rnoM,3.n FEET'__AN|_)_%UFPWAHDT HIGHEST CA5`!-I Pmct-:s Invnsffnn IN EANXHX OVER 3 8,000,000" ACCUMULATED FUNDS " 38,500,000 TOTAL ASSURANCE - " 109,000,000 INCOME - 4 - - ` 5.000.000 _PH(ENIX INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. IMPERIAL Insurance Co. COMMERCIAL UNION Insurance Co. NORTHERN Insurance Co. NORWICH UNION Fire Insurance Co. ` EASTERN Fire Insurance. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND V LOAN ASSOCIA'1`ION_,&c., 850. v'v.A'1sT'I'n::. H. D. MCCAFFREY 3 STANDARD LIFE AsSURANCEICO._ l JsIoo,ooo.ooo. P. 0. Box I32, - Barrle. IIIII CIII SUI? TIIIZ DIII TUII 3'`? will nd it advantageous touse- this route. as it is the quickest in point of time. and the rates are as" low as. b any other. Through treights forwarded bv est a olal trains, and ea:-g:-xenon has proved the teroolonial route to the quickest for European freight to and all points in Canada and the Western F0 Wwnlrnfn I-monk; nktntnnl an-A n`gA Inlnnung 355136!`- Ticketa may be obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about freight and passenger rates from ` ROBER'_l` B. MUODIE. ' Wester Freight and Passenger Agent, 93 Rossin onae Block. York at ... Toronto. D, POTTINGE - n`\'n` nunnfnmdnnf , menu, `mt very nticfactory. . crushuut. , Advance Correspondence. A phonographio concert _was given it the Temperance Hall last week.` The at- tendance was not very large, The Brass Bend put themselveu on record, and the reproduction of the music by the. lnctrn-_ Flra, Llfe4 And Accident Insurance.- EDDIE H811 W87. Elecsnt rat-class. Pullman buffet, and smoking can on all throulzh trains. 'IHl-Ilt.nh1n|l'I-Afn-nnhlnnnf. I-nnmn at nnnvnninnt BIIIOKIBZ I38?! 011 Ill l.'al1!'0IlKl1 lrlll. First-olauretreahment rooms at convenient distances. A IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS -_.!II _.I IL _J_-__A_ __-____ A- _-- 4.I_l_ _-._A.- _.. we `DIRECT sou-TE ` From the Westltorall points in New Brunswick, Nova sooth. Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newtonndland. All the popular sea hathln . shing and plea-4 sure resorts otwmade are a lalong this line. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. and on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday to St. John. N. 8.. without change. 1 Inna nnnnnminm: msuln at `Palm: Levin with JOB. N. Kn WIDIIOUI 0115086. I lose connections made at Point Levis with the Grendfrunk Railway and the Richelieu and unnu-In Nn.vi1rn.t.In.1 (`.nmnn.nw n steamer: H18 urana ITIIIIK nauway uuu U16 nwneueu end Ontario Navigation Company's steamers from Montreal. and at Levis with the North RI-nu-A Dull wnv, l.l.'Ulll UIUIIBIIIHI. I Shore Railway. WI noun 9 H rat- F. A.LETT mm `AL RAILWAY. ~ FARM sTK SALES " Onithe evening nf January 11th, 1894. the A town ball will doubtless be lled tohear Mr. Adjuh Brown, postmaster of Hamilton nd" -gx_-M. .. deliver his celebrated leotnpe on f_e"7 _ , ld'I-Fair, illustrated by ptereopticon FIII.t.hn`hnhnA_ 3 . 6 / Ir . Is prepared to make Contracts for the I f G004 50 d CEDAR POL -0 V Adurinzrnthe present Season, A [ BARRIE, -om. V OFFIcE--47 Dunlop Street. 1 `#3-5: GAPITAI. mstmn EXBEEBS INSUBANBE mm. I IN VLVENGTH, and for which {he H. D. MccArrm-:Tv;% 7 . I ORILIJA. 0NTo LIFEMIII FIRE Corn.-Iespondence Invited. -`ran rnnnrsctrn. - ,On Monday. the lat day of January, the people of Ontario will have the op- portunity of voting for the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating `drinks. Although it in a trick of the party that is using the liquor traic, to keep themaelvea _ in power, Premier Mowat `knowing full well that thelenactment of a prohibitory law is not within the power of the Provincial Government, yet we adviae every one who has a vote. to cast his _or her ballot for prohibition. Let the whole Dominion know where Ontario atande on '__thia queation. v'1`he following is the fauna at the ballot and the way to vote : 23-lv. IL` on Chiefnnpgrlntendent l 51-1: Having just purchased the en- tire stock of Children s Clothing from a. large menpfacturer in_Mon- trea.1,who 1sret1r1ng from busmess, and havmg secured these goods at I a.regi_vin__g the same benet; to our customers. J - Fa-rtners wishing to trade Grees fol: Clothing can do so at market pnces at %RG-ERS , .