%?t1lI:LANnJANnmgsnnmmmn 101' DBl1.1la DIP. Marv . 1:05 uuuug B61116 l'UIlbUo For uckets and turtner particulars apply` to -all agents of the G.'l`.R. and C.P.R. to H. E. SMITH, Owen Sound or to TCHA-RLES CAMERON. Manager, I`I_IIx_._:_ _ A From the .West. for all poin.u in New Brunswick, Nova Scoua. Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newloundland. All the popular sea bathln . shing and plea- sure resorts of 4 `anada are a 1 along this line. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. and on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday to St. John. N. 9.. without change. T . 1 lnaacnnnaminnn made at Point Levin with nun: uer oz urea-cutsa nouses one vacant non in dierent parts of the town. also some excellent terms just outside the limits. ` I'I'II'l"r(1r\|1 ; t\i\'l|l1C?9Cl`-Dun 1--1-u In oonvwun il`IIUUl- URDOCKBLOQD BITTERS is a me_d- _ icinemade from roots, bark and herbs, and is the best known remedy for dye episa, constipation and biliouenees. and wil cure all blood da.-aeaspes from` a common pimple to the worst ecrofuloueaore. ' U _ A care For cousin. -vi There is no remedy` that makes as large a | Apreroentage of perfect cure: as `Dr. Wood : ogway. Pinepsyrup _ In nearly; every case of ,cou'ghs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoareeneee, croupa etc, its curative effects are A prompt and lasting. ' , ; -tlon All hdulehold rembdy/.f new and not-enausot loaih, [nu 'intern_.l use in all painful complaints, V obstinate .conxn cured. . 4 ENTLEMEN,-'-1`-hud~a.verY bad cou h . .-.wh.i.h I..<=o}Ild.not. en.ri< .of. but y using,II.a,LgyArd a :.;Balan.m I. wsa.:.cu1.'- ` ed,in.two pr~.t.hr0_0 days. -{It ia.th e beats and surest-cough nnadipingl knpw of . ` . i _ 45 . .. Iosnrn.GA'B.RIoK.. Goderich. 0nt., .- 71?'.:`*"'* 1"n\ iII'-`II-.!'*'V9*.""``*' l I 'sn`e't'ed Itoud ' ,'1iepein,fh ud A was; weak ma miiei-able wit ;wm;e.. the"'dacj:b'r said` was`-`nrvbua 'l`bllli;y. ' Sebig` Bhrdk 9310011 `BWIS ndV.r;*~.iad. .I.: `=..riedf,ir.' `after takingthroBglI` `fgl"_pe{9lyf g-ugh utored't;6l'h`e_1ltlj,'.. _ V. H ` L V M38~n.J-l`H- .83???-.`;?$19?:z99 r849'?`-9 ` [A Qusrun 9!`: Century. .; 4 mi: *1` Q 5- `I ` For mor than twentysve yea:-a has Hag- `yu-d a Yellow Oil-. beenaznoldigbvidruggilu, I and it has never. .yet:fa;ilo'-I -to. gi!.- :lhifI- ; ' QiD`I>-7lll|.3~f .i=g `.%oi`\nahndvj Q 1 N` Running in close comitibn with" (he ' G.'l`.I ' andbc .(_`p;npnnies., 7- IITII-l I_'IU'|IZ v'iU`II'Ijvv- 1 Inna v I-I\'Iv - I=ITY"tiFMIn"E-Ann, cm or cnLtI{aswpo`1:;;A: If ._---- .u\ . PARRY sotmp AHO NOBTIVI snoinn '_ IIINEQ I -. .. . , I 3.119,, __--_-__1 -__..._ I.IIl' IIIIC LUUVI . For `tickets and furthr iutormation folders or app] to all agents (~f't.hn` G.T.R. and C P.R.. or to` AI-TLA D 8; -BIXON, Agents; Owen Q1-Ind ` M 5-(`I TR'l`lI`!\l, 01' I0 '1Vl.J Sound. 911-45 In IIII ll\lU`llVtl|.lC\.I Juull Wl l."lUl'S. The Cape Times, in gommenting upon the { dispute between the Commissioner 4nd-bhe 1 Premier, seems to be of the opinion that the company is right. and should be allowed 3 8 free hand in dealing with the Mntabelou. conuta-rncuion ut the Cape. I ..... -- f\__ n; A j,_._;.,I, ., -1. 001111. 1V. "no VVIIJIDLIF 0051138. loseconnecnions madeat Point Levis `with. the"G1-and Prunk Railway and the Rioheiieu and Untario Navigatio-i Company's steamers from Montreal. and at Levis with the North Shore Railway. , Wlnonnt y-annlnnn `Dnllnnnn I-an!-lb! and DIIOFB nuuwuy. Elelrant rst-class. Pullman buffet. and smoking `cats on all throusrh trains. ; First.-class refreshment room: at convenient (1 I utnn nan IIIII 6-II CIIIJ 1111f CIII $'1I 5' 3 will find it advantageous to use this route. as It is the quickest in point of time. and the rates are as low as b any other. Through freights forwarded bv ast s cial trains. and e none has oroved the utex-colonial route to e the quickest for Euronean freight to and `-from all points in Canada and the Western States. . 'l`:..lu-sh. gun... I... ..1.o..:.....: ......: .1... .-_a._.... 11.n- We are how ma.m'1faotux-ins. and c in ; stock stoves of the latest im roved dos gnu. CALL AND EXAMINIG S'I`( M) hnfni-A ovnina inuisnore Nigation !3u..;_lIiI:j $33-(`eta may be obtained and also informa- tion about the rou'e and about freight and passenger rates from . I'\l|I'\Il|I1l'lI rn 1-.-.:\v\wusn A"-:;`jo?1fs'-.e.;'t-'fa..ti';_;`es.; will aqt.wIae1y in allow}!