r..;,..:c';.:;`:;.:n"2;'..f."i;.'i.5"va.sf.`:`:`=" " " inuhin Lime` Cement: fallkmdc,' FiroBchnndPlatere _ar. _. t;x-ehoun at the Nonlgm lhil-v-v -\~=--2 vWe are new manufacturing nndogn-y one Stove: of t eahteot in: Va! dosh 33:1? an dmxAmr1,c_s'roc betoro an _ _ % , Ho. SIVVRIV. am ;I_q_\j;".' wunxs 1 mam. om . Vet. Mada! . c. GREGG Veterinary Sn G Coll socuv. on`we..om`w. cum. Dunlap St. ` .esidonea.:s6 hlulcaater Dry Good St. J uruzsunl an SARJEANT. BARR1j . an 7 Dealers in Cog]; of g Kind. :-...'"..-l .`i': .':.""...-..`*.:'.~";%.."'.:-:s:..I': -2` th -_-__....._...- ...`..i.u-nu:-Lu`; inrm]! tied in t.u..npectalt:es. t can .' av Stggles, opqnitq Bank of .Torog_to. rolzaidenecg Stables and nrmary, 6: Collur street, next door to the Ametican Hotel. Ban-ie, Ont. Olee Telephone No. 70.. Hops: Telephone No. 7. *\ 10- ly J..Lo :.:'eau au diseases of Home (Homes, Dogs, Cattle. Sheep, Pi , work and treatment of disease: on: the stud. specialties. Uice at Love? Stables. onnasita Bank no` 'r.......... nnnlu ruzuunu MILL -LiEO. BALL, Car penter and builder, and manufacturer of doors. sub, blinds, mouldings. etc._ Planing of all kinds done promptly and samsfactonly. Factory, Bayeld street, Bame. 1 Ian gunn .UJ'lL.-ALF. ARNALL, 1 Manager. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bar ;and_larder well supplxed with the best. Good stablmg and attentive hostlers. Luggage of nests eonvehed fee to and from all at trams. Few 001': west of et street on Dunlap: street. - T. BANJFING, Clerk County, of Simcoe, will be at his oice, at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. E UIEN's HOTEL.- _ T Mangger. Excellent acc9m::f3%l:9I;%e' tpnu-ll:..... -..LI:n D-.. ___I I, -_. I ` AMES _EDWARDS, Conve anoer, nssucr of - Marriage Licenses.` 0 `cc strictly private. Post Oliice building. Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary ureet. u-ly onus! AT 5 mm cmvn-.:ve have: v large amount of private funds to loan at 5 percent. on good approved security. MCCARTHY, _t_ _am._nn & MCCARTHY. .- run uVvna1.v1r.N1` on good $1 treehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the term. H. H. STRAAHY. bolicitor. Etc., Barrie. "- n. uxuu. KKIVAIL`. EUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers hates Dissounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-Ross block. Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-lv. -UK. 13.`. 1). WASHINGTON, Dentist, Graduate Roval College of Dental aurgeons. and Honor Graduate Toronto University. 0tce-0ver Both- well's Store, Dunlop btreet. Barrie. 27-52 x_1unur uraunate or Loronto UnIVef8lI.y. r'reserva- non of the natural teeth aspecialtv. Uice-Both- well's Blocx, Uuulop street. Barrie, Ont. 8-ly A. IALLVIDIS, surgeon, nyc, near, 1 uruau, nuae, U 40 Cohege street, Ioxonto, may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Uct. the nth, from 8 to xx a.m,, and the second Fnday of every month. UR. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Univexsm}. Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical Lohege, Member or the Co.lege of Physnczans and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. RS. ROSS 8: ARTHUK. Physicians. Sutgeuns, etc. W. A. Ross, L.R.C.b. Edin., L.R C.P., London. J. R. Arthur. M.B. Toronto UnnersiLy, L.U.P.. and 5., Ont. Ofhces and night resiuences- brown' Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. L R. W. D. MACLAREN, Dentist, successor to Dr. Bosanko. _Umce-l lately occupied by Dr. Boaanko. Residence--0ueen's Hotel. 16-ly ~ VV Notary, etc. Mon and Stayner. Barne Building, Owen street. UUIV Al-IJ RUDD D. n.-narruucr. DUllL"l|UI, Conve, ancer, etc., money to loan. _01ces, Bank of Toronto Buiiding, Uwen strect, Barne. 