<~3.t*.s=4*.F:..=_.a Special attention is directed to the unprecedented low prices in Children s and Boys Suits and Overcoats. CLOTHING MEN S FURNISHINGS HATS, CAPS SLEIGH ROBES, &c., All suitable for Christmas Presents and at greatly reduced prices. Great Christmas Sale Ladies All Woe] Hose for 150. Worth 25c. Ladies -Cashmere Gloves 15c., 20c., 250. Children s Wool Hose from 10c per pair. V Ready-made Suits and Overcoats- all at less than Manu- facturers Prices; L Pay you Well to buy during the next 30 days at i AT R. I. FRASER & Co's `II? VVUIIII I SCSI. LIIILHUI Remnants Of Dress Goods--A big lot of remnants to be clearedout at price away below cost. DRESS GOODS.--`-Our Dress Goods Stock is Well.known . The styles are the newest and values right. For the follow- ing 30 `days We will give Bargains that will pay `you to see them. Choice French and English Costumes for $5.00 worth $7.50 to $l0.50. R EV.{$; ,;megrs*2: it:Och:l1:kc(:er.so M ETH I we Ilavinga large and well-assorted stock, all New Goods bought right and for cash, we have decided to part with i{ rather than risk doing so later, we will take less Dollar; and no rlsk now. a Buyersyof MILLINERY will be benetted to from 25 to 50 per cent. MILLINERY, MANTLES A Sacrifice _q_f__[ _I_11t .SeIls Cheap- conuan DUNLOP AND GLAPPERTON % STREETSNBARRIE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 51 Per Annum in Advance. $1. 1 1- Nonew name will be added to the Sub 1 ourlptlon List until the money is paid. ; Subscribers now in arrests for three months I T bld over will be charted $1.50 901- nnnnm. Buyers of MANTLESA (and We have the latest Styles, including the new Capes :3, choose from) can secure a $10.00 Mantle for $6.50, others at $5.50, $4.50 and $3.50, _ THE SALE OF DRESS GOODS "DncEi:nn1i 21, I,` 1893. "TI and n any liberu. exiati grit.-vo decide lawful provid ` Gover from the f insbiu grocxs count 'the .n violat reach and v lxistor pa.i`:LH ` .9`: repor M e_an yeatel ready 'l"|... - aryof the most important event in human _ _ _ nsrrv cnmsrs _ i 7 Before another issue of THE ADVANCE, the volghteen hundred and ninety third annivers- J history, will have come and gone. All ` Christendom will reioice in the contemplation of the event asit is passing, and the grand ` Proclamation~ Peace on earth goodwill to- ward men, wlll nd a response in millions of ` hearts.` The family reunions the general giving of gm, will be tokuensof that kindli- ness which the season and its associations _ bring. Tun ADVANCE in all sincerity wish- i es for its numerous readers, all the joys , which the happy season is calculated to 1 produce. ..-u, The docu n tariff 1 uni 1:188 ` Th nag "I is not. mmnd more than and 1:7 `dam. dustr Chan :17 2* 391 with 99"`? pnnc ll` befor .phesi turn: empl Laritf ndt" Are` you favor of_ the immediate prohibition 3 law of the importation, manufacture and sale 7 intoxicating` liquors as a beverage. ' .side gun. A bate ridge sinnl ;:r;;q .. ,5 . -Han lie` (IT. \.{` ance Ihos lion "An 8 Pate. 48 Column Newspaper. Published from the 011109. Dunlap Street .BnnIo.lntheConntyot 81mooe.thePro- , vlnoo ot onmio. Canada. every Thurs- day mo:-n!.ng, by ` iuuuvnn. wnsn.mr.rno1-nm'ron. ` with not i iiy 3? Mill: bil ) 1 1:19 -mov the the` V c}_,ia.i reg giv tho be I tim thit le 2 HE NORTHERN ADVANCE, Inqtmm nncorcqinmnt. [Barrie ~Bai|w%ay Guide.| V Troillploavo Barrie for and arrive from the unnex-ms-. ntluned places as touows: 0.55 mm. T ' 11.88a..m. 5.05 p.m. 8 58 pan GRAVEN BURST &. NORTH BAY. 12 67, mm; 4.30 a'.m. 11 Q1 llrnln fIII KKK ' II I? " . (I10!!! unum) 0.00 " 8.85 p.m.