A Ihouldbe --ja -newspapeijgi I have been-.compelled of poetic contributions tothenewspap_er7 s the vast _ mjomy *'of which 35liilve7 failedii tn appear in T print .b99;.3.!, did "not" possess the slightest element, either in form or essence of the heaven-.' V ly nine, or else they were copies pure and simple of poems already existingin ` Enulish literature. Sometimes `these poetic compositions contain a quaint and beautiful thought, but so mingled with imperfections of various kinds that a ' newspaper with any pretensions to literary style could not publish them. It is not at all uncommon for _' young people to write verses that rhyme "well and read smoothly, yet to be utterly lacking in anything that a true poem should possess. Cowley -`wrote verses at seven years of age, and Pope at the age of ten--but in their mature age they felt ashamed of thae early evi- dences of the poetic ame which blazed forth in their after life. I have no sympathy with the spirit that calls forth the frequent ridicule we see in the. newspapers about spring poetry. ' The verses so ridiculed may not be worthy of preservation, but they indi-' cate that the poetic spirit, so to speak. - '.or a taste or love of poetic composition exists, and a happy thing it is fora people who have a love for poetry, who I can read with pleasure the writings of our great poets from Chaucer to Tennyson. ' As "he who has no music in his soul is t for treason,`stratagem_s and spoils,so the , nation that has lost all love of the beauty of poetry 18 falling into a conditionlof barbarism. It is true there are men of considerable intelligenbe who can see nothing worth reading in our most nished poetical compositi_ons-William Cobbett could not read Paradise Lost, and in his blunt wav designated one of the nest epics ever written, unreadable trash. I pity the man who cannot en- : joy the good poetic literature of the : English language as I would pity" one 1 whom the strains of` music cannot en- trance or the beauties of the landscape cannot delight. There must be a seri- ous defect in the mental organization pf such people, 1 4 1 1 I IBVVIIIKL (K DUI Supreme Court, 1 um nnrth nf Rani T-1 Barrister. Solicitor, No Con- vavanmn-, Innnv in Inna. O$-BOI well : ------------------------------_---- W. PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Convevancer. &c. Oiou over Fraser. MORRENli Vetexl-inaTry Sun Treat: a disease; nf T II. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicitor, -Nnfnrv nth, Mnnnv In Inan, (`H31-pn_ Harrie --- -.-_--._., .....4..:._. _.- _ 7 ----B . """"-' `H Convevaincer. etc. VE'I`EB'lNAB_Y SURGEONS. - Ivllilltj , yvu v- uuuwr ,u: First door street. over 1 in 9o:- MANUFA(}'l'UBEs. PHYSICIANS. 1` -v-v --w-----u ---v-g- 3` I was trougl-1:d with blind itching piles for 20 years; `was unable to work and tore my Hbuh n nnnnv [TnI1-Ad. Qfnfon and nnnarnan FOR INVESTMENT on frephnld en:-no-Ion at Inn...` .. FlNAl;(3IAL. DENTIST8. o1v11131AL. HOTELS. ' mean. J can R. KERR. licitor 1` 0 ~ onio .-B`3:'1 .'u731"'a Auzx. Cowzm. IVKIC TC u-ly H? J Gaza, VVCIH IIIIIFIILV II\I `V VIE IIII\` LVIV ILIJ . esh in agon . United- States and Canadian doctors fail to relieve. Cha.se s Ointment was a God-send. I` am 9. better man than in 20 years, and am able to work every day. Philip Wallace, blacksmith, Iroquois, Ont. ` .Cha.se s Ointment cures piles,eczems, and ir- ritant diseases} All druggists, 600. per box. mcpnum xcrly -aw-` q'1ov gp-par can 1 1350153311 1.: . Condensed advertisements on First Pagg such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found. Property for Sale or to Rent, Egecic Articles. Etc.. Ete.. must be acoom anie with the cash. and will be inserted- t insertion. 