4.8-ly R. J. 0. SMITH, L.L..P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. Harvie & Smxth, Urilha.) Omce anu residence -corner of Owen and Comer streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. WM. RICHARDSON, Dentist, Gmnaz U the Royal College ot Denta burgeons, and Honor Graduate of Toronto Umversity. Preserva- l tion of the natural teeth a neciaII'v_ (WE:-n_RnM-._ 1'$a`v5"e`EI'n3' 'r`.'.'55."6i2i{a'.? ia'we;: a..-` of Interest on town gm farm property. 9-ly. -:e.d.IIClllIOI ICKINSON & vlACWATT, Barristers, No- ta:Mieo Public. Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie. Ont. Oiccs in Bank of Toronto Block, No. , Owen street. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKeggie'a Ina-In M-cCARTHY,'PnPLER & McCARTHY. Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyance:-s, etc. ~D'AL'r0N McCuz.'mv, Q.C. F. E. P. Panza, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muncmsou. Barrie. dzmson 3; SA VEAN ; ` ' | and RCILI. m1;||?:`?.5aI: ULT COWAN, Bariisuera, Solicitors of the Suprem Court, Procton. Notarics, Conve - a.noen,etc. Mongeyto Loan. 0fcr-Roos' Bloc , l`III\'nl\.Rf , Earns. 3IICI'Ip CH3 Ul0lly EU Dunlap-st.4, Barrie. Wsnnmaron Auur. H wsdn .3; CRESWICKE. has-rintern. Solici- ._ . son of the. $0 Court f.Jn_di.8ture of Untano. Proctors. otuies, Conv rs, etc. Money to ban. 0ioes-Rou Block, uric. C. E. I-Ixwsox. ' A. E. H. Cngwxckz. C w. PLAXTON, Baniuer, splicitor. Notary . Public, conveyances, act. Othcu oyer Fraser. uark 8; 00's. store, Dunlap V street. Barnc. Money --private and Compan funds to lend at lowest fates of inlefsl on mwn an" farm oronertv. 9'1) - .u .1 l G30. `-05: ITEM E. J. K9WNp Ran-an. AJ Batne. Aaulton inn uruunuxu. A ' Ltumox 8; Boys, * . ` `Elmvale . Barrie oee--cor. Dunlop and Owen eta. Elm- vale ofde oppoute Hunt : hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates. Solicitors in High Court or Jusuces, nouns: runny, conveyances. Uices oven the Bank of. Toronto, Ra ru-in. Barrie. ' Money in sums of $3,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. : . H. H. S-nurnnr, Q.C. G, H. E31-Inc. _:-_.___- VI citor, Notary Block, Bartie, Ont. ___.____.___.___._...___._.___. gARRIE PLANING MILL -GEO. BALL _ builder. ma.nufm~.tm-..- at .5..- `ITRATHY & BSTEN. . b_ * ..Barx-uten, .` _ Solicitors in High Court ofjustices, Notarnos Pubhc, nmuemnmu- uines over tho of. Jlvuna Joan DICKINSON, B.A. D. F. Macwxn-. n Dnnouivuraa noon`: on -u-uv- -- Mccurmv, Pzpnnlzh C_:0_RBOUl.D 8; MCCARTHY j_ R. E. D. WASHINGTON. ROVSJ College Of Ihanlal .\ul-annna and Llnnn- MCCARTHY. Panza, MCCARTHY & DUNCAN, Alliston and Lircemore. _-_ --pz\ R. BosANKo, 1*)-E_NTIST--l:;ss block, nf Pnnt ni on nan... nnnn mm-.. A... )0NALD ROS: B. A.-Barrister. Soliciwr, (`Anus . an.-no nlrn nnnnnu tn Inna (`H-Erna )R. PAZIVJIER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, An Cnlmovn ctr.-pt. fnanntn. mnv he can. ' ENNOX. BOYS & BROWN," Bu-nit_erI, So}:- !_ iltgs-3`: Hauaurox Lnxox, W. A. Boys, nauionv " Au U I\ I , DCIFIUOVI , Jjsbvn Luv 1 . Soliator in Chaneety. Conve car etc. First door Owgn street. over ank 0 Com- I -...- Il-... `n_`8_ [ `r. ARNXE1.,M.D.c.M,, oice in Bothwelfs . Block, Altandale. 011 the premises at night. 43-ly 1rEORGh'. w. LOUNT, Barrister, gnome .5 .4.-- Mao...-u Dnhlip Onen In Bo W j v`:`, .{`."`."1L`.ia`.`:.".`.:.f".,;`m;.';.`::';` P:::*.`:.e {M. M. CAMPBELL, Bzirristcr, Solicitoy, Nnfn rv anon Mnnnu In In: In, (\fl~im>,g_.Barne J. OULVER WELES H. LYON. PRIVATL: FUNDS T0 LOAN R%.l Estate at Inwoet ranm I`-............' x. ouann nu, unni 1 lb 1 --Koss bit of Post office. Oice open every day. ,_.. ._.___.-. VET;hlNABY SUIEEONS. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, e..