"11; Ash P`an i ba{l.ed..a.r1.(l; verf lrge, and will catch `all ashes dropping frjom lUIIl|`I\ 5-` Nickel `parts can be removed with -ease. _ The hearth plate does not require fastening. Thu f\........-..`IL..-..` ;.."_-...\ -._- LL- 1........'....L ---up --QJ \a\.I\llL I\lV\l'\J `II: A.IvIIiII"\/\l'\aI. l.I.ICI_l\l\JO Below you will nd a list of a. fw of ' the persons using the Souvenir "Base Buriier. . ' -; . ____- H.H.0tton OH 11105`! IlI\lA.l. IILIIJ I "I5\J IILIIILIIIII-UIVGOC V `Provided with the latest improved combination Duplex Grate. - I rm... a.-`....- -_- 1-4--` - .... ..:u.. .....a K '---v...vuvnva 4/In a,\J`L-\noUIu\\1I The us are large, accessible Tnand easily `cleaned; f'l\`L- :2..- _-; _-__ _,_1::|' ' ___.1 -_... L... LA M PS LAM_E_$_ The Largest Assortment < of Lamps in the County of Simcoeisat e Special attention ~.given to collection -of -notes . and ac- cou-m1_:s._ In IJI-CHEW. T P119. 1. Mrs. Wm. McKee; . Mrs Wright. ash. A. Ur uhart. Sandy 1 cDon ald. Alf Lee. ` ALLANDALE. BARBIE. Phone N ext to_ Barrie Hotel. Thou; Nash. Mrs, Whittle. Wm. Drudge. WWII `DQII BAsE.; BURNER Vanlieijzg, CE)`-', re _ et, will be `kept open Df2J: 8u81'yg ,~ywhereA you-wiall nd our Clothing, 310- J j " IIn s;Fall and Winter.U11(deg1jwes-:._ for 50, 15 auit,Aworth double the money. _l _Go]l'at"s,V fI`i.'Sqcks, Mitts, Braces, Hats an _ .._ _ - -- v --_- `J-.\J vu'.|..|..I..Lb ; iWe.never give. anything else. We guarantee to every purchaser an Honest dollar's worth of goods. in M en's, Boys and Children s Fall Wear. 15 `is an unusually big dollai-'3 worth. We have bought for our Clothing Depaf? uieutvfor fall andpwinter, the beat Clothing possible 66 get This Clothing IS markedvery low itiprioe, so when we declare to give you a full equivalent to __t,he.doll_a.r`we'.w[ant you to~feeJ-sure we can do it and do do it. Our Children's jDep9.rtmeut; is. the largest in town. `V It is full and complete in every particular- ,P:%i63P-en8ihz~ dram $1-75.`9 to :4 00. Full lines in Men's and Boys $1 per Ann/um in Advance." .1 , - ,,,, ,_,'u L, _- J 1 , 1 L. L`, - E._L_._'__.__ __ `Everything in Fall and Wilmer vs price can be found in POWELL 8; Co s prices that have made our store so Apapixlar. .of the latest. `confections-- _th&t wins` the admiration, existing between`. the `pure We display a`cha.rming assortment Hats, Bonnets and T0ql198-a.lt~0g-ther an exhibition `and further cements the bonds of friendship HOW hasing public and Vtlnis attractive store. Our stock is more varied, price is lower, goods are ner, departments larger than any time since we've been in business. See the 25c. Black and .Colored Cashmeres all wool; 500. Black Novelty Dress Goods, foreign; 250. German Fancy `Novelty Dress Goods in Green, Brown. Navy Blue, Purple and V Black. Our, Novelty Dress Goods from 50c.` to $1.25? a yard are dreams. Special--Black and Navy,Blpue Cloth, 54 inches wide 65c., worth 900. s New Laces, Embroiderias and Veilings. Finest wu ve ever shown. I Our Fast Black Wool Hosiery at l:">,{/2:), and 25c. values purchasable, 20c. a pxxir Extra size Linen Hucla N ovelty prin bed and new" Woven Flannelettes, 25c, [Damask of superior worth. 