tise now .eek, and er. As s We ve oser and he stock 'ght pro- list of `ave too uc l.CUUVl':.lCu, UJIVU. The friends and relatives of the en- tombed men haunted the head of the shaft all V day, hoping against nope that some of the rescuing party may bring up a. word Qf cheer. 9 rnur-ninrr 'l \oI'+-I1 fhnf urnnf in!-n ..Wilkes-Barre, Pa., June 29.-There are no new developments this morn- 5113 at the Twin Shaft or the Newton Coal Co._ at Pittston, - the scene` or "19 t1fI.`ible_ mine accident. It is learn- ed that th_e work of the rescuers to- ; ward reaching the entombed miners is ; Progressing rapidly. The timbering--is` 80313 up. fast.` and if the same progress is continued for 24 hours the rescuers` will be right on the cave proper and then thedigging will begin. now tar beyond or under this cave the men are .. cannot, of course, bestated. It may 'be two days-or it may be two Weeks. James McMahon,` one of the bravest miners in the valley, crawled about the mine this morning, and it is claimed he Was within 600 ieet oi where the unfor- tunate men are supposed to be. He called _out to them on many occasions, but could get no answer. That they are dead is beyon_d any further ques-. tion. (116 K tlon. UNlI`0l_1`(INATE my on-*0uNnL.uvn. Gill pl-`A. J:-1nso'n'sAl.;ot.her lleavy Balu- low. sewed ' price .SIX PEOPLE DROINED Httstoh Miners I'6 `3'.' f T` _0nd yl-`fescuol. ` ` --*' -- .--I2 suguu spun In acu- Were lIrlven'Iuck'by the l-`slung -The Insqter Auubutea to the V RaIIu-An_ nvesugauon to F0!- "Au! Gef-Sulckcn %w1vca;(} -nal l`lI.ai_n_ :_ ` %+::g%mr:mRg Amman 4 Per Cent. Interest ild on DQ900330; The 7.; man Boss nay Bldok. math aid: Dunlap int)-cot` `aunt thePoot0loo. ' ' . ` 8-ly` `Th3 Iehiarityto 'iii;a Co ); '3; un. `aoobeea. 1'-hm as-no iumua;on>:-oeoca Ivhogeg volanlnitlnilunn nuns cvhntln n Ind: Ini n':.AL'nnIi ('.h'v. `aolmlea. Inc |-depqgicioohgogimuuyagatoubvapoan FE IITIO IIIIKIIICC OI! I sUBscRiBE1 CAPITAL, & s2ao.O o.% Next door to Mrs. Stepihens Fanc.y\Store. % % ihoes. If you} want a Dinner Set call and see the Dinner Sets.J BARBIE [OM & SAVINGS C0... mcohPdRA1':_o, 1681. A Good Dinner Set, A Cheap Dinner Set, We sell Good Dinner Sets, ` Cheap Dinner Set-s. 00 YOU WANT A: China Hall Before giving your order to an. . . . . . THE AIIVANGE. nmmsn sn 7| Correction. A correspondent who says he knows all about it, makes the following cor- rection in polling division No. 12. The gures given in Tm-3 ADVANCE were, McCarthy 37, Lennox 35, Snow- art 22. Tonal 94.. The correction made is, . McCarthy 34-, Lennox 35, ! Stewart 22. Tom] 91. .....,. '..........-....u -v V-- 1---v --b.... The elections "are now over and peoploare pursuing their usual avoca- ciona as of yore. V TIVL- fI_.`I 1'1..- Q.LL..a.I_ ..-L_-`I L_IJ IIIIVII. % price -v-_~- --ca Mrs. Snider. injured in the` accident on the Penetung road, near Barrie, is still in rather 9. precarious condition. Some hay was cut in this neighbor- hood on Saturday, the 27th inst. The crop promises to be quite light-. W... ..I....L:....... ....... _... .._J ` -.v_.v V--.a s.-. JV- i The 2nd Lil'e Sabbath school hold \ their annual picnic in Cummingsi grove on the lat prox ` FOR- 2nd Line Flos. Advance Correspondence. Mr. Charles Prestuu is putting up an addition to hiq house on N. g lot 51. Ma Q A vnnf :1: `\I\:ltl:-ans nu. A. ---we---v.. - - ..--u-nu um. gvu .._. .. .... 2 .,.. Mr. R. A Kent is building an ad ` dinion to the from of his house on the ? 