|:..:..... :. Clumnnv. Canvevax . ungwu. _ Barne. A.hston `and Creemore. l_|:-nuns: &_ Bnvg_ MANUi"ACTURE8. FOR INVESTMENT cnnnu-:n. no |t\IIv:n:~O _. PHYSILIANS. FINAN UIAL. o11'1c1A|.. .DIN'.I.`l'l`S. nownhs. LEGAL. ` UN'l`, I53fI'lIl8l , l'|ll0l'lI , 901!- Public Oces in` BoJ'.lw.n's 24- y IIl\I\vl\' 45-1) - .50! or uomestic Animals ... ...' .'..;:.`E. . SEWREY ,3: \ n]C *' BBITIC -Bank of Toronto 5-ly uental r annuals used in Run . ' I ,.u..... Aux. Cowm. I _- Dog _p;iapning- V in ; shill fadiatjed. v:}R9ifY.9'%;%M*9 #34? J 39Y that kind. and of John and Attorney. nz-`Ar, an-4 ucpnullt I 14' , . u-uuunln-r AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. .su3scm_sno, i- - I. CCl.1l. III 10' PROVINCIAL {rho Ep.o;ch'i.Vo:g:gp`of the Metho`-A J - h'!r9h i!,'.!l5d1!.iP?&!i8,-i% %% 4 ~ ' `_"' "`*`-U.`- IUTUAL FIRE INBUIL .00. Gown. uoo.ooo. `rum ncoxomcunn co. , B EINSURANCE `M . 'l'otaluoo u.854o.ooo. .%.::::..'.;-:-;.,.2.':..:.~.;;...=::,:s:::~.:- W 0 GE. --`Over HENDERSONS ztrdiqnrc Store. L B.'.3c3G9l-H '0`. SMITH. lminnnoo Agent! INSURAFCE AGENTS AN D CON- VEYANCER8. Represent thotollowlng Companies :- THE SUN ` FIRE INS" RANCH: OFFICE OF ` IDNDON. ENG. The oldest purely Fire Ins. Co. in the world -THE INSURANCE O0'Y OF NORTH AMER- - IDA. (hung), an ma non ..... zmaunanuli 00'Y 02- NORTH 1A- Canitsl. 83.ooo.ooo. THE !mRO',AN'rn.n FIRE IN summon oo 959"`! U90-00: Government deposit made. _1'_33`W.A. l`JIRIao0 MUTUAL FIRE INBUH uoo.ooo. lN'M.9lI A - uu-_______._ , __-_ -.-. sclpocouz 3. smru`: -- J GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING TO THE NERVOUS OR DYSPEPTIC. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED. - In Quarter-Pound Tins & Packets only. Prepared by James E & Co.. Ltd., H pathif 1 chemists? 8 ndon. Enland.ma:4oI-I3 DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES DYE STUFFS, SOA PS, COMBS AND BRUSHES. TOILET ARTICLES-A FULL LINE. fFFT}f0A GEORGE -1- HONKMKN, GHEMIST "ND DRUGGIST OWEN STREET. Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found Property for Sale or to Rent. Egecic Articles Eto..Eto.. must be accom anie with the cash and will be inserted--F rst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1 word (names. addresses, and gures counte as words): but *1. reduction to 1 cent per word wtl be made when the number of insertions of to am: matter exceed FOUR. 11..-- 4-... A .:_.___.n_-_._ __4 Another on 'hogo in: non; "P **9re:1=~`v-5 STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND AO('I Ixvlvouh . ._-.. . --__ not Do luuuu puuuu uuuu I-no wuux Louowmg. Advertisers will not be sllo_wed to use then space for advertising sngthm outside than own regular business. 11 d they do so transient rates will be charged for such sdver tisement DE1:ITm}L1_i>X1:I'. N u PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAA ASSOCIATION. 7 W \O l" CHANGES; Advertisers will see bear in mind that no tice of intention to- change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o cloek, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE oice not late: than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. Advertisers will not be allowed to man thnh | __.' .:_.--'- ..._..vv-. -. vvnvu (`nu for Advertisements mum: in every case be mounted on solid metal bases. w*pl'(;r;:en.133t.!:l:-the three monthly rate with For two months-the three monthly rate, with 10 per cent. added. 53 Preferred poeitione in the wm sold at an advance of one third 931 "Va mu: This rule will be striotlv carried out. 5 Inches. 1 dfxiizihll no Inohea. i Column 20 Inches, 1 Column 00"'l'BAO'l' ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements win be taken at th following 1-3 which ere drafted on correct com:/nemclnl clplee; and, as they will be etrlctlxedhered-to in making new contract- utter present cont:-ecte expire. there will be only one mice torell: itn`uonnInn Anuuc: lu-rns; I'll!