The farmers faces around Kirkville are said to have as broad 8.; smile `in pros ect of big cropsas Governor Robinson's ex 'bited ` I when his client; Lizzie Bordengwas declared I innocent." - |7W'i`vl1VeV fariiweil Sentinel says :-Mr VGal-A brsih; of Barrie, has purchased a. large %ua.ntity of hay and is balin it`to ship to nnlnnzl . TBA nu-inn horn in A I-nn urn] in `--'` ' . Last Sunday 9. lot of Methodist ministers preached farewell sermons to their ocks, and in some places there was reat joy that farewell time had -e.rrived,Vw ile in others there was genuine sorrow. Such is life. 1- ,,,. .4, __, .1_s__2__.. L- -L-_.__L -.. I :1g`i;:;'5_.u;lT11F:a p:ill;; iI'e2'iI." '1 'E o.I"3 a {Z Englo.ndV$40._ V * " _ `_L .I ll--I__J2_A_ ___:__2_.L..... \ `James Tegart, when driving to church at Tottenham last Sunday week, collided with another rig, was thrown from his buggy. breaking two of his ribs, seriously acratch- ` ing his face and badly shaking him up gen ` orally; ` unu , 1\___2I 1\___.._: L. I`l7L2L-n _;-_ 4.]... The Devil Dressed in White was the subject of a lecture in Cookstown lately by Rev. J. H. Hector, of York. Penn It is said to have been the best temperance lecture to which the people of Ccokstown ever listened. - -awry-vs-u The lightning was freak at Collingwood the night it played pran s in. Barrie. It struck thehouse ofa. Mr. Hopkins, throwing him violently to the oor. It played tricks round the pump of the Tremont House and knocked ea. chimney out of gear. :21: 4_____-__. .. Sam McIntyre, of Tottenham, in turning `out to page a team, was pitched from his bicycle into the ditch. He was picked up in an inseneible condition. He is now com- plete[y paralyzed. and the doctoxfs say he cannot recover; Poor Sam has since, aseed away, and his body "lies in the A liaton union cemetery. ` ' ' up . n. . 1 , ,; in_r1_-_I__ .12.) .L1 Last Saturday Janet McCauley died at the residence of her `son-in-law, Andrew Lockerbie, Collingwood, in her 88th year. She was a bright old lady She came from Scotland to Canada in 1842. Her progeny are 14 children, 41 grandchildren, 73 great grandchildren and 5 great great grandchild- ren. That s_ the sort of women the country needs. craftsmen latch to Church. Last Sunday about one hundred members of Uorinthian and Kerr Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons met at the Ma- sonic hall, Owen'etr_eet, and marched to the Presbyterian` church to -listen to the annual sermon -by V. W. Bro. Rev. George Chr atal, . ast Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lo ge-of. Canada. a The procession had a ne appear- ance. every member wearing a badge of blue ribbon stamped with Masonic emblems in gold. g . . The sermon was a good, practical one, and _.-- .:..I:.........l ugh}. lrhn nnnrrnr and nnrnnnt. ,.. ` AI)VER'l`lSE1VIEN'l`8. . NE W 1116 BBTIIIUII WDB I svuu, yawvuvuu vuv, wuu was delivered with the energy and earnest- ness naturally owing from sincerity. The preacher exhorted. the brethren to live up to the principles of the grand did brother- hood, and by so doing they would live pure, `upright and christian lives 'l'.'he- Weekly concert. . There was a marked` im' rovement he a Thursday evening in the su ued tone of the voices that `were heard at the open air concert. Constable Martin presence had also a salutary effect on the natural instinct: for overowing fun on the part of Young Canada. The following 18 this evenings * ammo: . , lmllgrch . The Dominant . J. 0. Casey 2' Waltz . .. Ninetta . C W. Bennett 3 Qvertureto The Barber of Seville . Rossini 4 Waltz . LesS:barites . Ph. Fahrback,jr 5 Clarinet Solo . ramp, Tramp . T.H.Rob- ` Mr. Scott. 4 [inson 6 Quadrilles . C Le Mardi Gras. . C.Schnbert 7 Galop ; . Carousel . E. T. Collins A` j God Save theueen. -y IlDlII-ur-;- A petition `was presented to the Mayor requoiltlng that Monday next, the 3rd, px-ox. , should be proclaimedu 3 public holiday to be 'obIorve'dt by` tho ' citizens. A counter mtition has been also submitted to him," d ely Ii nod. lirotlting ugsinst any suol; tiogn and coking that. Botnrday, the -n_.. 1.- -_Lv...n-..a.'A4l`:I6'$i|:n nhilf V; ' In ViGW . -. GBOIDTGUIOII IEO lling vuniu wag-u. u.-._. , -..- 1Ibb.9h!l;I"'0?<.|'iI the may-.. of ths'o`c6nftin" l`equs`u'tlie` Mayor has decided r not go ; We` `note that Toronto, _Hsmllton ,, Orilliu, Penetang, Elmvple and Allilbn-will observe Saturday,` W! 1'-?-'9:$" '*1`.`. r".r`9.."\~:3-;` , % Vv_, `cn.nAnt;'l.'_lI|I'l'lme. `_ - L- ~. Wcmro McKen:io,ewhow'vaa charged with` v cy on-"I?ueIday, `as-`I given in our- ?" " . .I_{idd"s.creek an-1v=~ye_eterday `morning. deep- ing on the qor, "with It bottle `of `whiskey, `nea.r1yVeihaueued; by _her_. side. s- The police magistrate aentihor to;_Ahe`=_ :Mor9e1_. for. six` .