2n _ _ V . . . . . . . . - . . . u o unoouo : Chickens per pair......... Gecseperlb,............. Ducks, Turkeysperlb............ Butter. Roll, per 1b. . . . . Lard per lb....'..,;. Eggs per doz..... . Potatoes per bag. Ha=_vperton...... ..... Stmwperton . . . . . Wool.washed perlb...... 1 l\QP l9l\DA , nnnusas `Cow or Steek per cwt....... Sheepskin ...,... La.mbskinseach.......... .. vunuunnu u nvuvvno Beef, forequarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beef. hindquarters................... Dressedho'gspercwt........ . Mutton...` . . . . . . . `Spfing Lamb...... . . . . . . .. ... 1`/pal , , , , ,, , , , - W 001. wasnea PEI" ll \Vood, per cord. . . . Anthrnrhe rnnl. new wooa, p_er com... . ..V. ._.. .... Anthracate coal, per ton?. .. . . . HIDES. `X 5`. vats. co: Rye.... P9291... l1&&_'I'I`3H&I ' SPECIALTY, _ so-tf ' {ristin.gand%B_l1qpping Daily. T `'..Lot?'rns-.. - -TOLLENDAL Roller Houring Mills. ALLANDALE. ~ QDRFI. A} `TV ue Prices Rulling 1:3. tho Barrie 31 Toronto Markets During the Week, nnnnwn an AI`! -..-.--.- Bill Heads, Statements, Note. Heads, , Letter Heads, Envelopes, Cards. &c., 1*-_T -1733 MARKETS. GENERAL PRODUCE. Outside Drummer. I Get our piices;._:| u---v uuauosaau n u Buuus. J une..3oth, 1896. Q-(_a.-d|,/ __,_.._u .7 ""` an 5 5 75 we mAKE_._: Sewer and Culvert Pipes THE uuumu sum: PIPE ca} 00} ADELAIDE 81'. En ovomr AT ammo. V TORONTO. }BARG.A1Ns..__.... IN WALL PAPER. price ' 7 , J BABY cmnuezs, all Plush Lining. reduced to $l0.00, at A 1\d2A.1V'N S BOOK AND FANCY GOODS STORE. The Factory is now running night and day and unable to keep up with the great. demand for this Celebrated VVbeel; this is e1:ough'f<-r us to say. Prices as low or lower than any other High Grade Wheel. We ha\'(-V also New and Second'Hand Wheels of other makes from $30.00 up. All Wheels guaranteed. LARGEST STOCK of BICYCLES and BICYCLE SUNDRIES DUN TOVVN I We are putting a full set of machinery in our own shop whereby we can ` do any kind of repairs on shont notice. VVe repair any make of wheel. Remember the place. opposite Barrie Hotel. H. N; HUGHES & BRO., ALL CLASSES A handsome flock % ...of Red Bnrds. I-SUMMERSALE. BARGAINS A.` Douglas, Repair Watches... Ausnzgsn-omun.:os41n. nu Ilnnn Aalllnnn 7c. and 80. Paper for 50., 20c. and 250. for l0c.;and 12c. A call is all We ask"-of intending purchasers. IIBIIUIIIIIIIIIIIQ wall. `I connections. WRITE FOR PRICES. ' Hnce' themarvellous increase. i,6f'lat9 in our REPAIR. Dxranpn ;We. do it promptly, reasonably `and datiufaotorily-i-we make a. apeoialty of it. GEO,REEDY, B_,rar1tfo r'd E WINDOW BLINDS cheaper than ever. THE JEWELLER, V ` ' BARBIE, _ ONT- I00 Remnants to be Sold Cheap. Of Summer goods `In Prints, Dres Goods, Dress Muslins, Para- `sols, Millinery, Mantles, &.c., &c. : @NEW RE15AIR WORKS @ BARR |E.:: ONT_ N am half'IQot' fveow. `.v1'?1 `Mn ' acre: bush laud. -s'me vixuible ;'ec?3.\ta';`p'; agd Tamarack. Apply to - `IIIG B t\|f`l\\Y|Il.\lI 75. J ust' now a big Assortment to choose from. Ask to see our -Up-to-Date and XXth Century Shoes. .-;-_v - --_--.-.. -.-- --rru; MR}. 3. o'coNN_ELL. 38$ 304- _ ` . 5-21 Barrie. Ont. SHOES RELIABLE, CHEAP AND GOOD? WHY IS GOLD WORTH Because the English Government decreed is by law in 1844. AT REDUCED PRICES. _lm_h lajnd fd_r Sale. 15` $18 32 per ounce? Irnporter. Because he has been nearly 20 years in the busi- ness ; he buys for cash from the best Makers, and sells his Goods for exactly what they are, at the very lowest liv- ing prices. nllrtl In-av by the Bl'00IKI!