` `Vi Ins A mnouunon ol'noIJn1~n1m nmumnn `Ann room: corms. Almost 1: not quite double that at on. Paper pnbilahod in Ban-io.y The oo.smown'- seem 01:55? met `:1: Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan : reeidenoe luv ' e V nnovm non -nus rA0'l'.'h (11 lines solid nonpu-ell make one Inch). I notices. 10 cent: nor line for out n uertion; cents per line for each auasoquenl insertion of the same matter. All items under slineeotthiaehnreoterehergednsa lines. - um. Omoinl and Government. advertise menu will be chanted at above rates. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. 'l'1rtiniertlon, loontaperlino. Emhnb uequent insertion. 4 cents not line. ` - LII!!!` HCIOI ; ::.; OF TORONTO. "9l,?0RQ'ru> manna Cmrrnn :69. R S.O. . \'7`v;-;;.`:~~ (mun. " n . 'Tnh"7Hff"BABmAr HAN) -_ ,_ ... ()1rr1cE-Next door to Bank of Toronto -___----- r1\'I 8888?` Possesses the following Distinctive Merits : llelicacy of Flavor. Superiority in Quality. Doors West of the Barrie Hotel. " V Prescrcmtions Carefully Compounded. Nmdthohu ENGLISH BREAKFAST cocoA ' AThe:e`will noon b; one or the best rinks in ans county in this village, ' .;;~.'!0H_[ npaznson. CONDENSED ADVEBTISEHENTS. `El'J'l`I`.-DING` AND l vlipdnunnn 17,` 1896. All kijs of `I'll! Ilsoaols not 4ooi LOAN ASSN- QIIIII I` L:.\ Mr. James Maihew, of this place, has been appointed Government In - epeotor of horses,` cattle, sheep and hogs. ' A ` V ' BEE 13 L-gm, BARRIE Baum- issue a I10. g (1 yr.) . ...__ '}.`he members-of First Eeea Presby- terian church have decided to hold their _anniveraarv.auppe'2`, `in. the future; "on thanksgiving night. ` - The Fdreoten willmeet in the ail `on the evening of the 21st.` tion again. ' The `roller mi-Ila will eoon be, in " oookatown. , Rev. Mr. Rodwell, of Toronto, is conducting revival mrvicga in V the 'Methodist church here`. --C Now it is repgzrcedytghac cool he}; been found near Parry Sound. The body of an unknown man was found oating in the water near the 18th concession, Tiny, on Tueadog. Michael Brennan's brother was in` town last week with a petition, praying for a commutation of the death sen- tence of his brother. Many signed the petition. Prospectors are inspecting some of the 1 islands along the channel to Parry Sound with the hope of nding gold. . Aa- Ouyr council has `made aygragtuof $25 to the town band. ' The Pall Mall Gazette breaks down get instead of the nourishing morsel_ .It is said, science has discovered sthst the smudge on eggs which con-. _noissears have hitherto regsrded ss -signs of the eg'g s freshness. is reslly` Jnycelium, which have been ghstched. ..o_ll the strsw'_where_ tho henglsyssnd it gmskes its way through the shell destroys the `vitality of the ' "to oeliiun vmdy.getthus ihtoothe ` There was about 18 inchea of snow 1 last week, and the bay was covered a with a thin coating of ice for a couple of days, but navigation is again open, and the snow has dwindled to about 4 or 5 inches. { Thc Engllish church conugre`gat.ion held their bazaar in connection with All Saint's church last week. \ 'Ihe Alliston roller mills are being thoroughly overhauled, and the old rolls are being replaced by the very latest process. This will be the second mill of its `kind in Canada. Bert`. Henry and Norman Irvin, of Orangeyille, shot 54 rabbits, 3 par- tridges and 2 fpxes in Mulmur last Thursday and Friday. `A twenty-ve pound turkey was brought to this market on Saturday by ' J. Parsons, of Rosemont. Our J oh'n Wilson got his band so- verely burned the `other day by` the tar with which he was roong, taking re. Penetanguxenene. Many people here have been strug- gling with severe colds. A ximmmoth rink will be run this winter by Dan. Charleboia. Much `dry wood is being shipped from this point. Several buyers areupurchasing cord- wood, telephone and telegraph poles. 