=...:..;.'mi,hnj . _ Igildnthog _5 an-uuuy. (.4-___L-.I LA I-La smnom 'Axn 'rn1c noumxoic o1r'cA`N,u).s. 00'3" 5 ' . -lnnonlo Installation. A On Tuesday evening, 27th, the newly elected oicers of Minerva Lodge No. 304 A. F. 8; A M., Shroud, were dnlx installed by W Bros. W. J. Hallett, A. Urquhart and.Dr. J. F. Pulling, of Barrie - ' mhb fa:-uninn nu-A 1-Mn nninnru vn-anon! ant: II 1---. A LIV IUIIU i installed n c 1!?` 15.; - `IR '7 0 II I b\Jl'DW , n B. Reynolilstnd others.` the installation the brethren repair- ed to the refreshment. hall and partook of a sumptuous repast which had been prepared" and tastefully spread For an hour or two there was that enjoyment, physical and in- tellectnal. . so characteristic of Masonic gatherings. Qpeech and song and social converse lled the eeting minutes` which make Masons happy to meet, sorry to part and happy to meet again. _'I'm:o Raf.-um Hun Inninr Wnu-an : fnmst, Iuu. IIGPP, DU IIIVUU 9331.11. J net. before the J umor Wa.rden s toast. Worahipful Bro Dolmaze, on behalf of the lodge, presented W. Bro. Polling with a handsome rosewood gold headed cane, with the following inscri tion -neatly engraved : "Dr. J. F. Pulling, tom Minerva. Lodge No. 304'A.F, & A.M , 1893. Tu` iu`nl :Iutb Han nu-nanntnt-inn In: I-Annnntnr` av`: 11.1`, xx. 1.11; Loan. In makin the presentation he recounted the valuub e services of Bron. Pulling to _Minerva Lodge and recalled the happy. social time: of the past, and that the cane waeetoken of the respect and esteem In which he is held by the members of the lodge. ' ' . R-A pnllnnm in Annnnfinn than nnnn, nnnltn lmll:. Pulling in accepting the cane, poke in his usual happy manner, rgciprocating the kind words spoken of him. "Flu: nu-nnnnn-Iinna I-J-nan nlnnnt` "I17 tho [LIV Blllll WUKUB BFUIVH U1 nun. The roceedings then closed by the Junior \ a.rden s toast. the occasion alto- gether being one of more than ordinary in- tereat and enjoyment. Ulla Vi Wheat. 55 to 60 cents ; oats, 34c. to 00c.; barley, 350. to 40c.; rye, 50c; pease, 55c. to 60c.; hay, $6.00 to $7.00 per ton; st:-aw,$4.50to $500 a ton; beef,hind uarters, $6.50 to $7.00per cwt. :fore uarcers, .00 per cwt.; mutton. $7.00 to 8.00 er cwt.; pork. $7 to $0.00 per cwt.; tur evs, he. to 12c. per 1b.; ' eese. 8c. per lb ; ducks, 60. a pair; fow s, 50c a pair; butter, 140. to 15. per lb. ; eggs, 10c. to llc. per doz ; potatoes, 30c, to 00c. per bag ; apples, $1. 50 to 81.75 or bbl; lard. 12c. to I30; un- trimmed ides, $3.50 to $4 per cw: ; sheepskins, $1.25 to $1 50; Pelts,-25. to30c ; lamb skins. 30c. to 35c.;woo1. 17c. to 18c. per lb.; wood, $4 00 per cord ; anthracite nan` CR K cu-no Onn ZTU -v wvw-o Last Sa.turda.y s market was a. good average one and all produce o`ered for sale found ready purchasers at our quoted prices. The season for strawberries is now here and the crop bids fair to be most ebuindsnt. Ssturda.y s quotations were as un er :- ' ggail. $3.v5`{ )u;,>e qr: vv 1' ton.. T.\Ies'srs. McCrmkey and Wallace have pur- chased the huccher and grocery business of Mr, T. A. Looker, of our village. A Boating on our bay in the evenings in very much indulged in by the young folk of our village It is good. healthful exercise. 1 A very large excursion passed `through here on Tuesday, _from Aurora and vicinity. There being between 600 and 700 on board. We are sorry to learn that Mr, Wm. -`Cummings, of the G. 13.3., had to return to Toronto, last Friday, to go under the doctor : care. . A The rain, of Monday evening greatly. interfered with the garden rtv_ and fancy fair held on the grounds '0 ,Mr. Haughton Lenno_\`. 1: In 1') _..._1-....`.'- ...,,..... CCCTIIICU II.IlI'lIlK IIIU II I Hunter. Sarjeanl an 00. -1?! are clearing all Felt Hats out at a sacrifice durum the building sale. `Iin-`ns- nrinnlll Jr. (In- Q wgnww cwu-- -- Since our `last report the following cases have been before the Police Magistrate : J. L. Thompson. cow at large; ne $1 and costs; paid. Maggie Bibbey complained of John Shaw for non-payment of wages. Or- dered to pay $5.88 and costs. R. Martin last Friday charged Alphonso Hebner with assault; guilty but sentence suspended. The same day John 'I`hoPY John Roper and Thomas G. Jackson were convicted of tree- passing on the grounds of the Grand Trunk railway at Allandale and ned $1 and $4.20 costs each or ten days at the castle. All were sent up. A. W. Beardsley on Monday charged W. C. Richardson with peddlin without license. Fine. $15 and costs or 3% days. `Same day 1`homas Quance was sent up three months for vagrancy. Tuesday, Peter Duff, for being drunk and incapable, was ned $1 and costsor 30 days. Went up,` Same day A. McFarlane and George Smith were ned $1 and costs for trespass- ing on `the property of the Grand Trunk railway at A landale, or ten days with Gov- ernor Lang. Both` went up. .Uarrie Me Kenzie was charged with Vvagrancy, but the In istrate thought the evidence was not oientlyyclearrto warrant. conviction. and` I bod!