11S. l Up to date, we never have been in the condition or position to show and handle the class of goods we now ex- hibit. The very best and choicest in every line. All our Departments Enlarged, and our Prices. Contracted, We should` do the business of the town. and would,,beyond doubt, if you d come in acquaint yourself with `The New Store-its new stock, new display, and the saving it means to trade with 11 ' ' R.I. FRASER M0. | 0_W_E& C0. n Transact a. General Banking business. * [DRESS GOODS. [DRESS TRIMMINGS. IMILLINERY. A Cash Equi_va1e1:H}:1HV6i:hing nYthn8_ elf? W3 gup.rantee- to every purchaser .......L -.:I..1l...'.).. _-_n_ `-10 -_, _ Velveteens in'Brown, Black, Navy, `&c., &c. i sa;;1|'zf;ll%and Wihtei~ Ux:il;'i-wear. r 8759 h sh- d D % i`-5" Ti=";3'.m;d.( ."-lL`-3195597` .M3'1 3 $1158-AV;a;`{>[) S113-stsmiery 31:2: 3i-1941*; Ewes `Hm ad Caps, lowest. in town. _A_. T ' u1V\"l'\'-v. ' ' VEILI-IEIGS RECEIVED THIS WEEK. smnw. Bum. Cheques cashed,` `American TeXchange"bought'and `so_ld.. ~ ..i Fall Mi11i;;_ery Dress Goods Our New T1-imr nedA `Sailor, at $1.00. in Black ` only, carries the day. The Best and Cheapest in market. Novelties in Toques, &c., &c. - --y~----J -v av, av auu GUI}. UUII UH Hlgllb, bl!!! UCBV fpsir Extra Linen Huck Towels, 8 and 100- v" Half Bleached Table In Jio department are we better known than Trim- mings; A_ Ladies know that they-can get Trimmings alt Ft-aser s. We have the Novelties of the Season. Jet O1-naments,'in Black and Colors. Fur Edgings. Large'Buttons, &c. Weilvao in stock this week New Tweed Dress Goods in bea'utiful'co!oring, also Plaids in Clan Tartan, the correct. Vthing fofwaists, &c. All at very ' LOW PRICES. V BLACK GOODS. We have a reputation for Choice Black Goods; and are showing C1-epons`, Soleils, Mo- hair Eect, Broches, 6_cc.V--all ew and at the Right. Prices. ooooooojg Current Accounts kept. ' % . ' Farmers and Commercial notes discounted. Hosiry Wraps nolfby, New and reasonzible in s Bqg 01031: Department. jiovmjnnn 14, 13:3 c. sell ohusight, the best AL 'l".._-.L.. O ,....J `Inn Drafts issued payable at par in Canada and United States. all ju 3? BRANCHES 1 ELMVALE and smnza. BANKERS; .1. H. MCKEGGIE, BARRlE,ONT.% :.EL'i`A-:BLlS`HE;D: '%;1a ?*`rj9." Tums or Svsscnupnon. a co., % Managr. P-r:$* Orillio. oou t' A lpv Rugby. on Friday ._Ifcornoi_m`O1'ljs ` `tggby ifd`9'15,. .b/a.ll:; ,-doamg; down `L for a=-.Ilmn'Ic,h{i ih ; .GImo: f I I Lo;as.x;.un.fy-A ypgeoh at-.1 ehg;%L6ra 'May_or 8 banqu`eVt1,.5'onL th97`9h, had `an amine A The `European powers seem pretty well On the goalie to take "with ream!` t? Turkey T They; `vt% have _deter!iiiI !`_ f"hV W "l_3I'!'VO it ip and % V % % F ` Don declamt neatly very` word of the quotation made, applies to Chi:-I sda, but mg:-eta that the Vote; is not waking up to the fags thqt the has been the dupe of `unworthy men, Tu` Ann.won'- has Itis said thattgrest pressure isbeing ; brought bear on Chief J ostice Mer. ' .edith. to step downfrom the bench and -regard him to bathe, Moses to lead the Gonservstive Party to victory when gthe election oornes. A i -, enter the Dominion Cabinet. Many` i Will Mr. Obvspleaugo into the Cub- inet. again? ~ This is one of the questions of. interest in Quebec. Without "his aid the coming battle in the `old prov-' ince wililack its most skilful general. nnzronfu. JOTTINGS. 