u "'F3'r'2E "1-';1.;;i<`1m <:;_;";-(;-(3'<"_i;1s 1:i-;;a't;. tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nau- sea. and all disorders of Stomach, ` , 4,14- ' "`I was trohbled, a xng time, with sick headache. It was usually ac- } i55lI593i.1'55i1`TVith "s,eY9i'37I?ii1$ "i`fi;'1`1i' temples and sickness fathe stfoni-i 7 ` recommended for - ~`-`Q ` this complaint; but ' gantaking ach. ; .I,trie`dva good many remed_ies- it was not until I be-_ IFLORIDA jWATER unucr nose. uel acotrs. L a salmon-colored wrappen- - v-- a\J\.o\.I.\av wLLL\J\.I .l.l.\J\A\v In other etnulslors you are llable to get an uneven benet-elther an over or under dose. Oct Scott's. Genuine-has I Iallnnnucnlnrod unvnnnor, . science paw an. nun: UVVIJ wucru; TKO IKDIEHBI, `(OC- VERY LARGE BO+.TLE:5, 50 CENTS on... ca?urc'PaITs new and niptom at worm rm. MURRAY wuouasaue fEt0R|8T I NEAR BARBIE. Box '71 Avlrs e are; now mnnuuomrlng, and-on w 8 you 0!. sun .1; mam raved :1? 33`i."%&?nVnXAMm. . area before` I ' IV . sf. '__ _-.._. ..............-u as an: normcm.I(auway~ switch. toot 0.3 I , phn atrqet. nan; ghgdepqt. The bond of _th_i_s Lips; is ,_ ;.of'any` other kind. and dupq_'ri_ of` John and BlBl!'f'-' $T;l1_!_|E, wonxs I ciiiald not get Insured. meulcal aocuetv. - 0foes-01 I start. Dunlp St. Resience.' - .u1urses.' uogs. s_heep, Pigs; ac) work and treatment of 7 uses 0 animals used in the stud. specizilties. \ at Love'BI-on.` L-very Stables. op osite `Bank of `Toronto. Residence.~ Stables and nrmary. 62 Collicr street. next door to the ljiplel. Barrie, Opt. Oioe Telephone No. 70 House Telephone No. 7. xo ly W F. c. GREGG, Veterinary Sur Graduate Ont. Vet. Coll: , 1-` Mgdial Sqcietv. -_ 0'i ' -Over wau stOI"e.`DunIon St. R=~n3A..... `.4 um-- '-_.""`**.%--1 MORREN. V` ' .A. '1`:-eats all amea.e.9te"a"og=S" .(l-lorses; D . Cattle Sheep, I work and u-.-mm... -4` 1.----__ _ "sash, blinds, mouldings. etc. BARRIE PLANING MILL --Gl-20. BALL, Car- penter and builder. and manufacturer of doors, Planing of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. Factory, Bayeld street, Barr e. 1 Inc. gUn_t'.N'a U'l'EL.-A. `V. BRO\VN, 1 Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bar and larder well supplned with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of -guests convmed in... m .....a c...... -n _ ,-_. -...-.-.. uuu uuuuuvc nusuers. Luggage - nests conve ed tree to and from all trams. Few 001': west of arket street on Dunlop street. ' 1. nun unu. clerk County of Simobe, will ti be at his oice. at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookslown. _;.j_.j__...._____.____.___. ._.____.._..._. } :__;>__. ____._..._-. 1 1 T E QUEEN'S HO'I`EL.--A. W . Egcellent acommc_>_dation_ fqr 1 Iraunlllnou _'..Ll2.. -- --~ 1 ' 12%.. real me:-It: en a meann.of removing pein. no pediciue has acquired ll reputation oquel to Perry De ' ` Psin-Killer.-Netqmrt New. ` Bnwaxe of lnnitotiqns. Buy only the genuine "Pun DAVIS." Sold everywhere; large homes. 25. JEQUI A1515:-ear`-1--go. .-_- --A---I-- $7o,uoo ' interest. Noifrincnpal money required until end of the term. H. S'l`RA;HY. bolicitor. Etc.. Barrie. 7 ~- (I16 ICE O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Ral Estate at lowest rates. Farmers` hotes Dissounted. Collections made in any rt of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its brhnchea. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-Ross block. Dunlop street B.u'xie. 4:-lv. 1 --~.. - v- - ' We am: now . "III! ning; 351.110! '0! the .`l1ntanI.uhnm . R. W. D. MMELAREN, Dentist. succcasor to ' Dr. Bosanko. Utnce_--Kooms lately occupied by Dr. Boaanko. Residence--Ou:en's Hotel. :6-ly . n. vvm. naunnnuaun, uentxst. uraauate or U the Royal College: ot Denta burgeons, and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Preserva- tion of the natural teetha specialtv. 0ice--Buth- well's Block, Dunlop street. Barrie. Ont. 8-ly R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Co.lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. I RS. ROSS & ARTHUR. Physicians. Surge. ns, etc. W. A. Rose, L.R.C.b. Edin,, L.R C.P.. Londun. J. R. Arthur. M.B. Toronto Unnersity, L.U.P. and S., Ont. Oices and night r:siuences- Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Te!ephone 77- DR. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street. 1` oxonto. may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie. on Friday, Oct. the nth, from 8 to u a.m., and the second F nday of every month. M Ito ortiole ever attained to such unbounded popular- ny.