`|. If Bulrulo l'ngs-l-`onzllt I2 llollllllv New York. June 29.-The bout of th evening. th t ttraction. W89 3 12' `Wnd contgsf alggtgveen Jack Downev. 01 Brooklyn and Frank Ernie 0! 3111" 3910. which ended in 3. draw. The 13.53 already fought twice. the~d943-``A` 50th occasions belnz 8 d3'3-W- Re` feree Eckhardt was unable to pick. 8 Her after 12 rounds had "baht! fought and the rivals had to be content with; a third a ` 1: a a. .'h&de th;.r&r:LsI.oaEy2.1?K.'...nn'l1?m$n--:" `"5 [42 S81 3 sh net, and the tram Wua *'=3F1.V hast when he arose and was Struck by some protruding part of the Fear car and thrown violently against Dost. He lived but a. few _minute8 `we? the accident occurred. William inn and John Allman. two of his "*S0Ciates, were not far distant at the. time An : .... l\auL ...u1 1... nnnllfifl-`Id hmm-I Curran, a llamlltoli Clxar MERCY: .'|I-on heath Near lnclu-.5 Crosslnl by a Beach Train. Hamilton, June 29.-(Specia.l.)--Sa.m- uel Cum-an_ a, cigarma.ker,who board- ed with Flynn 13108., at 158 Mary- *'1I`e<`t_ was killed by a Beach train On `hf: hawthorn iuluinn nf fhn G.T.R.. H-H--': ua_y Lu lucbnc LU ,yUu,a:.uu u.n;u-an You In the great party you represent, a. rm-e tormal acceptance of the nomina- UU11 xcndn-red me, "\'.. H" ,.,...I;: 1..-` ...n..- -nv-nnnnitl wui lClluL'1'u me. No om could be` more DI`0f0ndW gtY&lL`I`l)l than 1 for the mganifesta-tions Ox pubii - candence of which you have so elnquvntly spoken. It shall be my aim to attest this appreciation by an. unspai-ing devotion to'what I esteem the best interests of the De0P1e. and in this \\mi`k 1 ask the counsel and sup- Ixirz of you, gentlemen, and of ever) mend or the country." can names, not far distant at "5. am`: An inquest wm be condu` by Coroner White. ` `/ulu t\J `All \J\.IVCl IIIIICIIL \'$C\`1|p'J`n The piatfoim adopted by the Re- publican I\a.ti0nal Convention has re- ceived my careful consideration and has my unqualiiied approval. it is a n:axm~ of g1-atiiication to me, as I am sure it must be to you and Republi- cans \'\'('.)'WI1LI`e, and to all our people, that the expressions of its declaration or pi-in.-ipies aie so direct, clear and em}`vhu1i(:. They are too plain and Dvsltiw to leave any chance for doubt or r,m. as to their purport and meaning. But you will not expect Thu On :l7L-nxvcn `fr: vxvvrutr-`aiririu of Innafh Uuuluup-,. .L)uL yuu VVAI1 JIUL uayyvb rm m discuss its provisions at length ax` 1n any detail at th.s time. It w11l,h0W- r`-`El, lw -my duty and measure at some futur; day to make to you,and through Wm vn ch n-u-m.+ vxnnftr unn vnrn~nunr.r R A`) LIIU LlAl.IJ1Co 'l`ne money of the United States and every kind or form ofit, whether or paper, silver or gold, must be as good as the best in the world. It must not only be current at its full face value at home, but it must be counted at par in any and every com- mercial centre or the globe. The sa- gaclous and far--seeing pollcy of the great men who rounded our Govern- ment. the teachings and acts or the wmst Iinanclers at every stage in our history, the steadtast faith and splen- did ..t-hlevements of the great party to which we belong and the gemus ana integrity of our people, have always demanucd this, and will ever maintain it. The dollar paid to the farmer, tne vuageearner and the pensioner must wminue forever equal in purchasing and del>t-paying* power to ,; dollar paid to any Government creditor. " I`h.. ..lnH`n.n.. nanny.