-M-edpth-5c-5-es l.IhI~JJl-a Up 1': Llljus, UL IJGKLIU Th?` following are the oicers present and nni-A AH I IJIPVR I I O 0 O I O o C I O I 0 LIVKEIILIIII v. 'I.'G.Mccmw..s ....... ..D.'ofC_ n `V. Lzittimer . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . .I.G. n S. Manger .......... . . . . . . . ..S._S n Wm. Lattimer . . . . . . S. ` The followmg visitors wkare present: .W. Bro. Daniel Spry, P G.M. .W. as Charles Pye, D.D.G .M. . W. T n amue1_Wesley, G D. of -C. _ - W. qt _J. H. Dickinson, Dist. Sec. L W. n Andrew Urquhart; 'W.M. Cor- inthian Lodge No. 96,5 m 15.. n..n:....s `D M In`... 'r....1,.. Last so`: the Present. a ~ Rev. Dr. Parker preached what is usually called a farewell eermon to a large congrega- tion at the Collier atreet.Methodiat church last Sunday night.` It was one of those plain, common some practical sermons which the congregation have been accustomed to hear for the last three years. The Doctor belongs to that class ofpreachere who does not go out -of his way to feed to sin- nera or to aaints,`but contents ` maelf with telling the honest truth and preaching the eceaai of leading honest, pure,_chrutian lives; e stated that aomehad not pleased with hinh but than he had not :>:i'be with we meet e.gein,_.;anH" . Dr.aPerker`told,-the choir hatlie` ro- th'IiiIiliI0iIi-?ind Is_l`c;_ thojychnir . M1 helpful to;__him in his miuiltretione. " The outer, who it will be remembered, in. now President of the Conference, `goes `St. Albe_n a church. Toronto. ` Members of Minerva. Lodge : W. Bro. J. F.~Pal1ing,A P.M. T W. ` n G. A. Dolmage, P.M. W' In E. McConkey, P M. W. at Mcraw, P.M. ` D Dnuvun`A- nun` >l\IQII 05300. Wltll Dlll Dllli Iauuu uu uuu uvu pl'QBhBd0:I|1QlI: qxaoplo; ho__hsd.% In-igd to P""`"`-""`.'.." '4 "mf*f1* 7' Tiie rain-.:1`::::cauIed don- Iidlai-ablfe` damage. The ` drain_- on Mary V 'gtl`.e?`et could not take the volume of `water in" Ta1n I E`+ IETaI`Na_I3_u_sI_r4_ss| A} the dies`: ~`o_3t1`:5lae_1'mon- the chqix - `K ' .. ` IIJOQQ ' " Table l_|nonI from 18c. up at J . Fyte. n I.Z~ J10 KIIIWIJDJGIJJ .I.IIlIJI.IUU S W. D. B. pry, Barrie. John Jacks, Shroud . . . . . . . Robt. McCleary. . . .~ . . . . . . C E Chantler . . . . . . . . ..S 1'__ 111. .1. vii W. R- Sm-"v- Barrie _ - - - \V-M 1% S eppard, Toronto. . .I.P.M. II-ILIJIQI-I LJVIIHU J-'I UU ' D; Pulling; P.M `Km Lodge Nfn 0Qn Ida .I'J o JJIIVO ' R. L Rice. V Geo. [Sim.mons.1 `I -l__- `I A.A.`- CCU: IOIIII _IlIUll\ J 91311 Little. .11; .I,llll|u`. .n. No 230. IN. J. Haillett. `IN T.__ `Aziothoir Juno ood. . .I III _.,.`-_- _- 14CLluU.\- Remember the G.T.R. employes excur- siunm1.\Io1ulav the 10th of July. Sports of N1 kinds will be engaged in Aa.nd~good prizes will be given. _ V 4 . ' ` A L- 1.. ..........-'-I..|-. man}. #11 '{".a-\nlrn.. In-Vket Notes. c .LjUUlUuBLJa .Trea_surer. . . . . .D. of C , 1' I`! o 00110 "I . Scrtary. mllnu unwan- street. creek, which burst from its 1 `channel axid made a big washout. This` street had. just been `put in decent shape. There was also` a big washout on the railway track, the culvert there being altogether too small to carry away the water, and aportion of Simcoe street was ooded to ether with 1 the lots in the vicinity. Mrs. inds cellar on Elizabeth street was also ooded as was that of Mrs Plewes, on the corner of Mary and Elizabeth streets. ' -ll'l'0II DILIIIIIIIIK SIIO 0| l}I.l'[M`.'_l.Io IIIII } and Clothing at Hunter. Sn-jean! at C0 : ` lrom June 19 to July 10. ` Miss `Hester anrlvb-/111;;-l:.A.:Lggie Collbert, of Avening, are visiting friends at Barrie. `ll 1 1- . I ,|,,, __',n '.2L-_ 1_..--;_L 1 Mr. John Plaxton looks v;eil--a.;t;_1'_ _};i'eat-h- `ing Manitoba air for a. few wgeks. 1-\.. o I0 , , ,,L,,,J,_1 Mrs. Otton. an, is extended ` visit at her son s, Mr. Henry Otbon. 1 `no `-1- 1-\ ID I , '"1{:'iiI.o'ti.-,'ss'i..E{.Ir'.i, {ssmng her 1 cousin, Mr. John Stephens, Worsley street. j -. Mr. and Mrs D. Cameron, Bradford-st., i ..a.`......:...a .1..- `l)......I...'.4.....:.... l1..........I A.......I-.1... . JULIO Cl-I LIIIB LI; \JQlIIUIlIIl, .IJlG\ll\ll\al'D|h attended the Presbyterian General Assembly. 1 at Brancford. ' _ Public school Board. - b _ MQn(1ay night, 19th inat., the adjourned meetmg of the Public School) Board was `held attlse central school. The -members` =v Were all present except Messrs. J.`BIl1 and Snrv _ :1-dhii_Moere, Mary street, isvvisiting ` her daughter in the city.; - ; Mr. Geo. Elliespent Sunday at Wiartou ` . Mr. William Wesley, wife and family, are visiting relations and friends in Barrie. IIS,. 1` `l1I`,___I_ !_ __2_!-2_.._ _2-,_J_ _A. L\L.