2 can per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1 word (names, addresses, and gures count .. words): but a reduction to 1 cent per word wil be made when the number at insertions of to arm. matter exceed FOUR. lI_`_o___ A n__,. A- com lo'o'me'."' Advertisers will please bear in mind that no. tice of intention to change `advertisement. "must be handed in to the oiilce not later thn Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the cglpy for such change must be in the Anvnxon: o ce not um, than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week; otherwise the advertiser's announcement my not be made public until the week following, Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising angthin outside that: own regular business. he 6. they do go, en: rates will be charged for such save: men ' ---.- unuuuvwvn vauvvvts J.'IIIll`I Cuts for Advertisements must in every case be mounted on solid metal baseo. -__ |MAIiBI.B wunxs. Those requiring 9. Granite or Marble Monument of V any kind will nd it to their advantage to buy at the right place, Having the best equipped works in the County of Simcoe and beinga direct import- er of all material, I am in a. posi- tion to meet all competition,.as I positively will not be undersold. . A call respectfully solicited. Estimates efurnishedfree upon application. iTiNEER f G. R- FORD - --n W Arm-nuuu m U '1' UA1. um uv vv -- ANCE 00. Capital. 8500.000. THE ECONOMICAL FIRE INSU R ANCE C0- - _ BERLIN. ` ` , , 0. Monay m ?nt:g.a?.s..mn.!`2no2r:qa2ea. 0011' 'row.1 assets. 8340.000- Mono to loan on rs: mort ages. V'~'||l| done. Accounts collecte . kc- .I'\`I'E`I l!!!I . ----gv-r\`lI\OI If these be the sources of the poet's inspiration and the true `elements of poetry, it is easy to understand that verse may read smoothly, may rhyme well and have the due number of n trochees, daotyls, snapests and other feet in them,and yet utterly lack in true poetic re. No wonder there are so many` failures. s':.?+:.:. :*:.:":*.;$:*=:.':,* 1.33:. 3:33; glal-It ,I.um nxAMm1_a: sroc before SOROGGIE 3; sum: 2 INSURAN CE AGENTS AND CON- . VEYANCERS. __ R-Ollreaent the following Compames :- "THE SUN FIRE msuxumcm umrzcm OF . LONDON. EN G. The oldest purely Fire Ins. Co. in the world THE INSURANCE CO Y OF NORTH AMER- - ICA. Capital, $3,000,000. l'H1tMERo.a.N'rIL1c FIRE INSURANCE 00 Qnnltnl mm mm . u....-............ dnnnnii. m|d"- DUI5|JUUlH l Barrie. 0nt.. Are ,3 specialty, and `parties intending E`; 3315ai:23;0hI::g:`their own interests by placm V ca-orders left ae_'_rua Angscgo`geog6_" Van-angled On, {E w *" ..::.r..2;a:=: "a. i'i=.f .:aao. V . W i _____? ~ -Excavator" - .-WNTRACTOR of all kinds of excaV'3"g in Address .wf5|~ . . &C- Slwmul Cxnuuzs. Wnus. Crs-rxnus. DRA`":`;- `J05 For and general repairing done on short so: Dunlop street. Barrie. xst house 1 !l(lCll'B8S 1 Works. ,.%e`4`.':';;?a`.:. 2:::.%*a'::u.?:`? M-b - not`! 10 t un 15 ' ..`a?3.f"?`` oe.'."';..r ';.' 'io`:S.c1...