-.,1 1... 4-1.. 13.5, urn. was Killed Dy 8. Deuull l.l.`ll-Ill On the northern division of the G.T.R.. near Fitch's Crossing about 50'c1O0k this afternoon. It is aid he wa.s.s1t- US on the edge of 9. vtrestle.'D!`eD8!`' 511%` Lu fish net, and the train was nmrlv nu... ...x..-__ 1... ....-.s.. and was AuUu(_\v auu un.x\;ua1u5 L116 [JUUIKU QEDE. "uurlng all the years of hepubllcan control, Iuuowing resumption, tmre was a steady reduction or `tile publlc dz-bi. while the gold reserve was` saawdly maintained, and our currency and mednt p1'c.se1've.d wltnout deprecia- tiun. Lamt or SUSplC10!l. 11 we would 1-c.~'1o1`e tms policy, that brought us un-` exaxnpled p1os.pe_-nty for more tnan 30 }'t3.l'S under the most trying` conditions ever known in thls country, the pol- icy by which we made and bought more goods at home and sold more abroad. the trade balance would be quicmy turned in our favor, and gold would come to us and not go from us in the settlement or all such balances in the future. A-Inn. v'\\ .. -4: 4.]..- f7._-A-:I HA-- (LHIIJLU \ AAAyAv`y AJA\-III. a,g_ Unit, 1-..:ucd. enC0U1'ag`ed and defended agaulst the unequal competition and scmus disauvamages wan which they arc now coxltepmng, The Government or the L'mLed States mut ralse enough m(m:.V to meet both its current ex- pexmses and mcreasing needs. its revs -nues should be raised so as to protect me xnxattrml mterest-s of our people, with the hghtest possible drain upon' their xesumccs, `and maintain that high standard of L`IVll1 1.att0Il wmch nas dis- L}ng,u1SheL1 our country for more man a eutu.y of us exnsceuce. The na,t1o`na,1 cxedit, which has thus far rortunately res1sLed every assault upon it, must and will be upheld and strengthened. 1: suiclenl revenues are provnded for me sL1p1.>oI`[ of the Government, there wni be no necessity for borrowing mom-y and increasmg the public debt, "umrinrr all fhu \.'61n.)re :\f' ;.-n~.~..-.x..u..-'_ canton, 0-. June 29.--Governo`r.Mc.' Kinlty W'c1S_t0 345' 0ic1al1y._not1nea of his nunnnaxion by the Republicafnjcon- venuon. in his reply. he said: "Great ' are me issues involved in the coming election and eag`er and earnest th.e\ people for their right tieternxination. 0, domestic trade must be won uack, " and our iale w0rKm_g pe0p1e"efnpioyd' in ;;aLn1Lul occupa.uous `at Amr1c`a.n ; \-gages. 0111' home market must be.,.e_ gm:-cu to its proua rank of first in the world, anu our foreign trade so pm-1;,Lat_cly _cut off by a'qVerse n&_ non-J ze,1slat1on, 1-e upeqed on fan, and equ1l`cLLJ.o: terms for uur surplus agri- cunurzu and manufacturing products ..l:;uLeCt;0n and reciprocity,` Lwui nnzzzuxes 01 a true American policy, should -agaxn command the earnest en. ` mu1'u.r:e1uL=nt 01; the (g'uvm~hmm.+ ... tuvutu Ho`-H \-V---ouuslu L118 Birnest cuu1'a,.geIuv:nt Liuverhment at \\`a.~mng,ton. Pubnc condn.-e mum be mstuned, and the skill, the energy and me capnal of our country nd ampic employment at home, be sus 1-..:n.d. encoux-a2'ed and Ame.-.....1-..: protection and Rectum-t _ V 1 L. Twin Measure,` of ` ne .|'olIc:' which mu c,~u`_ the ll_'lca:t`n,\. can Party to \v;ol_"`nM-`. e1`uIbu._ Gold mm a cou..,.-,- mg ,'j`l`i.n.x-`Y ldc:L~'--'l`lne cmuudme -E`p",`~`# `E Thanks. ' 35' Ill; W hen Off I ci a "I ly : Nomljnatldfi; j , 1u1,L1s1) BY .4 1'It,1IN. J!'n'.v'*z T ERNE A. \'D D0 W;iNEY. -wntroived by nre-um ug... 1 -es} !l&|,.d;;!zt _810I,.;0.00-`. , V. 5 '!