'l`o.mm_any_ has `won the victory. again in N gw York City. V The Republicans '~swept the Demo. orata pretty ulvell ayhy in 14 states at he Ngvqmber elections. V It is said that whenever the occasion arises when a "great leader is needed on the battleeld there is elirayr one pro- vided. The Ccnseivajaive party have cccasion to pray for one like the Grand Old Chief to spring up from somewhere` in the present emergency. V , It is a littlecurions, that the Knight of the sad countenance, though possess- ing more brain, than any half dozen whose names are given, is left out, as well as the'redo_ubtable Charlton. And what of McMullen and Lister and a few others, who think they were born" for Cabinet places `I The Eastern Province Grits have come to the conelusion. that Mr. Lear ier is in sight of the "Premiership, and oneof the papers down there has thus built the Grit Cabinet : - Mr. Laurier, President pf the Coun- cil. ' -- nu ---`_ `.__- _ - , __ Mr.-. Muloek,`_ Minister of. Public Works '. - - Mr. R. W..Scott, Secretary of State. Mr. VWm. `Patterson, Minister of Commerce. ' Mr. G. W.'Ross, `Minister of Finance. Mr. L. H. Davies, Minister of 'Rail- i ivays, ` M Mr. David Mills,` Minister of Justice. Mr. J. M. Gibson, Minister of Militia. ' .Mr. Geoffrion, Postmaster-General. Mr. Fraser, Minister of Marine. Mr. John Dryden. Minister of Agri- culture, ` ' . . Mr. Joseph Martin, Minister of,t-he Interior. - ` ' . A There are six constituencies for the Commons now vacant, wvhich must be filled before the session _ opens. There are also two vacancies in the VMinistry `to be lled. Two of the vacancies in the Commons are-caused by death, one : is caused by Mr." White a resignation ' -`n Cardwell, one by Hon. Mr. Patter- }. on accepting the Lieutenant Governor- ;-ship of _Manitoba, one by the elevation ` of Hon. Mr. 'Curran_to ajndgesbip and another by the, acceptance of ajudge-1 ship by Mr. Girouard. A large num- ' ber of places in` the Senate still remain vacant. . even administered his justice, not for . the',p-ot of certain persons who have xonxrtcal. Bossms, ` Don in Saturday Night, the 11th, comments on an article in I-larperfsy `Weekly about the Political boss system? of the United.States. The New York. paper says there is evidence that the` American voter is every where waking up totthe fact that he has been a poor dupe of unworthy men who have man?" aged his government, and sometimes thehenet of the community, but .for acted as if the government was their own. The modern theory which obtains in .the realm if the Kaiser, that so oalied rulers are not rulers at all,-.i `but public servants, being `strangely reversed in this republic. ` V A: `I\ 3 9 :;"I . .7 _, (1.184; {sud wh: : ` . I of4OshiIi_et'.seor_ets,,snd` thst rhis`f;pocket_ mg is i n'eL holds ipsssee tonsil the"oces5 `oft-"t`1`-. n s't and emoiiiment in`-_'the party. The result of all this bad, for it means` gaemlly thi%rd1-st`e. men chosen where ' rst class men.`s.ne. needed_, and the [Sore - petuationof the worst phases of party- ism, which of I-ilate years` has been ` dragging the country down` to the`low, petty, corrupt, tricks, which every honest man must acknowledge have i sniirohed Csuedisn, politics. It will be a blessing for` the country `when the `Canadian voter wakes, up to the fact that he has been too long the dope of - unworthy men. I'll rouiricn. .1-n::.n. ., *'1`he political eld presents but a very limited area just now for clear vision.g There's an onnons calm that, as `in= the physical world, denotes a coming; storm. All is uncertainty. It is not; -yet,c'er'tain when the extra. session of` "Parliament will open, and what will be. `the eteps taken with regerd to Maui- . . . . , WIVI-I IIIUUIU V5 V`-III! 