`f."' - sinus:-tion-ot the same matter. All itemnqmm 5 lines of this character charged as 5 lIn:g`,md unnnns ALL KINDS or AUGT " - ' SALES. The heifers were to. be less than three years old on the rst of Septemb- er, 1893. By the rules, each breed was limited to not -morethan ten and not less than live head- The Jerseys entered seven head, the Short Horns six, the Guernseys none. * Inasmuch as the Jerseys had one. more head than the Short-Horns, it is necessary- for comparison to give the averages per head, which were as follows:--In milk the Jerseys averaged` per head 379.5'lbs., to 420.1 lbs` of the Short-Horns ; daily average for the Jerseys per head, 22.83 lbs. Five, of the Jerseys averaged '24.-1:8 lbs per" head per _day. The average quantity of. fat in milk for the Jerseys. was 22.19 lbs.~ per head, and: 16.31 `lbs, perhead for the Short-'Ho'ms.- The estimated butter was-Jerseys, '27.75"lbn.- per -head; Shurtflorns, 20.39 use ..._per ahead The mass or; butter . 2: I _.. 1'5. ";Tr3ey3e 81 1 _098 peiheaqgf sl!;l:':fHo`}nK9lf;:l_f8;f'li:;8~Bpet head; or: `dIi;`,i,Jf2..`-.'19~!`u.?:P-.%.?`~l| ' 9fia{5t2;rnts:;i-s. if THOMAS SHOULDICE mn.I*'.' sI_g_v_s_ wunx'_! ,uontnsnn}WKE ADVERTISING R A man: -v a-nvunvwy. ' \avaInnnI.-I 20 Inches, 1 Column ' mu:-3': ;1`1.1:33.l1l-.--the three monthly ram with ..;:;-:. ::;:.,::.'z*:*:,-.1-.;:.*: mm H` Preferred positio 1 th sold at an advance of alga tlhirdeo::g>e:v:rit:: This rule will bestrlotlv carried out. mung none. Accounts ooueoteu. W- ` vs-V:)FFIC`E. -- Over HENDERSON S Hardware Store. . ta BGROGGIE 5 SMITH, Insuranco 43 Ban-to.0nt.. ` % mvnnnarne mm. -. p-vnnvu - u - u - I o u - o n 5 Inches. 1 Column" 10 Inches, i Column n'_-I.4- I l1AI_...._. `-'-l'l'3` T" V~VVV Z UUVUTHHIBHL UCLIUDIV I-l""' ' rm: WATERLO0 MUTUAL FIRE INSUB-' nf\ f`nu\IOnI `K00 nmj. . CONTRACT ADVERTISING. contract advertisements will be taken at th t "-11 ' which are drafted comouowmgmoroinl oiples, and. as me? 'in"`` -gt;-ictlyadherod to in making new contract: utter t` contracts expire, th .,n1yo3'u:-no.` torall: T m "m " the repi ithti-nrfa *h**t99!#!2!=u!s *9 Ehe.t9!I9r-7-T; i the fresh breath ot".zjne lvlvoods-__-_-din the scent the 'Vli0.l0ets-A-in is-he` volup`-g tnous perfume of the hyacinth-'-"in fthe .snggestivefodour1 that `comes to him,atIi eventidej from far distant, n.ndisoover4 ed islands, over `dim oceans, illimitable and unexplored. He owns ll?" in all noble thoughts.--in all unworldly mo tives-in all V holy impulaes-in all chivalrous, generous .and self sacric- ing deeds. He feels it in the beauty of woman--,in the grace of her step"-in. the lustre of her eye`--in the melo;y of her voice-'-in her `soft laughter-.-in her sigh-_--in the harmony of the rustling of her robes. He deeply feels it in her win- ning endearments-in her burning en- thusiasms--in her gentler charities-in her meek `and devotional endurances, but above all--.ah, far above all-he kneels to it-He warships it--in the faith, in the purity, in the strength, in the altogether divine majesty of her love. ' uovernment ad ed at above rates. o u o o o J o O O 00-0'0" `L`.l|i Ju.lliItUAN'l'lLhZ FIRE IN S U HAD: bn vv `3Il|1illI600.00o : Government deposit mad"- IIIJII It? Alinvsil an a.......... . . v-1111']! l\XGI'I-L I Train leave Barrie for and arrive from the? undermentioned places as follows : 2-1) Barrie Railway Guidesf LEI a..m 10.15 040...... "I-`ARM STOCK SALES -I J- HOBSQE. GRAVENHURST & NORTH BAY. 11.89 2.11:. (from 0rillia)-8.55 a.n-. 2.10 p.m. (Gravenhurst only-9.35 I 07 -Gravenhurst only) 2 40 pm. 859 -toO1_-illia) 505 'COLLINGWOOD dc MEAFORD. `rote nu euhiln Agohy. v.`.,. (from Collingwood)-7.18 a.m`. `Ill `IR " 10.55 a.m. 8.05 p.rn. 1.v.J.0 2. 