-Gravonh'at only-9 35 -" 8158 van. (to Orillla) 5.05 p.__m. canunawoou AND - Mmuoan. . 10.55 nan. (from Col wocd)7.18 a.m. 838p.m 1008 ` 8.08 -- '(to corwood) V5.30 p.m. PENETANG. Dom. um -I "0 xv ' ' .505D~`P- HAMILTON. Tonomo. (from Orillih.) 8: nvnnhht nnlv-9 B71 12?-i'In. 11 Q! -0 Marl was at one time in great favor. and gives excellent result on grass` land." It consists largely of lime, and is excel- lent for composting with manure. -Its bulk is y the greatest obstacle to its use. as the cost of railroad transportation and hauling renders it _more' expensive then. should be the case. Where it can'be_.pro-_ cured cl1eaply,.however. it will be found or much valueuin` p_. portion tothe cost" of some.otherferti|;1_erp,' V _ l I Texas is aqbig a.'1-1<-i-sx`.'i'll a rootn}? state`. 'Ot it: near! 250 counties, 26 have `lesl than 100 in abitanta ; 87 others have lesq than 1000, .and"only 81' have over 10.000; The number .havin;.u few` as 5300 in ~l-rxee 9ndh.niin#eueemm:.1u 90 000:- A '. `X `in `*'-l `-/L` "Shut Your Mouth ? the Most Important Hygienic Motto. A little bit of really valuable advice for this season of the year: Keep your mouth shut. If people would only do this they would avoid colds and coughs, and ofttimes serious illness. The pre- scription is a very simple one, and not even the merit of originality can be .claimed for it; but it undoubtedly is eicacious. Mr. Catlin. the celebrated. traveler among the North American Indians, discovered that they were free` from many of the diseases which afflict. civilized nations, and he attributed this exemption to the practice of keeping" their mouths closed atalmost all times, except when they are eating or talking. The mothers teach the Children ,thl'8 from their earliest infancy. .And does it not stand` to reason that it is better to breathe through the nostrils the chilly air when leaving a heated room for the street, or even when going into a cold passage, than letting it _go straight to the lungs in an` ordinary way '1 Mr. . Catlin declares that "Shut your mouth is the most important motto which the human language can convey.-National * Educator. 3 V7 I78 CIIVKJ Forging jiirectly against the heavy sea_ and in the teeth of the gale, it weathered a dangerous reef, and then, turning in the troughtof the sea, ran out of danger into the nearest safe harbor. A few such achievements as this will do much toward removing the impression, which is still quite common, that the electric -launch is a mere toy, only lit for use in- summery weather and the placid- est of waters;--Pittsburg Dispatch.` IIDUIHIIJ I Clclllfl The launch is 6 feet 6 inches in beam, draws normally 2 feet of water, giving a displacement of about 3 tons, is equipped swith-73 cells of battery weighing 3000 : pounds and having a capacity of 150 ampere hours. During the test the craft `I made 51} miles an hour and spurred up to 8 miles an hour, and this with a. dirty I hull. It is not only in smooth waters` i that this launch can give a good account I of itself. In a storm olf the Connect.cnt coast it was nearl_y_ run down by a large naphtha. launch that had dragged its anchor. To avoid collision it was forced to slip its cable and rely upon its motive | power alone. a V wnrninm Air-nnI>`w o(lIn;r|nf I-Ln lune.-v-p` UVLQ VVVO The greatest number of passengers carried in` one day by. one launch was 464 -and the maximum number of people carried by one launch for one round trip the determination of the value of the electric launch for general use is, that 1 although over threequarters of a-million `of people were carried, not a "single passenger accident occurred, the` list of casualties to the crafts beginning and ending witha slight occasional injury ' was 40. A fact of great signicance in; to the propeller or the shaft by the oating and sunken debris in the la- goons. ' One of the companies that is actively pioneering this new and `important . ranch of