-su!em observer. `V0! -OD boot testimony to the emcooy of the Pain- Killer. We have no-n its magi: oeou in sooth the pug. sud know it to 3 good uticlo.-b in- No lnhuyetsurpoued tho Pain-Killer, which is the mootv noble fomilymedlcine now in use.-Tcmmuo Omen-, R. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S.. Ont., (late of Drs. Harvie 8: Smith, 0n'llxa..) Otce and residence --corner of Owen and Qollner streets, Barrie. 23-ly AV]: 1". unxurnnu La, DBTTISKCY, Ul|(v'IlUI'y W Notary, etc. Money to loan. Qices- Barrie and Stayner. Bathe Uice-Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. 5-ly IOHNSON & SARJEANT. BARRIE. L and Dealer; in Coal: 'of.all.Kind an awn. Gr`v' and Gum. um... 1_:.-Ls -_oNm.D ROS: B. A.-Barrister. Solicitor, -Conve; ancer. etc., money to loan. Offices, `_Ba.nk of Torpnto Building. Owen street, Barrie. 48-ly ` . BNEY AT PER Cl_iL\'l .-.-We have a large amount of private tundti to loan at 5 percent. on good approved security. MCCARTHY, l:`EPLBR_5_MCCARTHy_.` -.'.} 5.`LE_5 S. _.,.,.._____.._..____.._..._ .___._.___ ICKINSON 8; _ uACWATT, Barristers. No- tanies Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie. Ont. Ofces in Bank of Toronto Block, No. .'lOvlv;en street. Branch ofce, Elmvane, McKeggie's oc . . > on . cs `its up ,,, ,,A ULT & COWAN, Banisxers, Solicitors of the Supreme Court, Proctors. Notaries, Conve - ancers. etc. Money to Loan. Oiccs-Ross' Bloc . Dunlap-st.,' Barrie. V . ' II7._ . _ - . . _ _ _ -. A -.- _ ' A - uucv I"1\nuvAn 7 CCARTHY, PhPLER' & MCCARTHY. Bar- risters, Sulicitoxjs, Conveyanoers, etc. D'_AI.'roN McCAR'ruv, Q.C. F. E. P. Pzpuzn. Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muxcmsus. Barrie. ' MCCARTHY. Pzpum,` MCCARTHY & DUNCAN, Alliston and Cregmor . nn,r\ , w. PLAXTQN. Ba_:-i:ter, soiizor, Notary . Public, Convcvpncer, &c. Oices oyer Fraser. Llark 8; (Ida. store, Dunlop street, Bame. Money _.|-Irivafn and Cnnananv fund: tn lend at `lowest rates "TJ';;c`l"Ez:;'..e"I.-nally, It Cures Outs, Bruises, Burns, Soalda, 8praina,' Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. `Frosted Feet. L la|'.K & D0 3. BKOYB, UHDIOP street. Darrlc. Auuucy - _nvate and Company funds to lend at `lowest rates 0 interest on town and farm property. 9-ly. 6'.'i.'ziLvL'.T. L) _ A ' ngrnsgers, - _ _ Solicitors in High Court ot Justacrs, Notaries Publnc, hlonvpyanccrs. utces oven the Bank of Toronto, an-xe. ' ' Iln..nu|:.. an-9 A` C.` An.` al-up" n-aurora`: On Inan III R _ V II; l:`lILIE.lVI'IUI\I, Dafflllcf, tuturucyg lb . Soljcntur tn Chancery. Conveyancer, etc. Otec--F1rst dour Owen street. over Bank of,Com- merce. Barrie. no-48. EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristerx4.S01ici- tors of the Supreme Court of ]udicature_ of Untarib. ?Proctora. Notaries. Conve ancers, etc. Money to loan. Oices--Ross Block, axrie. n n u1_.'_ ____ __ A 1': L! F. .... ....... "E01168 W. LOUNT. Barrister. Attorney, Soli-. citor; Notary Public. Oices in Bothwelfs Block, Barrie, Ont. ` 24-ly uso. nru. mwwu, - ' - :_ Bap,-rie,Aaliston and Creemore. , Lnmox .8: Boys. . g V ' Elmvale ` Barrie voice-cor. Dunlop and Owen sts. Elm- valebde oppoute Hunt's hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates. _ _ ' I ..__. IAMES EDWARDS, onve. .l'.lIl'l'iIn.IEa l.I-,on.n-. O . | ('Ii`i:o.1: ?}.;&" 3'. Runs}. A-;l` RTRATHY & usrsx ' "-FaT{Sn'u'J2}L'.Tu?yTn{E3 " Diarrhea, Crum and Pain in the Stomach, 8ore hroat, 8udden Ooldo, Ooughs, etc.. etc. I|___. j__4_A,_All In L Jllua JOHN DICKINSON; B.A'. D. "F. MAC.\VATT. - -_---.- .-.- 7. `Ya... -. Mcczuvrnv, Panza,` Cl(')RBOULD & MCCARTHY ' ' ( r; :1: 7 ---.vr --., -..----. WELLINGTON Auxxr. V A. RADBNHURST, Bafrister, Attorney. 1'. Qnllnnr 3n Chanm-u-v. Fnnvevanrer. etc- same. ' . ` Money ":1 sums of $3.000 In?` PW3"d r ` 1 "' 5 per cent. H. H. Snuruv, Q.C. R. BOuSAN KO. D-ENTiSA'1`-Ross block: egsi Of Post of cc. Oice (men even: dnv Jr III: F `N Choh. R. WM. RICHARD`;-07;}: Dentist. Graduate of th COIIEUAI a\f lwnfn _\nu-tvnzunu -and 1 gzrgzozi-"sE$'s' & i'3ii`bw1iT1i;I;so1'.c-`- J itorLs,** &c._ "1-Iwan-rou Lmwox. W. A. Bovs.. .-`v ' Rnwn % Family M{iic`iii-9:61: thg Age. 'l'-l.-.. l..4-___n 4 A _.-_ ($'1'."M. CAMPBELL, Barrister; solicatog; Nnfnrv Afr, Mnnnv In lnnn, (\H'irp_ Rffl nuazuwsu. unni'1`la"1`-Koss blc `of ce. Oice open every day. viainniininr summons. `T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, ofce in Bothwell's Black. Allandnln-_ (In thn nu-on-:e..a no niurl-at 1. :uuuu.;., m.u.u.m,, omce gn notnvyeu s Block. Allandale. Un the premises at mght. A-z-lv .