- ing McCarthy and O'Brien 3 walk-over in_ theitown conotitnencies.--_T ronzo News `. uuuuqqurg, ma:-on law. 1557; ' T. Milbtirn &'Co.-, _} V V _, " ' _ ` . SIns,-Plea.se ship at once three dozen B. 3 B. Bitters. Best -iellimt mediqine -,in,_ yhe` ... shop. Sold seven bottles to-da _ ' ' Youre'tr_u_1y,_ C. HOM?S0$f The above sample is hm: one of hundreds of similar ex'p're"s`aions regarding B. B. B. vnuvnvu xv \ uuuuu- av vuvv LVI Lvlillllo Operation! against the tribosmon will be- gin next. week. Gen Chinchilla will com- mand the Andalusian Irmy. Sdvaro ght- ing is expected and Spain undqubtcdly has decided to annex the territory `around- Melillu. no u to assure the strategic safety of the fortress for the futfuro. ' . anenmonrnenumusltc ROYAL fMA`lL. LINE. mm: smv.'.' wnnxs :1 WI gain in one. 1" ' ..._..___._A-_ _ , THE D`lRE`CT as -OUTE INTERGOHJNIALI - `s;un.'r s'l`E. MAlllE LINE. - (Lilzhtedthrdughout with electiioityi) A113 g- --:1--An: A ALL * ROYAL MAIL; STEAMERS. .---v-v - mI't??'1'a:"1* R. M1;(-')uDIE. Wnntnr ll`:-ni oh I . n n rl Du PARRY 3917!? AF!lK1?11FEY- 1.1 vnnnl` H. muuuuii. Wester Freight. and Passenger Agent. 93 Rossin House Block. York st., Toronto. I\ aIt\lllIlII'\1.- , Hvusvu-L vs IJIIIIIF ava vnu \IU|Ua.I|Io The dispute is csueing a great deal of comment here, as Col. Rhodes is at the` scene of action and "is understood to ` have the condence of. the colcmiete. It is rumored here that a strong detachment ofrtroope will he immediately lent to the front, outwardly as an escort to Sir Henry Loch, but in reality to enable the High Commissioner to .take a deter-_ mined etand against the attempt of the British Chartered Company to act in a high- hended manner in regard to the territory of the Matabelee, which the company in known to covet very strongly. Tn `nan: nuelnmnnn in aillfifliliti "11: oh; number of rat-clue houses snd vacant lot: In inrnnt nnv-fa` AC thn tnnpn clan uni-run 'F3T3T_oTi3}htf -..-.-v IMPORTEFS AND EXPBRIEIS D-) 34. -j_--_._ __.____- ;- .___ LL - _,,,L RAILVVAY. _ Burdock Blood B`tt9I'I nt\I1i -1-so InC\ --o:......_._ . ...-av uuv vuuvnuv VIII: :5 imw7soN & cnmswl-Eula}, Ei1;ii:r},' Ad-;::'l;l.5tb. `I887; .m.-.n. - - A Bilollioil` Letter: 'x3.'HT"r'fxST$m'rIf ' nun H1 I LV I in It, Chit t Superintendent .,.._"-. .-..-..... ..- ...., .....,..,. , Lonnou, `Oar: 24.--A despetch to the- Exchange Telegraph Company asys that: considerable couslernatioirwss caused in u Cape Colony by the sctionef the Imperial 1 Government in prp.ctica_lly placing the l settlement of the Matabele dispute in the ' hands of Sir Henrv Loch. and taking it en- | tirely out of the lunatic oi Col. Rhodes sud the British (.`~ha.rLered Company. In` View I of these facts it is now generally sdmitted . st Cape -Town that the Im- perisl Gowermuent has plainly hinted that it will reserve the right to treat with King Lobengula, and that it is determined to make a. strung effort to override the present warlike speculations of the `British Chartered Company, which may be deair- 9 ous of annexingvthe .\l_ata.l)ele territory to its already large possessions. ` nu fhn ntlusr liunil flan fr-inns`: II` kn LAUR, ABUIIIB. U WU! M. tsUR'l`U`N. 1,a_4zex-., Collinzwood. f-3?r37zood- .-Rymen Journals We are fully prepared with a stock of TEXT IEOOKS SCRlBBLERS,'EXERCISE BOOKS, &.c., 4&0. Mail orders, receive prompt attention. V All School Books supplied with a strong Manilla cover free of charge. Manufcturr ' V and Binder of. Blank Books . mu-ru mu 3 iattendedto. .- s _-. - - i-- we s"rmii:s*r O1i7s. `LELLN .. a . r `Bav'eld"St. .:'l'o'rmh :eiaonu`b`l):." Apgllyftua JuHN,LlE. olupperton St. Ban-le. 4-tt T I . . - Lodge Books uwnguuvn uuvu III vuv l_V| UQUIIA Gen. Mnrgallo, now in command at Mo- lilla, will be replaoed by Ge'n.~Ma.oiu. Already 4000 additional troops have been ordered to embnrl: as once for M olilli. (\__....L . . . . . _ . . _-s s|.- a.._:L__...,... _'_2n 1. Blank Books-made any size auu Ruled to any pattern. All work guaranteed to be rst-class. ` . .Music a` specialty in Cloth or Full Leather, Stiff and Limp Covers. ` Portfolios made of any size and style to order. Repairing of every description of Binding done on short notice. . There is nothing in the Binding and Ruling line that cannot. be done here and guaranteed retclass. Parties having Bonks. &c., to bind need only send a post em or note to the bindery, when a representative will call for the work and return ti. manna knn 5: -gunkn DDYIVUVQ Tf\hT A\Tl\ 'I`T15`Il(1 l14b1f1 1):} H587 ;"s3"5-1' ` "-1.912: " ` _, . . 