv.\_Ja.5 unvvu--, ---aovuvvu In answer to an enquiry from councillor Frawley, `chairman Powell said that he would nd out where the ; old water tanks are and have them properly lled in. ' - "FLA Dahlia Wnulra nnrnlnvihlenn nnnnwn_ E Vlorks committee recom- mended that a 4 ft. plank sidewalk be built on west side of John" street, north of Wellington st.a distance of 450 ft., also that two new culverts be build on Back 1 st. near Mr. McLsan s' barn, cost not to exceed from $15 to $20. and Penetang st. gravelled from Mul- caster st. to Melinda st.; Mnlcaster st. graded, and a new gavel sidewalk from M1-.eKearn`s store to Market, Collier 3 my v In. . until! . fl;-[he Finance Committee recommend- edepaymenoof accounts amounting to $2177.07,"aome of the items being as follows :--Waterworks Co. for the past six months, 1509,00, Thomas` Kennedy & Co. and Messrs. Smith & Bird for plans and _spec'iost.ions re Fire Hall,` 852 and 835' respectively; Robb. Campbell; tsxzoolleotor. $32.33,, and-R; J ;; Fletcher, assessor,` $200.; " * Counoillor.Frswley_`inj.roduced `s7 by- In appointing: Mr. Wslter`.Bsr.wickl % srbitrstcr end-E_essrs;f`_;Siriihj"t`8z _Es'ten.7` irnE%1 ADF`*ANE~- Millinery. Blouses, Belts, solicitors, in the arbitration about to take place between the town of Barrie and Barrie Waterworks Co., concern- ing the valuation of the Waterworks plant. By-law was read a first, second and third time and nally passed, councillor Andrews being the only member to vote nay. His objection arose from the fact that the gures of Mr. Willis Chipman, who had prepared an estimate of the plant some time ago had not been laid on the table, MOTIONS. Powell-Hubbert--That Ben Park- er, of No. 6 Ward, water Essa street from Bothwell s corner to corner of Burton Avenue and to keep the tanks lled, at the rate of $1.50 per day of 10 hours, while so engaged.--Carried. Councillors Freek and Peacock voted against the motion, Mr. Wm. Newberrv being their man. 1' ---~ Tn`--u.`|. 'T`l...6- (11.3.-.(' Vina `Inn w...5 ....... .. Love-Freek- That Chief King be instructed to rpm-chase a ticket from Barrie to Toronto, for Mrs. Adams, to take the two McLaugh1an children to a home there.-Carried. * I I I O The council then indulged in some all-round-the-table talk as to the part: they as a body would take in the Jubilee procession. They nally de- cided to go. ' PPPP O- On Sunday, the 20th, the members of Strong lodge _of A. F. & A.AM. at _3 p.m. marched in a body to the Baptist church, where they were ably addressed by the Rev. Mr. Bryant. The choir rendered some select music, suitable for the occasion. The church was lled to its utmost capacity. . l . The Oranemeo of Nipiaaing die trial; will hold `a county celebration at North Bayou the 12th of J uly. The chlldren of the Publlc school here commemorated Friday, the 18th, as jubilee day. In the afternoon they held a` concert, after which they had a grand march up main street, headed by the `Sundridge hand. 7 -At the four points they sang God Save the Queen, after which they all dispersed to their several homes. The Agricultural society iutendholdl inge grand picnic on the 7th or July. Horse racing and dthletic. guinea will be the order of the gin. 3" ' ` The Ladies Aid of .-Knox church purpose holding their annual excursion on the let of July. "Mr. `Ed.7*1ndex*- eon e tug `is engaged for ~the,_.-gccggion, A` good time is expeoted,..`,a_hd ell "are looking forward, expecting; to pgi~sioi- fmte. in ice claim `eiid __ mt.-` ether". .es1e.;,9cie9.;u.eae..on.; 1*` , . 2.. -I 1\'u- Ct 14...`. _- g- `d's"o'&Zi iii??? i:.'.'6.'f..'V.e No. 1"1o,s, r held; a- royal arch degree meetiiggi-dnf ' Fridey? evening`, _ the -18th; ieien, were advanced woe the e`d6g`!f0O _ j eff Bright, beautiful creations by skil- ful artists, suitable for the month of June, all at Very low prices. Smmbmmdwmgmnmmm A large lot of Untrimmed Hats at 25c. each. This is a great Blouse season. Ready-to-Wear is What people are after. We have them, and at p'op- ular prices. Be1ts'-See our lines at 25c , 50c., 75c. . Bicycle Purses from 25c. = Sundridge. Advance Correeponden 1\I\.I .I DIRECTORS : The Right Hon. L_ord De Lisle and Dudley, The Right Hon. Sn` Edward Thornton, G.C.B. Belt Pins, etc. purple marksman. At 12.30 the lodge called off for the space of half an hour and marched in a body to Mr. James Prunty s hotel for supper. The tables were beautifully decorated with bou- quets of roses, and fairly groaned under the dainties. The following is the bill of fare :-Potatoes, cold