___..______________________ BANTING. Clerk County of 3 oice. the Cnurt Hm. n.....:.. Manilrncrvnns PIIYSILIANS. Fll.V-:ANCIAIu PAIN -'| ( ||.l.ER 0F;3T(3lAla. DEN'I`lS'l`S. BOTH L8. mad; 1.. . \l 4343' LV. _ ' Barnsters, r nf lnmc.-n, 1 ........., uuu nun. uuuur onor member Over wan: Dry Good 9.756 Mhlcaqter Sta I. scwv 'v-r --vvuu, .-----v A. E. H. CRBSQVICKB. But now Insured. In both. Auzx. G. H. Esnm. acne Animals Lew) Dental l'I;!nn'n HQAJ :-u n and Dentist. _f:l` A lI:|v|onI- IIIIUTUTI o ' `switch. `hnntl nf ucpnont 14', .r THE GREAT 4.`,*,,.;,-"";~;?';Z'A`5I"?o5e '?I:-e=o......'"`` :::',:::.a:;: non}, of f; 5 `pared to make :hia the b_e8 ucummodl ijoto. It been furnisheo vuth cV "7 J A . 1 3"` comfqrl: In the laws! ad..`" -W-rs-':."....,""`..';'::'.:';1,.*:".,`1: ; T " -.`. .'.~'::`r$..`..'..`:.'.""..,,.....;" :j::;_..:*::r'.::_g, `ding.-- I`.-- L , L--o . 5PEii:6avator-- . cN.TRACT0R Bf all kinds of 1.-xcavatin `" PLSHW ~ CBLLARI. Wtus. CISTBRNS. DRAM` - ' t9b `V. In yteuoral repairing done on short 00%: #A Pl; l!n|opItreet.`Barrie, xst houseW:8'_iy ~`Wofks. : L _ . l_l`I unis FW'+\|:~. LYNCH. |=noPnu:1oR- _ _ , nn1:ant Tm: ADVANCE ofce W H u to. me dad zm 5- ILQE nu-, wsu consult tl in his hands. pf` intb `- Are a specialt a :1 rt'es intending ,' "V-' ~ Cy VIill`oomult ;'hei: owp:iu`tcrests by P139'&" Inlet Hands. ` THE 0lll_EllABlE AUCTIUNEER `;ur~.DLVn:8 ALL KINDS or AUCT " SALES. Totu hsaeta. 3540.000. M01107 to loan on re. mortgages. 000' tannins done. Accounts collected. `to. I\'IIYl\I'.I -.. -__- -- -gvxrv/\lY C - -an `I A I NEUUU AIIU'l'lJAL Fllt lnaux-' . ANCE co. Capital. 8500.000. THE ECONOMICALFIRE INSURAN (`E Co- BERLIN. lI!_L_l ___,-_ A... J... INSURAN CE AGENTS AND LON- VLYANCERS. Represent the following Companies :- THE SUN FIRE INSFTRANCE UFFJCE OF ' LONDON. EN G. The oldest purely Fire Ins. Co. in the world THE INSURANCE C0'Y OF NORTH MEI? ICA. Capital. 83.000.000. THE MEBCANTIIJC FIRE INSURA N08 00 0101381 8500.000: Government deuosn made- rmc WATERL00 MUTUAL mm: menu- ANCIH l`.(\ (V--slog! cum nun - `.----rQ.lB uvuvj JIUUIIIII-IBU l.'UllCUlC'u- 'V"* V OFFICE. -- Over HEN DERs0N $ Hardware Store. nuns-.--_.___ scRoGcIe7[sMITH I mmuu PIPE, PORTMND cmem 4---__--..._. ..., v ...v--u-unnun 1 3. Condensed advertisements on First pm each as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Emu Property for Sale or to Rent, Epecic Article, Ew.._Ew.. must be accompanied with the ugh and will be inserted-First insertion, 2 mm per word. each subsequent insertion, I cent, word (names. addresses. and gures counwtfu words): but a reduction to 1 cent per word w be made when the number or insertions o! tn amc matter exceed Form. ...-.v-u -usuucug nun` guvu uy. "It's-.eno-ughato. mike ta, day `out 01,111: home;' he 5 muttered, and then` he `saw; in u-ain awn. and giaaf. mecltantca-y he b8II.n' to run. `It -[had (VII!!! lfalilinll-u Can nsg-an p.-A I._4._.. - 0. I-I. LYON & SON, sch U` 3an_m9gg}_E&8MITB. Insurance Aim" IC'Il\o IIJC-vlltll OAIIOCIA I.'1JlJl`u ` (`nu for Advenlsementu must In every ; case be mounted on aolld metal hues. GOAL _- 7-- ...._-. .-...--u-- Preferred positions ln the paper wm be cold at an advance of one third on above nu This rule will be atrictlv carried om. ' CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind am no tics of intention to change Bdvertigemmm must be handed in to the office not late; 3," Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy far Cb change must be in the ADVANCE oice not lam than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday. in any week otherwise the advertiser's announcement um, not be made public until the week following Advertiseljs will not be allowed to use um. `1{& 3e'" m. r"$'a`n`3`2`6iJ:`io".f:%.,`i,;; ;' since for advertising anythin outside 3,3 , ownsiregular business. Shou (1 they do 3 3:01; 3:1: rates will be charged for such adver n nouoe given free or chu '0 In no L"i3`':itiiv gmerftau LITEGIC circulation nf n .. mm. In NH _FARM s'roc[K SALES It circulation of any . n r in ma wor d. S lendldl Illustrzctixfu 130973;:-ll en: mu: ahou d be w thou: 1:. Week! _, 83. 5 $06 : 81.50311: months. Address, MUKN .1 O0. 31193333. 381 Broadway, New York City. .____._.____ ----..........-any uc -Arson. to run. It _na,u- WIV for orders and began gig, move before; he came, up. Looking -8.10!!! thb trunk. has nun n -u-..'...."