42 5.07 p.m ll 8 57 a.m. 5.07 p.m. xix " 8.05 -to Collingwood) PENETANG. `n K` a nu COLLIER STREET, BARRIE. (Boxxowmmfs OLD S1-mw,) . Nmotlnohno OONDINSED ADVERTISEHENT8. -__-J -.I_-_1..I..-.__-._A_. _- - SIMCOE nannm AND Aimsrn. HAMILTON. TORONTO. `|_- IIWREY- FROM. 11-28 a.m. 2.38 '1 ID I` 11.28 a.m. 8 58 p.m. llloli) 5 30 pm. T liutary Expenditure. Out of total revenues of $300,000,- 000 Germany expands $118,000,000 for army and navy; England $180,- 000,000 out of $488,000,000, end Fmnoe.$174,0o0,000 out of $670,000,-| 000. Dr. Mendes, who gives these gures, estimates the annual military expense of the United States" at $80,- `000000,_ but this omits $1-i0,0()0,000 for military pensions" } Wheh. these are * included its total military expenses are *g`r,ater`than those of any other country, withthe possible exception of Russia, In... L.._`.I..-.1 -_.1 ;_-_.-. __:n:-.. {of jok la mi -sta` [on { Edi: spa `no As hi eve , P? V den About lleotrlotty. Electricity is growing in importance .to therapeutics. Speaking of. this to the National Society of ' Electro Thera- peutists, Dr. Willian L. Jackson said that even the physical properties of electricity, as light and heat, are now of assistance. `Its light enables the medical men to obtain , a better knowl- edge of the internal organs and parts, and of `the treatment required; The electric light has been -found to stimu- late the growth and improve the condition of plants; recent experiments have shown that the electric light bath may have the same effect upon animal life. In diseases of the nervous system electricity nds one of its most useful spheres of inuence. Not only is ' it valuable in determinin_'"g the site of disease, but it gives most healthful aid in neuralgic affections and paralysis. Above all, it is one of the safest and best general tonics at command. This is strange. `A German scientist, at sunset each day, lighted two great hothouses with electric lights of 500- 000 candle powerand obtained marvel- lous results. Peas planted in October ripened in, the rst fortnight of February, raspberries in 75 days, and grapes In 2} months. All these products were of an unusually ne color and beautiful perfume, but` the saccharine quality was. perceptibly below the standard. This was undoubt- edly owing to there being less heat in the electricity than in the sun, a defect which scientists ` will undoubtedly remedy. ` What constitutes genuine poetry, like a denition of what constitutes beauty, has never yet been satisfactorily set- tled. The author of . The Raven, in his essay on the poetic principle gives his view of it, and perhaps no man ever had a trust conception of. what the ef- fect on the "mind true poetry should produce. He says :-I need scarcely observe that a poem deserves its title only inasmuch as it excites bv elevat ing the soul. The val-.1e`of the, poem is in the ratio of this elevating excite- ment. V A | Mr. Jacob B." Brown, -of Grahamville. S. 0., was troubled with chills and fever, and unable to rocure relief, until he began to take Aye:- s Pil , He is now enjoying excellent health and is a.warm and sincere advocateof Ayer s Pills, for all complaints of stomach, liver, `or bowels. V - T . "-8.;-)eirs ---Robe_rt:son--Ordered this Mr. Graham be authorized to have the breakwater builtrat bridge side road 5 and 6,d con. 10. Cost not to exceed $70000 N1 - ' (M I l\ I - ,Robertson-- G1-aham-Or,dered that the Council now adjourn till Saturday, the 16th day of November, then to meet tit Phelpaton, at the hour of 10 o clook`a.m. 4`: .u - vauvvr II.