_'V9~'-""_ "P"-f~ - 4 PatertOn.`..N.`J,. June _2l_!.-The toad M111. Oecupledvvby .th!"7:nI8. was. des- mtroyed `by rezlast night. The loss is ` ...-I-ml at I1M.0W.j _ .?;. ,_ I Jon` June 1 hate!-nauonu nu ................._, ` . Londcn, June 29.-`--The International % Flre.'1`ournament, `which began here V 9, gnded on Sa.tuasda.y* with _a`7 gt-an`djproc_ession or the home ana _ ._,vts1tin+de_legatlox,u sud a. display or ancleng and modern _re_ ,ap_par_-,a.Vtu.g a`.x_u|_ Manx`>|;!!n.94i % : . '-Springer, only `by his -moth ' thrown ' by), the . NIICIL, quuc OUa_"*q.' Ay`--.- 4 years old. was taken er to see a.'baseba1i game ; yesterday. His father, Frank 8pring- i er, was playing ln.the same, and had 3 nished tour innings, when the ball? pitcher struck Freddie ` on (the head. He droppea_ to thg round instantly and was carried into . 8 the nearest house, but died shortly 2.1- ' terwnrdm without gaining consciou- !1eIl- K ' _ V _ , little ! Germany`: New Tauiuster of Finance In`! Just the Man to Please the Emperor. I I New York, June 29.-A special des- patch from Berlin to The Jouxnal says: Count Von Breteld the new Minister of Finance, is the kaisers Ipecial fa- vorite. While serving as Secretary or the State Council, overvw-hich William sometimes llkea to unexpectedly pre- Breteld provedindlspensable to His, Majesty. as prompter. He is thor- oughly acquainted wlth all the ins and outs of politics and, besides,` is report-v ed to be the best railway expert, in Germany. He -has no political preter- ences. and is expected to execute `his master's orders blindly. . side, The man unrgeh tvuni purdcrinz Annie Kempton otters No Evideui-e for Ins Defence - A Reserved Point. Halifax, N.S., June 29.--The taking of evidence in the trial at Kentville of i Peter Wheeler, charged with the mur- der of Annie Kempton, closed this e\ening. The prisoner- s counsel an- nounced that the defence would offer > no evidence. ' Some of the evidence given today for the Ptosecution was 5 strong, but altogether circumstantial. { men the examination or witnesses , was concluded a. question arose as to which side had the right to close. 1 Wheeler's counse_l contended that as i there was no Attorney-General in Nova. M Scotia (Hon. J. W. Longley having re- ; signed the week. before the election and nosuccessor being 3~DD9ll'H-ed). the other side had no right to make the nal address tothe Jury. Judge Town- send reserved decision on the point` ...-.HI on nnnm-nut CJl4u. LCDVI v \.u u .unt1l to marrow. `mun-cc nunurlao Ottawa, June 29.--(SpecmI.)--Senator Robert head of the Bay or Qulnte dis- trict died here to-night of heart dis- ease in his 82nd year. He was taken 11] about the close of the session. He tutfered greatly, but passed away quiet~ ly. At his bedside were his daughter, Miss Read, and his second wife, wnom r he married only two years ago, 9. Mrs. ` Wartrnan. The body will be sent to- `morrow to Belleville for burial. I The deceased Senator was the eld-j est son of Robert Read, an extensive ; farmer in the County of `Suffolk, Eng- land. There he was born in` 1814. He came to Canada. in -1836. He was for many years engaged in tanning, dis- tzliing and agricultural pprsuits.