ship-building in this country, I is making a specialty of yacht tenders, `auxiliary electric yachts, and indepen- , dent cruising launches. One of tnelatest I outputs from .its yard is _a 40-foot launch, ` which has been tested with inost-sa.t1s- factory results. ' l`l\n llllillllll `a R `nnf R S-I \l'Il|1\.'V :-m |'\l|-`nun IIDIIIJVII ILIIIV. '1`he- total number of tnps fun at Chi- cago was 56.207. and the average n|im- . ber of miles run by each launch was 3122. The general -average of milea per launch per day was 25.57. Ou busy days theaverageruu of the-launches would reach 37} miles, and one launch one day broke me recordv by a score of 54 miles. The total number of passen- gers carried from May 1 to Octo..er 1' was L 801.000. 1111.. _...__..4.-..;. ;-.-...L-.. ...L' ..............-.._ America l 1 it; .1mromfiet`-mp."1'... . _ Been ' America has lagged-itiisiccouiitably be-t `hind England A in the adoption of the electric lutinch. liutis -evidently about to make un for lost, time. ' :The success ' of; the rival to the gondola in N19 provision of transit; over the. watersvays of the World s Fair has attracted the attention of electrical manufacturers. and new companies "are now springing up who. propose to devote tlI8m:iBl\'eS to its con- struction. Some timely gures have` been given by R. H. Chamberlain on the operation ot' ' the fty four electric launches on the World's Fair lagoons. ' `N| no...:ol~...+.. nllinoo flan? Ilunuu tn-ncra tunnel: IGUIIVIICD III! (III: II VI. um I! JJBIJ lasvvllo ' Notwitllstanding that these fcrafts, were np'erated`unde'1" new and_tryiug condi- tiuus, they made a most pro.niuent_ re- curd; The total cost per launch per `day was M $1 481}. and zlllmollgln the actual average oust; per lauucu vpL`l'~ll1(-.' for lub(.r'und lnul .e|'i1\l. exullmive of p`ice expenses, was 5 7 8 cents, M1 . (Jhamber- | lain believes that the expense can,` and ; will be, in the near future, "brought down to as low a gure as 3 -cents per }la.unch mile. V "IL- 4.1.. _._____l.... `E L....._ ..._._ ._L L! "`i"o`'i{8"n"xisiz'7-'is"y'3'1ii`$e" g'3"'.' '"" bull-I-bye, Daffodil, Dimple and Dot ; so-ho. Bonn. no-ho! '- After cup or they lie andooax ` Eoohot en-tovellayam I know that they lrequent.l_ v crack their jokei Down in the basement burn :- But hush-mbye yearling: upon -them creep,` . With oornatalk wenda the go, And soon the picnic in noun asleep; So-ho. Bdstw. no-ho-l Outside the wind of winter blows,- Outeide the thiclg snow falls; _ - ' But Cherry and Brm_dle au_d Spot and Role Are safe and snug In then` stalls; - Up in the barn there are tons of hay, _ And thousands otturmps below, Breakfasts tor Buttercup, Midget and May, So-ho, Bossy. so-ho! .- We're free from the tear of frost or ooi, For the wintexfmey come or go"- (Seye the Marquis of Meadows, rolling his cud)-- So-ho, Bossy, So-ho! Up and down inthe p away There gallop: I week-ol call, Sober-old cows look up from their hay 'l`n nndurn nnnh"nt.her and Inmrh 2 0D8I"0IU COW! 1005 up IFULII D1181!" Ill _ To nudge each other and laugh ; His pretty young mother gvith pride is full- Aeetionhua set her aglow, Because he : a beautiful pedigreed bull- Fro Buttsohm %"s"' ',h ! on a s `"3 m ercu,'1 e I-om e an Most delica.te!::om gments ow, "y P0 From Dowdrop, D odil, Daisy and Dot. limbo. Bouv- no-hn! nnu won me pwuu} II Iouuu asleep; So-ho, Bossy, so-ho! Rock-3-bye, Bumbleo. Bee. Brown and Spot, To the hush-A-bye hills we go . Lun...1m. Dmodn. Dimnla mi Data HOW NOTWTO TAKE com. II-_-l.,E. _ ELECTRIC} -LAU'mcTH; : V NVUTOP, UIIIUUII, LII!!! So-ho, Bouy, so-ho! '5, 115110011, IJIIIIPIO Il'l_C so-ho. Bossy. no-ho! _ l`hn Kln So-n, Bossy.` So-H6! . ImFOI`IlHIOl', Ivy, some I - 1`ho Kym, in The World. ' was. 1:. %uoaLav, onocsn. Tans I. GOJFFEE, snzuuao ALMOMDS % anemone vluuurs SFANISHORIPES mLs'rAuz,ED'%FIos% Svnr%PmMarmuIno:; 13 counts. in any part of the world. and no charges if not collected. This Association has local omoes in Canada and United- States. Head and general otce. 60} Adelaide st. East. Toronto. Rooms 10. 