3 EBITEDRIAL JOTTINGS. Nobody knows what a day may bring forth in the way of discovery, and men cease to wonder at anything. A new drug called for short, Eucaine, has been discovered. Professor 0. Liebreich, of Berlin, tells how the new alkaloid'is' compounded, and because of its extreme Bimpllcity THE Anvancs gives the pro- fessor s formula :- By the action of one molecule of ammonia upon three molecules of aceton, triacetonamin is formed: this is then transformed into triacetonamincyanhydrin, by hydrocys anic acid. This compound when sa- ponied becomes triacetonalkamincar- bonic acid, ammonia being given off in the process. When benzylated and methylated we get n-methyl-benzoyl-te- trametbyl y-oxypiperidincarbonic acid- methylester of Eucaine. Of course anybody can compound it and under- stand the reactions quite as easily as i to read the account of them. How would that do for a reading exercise at the entrance examinations? i A; Roger; shihpped o` another car` lard of hogs last , week. Pork raising payh. II V C;1arles Beck is the captain of our hockey club. T" Our town hall `got out of order for a day or two and its tones telling of high noon and so forth were greatly missed. The youngsters of the Band of Hope, numbering 67, had a good blow out 1 at the residence of Mrs. Stacey a few 1 afternoons ago. _ i Mayhr Stews`:-;wi;w1:qqo\%ering from the eecta of his dump from a buggy 9. short time ago. A ' ` _ l The Witch of Endor, was the subject of Rev. -Mr. Buchsnsn s sermon last Sunday evening. There are mat- ters of more immediate value and im- portance that should nd expression in the pulpit than even. bible witches. ---v -1 arjtjv th eh Tl KVXZUII `A soiel evening is being arranged_ for in the C. E. ' Mr. McIntosh, of Al- landale, is to `be invited to deliver his address, Washington" Convention. Strand 0. E. is to be asked to be pres? ent to enjoy the lecture and the refresh- ments that are .to,be served atter it. (Too late for Inst week.) V Derhni amvvu. IJIIGIVI r. in:....{%%;.soase::;.%. ...`mg 0.`. b'rot.her, Witaeman, "on `Wednesday. - n..- ......'|'....... I....I' LL; 2..-. -5 LL- --vvn-nag, v vying if Ours cu'r`im "'aE tna ans :2 31 I`` Rout`-in Game " on Sahurda`y; A` large - number `were present- ` 'I`:...-l\...._.......-_ I_-I.'I ;I_-:.. ,_,_-_ 1 If we had a disease in the country that caused three or four deaths and jeopardized the health of a hundred others. The law and health boards would be brought into operation forth- with, tocheck it and stamp it out. Yet in this case the inherent savagery in man is encouraged and applauded by delicate and refined ladies. There seems to be no accounting for human inconsistency. *3.--av -an-vyo vvvuv '05`-nvvvnnvyou '1`he`Orungemen hold their unnuil_ election `of ocers and oyaterisnpper Friday evening. (1.... _'|__.:__ _.:_I_ ___ , _ 1 1- , an ""`"'l "'----u' ~ , T . Qur skating rink opened forathe sea- son on Saturday night. `A large _crowd was in attendance, Several from Gil ford were present. The band enlivene- ed matters`. All are well pleased with the management of ME:-. W, . laennox; A an`-no. nnnnnnn In Ln:_4. ......_-....J Deprived or No Rights. Archbishop Lengevin deoleree to this ock that Qqebec will not stood bjv end eeethe `minority at Menitobe 'robbedt.offtlieirj.-i;jhte. `Of course Quebec won,`t,a nor. win any other province of theOe.nndien Confederation for `the zoodeod teuiolent reopen V f_~h_nt the mi- . ority at Mehitobujre notbaing deprived of . iny rlght_e.f 1 ` ' ,'1`he, Icomuuroqihelxoo .: :1...