__L A Miss Barwick, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mts._ Cotter, Rockforest. un. - afternoon to Miss Lila. Stepene, only daugh- 'iC1;sEs"L"aQ}1'f b.c'n;;.;{;}{1}. townvat- \ tending the wedding of their brother, Mr. ' J I4`. Jackson, who was` marriel yeeterday 1 terof Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens. The ceremony took place too late fqr a report of it in to-day's issue. - if ? I I II\'I I ' ,,, ,. -_,_ Ll, _ _._,__A_ Z` J Z>h.;1sZo;1Z.Z bf ZTi1aonbVur, was the guest: of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, Owen and Collier streets, last week. r. Tut of Muskoka, formerly } clerk at Me llister, Story 85 Co. s, was visit- ing at Mr. McAllister s last week." ' 1 `II III I .4 _.S_2L min}: ELI: ii}; iT1}'t}..;,".L{u41i;, are visit- ing at Mr. Nathaniel King's, father of Mrs. Tu:-non. -iiindley. of St. Albans, son of Rev. Mr. Hindley. formerly pastor of the Con- gregational church here, was in Barrie last: week on his wedding tour, and was the` guest of his aunt, Mrs. Thomas. The wheel. ' The largest touring party of wheelmen will take place on Friday, June 30th, num- bering about 150 riders, under the personal direction of Mr. Doolittle (Toronto). who has made complete arrangements for the comforts of all who participate, ` QI\nn:nI tnn:n `on was Tnrnnbn nit fan n ninnIz ` IXIIIIIIIICIIH UL Illl WUU Pill DIUIPGUC, Special train leaves Toronto atten o clocl: Thursday evening, June 29th, for Stratford, where the night will be spent. Early luncheon will be taken next morning, break- fast at St. Mary"s,'luncheon at London, din- ner at Strathroy, afternoon luncheon at ; Warwick and Supper at Snrnia; . "I"Inn annual :4: flag Enact-. Ann I-nnnrn mils: 1 IVIIKVVIUB nuu Ill! KJBI. MIG. The road is the finest one hundred miles that can `be found in Canada. and it. is doubt- ful if a ner exists on the continent. The last fty miles is almost an absolutely dead level, and the entire is of ne gravel than which there is nothing better for wheeling over. ' All who take in the tour will be qualied for the Century club. "rhnnn nrlnn an nnf. nnrn to when} mnv hlk Plllltitl Will U6 stvwano Our senior la.crosse'club event to Cooks-.: town the other day and played the club of that place a. friendly game of lacrosse Our boys came out victorious by 5 score of 2 to 1. It is rumored that Mr. Graham is about selling out his hotel business. If such is the case 'All-ana'ale loses one of the best hotel: keepers in the Dominion. His hotel was glare like a private residence than 8. public ouse. ' A ~ "".",_4_ quuuuuu LUII IIIIU UUUUILIJ Uxuu. Those who do not care to wheel may take advantage of the low rate, $2 from Toronto, good from Friday, 30th June, to July 4th. nuuunn nlnnha nnnnrtnnitv tn witness rth ' 1 -Grent bulldlnc Sale of Carpets. Hats 1 nncl lcnhlnsr at llnntnr- Sn!-Iannl. 5: Co : guuu uuxu rxnuny, uvuu vuuv, vv nun, xuu, . `giving ample o portunity to yvitness the bicycle races an to visit Detroxt and other points of interest. ` `Na luanvni nnmn nf'f-.1-an mnmhnfa n} Hun IJUIIIUB Ul IIILCI. UBO. We believe some of the members ot the ` Barrie Bicycle club-will bake in the pilgrim- age. COM; - 1 9 see our double told dreu goods at 25c. J. Fyfe. 4 A Just Tribute to a worthy Inn. We clip the following from Monday's Em- ire in relation to the resolution of our ounty Council at its late meeting,` compli- mentmg Hon. Senator Gowan on his late honors: rm_- :1-.--_4_-r1_._.__:I -1: a:.....-.. L..- .._..:,1 .. UUIIUL 3 3 The County Council of Simcoe has paid a very marked tribute to the career and ser- . vices of Hon Senator Gowan, C.M.G., by passing a resolution congratulating him upon the Imperial honor lately conferred on him. It is certainly a very remarkable testimony of respect from a body which is so repre- sentative of popular opinion Simcoe, in size and importance, is one of the greatest rural municipalities in Canada. A County Council of over fifty members must contain men of dilferent opinions and of wide experi- ence. To have secured the respect and good will of such a body is no small achievement for any man . who has passed a long life in one community. _ We place a high value on the character and capacity of that class of public men of which Senator Gowan is so distinguished a type, and it is gratifying to nd that he meets with the same appreci- ation from the community that knows him L-_a. -Those utydoli 82.25 Fedora: are to sell for 81.50 during male. Hunter, sar- Jenn; a Go. _ wvtvuuncwucuxwu wruvu-- The above is the name of V a magazine received at this oice with the compliments of the Countess of Aberdeen. Her Lady- shin is the editor and the object the ameliora- tion of the Irish Peasantry by establishing and encouraging Irish Industries. The object is an excellent one and teaching the unfortunate` poor of that land to be self- sreliant and how `to help themselves is innitely better than indiscriminate charity. The main editorial in the June number deals with the causes of the exodus -of Ireland's Peasantry. the nation's pride, andthe estab- lishment of the lace and other industries and by whom `established. It is an interest- ing,` well written article and is illustrated by a picture of Blarney Castle and the Irish ill-an gt. f.hA `Hamid : Fair 7 Thu nrnkn nf U 3 IIIUIIIITU U1 IFIDKI-IU UXUIIIU uuu IIIIU 111311 J illage at the World : Fair. The prots of the Irish Village are to be applied to the same objmect, Jllhat the wife of the new Governor Generalof the Dominion is engag- ed in no goodwa work will not only draw the attention of Canadianato her magazine but `will enlist theirlympathy in her good work. . Anni-.'