1. . . 3 .. ' ' `_ r '=1,, . 9, __ I`. - 4. _ , 1 . -' _ , x ' -as. ' ' " " V H. ,-:_.-9 IF 5' ' - ` ` ' GROUND Cash Books BABRIEBUUK B|DE%%;Y un. uuuu nu uuw UILIIJUIJ, wllru ll "I"p1't:aUI.IInllV!9 Will Cilll In!` T-H8 I name whn mshed PRICES LOW AND TERMS CASH. 7- v v vu, uvyIv~ VUHIIUUIUIHI Fuel! W111 HBO tn Km lo room; '-and` evetythihuithey rbqnlre M1? '1; ';'o3"a?3Tdso' as Porter 9 ' 9 ~ 1 9 . . I A amt! lids dlI "oti`-`tins. _ .. _ I D y 14-t.f. -nvv Gnu .I~\lI-F I, ` vugv QBTUUII, 1 "l'0Il(O . I None genuine `without trade mark and 4 uiggg! ure of manufacturer. . 36-6. 4 THE PUBLIC is informed ` Hotel is now our-ned_ for t1 tlou of travellers. Nooxpenno 1: tomhke this the best: hotel .no1 I`It has been fnrnlnluui `nan. ........ Spain wm Hand 12,000 Troops and Will Annex tho uolilla 'l`u-rhzoty. MADRID, Oct. 25.-V'1`he plan of campaign propoled by the technical commiuion whnch recent!) visited llelilly osbun up-I proved by the miniuerg, rIt..invool,vA_u (ha sending of 12,000` regular troops again! the hostile tribeamen now onufenchod in the I neighborhood of the fortrul. ` I (.1-.. `la--n:u man: :5; ..-.-..._J _L I`- ADVANCE Fo Schoolooksw! School Books! PUPLIBSGHUBL. .. ?AND R GBLLEGIATE INSTITUTE . Ito eifoct is beautiful. lasting days, often mt; No grcgnblqtogpply. For sale by all ` sglsta. o_ra the man-15:3 -ory. i I 1 " " ` n , . V103 and 105 Yhnge` Street, Tm-omo_ $1519 Iranhinn 'wit.Imm-. n-ml. .......n. ....n "6i`i'ii "} EDWARD LYNOH. - YPQOPRIETOP, ' A TTGWVIARTDDD .< . .51 91 A n... .-. .HA4 fa.c1;. Advertisers should note. A`Ucf1`15NEER, V :A7LUA919oR, V V V .APPRAISER, i&c.% CAPE TOWN, Oct. 25.-AC nice little row is in progress between Sir Henry =Lch and Hon. Cecil Rhodes, who holds the dusl position of Premier of the Cape and Presi- dent of the Ch_ttrte'red Company. It. is sn-` nonnced hole that Sir Henry Loch in- founed the letter that he, se High Com- Inilsioner. has sole control of the settlement of the Motsbele question. ' . * Sir Henry sdds that the motto: has been relegated to himby theImperiolGoverninent.` Premier Rhodes, it is understood, has enter- ed a protest sgsinst this slrsngoment pndlj hss cabled his objections to Lord Ripon, Secretory of State for the Colonies. Q A3.-.nn. In nae:-Inns - -s_--s 4I-_I _C Minute Books A.SGOTT, Bookseller, Barrie. N()!. iTH RAY. Day Books ROBERT `GRISTOE, PROPRIETGR. `Darling and llrimping pD ORENWE N ]) S Ledgers uommemul men will !1_nt_l the evetythlha ` they require my attended no. Ilo.'5 Dunlap Street, Top Floor. ll-D Cltlvll-J Ilnlsv PUDGUBOIUIIIQ On th other hand the friends of the` Chartered Company claim that ' the present split, if carried so far as outlined by Sir Henry, will mean the assumption of the government of Mashonaland and Manhole- lumd by the Home Goveramem. ' TI. 3- In rvnnn nnnrnt flunk IRA `u-ran`: 1|` GURLINE `that besides %-being the best I19WSpa,per in the northern district, 3098 111170 more homes a;_r1d%c.o'nsequent1y is read, by_mc).re people than any other Journal. md (2110,: _,this A (new. rprf t`h_e_ 'e_aon`ommo du aiuuo`_l1$b6o-`h'n'uoNud- al . nor of Tor-.-um. I mlllhlv -nnosnn--`J- ' PUREST, STRONCES I v `"5" ' an Read fox-use in a. anmy. For nm1~`i'?" 51 ., 80l t4enKm_Wa.t.er. Digrzigctinx. and n 1um.:.-M L ` J I808; A.` can equal: 20 pounds S31 Soda. Sold by All Grocers and Druu|"~ '1 13- 1:.--1-.1---n:u-I1rn_ f[`nron3` In 11- Eu. Liuluauun, nan-o. \Y3E_|4=:_ .-s% sarsaparilla - - - -Ln- r.......n Hula P:pEs}B;S;o.Zy;;so, 911 4 "f'f|(`!`H| U Jlgolovocsyvu w vv-y -v -- Ctgres others. will cur 6 iron CUIIIII U-1" III? lL"IlI` \U'VlIJIllVIIU It is an open secret that the . Mnrquis of Ripon is in sympathy with the Matabele natives and that he look: upon the present" war as not ewirely juntiedind as more of a speculation than a. desire to protect the settlers against the depredations; of the bloodthirsty natives. This, to a certain de- gree, explains the apparent laxity ofpthe Government in showing its hand in the present disputes. rphn Ivnnnrinl (lvnrnrnnnl if nnnnnrn V3: '05ili_Idq${ Statement to us: `C-_.qI__I uuu --v-~: 1'e`p,y':a:_l"8Ao`[ ak_p,`but who declines to gi" M IlI.!lI6 _to the public, makes this authorized. ,-- ...nvnIV1 ,Uuuuenu ' . v 31.553 . - v Willem [,0 us: `OIV Wilson mofmglntion. '3 3;`; 3151; {any mamma died thought m soon die and 1:" X` Silldwllliit I. nr_b uteven gf I did our_ In-Iglnlmrs [Wonk dllble .30 walk hn0t (he, I would bfok:ugd\Dlluy.A A you efallse I wus so I113 brag my arm `I '"3N_||g formed and `*%3h"'many::':} W"-`w i``&2;.3::*:* ;(::::,`` 30 as to break the skin, If; 1 had ' V5335; ta. `"9 to bco `dontglg 't8...or 'z2%:E"'"g 3- :}la,,.'l_30 much good 3. but nothing has `T..D. "a" made me wslAyer,s Sr""Pa' - - 13$.'08t.u:, Kaus 3" .St"mg. '- ._..