-.t1..;. i`?1:lsh[t.:.finilihtti =w_.l,tb;' mo L!1iv!tf9ici.5bi! ;1:`l_I,0? .;'I;_'i?513t:: The Canadian . Home Journal for December, published in Toronto. edited by the wellknown writer. Fsith Fen- ton, late of The Empire, has just reach ed us. It is artistically gotten up, full of the Xmas spirit, well illustrated, and in every way justly lays claim to he the leading ladies paper of Canada. Lady Aberdeen herself, President of `the Netionsl 0ouncil of_ Women, edits and controls the department devoted to the interests of this inuential organ.- ization. M usio. Art, Fashions. Games, The Household, fascinating} and sea- snnsble stories written specially for the -Journal, bright, T timely articles; on `W30-: Pdvlvi, *d*,i!1.rr0!i events are 'un_ong__-its- l`egl__l_iV pg:fO,'B.l5.'l.1?'t; and com- -mend it to. `every, woman . in-.-the Do , t;1.0Qr;- ye~'zi- 7H.oii~.a Journal P5"itbl.i'hig":0A'|._l . (}lohe}.,Bililing`,1,To- {minim ininion. . 8in'gle=I=oopies :10` scum or e Filled Cheese. A London trade journal is trying to create a false impression, that large iquantities of lled cheese " are being shipped from Chicago to Great Britain via Canada, the simple facts of the case being that two small lots of this lled " stuff were discovered in tran- States to England, a short time be- ;fore the new law relating to lled lcheese in the United States came into :force. But there is no fear of any `more nding its way through Canadian territory, as the manufacturer of tilled cheese is virtually prohibited through the stringent measures adopted by the United States Government. Only one manufacturer in the Western States has kept in the business after the new Act took effect, and he, it is said, has decided to stop making this cheese, as he nds the law too exacting to admit of his making a prot. `OurLondon contemporary, therefore, need not get excited over American lled cheese being shipped to England via Canada in any large quantities. As tar as Canada is concerned, there is notinow, nor has there ever been any lled cheese made.`--Trede Bulletin. sit on through bills from the Western. Dr. Kirkland a father-in-law, Mr.` H. Watson, fell and did himself o9nsider- able injury. The doctor went to C01- lingwood to attend him. U I ""--w"' At some of these games last summer there were from 25,000 to 30,000 people, of all ages, sexes and conditions. They were as vociferous in applause when some of the combatants in a scrimmage were attened out on the eld insensible, as the multitudes are at a Spanish bull ght. Midland. The propeller Elva, from Duluth, brought 120.000 bushels of wheat on Friday. This is the largest: cargo of grain brought. to the town. 'I _ l.`.__.. .I__ OAA Ann I 1 I I0 .Atn`erican Heating and-Cooking Stoves in all the. latest designs. `Lawn Sprinklers and Hose. Tinsmithing in all its branches; Estimates Furnished, P`-ices Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed.` ` A Call on us, we will try to please you in prices and workmanship. ` ZT-j- A: -- #3 4 "-j " ` A Dr. Niddrie is talked of as 9. likely man for the council. VI`; fB.Jr"3;}3v0i:503'E;he1s of min i were unloaded from vessels", and 200,- 3 `O00 bushels were shipped in cars. M - U............ `l:r-_.._ n_-I_ re 2 ' vv v... -.u -v vav nu-trruu ILL V350: Mr. flex-man Henry Cook was in town last week. W. H. Bennett, M. P., is organizing the Conservatives of this district for the next campaign. He has resolved to knock out Mr. Arthur Sturgis `Hardy & Co. .....-.. usuveusllvvu uvul uuu wunuIuuIu`er8, a new une 0! 11110188 I Ill`!-16,5 and C's;d"Cases mbined. The newest and nicest goods ever shown in town. Calendars for 1897 will be shown this week, to enable customers to mall to foreign countries in time for Christmas. ' All the Cln;istmas.Il|ustrated Papers and Annuals. Qljjjgn. : - sco'r'rs' Boo1;s;tBi-"}% PLUMBING On` lb Latest sanitary Methods. Q4-5.... Una 117.4.