Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jan 1896, p. 5

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i3A1i1iiE'.' -oj'oLo- {THE mm: l0AN& snvmcs co. (LIMITEDJ .--r~ rvw`, ._ _--._----J, -vvv, At 3 o'clock. p.m.`, for the Election of the Directorw and the transaction of the other business of the Cmp"y' R LAIDLAW u . I Mnnnanr The Advance. 1 nere Isa. good trame dwelling house zoxgo feet. I with stone foundation. good cellar, kitchen and wood-shed attached. There is a. log barn and table and a. never-failin well of excellent water. The property is siIu4te about 9 miles from Barrie, and on *mile from Craiqv-ale station. The nrrinerfu uni kn ....|a ....s.:..... .- _ 1---- ---L2,.L on "mue xrom bran v4le station. The property wnl be sold subject to a. lease, which has four years to run, from the r~t of April. 1896. The house and garden are not included in the lease. The highest or any tender not neeess anly accepted. Fgr any further information apply to ROBERT NEELY, `3-5 ' Executor, Bramly P.O., Ont. .____.___._._.______._.:--.-------_ i HE Annual Meeting of the Sharnholders of the above Company takes place on l__ .LIondaY.%3rRI1lb1ay of Fep_rEay,N189B, 0 . t\.n't\a`n .. ... 1.`..- .I.. 171...: -. .- - rgvurvvnvuu vvuusunuu. aur school teachers are giving good satisfaction. ' ` ENDERS will be received by the underal'ned, . Executor to the estate of the late James eely. eemor. up to the . 7th day or February, 1393, For the urchase of the *oulh Ema Quarter of hot `I n In the 91.!) conversion or the Town-hlp oflllnlilo consisting of 0 acres, more or less. The lot is all cleared and we I fenced. lhereisa good frame dwelling house foundation. zood cellar. lain-hm 2...: . ._..jj__.:..___.._.-. __..._.____...__...._...__...._._.. ivALu9BLE REAL ESTATE, `Winter Man`i|vwand-Bapes. M GREAT BARGAIN. Barrie, January ath, 1896. Balance of bur Winter Stock at off regular prices; Fbr Salaby Tender. --_.. vvusdvlllll Ul Luau WOOL. The hum of the steam threaher is heard in this vicinity. ' I mko final} l'1______|`____ |_J_._ _ LI.2._ ,,,!I ADVERTISE IN . 60 Piece Fine Scotch Gingliains in Pinks, Bluee, etc., Stripes ' and Checks Reg'ular V price 205:. to 25c. Choice of the lot for l2c. ` MANTLE CLDTHS AT REDUCED PRICES. Ma.nager. 3 5 TOWNSHIP br"i-:_ssA, --IN THE- `couwrv or SIMCOE. I UNDER and by virtue of a. powerof sale contained ` in a. Mortgage, in whice delault has been made. and which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC .A._U'CTIO?N', By Mr. oseph Rogers. at the UEEN'S HOTEL. IN TH TOVVN OF BARRI on Saturday," tho 8th day of February, 1896. A..I u r peny. namely, > All that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying anu being in the Township of 1:331, in the County ot Simcoe. and being cbm sed of the west fty acres of the cast one hund and twenty i acres lot number thirty two in the seventh concession K ot the said Township of Essa. . 'r-....- .4" Mu. . -1` AL- ----LI---- 0| tile sale I OWDSDI OI P4532. Terms of sale. wenty per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance within one month. with interest at six per cent. per annum. There will be a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions will be made known at the time of sale or in the meantime on application to II I'\ cuvnniiv A van: -vwuuuu -no union V The Good TQEEIXL lodge of this vil- lage is in 9. proaperbus condition. A . . .-._ --L..