AV `gull IN TOWNTHIP OF ESSA. N xoa.ofSouth-easta a........ 30- i.S3oaof5l.`1a D VILLAGE OF ANGUS. '1 non. u Excelsiorlife I Insurance 60.! ' "TOR CHILDREN. absolutely no drug tate. H 1 . An echul ti . with g:2'c'a`3:3an o1f3`3e 'z`..`.'a`3..1"."1}x".3:. seous drugs. cure rms. Fever Fits. Colic. Gold, `Teething, etc. `FEE SAMPLE w an` rddreu. P:-1oe.25o. Dr-. Howard Medicine 00.. Out. nrvun 3. v 11 UIIIIB. I'D VI` ELIE. UUIIUQ \JUI|Ig \ '1' ,tm"' eto`.""mz.I;'.`m sump dd ; P1`- 1oe.S%.' HowudMed1cm%Oo.. B1913: F .3321 v;uuc-on vr nnvvuuu _ Bush St.. lot 73. 1-5 a ueen St., lot 123, 1-10 a. ueen St. lot 1 , x-no a. ing Sb -iot 32. 1-5 a Price and erms made known on atprlimtion to 1: A 'r'rt 1: Properties for Sale -.- . . . - _ -.:g_. -___-._ That are at excelled bv any other Compiny ' in Canada; RE-WM. GIBSON ESTATE. :7 tf Improveil Farms. EAT8. HIARKI. PA'l'lI`l 8o H78. I: write 00 N aw Yonx. ts in America. ht before ::*.:,..., 1.. no .- v- 7 . -v- - -wa-~-rv ova-nnawmug District A-'ent._ '8-Iv Local Agent. I `The **g.`:*,*rr%%a': ' Even . 'ro1_zc3N'r'o. ` ROSS BLOCK. L 1.1:, _ Executor. ,Thin_,is the only Aisociatiori that makes a. denite ' `contract with both invector and borrower. One plan only. and this divested of all technicalities. Investors $100 share: told at $50. carrying 6 r cent. intrest._.pa ble y.e`a.rly-_-'-and aocumu atiug in-. tcisest doub principajjn 10 years. Ask for pam- n at. ' ` V ` 13%|` "`I` I V or TORONTO. Ixcbnmurzn unmaa CHAPTER :69, R S.O. ` -. 1 (gxnuannwr PLAN.) -A_U%'l`HORIZEDCAPIT_AL, -- .. $5.ooo,oc SUBSCRIBED, _-.- e- 1- -- $1,695.51 L PROVINCIAL x - . = - An inveqtment safe as governm_ent securities and ` much more protable, realizing th_e investor an equiva- lent; to :5 per cept. per aunum. simple interest. ._ For printed matter and further infommtion call_ on in -n- 1-o-. -uu-ua:;----5 W 1-H: mvi:s1'on-.w1. t n i $100.00 with the 0. P. B. & L. &s:'n. gnficehagguiz 1 doub%ed in :1 years. beside receiving during the in- ` terva. 6% per annum paid to you every six months? e Ineother words, for your $xoo.oo you will reeeive as interest $66 and a lump sum of $200, making a grand total of S266. Ill omer WOFQE interest an total of $266. | TENANT-Why pay rent, when, on such eas month) payments. you can become your own `.an - lord ? on have the choice of repayin at a monthly ratef $1.20, $1.50, or $1.90 for eac $xoo.oc bor- row ' TH: PU_B|_|C-Why apend a.ll6'our ocket money? 6oc. `a. month placed with the . P. and Loan Association will vield vou in about 8 vears A ll|('Cy I OCXI. 3. HIOUUI plaeea Wltn me U. 1'. U and yield you years A PRESENT of $xoo.oo, or a prot of $41.40 over your monthlv payments. JOHN RUGBRSON,` % STANDARD LIFE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI- THE mario Permanent Building &and Loan ` Association E Calls attention to the special facilities offered to In \ vestors and Borrowers. Lorn- excavdtialf ` no nD3AI`.. * DENT GUMPANY. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . OWEN STREET. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, 01rFIcl:--Next door to Bank of Toronto, wt: II IAGIN1`. JOHN BOGEHSON, I `nun-I3 "1f:".' 'I1Iiv"1I}2*i'Z9i%i'3;4fz _- n\__ _ 'I3TCoIN.G AN D` I3` AGENT us. unuuw-r e on I-hot! #9`. t h_ous_e wgg lfH\88lJRI-`.N8[ ?OF-- BARRIE `LOCAL BOARD. TI`? LOAN ASSN. .Y'I`I`\ BARRIE. $5,900,000. $`9695I6Q- BARRIIE Is now readv for excuxjsions and other engage- ments. : For information apply to The Ad Va nice," The... me uranu 1 runx ana panacnan racmc Kauways. It is intended the staurch and popular Stamers,A1'- LANTIC, Capt. James \`Vil.