` He sat for Quinte division from October, 1862, till the Union, and represented .East Hastings from Confederation till celled to the Senate in 1871. LOOKS BAD FOR WHEELER. g t;.o-morroif," } chanceas for [lean Failure was the Cause of the Death of the R9lIl'eIenta.tlve of the Bay I gr dunno mm-tot. (\IL....... 1'----- 01` BIG, TIME AT QUEBEC. v v Isuzu`. A meeting of the C.W.A. Executive Committee was held to-night,when all sub-`committees reported arrangements completed. Hundreds of wheelmen are pourint in. They are being looked after by a special committee. Mr, P. Campbell, proprietor or the Frontenac livery stables, has placed a very large and oonenient building for the storms of bicycles of visiting wheelmen. Thousands of wheels will be handled in this storehouse. MQBBPB. Callahan and TK.*-:...1. a--- nave IJCBH entered f0 There are at preset and over 550 entries. ....a.u u; we question. Winnipeg's -early closing bylaw, which a few merchants have fought, was to-da.y'quash'ed by the full court as` a. restraint upon trad ` I I I an-I35 VI `J30 Quebec, June 29.-Several members of the Executive Committee 0:` the Canadian W_heelmen s Meet called ,, upon Vice-Admiral Er- skine on board H.M.S. C.`re:3c':nt to- day. 1The admiral was very much pleased with the program of the.c0m- ing week's events, and said that the eet would co operate with the execu- tive towards making the meet a Suc- cess. The war ship s string band gave a public [concert on ,_the terrace evening. A rnnnlw... -4: LL -1.... . -- ,Assocla.tion 1 this 1 with the intent` for Joseph Martin, as it.n- ?[r1den_t_ that Mr. Laurier do I`. Marnn 1 `-3 "` clures that onl the Catholics of Manitoba want Sep-l a.ra.te schools, and adds:, When Mr. Laurier s commission of enquiry comes . here let it turn its attention to this phase of the question. I Winninnwg -n--I-- -'-~'~ ` `mule - Four-You-Qld If:-eddle Sp:-Inger I Killed Dr: Ian Thrown by a_ `neuron Pitcher. ' Detroit, Mlch., J,-une 29,--Fredd!e . n.....n.am- -nnlv 4 years` Old. W85 taken 119 I big SENATOR MA 121341). A %r1;1* ID ICI (3176:: Greg: `.\V.A. V min. a _ nnv . p Slip- e, low learing . Q A /lllauai. e.$i'.I._M'c:-e't` This Week. 1 J U1"1"l UL`. Tournument. _--41- for the Opening`! ' A Ilnno - I F- ~.(spe%c1a1.')-T I fn hnc-` -g. sea r\t\a\ .. - _ V. V... - .. .... ..v .. .. .,v`.._. --v nun u-u[- Paulo; or the Island. 8:.` John 8.N.F.. June 29,-f-1>readru1':or. seat res are sweeping? over the north- ern portion of this .isiand.__ On Fri~ day 20 families were rendered home-. less at Botwoodvlile. On Saturday night Piiiry s-Island was swept by'nre. T-he Methodist Churchgcourt-House.` ` salvation` Army barracks. and 35 houses were destr0.}'_ed._ `Women and children almost naked had to seek -retuge in open boats in. -the :lia.rbor. `The Gov- iernmentv-iscsending galley. . V, . '-`\. -u. v -v-.--.-. London, Jmie 29.:-Th; statues}-a wm ~/to morroyv, print a despatch. from Bul- uwayo; saylnz that"-a brother or Jameson. the lejnder otftho ma lnto_.th'e ' Transvaal. [18 among `those who have b.e.eTn;k,l.V.f_ 5.5 :-t.hiI lF?Wbe|e9- - 1 11'-at I'll-as Now Ijvyoopllg the Ionian -.-ou._ -0 41.- n..i-_; V l'l`laey Welt With a hwhtlng. Party on Lake Shawano on Sunday Evening. Shawano. Wis.,June 29.