'V_II IlII'IIUIla ' % ' Our wathen qphets predict ;ne,wath'er `}.'1d an ppm fit , bi1t, t.he`.&_!imnpphere of; the vpa:`b;fIjv.':dy?a in `.0mev*vhst. dggindt `them; T '. .-A".r!'|\nn. hf IT!-.nniA-`.nnun'nInnA 3-. cl... yuan gun` Lyn : an uuulwwunv ugulull Iaulll. Mh1iFF.hr9h1$'t38b`"! W1 -89% .8 my W4" in9%rti`VT `di!on.rae.V 8,i!bi`9' my 7 V 9.0.-'1; Ah!!! -Iuziply. `-all` '-smm 1..-.-.`1u:a-aamndlna 5..--tn. -hinlini in ...I.... IIJJJMVVQIIB ,I IHUU IUII lIQ:UUI'IUuUIUIJ. `:` `M`ute:-.__ Arcy 'Guu`l'ey in. now atending thefhigh sohodl 1.0` Barrie 'Wehope to hear of him succeeding. He has been very 3110- - oeufulin 'ou;'_com_;non achool,5`passing the , entrant, h`ammi'iil. Land ` leaving .enn,_n a 2 izh`mhghvgredit%{himl8lfI~`f5- T` '-.. ._..-.`.I.-....=.. --_..~._u _. n_~_ ._._f -..1 T, ,, IIIIVII VII ll lndill The Methodist sahhheh school `children. areh lookingforward for .a` gr-a.nd'_xim_a as Chritmn`u`,.u~ma,ny dollars are to be npent in .bu_vi_ug riieq'for ;di_`atributipn, `Ilka!-nu` "Alli; l1n'n`I$`u' hi` hunk A-"L.."`.s-4I.'.a."..:' `ran:-uvnnsrnran noun omnsuon. As the time draws near for the pee \ . ple of-the County of Simcoe to voteyes 1 or no, -.on the question of an Industrial, Home and a Refuge for the poor, the interest in it increases. It is most satis- factory to know that the countypressi ispractically unanimous in favor of it, and reference to it is frequently made by our cotemporaries, One would al- most regard it as an insult to the in- telligence of the voters, seriously to present arguments in favor of such -an institution, as all that can be said has been presented in the columns of the newspapers and. on the platform by ministers, councilmenand others. But weknow how prone men are to forget the best of things, and it maybe well to continue to remind the taxpayers of this county of their duty and their in- terestin this important provision. Ins Anve.-Non will therefore" publish from timeto time the cost, method of work? a ing and `the opinion "of the people of the counties in which such institutions exist, as to whether they regret; having established them in their municipalities or not. W e g hope our cotemporaries will continueqtheir good work, present- ing facts.-and. urging honest considera-T tion of them on the taxpayers of l the /county till the voting day comes. ' Our 3. 0.. people are preparing for a. grand concert in t_he.near- futude, the`-s pro- ceeds to be applied to the improvement` of their church ` V ' mi_, 1t_`..|__'.u-. L\_'I_I_-;`l, , u . u ~ nun u,Iii.:'('};.t; .'f'i;r1e7loIded'.fteen can with good on th_e%7t.h inst for the H9milt.on`ma.1-.. et. . V. . . _, nu rv .