11,18 and 18. O. E. GOL- LINS. General Menaker; an. B. ANDREWS, Sec. Address all communications to Toronto. Ont.. oice. Teleghone No. 2463. Thlsis the only Association t at settles accounts, and adx - vances the money to the Creditor it desired 0. 11:. comma. ntmger. D. 0. MURGHISON. A Solicitor Bu`:-1 ` oo:.m.1soo.A - " e-1: AtThePvramids ? 1308'! IJUW DIUUK. BOIII east of the Post Umce. V "AssooIAaiIoN. t-no FOR the Collection "of Old and Worthlou Ao- in of the world. and no nhna-can ifnnt. nnlinmnd- Thin Amumintinn `Ina 1 Ian: l'UlSlJ1U 18 1!lI0l'lnB(l. EDIE bull IIGW Hotel is now onened for the accommoda- tion of travellers. No expense has been spared tomake this the best hotel north of Toronto. It has been furnished with every accommoda- tion and comfort in the latest and most Tenn:-oved style. Commercial men will nd the 'n.ttends all trains. earn le room and eve ything the "re nlre has on open lly attended to. y (1 T 1` 1.00t 360 d .Prte erme row 8 o I, per ey -3. r 4Per Cent. Interest Paid on Deponu. ' The Security for Depositora in a Loan . Uompsny is undoubteq. Ross new Bloek. south side Dunlop street emit (if the Post ulnn. ~ V sua- [Union lf.recTit 8; Protection I Iuvvu rn.urnu:s'I7x l!`Ul:I l5AbE.-Beaut1- 1 fully situated on Kempenfeldt Bill. near the water. being composed of Lots 10 and 11, S. Davis St. and Lots _11 fronting on Kempen- teldt Bay. liaores more or less excepting the portion conveyed to the Rail wav Company as ehowninregistered Plan No. 1. also Lots 1 -and2S.DavisSu-eet in block K and Lots 1 and 211-onting on Kempenfeldt Bay. 4 acres more or less. excepting` nortion conve ed to Railway Company all shown in re stored Plan No.1. The aliove is very snita le for family residences and will be sold at a bargain andon eas terms. Applv no MRS. JANE FULLERT N. 61 McDonald St;. Barrie 45-ti. _.-.:j__.__- HE PUBLIC is informed that this new .,`I\Il AC Own:-nglln-n `IA A-us-unn Lag I-nu.-u nun-.-I SUBSCRIBEI) CAPITAL, I BARBIE uum & snvmas cm, L . `INCORPORATED 1881. VFQUEEN S HOTEL = {NORTH BAY. . rfdwn PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Beautb situated Kepggnfeldt flnn uvutn-n `ndiuuan an-nu.-... 1' .g_ In _-.x -- f OPPOSITE BJLRRVIE HOTEL. BARBIE- . Razors and Scissors ground and set on short notice. LARGE BRICK RESIDENI`-E FOR. SALE in Allandale. on the corner or William and Burton Avenue. Seven rooms. two hllrs. uantry. double cellar size of house. Lot has 125 feet frontage. nice lawn with shade trees This propertv will be sold chew, and will be a bargain to anyone in need of a good home. An ly on the premises to the owner, ALEX. BA LLIE. Allandale. , `T . A MORREN. VETERINARY SURGEON . and `Dentist. u-eats all diseases of Horses. Dogs. Cattle, 850.. under the . most approved methods. Spvoislnttention and all the latest instruments employed in Veterinary Dentistry. Umoe at hove Bros. Livery. oppo- site Bank of Toronto. Residence and Stables, %6 Bayeld St.. Barrie. Ont. Telephoxi3lNo. av - ' Y. | ` J. aIJ_1r1c1:WE1.I2s T iHanrcuttmg and Shaving Par-Ior An accident happened at Craigvale on Monday evening, which cost a young man by name, Allan Crane, his left arm. He was visiting with Mr. Peters, station agent there, and as the express pulled out from the depot, Crane by some means "slipped on the platform, falling with his arm acoross the rail, several cars passing over it. ` He was immediately removed to Dr. .Gould-'s oice and Drs. Little, of Churchill and Ross, oi Barrie, summoned. It was found necessary to ampntate the injured member. At last report he was doing as well as couldbe expected under- the circumstancest L8: ESTEN, Barrie. "0 BE LET on FOR" SALE.-That substaiuil-; ly builsresfidence Bou`d}=;fe!l," standing in 11 ron oaacres an vn ms. - :igegkit:henI. pantries: &c. App`lygt:lSrI?RATllY " _ . 15-t . W0 STORES FOR SALE.