-H5 LUI 1 _Tilsonl )1 Mr I- Villengzs-"n heart5z< .-.\l`es.<'_r~ from t_h.- the anm~ . they hm} where c `Chicago. _ -Mrs 'ing fo: Maftermmu hons, 1-xv; re brigzt shorttim of any ac Rexm:-m (Say, t 1 ing your your pei his mone cheapest` A gran Church 0 we1l s 1191 9th Th and liter 'l\r\:L recitation has been cause. ` K. . Mar D f\ " "L""'"'J """1""' "" """ ".l?""""` It willmake your white `clothes whiter and your printedgoods brighter than 'ever_before. a It will make your lace curtains beautifully clear, without eating holes in them. T4. _:11 L-_`1 _.-__ 1 - raesm JlllI\VK'L' DAY 0 3.. u.. 2| Reg `TENDE `for the sa Barrie. at `her next, 3 Alist O H :.mm m"_it"v_s"iTl"l;afl"3;-ogaar 'f1E{1I&sI,"iE"Ei{{pped, and make? them soft and smooth. % V .-_-------- BABI Roaso.~a.-- widow A, "A VHIKHIVSO " I893` .Th E I. I.Z It will restore your blankets and annels to `their naturally soft state, as it contains an ingredi-pt ent especially adapted for this purpose. i To. .-..:H..~..-.1-.. --..--.. ---L-`L- v-~'|-LL-- - 134 - 1 - 0ST.- I and "kl pad . I` I\nI TF4 VOL: V W |uw V- years, --uc IIIU ` U11! It is the best Soap iuthe world for every `day use in laundry, k__itchen, or b`a'throoxn i V , i It isthe most wonderful discovery of the `Nine- teenth Century. J V Z i ` It has no equalifor washing `anne-ls ' It is perfection efor*w.ashing-laces and cottons. ' It is especially good for kitchen use. It is superb for the bath and toilet, making the skin beautifully soft and clear. t A - t ` WHAT IT _WILL Do. I am ydura, etc., ' PI. >wHA'r IT IS. SAMUEL J 49033. . I :-u-tn , Sm,-Permit me to call your attention to a slight inaccuracy in your account 0! the proceedings at the judge's court which appeared in your issue of the l9;h inst. In the article in question credit is given to Mr. Beardsley for his skill in working up the case against Staley, and I am sure no one would be more_ ready than our county detective in disclatming against the amount of credit he is given for the part he took in ` bringing the offender to justice. The facts are simply these : The morning after my mare was shot I applied to a private detective agency in Toronto, also to the deputy- Attorney General, Mr. Cartwright, for detectives. Officers from these places not being available," they suggested placing the case in the hands of the county. de- tective. Onlthfreceipt-`of this informa-. tion I consulted with .Ml'. lC0_tte`r' astjo how I should act,.stating both toghims and , Mr. Beardsley that on account?" of the latter being too well known thi,-ughoniti the countyit would be useless for him; to` undertake the case". In this` v'iew_,gof the` matter they both readily acquiesced, but - Mr. Beardsley suggested:that;I_' islll. I a warrant for his apprehenslon;:qn:, nptlger charge of which he was guilty,-*;`_a`n -`when , in custody endeavor to make him co_IIfess' to shooting oi; 1`. which p._lI1',I.iId[oZi)t;1.; ed with: . I .s , , week . -from thswime Jthezmars; ';.sraa 1v'1:4.ili$t'}:` Btaley was committed. to gaol__to"aw_a;it. `A ` - . - G . -_..._.. `I . ....'_ _-_ Iv: Q CANADIAN. by DAVID MOR'l'0N%& SONS I, I Q -;A ;'; i`::7A1 `Sauna: MA_M __ `~\:%iir`5*-.., ITBATESTHIMALL I ` `I K. ' I ` ` = 7 S`? V!" y/-//, % ~ 7 `` \\.\ /` / 1 `9 7-" \ V ,-E; Iv I l. I . I V ` I ._" ;_ v , _.-.L . 