-- .._-.1 13.`. A _ In the Evening Telegram of the 9th, the opinion of Joseph B. Choynski, a well known pugiliat, is given, aareport- ed in the New York Journal. He says :-I positively saw more brutal ity Inicted than I ever witnessed in all the combined ghts and bonus between the heavy weight pugiliats that I saw contend in this country, England and Australia. . . . .:uwvIIII9 .-ayvmu JIVILIIIJ -I.Ul, OMS. ' . `We ares:-lling BIBLES at prices less than wixolesale I ef previous years. Exceptional values at 506;, 75c. and $1.00, and up to $5.00. "Good value at almost double the price. - q . `We have al_s_o, cn!_ijeet_frog; the manufacturers, a new line of Ladies Purses `IN T Take a1okg .-,...- Isfew mgs1an;;aLa;ya..iet, at 5c;, l0c., 25c. New .PictureLBooks, `Bound Books, Poets, etc. ' ' Wu nun }...'":..... DIDI `IFQ -1. _.,,3__, , .I `I 1 1 "A M Glnnuannn nun `Toy Book; and "iifhfilas in ..F3f;n7G.9d_S? 7'lV..I__ _ 1-- mo PREPAEEING 303 THE HOL!.l`) A TRADE. % -`-SUOOESSORS '.ro-- 7 JOHN -3-% PLA:;froN. r---v- 0, direct from Llinqe of Ladies Puresy unions` an) ...I.....-.. ...--..I.. ----_ .'L__._. ._ A.-____ I saw four men led from the eld limping and fainting. Two of them" had to be held up, and I was told had to receive medical attendance in their dressing rooms. They were applauded and cheered, and I distinctly heard one lady, whose halr was as white as snow, any : What grand young men they are. It is such a pity they were hurt. `A_ 0.1 132% NOI'{.'ArEiER1~T'_AvDA\7A-1`*Ix(3E;j loross-out saws , \ - 7 In aconsmuvnonua an units 0 nlsusns. sn-u-nxoor moon. 0 comm. [088 or Au-1-nun. 5 unnlnnr. the banana or can 9 . article are non manifest. . By the aid offho "D. a L" Emulsion. I hsvo 0 .:':.:=::::=:;: I-.~:'-*':.'::. 0 O ."."..au. {u.`". e..'1'.'i`:{'.l:.a`:.':': x'.72 .` "`? " O 5- 1'. mwmazwi. c.n.uonmu . 800. until Derllonlo . MVl8 &l.MIlIllcE 00.. l.'ro.. llovmun. 9 g:g We hear a great deal about purifying the blood. The way to purify it is to enrich it. Blood is not a simple uid like water. It is made up of minute bodies and when these are decient, the blood lacks the life-giving prin'ciple. Scott s Emulsion is not a mere blood purier. It actually increases the number of the red corpuscles in the blood and changes unhealthy action into health. Ifyou want to learn more of it we have a book, which tells the story in simple words. Total..l ............. ....l This journal is sympathy With all athletic games, calculated to develop the physical powers and call into play manly courage and endurance, but the record of football allows i_t to be a game of slugging more brutal than the prize ring. `a :ReZief for .Lung gT7QubZe.s' ,Cu*e,fn,l}y Ggmmgd and Truod at _ V'_ Repaic1sio_.. ` A ~ _"L_inV.qzn1n.V- SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. E1!_IULSIONE Barrie. `ea A reams an ea?Ediinf**`5i1x:.wiveluot: `fit 1;;mid the ce.enalt.iee_i- "`a'nTd. '_ teenlte of thelggetne in England V. or `fin our own Dominion, but e`N'e'1#, York exchange giveea rev'ie w,.of the. football `eld for the season of 1896 in she" United States. From this we gather the following highly interesting gures `Number killed......-..........-. Dangerously injured. . . . . . . . . . . Legs broken.......... `Arms broken...... Noses bi-oken............ Bibs broken....... 1 Collar` bones broken. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ankles sprained................. 22 `Shoulders dislocated. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Other dislocations. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 14 Miscellaneoua.... 34