-I L---L'-___. , 7 ` Evangeuetto services. The evangelistic services ..commenced in the Congregational church last week are still continuing On 'l`hnrsday evening the naetor will speak especially to men. Sub- ject for next Sunday evening- Sowing and Reaping. A meeting for Sunday school children Friday evening at 7. At the hour of :2 o'clo:k. noon, the following pu-0? namely, that (`A-rOn;n navt-AI nv I-an A` land -1-Qt` g_.._.2-... IWTGAEE SALE F` a rrn lv5roperty ' _I'N' T111? Mortgag Dated this 13th day of January, 18 IMPORTEFL -IN Tl-IE-v H. STEWART or W. A. BOYS. Mortgagees' Solicitor. vf `annarr, Ra, q. IICIEUY 3-6. ' vru v 1-: 9 V J-FKIIII I 'l`he.F:ee lldethodists of this. place are holding special services every evening during the week. The meetings are well attended, hnd -much `good is being accomplished. IFLA __`_]_ _V_ , In A "i;er;c;;i:'are very heavy since the rough weather of last week. TEL- L-_,-, I` -l - cram mu. Advance Correspondence. ' We are glad to learn that Mr. Albert Luck, who has been on the sick lists for some weeks past, is able to be about again. of cordwodd passing tln`-'ouvh our village to Barrie. VIVL- EL.-- Il,;|,,1- . A-1- ` navig- The object of this was to enable Iner- chants sndothers to close early on *S9.turday night. It gives us much) pleasure to nd Messrs. Frawley & Devlin taking `the lead in this good work,- and weahope soon to see all the shops closed at an `early hour at the close of the work day week. 'We be-' have both employer -and employed will be the better for it, and that it will conduce to the better observance pf the ` ` Lord's day. ` `l1____, 3 . I1 on 5: co 111 re 5 F allure 688. nd t of ll the the ced v_ --_ - --wuuvuwuuv rrie circulated -pledges among `t e chops, asking that. all women pledge the V -V `selves go do their shopping on Satnr y ;before 12 o"clQk noon, and to ca y `home all parcels purchased after hop_I_'. DaL{i,-some .a..o...i1 .'.._.;,in;; ` ' en's Christian Temperance. Union of The ice storm of lat week broke 9. i 1 I IIIIVQ II `If . 'Signed,VPress Supt. W. C. T. U. , , ` V , ,. r, > , 'V w . .-N `9 - "` .` .. _ ,5) .... _-V`.-yuan; ousyly IQIDU VI Zlll "\ < The onnuon or thowrltor; V , Thai following letters addrepsed. to it ditor of Tn`: Nomnnnn Anuivoxd ha. can received for nublioation : * - - Q l`IIIu|C'AIu AC bg inns-.. 5 4 . Thisgmmense Sale of 4Va%|uab%le Goods begins on Saturday, the18thInst,,bythe L \ Has been purchased by us from F. Ncyes, Esq, Assignee, at 562 cents on the $, and the stock of A. Riva.rd,of London, purchased from Alfred_ Rcbinso1_1,Esq., Assignee, at 44 cents on the $, comprising Ladies 2E`-urs,` Etc. _ The whole will beisold in Barrie ' . 1pa.t.theStoreelatelypoccupiedeby MR, ROGERS, ~ ~ . \ ` Corner 4 (31apjperto'I1 Streets. Q ; .%TH;E: STOCK `OF . .% CLOIHINQGENIS FliNlSHING8,ETB., 10., .1 invwug vv IO .D'VX I XVI 3|-VCIWCIIIVUU We understand that an effort is being made to unseat Reeve Devitt and Deputy Reeve` Mitchell of Medonte township council. Presuming that those gentlemen are not directly quali- ed, (but we believe they are) it is too bad to be sssailing them on this issue, which can amount to nothing but ex- pense to the contestants and the town- Iahip in general. 11:..- A,_- III: _____ __Ij |-,,_-,~ .12 can `\. gnu: Inn! ---Liiss Anna Fitzgerald leaves` this `week to pursue her studies in St. ".`r'..v'.1.`hc>v:r::;.'r.i":rawley and -bride have returned,-having spent: a hapuy honey moon with friends in St. Oathe:_'in_es: CI ? an. as. Lents. Advance Correspondence. " To the many `readers of Tlil AD- VANCE in this locality we extend-a cor- respondent s greeting. We take plea- sure in announcing that hereafter Tm: ADVANCE will have a representative at Mt. St. Louis.` It is not our desire to send the news abroad that we possess any journalistic ability, nor do we pose as a writer of the new school, never- theless "we will endeavor to keep the outside world informed of the little ad- ventures and social happenings which may come under our notice in this burgh. To prefwe our journalistic career we beg to state that it will be our enthusiastic `ambition to please all without creating any unusual sensation. in social gossip. 