..'. tlnch .... ..... zglnohes ..... 5 Inches. i Column.. 10 Inches. Q Column 20 Inches. 1 Column T `. -:For one month--the three modthi ` &- US per cent. added. y rm ""5 ~1r t ' an tn an withfo 9:1? c$::,nadBci-ed. ma "`" me .4:r-,,_A-___.n _, _-:A;_-._ n I \ OAVEATO. TRADE nann- DESIGN PA1'u1'8.. COPYRIGHTS. and For Information and tree Handbook wma to DIUNN & C0. 861 BROADWAY. Nzw You. Oldest human for securing patents in Amerlm Every patent taken out by us is brought boron the public by B ndtloe given free or charge in be Q/.9-__1o.OO_ an 0 V izgxioticea 10 cent no 11 _ sortion: 5 cents er line for ac'1'.. M n Insertion of the same matter. A1] u"`6m 5 ljnea of this character charged as ,if,';;gndu Tana-I MAJ` A-A IVA--.-....A_. 00` TRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be men H following rates, which are drafted o commercial pnnciples, and, as theyn strictly adhered to in ma.kl_ng new comm steer present contracts explre. there will 5' only one mice for all: "Anvmrrxsnn s Vsnovm NOTE -rmg H : ;-. x _. Iwlzlinu ADVAM5. 4nv_1g;tr1sINeRA'rns_ ' FOUR` OOPIES. Almost 11' not quite double that 1 Paper pubilahed in Bar:-`1)g_ ho . W-\ . . 41211110: solid oonparoil mum one Incl TRANSIENT ADVEB l`ISEMEN'I`g_ Firm; insertion. 10 cents per line. mach sequent-insertion. 4 cents `per lino. ' . ~ " ` ' ---ca. Legal. Olcisl and Gove ; menu: will be charged at abo'3 a'. ..,.,f`"`-e J5-tf ORDERS RESPECTFULLY soucmrn. ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS unvvc ucnvu.-. nu: udrulu y. IJOOKIIIK I along th track, he saw a woman : _ catch the`ra.Il ot vtha's_t cam and swing . herselon. Whn he reached the place. I he saw a. curious black qbject on the : .bp.nk. He jumped the, ditch azrd.to'ok hold of it... It was a; basket. 4 He open. pd lt. beneqth tlie 'sern_aphore light, stuted with. m-uttered. words. _ahixt_.7t_h, tllht _down. and ran down g: s'rlniP9 thy tea I, Water Lune, Plaster oI`Purl~,;&c. No. or Inches Qua nn *3 ihecialty, and parties intending_ Vluollttheir own intnunn bv olaci Omrrcn: V Ross Blank. 'I`nI nun` BARBIE, ONT- CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTE. -_-_.I -j_-_4.1_-_.__-, _ BUCCEBBOR T0 DI ' `HIE. Telenhnne. -----DAaler in- v .-vs-.00 vvvwt LllE,llUUl' 0ut."; ne `"57" !-"938 lht.' .. j .'.'I'-ll wear the heart put ot me tlrstg" was. the}-.etort. And -John went a.wa_.y jwltmout kissing her 800d by. l `Wt ; cannon! Cu. -.``I.`.. -- --`-- --- ;|se5oi In: UBO Inner E211. : 5-}; Yuma Foot of Toronto Btu-e Jun 2. 1896, @2111). 33105; : D 10 v----- ------~ w -vvuyauua`. ullujne 1100!` was damp from -scrub-hing. Often it cont nltht. He knew` .1113. wife was; .d.!s contented. ".-You'll wear; the oor out."-_ he said II H.IlPI'Il nun; nulanlnb - ,.,Vvv '7 `The pa their band . the captain it in additi far more v A the dircto it than in direction 0 would be danger the nu . .. an LHU ~--25 The (1651 n eat to mom _their busi very best g their sperci its own 321 ' more good, the poor, produce tw million Qiv sovereigns one time. ` laboring pt simply pas. into a hum it in his 0 There ia if he give would be It is not so placed. 8 00ncerned_, 80, that C0! of the mom out of the who now p vm- men delign to givv the light in th men 1 km - him changed. - -I v- 1. Inc: uaaulcp How many hev they got? asked the husband. carelessly ` "Four," the childless woman at his side whispered. . Mary had been a tailoress before she was married. She was ambitious be. yond her fellow-workers. deft with -her needle, quick with her tongue, and she dreamed of a future far different than the life of John Bray's wife. But ten A hours a day at a sewing-machine wears upon a woman. John asked her to marry him. and she thought the lit- tle brown house would be a paradise. She kept t-he rooms spotlessly neat, she planted and tended the owers, and helped her husband in the strip of land where -their vegetables were. V She had `been married four years.` VJc-hn s salary was no higher, the house began to look a little s -habcby here and there, and Mary pined for companion- ship and grew bitter as she saw hex ideals of bite being slowly strangled one by-" one." John was away most of the time. When he came home." he want- ` ed his supper, or his papvr, and his wife dropped all her merry ways. She thought he despised them and in that she was wrong. He liked to be amus- ed, but he made the mistake or accept- ingwvithout thanks. She thought him ocvldf and irresponsive._ She thought It. had come` to him before that Sunday `evening that she was unhappy.