__._.1_ 4 `. . - lausuuuucu. Wllo U. krlllilllfllol IVIIFIII . Mr. "Duncan Gnlchrist has nurchased Mr. G Brook : farm. Mr. Broolu new. house willeoon be cot`up`eted,,wh`ere he intends to move in a short time. ' - V VIVL- Il--L-.I3-._ _L _,,,1_ 9 ll 0 n 1 -- II I ulvvv an In IDIIUKII Iollll. The Methodist churchia nished And leoke _very much improved, __ .. . ' ' `nroncvyoocr. A Advance Oortennondenoe. . A Mr. James Ciark bu resumed work 9:: his newhouae. - 11.. n-_v.;:n_-..I-_'..1__'_n_7svnp. _ ... I uuscs usuvvu B IIUIIIUH. "Mr. and Mrs. Geo Bands. of. Suroud, were visiting friends in this ivioinify last week-.` ' Messrs. Henry and Denical M cCuaig have purchased. Mr. D Gilchrist. a farm Mn n .... .... t1:I..|..-:..4. 1... . _`..._.I.._.J 11- IIIIIIUGIII Mr. Geo Freser is having"`q new founda- tion put under his house. Mr. Harte is awaly hunting this week. Mr. -Joseph Foster has moved into one 'of4 % Daniel Brown : holu`sea. ` An. =.....: ,n.__ n n - --A - .|.u.| " LIIUU, Ul DHIFFIU, ant! H1153 nlne, of Dalston, ivexie guests of Mrs. Thos. Harte last week..: . " 4 ' 0 - `ll- l1._.1I II} nu .. . .. - ---- I1U " cc. n v Mr Bert`Go1dm winirhis bride, of Chi? cage 18 unending a. e.-w days with hwmother, Mrs. William Mason... "_ `____A__ 41 , , - Ln. II. suan. Iv uuulu L.lIuHUl.|.~_ _ Mr. Angus Currie, df Manillia, with his bride, fa visitin riendun this vicinity. Mr. John Trw n in uininn 5:. .:.o.... M-.- - ................. "V, -.. r---- Subscribers now in arrears for three month and ` over will be charged $1.40 per annum. - Ill |\|V, LB Vllltlll I`l'IUI.I'lU Ill `"15 Mr. John Irw is visititig his sister, Mrs. ; Duuca.n.`~ . ' ` II`, I! up; . 4 . '. - A g;:::..a.ma~* "ea. z:"::a.:::'ae:::"`zx.:;` 3. . / Shanty Bay. Advance Correspondence. A very pcettvwedding took place in St. Thomas` church on Wednesday last The contracting Eurties were Miss Lizzie Jocelyn and Mr. J. . Michaison The, bride was becomingly attired in `grey with heliotrope trimmings, carrying a handsome bouquet of miixed owers The happy couple have the" good wishesof their many friends` Ml`. Winixll Brant in 'D:n (Inn!-.4-.1 I..-a. 511-11.: vvuaucu VJ. ulull` many Il'l8ll(l8 Mr. Williams went to Pine Orchard. last week to attend the funeral of his bi'other-in- lasjv. '- - wry: -. .3 .- - --A ~- vul UHUHIU .LJl`UuUn The three months old `babe of Isaac Gilpin, of Keawick, was interred in the English church cemetery here . on Saturday after- DOOD. I Heavy (far-pet to 0c.. 140.. and 1815 at Valr & Hunter A vv Lctsu _uu:nu uu son an Z0 001155 3 D8. - h I The sacrament of the Lord s Supper (D- V.) will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church the last Sabbath of this month. -`IM.. (1731:. m..._u_-__ cnurcn me man aanbann or this month. I `Mr Wiie Tomkens has urchased a home for his mother in Cherry reek. The family moved down on Saturday to their new abode. There is one empty house in our suburb - Tyrone. Thu tlnvnn mnnolm. ..lA 'l....'l.... -3 1--.... n:1_:._ use use uunuac Ill 1. uruuu VV I3&lill8l.'. The greater number of our farmers are feeding their potatoes to their stock. They consider that thepotatoes are worth more to feed than to sell at 25 cents a. bag. The nrt fl` thh 1 .(\l'tl c| Quunngn In IUII LIKICIIB One of our local newspapers announces Churchill is going to have _a wedding soon. So we had, but it was an Indian Summer to a Squaw Winter. It took place last; week at the Manse of Parson Weather 0 VIVI... .........-a..... ._.-..