%f- `___.v,.. ('2' .- ' `if ;! __f In... -;.".'.. -. -.. .._. ....... .a....n.ma tn give N j - ua==?=_-~v PUREST. stnoucasr. BE5 -- Inndv for nan In an: nnnntltv. F01 '7' PURE 10 POWDERED 0%. gim NOVEMBER 2, Periodicals Pamphlets ` Sample Cases &C., &C., &C. Law l{.epQrts . 2, 1393. ICDVIIII \aIlD!JI.l\\I- The Imperial Government, it appeerl, is desirous of having a clean care to deal with before in any way interfering in the dispute between the British Chartered Company and` the Matabeles.' While recognizing all the rightn conferred upon the British Clnurterev Company the Imperial Government also re- cognize the fact that Lobengu a. has certain rights which it is bound to protect agoinet the aggressions of the British Chartered Company. - ' Tn unit: rs` llunnn fat-nu `I-. i. ntiinilnlnpl thunk, \._. Biysubduing the Dilabelon the East .. ___..,AlI-Ion cu, Tholighc to `-oouro Owner- 9' Tfip oi lholr !`errItnrr-_-Tho lmp_rn`ul Govornmo-nc" llus'N-nv \C:'ppv4l Iu, T Ma_g'azines Music GIG tlulllllu IUI WEI. IIUVVGIUI JJUIUVVCJIB No doubt. the nensa.t1oml_ advertisements inserted in the London papers calling for volunteers who could ride,Ihootand hid 200 at their disposal to join th colonial. force: had agroat deal to do wlth burning the tide ofaympatby ugainat the British Chir- tored Companyyand in exposing the real in caning of the campaign. or twic to`hin fairs no Viv- MYO 8011 We Inan. and re 'deaLh ~-.. .4 know: i What The 0 but he paler c\ and In ALI .__- care to did. I .l.l .it will ,0nCtf 1!. just -wt ruined throw: made y only w until y all th given T Am} _\'( km-w the gm. \.IU ulrnl o In apito of those facts it is admitted that de ciaivo battles must be fought before any nettlemeut ot the dispute can be arrived at. 1 With this object in View the British columns at-eVpushing "forward toward: Bulawayo. Nn nnkk thn can-ntlnnnl n1`vnrI3-Arnnnb- ` in the othk-_r calmnv 0ther s were 8 ably (mght mouth trar_v. 3 gum: 11)_v`wil ,they \ we I' dru : w:s'v`1'{1 ha I a (1 vu '1`? Vhe "I dd I though we yo in m 3' IQ snap" as an or run mu mum- ` mp` co. ouucxzu rpm. that den y is t shru lift-li did V good .\|vu 5-mu '\'Vh thin the 1| Ils\J `I un THE MOROCCO CAMPAIIGN; sro`-: iaopIp.`u.u.uouu "B):...'. n.__-'.a-.I'..A AN EMPTY BOAT. O,._...'......1|' |nIOIOC.C....I. i nhnlAml.. L) In 0 a 0 -_o no 0 o uB"'|I_|"IIlIl IUIJVUW l0l'K Ihflllllu Y0!` 0 0 on in 9000 0 070.0 cm: - on uN.' Y0?` IIUUVU Iuvw ICU: P711715. , yo I o_ 0'9 .;Bnut-hm ton. New York ...NOW Y0 oooooAntWQI'p ' IJIIIIAQ Au: \'..n-J yqmi . uucuy uusu us out uuwxy zuurneu. If beginners in life would start out ' with the determination of owning their 1 rooftreeias soon aspossible and if both ; , are of one. accord they can easily regu- l * late their style of living w_ith.this end in -view. No`apasmodic_eo'rt will a`chievs~ it. only a. careful laving aside of small a sums regularly. \ i Thaw man 9...: 4.1.}... ..e..... .n.. 1--...- :- Cullen mu ?`u|u luau. e~-.~~. She-3S0 he told me. . H! II 11051115- forgoaten your nupo. ~ - n._T...;;:;i...a%zf;..;;.Vi.%A.; iliar. He sIa`pedr mean; thmbac `and m ~- called me "cl an. =* -i . Ql._. '5.` I... I-4;`.-`I man: A `inikdl U" L19 She knows that in spite of the pessi- m_ist s sentiment the home is 9. powerful inuence for` good ; `and for the sake of bringing up `her children where. the x their a.`ecti'ons she is more than wil - in: to make motherlyj sacrices in_num- erable. e .1 no . - Tincture of myrrh -when used as a dentifrice is put drop; drop in a glass of water, and if pno A esires in, a'd1-op or. two on the` tobtir brush. Two'tea- vnpoonfuls of tinturo of benzion will ful.' make an entire bath milky and delight- xuu. luvlayuavu vsvuggyuf $135: an Q :73- .ding'r.i1,1g coming 1._o_f 311; names of` the % people who are mauieii,` ;a_dd if there in mom c1:o_do,po at the mqgrnage. ; .L`.A. .ll..lIllI .5-uvuv In JIVIIUI a .~I`..