` Now he brooded` oyer it. 7s()`l'l`I+`!h'1'.IC kn nnnionn.'I.'.`..i I_`.n'___--A It Seems Lt Givix their Hume But are__ You YOH4 ::J_ULY NIIL1 vvu-a ullulcuyyyo ROW He D!'O0d8d'0Vel`~ it. Sometimes he reproached himself, more-otten. as poor human. nature he" wasout of patience with he: `Day after day, when he _went home for his` noondiy dinner, thb little kit. chen reeked at soapauds. `and, the floor WIS damn. 'fl'!Vl'lI `lf!I0'IIhhInav (N04-.. IL Why don't you go over an. set with Jim La.ws=nn s wife ?" John csuggested. "I don't like her. Mary answered, promptly. fer she's anus braggin `bout her babies. T-Trxtn ..........._. .___, .- - -~ -.. uvn.n.\-I ILUUII5, LUU. . La.w$=0n's Johr H1` p'I.\...u us. I. uwvuu uu1`u_qyu1`uI_u. .Dunu cumpanlu `acted me, but four months Inter, gfter I pd" taken. the bottles of your remedy I In thankful to say` both accepted me `up; risk-one being a. stock Vcoqmpgn _, _the'ether a mutual. The examiner w previously examined me, remarked "I never saw such 1. ch-age-in any man." is inqqraed by, r. J. Todd, 1: 'gpuIar drug`-igt, corner Queen in , o.yford Str`cetQ, Toronto. ~ V at` , _8cott a Sersapqru); bqjlds up debilia 2 tttedrconstitutionv. 1 imparts atrenstho .;.v_l s9r,a nd ?ita1i!s:cl9nr.I,c'I:.d9uriesr(gho. ~&19odsr:rIrt..rcures ,`rki"n~>"','.d.v . rerh.-:3: ' " ,_.4 i.n- .1 .9Is!!v!,mrI:,eu'll;?-Q!!!-A 1. .e .. 4? A ' south; unuulay ui`l.l'E5S. ' ' Oh! it's awful. John. she said, brokenly, taken off her guard by the tenderness, when I ve washed an cleaned myself, an` there ain't nothing more to do. "l'ain't but hat I could ; do knitt1n' or sewln for winter, but I ` can't get the things to do with. Then 1 the trains keeps gain by. an I hate the people who km 30- to places. I'd go r9.vin' mad, ef I did`-n t do some- thln', so I allus go an scrub up the kitchen floor. It works or! them steel- 1n's. an some d4a.y_s I do It mo:-nin's an afternoons, too. H1171... A---|4 _,, -v vunnnpnallblll UllC- I guess you git pretty lonely, some days. John ventured, letting his chair down on its front iegs, and putting his hand on his wife's shoulder in a half clumsy caress. ' .ltf\|` | 15].. ..__.a__u 9 I, -- 4 . uuauouca Her tone was `hard. the inflection was a complaining one. T n.n...... -.--- _IL ------I - - on can A AVKIIIICI There they go," Mary said, envious- ly. comln here an goin' there, seem ` things an people, an` enjoyin their- selves, an we Jlst stick here In the one place like `the borw-lders over" on the roadside." -..., en.-..~.u.c 5xcw uxvuuu tnem again. There's the down express," John volunteered after a long pause. VA `puff of smoke rose over the cutting beyond the bridge, the headlight leap- J ed into sight, the whistle screeiched its ` warning and the train thundered by. its window lights shooting and out on the curve like sparks tossed on a hurricane. lvll El-ll`. There wer -no tears in her voice,` but the tone was hrospelessly dreary.` Yer stu-rtlumsf ain't blowed yi=t, he I continued, with a. wish to enliven her. No, jist buddin'." - An the sweet peast?- with a move. . ment toward, the window where the! thrifty vines were climbing up their taut white strings. I 'I`1'|.n1v II I... 4-.4. x._ _ _.___-n_ n - .- -..--u. 11 lllhl: ELL lll. They'll be out inn week, airid then the silence grew around them again. Th9rF nnrn AIp..nnnn 5' '-`--- --vv 1.: uv ull BCKI. H5511 In 'Ye*r ow'rs \3 doin" .pretty well, - Mary, he began presently. Mary had- been_ crouched on `he step, her elbows in her knees, her `ace buried in her: hands, and she hacl been so long silent | that he wanted to her'her speak. to! vlmow if she was weeping, (lb VAR " uhn nnaurnnn.-I ...ui..,...o 1\n John Bray-and his jgvi-re sat at the` , door of their littleihotrfe Sunday ev'o.. ing. He was baggage -master at thei brown station along the track, and! Sunday was his one night off. He had 1 tilted his chair back to the wall of the ` house, his feet were caught in the rung, andhe was drowsily content, I sitting there in his shirt sleeves, his wife beside him and the long, pure twilight deepening into languorous ower-scented night. H17... 4I.....v_._. .,, 4.-.--.` , ,.. .. I ..-..,.. 4:. anxc vvaa wv.