|inn n3 Inn-. T..n:IvnInIn i Inna-nninnn in The new sidewalks on some of qur gems. are quite an improvement to the _epp6ar&l100 of our village Where thewelks have been laid down a long felt want has been .5PP1id. andva. credit to the village. Your corres- pondent noticed one of the village fa-31191`! over at the saw null very early one mornink prdcuring lumber, and from a'.ppe.8!`9al1085 119 purc'Ia.sed some very good maternal. -n .1" n. n I, -..-._-`II...I 3-. -OLA: "':;::;.:;:.m`;.3"'*"""1..".;..,.." Wee Willie Winkle, intended for boys 5ind'gl:IiL' ` Iia nichl illustrated and must `vbe%inte? to hil' ten. ` i ThePresbyte1';a.:iEi's';i't>:i.B8nd "Moonlight ;.-Excursion fawn: post nod till to-marrow Evening, 30th" i_n_aI:. ` he citizen : band will on board. _ This Vwii1l `delightful trip 501} thdwfou of Koinpenfeldf Bay. Come. "19:/`igs ifEL}?aI.v}s}}}{.EriSuI1I.; Surat. ` cP;_1'i-yniziox. "oninrd and Upward. IIJU, vu VIII xuu, witness V the l.L___3A. ._ 1 _LL___ Iumr nmon an-rrnns mucamr QPLBAGRAPHERS PENGIL POINTS. Which, Linked Together, construct I ` Very Interesting and Gouipy Chapter of Local History. -Another big rainfall Tuesday afsern<;on. -Hol1da.ys` in the schools commence now - Sons of Temperance pic;-nic at Thornton, July 5th. _ 11 ,, ,9: _,9II f,,,. ,,,; nn,, 1,_. PvIGC\l DUIIIG VUI y 6VV\A loon~vv-u--- Rev. Mr. McCullough farewelled in the Methodist church last Sunday evening. At the close of the eveuingeervice a fellowship meeting was held. at the r nest of a. large number of Lhemelmbere, an e. greet many tesued to the help Mr. McCullough -had been to them, during hieetey here, in their Sniritual life. Rev. Mr. McIntosh. of the Preshyterizm church, end Mr. Barker were present and expressed regret at losing Mr. McCu1lough s services, which were `of each 1 great benet to our village. w -.J V-..- -Town Count-Lil` will ineet next Monday evening. 7 A o o 1 .1 III ,_ Q- -Tl-1;; Longford stops at the Mulcaster street wharf. circus is coming and the smll boy is happy `'7 `I 1 I . I` 1 3 I A l,,..!._.( W-`-`I`,stVorm last Sunday night during church time I and Hanlan w_i1l`row a race at :0rillia. July 6th w------' ----J --_ -Excursions, by water and rail, are the [order of the day. 11' .1 `II I . 1 ,_L :Bot11m:i'i ;s' `of North Mulcaater street have been sidewaked afresh. ":5:ii`.m1siQ{a::,"f;. attended the [grand lodge of A O. U. W. last week. ' :z{{.}.'L}. 11.311111 {.55 '1)I_1Vl`)_IicVc_iI'ii who is too thin skinned to bear public criticism. |_,1 QM ' , -vv v--.- ...-..--v- -- .--.- r_-v--- -----v----- EG_eui jars, by the ten gross, to be had at James Vail-'3, and ne berries to fl them. " "CH: 1111 PTGSBHD CXCBPW UIUIIII. U. lawn Inau- Spry. f The fn11owing`tenders for stam hell-_tiI1{ _etc. the west ward school were l`Oc6lV_ - Forheatina--Ott n "Bros. $1450` B03110 &_\Vright, S1573 ; Purd;* and L Ja.nael_d. 3113-. For repa.irs-Mr. R8-llkinr `4843 M1 T7..g11:_1.m, $437 ; Mr. Willett. $37.9- Thp +....1,,.. A; u. nun.-. fmv rnnnirn will Iariie. vvw v-. -... -, -_- _-_' -v----v- -v ..-- v..-..-- by your dress goods before you see the splendid assortment at R. I. Fraser 1, 0.. i. uvvvuu t3'Get your dry, soft and hard wood. and order your coal now from Johnston & Sat-` jeans. 1n~I . I I 9111,, _ A ,, ,_, ,_,,# M J"----""I he truly good man of THE ADVANCE, thanks Mr. John Forsyth for a magnicent: bouquet. ' `I E`? Al ,,,,,,,,`'I! , ,,,._- mouth of Nottawasaga River was I point of interest to some young men of the town last Sunday. `I4A-_Z-- I.I-_I-..- -1.` _-g`A vv-r--- V.-vw-.-v en a...- -Mr. E. Campbell, of-Toronto, gas been spending some time here with his friend, Mr. Percy Parker. -Eo-ttenades. 48,1111-tings and Staple Good: cheap. J. Fire. in 11 4` I urn . _ I --SUBSCRIBE FOB. rm: Anvmcn rm: mssr connuc.-mp AND MOST READABLE JOURNAL Ix rm: Noam COUNTRY. _ _ 4 nanna an \IQ'Ql-I \.I\IvAv `pant -The rain on" Monday` afternoon and evening interfered with the success of the garden party at Beechenwood. ._ ,1 _,4.._., _,, I I _ ,1-` "L7r'r...I1Zr i1Jv}.