`.L-.. -2 -,-,, new THE `Nn1fH:"nN {_\DVANCE; vvluu vut V VI , Lulio JJGIIKDICJ DIUIIII. The social hop in the Orange Hall on Fri- day was a. good success. Owing to the dampness of the evening the crowd was not as large as might have been .. However, the light fantastic was tripped till the{ wee `sma hours f\_. _E ,,,,, I I [mm -my Pnnru mm mi vuuvvuunnuuu IJU Jul. Byl'l.lP. The Sociai Committee of the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor have greatly improved the looks at the basement of their church by hanging the walls with suitable and appro- priate pictures and mottoa ` Ml! `lots -nag Gk--- In .-........I. ..... .- _-- J4---' ecn;.?;u.,_ Advance Crresponilence. M Mr. Miscampbeil, M. P. P , has purcha.e- M ed the farm `now occupied by Mr. David Groves on the fourth line.- We understand `Mr. Miscampbellb intendsvereccing a. ne brick residence and already workmen are at work making fences `and leveling terraces. Mr A191: Jnhnnnn-in nrnnnrl nnnh-. Fem. .. uusn uulnlu uauuunwnuu lcvcllug LUl'l.'I-UB3. Mr Alex Johnsonis around again after a few days connement owing to his mistaking concentrated lye for syrup. _ 'l"hn Qnninl Dnmmitnn nf I-kn 'D.....l...L....:.... tn nu-we y|vv'aIU auu IIIUDUUB _ . Mr. George`S_harp is speudinga few days in Toronto. -- ' _ A, J II,, I\ I . `II is I. u - Ill .L Ill Ul-I UV- Mr. and Mrs. Rob'a1-t McCulIoqgh drove to thecity in one day last. week. M/IV Mo;Arav Q :1. nan-.J.'.;...`.. l..._ .I-_-_ \ _vv uup,uu._y Ill uuu uuy I330 WEEK. Mi` Majors V. S. is spendiniga few days M with our Vet., Mr; Langtry Sloan. Tho nnninl hnn in tktx (\..n..n- U..Il .. 1.1-: 'l.A'ho 09 `boa - . j Notoouuurllr Inply thstwq Hold A Olin- flnnlunlun no on- 1Ii_h..._ An 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper, _ Published from `the Oice, :23 Dunlop Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, the P:vo- - i _vince of Ontario, Canada, every 5 Thursday Morning, by `SAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETO-R `ii 2 E the whole thing: is `reverse an is manned ta. ta; `,1 onmnh_2{'4 Anv4_ncx have *`been;leceiv"ed pforcpublieation : 4 s W uoholne Work. 1 Dun ~Sf_lif"`%I think. the pupils of our schools; andfespeeially our High schools and Gollegiatei Institutes, have too many lessons tofprep .~r'e at home.` . It appears to me that L _ , that the proper work of the school is done at home, and the school 'tiVl!lef.B>t8.lK'n up in reciting the home work and answering questions with refer- ence to it Any system of education that requiresaycung boy or girl to spend from 7 o clock in the evening till midnight to prepare-lessons for the; next day cannot be right. Just think-of_ such a pupil being re- quired towrite a composition, on a Scotch poem, prepare a lesson in arithmetic, `one in algebra with the solution of problems, one in book-keeping. one in grammar, and I hardly know what besides. The matures: minded ph1`osopher in the world never un- dertakes so many subjects in the same time. Such work is not education, it is simply and purely cram, the e'ect of which is not only to blunt the intellect. but to destroy the health of the pupil. TEA fa nit known 3:: .-.m:.I-..4-I...` I.-u I-Ln nIln`AnIA now ove-moat: orth $5.50 for $4.410 It Val: an Huntfr - IIVQIUII `ll IIIIV Pllylln . ' The fault here is evidently in the system, and not with the teacher. - It is the logical outcome of judging a school by the number of pupils that paesat an examination, in- =stead of judging it by the solid substantial intellectual growth of the pu ils. ' Tn flu-n nn rnvnnl-In Lino ..