11:..- `l.1I.'_. `l)_-_L-.. _-L__--_,`L._1 1. 1:91 W .]2;l`i::.reaton returubd to Mid- land last weekwhaving spent a pleasant vagaitioguab homg. ' uyyu w ecu uur urounu again soon. . A aleighing party from Barrie drove out to our village one night last week. _ Mrs. McLean, of Atherlev. is here Intending the funeral` of her_ sister. _ pl A__H_. cu. _ 3 :[.;gugi: 'Eevit`lJ1Tu.>f_ Uptergrove, is with friends` in our village. ' uauuyunu ma: ween. A Miss May Partridge is auering very much from 9. severe cold. _ `II':,_ It - A..--v..-u-5 nu: uuuuun ul. not BLUVUF. . Mr. Morrison returned from Wau- bauabene last week._ 11}, II - g A. - ___--v- - --vs Mina Emm,"e1desjr. daughter of Mr. E. eEmms,.h_cs been quite `ill, but we hope to see her around again soon. A n|c:n 3.... u.....o_ 0..-... `l).-.-3~ -`r----~ -`}uugl`!,;Wl1ll_3ll,j`:IFV mist, jettledein b1-on`-' 'ohitis.- -Shefl_e"s vag. s jsorrewings hus- band andithree sons andtwo daughters to mourn hen, `loss. The family have the sympathy of the oommuhity. Her. remains will he Inter:-ed at the Hills- dale Methodist cemetery, _ `and the fun- ersllwill be held at Hillsdale Methodist church today. `f ' __.I `ll A-In . -unnu- v-u-can y\I`\D'. Mryand Albert Miller is inour ,[ village, called here by thedeath of Mrs.` Miller`: moiher. _ -RO8`eI S,% %Ba.I I .ie, sgu -.-------y cvw-4. na- Muss Llbbie Ha1-neyr, of Sutton, is .Yi8i ing her sister,` Mrs. Robert Mar- shall. nmmm. Fire. There was a destructive conagration on the bay `last Friday night,~ two shing shanties were totally destroyed The tire, it is said, originated in defective lines. The occupants escaped ,with their lives, but the owners regret to acknowledge there was no insurance. The ames illuminated the bay. for a number of rods. Some slight damage was done to the ice. Whether rebuilding will be done this winter our reporter did not learn. Miss Winnie Sloan is on the sick list. ;i:;!?the select drove over and enjoyed -the evening at Mr. Th'_o1nae '!`o_d_d"s.> __ vv uvuu " John Allan is under the weather at present. We hope he will soon be around again." ` - A..- I.--L-_ -I._I_ 1.-.: u. _s,, n Out:-1;-(lJ,<;'l:_0:'y club had their am prac- [ ties on "Friday night. f\_ "IV..'.....I,__. _ La. LL- .1 __I_ . In 1 -I - 6 3-D `T 33"., QCIIII-IO | V Lemon, of Lindsay, has bought out thenock of Mr. Russell our mer- chant. He intends to take cim-'ge in a few week_s. . in this vicinitv. v -no---I I ovl-1-In can 1 I599] u Mrfjohn, Garbeut and hister, of Brandon, are renewing acquainta_nces_ M as `of Vanvlack, has visiting Mas May Allan. IE}. I._..... .1."l':__I_.__ 1,-, I, Advance Correspondence. . Our curlers played for the district championship in vOrillia on Friday. They were defeated by a score of six. They wereehort two of their best play-. era--Mr. J. Allan and Mr-.'R. W. Sloan. If they had`won they would have play ed another team on Saturday ' at 8 o clock. On Saturday morning, 9 o'clock the rink caved in, owing to the great weight of snow on` the roof. If `anyone had been on the rink they would have been kil ed. So our curlers count their defeat as good luck. Ila- T_L__ 15 , ,IIl . - - gvvu GU93: vuvlgi-r:.:I.<;:;;"l?tussel| has rgourned from ` visiting friends in Vasey. I ` ml .rnkw| .t'1..-L....4. .....` ;..2..L_-_ - 1' even-vow, uwcnnuwlvu Gd I-II-III-lUo The falling in of Hillsdale skating rink will be diaa'greeable`nows to thnse jubilant young `people who enioyed a skate so much. ` -`v-I vs [Jul-In IUD`! `V0050 K ,- - Mr. F1-in Bair. intends` erecting: dwelling house on the property of the late `Robert Kinghoi-n, which he pur- chased `last fall. ` Mr. MoNally will furnish the sand. L Ml`; Gerald Fitzgerald, of Jarrats Corners, Slndayed as `home. 