ham, roast beef, roast mutton, sh, radishes, lettuce, green peas, onions, pickles, tomatoes, bread and butter, tea, coffee, lemonade, also variety of cakes, strawberries, ice cream, lemon pie, nuts, oranges, pine- apples, bananas, raisins and candies. After justice being done to the inner man Mr. Jos. Edgar spoke a few appro- priate words to the brethren, which numbered about.4~0, also the kind host, who replied, saying that though not a member of the order himself, he was always pleased to meet with the boys. The brethren theri rose and drank to the health of the Queen and sang He s a Jolly Good Fellow. Amongst the visiting brethren from Sundridge were Bro. John Gripp, Bro. John Edgar and ' Bro. J. E. Black, county treas. Mr; Henry i}oodeT is visiting his I sister, Miss Jessie Go-ode. --- - Us--wiv `run a \a.r\I|IInv-Ip\aI Mr. B. Peterson spent a few} days with his brother, E. A. R. Peterson. Mr'. nd Mrs. Griin are visiting ` their daughter. Mrs. Geo. Ritchie. I-Iv til -'- MasterUW. Graham is itmg Mr. i J. Sanderson s. I Mrs. Tudhope, Liatowel, is spending some time at Mrs. T. Ha:-te s. Miss Annie P31]: is visiting friends i in Barrie. ' Mrs. McCarthy Arstnnrnsclf vhwotne after spending some tithe with Mrs. S. Aftihur. ' THE NORTHERN ADVANCE A n 1-_I_....._ $74-v--Inc-I\nII_ Miss Fanfnie `MoMu1len spent Sunday with her friend Winnig Brooks. `Those who were at the lawn party at. Mr. Todd : residence had a very pleas- ant time. ' A uumberfrom here attended drine service at Oro Station last Sabbath.` ` Wedding 3613;. ' At 7 o'clock Wednesday, the 16:11 inst., at "St; Louis ch`nr"`ch,i Hillsdale, Miss Malviua Frawley, eldest daughter of Mr. Pa J. Frawley, a prbminent mer- chsntiqf `Hillsdale, was married to Mr. P2 J. MNally,"w'ood Iherchant. The oeremeny `was. performed` by Rev- Fathet Gsarin. : The bride was given` swsyiby her father and ins assisted by 7~`l`Ie'1'T7`s:f_t 1air-',` Miss `Kaiie "Frswley,.while 1 '>Mr;;< =`:MeNally su"pp6i~'.ted the gropm. i .|;`he*h_sppy`onpls;left16nrghernoou tiaia ::0ng,h: hridslie Ahtoush the ~WeI,t-' -up-nave-v. Q-rug y - Advance Correspondence. 'I\ n Shanty Bav. ._,,__ !`,,, Hosiry Glo'es Renants :Lace Mitts for children, Lace Mitts ffor ladies. Lisle Silk and Taeta }"Gloves. 49 gnd 42 VVALL STREET, 1IE;V YORK. ` CAPITAL $500,000. 1!! `&`ast Black is What we sell in _otton Hose. We have plain and A bbed, all sizes, Misses , Boys and _; adies . _, We have carefully gone through our stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, and all short lengths have been laid out and marked down. Come and see our bargains in rem- nants. Barries Finest Shoe Store. We have been doing a RATTLI.\'G"_ Sfrm-: this season, and with the special prices tpr I .. record will go a way beyond any effort or cL:r~ nast. past. To-day we shall commence offenng some best values ever shown. even by ourselves. The Shoes are all thin as-::nn'c mnl.-n, m-wu- D35! values CV81` SDOWTI, Dy OLIFSCIYCS. The Shoes are all this season's make. r`.c\\ most up-to-date styles. Such prices as 1}: clear them out quick. 8o4-Ladies' Kid Oxford Shoe patent tip and facing, ve stylish, worth $1.25. special 5 8o7-Lad1cs' id Oxford Shoe. fancy \';1n~.;* and quarter foxing: new toe cap tlcxilwic soles. This shoe IS made in Chocolate -...A uI....I. ........L c. -- .._....:..u 1 UlC8n 11115 SHOE IS H1305 ID LnOC\`l-UL and Black. worth $1.--, special . . . . . . . . . 68o-I.adies Dongola xs Button Boot. rat- ent tip, D. _width, frsizes. coin toe. \\`vrIl? $1.75:spec1a.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . .. 87:--Lad1es Chocolate Oxford Shoe. up He\- iable sole. worth $1.25, special . . . . . . . . .. 976-Lad es' Vici Kid Button Boots. pntcnt tip. fancy vamp. very swel style. urtli $2.50. special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......- 9x4-Ladies O era. Slipper, exible solo. l` width. wortfx 9-c.. special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -9oo-Ladies' Leather House Slippers. Spccml. [Albeit-an Int-I-u-r IvlInJJIn~3 IJE-VI I 37o-Misse' 8 Kid Oxford Shoe. patent 11? and faced. very natty stvle, wprth 51.00. s _cial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 374-_ nsses Lace; Oxford Shoe. tip, Icathvf l_mled, J. D. Kmg make, worth $1.00. SEW` 1a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ` , V . V V - V . - A - - -- An 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper, II Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street Barrie. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by