~on: MAJESTIC. tapt. P. M. Campbell; PACIFIC. Capt. R. D. Foote. will run as follows during the season of navigation, 1896, leaving Collingwood at i p.m., Meaford 3.30 p m., Ow:-n Sound 11.45 p.m.. every Monday. Thurs- day anu Saturday. for Killarney, Manitowan- ing, Little Current,_ Kagawong. Gore Bay. Span ish River Cutler, Serpent River. Algoma Mulls, 'lhes- salon, Bruce Mines. Hilton. Richard's Landing, Garden River and Sault Ste. Marie. I .u...:..... Q....I. C... !u...:,. ._. ..i-..|:...|... ..... .. "l`L.___ I TIIIIII TV"? u"EO City of Toronto leaves Penetang a; 11.30 a.m. and M5dland at 2 pm. after arrival of trains from Toronto and Hamilton, Daily (Sundays ex- cepted). far the Islands. Sans Souci, Rose Point, Parry Harbor and Parry Sound. connecting` with the City of Parry Sound there on Mondays and Thurs- days for Killarney. I I r -..J.. .v. -_.... Tickets and alfinformation supplied by all G.T.R. or C.P.R. Agents, or by applying to If I"IIYI'1"l`l\\V It `New - Palace - Steamer __. _____ -. - . . vv--.r-....-u. soo_i.mr-:. City 01 Collingwood and Cllv of Mid- land leave Collingwood at 1. .o p.m.. Meafond 4.30 and Owen Sound 11.45 .m., every Tuesday and Friday resp:-ctively, Kn all orts on North Shore and Manitoulin Islands to San t Ste. Marie. -.5.--:2 ---. . ._._. MAITLAND & RIXOIGT A can but nnrnn Q... n n IS LAY Innn 1 nun 1 nnnn 1 nnnax 1 L,U-.Vll A1V Y. (Lxmited),-Ro_val Mall Lune, In connection with the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacic Railways. It is intended the staurch and nnnnlar Sn nmpru A-r. rluln LzUIllllg\VUUU anu uwen aouna, (0 D00 and return. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . ..$|.1 oo From Toronto. Hamilton. London, St. Thomas.` etc., and return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 50 Norlhern Belle-Capt. Chas. Jacques. Parry SollIld-The Steamer Northern Belle will leave Collingwood every Tue and Friday at 5 p.m . calling at Midland. and leave on arrival of 12.20 train from Toronto. for Parry Sound. Pointe Aux Barilh Byng Inlet. French River and Killarney. there connecting with main line steamers from Sault and all ports. Returning calling same places. 1- or information as to freight rates and fares, ap- ` gly tn anv agent of the Grand Trunk or Canadian acic Railways. the Purser on board the steamers, or to H. E. SMITH. Owen Sound. Invvrsn I/\\vr\ 3--.- ..._--....--. uv IIIII aII\llII- I-ll I-0 City of Parry Sound leaves Collingwood at 1.30 p.m. every Monday and 'l`huru-day for Parry Sound. Byng Inlet, French River and Killa.r- I ney. connecting there with the lincrs for the Soo. KQTEII EAIIQI-Q I IAI1 Fax 7 uarucn nlver and cam; ate. mane. Leavmg Sault Ste. Marie at dayght every Thurs- day, Sunda_\':1nd Tuesdav. From Collingwood and Owen Sound, to S00 and return `'1 an Lighted throughout by electricity, including state- rooms. Running in close connection with the G. T. R. and C. P. R. Companies. (533 I IQIF NOBT_ _suun NAVIGATION cu. rAMoos aLA'{`kLi:i{e:'.' Georgian Bay Royal Mail Steamers. as-If "r"r1'6's."}.E>'li;'." W Secretary. 1REAT NORTHERN }Iz-Ai~JsIT COMPANY r n;...:....4x _nm.,1 M.:: I :.... :.. ..........-.:,... ..,:.s'. Lnnu cc xuzxun. Agents. Owen Sound. ..----...u -..-.