` 'a.n V. ovuuunnn. 717w}; and twenty million `dollars a. year is a pretty big sum for 4 simple Republican Government that notto. meddle with the a'airs_ `ofnther _oonnt_rie_e.A 1 . _, The Clerk was ordered to notify the parties petitioning for the opening up of the 6th con. line across lot 10, that members of tho Council would meet the said_.petitionera' at the place referred to end discuss the advisability of opening roadway as requested. 15 .` _ - _ _ _ > sump vs. Judge. ' . f A dispt}te.aroge at an Oxford` dinner. _, hhe oomparatiy __ptfetige of ' TM -fumn *- Gra1_;a1p-S;;eirs-Ordered that Mr. Robertson attend a.- meeting called under the D. '&.W. C. Act by S- R. Beeton, on the 16th day of October, at lot 18, con..li!1e ' A can , _- - vvng - --- (irah;n;,'--Robertson_--Qrdered that the Reeve and Clerk give order for pay- ment for pullingetumps on road allow- ance between lots 25 and 26, con. 7 - half the amount to be charged to Sunni- dale. \$0.v337. p`_and"f`-.'to the `of $0.239; l By the rulee,)f};1 .he'4increaee:in 1i"9.. "i8h`[ W 'di'ed ,-it 4i.,9i3' iperlfpound, and the "Sh`ort'~Horne, trne M. `huge ' `$0 their breed characteristics, cut down. the" amount of prot verv materially, as they gi:2iti'etlf n_li `ave_nEage`ofn3* lbe`.`p`er "head day,` equal` topover 13 cents `per per davgthe "average valne-`of the Short-`Horn gain `in weight being $2.88 per.` head,` t.o:$0.`964ffor .J'er'aeys. Nothwithetanding this unprecedented gain, the Jerseys were again victorious in the quantity of milk, quantity -of solids other than butter fat and in the net prot, and were declared to be the winners. ` NIIIIII I00-III Of COIIIIOII 0!. not. The Council met at Elmvale on Oct. 12th, according to adjournment. ' i Minna iof/gloat; ineeinigi ,;.a and conrmed. The following woounts wereordered to be paid. :-Jno. Scott, for repairing roadway con. `line 2, op- posite lot 13, $3.00; Messrs. Train & Sons, for plank, $4.92 ; _W.,A_. Ritchie; work on road with teen); $2 50 ; Henry Gribbin, repairing bridge on 4th con. line lot. 20, 33.00. ` Poe thinks that `there is no such thing as a long poem, that all epics such as the lliad, Paradise Lost, The Columbiad and others, are truly a suc- cession of short poems, judging by-the alternate elevations and depressions of the mind when reading them. very short poem isalso equally defective, or fails to produce the proper `effect on the mind. He also denies that a poem should necessarily inculcate either a truth or a moral sentiment. He ad- mits that some poems no this, but it is entirely out of the true function of poetry. A {:0-III 1 1 - 4-". .1-an NOR?rnnnx ADvAN`cE; C. S. BURTON, . W Clark. might be expected at a party of lay man, went in favor of the latter.. `~ No," saigl Henry Smith. "for a judge on onlyay, ` Hangvyou, . but a bishop can ea_y `D--n yo\1. Speaking` of i an` eminent scientic men to `Whom he give oonaidqrable Praise 119 SPidi=-#`.Yet he som etiii16 fdrg7Bv8vtha-ti ml. is. 9:111}? the "*1. 9!?Wh?,9`i9s#r" A'~5*`*3izf`AErah L` \ ftrilla .statement of 5 Well Known Doctor No other hlood medicine that I have ever use -and I have tried them 311,13 so thorough n its action, and eects so many - t A 8ar Illa."- ;"2ai"?..`;.