* "guuuuuguy v he `ts on the right of th .11 to - if ladv, on the right or h_e__'1?out.s 1%. . ml: never varies. A-I. . _ I: :u ' If dome one`e_hp_ H when you areigl6jvVed'th i?'e jg h,,;;o%'gn.,.. `_ .' :`;.H`_:`f,.;nL,' I. 9` - .13-"h..d'!T 2 "I3thT?'! city for a logizing % tor: 1': aulullls ynauc. ' A bay window must be thrown in. the little dining-room: capacious closets-,. to meet the demands of thovgrowing family, must l in the waste spaces of recesses ; rose bushes are planted by the dozen and. watered with tears of joy, shelves are put .up for the saving of steps, and the proud mistress of it all learns to wield the paint brush to the annihilationlof unsighiily `surfaces. L Thn man fnlrun 0 nn:r,I- :..o......... -..i.:.. WTl1e avera2;e'-.l;-usiness man; sick of the i din and trafc of commercial quarters, long. for the suburban home and pro- mises himself the luxury of plenty of elbow room and ozone when his ship comes in. So widespread is this predi- lection becoming that it must be accord- edl-l.l)8 virtue of an- inherent impulse to- ward sweetness and light. ' ' Tnnnn "Pall-in and 'l\Tnuv `Tn.-1; nun Mai j I75???-1"f"'%7'mw"f%'355-7:73. 8`."c&:"r.="'...';':': ::::::.*.'.%.`:..``. .E;.;;; uqgu. uvv cuuucaa auu llsllln London, `Paris and New York are girdled by a'chain of towns situated withinaradius of twenty miles from the gre'at centers of trade. The increas- ing number who `seek these homes leads `to the inference that health and` comfort are the compensations for the daily scramble to reach train and boat. ' 'I5.-A. __--_- ...,...... .J..__ LI_-L _'g :. -1, ,_ Bltllofdvlco as to This, That and tho > Other. At alcrowded tea_ it is not ncesary to say ood-bye to_=the hostess. After a wad ing reception it is customary to rrinlrn nnn" nn thn hridn L non-A in 1:1. vvvuulu ICUU ulvu Ill us Uuubullluf M) 5 I make a call on the bride. A card is al- ways left when `visiting, whether your friend is at home or not. If -you are calling on u_t_riend-and two ladies who are her viaitoys you should leave three north: It is proper to ;h:nk"3 any one for a courtesy ahowmcousequently` you should express youngratitudon totho man ~ has been your escort. - ,I ,; PA nuulu I 136 ulclll a They will nd that -_ after the home. is onceec-_curedA. they _will wish to Tim- prove _it,? - and the habit of judicious saying being already acquired it will be no hardshipnto deny themselves extrava- gant clothes and armless jaunts in order to add new beauties and comfort to:th_eir_ abiding place. A h at? una-`Inn, wanna} Inn I-L...-...... I...` 3.. an-uuuuavluu U1 uua`Iguh_ly surlaces. . The man takes a quiet, intense `satis- faction in his feeling of ownership, but . the supreme moment in the life of the woman is when she. can takeher in- quisitive friends f_rom garret to cellar and say, with exultantz pride, It is our own. - " (1i__I, ` .. .. . '-,- vouwnvl la is worth any effort made to escme 3 the lmrrors of moving day alone,_and 1 children may at last; have a play room ; where they may tack pictuzes all over 1 tbs walls without a threatened suit from ` an irate landlord. J ' IUIUI VIII-I0 IJCIQIL Illllll . A house bought by frugality in the heyday of youthful enthusiasm has many 9. time been the means of averting disas- ter or of lfealizingfor its fortunate owner the ,capital wherowith to` make a newed effort in middle life. fI`|..__... :. 4.... ..._._LL_,.. _-__-2.1,,, .- I-II? VI Cll Cl-LUI II III IIIILIIJIU IIIUO There is, too, another consideration in `favor of a real home, which if less utili- tarian is also binding upon the prospec-L tive heads of families. There _may be talented -ones and even geniuses among the ock,.anda noted writer says that the literary aspirant and others of artistic temperament must write out of the full- ness of their early recollections.` Where is that fullness to come from unless there be a permanent vine and g tree? Ownouliip of 3 Residence an Inoeptlvo jto Fxfplgallty and Thrift. _On of _the". signs of the tims, and} [sign of _st1ll better times to come, inf tho increasing demand among people.-of n_1oderate means for a "local habits`- mon. . ' - ` 17,. on . `in ,.- ... , . ... Preeeuted for Her Majesty : Approval, LONDON, Oct-. 25:-'l`he ueuol presente- tlon of the newly elected Lord Mayor of London , George Robert Tyler-,"t5 `the? Lord Chencellor in the Home of Lords took plece yeeterdey in the, Prinoe e.chegnber. The car- poretion digniteriei errived at 11.301116 the Lord Chancellor took up his eitlun facing-,the Lord Jleyor. After owing three times to eeeh other; the recorder enneunoed that in eoeordenoe with the ; enolent euetohn they bed oome lo preeent the Lord Me or-elect for Her Mejeeuy'e Ann:-nvnl `T on Ila: Lani hnmmllmo am..