~.. -- Ola nu: nun. PARRY 5'u `pl 7-` Q - 4 - x `A I__ R3 LINE.` -.-.,_ . . . . . . .......... -v .n..... \..v- .-nun u.- NORTH snonz LIUE. ASA9_9_I1_gl leaV_'e__(_:olling Aovamsl-: IN Capt. Mclnnes, BARRIE OR ORILLIA. ...rr._y ... u\r M. BURTON, Manager. )N. Collingwood. Ont. nund. av-H` CAME RON. _x$-ti Manager. no per word wu rinsertlona of th Yuma _ f Toronto Strae to paper In the No Intel! ent Irlv C2, A . in the world ORTH AMER- nnn qyuua Iv un---" FIRE lNSUR' `(IA Ind] mace A363 must In over} metal bases. rou ht DOIOXB Ft chime in the O II-IIZII Winn American fl)?` UNLVGIK [York C10.` or nIvu_-w.___- is the ishea wttlu .la'cu./1 1 I mi; L-.gAI-nan? A Anni ID CEMENT I` Pan-lu,;&c. icnnustn | nonthly rate with eo monthly mg, iMI'I"I'l ! IVVV: URANCE CO. ,vVI.Io BURANCB 00 OQDOBII. mode- .-.`-; nu usynfi- ' somorrn'n. ND CON- npanies :- 1: OFFICE OF % 2. ilcuo "53! c DERs0N'S SALE-S %.L Q. H-DwE ? Sosa` Inzauer. [ . nun AUc'~rIo_N It Seems that They do Very Well in not Giving Their Money Away. You touch the true reason why rich men delight rather to grow richer than sogive their money away. They de light. in the game. The four richest men I knew were all of them indiffer- ent to money. They were all keen on their business, anxious to make the very best goods, and to stand 'rat in their special trade. About money, f(_)r its own sake, thev cared nothing. But. are they not wise in not giVi0g their money away? Do they not d0 more good, far better service even to che poor, by using one sovereign to produce two? Suppose a. man Worth 3 million gives all his money away. Hi8 sovereigns cannot be in two places at onetime. The world, the mass of the laboring poor, is no richer._ H-6 533 simply passed the control of his fortune into a hundred hands instead of keeping it in his own. The p0'0r have all- the million _in their hands already, and the brains of , _the captain of prored ability to direct 11 in addition. His money "is really of far more value to them with _-him as film director and guide of how to use It than is would he if placed-under the direction of less competent men; I There would be more waste, which ill 9110 0'19 dimger the workers have to rm. . TL 1 u . . - . no I I` ,-, _1;L 1 invmind t.hat'no-M. d rti % c:nX 1.33333, he co Y for such on: o co not late: as. in any week nouncement my eek following ed to use that! 1, . ulgd they do .50, for such adver There is a prevalent delusion that if he gives away his million" there Would be more money in the world. It is not so. The money would be dis- placed. So far as a few individuals are concerned, they would be richer, but if 30. that could only be in consequence of the money they possessed being taken nm 1.5` +L..-. l,,....]._ -1.` LL... .........-`. lulsnmnpu outgf the hands of the many laborers who uow possess it. - TL- _,_, , .11 LL. _:II:.... 3-. v -..-uuvj nun. /,l|Jl`J\IDlJ\-V-Q -vv-.-B -..._--. 1 " EN` NU VVUFISUFH HI-VI! NU Ivan: W :I'he delusion that` to divide W631! _Vould increase the comfortfof the -poor 158 mistake It is divided` now.) No )';nL 1' 2.. `.3- under the direction f'f'.T;`5tiie . .P$." industry. akme . " "`*U- Ll: In UIVIHCII uvwo -vv "h man has ten sovereigns in his pk6t. It is all employed. Were `it. not so a millionaire would be Eu, `-curse. and would destroy the'eonpt;ry5. ` V4 How could an articial 'diItI"i_bptio_n:- `f i118 wealth benet the working" 9 it were all given_a.wa_v:._; ip; irguid 1` ` employs. _Ail,4% ii l;<;ved- capacity, is ` ends of w"r 93? tifew 5 . forces those who , km our only clai izo` as htQ..Qf.;i'- The wise friendbjf % MILLIONAI RES USEFUL. -1. v--- __.