$,;=:,1:;.;:;a,s9.:? - - TL- _ Aver-*3 Ptusfof liver and bowels. .0-.1r.r7.4r No other idicine ` He says :- The demands of truth are severe. She has no sympathy with the myrtles. All that which is so in dispensable in Song, isprecisely all that with which she has nothing to do. It is but making her a aunting paradox, `to wreathe her in- gems and. owers. Inenforcing truth, we need severity rather than elorescence of V language. We must be simple,` precise, terse. LWe must be `cool, calm, unimpassicned. In a word, we must bein that mood which` as nearly as possible, is the exact con- verse of the poetical." '- ' " V` We shall reach, however, more.ir_n- mediately a distinct conception of what true poetry is, by mere reference to a few of the simple elements which in- duce in the poet himself the true pcelti-V cal e`ect. . He recognises the Vamhrcsia which nourishes his m1, : in ;the}_bright .1"' ~ *h* ..`Fhi.`.` in. `.1!.'1;`:?'ir*a,i?'f"t"3 same. aotithewtovesihhe r 4 - Em: ll_E|I|l;AL co..num|o, u.v. from taking medicine. They don't like its taste. V But they are eager to _take What they like- . Scott s Emulsion, for instance. Children almost always like Scott s Emulsion. ' . " And it does them good. Scott s Emulsion is the easiest, most palatable form of Cod-liver Oil, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda added to nourish the bones and tone up the ner- vous system. The way child- gain esh and strengthen Scc Us Emulsion is surprising even to physicians. . _ A11 delicate children need it. ' Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute! Scotti & Bowne, Bellovlllo. 50c. and $1. `Ea.sily,7Qniok1y, Pummeny Bhildren `Shrink `Admitted at the World : Fair. so -rnonoucn As; uuuu: an :.u:u.|UU3o un- mediate improvement seen; Failure impossi- ble. 2,0001-cfrenceTs. ]Book,expln.nati.on and -Notary, etc. Mone ioloan. Oi'ces-Ban`i and Stayner. Barne ce-Bank of Torpnto Building, Owen street, 5-ly xx. r:u..Lvu.'.n, ourgeon, nye, nar, 1 nroat, nose, 40 College street, Toronto. may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Batrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from 8 to n a.m,, and the second Friday of every month. DR. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity University _ Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Hedncal College, Member of the Co.1ege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. . Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. RS. ROSS 8: ARTHUR. Physicians, Surgeons, etc. W. A. Ross, L.R.C.S. Edin,, L.R.C.P., London. J. R. Arthur. _M.B. Toronto University, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Oices and night residences-- Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77- , ?.-_-.:Z. ____j._j_._.j H. LYON.'PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Rml Estate at` lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dis;ounted. Collections made in any rt of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0fce--Ross Block, Dunlap street Barrie.. 45-1!- | . 0 OF ENGLISH MONEY . 0 to loan on larm property at 5 and 5% per cent. Easy terms of payment. without any costs to borrower {or prepanng mortgage, &c. Apply to MCCARTHY, Pzrum 8; MCCARTHY, ar- nsters, Barne, or to [Anus ARNOLD, Esg . Valuator, (Barrie, Ont. ` ` 23-48 ` ONEY AT 5 PER Cl!}N'l`.-We have a. large amount of private funds to loan at 5 percent. on good approvd security. MCCARTHY, Pnpum & _McCAa'_Hv. ' R T. BANTING, Clerk County of Suncoe, wxll be at his oice, at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturday. Residence and P.O.. Cookstown. an gt_1EEN's HOTEL.-A.` w. BROWN, Propnetor. Excellent amommgaon__fo_: t_h_e 0-augllh... -..LI:a `D-.. -.._I l-__l-_ _,, 1 Ian gun:-.1V 3 nUusI..