~II'l-an 4'-.. ......I. nuvvuvvbuun 650'! ton UL IIIIU yu '- ' Is there no remedy, Mr. liitor, for such a. serious defect in oureducational work ? ' ' ` Yours truly, N ` PAB.EN'1f., [Tun Anvnxcn` has often reterred to this weak spot in our otherwise admirable system of educttion .We fear `any improvement just now is honeless. . The time may come . when the educitional department will realize the evil and apply a remedy. ` In the mean- time the country must wait and'su'er --Ed. `ADVANCE r] J. "rs Whife`, of Barrie, `and Miss Hrte, f Dalston. Illa-Iii: annnltn of Mr: 'I`lu-m Hans- !lfHEA}1ol2ir}iAi?,it 4!uS'v".s;1wc.n;;.%% The atudehlta gnd igaacgserq. of the Model Scho'o la.re"invited by` tho; W- :.C U.`w Sn" entertnintndnt on th_i;(!rhutpdny) `v_onmg{-it `-`thou--mm; %. _ '~ CANDI_&D Lrrrns mm 1 GRATEI-`UL PEOPLE. . . T I hve taken iixbottles of your rented Stu`: .Iuf- faring` intensely ` for several weeks wit _ Sciatica. V During that time I used almost everythmz-recom- mended,ub_ut found nothing t_o,re_lievq me until - I got your renggdy. In Vtendayn A tefuoomrpepcing 1: I I was able to pabout my wotk_ butcontmued akin`; until I was omp_lelt:ly cured." `I have had no :1-canes Tu` j .au,Ivv,u moat en!-nenv recon` ,-it .` u N. 008`! 1- . .. . < Iluuxitntg. ` i [DE AN CURE. sruvmmz uuu.IsauWeaknessa.ndPa Rhe . `V mm, semi .1>m1 .8t.V1tua' , ; Loss c`'}rower, remgfe wea13:"s and Ir " * and all Diseases caused by Bad Blood and shlttartgi` Nerves. Skin Beautier. One trial progeo it. In 1 boxa 50046! 83.50. '1'}: D. Howu-d ne""ic1ne 03!. 3rookv1n3.' on. and M3:-mown, N.Y. BABY'S OWN TABLETS onro Fever, Wornu, Teething, Diurnal-. Etc. 250. No tum. 731% new name will be added to the Subscription 3 List until the money is paid. A ` , , - i _. -___,____ 1'___.l___- ._,_._A.I__ _._)I w _`.,__!L `A. ,, Ranging in Price ` from j 250. up1to$I0.0ll. R; A. llutton sl & SON A. Rineaud. -_`F:1':(li-.:l'dams, Sr. Mrs. W. Harrison. W. Kelsey. ' Mrs. Woods. - Mrs. D. Brunton. Wm. Hickling Penetang Road. D. Wood . Minesing. ` Sole Agents in` Barrie for Gurney s Souvenir Stoves and Ranges, Chas; Lighlifoot. Mrs. Hunter. Win. Pearson.` Will R. King. James Brown. Miss Dowuey. Peter McIntosh. N. Cotter. .` _Wm. Webb. This stoveis a model in correctness of nish and beautiful ornamentation, and contains all the successful features found in other rst-class Base `Burners, with many original and distinctive ideas, which makes it the most perfect operating stove ever produced. ._ It is extra large in measurements. ` It has the greatest warm-air ue circulation anii large illumination. 'D......:.:I...J ...:n_ .1..- `I-;......|. .'....._..,......l "ia7icted with Automatic Magazine cover; ' ' . V . `.\r1UIuhI\l AI-IV\llLL|' o The Ovens` (two sizes) are thelargest in the market,- and are as satisfactorily in _ operation, and as quick bakers, as any Cook Stove or Range ever made, Dglnm m... ...:n 2...: .. |:..;. -1-.. 2;... ..1.'o -=eunusy s~=~ Souvemr .".[i:e wE:.;3t is solid,` ; and can be taken out or put in (through left hand upper mica doors) without removing a. bolt. V . Farmers` saie ndtes` cashed or taken for collection-