-.::,p1u5_.p 1 Oh, yes," she answered, without en- thusiasm. _ Among the anecdotes Mr. McCarthy 1 relates is one concerning hinnsel. Am the close of a lecture in Gluscow, he turned to the chairman, and said `he hoped be had not spoken two long. Na, na, said the Scotchman, aw -thenk ye has a verra patient. audience! -Loudon News Then haste ye, -haste, ,1: silly lloon; I Rise up _and seek" about the toon. And get heaven's greatest earthly boon, A wee bit wlfey. . __.f3rn'nf "I`hnnahi-n But mayhap then the lassle, dear. Wlll treat your offers wt :1 sneer, Because you're cranky, gray `and gene. Ye'Il get nae wlfey. VI l.Ill.l. UIICH can (SHEET ,VUUI' BHUUBHBU uv:uu.z A dear, wee wltey. It's Vera wee) when young and hale, But when you're auld. and crazed and trail And your bllth spirits gin to fall. . You'll want a` wifey. VVLIEII.-Ill lll WIIIIB lllllll [U 110 H _ R Wl oot a witey. H It ; Vera wee! when skies are clear, When tr|en's are true and lassles, dear, To think ye ll gang throuxzhxllfe, nae rear: 'WI'nnf n wifnv_ . ' U_ uuun yr: 1! gang uu'uuxu.'|u.c, uuc Luau. ' Wl'oot a -witey. But clouds will come. the skies athwart. Lassles will murry..frlen's maun part: What then can cheer your saddened heart? A our Iron u'lfnv. But whenthe holes begin to`show, The stitches rip. the buttons go. What-in the warm: :1 man to do '?l nn1- n uvlfnv` It : Vera `we! when cla es are new To think they'll `always last so. ` And look as well as the do 1100. - Wroot` a w! ey. T `It : ven- wel; throughout the` day.- Whnn {Man nn wl"`iwnI-Ir nr nln`6. ._.. -.-_......_ .._~-._.. The yam ween. yvu1"o-hour A"wI'u= E' t ve1_-_a- throughout d: Yhen ta en up wl'f*_wark_ or pl, .'o think a man`can`llve` alway Wrqot twltey. Should I die while 1 ms in a position to pay in insurance promiums; mg tl ` family wil owe ghoir support to Sea? Sarupuilla. Two yearnngol 3 led to two com snip: for 'insuuf-o.nce,i L000 .in..O?ch. ..face_ was 3 mass of piIn'p'l_"y lglotchos an . my urine did not Btgnd iho test. One doctor in oxunining !l_l_9 Qid I could. not: pl-38'. but that my trouble who curable. Ho adviscd dnialtcriii. medicine `and I commeiicod t"akii1'i Scott's oaruparilla. Both, companies` raiected ma; `lint fniir mnIitIii Intnr an... PRESSIE.' wuey. --Gre at Thoughts. _'1"1e~ .1`8'_'..!`ee 55";-&.1!'ntrodu6ed. }nmJ4 pumpe fr? `Damamua-bythe Crugyg. era. - It. ,}`at az>,nen.:~ed~1n -England! In = ml V . , ` . 1 5111:. vein-h `V ..u.Vu run. qt u 4&0 year` :06. nvpu'1uut'.x`. . . . . -. '13 1160911108? a . . ... . 9 , Augnst..........'.' 42 January 7' , I 5 It is` seen that by seasons the order %is summer, spring, fall, winter. The ' relative frequency by sta.t`es.and terri- tories is shown in the following table, and Illinois 1 a. good second to Ka.n~ sas. which takes the lead : I Kansas. . . . . .. . . .62 Mississippi . . . .14 Iiiinuis............53 Louisiana ........1o Missouri. . . .. . .. .43 Wisconsin . .. .10 New York.........35 Massahusettn ... GmrgiuOO.IOOO'OIIOO$ lIOOIIVIIO IOW;..............32vlrgilliv ocaouuuuon 0hio...............2S Arkansas Iudiana.............2."i Mai-yia,nd Minnesota. . . . . . . . ._.22 Connecticut . . Nortircaroiina. . . . .18 Kentucky . . .. . Penn.syiva,nia....'..18 Fioridm '1`exas..............18 Newuuympshh-e.. 'J.`ennessee..........18.Ne_w Jersey...... 4 cu oucouoo `mun 0:00.030 ' South Carolina.-.. . .14 Arioona . .. . . . . 2 ' C-qVI'IOOIIt014 ciooosny 2 Nebrnsi;_a.........'.14 _ co! d.`0auto i, Id `-1: , ;<;va`3 gveg %s::`:;Ia_na.lI.!!in?;l3'e .3 .' ei I11! 3 WT ` ' eht%:'ed with} ongehehfy `A `.W` `ou"` 3` `..'1`i:.e` `8`.I'.9t,$,t.. ,h=!rs9d be: i i netti-`55?!t9'5f1?-ities.-:9! r mm 411%.? lei1:h9i -_;..m'Yd.. . southeast to'nc_njthwest, and but "1i`Qns=:P>f.iP9Ml1i 3 {t0 -. ifex `9t~ 351'.-ha ~ v.~::1c1;.th. 29.1: 1085 feet. " '.l_`he_ -; , 9! W!-.n =t,[ii.3,'.h`i`i1"!:'3 }...$41-;f"l?sm#, '93? ' __tor'naV.db`si_ttacki.'_1_n. no use: waded . .frrn-n fnin }Av"`9:n;.- -mania; or..- ---.'--_- 4- I ...... .-can-uuuqag. vvcgc lE|lU l;U(l In mi eases out 600. In `foartrnxne. cases a. complete :a.ba1_1ce~;ot .el.ec.tn1city. was re; ported;-V-Chicago-..1`i`I1eka-Hera1d. ` -----v- on...--. .3; `V. .g! ,vurlea' itjom two to 250.'m.1~l`es, the average 5 b91338` tw'en_t "eight _,mllea. ` Thunder 9-`Id 1-ithtnlns. Wef " frep0rt.e'd In 425- amnmu mu am Tn I.-u.h.......- --__~ _ Claarucetor of 600 Tornadoes. In an interesting study of the "char- acter of 600 tornadoes." Lieutenant Finley, of the U.'.S.A. weather bureau.` finds that no season or month of the "year is exempt from their occurrence. -The 600 tornadoes from which he ar- rives at certain data. cover a. period oi: near-1y'100 years, though most of them occurred since 1865. He finds the re- lative trequency by months to be as rnuilows : ' June... .. {.101 March . .. .. .. . 