1., \ __ ,.. ` \- ' a. I _`. I Manyfaetured enlJ;bL__ nunn lnnmnn o Gnua .' ,:;. ' ESEVVERS. CEIJLARF. tHouAs;suou;Ln|s,% , ?V33$3 54'V3-'I "%`?;3`-+ ` . Gonfmotor? [at all kmgsot Aveixonvatin in FLDS. VIBTE NS. DRAINB. '&0.. Job-worknndfneneral repain- [ng do ;eon uhortnotioo. Address. and Du:-lop; 813.. Bgrrie. lat htmag `Ga ; W0;-ks. " 38-1y." STRAY.-Came into Lot; :8. Con. 3. Oro, about the aoth September last. a. Red `Heifer Calf with white markings. The owne_ri; can have tame on proving. gro T tygnd payvngiex uses. otherwise the l :`1`n'n'i':t1I;{ XI" sold. G, LW. C LDWELL, Crown mum PIPE, runngnn EEMAENT; Water lame, Planer qr . 0. H; LYoN & S()N_, 7. AYER S * _Gherry P_ectora| J.G.SCOTT onmms RE8l5ETEI[IQI,Y. s6IoI'r1_)}j -... ..g -4- L) \/sauna. In VUIHJIII/lo "Last spring. I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros- trated, and so dlicult was my breathing. that my breast seemed as if conned in an iron cage. I procured a.. bottle of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. . I could pot be- lieve that the etrect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. "It is truly a. wonderful med- Iclne."-_ . H. Wxnnnms, Crook `any, 8. D. 'E_very shade of Washable Sewing Silk, It M_a.nn_ s Book and Fancy Gopds Store. Pr6mpt~t3 act, u retg cu re on-Ion T Yxnns _ RouBlook. l'onI;.n.Toron_toBtI'ou\_ 'I`AInnIinnA_ . A 1 Or La. Gri pe, though occasionally epi- demic, is a ways more or less prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint is Ayer s. Cherry Pectoral. ' ll Tuner u.....'a.... `I ....... 4-1--.. .1...... _-n-- USE Autumurs Ann nqlmiudus "!.EF:9fNZA was 9100;. . 4 ' I :'onu)::1'oronw HEIDI .'11!hP-. . % % -Ba&'B.1=_?iI2Bz, -A A s. ---- succnsson T0 --'- -- D9aler in ? N160 nw1!lll.llnery In week. I J 0 E "Co ~ . I LAMPS. LAMP CHIMNEY . ` . HOWARD -:- rununcm BAR IRON;HOOPlRON.BANDIRON "SPRlNG.S'l`EEL, casr STEEL, j snmea -aomsyEn:L, , HORNE saoms. uonsn Nuns. BOB Rumimias smcmu RUNNERS`. SHAF'1`S;;'HUBSvSPOKES, mms, % `MILL suppmms ' .PA'l`. s'rov1a; PIPES. Shelf and Heavy Hardware ' A ~ 4!: :- MMcnLLIs'rI=a. smva ctrs. hNw is th; tithe, before going elsewhere, to callsxand see Our-Noselties t e ewest atterns. . __ ` , %.A(l>1lr!:g;1 3 _`vI:dPzl1:t(;)eprIr)1isl gxagnping designs for Cushion Drapings.` . 1 _ _ 0* . . T Eiderdown `Cushion and COL-seys. Lovely"ArtVSi1k for the trade. ' - - STEP H EN 3 FM; 9 N. B..?- We have a few second hand Organs and`Melodeons at, very low gures for cash scpustomers. ' ` ' .s_-. SEND ' FOR PARTICULARS -+__ The leading Fancy Goods Sift?! {Jams Anrmw, Representative for this District. PIIIIE IN T.0NE. THIJIII)lIGH INWIJIIKMIINSHIP. EIEGANT IN DESIGN- \IaIlIU Hineoing`, Oct. 23rd,, I893. Be||Pianos! T*1E,B.E@@.A%0B_GA'!.AND Pm 00. HD- Prices To 119 % oun:op.s:.. Baurfie; Established 1864' Capital ixfvscea ov:3r One`Mil'l;n dollars, Head Office and Factories, Guelph Ont. WORLD ~ % % T 70 KING s1". 1'onoN'rQ WAHEBOOMS 10., YONGE E As wn MEAN TO PLEASE ALL GIVING US A THE NORTHERN ADV4-HOE ,B_9"TE||3! But I would like to ask if it was "a Canadian entertainment or not. The chair was occupied by a County Judge, and an ex-Mayor, a Roman Catholic Dean and the Principal were on the platform ; and it was the anniversary of the battle of Queenaton Heights, but the "Maple Leaf was not sung, and the meeting closed without singing God Save the- Queen. How is this? Is it an avowed slight to Her Maiesty ? Where are we to nd oicers for. our volunteers" in the future if: not from among our higher edu- cated youths? 