- IQILCIUJ I You can spend allyour youth renting -and hopping from house to house and be none the better off by the time your children are grown, when by making` a. first payment and afterward quarterly- aums, only equal in many cases to a very low rent, you become. an owner bee fore you have half realized the fact. T} nuna van on r`|' nlrnvu-Ila... .'.. UI\'IIl Nbtwithstanding `Matthew ' Arnold : learned protests against the supremacy * of Athe,iDdl,Vidll'8l. there is something in` the very air we breathe that makes us rebel at being swallowed up as -a-j&mere. cipher in t-hegeneral unit. muurv nnn nyiglana I-A :rv|d\oa4\na\:n ':;I-...- Va -vulva nu cuv EVIJVIGI Uullb Every one wishes to irnpresehis `idea. -` I tity upon sorne'little;apot of this great round world before he [leaves it, and in 1 1 none ought this to be a. "stronger sent:-' % me-not than in the newly married. If in II-AIIIJ nlrnulolv 4`--:6 Dvlalllutw I.v Avuvu I.-lust: auu uuavo But some men deny that it is cheaper or more advantageous to own your own house than to rent one, claiming that taxes and insurance more than offset a) good rentai. Let no home loving young ` couple pin their faith to this `tattered fallacy. Vnn non nnnn n" 1-vnuu nnntln .......L...... gusw Juu uuvv uau. Jcullsacu IIUU IGUIM It gives you a_ ditferent standing in your community to be a landed pro- prietor to even this extent. You have a say about the improvements in your neighfborhood; you can lift your voice for sanitary drainage and demand of the mayor to sweep your cobble-s'tones. Look at it as `an investment for that rainy day which clouds the horizon of nearly every life. By making an effort to secure a roof over his H head a man placesa bulwark between himself and utter ruin should business or physical misfortune befall him. L---_.I_A. L__ 3",, In :7 .. M .=. r`?~:'?;ie*a.., :It.1:ho.-.gueat of honor .:la;.=a rgenflunma. kg :il>n I\I'I I-ha right A! Iahn I-nlulmgg {O n J ..1`_ :1-,. .- * . `. "1.`he.ihscript1on oft';1,9t qeen in 3 vied. I:-uufninn annular: `tn ihi nu man rs" ' I-`an Home As AN .,INVESTMENT..` SQDEV TALKS WITH GIRLS. H2.f.5|%'%:5!`-%-*`* -i.?i-L*?-T% % 9."! nu.-. A._:-...1 -1 _-.-...'- _-..._. Mayor-olool Majesty : |ppr9_v_u_l_. ;A'1lgu_ &|_a_qLoJd Chsnco1Ior_ oom- nunioatehd cl:`rLo_ni=`Mnyor the Queen : approval of his uloction for tho ooo. \l\4I\ll\I vllv vvuuuls` V1LlI\Ill WUIV LVGIJ On motion of "Mr- Dn`, seconded by Mr. Bell, Mr. "William Cunningham was paid the sum of $33 25, being balance of Essa : ahareof ditching south townline; and -William Miller was paid 50c. for re- pairingroad scraper. . " D `D.-.11 `X7 ("V "D..I`I VIVI... l'..lI.._:..... -- _-Four men lifted the Barrels up and she went up to them, full of condence, and renting: 'the itlottom of one on her right hip, circled the. banal with one of her long` arm: and then swung around to grasp the other in the sauna way, and-, as I live, she carried them out and along the the atreetto a place 300 `yards down the road where one of them fell and upeet her balance. You see ahereated them on her hips and didn't try to lift them by her back. The grocer gave her the our. -Lewieton Journal. I Minutes of tenth session of Essa. coun-. cil for 1893. The council met to-day, 16f.h October, at Throup`s Hotel, Nichol- stnn. accordingtto adjournment, the Reeve In the.chair.. All members present. The minutes of lsstmeeting were read and conrmed.` The Reeve laid several ac- counts for work done onroads and bridges beforethe council. which were read. I\.. ._._4.:-.. _'I'._ 'I'\.-ll` _--__._`I_.1 L, was 1515` svwia Dvuilyv " R Bell--W- 0.. - ell--The following `ac- counts were paid :-D. J. Can-uthers.$23; John Esson, for ditching, $I9;2O ; George -Arnold, for cedar. $6 ;APeter, Milne, for cedar, $23. A V rnI..:.......a..- 'n.-n.- rm__ :-n;_:.__ -_ `, .xf&:;a;:;n i;i;`i;.~:-2:01;:,`6;:;::;It.ivo standpoint, =wiil be mud: if thin! oodruo-u `adopted, especially in the cai'o"of `North ;Si,n.1coe.. Tqgi` _r'eformer'n_ in thgt..ri_d_ipa . prefer}-1:,hox p,qli qy.of .,r. McCarthy, to this: `of Mr. Igaurior. ;. all bntirtheg not-rofwolt of , Thom 000-#*W.iV9!";! o";.th9ftfV,i1l f9|10w hi- bainnarw nthort an. thctwof. Sir` John '1); and -.the T Patron` 4.0! -Iqduntgyv - mi; 1 :uddb:I'i613ih-C611i8if6ki3; iii.vb_.f ihim-their. solid. /ou_ ` .. Any-A oho-that I `oppose: $119 ct.eo.