5 April......;..... 96 November 22 Ju!_v............. 97 February 19' May . . . . . 82 October 15 Septenxlu-.r......... 49 December `I August........... nun. uljuu luv uuum wru: V Mi`. McCarthy remembers very well the only speech he ever heard the great Duke of Wellington deliver in the House of Lords. It made a decided impression upon the future Irish leader. The man of iron wore 9. llue frock coat and a. pair of white duck trousers, the onlv person he knew, except his friend Mr. Gibson Bowles, who adopt- ed such unmentionables. A bill was under discussion, and Wellington criti- cised it adversely. The pear in charge 01 the bill remarked bitterly that the noble duke did not understand the bill. Then Wellington rejoined :- I have read the bill once; I have read it twice; I have read it three times; and if, after that, I don t understand the bill I must be a fool." I vno But. Mary only sighed. a. long. deep sigh of contentment. Her child-less misery had passed" away. She had put her 1l=ps -to the cup `of motherhood.- Ella S. Atkinson, in New York In.- dnendent ' . you; n vuuu ucavc LU UC ;UUU[ Lne u'aCK. I ll make a gate fer the door." Jo-hn sa1d,-a.nd helooked around for timber as if he thought he ought to do It to- marrow. H-'Y.'e won't hev time to scrub yer: floor I an much now." John's tone was mvis- chievous_ as he said it Daub 'lf.....- -_.I_- _o_I, 1 - - st`-V ||l\.\) yuc noaannguho ' _ John was moist about the `eyes and happy at his heart. He took a new: and strange delight in everything. in; his present and future. his home, thel sky. and his wife beside him. And they planned and wondered what Pres- siei would be like when she grew up. They said one to the other What com- pany she would be. and how careful they would have to be about the track. YWI vault.` .\ .-4.6- 0... LL. .1--_ n 4v_I,, l . . . ; . . . . . -no-nu; \.\r 660] 0 ` *Wel_l, Pressie fer short, an Pres- ! sic-`s a really pretty name. It's kinder proprlat.e to call her somethin' like that," Mary went on, for Mary was `romantic in her notions. Il"\A_,, `inns an` I guess` 'Press1e l~l hev to st.ay,| \/\JL Ill U\/Ila CIKIIIIII m"`;I(`>, it won't take much to board her. John made answer, and then they rose ` and moved together to the door and] om into the starlight. fA1__ ,,,-_ ___(,.` _|_-.-;. `L, `___.N V N I Ill Liar ll\J\l| l.UI' BCVCIGI uuuuutrs. ' Mary crept up to him and sat on his knee. "1 didn't know what wuz wrong with me, nor what I wanted. she sab- bed, but, John er I can keep that baby. there ain't nothing I wan -he won't cost much. John. H17- 14 __.._n4 A ,1, .u...uvun.u.. nu Inc: suvulunnw. I Poor little mite, John sa,!d_ so1emn- ly. looking steadily at the same place in the floor for several minutes. 'II.s'..q. ....-..L ___ A- u_n_, O I IIIIB II\I'|uC IECIJD GlII\J|.A|, ||CI `John read the `note, spelling it out, and absorbing its meaning slowly. "I -guess we kin keep her er we want to, he said_ judiciously, and then. eagerly: `Wha,t 1l we call her? I wuz thfnkin Express 'ud be a good name." Max-.v answered. Its! too long," Jnhn objected, an' it's onhandy to say. , 1'ITnlI 15`----. - ,, ._I_ _ _.L - _| --\_, , r4I4I\d\. LCI yu yul. n., uu|, 111 uuu Uul... Mary was silent for a little, and then the baby stirred. She hurrld over I to it, shaded the lamp and tlptoed back to John. Rijected by -S;;a_ight Line and Mutual Compgnieo. .... nay; suvvc Una Alla auuulutl aruu UXIUKI. "You'll kinder `hate to give It up, won t- ye ? A-n the oonsta.ble s goln' lto ` see about it to-`mortar. I" wuzdovwn there. That s what kep me so late. There don't seem to be any Apertlcler place fer to put it, but I'll nd out." `in... ..-..- -21-... I2LAIA Can't we keep her ?" Mary began, wistfullv; her little clothes was in the basket and `her food in a't!n can, an this note says about her." `f..I.._ _-__1 ._u__ .__-L_ -__u1n..._ 14 -__L I gnu suwuvilabu Had'n t ye better go stockln -footed, ye ll wake her up, suggested Mary. John took the oath of allegiance to the baby sovereign mentally and drew off his shoes. ' ' -sauna av vrnn. I guess you liked holdm that baby ` in Your arms," Jc'hn began. and Mary hid `her face on his shoulder and cried. I117.-...II| I_2__1-_ - L _ A . VII Ills`! |Ull.\ICQu Ain't she a picture ?" asked the] wife, when she had nestled the wee.` .thin-g down. _ (I7 ___--._, ,,_, coo Q q -_. - .- - -\.