-.___._'_` That this scheme wlllnbe strenuously resisted goes without saying. The late Uhancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Wil- iiam Harcourt, has already indicated the nat.ureot' the `opposition to it, by arguing in favor of a reduction of the tax cn incomes. A much more com- /prehensive objection will be made to it by all who believe that,'as the unearn- ed increment in -land should belong to "the community and not to the indivi- dual, the. proposed reduction in the I land taxi would be a retrograde etep. if he is a millionaire, may well feel i not only the pleasure, the excitement and the joy of the exercise of his power , and skill, but may he not also have ` the satisfaction of knowing that to act otherwise, while gratifying to his pride or to his pity, is really to injure, l and not to bless, those thousands of laborers` who depend upon him for steady employment and regular wages -blessings inc-omparably greater than any possible gift of money can secure to them 1-Letter in the Spectator. | The land in Britain is in a peculiar position owing partly to the fact that it was once "held in common on the tribal system, "that it was subsequently held under a feudal tenure, and that much of it was slill'mor'er ece'ntl_v al. lotted to private owners` in -fee simple without any return V to the state for what was thus donated. Every--one atallacquainted with English history will remember the " mclosure acts, which are statutes creating private ownershipof public lands. Vast areas of `these . old `village conimunity proper- ties _l'1av'e.been_'v thus` appropriated, `and popular indignation" long . agqexipresseda Alllf in the well ;known ditty `_: . _"i.1`he.-law wi|l`;1i,u'niI.h g-gal: ot:Ti'`Pin. A . 1 Whtiatals fromo` thejoornmon : -. 'A:_BI.&,..I6t. rhuroater yilliis '09:. at The Land Tax in England. The present Ministry in Great Brit- sin seems determined to "make hay while the sun shines, in the matter of relieving the land-owners of their scal burdens. The existence of an abnor- mally large. surplus in the national treasury makes the occasion opportune for the attempt. _ The proposal is to reduce the land tax from four shillings to one shilling` in the pound. What We Don't Flnd.. Perfect children. Doctors who agree. Always wise parents. _ A man without anenemy. Lovers who never quarrel. A great character,_:awlees. Genius without opportunity; _ V g ._ Pridesnd humility hand in hand. One who loves his enemy as himself. A Sense that attracts as soon as beauty. The tattling tongue (that `tells the truth: V. s 7 " H 6x1.;_'v:l1o passes rightedua judgment on a rival. ` ' g 7rK}u$ ;i:eu justice nds. no dii- pulty iiradjugming the so_lea_. ` -`Anna: n-`\t\ tilion `kn The Weather for `Colds. This is the time when colds are in the fash- ion--everybody who is anybody has one, if not himself there s one In the family. For no conplaint under the sun are there more yams- dies than for a cold in the head. but of the thousands Chase s Catauh Cure is the best. In twelve hours I was cured of a bad cold in the` head by Chase's Cure, writes Miss Dwver, A-lllston, Ont. 25c. of all druggists, with blower free. ' . 1 T G-njater self- gbnegation than that of. true. love; ' 2 2:33;? ::.:".:.'.P: nsertion. 