--Word reach- ed here of the drowning` of six persons at Shawano La-ke during .a, gale 1351, evening. A party consisting of O. A.' Rlsum and wife, Herman Drackrey and wife, L0\119`GkeY. wife a.nd..chi'ld, ` qt Pulciver: Miss Emma Garbrecht of` -Shawano. and Miss Margaret-Crow of l St. Nazinz, Manitowac County, start- ed from Cecil about'6 o'clock in O. A. ~ Risum's yacht, en route for` a. few days outing on` the north shore of the lake. When about three miles from shore the ; boat was capsized by a sudden squall. and the part) precipitated in.tb the % water. Mr. Risum and Mr. brackrey l clung to the capsized ygcht for several ` hours,` the latter holding the child in .hia arms, when they ,.were rescued by parties -from Cecil,who were attracted` by "their cries for help. `The bodies of theiother-six have not -been recovered. 1 ,1-u.uu.rcu a.LI.c1. uuu. avvalu ursuql 1:, gun. (I robe and b.v means of it saved the Parker boy. but in the confusion re-` suiting from the accident the boat was overturned and Mr. Black-zmt and the other four boys were thrown into the 1 water. None of the party save the (Tax ; bo.v could swim. and before help could \ reach them from shore, all ve were drowned. Assistance was summoned from Hotel Massapoag and the I_.u.1;es were recovered shortly after. Tue camp was at once broken un and the grief- strlcken survivors return-.--.1 home this afternoon. The names of the drowned are: Frederick Brackett, Thomas Par- ker. Harry Laker, William S. Atkins I and Benjamin Blbbs. Sharon. -Mass Juhe 29,-What Wasi intended to `be a. 'week s en.I<`vyd.b1e out- ing` was brought to an abrupt and sad close at Lake Massapoaa` this after- d noon. Assistant Pator Joseph Max-; well. Choirrnaster Frederick Brackett. Clerk Georire R. Ke-ves and 16 choir boys of St. John's Episcrupal Church, Charlestow-n. came to Sharon to-day to camp out at Lake lvlassancxag fur a. week. They arrived-about 12.30 p.m. and pitched t Ir tents on the shores of the lake. A er dinner Mr` Brackett and six of the boys went out in a. boat. `They Daddled around the edge of the bond in shallow water. oemg not over 40 feet from the shore, when a little boy named Parker tell overnuala. Frank Cox. aaad 1.3. ixnxnediately Jumped after him. swam ashore, got u nnnn nn Inn rnnovn: .~. `'4 Q`:-:1-(.1 u-I~.~. AUDUIJC I5 IIIUBL Klllscltlllu . I I i I 11 p.m.-When it became known to- night that it was more than probable that the men would never be found the excitement was renewed. The res- cuing party that came out of the shart at 10 o'clock reported that the situation Was worse than at any time to-oay. .The workings are crushing nearer the foot of the shaft and the outlook xs very dubious. The night shift or res- cuers were driven back by the roof cav- ing in and closing` up the work that had been accomplished during the a1.'- ; terhoon. It is now feared that the en- ` trance to the`Twin Shaft may be clos- ed within the next 24 hours. FIVE OF T]! EM DRO W N ED. The Abrupt and Saul Encllng or a Party Tlatsul-ted out fora Week`: llollduy. gJu&_|.1a.l. ` 7 p.m.-The situation at the scene of the Pittston disaster remains practical- ly unchanged to night. `the company is making every possible effort to reach the victims, but there is abso- lutely no hope that any of them will be recovered alive. VI"!-u.~. cucn.-..:_ ......: ....I..u...._ A: u... ._ One of the chief officials of a neigh- boring, mine stated =that the heavy rains of the last few days had caused water to go into the Twin Shaft and down into the fifth vein, which caused the roof of the Red Ash vein to become weaker. An oicial investigation will follow, and it is believed that it will in every respect be thorough and im- partial. '7 nrn+'IV!-.- ...lL....4.l-.. -4 4.1.- ..-A.._ -1