~.II9n`,%;iryNrb Sim-f fooe, will. therefore, go torwudlo. ooothin d_efOIt.(_? 71 J: <*`--': . II ` A. X K I` `AC1 I 'I;v vvutwu, .uImlnvuuu UIIII II Vlvlllllqlllla But, ~Vif5-hiI7'f0!'9l'.`5l'iOIIdI" db assist in" Igniting the murfron Shanty Bay-in Mul- kok q,' they loch more in 5- dozen con- _|tituoboie Athi-cihgthont 0nt_drio- than" they I.I.I\.lll d.l.5Vl.LIJl`IIIl, IIII LIIIIIJK 3lI\JllIl we _ Du'-Whit.eside-Thomaa. H. Arnold was paid the sum of $3 inaddition to his grant of $50 already made for repairing a the sidewalks in Oookatown. ` , ' ' l'\nI 117,11 1% n 1-\ 77 I-\ i ll Dl\-ICVVQIEE III \JU\}Q|lIIV' 0 ` ml1)u'-W.:C. Btell--D.uVK. Ross was ` paid the sum `of $58, being Essa : share of grovelling south townline, opposite 10th concession. - ` Ii`! (1 fl II I111 0. 0 I I1: I `IS! R. BellV-,-W. C. Bell-The council and- journed until the 29th day of November. then to meet at Alexander Stewart : hotel, Thornton. at" 10 o olock 3.111. 11 fl" -1'! , I`! wulvwuvu yvuav vs LIVIII JHIII llIl'lIUl'o . The |ki." was an 6rdinu.ry-huntin hint. In it were the sportsman : gun and coat. The was all, but. itxtold the tslo of tho- moldnoholy and of . Henry Maybdo"'6f?. S_im- coo, who had comoto shoot ducks. `` I ~ .> 11;... L- 1..-Q Iii. HI- 0L--- :.` ..- -._- A- 1| I-v Iuuqlu lu IVIIIIII I V But. Mr. EMa.rter difl not propose to re- fuse licensee to everybody. Hie prupoaal was to our of!" the retail licensee only and allow the wholesaler: to remain. l TT._.I-_ AL- l`_-_I__ A ,4 `I I - ...._.._. .-...., u,-- ronavuvuw AUHIIIDIIIUI-I vuuuu the court: have `said the p`rovince has power to enforce. Consequently the/t._bAill, If it had been paused into law, could be enforced also. and under it there would be no free whiskey. Therewould, i_n_eteed.e be aredction; in _the nugnbor of_ winking`. place`i._ ,re, notion. heretofore his 31-. wey1r.;lien'_ ` folloived by re 1- `decrease in 4 n.\n'un-o..\-- _..A III :-an-A--A.` :..--.`-._. -1 p-avg-:._ L~_,`,sA_auu.-v,gg\_I_\av|uIl.lIUiruIuv`.l_I.UtU IIII Il. way:;bpn'_`fbllo'Iied by a dedreuo F drunkenness, not in increased flaadom of sale. ` "ei:.'i:`mjin', ggiibk .1. ooi. o'B:1g_ii can The -batten, although? this i. 'do6btful. 1 n..a. T.-e-..|.;-. *...`.a.7.--,,t.x.....1. .. .1-- --..:.. :_. When you talk about sgjgpg men I can tell you a diary, said'V'i` truck. man, to-`day. V _`~`.;l~t. `_vi'VVai bef1':;o'_ I wga in the jabbing bm`i`ne.g_ am here. lived in `L-viistmi a woman vwhnw oimld best 311 the strong men `from Samoonto Oyr. I ShaWvVvVn'a in the `old groory._at'.oAre bu j the come} ne` the" <-p'ropl}iet.or ;p;|i_!9$gpd`.' f!' Bfinple of t`lbn`1_-`:l'1?iafra|a,'_`asy- -vk;_;:-`"19:f;ryi.3if 5I! l| `$9??? thm home "I :t giv6`thinn mfyou Saxzbritz, who was 1 3 uuckmnn thirty years and who" sold out to James Cole. was then! and offered to bet that she cuuldn t carry one. ` Put them up en the counter," "she. said, ` and I ll take them both. V w`{'l|,iEPes`1 <.1e-'-Dll; --'1`he folldwinlg ac- counts were paid :-WilliaIn Agar. $10 ; James McKnight, for lling washout, $6. n|\`TW`|:lnn;r'n 'I`L......... U A-unn`A n u vnn vuuvvwulv W; 0. BellV-:.Whiteaide`-CharlesEdgar was paxd the sum of $1 50 for lling wash- out un SIuith s hill, 5th line. 1\..u' \ITI.:L-_:_1__ nu_A 'n_-__ __-3 A, I II (III Illulct Reeve and As- sessor were paid the sum of $2 each for amtendamcent Court of Appeal against the M voters lists. -I1 vtv An -\ '-. .-. .. - UUU, WUU llI\| UIIIIIU `U IIIUUII Elna". " ' How he `lolt his .life than it nq one toll. Search is boingvmndp Io_r_ {hi-iluokldil Ipol-human : body. Q i " France is in a delirium of excitement the reception of the sailors of the Russian eet. The most popular than in the Republic to-day is an oicer of the Czar s navy. This does not mean any- thing, however. The love of a French- man in violent` while it lasts, but it soon burns itself out. * But to-day Boulanger is in his grave, and his name is scarcely ever mentioned. The second anniversary of his death oc- ` curred a few" dsyssgo; and of all his com- ; panions _in arms. of _all those who had } worshipped him, not one wgs found to r even lay a. ower on his tomb. 'lV..... ........- 1.-..-- n_- 'n-_-_:-.. _n:-..