--n u. `s. vasnnue ICIJ Lr\rlL_o John ; boots were noisy, as he ped about. ' l(Y*I'_J'__I. __ `__AL_ _ . _n,. - u. van, 1; an unuvvucu uy un--we John wei1t,oi'E `to his work.. and M`ary sftea dwishes stood while she litt- ed out the tiny baby and tended .to it. There were clothes and food in the basket 3.316 a. note, beseecnmg the nder to care for the three weeks" old baby girl. Mary wept and cnoonedby turns over the wee, dark-named Lhlpg. and presently it went to sleep in `her arms. ` , Nine o'clock ca-me. .ten.` half-past ten, and still Mary sat with the baby: in her arms. John came in, and she vstraightway motioned him to silence. $5117].-. AA..!L - ..... ....L IL `.ACuoU\ 0'9 Lg ..w-:-- -ou- . I wuz vaJtin' fer youdto turn down the bed. `fer she seemed so comfortable cuddled up here I hated to rout her up,_ doin the` thing myself."- 'I';.I.__!.. I.-.-L- -.-.._ .__-.!__- _.. L- _A_g DIVA Blulb IIU '7 W III\7UI\III&\l JIIIOI VI} 5! OOOOOO V .Why don't`you set it down?" he asked. V V ' - 7;%"Waaat'}%up 2" an; akd.- ~ See here,-" he said,"`1i7!!n.sl l\)9.thfl_id,l|. _ of the o'ld-fa.'shloned .muket b;a'hx`e,t`:_' 1- llttle. baby lay there, bllnkin-8. Bq~\1i!;'.!.n- , Ins and crying a. little. _ w ' ' ."IIIIYI.._- .13.: -..... .....a. `K156 Talus u G "3 ' ' An instance of very sharp repartee on the part of John Bright is told by Mr. McCarthy. Mr. Bright, unfortun- ately, had on one occasion to leave his Parliamentary and other duties on ac- count of an affection of the brain. Recovering from the attack, Mr. Bright resumed his active interest in public affairs. But in the course of a debate 8 member of the House of Commons, with surprising and inexcusable in- decency, replying to Mr. Bright, said that that gentleman had been suffering from a disease of the brain. With comparative self-restraint the famous repealer retorted :-- That is a disease which Providence itselt could not in- ict upon the noble lord! `Mi l\ -l`I,._..I__ _ A7 _ . 1 2' Eigtold her. % A . Take. it back, she cried. "I'll have no gv[rl's brat around me_." I utr....1..u; ..._ 1...A.a..... 1-..-.. 1.. "an! vInrulII\__ IaI\C' It Gi'V' o , Well, `Mary assented, "a,n I il take. it out; it's _aIl crowded up 'there. -r_:.__ __--_.L .nn L. 0.1 . --Ann`. non;-1 IIU a'_|ll` ll?` _$'l\IlCl{\A Lany- Ha `I: we better -keep it "111 m,o;_-n. A1118` ? let thekaonstanle or some- body know about. _it.` Then they kin take `it aw-av." on-:r...n n -|z..___ __..-..a._.1 1}... `Di! Onlrn II5 ll UIJIIIE G Luuac. Where did .you` get A ;ha@..~ John` 5-; -- on IIIOI-Olttlw Louis Wlsc .kcoIUoIoIo35 I.IOOO'IIf0& ...........82.V-Jrg IOIOOIOIIl02S Mary u.........,.22 Com ivnllnu 1 Q `(numb OIO0OlIoo101 v0IlIUCInI ......., _ _ _ _ . _ _ _- 42 Jnnmn-v - -1;5ge '1';-ea, .V THE -NORTHERN_ A`DV'A"NCE.`A L` C . Nw W '- Illp Jersey. . Maine . . . . 0 0 n 0' Vermont . .. . Among his most cherished memories are recollections ot W1ll`am Makepeace Thackeray. Those who know Thack- eray from his books will readily con- oeive that he would take innite de- light in telling a story against; himself. Here is an anecdo`e that he used to relate :-g.--Thackez'ay found much pleas- ure in taking long walks into the coun- try. When on one of these excursions with a brother journalist-, Jacob Omnium, who, call as Thackeray was,` was even taller than the author of The Newcomv-;s,"t.he two gentlemen came across a country fair. Observ ing a tent where giants were ex- hibiting themselves, they agreed to enter. When Thackeray was prepar- ing to pay the usual admission fee, the attendant at. the door remarked, We make no charge so the profession, air." A ' . I` Mll aaooooulu msettn V... 9 IS autocra- ld ooooqunn on-on Ky onucuooi oooonau [a(1,mpshl'r'e::T Br'seyV.,I ` C C C t sfe` ,_.v--co. WELL, Dnlop Stregt. Ba rifie_, ~`.1y- lled T Tmrnvvl "- hsutmi. nmtns. lof science. hen made in 1 large quantities and by im-_` proving methods, an emul- sion must be more perfect than when mgide in the old- time `Way with mortar and pestle a few ounces at a time. This is why Scott's` Emulsion of cod-liver oil n e.v e r separates, keeps sweet for years, and Why every spoonful is `equal to { every other spoonful. An l even product throughout. E In other emulnln.-A vmn nu-A Ilnhln on an Town oidefa;in care of I 0 ~ 9 C Sclence 1s `knoW1_ng how. The only ,secret about |Scott s Emulsion 1s years $v%-n~ V` _ A_'LLAN;;DA LE1 LANMAN S Stories of Great Of the great. men he has met Mr, Justin McCarthy has some excellent stories to relate. A few of these he recently recounted in a lecaure in the Tyne theatre, Newcastle.