--A. W. BROWN, 1 'Proprietor. accommodation for the travelling public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good. stabling and attentive hustlers. Luggage of cats conveied tree to and from all trams. Few oors west of ket street on Dunlop I `mu BARRIE PLANING MILL --GEO. BALL, Car- penter and builder.` and mnnufacturer of doors, sash, blinds,-mouldings. etc._ Planing of all kinds done promplly and utufactonly. Factory, Bayeld street, Ba:-roe. W F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Sur 1:. Honor ; V Gtaduate Ont. Vet. Colle , onor member Medical Socletv. -oaces_om wan. Dry Good store. D_unl_op St. Residence. 56 Mulcaster St. on 1-nn m I!" __ -I.I `I- .._-I'.A IJUIlIUp`BL- 3 IJ'IIIG ' Wnnnmmx AUL1`. DR. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. Harvie 8: Smith, Orillia.) Oce and residence .-cnrnt-r nf (`Ivan and Cnllipr afresh: `Rare-in ' a-n-Iv U Harvie ahd -corner of Owen and Collner streets, Barrie." 23-ly ` R. R. A. CALLIGHEN Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the ollcge of Physicians and Surgeons 0: Ontario. `Oioe--over Mr. Monkmaafa Drug Store, Dunlop Street. Oioe hours from no to n a..m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Resiuen:e-oorner of Worslev and Clapperton streets. UR. WM. RICHARDSON, Dentist. Graduate of the Royal College of Denta Surgeons, and Honor Gradnate of Toronto University. Preserva- tion of the natural teethas ' tv. Oiee-Both- well : Block, Dunlop street. arrie. Ont. , 8-ly R. W. D. MACLAREN, Dentist, successor to Dr. Bosanko. 01ce--Rooms lately occupied by Dr. Bosanlfo . Residence-0ueen's Hotel.` 16-ly i.?9e.09..0... `AMES EDWARDS, Couve cert issuer of Marriage lalcenneu. 0 cc strictly private. Post Oice building, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Manr street. ---Iv rust umce nuucung, Mary A. *-*.:.2:::E.: V..=i.....t=~;e.=rv.,;m (Horses. Dogs. Cattle. Sheep, Pi , etc) Dental work and treatment of diseases o animals used in the stud. specialties. Oiee at Love Bros.` Lvvery Stables. opposite Bank of Toronto. Residence. Stables and Inrmary. 63 Qollicr street. next door to the American Hotel. Bame, Ont. Office Telephone No, 70 , House Telephone No. 7. m~|v Inc American Hotel. Barrie, No. House '1-`olephoue 7. . _ 'SUBsicRIBE r-`on % 4FfThg=:.AAdva%nce." , UVIIIXLIII, I'Iil.'.I.al`4I\ G MIUUIIRLIII, 931" risters, Solicitofs, Conveyancerd, etc. D AL1'oN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. Psnnn, Q.C. J. A. McC.uu-mr. D. C. MURCHISON. Barrie. - " ICKINSON 8: MACWATT, Barristers, No- taries Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Oat. Oices in Bank of Toronto Block, No. ,|OI:en stret. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKeggic's A." `s'uIpr'e'niZ"c2u}'t'."1>'.Toc'r'aT3ISt'if'Hv"`Z andera. etc. Money to Loan. Oices--Ross Bloc . Dunlop-st.. Bartie. 117..- - --..'._--- A ..- _' A - .... P--. . .. .|_.| supreme UOUI1, rrocwrs, notanes, wonvcy- ancers, etc. Money to loan. Ofces-Bank of (`nmmnrpn Rlnck nnnnnih-, G_T_R_ ntnnn Ra:-rip. ancersgetc. 0ices-B: Commerce Block. opposite G.T.R. station, V Branch offices at Alhstaon and Creemore. " EWSON `&`cREsw1cxE. hams` ten. lid- Lon you gf .the_Su rune` Couaf Jndnmture tczf tao. rectors. tunes. v . e - uoneyto loan.` Oiee:-Ross Bnockfgf C- E; Ijluwsqx. ` A. E. l~_I._.Cuswxcxz. ' .5.` ornu Bl5cI:3:hlop moot, `E1390! `"5! ital on}: , `can. VV o {LISA 1 UL`, I33I'l'll(UI', Doll-CIIOT, LVO . Public, Conveyancer, &c. Oioes over Fraser, Clark & Co's. store. Dunlos street, Barrie. Money - rivate and Cornpang fun 3 to lend at lowest rates interest on town an farm property. 