-Nos. `Ba eld St. Terms reasonable. IBIJM Eu` .1: l`l...._....4...- . n___2_ J. na cm at. Lerms reasonable. JOHN FEE, 36 Clapperton St., Barrie.` . built residence Boulderfe[l," stan nunu lvDAnnA- A . Gunman -...I I._-...._. __ .-uu-uv an: un lrvauv uu uv GI! vsasu waoussuuuuu. The nominationi for the oices of Reeve, 1st and` 2nd Deputy-Reeve and Council- lors forthe Township of Innisl, will be held in the Orange Hall `here on Friday afternoon. A large and enthusiastic meet- ing is expected ;' come along and bring your neighbor with you, and . we would also remind you-for the good of yourself and that of your fellowman, should there be no opposition in the election of munici- pal oicers, do not let this` keep. you at home on thelatday of January,--but go to the polls and cast your vote for pro- hibition. that greatest of all questions he- fore the public at the present time, wheth- er a total abstainer or moderate drinker, it matters not, let your inuence be felt in the direction of right, and remember that you are your brother s keeper, there- fore we would request -that you be not in- dxerent, but alive to the interests of your country and the common good of man- ar T '(QWui;e 3 fair 1:159: of IL gribpe reported this yioinipy. i The `Shroud Public School examination `will be held on Friday afternoon, 22nd inn. All parents and friends interested in` the children are requested to be pre- aent. A large and complete programme baa been prepared for the .oocaaion and thrice attending ivill be amply rewarded. Make it a point to be at this examination. "El-In can-uudount:n-oi. 3.. AL.` .14.- .l 'I).__. , Do not;fof8A`%t,.tho~APlebiuoitie `meeting i tha'l'ot_I_ipet5noo Hull, to-niggt, (Thun- day, 213%.) _ 4 - L The X-inc`: Tree in connection with St. Peter : Sabbath School, will be held D. V. . in the Temperance Hell. on Tuesday even- ing. 26:!) inst. This favorite entertain- ment needs no further advertisement other than the mere announcement to en- -sure a crowded house. .Everybodj come `and enjoy the treat of the aeeson. lllin I1`! nun EDWARD Liriani - mzopzimmon. rm: NORIHERNFJADVANCE; R . M"'." ."" SW1? u,tifg1ll_ Ce uloid *-Case! 54 and 56 Apply to 4.tf B I: 8-ly FUUI THE [Ill] REl|ABlEd> AIIOTIONEER G." R. PORID Are mt ; d 1 ton to 1: mm ':ao&n53.:_;ne:4:mam%,pm" rules_ ' 3. -. ' _ . ll'Orde1-Valet: at Tn! Anvmbn am e wlllbe sttendedm. _ 35 V G. RD. ` Bsu LOT FOR BALE.--1'4o gems. won .1. W.` $F13g3'%'. gn_:zg_:11:-.xo._ Apply so fr. i uwnmcs ALI; KINDS `or AUO'1"ION QAQII1-1 Willvbve :p;:ci.' . _ For further particulars and specications, apply to Large Portrait Makes 1 % An Excellent Christmas Present FRANKJACKSHN. Telegrggh Poles i m s. Tomorrowwill be nomination day for Candidates to the various municipal of- ces of the town. It is one of the strange `things, that so little interest is taken in what to the people is most important. . The powers of municipal councils `are large, and the duties required, responsible `and far reaching. The very best men in the community "should be chosen, and yet ' an apathy almost death-like. with regard to these important trusts, reigns in most of our towns. The men most competent, seem unwilling to give their time to do theduties required of Council men, and the whole thing is left 011' till the day of nomination, when no time remains to can'- vass the qualihcations of those who volun- tarily olfer their services. It is had from beginning to end, because it shows that with large powers of self government, the mass of the people have not a just concep- tion of their rights and duties, and do not fully appreciate the faithful and unpaid services of the men who are willing to serve others. Before the day of nomin- ation it should be distinctly understood who are the Candidates for the various oces, both of Councillors and trustees of schools, so that the voter may cast his ballot intelligently, and for the n-,9"; . E3"-I-. '