-- unnu Iv u u uunwuusul IOU Ivllllllo Under the Crooks Act the n_,ulnherA of licenses has been reduced from 5.450 to 3,347. Mr. `Matter eimplyh proposed to 3 red uce ihe number atill further and conne 1 the sole `to certain quantities. His bill" ` was. in line wth previous legislation which i the `cour*.a_ ave I:id ;i::ovi_n'ce_hes V Better have `them Alone. The old-lil`I_0 ".0o_nIervstive; are raid to he: ahxioua to see _'roi;ula r party candi- dates placed in did eld`; imonponition to D Altbn M0051-thy |nu.0ol. O'Brien. ' I A. _..--4. _.._:.A._I.- . ._-... `- II _______ -42 uul Law IUB\Jll \ll-IV. Three or four years ago only one, name was heard on the streets of Paris--that of Boulanger. The man on horseback was the idol of the hour, and the question of peace or war, and even of the life of the Republic", seemed to hang uponlhis word. ' ' . ' vvvu In (I u.UVVUl.' U11 U13 IJUILIU. Two years hence the Russian alliance may be as dead as Boulangereis now.- Newa. ` A_ correspondent writing in regard to what -The-~News has said of the Mortar bill says: "If you refuse licensee to 'averybody'oll over the province, end have no power to prohibit, what else is it but free trading in whisky '0" 12.1. Ma `En-dun`. .33.! _.L .;..-__--_ A- - Shh on with -no No Free Wulkey. It in Only mm. `told the `rule o:--u- SporiIIIII'S and rate, _. . ` T A J CHATHAM, Oct-. 25. -A ikilf wifbout `II ` occupant. dritted in `on shore n'eu.r the Shnwnbury point. of Bond Eim hirbor. Thu l" man an iuptiinniu L....o3_.. I..'.-|. Essa. Council. U \I \)Ill\I R. T. Vu'];A`1::i*ING, Clerk. NORTHERN, um [NOE The steamer Nl )R'l`HERN BELLE leaves Collmu wooa every Tuesday and Friday at 6 p. m; on arrival of trh-.G.'l`4.B. train leaving Toron- toatl run. for Midlan, leaving there after arrival or 4 35 p m. train from 'l`oro- to, for Po rry Sound, Byng Inlet French River and Kvllarney, there connectimz with the main line steamers for Seult Ste. Ma.ri- returning same route. Wnr ti:-lzpha and fnr1'nnr- |'\nrHnnlnrn `nnnhr fn . _-x - I'`Hv':'. Wi-1 !ea.ve.l'0Ll.I G0 (N D = very TUE~ DAY and FRIDAY at 1.30 p 1:. rm 0 : _q;~rlv3.| _-G."`.R. morning, trains from "I`oron_to and Hamilton, Ieavnng Owen Sound name venings at 1,0 -10 p.111. on an-i al of C.P:l mxureea fro n Toronto` ca!- linc. at all ports to the ;'f_`U -." ~ The Tuesday bo_a.t only calls at Wiugon each way. 1 _. - __..._- .-...-.-. -. n um um urns:-stunt: QIIJNIIII Steamer ' ewiltsail from Oollingwood every FAVORITE Monday and Thhrgda `at 1 p In. for Purrv Sourd, Hyng Inlet. Frenc Rfver and Killarnry. connecting at Klllarney with the line steamers tor the S00. returning same route to Midland`. connecting there with trains tor the south ` - * ' ' _;_g-II I--*__ 'l'I...1-4..'_'....l_I.....- ..-..VI l.Ul.' UIIU UUIINI . Steamer will leave} Penetanguiehene and MANITOU Midland * every Monday.* Wed- needey.A'l`hureda`.y and Snturday on a.rrlv.l of G.'l`.R. V-rains 11-om all points sou,th,nnd, east. tor Parry S uqd. n akin: connection there Mon- day and Thursday with` steamer F ~VORI PE for Byn Inlet. French River and Klllarney. zvhee tn e mtserconnecte with the line steamers nil A nn - 101' on) xum where; am! for. the Boo. Lighted through outzv ol eotrlolty. Run- nlng in alone connection wlthlthe _G.'1`.l1l. and C._P.R. companies. Steamers BA u.T[C. P.-\C4F`IC and A l`LAN' TIC leave (`OLLVNGWOOD every Monday. Thursday and Saturday. respectively. after 8.1`? rival of the G. l`.R. mornimr trains from Toro- nto and Hamilton. canimr at Meword. `- Leaving Owen Suund E" 10 30 p.m. same evnn-ngs after arrival of the C P.R afuernoon train from To- :-nnl-n nnnnun.|'na at `Winn-inn -with ni-hf twain UWGII DULIINI I LU DU H.111. H'Il.l.I6 !.`V"l.|`llK5 IIIIUI from ronto. connecuingpt Wiarton with night train from the south. for Sault Ste. Marie and inter- mediate poma. Retnrnin leave Soo at day lignt on Sunday and " esdav. `makin railway connection at Wiarton. Owen Soun andrcollingwood for all points. BIIUWII UV UVVCII VUIJ Iloliuuxly. In `case Buluwsyo is captured '11 the compsny s forces uni should Lobengula be captured Sir Henry Loch will, `it is understood, acting upon in- ` structions received from the Imperial Government, act as arbiter in the nal: settlement of. the dispute between the com- o puny and the Matsbele king, and will not i allow the latter to be crowned to the Wall simply because the savage monarch has` been unsblo to controlrthe wax-like impulses ` of his hot-headed young warriors. Th: Ann Timno in nan-nrnnntinn ndvunn 0-L-