9-ly. LE Nox 3; KERR, Barristers. Solicitors of the upreme Court, Proceors. Notaries, Convey- nnnnrn oh-. Mnrlnv tn Innn. O$nAn-R2nI.r nf `So_hc:tor_s in High Court ofjusticea, Notanes Public ,Conv_eyanecrs. Oices over the Bank of Toronto. Bffl. uarne. : H. D. STEWART, LL.B., ` W. A. B0 V Money to Iaoan at Lowest Batu. Eons: w.- LOUNT, Barrister, Attornei, sou. M citor, Notary Public, Oices in Bot well : Block, Barrie. Ont. 24-ly \JlVllLlJ RUDD D. n.-,narr1ster, DOIICKUT, Conveg ancer, .etc., money to loan. Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street, Barrie. 48-ly ---------------------------------r- ONEY TO L0AN.--$a5o.ooo at 6 and 6 per `cent; J. T. SPROUL. Solicitor, etc., arrie. Barrie. xst'0ct.. 1885. 41-tf. - guru: JOHN Dxcxmsou. B.A. D. F. MACWATT. r-u-av-- V--wv- -- -.-...--` HAuon'roN Lnmvox. -..-cu-vu -u- w- ow-o-v. V- MCCARTHY, Pnpuxl,` l<')_a3ouLn & MCCARTHY John Ruskin has` this to say ahout` the way to read poetry. If you sit down to read poetry with merelypthe wish to be amused, without a willing- ness to I take some pains to work out the secret meaning, without a desire to sympathize with and yield to the pre- vailing. spirit of. the writer, you had better keep -to prose, for no poetry is worth reading which -isinot worth learn- ing -by heart. To put, plain text into rhyme and metre is easy; notsotowrite a passage which every time it is re- membered shall suggest a. new train of thought?-a new subject of delighted dream. It is this mystic secrecy of beauty which is the seal of the high, est art which bnly opens itself . to close observation and long standing. . III'I'I- '- Money in sums of $a,ooo and upwards, to loan at 5 her cent. H. H. Snwmv, Q.C. `ITRATHY & ESTEN. \ I2. MCCARTHY. Pnpum, Mccurruv 8; DUNCAN, Alliston and Creemore. ONALD ROSS B. 7a.-,Barrister, Solicitor, Cnnvanai-mar. pi-0,. mnnnv tn lnnn, Cairns, R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, An Cnllenm an-no-1. 1`nrnnfn_ many he 1-nn- R. BOSANKO, DENTIST-Ross block. east of Post of'ee. Office open every day. :4-ly [ '1'. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice Vin Bothwelfs . Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 43-ly ULT 8: COWAN, Barristers, Solicitors of the L Supreme Court, Proctou. Notaries, Convex- nbrn, ah` Mnnnu in Lnan. (')7mpn.---Roan Rlnr |'oCARTHY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- rhaharu SnHn;l'nrw., Cnnvavanrerst etc. -World s Fair Dairy `rest No. 4, Heifers. This test was for a period of 21 days, from Sept. 30 to Oct. 20, 1893, inclus- ive. The original rules -provided that it should be for 30 days, and that the value of the products should be ascertained in the same manner as in Test No. 2-by the churn and analysis of the solids other than butter fat. But inasmuch as these tests had cost the World s Exposition authorities over $73,000 up to` that time, Chief Buchanan, on the ground of economy, changed the mode by which the butter was ascertained by dispensing with the` churn, and having the milk of each cow and the breeds analyzednin .the labor` atory by Prof. Farrington, and the fat ascertained by the Babcock oil test. From. this fact` the butter was estimated upon the basis of 80 per cent. oil in the gutter, and the estimated butter so "ascertained" was valued at 40 cents per `pound. The solids other than butter fat were valued at $2 per hundred pounds. ' A