'l"l.... '..Il._... ..-. -- 'l1:n_.:_I_ _L` uh, ,, `H-A?7.'|`."l,I'%e nw voicaf the hoi wefel `duly gappreciamd last "Sunday. We trust they will favor us`with their pres-. 800% in future. I - vjvt;-a1:;."i'.i1`:;2<;t81d Brgdreaed two ton of pork last week. II - 'E._C_L `l)_:___ I . I .o I "A $ou;_>ie of cases of sickness is re- ported in this place, the nature of which in lung trouble. I :-vv---CID-J3 qgv vvut;w' [JUN US`. ` "E Celina Ddnn h`atwnd'whol' `0rillia}_. ' T ' mL.A -_V Q Q .1 - -' Mr':}"Mi6h' 1; Law` a a'.s1ao1d % 8010` `bags of potat.oea`wit`h i9* the jiast month, gaalizing 25 cents per bag. :1: auLL__.`:...Lv~_-`._-` ' %;nmrcn; Bali! km ptcy v-vv and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart and daughter Birdie, of Barrie, were the gnesres of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Luck last; week: Hardware Soaps, Sterchee, Sewing Machine ` 0:156 Castor Oil 9c., Vaseline 70 , Dolls and Toys, Pins, Needles and Elastic Purses, etc. uuuuavvalv ull-lllpl, UIBFIWBTO gchool Bugs, Sliates. School Books. Cheapest Granite Ware to be had in town. Hardware, Soaps, Starchee, ml 5 T 1 Large Scrub Brush 5c. 1 Large Scrub Brush 100. 1 Extra Good Scrub Brush 150. 1 Shoe Brush, Dauber and all complete, 129. Stove Dauhere 50. 1 Rubber Zinc Cleaner 7c. Ppice Boxes, 6 in set,- with cover 25c. set. Tlnnnv r`.|'\;nnInno-A Y an-.-u. (`II .... -- i - yum Juana, u nu BUD,` wlnll COVE!` 200. I05. `Fancy Chinaware, Lamps, Glassware, Schnnl Rnon glntnn Qnhnnl Dani . lawrence s Fair, ` So$%'S?e{e,"B';5 ""` Toastin Racks 7c each. Sponge acks, etc , etc. I\C\l\-wsnv '.-. ; Va usvvvu uuxu GU uauuo 1 town Tea. Pot 90 each. . I Brown Scan Dish 5c. eaich. 1 Brown Pie Place 50. each '1 Brown Bowl, all sizes, 4c. each. 1 qt. Pudding Dishes, square, 9c.` } 1 (I15. Pudding Dishes, ob ong, 90. V I mraa Rrnwn n...m.A...- 10.. nnnls [ ' " T 11ib'vs'zr"wAaE. 3 E %t. Brown J 1123 9c each. `An... '1`... DAL n- __ _L 1 min 1.51.: l.DIl_ vuau UUV_Ul.' O0. 1 Large Coal Oil Can 150 - 1 Long Handle Busting `Spoon 5c.. Large 4 qt. Pudding Pans 7c. . Large Tin Tea. or Co`ee Pots 190. each.` ` Basin Gravy Strainers 5c. each. 1 gt Recirined Sauce Pan 80 I . q-_..-.... E-.. I)._;.A._ __,_,AI 9 - __.u-----up uavn-Ic The Free Methodists of this place have a handsome brick edice here. The building is not very large, but in ice substantial one. It cost $1500, and the best feature of it is that it is clear of debt. The `last payment was made a few weeks ago. That is as is should he. % i nstrrzhing now, 5c. I l Tin Poacher and Pudding Pan, alll nnmn Atn Rn.` I In J. IVUFUI 'IJIPvUI W0 1 iurge`Dusc Pan 7c 0 1 Large Fire Shovel 5c. 1 black Handle Grater 5c 1 Milk Skimmer 4c.'ea.chL _ 1 Tea. and Coffee Strainer 40.` each. l Perforated Pie Plate 40.` ' " 9' Pol: Covers. tin, 5c.., all sizes. ` l l Tin Wash Basin, largehize 70. . ` lqt. T` Sauce Ban w1_ch cover 80. 1 qt T n Pail with cover 80. I I ,......... ("....I In : ('1..- IE- g 1 Good Smalf Tooth Comb 5c. V A 1 Unbreakable Comb, guaranteed to saw mnmf 144- nnnh ' I vuaurcunuulv Uulllu, gllltlilllil BO wootf, 14 each . 1 Horn Dressing Comb 5c. each. - ~ 1 Hair Brush with Mirror in Back 19c. ` g $12. Pieced[.Dipper-:07 .nrnnAnaant Dan '71- ` w n u-uuus uluuuu, UU uug, U0. arge Brown Cuspador 19c. each. congns AND BRUSHES. `,7 and 9 Dunlap Street, Near Five Points, Powell : Old Stand. The Graat Bargain Sture.`1 glngeso faotqry is still running and turning out a. good quality of chgefe. v

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