}'s:1{.s}iay and cloudy with a tendency to Scotch mi;st on Monday --good sleeping temperature. In our Iob lofot print oods `worth 12500 `nd 1400 for 100. I0 "00 '17.! I --Wild strawberries are a. profuse crop around `the suburbs. Some young men declare they picked some as large as cups. IN I I f\ VII` 1 I II ` IA--glwun, 04.51 Mr. vv Iuuuv. vw_-7- _ L The tender of Mr. Willett for repam W8! `P*e A proposal from Messrs. M00"? (3 McDonald, {of heating With hot air for S. wan t]1`nrunnnnA `AD nnlflh f.:fI`\l1_ and "l;.5;3rTr' e5.;m;;e*g;;e;gai1;;;ea Stanbury, of Australia, for a rowing match on Kempenfeldu Bay. or Lake Couchiching. -Tm: ADVANCE hereby acknowledges the recept of 9. recs badge for the Collingwood Do minion av celebration. Thanks awful- 1y. ` lZ'[d`nInn;aa luaurh-In `urn for nnvn'1-nnr Iran. _t'Famili_es having furs for summer keep- ing kindly send in to us at once, will deliver Oct 15th. Simmons & Co , furriers, Dunlop treat Q'Dr. Washington will be in Barrie July 11th, from 3.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m , Barrie House, instead of July 5th, as announced "last week. V [frank Jackson nhowed us somel very fine art-intic photographic work, the other day, which is worth a visit to his gallery to I06._ --There was a very successful and largely` attended Congregational church garden `arty at the residence of Mr. I-laight last riday night`. } ' --The great convention held at Ottawa, last week, took the Grits as near the Federal I Treasury as they will be this century. So say the party organs. 0 311-100. 1': 1 WW9 are doing to its on furs now; bring in your Cap, Mu , and anything else in the line Satxsfaction` given. Simmons & C0,, turriers, Dunlop-st. ...-I*IY . `r | t$Combined Excursion of Trinity Sunday School, Barrie. and St. George's, Allandale, on Friday. July 7th, to Peninsular Park`- See posters for particulars. At , `I O I vs u u-vnnv. av nuns. nvwuunv vnvununvaao ' - -" r -The Allandale wharf committee had an excursion. per steamer Enterprise, to Pen-` insular Park on Tuesday. It was well patronized and they had a band on board. Dress and Mantle Good: In great variety. J. Fyfe. ' P1. 111-no ' I '--_vv,v -. cg-vi -Last Saturday Toronto and Collingwood tried lacrosse. The Toronto boys` beat by a score of '4 to 1 and the time was not lon in which it was done. Mr. John C. Mc _ab waereferee. ' --The autumn Assisee will begin in Barrie on Tuesday, September 12th, before Chief J ustice Armour. The Chancery Sittings will commence Monday, October 16th, before J uetice Robinson. 3 Watson & Lennox. grocers. will have Fresh Fish on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week for the season. Prompt attention given to all orders. -The steamer Orillia took a good many to Strawberry Island on Friday. The day was bright and `beautiful and just the sort of weather for a real pleasure excursion. FBI , III 1 I , D I O - "LI1i;d;Ii i3iAi:JLI.}."i.eoome .0 disgusted with the Donnybrook-fair propensities of the Patriots of the Irish Parliamentary brigade, that he has become sulky, and threatens to resign and return to Canada. ` fI'II 11 II! C A u. u1Ul)0I]8.l(l, I01` netlng WWII IIUII Ill Av; 5445. was discussed for some time, and the. whole matter of heating watpostponed tiIl' the next regular meeting of the Board- A(.'(`.(\IInfn urn:-\nn6:nn-v in ff 4:- The ochools closed for summer vacoion on Tuesday, _the teachers (taking the rest of the week for `reding promotion examination papers. Schools will re-open Aug. 28th. - - - Tm: ADVANCE heartily reciprocates the good wishes of Mr. Geoi-gen, of New York; on renewing his subscription. Yes -a good many have passed over the bar-c-it is the common lot, but true philosophy is to make the most and best of life while it lasts. 3"`Here s a hand across the land, shake for more business. 80 said a traveller for the Toronto Biscuit and Confectionery Com- pany. Shake for more business." Give us your hand and let us do business with you..- ,We want tp be friends with those who buy from us. We would like to know you personally. Call on us when in the city. = No trouble to show you how we do Come right in any time. We are always pleased to see you and you `won't _ toihny either. ' --301 tlll GI hnmI.8hlrtln - oncI_6rIInd Wlinlixte Lawn to I0l..IIeg:o or yd; dun-tux banding sale. Hunter, 0311` & W0 ` . {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE ' smamn corms. rwn: omrra. me new regular meemng or me nour.u- ' Accounts amountin to $65.14 were Dd Ordered to be paig. ' T K .` f Mr. I)-enjel Spry applied for leave of ab-I 5.... w1u\i`r .u`I;a:x`ile1EoSl;))`:'3Ir) azgirlied {if ab-. sence which was granted. V The Board then adiourned. V ~0n evening last the xouowmg, %g:f"(`;'V(eIrrc. :elect;ed for Barrie Lodge ' ,Iun_e 10 n. w.,.., In his 39:11 yea}-_ **`*%%--_. Bro. H.Wx9a11w-in, .... P.G I " _C' Joneggo.` - u . - no UduonoN_;G!:'. 4' " G80. J1`, - a o a o u ..V.Go " " A M. Hunter, . . . . . .,Rec.-`S00-: II P G. y 0 o a n I `I " P G , Jno. Pa.yne,. . . . ;=. T1."oil.. ` " IeBro _s. G. Brownlee and Viokerl, "t"1V8t0 Grand Lodge. A " - ' ` fh . ?: cl e participants of the . Pleasu " 1 The annual pic-nic of the the 7th ne. Vespra, was 1_:eld (1 mid` . Rfove last Friday. SP:kmg ."n.; the afternoon, and tripvll? .thT`-`;."