9 dam. ertion, 1 cent ' gures coun nt per word insertlnm: out n. WThe roatd tojuccess that is not par- ticularly `steep. . - e. - r|'u_- ---....-.... _L.... :4. :. L..4.L.... L. I... I.`IJ\IIIn| I uasvvru The occasion when `it is better to be rich than honest. u.v -5- J1 . 101 `Sue who blames himself ... quicm, as anotyer for the` aame_ fgulp. V .bound himself `to take his share of the ldefence of the kingdom against the :foreign invader, and to administer just `ice among his tenantry, not to. men- tion other public services. When `these feudal burdens were extinguished, the release operated exclusively to the benet of the owner of the land ; the general public had no share in the -ad- vantage, for the landowners Parlia- ment of that day did not see t to make the land liable for other burdens in lieu of these which it abolished. The land tax` imposed a few years ago is, it seems, now to be greatly lessened and, I if possible. altogether abolished. I Une feels disposed to wonder how such a proposal will aect Mr. Cham- berlain. The lessening of the tax on land means an increase in the scal burdens pf those who own no land, and only one petjson _in several hundreds is a land owner. The `Radicals have ever been opposed to class privileges. and Mr. Chamberlain has been a Radi cal leader. He will nd it very dii- cult to steer a straight and frank course on this question, and also on that of 5 denominational schools. Fortunatelyl he has always the alternative of resig- ' nation. ' I W: some one did not say AI-toldvot`1a.o"` __ ~ ' ` I ' Iilll nu Iauvoua V x v w 2,ae`ili';h person who glvs `away the biggegt ahagg qf thg.be;t,I ; ., HEAD OFFICE BARRIE OFFICE J . H_. llIclN1\`I8., FEED; MARE. I"\!-4_9_;_ A ._-__A :5: ::"" - 0 ed out. One of m" sick headaches," you will hear ople frequently say . as if the complaint. was opelessly incurable. .a' matter of fact, Ayer s r Pills not only ` relieves eiok headache but effectually remove the cause pf this dis- tressingfeompaint, andeo "bring about a per- maaent cure. - - . .1030: w 30: w I`:1|9a.ofS2foa ofW`.......... EzaofW a ofSxo aofN82 ofwi ...... .NAnanfF. :nnlQl,,, ,, vnnvni. rnnmlvnis NEW AND ATTRACTIVE FEATURES That valuable Stock Farm in the Township of Vespra, avt of the late Wm. Gibson estate. viz.. com pose of Lot 23, in the 9th Cam, and part of Lots 22 and 24 in the same con.. together making about 270 acres. a great portion is improved, a frame house is erected and the property in a good state for further improving. lhere isa good running creek on the premises. Distance from Barrie, 3 miles west on a xst class road. Quite convenient to churches, schools and postofce. WILD LN D5 IN TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA. PART LOT 1 |SxoaofN}ofE} . . . . . . . . . .. 23 S663. ofE% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :5 N7oa.ofE% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :2 N30aofWsl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 N6aofW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 South x5ao W} . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :6. Eight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 giaofs 1oofE} . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 l 'N4ga3r'1': 'o'_-.'I-.';s"I.`.'.'.'.' " i.s3oaorN 8_aaofE . When a.blundr does not overv;l1;l; ; worse than on avalanche of real tn-oubl`e. % a of }' 'o'f'W'}'.T naofszoa nfWL ITUMINOUS