1 think this a matter that should be taken up by the Board as it is a positive disgrace. The Institute is with- out a ag, or a staff to hoist it on, if it had one. T $u%it Everybddy, IJJHLUNF l.I.:|I.Iv|l '7 an 5fii:T{'DYM1xwD PAIN; I . _DRY COLORS. . GLA4SS. PU`l"[`Y. . .BOlLEJJANi.RAWOIL, % AXESAXE HANDLES. . X CUT` SAWS. LAMPS. JLAMPA CI-IIMNEIYS. BUILDERS HARDWARE, -RI! ADV MlYl'a`I1DA11\1'ra -'onE-| all of - THE CASE` STORE ihnfloa of lien niake very lowsat pricea. The Admission of Correspondence Does ' Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold The Onlhion of the Writer. The following letters addressed to the editor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE have been received for publicatlon : ` . T. We buy in large lots. We buy at low giwes, and "9 therefore enabled to selleheaply, as a careful perusal of :1 ft ' representative lines will clearly `show : This very large stock, our readers Will understand, is not the result of accidental over-buying, but is rendered neces- requirements of our customers. _ Our store, now so well known to buyers of Dress Goods, Mantles, Caz-pets,f Clothing, etc, is now so overcrowded with the several lines of` goods as to cause comment. ITEMS or INTEREST. ` MAM / L z I -: _ . Q , . ,, /_ I, . per yard will buy 9. oice season- able line of Dress Goods. .J faw|ey& Devlin. S , v___.., .__.o .:v v.-.- vv -vnovnnv ALAJv|1LALb ULl\J 1l.("llL. _ Be sure you do not use any Wasl1ing com- pounds with this Soap or you will destroy its effects, A . This Wonderful Soap can be used in any way _you w.ish,`either in hot or cold, hard or soft watefg as it contains ingredients suitable for all kinds of Washing. combined in such a. way that thev act 0 upon the nfaterials Washed With it, i1nmedi;iteI _\" -removing the dirt Without injuring the fa'm-ic. DI\ .-......,. -.--- .1- ..-L A--- - DEAR SIR,-I saw in your issue of last week notice of an entertainment given by the M- and L, society ot the Barrie 001-- legiate Institute, and as one of the enter- tained, I can say it was by no means too highly spoken of. for tholatoat idea -Hop Sucking of the best quality. " -hands; when using it. _. It is not put up in small cakes to (1 `public, but it is a mammoth bar of pure c It is not a combination of ingredie destroy the clothes washed -with ' It will not cause annels to shrink It will: notdestroy the color in pririt d * I e _- It will not make White goods yellowe g00dS' It will not destroy lace curtains. . eCB1Ve the SOap_ for 9. beautiful line of b French Henriettas, Shot Diagonal: and Home- up_uns. ` for plai and fancy navy _ blue Serges. yvorth 45c, is our price for `a 42 inch Dress Goods in .tweed nmahnln azovu effct. HOW TO USE IT. VVHAT IT Is'1fcT1~, and finish and at WHAT THE PEDPLETHTHIE TO SAY. f o r t w 0 special lines o f Ladies 0.... 4L-_. UBPPOIIB have` their headquarters rm!-* our store. See our stock whether Y0 want 3 Hmp, Union, all wool Tapestry Rrhndlu - ` Boys Suits and Overcoats hm'e.D0" become a special feature of our bus1ne33- F3 t. finish slid. Quantity We are unsurP335' e _ . . Men : 'Ovex-coats in all the differen! `weights, prices guaranteed low. See our Lace Curtains at~10c., 500 u '9` and $1.00. 1 Men s Suits, beyond doubt the largest stock outside the large cities. `C"Pt3 have` their headquarters right it I1 I,l|PQ gag Ann lI.II\l'I" nrknfhr \'Ou OCTOBER N U SECOND ERIC: LETTERS ADDBESSED TO THE EDITOR T THIS WEEK. '