-pP",` 09: ' 3) I I H; 3`. . -7 ' tttttllf later on made the res provided. - g ; "W zuvms AT HAND FOB INSECT rE3'_1'_'. -hyou should want some Pirin Grams ; 8 best this town hag avg; > '_.$_.":'_`. or _ For "Ta.ber 'BugIr.T : 4; TT purest kmd of Hellebore 3 J0 make the currant worms feel lore,` v;` C} St go to John Wood s well-knownmot _ To buy uxoh-"tl.l'Iig;Ia 7*~ V 3 ` ---. U of. 011 Monday evening last the following, icers Wm-n ..1.,..+-.1 c-.. n.....:. than No. Bro FOR SALE. [V I=.~adto~d. 11- ? edolH. 117.1 Mclgee, ')ifd:ys',',I_un.'16th j g ;g;}_`E".:l.1le !F.ife..ot Mr. W. ` ` Married. MCKEE.-`Ia Bradford . fe of H. E. M the W1 \'ALL:AU.-At Chqthan Feau. of a son.`- .Val ohool Birth. JOHN GORDON. Lm>-L H18 1`: |Junun niresrpnooj u`t5n'n1's,'1fnIc'1" enxonmaus As L00`Ala .xn:w,. -And T condensed. Into Iiifetesttnz"'!5ra- V graphs to: Advance Readers who like the u-row of -the Heat; } The annual Flos picnic was held vesterday. 1 The mill business is booming at Burk : `Falls ' , ' _ ' ' ,- South Simcoe Farmers Institute at Thorn: ton totdav. V 3 . Heyina has commenced in some parts of , the county. . . - ` ` ` , is the chief `amusexxient it Cflilutkv-`i ; ville this season ` .- `-- ; is reportzd that local op'tio is to 136% tried in Teoumaeth; s}a"o-;u;-"1:a';::'.(':'nna:i:-,1 ion {win he sure to buy. J; Fyfe. T ` xv-.. :_ LL- M--- '" `. `ac ---v vv wuyo U0 l"IV. Now. is the season for wasting money ` making dirt roads. ~- ` 'Zl`Tl;:R;t'x;<'lv-Ir;c':'I`:"i>`eople waht theiprayer | mect.iug- started again. "IVI__ l_--_A I I win .' an - -- , Wig _-_._ --_ ..B---- The four lumber mills at Sundridge are I doing lots of `good `work. . T rn|.- n__|- n,.,n . 'i`l:o_Back haw a. society of Christian Endeavqrc . ' . Tho Egbert Methodist Sabbath "school has a. strawberry feed to-day. b QL!....12_._ I__,____, I .10 i{i}{gii{.j;' 63;; Je'1'. ,...,..11.;L things at Fisher : Corners just now; ' - nu- ____., i u . . .. EADLAY.-- J- "- Lewisszn Boa " ton. ' A` -L O tn ` >' ' . `Law n ~derce of LIt11:~:%.1;`_ -`f'l`t10.r lggt . 0 _ -= . . Frank Hrb-ax-2. Jna Gertrude Leadlay `daughter . t to Leadmy. mg 1-chant, To;-onto. Died. FL'LLm.1'0\' Jung :n hm . .-/H Tacoma Wu us h. 1393. John 'Ben_,au`l1lRton, Friday . n Fullerton:-T T looking whll at Cooper : Falls and vicinity. - - fI\I__ AIIQ_4__ I it: ' *'1`'E$` A1ii;n"1_1;;Li&-a: a whistling band makes night. hideous at Beeton. L II---_.-...I_-_ Ul__..__n__ -_ - A A- 4-n__,v 1./-7'il1`i-ennnendcius-cllnrgglnu In lance . Om-c`-I talus n-on June 19 to July 10 uqllunter, Sal-jean: &_ Ooh. _ _ The Creighton football club are practising for a match with the Barrie kickers. *{`o;1.{;;.%.;;;.; }fcx}Z..e';i13}'2'.;ooa my accidents and damages by the big storm. t\_2II2_ ____I- -_._ -_.3__ "dsiiiil g;3$pie"en;oi.g `ali Town park, which is the old idiot asylum grounds. _,DT I A I The county society of Patrons of Industry haves. picnic at Big Bay Point on Dominion Day. ' . y | Dominion Davis to observed with becom- ing ceremonies in almost every hamlet in the county. ` ' L - l'\ l.I I III!` 1_,I, I5. v-.____i- One of the rooms in a Miciland school is to be closed in consequence of diminished at- tendance A - ' ' A gr called `the Plow-wow, is published; at Mus oka Mills. It is said to create cou- aiderable fun. _ ' wsuvn Inwnv nu ` The Sabbggfn schools of Esson and Rugby have their annual outing in John Mc1\l iven a. grove, July 131:. unit- in-.- a......-.I ..-u..- -1 `II ('1 Elna- a-8'l'l"l;,H-:u"l;oned over at E. 0. Sim-. monv, Jnactlcal nutter` and Farrier, Music Hall Block. . . ._.--~` _. __..:__._ " 1ii.os'r_Ac the Bank of To- 0C[foTlI33E:rrie. about 28th of January. 1893; mh;ed a few papers ,only. The nder i1?% rewarded 19" A}: Human Anusclc ofce. or Wlth . A $6 28151`. Augndale. ` .. V - - _ - j _ _ he name a.t.'l`m:~ HLIIUIV 35$-In I--nrwju ~ % The Evertlifootball club is re'or`ga.nizedV and getting ready for kicking with any other club of its rank. . _ ' _ - ` vs-no-no up nviv ---__ . Robert Hen:-):. of Oriilfo. was bfohght to -the Barrie gaol the other day,` being, commit- ted as a. dangeroua lunatic. ' ` In ,1 _g___s_ _- 0:-.. ;L....-_I. DAL The a;;:x:f-;i;{-:"zion hurch, Rob Roy, was held yesterday. A tug at war- was` one of the amwusemenuu, - ., cu_. --'- , Winn vuv Va co-- -..--...__--,._-_-, No electric atdrm passing over 'Simco'e` county and district for many years struck so many places as the late one. V `The fOundistioi1.of the. new Presbyterian ohurchvut Tompkimr is completed and the building will ooh be framed. , -.L-__ -I '..._- --an AI: c-01.3`! 1:` `Ln A lot a number of {men do at work at the Grand runk station, Hawkstone. It is being thoroughly overhauled. ug,._2_- -__._:. __- L..I.l -1.` uuuuuub "no. uvvno vv ------.. The Muukoku court was held at V Bracebridge and among the legal fraternity there was F. E. P. Pepler,.Q. G. - --~---_ ...._.l--n Is- 4n- '51`-Q-ggf -. _'_ wvu-ca vs-w---a--..' - . ` UHUKU WEB L`. 30 an a.vru.u.,~uu- '- Buy your spring hat or bonnet at J . Fyte I ~ Cobourg boasts of an educated hog which bites the ends 011' cigars Orillia has scores of educated. hogs who chew tobacco-`-Packet. A feature of the Uptergrove picnic last week was the athletic sports under the di- rectionaof Jake Gaudaur and George R Gray. _ ` 7- _-- _ L-.. ......:..1 that in\' There was a box social (whatever that is)" r in connection with the Ardtrea Presbyterian church lately. It is laid to have been very successful. a A shipment of 54 Mercer machines left Allieton last Friday for Manitoba and another shipment "of the same number is to follow `soon. I ,, 9,.` 111.-.. 11...... 7 mill IOlli)W`li)uu. A loaded hand car in Chew Bros. mill, Midland, broke through the oor. carrying with it William Towers, Hart and O Con- nor. All three men were badlyhnrt. -You can buy lovely Waterproofs at cost price during the building sale. Hunter, sarjeant in Co. Annie McDonald was before Mayor Hor- rell and Reeve J e'rey on Monday, and was sent to Barrie for three months for vagrancy. She had been sleeping in vacant houses a- Free Press. . Thieves broke into the house of William Crawford, li_tlitchelluSquare. a few days a o, ------r um. maa v The undersigned wishes to di ose `c - I Bmhoriqg Business. together V: th gut 3:: W13 and u_np1ement.s in connection therewith. Thegtnd1th8bP8t inBarrie. 3rd door wen, ogme wenmgmn Hotel. everythin is in good order and the business A 1. gatiatnotory -annnn for selling. .5 av`: an -V-.._- into Crawford, Mitchell Square. and stole $275 "Entrance" we: made V breaking a window while he and his you were abeent at Qrillie. I ` ' ~ -4--__ -.-A. _Moore. T - ` A _ E. 0. Simmons in buoy doing over into now and Invite: you to can In gnu Interview Inn: about that cap on yours Ihnt needs ropnlrlnngwor the null , collar. or con. olqnnn. nude to look Ilka now. llnqlo Ilnll Walter Chgtfleboia; ago` l`2_y'onra; got} into deep "watet,w.hi}e bu. _ __ 1,n6t.thejPe,ne,hng hotel on Sunday; Gnu: Ellery,` of the Re- formatory. wentto the rescue and found the lad down deep in the water, after`-an length- A_-: -......1. . L n. ma]: .,*..1o`ng'~Jg_pd =99:-*`.:1._3,g!n`g tn . `,`( If. . F. . ogt; by the, from ;d .; *7`.` `mm iN'1-nias'1s_ or 'f"h',we1lingron uorex. every grdte: my If." reasons V _ --M ` G .. _......-`.-3 -u-vs ,|II-l_IU> Du_l.ulllUl.'. A ,C.l`7}1'e`.Maeone of Stnyner held their annual epicnicrat Van; Vlack last Monday. Mr, -Daniel- Spry, poet pice Ins ecbor.wa.s iin Beetcn `a. few days age `on. oicia. business. ` i Rev,` F. Rbbertson has been secured as jswaletcr for the church 'o the Good Shepherd, tIynl`.. 9. 1` i: ' -Nottawasag au district `meeting of L.O.L. en the, fat prox. i. . n . pee decided to attend a picnic at Glen Huron % u-`_.-L-.1-_`.`i . `V 7S:<;;1:e1b$;tl";"1i'1n_t.e:`s i n`..the. Beebdn World _tha.t`lawar Beam intgngis Jqaving Totten- -jm. fair oronto. .. " fiiiziluatn Little eH1ped'enother cerloadiof ___ _..v_v--vvo fat cattle oi the rst class, from Stoyner to Toronto the other day. ` _ . A game of football has been };1ayed be- tween the Singhamptont-clubs tw thout dis- 1 tlirhina the fl-innlu fnglhhu : -' ' v` ` ` ` uwvvu uuc uulguuulptun `Ull j turbing the f 'endly feelitig. 112. IV . _ # . ., `II vs 7 arid tojliave obs taind the td.ontraot.:-fotbuildihg "the new Presbyterian church at Bradford. II. I C D Aitkena, romment citizens o`A1liston. passed the B" 1"!` Wek.!!-f.ter :15 bri.`il1i:ea:.f 1 'II_ 'I'_L-_ I'I-_L_._I.. L-.__- D4! , _ I '- u Z "TEES-I :<: esaion of 1 Sunnidale, __Tyq.s '1 z__t__ruck_ by` lightning the night of the great storm `and burned. 1 ll.__'. _,- lV,,,S1I , I` I ""ZiirA}:x"S}nEii{jh}';I&E }.;I.'fm..g at 1 Qollingwood, :fell from the Cockloft of a ` qtable A few, da. .5 -ago and received such in- `juries that he" ied shortly after. A I1"-_1'|9__ _'_-_sL:__-_Is_. 1,1. , 9, 1 T j;ica:::;g;.;.;si;;;1;;: i1i'Jrew days ago `while -attempting to pass a buggy on t e int` min` rnnnivnrl nhn nnf-_ nn plan I-nnn WIIIIU 'DIpIIUllIllIIlIl IIU P330 D UH V Ull Inll ' d and raoeivgi 3 had cut on Jthe head. The Young man : name in Borneo Billinger. ` FIYI, _ A-. ., _____I E. -,_, _, ,.,, I T7!,,I__ 9|! , , , Advance Cox-reap0nd0D- - sgmrday was pay day on the G.T. R. We are glad to l_ea.rn that M13 9003129 Thompson isi1IJP""`8 'i1y' ' . `Our lacrosse clubs ex ect _to_pla mitchl with visiting teams on omlmon /Mr. L. Brennan has peel! hiP in A 90139 my ne ciattle from the station ate y. Quite a number from our viliage and vicinity took m the Guelph excursion on Friday last. T .. _ u,.r*,...lmu and \.VnIhme have nur-